HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-18, Page 1+'�F FIRSTA • Nao•2 5 35,
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�I 111{eller I
.p ! 1 I,�II{Alfll,illllll(1!l!Illl�l{I(!!!(lIIIR�{�{�IIII# { ((1�1(
� Ni _ i llili�lllill%nidi Illll �IYI Il reeler
4r y
Fine Shoos, Heavy Shoes, Felt Shoes, Slippers
Bunks of Shoos of every bind placed on our • counterat bargain pipe-
es, allrices niaxked in lain figures � 1? ta so you can help yourself, Space trees
not permit a list of Shoes offeredWe leave
Dave it to, you to judge the; quality
of goods yourself. 'We"invite You to come
Y 1 in
and, boli them over, . We have
all sizes up to the largest. Tlere is a list of - some Shoes offered.
Ladies' hig11 lace Empress Shoe
p s Mens HeavyWork-boots
Ladies' ES,
Cushion, 01, SOl
e Shoes en's
brown Shoes
Ladies' Felt Shoes anal Slippers
PIig11 grade Slippers r and Oxfords
'�,_ x z ds
Ladies'Spats;" Overshoes, etc,
h ,
C illi n'
e st
S out School Shoes
Children's :fine Best Shoes
Men's Ii'elt' Shoes and Slippers'
Long Leather -boots, C scall e
v o s, e J.
Several pairs rs Hockey YBoots
in Men's Ladies' and Children's
lee's and `Boys'' Overcoats and Suits
Bargains iu Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats, the biggest snaps we..
nave ever offered. Suits at big reductions. Snag Proof Overalls in Blue
Stripe Special at $1.85, in black. Special $1.98, Men's Odd Pants at $3.00,
and $3.50, Boys' large Bloomer Suits at $6.00.
Wall Papers
peer Wall Palmers for bedrooms, kitchens and hying -rooms cheap.
Heavy piroular Pillow. Cotton 49"c yd
Fine Cambric Underwear cotton etc.
25c 'a yard
Factory .Cotton 15c yd,. 7 yds $1..00
Prints at 22c a yd. (good quality)
Write Flannelette. 36 in wide 23c yd
Union Towelling ;20e a yard
Pure Linen Towelling 29c a yard
Large fancy bordered Turkish to -W-
eis regularly $3.00 pair, at $2,25 pr,
Cotton Huck -Towers at 25e each
Bleached Sheeting 59c a yard
Unbleached Sheeting 48e a yard
36 in wide Art Sateens for comfort-
ers regularly 65e for 49c
New Gingliams goo atte us 25c
g good ryd
Largest size flannelette Blankets,
.grey or :white with pink or blue bor-
ders_ $2.35 pair.
e sParniSilingS
Stanfield's " Red Label Underwear
' $1,69 garment..
AIen's $1,00 fleece Shirts .& drawers
for: 79c garment
Men's $1,40 fleece Shirts-& drawersI
for. 98e garment
Boys! fleece Shirts & Drawers•69e
garment , -
Heavy work socks reg 65e for 49c pr
Heavy lined Kid &Mocha; Gloves reg
$2.25 and $2.50 for $1.9* pr.
Odd Linen Collars 5c and 10c each''
PIeavy Leather Woo1 Mitts at clear -
king prices. -
Ladies' Ready -t
Dress Goods,
Suits, Coats, Dresses and.Odd Skirts.
at greatly reduced prices.
A11. Sweaters at, clearing prices.
0rzr� sex'ge regularly $1.95•
••. for $ 1�J"°.�yd..:d,�.«
. .
52 in. black Serge 'regularly $1.95
for $1.39 yd
Heavy 3'6 in. black dress silk at
4 Doz. House Dresses at $1.49 each
2 Doz. prs. Corsets to clear at $1,00
a pair
Summer- Vests reg 65c fol 49c .each
Good Quality "Velveteens at 98c yard R
White Chamoisette Gloves -for Lad-
ies at .half price 5-'0a pr.
Black Cotton Hosiery for Ladies -25c
Black Silk Hosiery, seconds 79c pr.
All Dinner Sets -10 per cent off coir-
' during sale
25 Bars Lennox Soap ,for: $1,00
Lemon and Opera, Soap 4 for 25e.
Bulk Cocoa per lb. 13c
Tomatoes" per can, 13c
Kellogg's. Corn Flakes 8 for 29c3
Honey per Quart -jar 50c
Jelly Powders 3 for 24c
E 32
a,olru,c.axvecWcs=Ym', 1A�Atr9.v1AieAe:, -meta''-e?.a�mAp4ak •' • ••.
WedneSday, Jelly. 10, 1923.
Tile Municipal Council met as per
adjournment izi the office of the
Clerk. Oouncillor hlierington took
and subscribed to the necessary oath
of office; members all present.
The ,minutes of the
i r
meeting' held ATop v ./an.
x, were:
read and. azlisrovcir7,
Communications were read 1,1• 1.01 -
ANUARY 18th., 1923
That t]i Auditors meet the '.t"reae-
urer at the Town Mala, on Wednesday
Jan'y l.7th, at 10 o'ciocic ann. to ati'
diet the Accounts for the year 192e.
That a, grant of $;10.00 to each of 'trete
11 ruing: Chit tree's Shelter, CxoclE-
, Toronto Sick Child • rl
i e S Hospit-
i' t -
al; 1Vlliskol a Free Hospital for Cosa;
sunrptives: That the ` Clerk order 8
copies Municipal World, •- 409 Dog
Tags and 450 tow Tags and the nee-
essary stationery for the year. Coin
loci s; Oil:mile.) from the ,iothe .lnunication, Municipal ,; offcef ing, 1 Ass'n solicit-
- Canadian Road. Builder, re Cana- Annual Fee• --Filed •
,Letter from:
Silas as 1~t. Shier• re }grice of •x•
1 avE1 in
his pit—Filed; that the cleric pre1 pare
a letter of apdrec:,:1;ion o1 the ent .Y-
seven years of service of Paul Coates
as Treasurer, resigned. The follow.
The following . ruliicipal appoint- ing Orders were passed: ssocl; Clerk and:
rents were spade; Library' Board, others :Election expenses '.'79:5.0
Martin; Board,
h, M
x. C
, H
. L
. $7
0,IVr. Jessef 1St0x,'Ce1etely 2oardMni4iPLi World d Po1l
Books s e
-essr . Jaxe5:VNelCos and Wilbur .50R Tones, R. Droughts Con. Stat:
Sanders; Fence "Viewers, Messrs, J. Council nail adjourned to erect Satur
Hawkins, Geo. :Andrew and W. J. day, 1i`dizary 3rcl et 1
Bissett; 1 'Assessor s t •s
s A, essor 114x. > Rd. Ilrintcpl, , HENRY STRAND, Clerk.
Salary $115.00 and $5;00 for piepar
ing truant officer's book: 1Vlotion of
Hooper and Davis, Carried.
Truant officer, Mr. Thos. Coking -
:Woad, salary $10.00 ou motion of E1 -
lei. ng ton; and Frauds, Carried,
The Clerk and. Treaurer's Salary,
per;,E11,eriiigton, zxn seconder, at $400 Dir-
ectors t' Secretary per' I r; nein and Ilodpel«: at 5 25«00 The Young Ladies' Bible Class and
Carried:" ; int anoial statement is published else-: the Young Men's Bible
The auditor's Class l the
salary 'was fixed at "where: Mr. Tose h Far e
p v y, the en- .Tarries St. Sunday: school held their
$50.00 on motion of Ellerington and ergetie President of the Society re- annul banquet anquet and social. e.. e
Frv nron
' ie•
viewed the splendid,
'Work orf done'an in the. basement,. of the church. b
Street Commissioner Bisseti:'c 'sal- 1922, Besides' the educational vat Mondayevening. d
xnb: The teachers and
tie at the, Canadian Horticulturist officers of the school were invited
and of the meetings, the Societyd-s o
€ had gues"s'• Over one hundred sat:down
inspired - a new - and 'reviler interest to he tables and a ver
in flowers and trees Y appetizing
e and `shrubs: menu. of o3'sters, cake and ice cream
Thousands of bulbs and" large duan was served; eomrennn
g at 6.30
ington, no seconder, that the service titres of trees. and seeds lead been lis- o'clock. Following the banquet a
be gratis: Per Francis and Davis tributed through the Society,. so that short musical program g axe Was carried
that the salaries be $30,00 each, the Exeter never looked lovlier than dui out during the course of wbieh Rei*,
reeve to secure '$55.00, ing the past summer: With the o-' Mr. Wilson, were has been teacher of
. The Clerk was instructed to, se pening of spring the tulips and hya \ the Ytun Ladies'
g Class forseveralcure the necessary dog tags for 1923 cinths' will once -rovegive resumes yearn and Mr:
the �' > W. H, Johnston, who
on a membership fee of,$1,00,°every appointed to teach th t
cent of which .was returned to the eA �°o AdLxi-
members in premiums of seeds. and predation, and both replied express
bulbs. The President: outlined the the pleasure it:had been to be
work for 1923 more particularly in �'iated with ilia .class and their regre
connection With the paries and called at leaving. The program was fol
attention to the very liberal pre- lowed by a social hour in games and.
miums to members/in 1923.. , He em-) anithe ;:ants.
phasized-the fact that, all those des- .. -
icing ` to. -join should hand,' in their
name 'and their selection of preraiums
to the 2•E V. THO.'viAS to �7I
Secretary by the 20th inst, if
possible, ' The Society deserves the BUBLIGATGTON '
hearty support not only of every flow- •
er lover'for the personal benefit to Rev. Thomas Amy, a much. respect-
be derived but also of every citizen ed plorser Methodist minister passed
of. Exeter and surrounding district away suddenly at his home in Burl -
for the wonderful improvement of : ington in his 811th year, Mr. Amy re
lawns and streets and parks which tired from the nxinistry a few years
organized effort can and daes thus ago, after 46 years' service, and spent.
accomplish: The officers for 1923 his later years in Burlington. He was
are as follows:. Honk` Pres., Dr.;Hynd- born in Cornwall, England and. came
man and I. R. Carling;. Pres., Jos. S. with his parents to Canada at the age
Harvey; lst Vice Tres., G. S. Howard; of 10 : years, settling in what was
2nd Vice Pres,; `Miss J. S. Murray; then called the Queen's Bush, near
Secy-Treas., J. G. Stanbury;.:.Dir-
ectors for 2 years, Mrs. Mack; Mrs. istry at the age of 24, and during his
Cann,': tile, and castings,` .2:15 Bell Mollard, Dr. Sweet,B. M. Francis.and long service in the itinerary he was
Telephone 'Co,, cemetery phone rent` Mr. Coniplin Directors for :1 year, stationed at 18 different 'points in
4.62 Bissett• phone rent 6.15; Thos, Mrs: Denney, Miss Kinsman, W. G. Ontario. At first he was a member
Houl' on rent hole h M of
d e half e e h_
ar, 1:2..3 0 Medd, S. M. . the Primitive';
P Y , Sanders and:, S. J. Hog- Methodist Chulal,.,
Clay Products Co., sewer Pipe; on arth; Auditors, W. H. Johnston angl joining with the union of Methodist
account 400,00;. Municipal World D. Rowcliffe. Churches later: Mr. Amy is survived
subscriptions 3.00. Passed on mo -'by his wife, who was Miss Mary Ann
tion of Hooper and Davis,: Balfour, of°Stanley Mi11s Peel Coun
rancis. PETER SCHRAM, PAR1,L, ty, and by four children Mrs. Mar-''
Adjournment by P SUSTAINS Jos. Senior, Clerk, `INS CRUS113JBD HAND tin, Kerr Hamilton; Mr
, s. Agustus
Mr: Peter Schram, of Parkhill, met Klein, Taft, Cal., Lacey Amy, London
with a painful accident on Friday of ,England, the Canadian Novelist and
U,JSBORNE COUNCIL lastweekwhich resulted in the am- Dr. W. B. Amy, Toronto. A number
n o ree fingers. While residein thiscomnxuni
than Good .roads Asan atn,d xnterpro-
. , vinci 11 :Road conference. Filed. Cir-
' oular from the Canadi to Almanio,
Toronto, Filed: Circular from the
Municipal Review of Canada, Filed
The annual Sheeting of the Horti-•
cultural Society was held on 'Wednes-
day evening the 10th inst, when re
ports were given, by».tlie Board of Dir-
sandthe Secretary Treasurer
on, the - year's operations. The fin -
U x>;�� P. 1V1y
A surprise party; was held, at- tile'
home of err. John Ford,' Exeter.
1'�ol'th, on. Friday evening of 1a..°t
• week when a lj.telllbcr of Inc ,n:eig'11-
s and friends gatliezed to ;spend
L .'ocl<el. evening' A vert; .dolly time
't9 spent b;,' x111 present. Lunch '�t':ls
provided by the visitors..
A. number of young Dung p>gopie from
the English., church, Saintsbu)Y, vis-
ited the Girls' Auxiliary oi'. .Trivia
Memorial church an Friday ay evening
last and spent a profitable bIo and, social.
evening. The h
g e o
y ung people Pte number-
ing abort thirty came to town in a
big sleigh load, the overflow coming
in cutters. An excellent and
musical program. was given in tIse
parish ball by members of both 'so-
cieties afte •which all repaired to the.
home of Miss Margaret Quinton
where a very sumptuous luncheon
was served,: A very pleasant time
was spent by all.
,any per Illlorington no seconder, at
'4...750.00; . per Francis and Davis at
.:.;, $775;00. Carried
The reeve, councillors
and hydro
commissioners salaries.' Per'.Eller
owners of dogs to secure a ta,rr.to the zeal and foresight of the sub -'has taught the g
before April 1st `g Young Men's eras
p , passed on moths : scribers. ; "All this. Was accomplished for two years; and who have dei
classes,- were read. addresses of ap
of Ellerington and Francis.
securing -of'` a bell ringer was
left with the Property committee, as
• was also the weigh scales. The
printingwas left n the. h
r Suds of the
,.,., Finance Committee:
An application for the position Pp l of
.� unicipal Assessor from Mr. James
Murray was read.
Ca �. o
P vI horns; 'of the, Salvation•
,Army, Made application through the
Reeve, for the use of. the Library
Reading Room for an hour each
Tuesday afternoon: The request was
not granted, as it' would conflict with
other meetings.
Donations of $10 each were made
to the Sisk Children's Hospital, "Tor-
onto and the Children's Aid Society,
Goderich, on'motion of Ellerington
and Hooper.
The following accounts were read
and passed: Cecil Ford, labor, `ceme-
tery, $2,50; J. A. Stewart wall pa-
per for cemetery house, 20.83 Jas,,
Dignan. & Son, blacksmithing ceme-
tery, $1.00; R. 13., :14.30; Sylvantis
1 { illlll
(ell I
{ 1111(1
!1{I(((illll�(R#(Illlllllililllllllll(1llllllllll{111111{({1911(ill l
{ illlllllllllllll{llllllll�.
lteema tetlfA �Alete,�tu, uttetWee PR.i,.ay,ti spelt ktki r,tegek=', 9
y; stege: inter
R' 0)-:..n. 11S 5 00 Argy t� it
•;• Skaters- a.•�
m o
Itc e '
Yukon' :....„ ,..:. $1;50
Falcon $2.50
Ladies' Auto $3:50
Auto 5' Aluminum top, $5:00
1-Uondyl:0 ... ..$1.00
Yukon A.... ..... $1 50
Falcon,. .....,:.. $2.50
Men's Auto ........ $3 5 0
Auto-, C. $5.50
Bob Skates ,50c
Steel 1 A. kl Supports
3 SIZES,.:$1.20 PEI PAID
t a e. ti ks
I�7Ol�✓I:35c. 1].? •
ocke feces
15c., 25c and 5c
n1t,,,N "ri.(aV1r6 :rl
The -n.ext meeting; of the U.F.O
Farmer's CIub of Exeter ter.wili be hel
on Wednesday; the 24th, at 2 o'cloc
at which Mr. Scott, live stock shippe
of Dublin, will address the meetin
with the object of forming a ship
pens association. -
C. E.
ssociation,•C.:E. Trickey, Asst Sec
Haircuts have` been reduced to 25c
at F. M.' Boyle's Barber shop;
A number of young people from
town enjoyed a sleighing party out
to Mr. Fred Kerr's at Crediton, 011
Tuesday evening where a very jolly
time was spent and an oyster sup-
per served. Owing to the bad condi-
tion of the roads the young people
did not arrive home until dine for
work the following morning.
The % ,
new organized c
ga Adult class
Of James St. `Sunday School, coin -
Posed _chiefly of young married pieo-
ple met at the home of their teacher:,
Rev. M. J. \ Wilson, :on Wednesday*
evening of last week for the plir-
pose of organizing and spending a
social evening. The class is - to lie
known by the name of Comrades.
Mr. 1r. Wm.' Welsh was elected Presi-
dent; Mrs. (Dr.) ltaulston, vice pies,
Ulric Snell, Sicy, Mrs. Asa. Penhale,
ilss't; Cecil Walker Treas. A 001n-
peLition • for 1 ienabership tV e„' aro'
ranged to ran for the next
ilolltb with Mrs. Ross as captain
,of the Reds and Mrs. U. Snell as cap-
tain of the I31ues, After the buiness
meeting a; social time was spear, and
refreshments wore served,
OSSEND7!111R'Y•--•At Zurich on Jan,
15, Sophia Pauline Speth, beloved
wife of Mr, E0 I3ossenberry, aged
73 years, 9 months and 1'7 0 3130.
Funeral Wednesday to the,prone
son Line cemetery.
i:ix.I i(Y;i4'6� rd'°,t+;fl f l ',(1 r 11 .oL't<'1'.11
a,:ert,a d.c wagroi, a1 etc:
.ilonalci 4:tt•lu,uir'
171li4l?i15 10 cup
( Coronto Globe)
), rii;U�t,15 :4x111 k'•"1 li?.��1;s akl. 111's": ;tn
d ,
Mrs. Doineld Melanie gatheredliii, Tlx-
eter on New noa''$ reay to ,s0;{she 11,e
their diapt4and wEdling•.` Mr. ,1'
,� it ,t
nis was :born oir,a fon In 'town-
shipthe "
o. Dc o c f
1 c.ihQusio, county o� L,cti;rttxSx,
and moved: will his 1 e
1. 1.:, ,.e1t1iiV to 'rectums
.roa31, 1Jsborne :. i year r, .. 1, '
a 11 the ,jf.r2_ C�G.S;
where they 11ewad down 1110 i oz•e?c71 to
build a 1:tiprrle fol' themselves. ,,Te
McInnis, whose rear ren rl,dxtxa' rias
Jane Passt1rore \' 05 eor a r
1 z ri .1. ,. ,t'1i1.
*� �/a miles ,at tlz�z•
I 1 4c1S4
Q T act n ',Chose
two pioneers spent their nil it -d lire .
on a iaem 011 `Thames road until 1901
when they moved to their ,presei_
ho Exeter, i
me 12i -
1are en-
where :the
E e
1 ax E �:ti-
loying a vigorous old age.
Both 31i'. and Mrs. McInnis enter-
ed, Heartily into tine festivities. i fter
which the Rev. J. D. pestle, Ex-Cour-,
chlor 1V. Penhale, A. JIOclirney ,>•+tl,
A. Purdon made 'short addresses az
OIr. and Mrs. McInnis, although
having no family of their: own, have
raised and educated .four, children,
besides giving several 'other yol,ng
people a start in life, all of ;'burn
are now holding prominent h1.a2es
the business and social lire of. Can-
ada and the United States.
As a result of the cooerence o;;•
American and Canadian nostal an-
t cials, at Ottawa;: "there vs,- r,
tion of parcel post rates to U.S. start.-
ing January 1st. The rate laas been
reduced to 12 cents a pound, ,d tale
limit increased to 11 oue ,
p d4..
en- prance week- 'd t -r -�-"a _
Cana e.
a. On registexedr a.rflcies '!r
sender will be entitled. to iudem,
for actual value up to $25.. Spec
delivery letters to the D.S. pupil .go
20 cents. .
putation th f• of relatives t„aad at µ;�M may.
The Munici al Council El Meeting
Usborue Council i cutting feed for the cattle the ma-
P acted for
the Township of US erne for 1923 chole became clogged, and iu trying
' 1 to take the Dorn ou,t, he had the mis-
met at ilia Town Hall on Jg.n'y; 8th, (Ill[z , ��!((((I11111IIiHll(1�((creeper(illlli(1(1(1(Ilil(1(1i111 llllllil
as per. Statute viz: 'Wm>, Coates, � fortune to crush,his hand. Dr: � •: �rH=f�°�^ �• � ���(ii(i�(((���
Reeve, Wellington Skinner, John Racey deemed it necessary to ampu-
tate the fingers, leaving only the
Hanna, Fred C. Stewart, and Jas.. S. second finger on his hand.
Is w,r
One Door SoL1h cis
Laawvson's'ev� e I rytore
Open Dayand 'No • ht
eals 45 Cents
Ballantyne, Connailors r
After subscribing to the necessary
qualification and .declaration papers LOCAL COMMITTEE ON UNION
they took their places at the Council MEET LONDON CONFER-
board.. ENOE COl13tiiTT2'Iti7E'
The minutes of the meeting of Dec. The committee appointed by the '
22nd, were read and approved and Quarterly OfficialBoard of IViain St.
signed by lteeve. The .following sap- 1Vfethodist church. to consider the
arias were. fixed for Municipal Ofccrs union of that- church with Caven
for 1923: Clerk, $225.00 and post- Presbyterian church met the co -op -
age; Treasurer, .$85.00 and revenue enation' committee of the London
stamps; Collector, $75,00; Assessor, conference in London on Monday,
$100.00, also to distribute Dog tags Jan. 15, to discuss the said union,
and. to secure information. for Bee The basis of union as prepared by
Keepers Ass'n; Auditors, $10.0.0 ea; the joint committee of the two 1
Caretaker, $12,00; Reeve, $70.00; , churches was discussed and two `
Councillors, $60.00 each. Tb.e fol- points of the same were reserved
lowing officers were ,appointed: for ~futureconsideration with per-
Clerk, Henry; Strang; 'Preasurer, Wei:. halls a 131111or 011111ge er two in the °
Brock; Collector—Sherwood Hunter; wording.
Assessor—Thos..Llunkin; A:nditors— A lesilution was passEd'asking the
B, N. Sexier and Wm. Johns; .Caretak- secretary of the Ca -operation tom-.
er - Geo: • Kellett; School A:ttendnuee xixittee to ma,lu:an a,p 7aintinent with
1 tztzt
Officer: ---Win,,,, johns; COW arra Dog a cenetnittne from the Enron, Pros-
Supei•visor•, at 50e au hoar while On 1.3tery for a meeting hi tb.e near
duty—Wilson Hawkins; t+''rico Va0w- fill are to disetl.-,s' points in. reference
era—Frank ,Down,' Weilirxf-fon r','er- to said 111011,
slake, Prod Delbxiet e .Amos 110.9e,, The action of the Conference conA -
Jets. Heywood; Ponn'd Karmen—John mittee was '1 disappointment lo the
Luxton, Sa 'I 111113 lor, '0 135, 3;rddy, local 00111ni'tteeiv a 'h s .
have spent
Wm. 1! Frayne, Hector N. Taylor, 11ou1'S end hours in preparing and
Walter Hazelwood, • Thos. C. Allen, dismissing the basis of iaiiion from
Porcy"Passmore, John Shute; Rcpre- every 110gie, the local committee be-
setintivo to County 'Board of Agri- ing liilarniniei11 as vigil as
hing r-1
culture—peeve Coates,' c, caved the ondorsa1ion of the Quar-
That 133 --lavas be dratted, confirm- terry Board and shotxlcl the Confer -,,T-
ing the appointmentof the several e10e c'311 nithee block the sehee 131 of ze
officers for the Year and the payment, union M•ethcritsa11 will be .: t,r'eatoi
of the salaries set forth, in the rein- loser than it enlon were nee:Ilene :
rites Of this meeting, ed.