HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-18, Page 3rrmgr,4, •
TheUa1 1rvitittetit Does Not
each theRot of the '1'rou1610.
Most treatments for rheumatism Co
Cornwall Scout Rerniernbered 10 Will. Po more 'har-.1 aim' to .kee.P down the
under, tile win o bh.e late mrs, w, j, noise. n in, the blood and enable nature
to overchime ', that partienlar attack.'
Wallace, of Cornwall, Ont., the '1st and,
Theta when the 'y-f-,ein become rum
'2nd' Odionwall Troops of Boy S.001143 fl,d311 'any ,catise the dis,oase aga.in
have been c,eianted the sunk of $160 tO , „ 2 _, _
be used in the form of .annual nrizes.
, , . if;cek-tt:lotnn.euriZprer hand and it all has to
tor the encourag,ernent of theboys
the proteetion of birds and their nests,
for the promotion of kindness to
mals and for the stimulation. of the
spirit of patriotism amongst boys.
A FPOOial 'cqiumitteo has been en-
trusted under the will -With the dis-
posal of this money and it is, planned
to arrangea aeries of competitions
each. -year for the 'Scents of the two
troops along the lines seggested by
Mrs. Wallace in, her
"Gazette" Becomes "The Scouter."
January sees a step forward in
the history and life of the "Imperial
ROadquarters•-"Gazette" 'of the Boy
Scouts Association. It now appears un-
der the new title of "The Scouter" and
inedrporates the paper heretofore
known as "The Trail, which has been
the official publication Of the London
(England) Scout Council. The •name
"Scouter" is the new word which has friend recommended I)r.
been adopted the Boy Seouts As- Pink Pills and I have noth.acl an at-
sociation to take the .place of the
phrase "Scout Officer" hithertV used
and is DOW applied to all ranks of adult
leaders in Scout work with. boys.' _
, Sufferers from rhoninatism who
have found condition unrelieved
44.4,- 444-4
SaneThc as Then.,
.courti,q1'1-40t4k31`) ae.a'r
.Sort.ie thirty [years ago,
The family album -weeld appear
,,And through It 'they would go,
Th.liikihmlhat no, dfie even gliessem
Tire'While they 'gazed at taco,
He underneath the, albtimpressed
Iler'hand in. food 'embraces.
oi actually grewing, worse while using
other remedies, would do well to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, The tonic
treatment with this medicine haS
prevecl in thonsands caaes that it ,
buildsup, the blood to a point that en -1
ables it to eaSt" out the *rheumatic
poisons' through the 'regular channels
of 'excretion, the bowels, kidneys and
the skin. When this is done rheunfa•-
tisin is banished, and as long as the
blood is kept pure and rich the pat-
ient will be immaine from attack. ThiS
is proved by the case of Mrs. J, Hewitt,
leacht:.0., Hamilton, who.says:
"For a /Umber oyeares7,h,wa,s troubled
'With muscular rhetif/c.;tism,, which
caused inc a . great cl'U-d' of 'suffering.
I would get rid of the trouble for a
time, hilt it always came back. A
The Chap Next Door.
Sidney Dark has aespecial ar-
ticle on the Boy Scouts in a recent is-
sue of "John O'London's Weekly,"
written as a result of the inspiratfon
he Personally reeeived while attending
the Boy Scout rally for the Prince of
Wales at the Alexandra 'palace last
October. I-Iaving pointed out that,
though people are generally ready to
applaud "fine national service," they
are not so ready to give practical as-
sistance; said: .
"It would be a splendid thing if
every boy was enrolled in the Scouts'
ranks. 'PODS of thousands of boys are
eager te be eouts, They are proper -
tack of rheumatism since I tookthem.
and that is five years ago. I have"
since, uSed. the- pills far anaemia and
found theni equally good, and I now
recommend them to any friends who
may be ailing."
You can get these pills from any
naedicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine' Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Atistralia,'s supply of wattle bark
used 'for terming has become 'greatly
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
ly envious of the good times that the
chaps next door have. And their moth-
ers would love them to be Scouts be --
cause the chaps next ,door are so much
. more considerate, 'so Much more use-
ful, and so much cleaner. The trouble
is that new troops of Scouts cannot be
formed without a large addition to the
numbers of Scoutmasters, and the this is the tinile ,of the year when germs, it is More -than likely to pro
Timeabring a heap of worldly chang
' Old cirstenia'PasS 'and "fade; ,
Except ---and Is lt-not quite strange?
The ways Of Man and Maicl;
,Now, In the sheltering moyle shows
'Watching 'the flitting thiees, '
My sister's hand Within her beau's
.Is pressed.in fond embraces.
He Nas Right.
The gentleman, obyieuslY of Hebrew
extraction, hid assembled his friends
round the festive hoard. After haying
discussed satisfactorily the "various de-
licacies provided for, their delecta.tion
they were called upon to admire and
apPraise all his new, and numerous,
possessions. But of all the latter the
one of which he was most proud was
a 'truly magnificent ring, which, how-
ever, was so turned as to display the
diamond on the inside of the hand -
His brethren noticed this peculiarity
and, one of them remonstrated:
Vy, Isaac," he said, "it is a goot ring
noVer saw a better. But it is on
the wrong way round.
Isaac gave him a look of eloquent,
pitying contempt.
"Oh, what nonsense you do tell the,"
he replied. "I ask you, Coh.en. -Dees
one talk like this (holding out his
hand, palm downwards), or like this?"
(palm upwards).
Good Speech Anyhow.
"That was a great speech you made
to the jury."
lawy"Thoraults," said the eminent criminal
"Why, even your client wept. 'Your
description of his poor old mother
waiting at home for her Wandering boy
was a masterpiece. She should have
heard it."
"I'm afraid that was out of the ques-
tion. As a matter of fact, he tells me
she died when hei,";as a baby."
Provincial Boald 0q HealtheOntarlo
Vs."Middletos will be glad toanswerqUestions' on Public Health- Mat.
'tiosebbroughthie 'column. -Addreis. him at Sp.ilina 'House, 'SPadina
Ctreeces t. l'oironto.
right kind -of-man for a Scoutmaster is
hard to fix q,. and is too often:tin:willing
make the necessary Sacrifice Of
. The situation
cribed is jut as true of -Canada as -it
Is Of England. Scenting ca.n only grow
as its ranks of leaders—men inspired
'with the unselfish ideal of service to
'Canada through Service to Canada's
hoyhded---grow. The boys are ready,
everywhere. All the Y ask is for "a
man to lead:' Scout Headquarters is
ready and Willing to help the ma.n who
would help the boy through Scouting
• -
and a post card to the Toronto Offtce
an tinie is that Is. neceStary to
_put hire in, tot& with the 'Teeth- con -
earning the Boy Scout movement.
Scout Numbers InereashOS.
At October 31s4, 1922, there were 14,-
749 Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs and Boy
Scout and. Wolf' Cul) officers in -On-
tario. In June, 1921, when • the last
previous census was taken, tile` total
was 10,351: This wonderful growth
during., a peried -of fifteen months is
one more testimony as to the virility.
of the "Boy Scout Movement At the.
. -
census date there:were 371, Boy Scout
troops aiicl 129 Wolf Cub Packs in On-
tario, these scatterecl over some 208
different cities towns, villages and
rural .communities.
Hard on Mother.
During a Bible lesson a teacher was
trying to, explain- the parable. of the
tares,. • ,
"Can,anyone fell ra,e any person who
is lfge the evil one '-•wita,ro sowed the
.4. hand instantty shot up from the
foot of the
"Well, David,..what person do you
"Please, ma'am, my mother.
"'why?" asked the teacher, in as-
"Because," anewered he,`IntiOcentlY,
eyeing his patched treusere, "she sews
many people are snuffling. Colds are
rampant, and very dangerous, for
even head "colds?' may develop into
chest colds - with the possibility of
bronchi tis or Pneumonia following.
t,hereeis a somewhat wide-
spread feeling. ago,inst ' the word
"clOn't," there are .some cases in which
it can be used"' to advantage. and' the
prevention of colt& is one of these.
Dr. Hastings, the Medical Officer of
Health •for Toronto, issues a monthly
bulletin which contains some very in-
teresting health propaganda.: One of
the most recent issues' deals with
"colds" and how not to catA, them.
Naturally theadvice is given -under
a series of "don'ts," but the •advice is
good. Here are ,the rilles to avoid
tching colds•—,
• Don't sit OT work. -in an overheated
room. 65 to 68 degrees is quite warm
enough; 60 to. 65, degrees if you 'are
engaged in any active work. Insist
on there being a slight current in the
air of the room you -occupy and also
a proper degree of humidity.
Dont u•se sprays or douches fax
yo.tir nose unless under doctor's orders
and instnuctions. Mtich 'more harm
than good comes from the use of
sprays. In the first place; if a srpiaaY
is strong - enough _to destroy the
Out of Reach.
Six -Year -Old returned from her 'first
day at school, yory finshed and 'excited.
"What did yen learn'?" -asked her
"History," said Six -Year -Old.
"'Mint Sort of 'history?"'
"Charles I."
"What did you learu about.hlm?"
Six -Year -Old reflected.
"il.-10 made the ,taxes so high," she
cl "that people could not use them."
Electric Heating Unl
Eleetric heating units have been in-
vented, that can be fastened around re-
sidence via,ter tanle to heat their COD. -
Of the 'tfilmo :great oait. water
in areas in tat) voceliclieellorth At-
lantie, North, raelfic mid Nom, Sea—
Canada controls one-half a ciao two
first. Sea-fisfh. include salimen3 codt,,
lobster, halibut, hertrirtg TAlt-010!wea,
The d p-th of ond in the Sohana
Dorcrt avp.,,rage
.ibiuxi 3O:P64t
"Senio %Nut opper-
tunity In the lit1,10. toWn of, ,Betalellenl
one night,- writes the Rev. I)r, "yelf„, ar.
Pla.at. "When' MarY, the other of e $, ear
Edd Say,.
(1.:Iteio:bui,isci,u11,)lei..1:.'aui estco)h,,It•Llicilie,,i..(t,eilaev,.1,rieangshiitiiolf,t'or(,ji:)xuvite.lell(ltli 1:::11-ija31.:1 el;),::::iltlIngalTr';::3.,;('7: ::i i th0 d i rt. c relw e
<3°Inm°11 K.txl'Une'2'3' hut 'flo tIlIe w`./' will* In the world la wy Wift,'S health and
hag to for8Q ble eaSe, She was. thrust
We are both 'delighted," declared Frank
a'a °* Westlake, valued employee of the Pub -
out among the co,ttle through
ordinary liumaril!'m ' Soine one lest a Ile Work Departinent of London, Ont.,
Pub -
great opportunity to have has nanie residing at 40 Langamtlt St.
linked on to Christmas to the end of
"Aloout two years ago lily wife tal,
time. 'llo have been the hot of the derwent an operation that left her
Holy Family at such a tina.01.. No mar/ badly run-down and she simply couldn't
or woman received that 'tlistinetion.
' "Of course, nobody could have ig:ftt bhaecrlt laieThra SstIrxeength. Her appetite
guessed what chance for fame was could hardly eat
he enough to keep going. The least exer-
1b)°,13,;te:t.,eh eN1 noBilia4lobidienya :111.:1:1110113sciltalloiYvIento l int IT °::taa1.4{InigrtI:rd!. Stt olloaolel, -would wouldadmorning1iteleavillaelfrroeuonaillaot u br es:rinat3PuliittgelialYts:
We certainly ca.n. never be offered the
tired as when she went to bed. She
opportunity whieh some one missed at suffered terrible splating headaches,
Bethlehem. But in, the wonderful her neryes were on edge and she got
teaching which. thrille us to -day, Joss
ei very little pleasure out Of life.
has shown us how we may
silver I'll "But three bottles of Tanis° simply
the hespitality denied to his mother put her on her feet again, She can do
and Himself. that first Christmas so her housework easily now, the head-
long ago. 'I ..c. -as hungry and ye gave
achesehave gone, she sleeps soundly
me meat; I wan thirsty and ye gave and her appetite is a joy to behold. I
. 0.3t. z
me drink; I was a stranger and ye
tooknie in.' -
. "When? .How? Where? 'Inasmuch
as ye have done it unto one of the
least of these My brethren, ye have
done it unto me: "
'WOULD NOT BE 11111101JT
Once a mother has used Baby's ,Own
Tablets for her little one she would
not be without them. They are the
ideal home remedy for the baby; being
guaranteed to be absolutely free from
opiates or other harmful drugs. They
• are a gentle but thorough laxative and
have prove,d of the greatest aid in
cases of constipation, indigestion,
colic. cold's arid simple fevers. Con-
cerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne,
Beausejour, Que., writes: "I have used
Bab'Y's OW11 Tablets for constipation
and eolic and havelound them so suc-
cessful that I would not be without
them. I would strongly recommend
eVsry mother to keep a box in the
house" 'fhe, Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers'or by mail at 25 cents a
box from Tire Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
duce irritation of the mucous mem-
brane, which will lower 'rather than
hhild up its resisting powers, and
conaequently make it all the more sus-
ceptible to germ activity
Don't sneeze or cough except into
a handkerchief Or a piece of- cheese-
cloth, and keep well beyond the range
of any one else who is ceughing or
A Tropbled World.
obesterton. who wrote "What's
Wrong With the Wold," has added
the _following dictum: "The matter
with the modern world is the modern
world, and the cure will come froth an-
Nicholas Murray -Butler sa„e• ttel.
the matter -with the world is "fanatical
Wtihain Meee, who wrote "Casuals
of the.Sea," Ac., says the "sticky mo-
lasses. of propagaada is what is •the
matter with the world.
can't find words to express my grati-
Tanitic is for sale by _all'good drug -
Over 35 million bottles sold.
sneezing. conta.minated with the germs of the
Don't sallow any' eneinber 'of the disease. Have ..you .ever 'catechized
faylily who has an acute cold to ' cOme
in Contact -With •other inernbers of .the
household, or to, rtie‘ the, saine, eating
handkerchief, your •:hands : are always
or drinking uteniils, `etc. HaVe every-
thing sterilized that is used by one
-Who has contracted a cold,- the same
as you would if they had scarlet fever
or diphtheria. ,
Don't go to any public meetings if
you have is cold. You had bettr stay
at home until it is better. You will
save, time in doing so, and probahly
aave others frCon contracting your
cold. , •
Don't stand cloie to any one. with
Whom you are 'Conversing- if you are
reckless enough' to go about when you
have a cold, and do net under any cir-
cumstances shake hands with any one
while you have an acute cold. Remem-
ber, through the frequent use of your
your hands and fingers With regard to
everything they have been m contact
with in the previous twenty-four
Bulk Oarlots
a- Pio:near Dog litehasdiao .
Book on •
and How to Feta
Mailed Free to any A.&
dress by the Author.
Clay clover Co., Lae,
129 West 24th Street
blew York, 'U.S.A.
hours? One of the surgeons in a mili-
tary camp daring the great World
War, -kept a careful record of the
number of possibilities .54. contaminat-
ing his harlds for one sl,tgle day, and
it amounted to approximately 120.
Don't under' any consideration touCh
any article of feed, whether for your-
self or for any one else, unless you
have previously thoroughly cleansed
.YOUR HA/41)S? would. he a valuable
motto to be placed in every dining -
Hundreds of livecould be . saved
and thossande 'of cases of sickness
prevetecI, if people were .as much
afraid of colds as they are .of small -
1 pox or a mad dog.
OOD HEALTH, the- signs of which are so plainly
written in looks and actions, coMeS from within
the natural result of rigbt food, such as GrapenNuts.
Crisp, delicions and soundly nourishing---easify digested
and quickly assimilated—Grape-Nuts brings happy smiles
at the breakfast table and happy feelings aftervvard,
All the family will thank you forincluding GA-npc-riti
hi your grocery order todayit's ready to 4erve
molnent with srethn ar milk.
Mad e itryt Crotoldinn
Str et, II., Toronto
t'i'llere's a Reason?'
.t.., Cereal Company, Limited
Pnotoryt Windsor', Oatatio
Taking a Chance.
The dear old lady entered the drug
etere, end Joe -It -ea ,,iO4h.ffulfly at
youthfal clerk behind the counter.
"I suppose," ,she said, "yon are a
properly qualified' druggist?"
"Yes, madam." -
"You have passed all your examina-
;tan'Uy t End Indigestion
OT Stomach Misery with
"Pape's Diapepsin'
O,s p,in" your indigestion I " 118 '4
As soon as you eat a tablet or two ' PaIVIOS
f "Pape'
is gene! I-Ieavy pain, heartburn, fiate.- envelolie
1.11. co, gases,, palpitation -1, or any. misery, 1,cv,1'filic,lt:'"Ice0 '
from a sour, acid stomacila ends, Cor
rect your stoInaret.) and digestion for a
few cents, Bach package guaranteed
by druggist
tie 20o.*2 kntbi t
T ho
,used, „pulleys,
Sunlight and fresh are` are the rt pei.
rt4a in Canada-
N „a:
a Ft, cab's. best*,,
fetal Citug
a):eapes and best Medicines. Use them J» Tara
n Iceland' men kiss when thc„,s,
but a Mimi.- rarely lc,is.;i6s a wom
"You've never poisoned anyone by
"Not to-iny ltriowledge."
"She heaved a sign of relief.
"Very well, then, you can give me a
nickel's worth of coughdrops."
- 4.
Remit by Dominion Examese Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back. .
Treasure in Canton Walls.
When the an.cient 'walls of Canton,
China, were razed to make room for a
street railway, contractors offered to
do the work for whatever treasure the
walls might contain. The work was
divided among several applicants,
every one of whom discovered such
quantities of anode* coin, and o.rna.-
Inents, hidden awaY in.the walls Ithat
the work, though done without other
payment, was Profitable to him.
Minard's Llniment.for Neuralgia.
The World's Cobalt.
The Cobalt' and adjoining areas of
the 111miskaming district, Ontario,
have been for several years the chief
source of the world's supply of cobalt,
Metallic' cobalt, cobalt oxide and co-
balt salts are recovered from the treat-
raen.t of the ores and residues derived.
fronf the s1Jve2-cobalt-nick,e1 arsenides.
The Home Forest.
The home forest, in many sections
of the country, will supply tb,e timber
which the farm needs for buildings,
fences, fuel, repaire et all kinda, and
many other uses; and there will often
be ,a surplus which can, be sold in the
form of standing thaiber, sawlogs,
poets, poles, cross -ties, pulpwood, fuel -
wood, and blocks of billets for making
spokes, handles, spoofs, boxes, barrels,
and excelsior.,
Sullet In the Heart.
The j dioation of a naedical history
of the Creat War shows that a bullet
in the heart is not necessarily sure
deatb,, as most persons suppose. Mina-
erotte 3,1UltallCe8 Ure cited. of mexi who
suffered such Wounds and 'tied. One
man even went two months before he
was operated on. Then the billet was
removed from the extremity of 'his
heart with foreepa.
Canada's Probierm
raetry ID not a question mainly
or lumbermen. It is 3lot even a quesx-
tlOn for foresterS. Becauge 110
0310 can get along withont the tenet,
it in a question for every one of us.
Our futUre supply of forest preducts
is by fax the greatent 'and meet puz-
zling etonernic prebleM, now before the
people Of Canada.
BlinarMs Liniment makes an ex-
cellent counter -irritant, 13attie
the face end if there la a, cavity
In the tooth place in it a, piece
of cotton wool saturated with
The Family Medicine Chest.
Bad, Breath
A Overcome
v. "Bad breath is 4 sign of decayed
teeth, foul stomach or unclean
bowels," if your teeth are good, ij
look"to your digestive organs at
once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup
at druggists. 15to 30 drops after
. meals, clean up your food passage
g and stop the bad breath Odor. g
50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not
buy substitutes. Get thegenuine.
On. Real,. Itched and
'Burned. Could Not Sleep.
"A large ringworm started on(my
head: Each day it grew larger and
itched and' burned so that 1 used to
have to get up at night and bathe it.
The-hair.p.round it fell out and be-
came very Miculd-sotzl.QT at
nighton account of the irritation.'
`The trouble lasted about a
month. I began using Cutieura
Soap and Ointment and. after using
about three cakes of CUtiC1173. Soap
and two boxes'of Cuticura Ointment
I was completely healed." (Signed)
Miss Luatle Bond, 606 S. Lea St.,
Roswell, New Mexico, Oct. 8, 1921.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tel -
cum are all you need for every -day
toilet and nursery purposes.
Sample Eh Free by Addr ess: 'Mynatme,
'ttd, 344. St, Paul Bt, W., Montreal." Sold every-
where. Soap25e, Oiutraent25andE0c. TalcumEde.
SiVarCutticurid Son) GIRT.= WithcAit Eartff.
Best Bowel Laxati
When Bilious,
To Clean out your bowels w1thou
cramping, or overacting, . talfe. Casca
rets. , Sick headache, bilionsMo
gases, indigestion, sour, upset s ,o
and all suck distress•gone'bY Mb!,
Nicest 'phietic or earth for' gio*..-uv,
and ,children. 10e a. hex. 'Taste' itke
Weak and Nervous.
Well by Lydia E. Pink
Vegetable Compound
Webbwood, Ont;. -,"1 was in,112.77.,
weak and run-down 'nervous conditi
always tired from the time I got'
until I went to bed. Sleep did not:,
me at all. My sister recommen
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Oti
pound to me and others toldme about'
at, but it was from my sister's advieet
that I took it. It did not take larg,
-until felt stronger, headaches left
me and my appetite came back to m
am a farmer's wife and have rn
things to do outside the house, _uctA
milking, looking after the poultry;4.,
other chorea. rheartily recomn.encV
Vegetable Conmound to all who baili
eine for women." -Mrs LoursF
' . ELS
425eirer f emus le 62
Port Huron, Michigan
for two years with pains.
if' worked -very much --
and just as tired in the Morn
1 Went to bed. r was.siefpk:s
and didn't feel like doing anyt
waa so nervous I would bite;
hails. One of my friends toia'i
Lydia E, Pinkham's 'v'egetabre
pound, and it helped me so muclk,,,
Etoon. felt fine. "=IVirs ,C11.‘111,ES BEF,Btk".
501-14.th St., Port Huron, Mich. -
aiWinonithesilw7111d6,ttlrLydiaB. P
fEY yfrdomanyi
Break chest colds
Apply Sloan's. It draws 'conges'°
tion to the surface. Starts blooc?
circulating freely and thus
breaks up the cola
a. titarien
Made in Canada
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets1
are not getting Aspirin, at all
'kccepl: only an `unioralcon,
pirin," which contain's d'
`VSICiallS dutng 2
Toothache. 'Neuraigla
Earacbe Lumbago
ndy . Bayer ixeces of betties og 21 antli;"
a al -410s
Jose, worked
,48.r.p6i1n in the trade mark" (re:gist:cited i CinnaUn‘i of
accticacide8tor of Sn1icvl0ne1?t4 While it iz iv&L1 knoWb:';,i
mannfaeture, to the 01.12411t3 ntAiDet ittlith,l,idnd, 0104'.
11)43 stamped, wIth th,Ar gent:cal: t1'44,4,e mark, tbd