HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-11, Page 6r
YEA— 1,41.--a
Japen en iratialg indepentien,ee. ant depart:inert,
January, 8-- Irish Free S titt Gov until tent
Qppeal's te Wasbillgron takes (lotie'r flow. Britain every impQrt,
tatte TOTOTIte pepelation of 20 --Sinn, Fel/tors invade Ulster and
000Irnin reesl'eeted 14 v. burn many ;public •')uildingist and wrei-1
det, I railway lines. The P. & 0. S. Egypt • ,
•---Firrit Canadian nickels eounted lost in collisien off flieletitt Iereend, and
nil in Ottawa. The Prince of 100 •lives let.
aost itondia reported a, gt 0 --;_en erne of 'reel cmic,gete.,
reesae., The census for Ontario gives, With British abinet at a deadlirk.
ptopulation of 2,929,054.; 31—Crown tireope are ,sent to pro-
5—The Conference Committee at teet the Dl•siber. frontier.
• 1\tle
on, Limitation of ava ; June,
einainente •agrees to baii use of sub- 13—During the past two year„; g -an -
rifles r merehant and pa-. ' Men in Belfast slew 400 •nerstUfM, On-
imer s. I t,ario Legislature prorogued.
7 --Dail Eireann votes in, favor all 20—Irish eleetions show a majority
;ceptin, -')orninion status with Great' in favor of accepting the treaty with
ritain a vote of 64 to 57, De Britain.
silent di •enting. 2_1—England gives the Prince of
10—Ari' •ur Griffin elected Presi- Wales a magnificent reception on his
ent of tl'e, Dail Eireann, appoints a return from India, ad Japan,
filet six, with Michael Collins 22—Field Marshal Sir Henry
inister. Sent Shet dead by two Irish guranen in
1 -
Provisional Irh Govern- London; the assessinis are eapturect.
offiee and the Southern 24—Murder of D. R-athenau, Ger-
tines the treaty with Irian. Foreign Minleter,at Berlin.
1g and 1Vlichael
undaricis be -
rah ee State.
Bryce, clex-British
o the 'United States.
of Pope Benedia) XV, at
tisb troops ileave Ireland. driiI2'-elnufli'aoaetahecioirlaipn jossitailppenasl.ntela hea5i. . New. York market. Turks defeat
Japanese end Chine.se dee- 171.
the Washington Gonference of the Irish•Free State armY. the Greeks in Anatelia. .
31— The Reparations 00111113.1e$10/1
ereeement re. the Shantung 14—The Hague Convention fails to
reach, an agreement with the Soviet lea.elsrepsayiGlisiTit'aslaYfotcocCtthileerileme.e-saisnideYirf.00li"
vebruary. Government, refusmg to •give it ere-
pe state' d.aess fall dits without guarantees. th.;e4vY'inetaula;t:AAenn,,stilritisede:,lit:e OtovtlfaiktSchcohiliatill-ne-dlin-.
r;:e.no.ent with Ulster as to 21-4ohn Bracken, born in Leeds,
Italian cabinet reg. Ont., chotsen by :Manitoba farmers to er8 'accePt neSwepl;tveanigibee7...greement.
washinstou conference be next Premier of the province. e League
„r• -r -r -,,,,,,,,,r,,";11111114111111111,7-srr2,1,12,2:24'2h22;
Co..tda from Coast to Coast
„ Jeihtf$, iN]lt1-1••••;•-r-it 3];$ ePtilnated- any 'elli•er ,canutioditv, prieducen
, .
, .• . • ,
thait ;Shipments aro') Cre arom Ont,aa-i.o, • • '
• • , • • .
700;000 tbs bY the alle,se of ,tha P3-'eStti in,ge,inci.u;s1;ryi ;slidave..•rernarlcable
Ont. Seatze;11. SleiDlnentS -are. -3C;rene; d.evelopment during the pest few
nia,de Illurop.e, pe-e/e•Var dieyst years, -a e the s Lite, I)
Withaire GerrnanyeiNill aitoe'4t " Witr,OTIpeg, '.-LY.cali.„7-',-XeMitObO„';$' dairy- ..i;
tliose etlecontineed until tire ince .'f;file're 'are, one-half., predu,cing
•year just ended. Twelve ikele-htere, and sillippin,g millc. and crearn.
canryng 11,000 tons. of ore ertch, have dint,ely p;ri,or to tho Wat', Manitoba
been. ferrying between Newfouncliand was an importer ;cif procilnets,
and Rotterdam.•• ; but to-cla-v the rerovinCe is one of Oat!
Sydney, N.S.—TIie; total motor fuel greatest exporting, provinicc-s in the
output of the Briti.$;11 Enipire Steel Dozninion. Seventy carloads of but- ,
Corpora.tion's steel plant ;here, will ter weTe,Inrolliallt into the province in
in future be ;soil& direct to the Irn- 1914, vtliile exports now itota,1 100 car.
perial Oil Co., it was anneunced cit loads amittafliir. '
. , ,
Corporation headquarters, This motor Regina, Sask,—lo. nowt
rij1fox:re] &ft OZ1O ear fer, every twelare; of •its
bengia$, :Ilia's hitherto' be,en siold di- Poputlia.ti,ori, iaree-ording ' to 'Provingial'
. „ . •• ;ire;et ;to fillindr Stations, aaid other re-- G;Olverninent 'statisibles. The' tottrdr
jelin 13u11-;-:-"Nirhy not -come in; S
sponsibility?"-Prom.the News' of the,
oill1Y and George Gav'an Duffy. Twelve
thousand Men will return to work in
the Alberta and 13.ritish Columbia coal
mines: , '•
25—Death of Sir George Parkin.,
25—Loyal Irish tro.ops 'retake the
Comme.reial ;Cable station at W,ater-
26—Cana.dian National EXihibition
'at Toronto opens its 44th season with'
a ;record attendance of 71,000 en -lint
day. .
3C;;;L,Coriaclian dollar quoted at pier;
noted Imperial Fedle,rationist.
29—Irish Free State. itnaop.s recap-
ture the Four Coarts, from
the reb'els. '
• 1—Railway shop -men in the, T.1:5. on
;strike Iategalar troops in Dublin
24—British FIonse of Commons; vote
„tm. of Annan ents'; its prin-
„,,:r.plivitm.euts were two troa, to remove the cattle embargo from
ties re/atiris 40 oblirese affairs; ded„, Canada.
26—British House of Lo6ds modify
lug with the "open door” and 'the
the cattle embargo removal so as to
Millese tariff.
ptovicle for precautions.
-,-Cardirral Achille Raitti, Arch -
:v.; a Milan, is elected Pope by August.
1—Prunier Poincaro refuses the
• ."`"roclave of Cardinals at Rome,
wile title af Pius XI. Rioting- in Berlin request to postpone the Day -
merit of private debts to French eiti."
, 182-Thi,rteen dead and thirtY'lline Sons c°ntracted' bel°se the was. Great
, alluded reported as result,s el week_ Britain sends four additional bat-
• a Ilitarbances at Belfast. Indian t,a,litous to the BosphorliS preeantion
against attack on' Constantinople by
,:' • -eminent enrols Europeans as spe-
eial 'les to police the country. the Greeks.
iminate shootine- in the 3—Forest fires 'do great irlarnage itt
British Columbia. Irish rebels inur-
ast iruid many children;
Brietiah Government sus- der Free State offieens -and volunteers
ation• of British troops Eroin onfibush. in Tipperary. The Brit -
d.• opening of ontalio Government decide to,provide 500
air machines for home defence.
5—At Paris the Belot -mations
Committee decide,s by vote of
three to one to refuse a inane -
'de last year to have 'bc'7111111 Ge3791a-r-7 --an-- re -Pala-
; tions ,faretre•-ie,nasincler of the y -ear.
oeary ;„--is-0.--erdelir• Trish Provisional Gwen -a -limit an-
val,ried. Nestminster x;:-.--,a-c;:6"-that irregulars must ;surrender
eneral rejoicings. uneonditilanallitY. 'Unemployment Ihene-
fits cost Great Britain L77,000,000
reeuxued- Bele 'during the Pest two years.
- 7--Prenitier Ponicare submits his
n elections piostponed for
*A returns show the popu-
Free state Biqa ,g,,,ets third cleman.ds for Gerinan reparations to
the British House of Corn- Dl'elirninary meeting of chiefs
Redi'utnehe Lemieux. ale• -&-ted at meeting in. Londion and, states that
_of ,theDominion commons. France's finen.cial position is desper-
le- Rand 'Government •cfusthes ate. Rebels, in Cork collect taxes. Toll
elation -with it firm hand and thl-n±haty1ioon in China on
efsAug. 2 reported -a4 28,999. 13ritish
oba Go4,0v0e1.0"raferitthdee'ifieanmtescli TreasurY departnient returns the per
gialeture by 27 to 23. Eighty" --three 'ealIi-ta -tax of tTrilited Kingdorn as, .217
in ten -weeks as result of out- Dor head.
ges by gunmen and lboinh throwe.rs 10 ---Irish National forces enter the
4 ulster. city' of Cork, the rebels evacuating it
P.a°1Ila Ir°claimeda:bInif•'3w0in'Sgupliflilare, Irish murderers
many buildinigs
,40 „ix -y,ars nt Pied Marshal Sir HellTY Wilson,
disaffection hanged at Wandsworth Prison.
11—Nova Scotia coal miners decide
riven to the to stsilte. Aqdies disPose 8,888 iroo•PslEnglancl, os head. IVIilitarY agree-
eaty; Brit- along Telratallla line to bar the Greelcs' merit signed at Muclania prov-iding for
•direci. and
th Irish of- Iroim3r_cAeln..tishttall,/itillloGPireis-fith, the evacuation' of Thrace ;by 'Greeks.
President Irish. Provisional Administration ;de -
in. the 'of the Dail Eireann, dies sad- eides that in the new Parliament the
dearly irt Deadlock between membership of the lower House shall
,Britain and France regarding the be 132 and the Senate 56.
eller terms to be offered. Germany con- 5 ---Torrential TalITS stop forest files
in, ys,,us.,e ;leo, :tor, New Editor 'of "Times". ,
and yOur s.ibiare Of tlie• ;arid the PrioduCtion ;at 13;re:sent anlailint 'collected
.WorM. • anionnts to- above 60;000 ,gallons .4 the, pa,sten years, is, i:eplortedthas " Mr. Geaffrey; Dawson has sticceeitled
reiont.h. -; • .
; • • •.; • 1226 649 -while 'for the Sierne •ito the editerstie of the feenioue- Teen.
• declares the Sultan of Turkey de., PrederietoIl. N.D.—A- ne'SV industry there been spent by the Govern:. den Tirees- During hieareer he- wse
posed. k for Frederiieton is the nienufacture Inert Train revenue tftiono $0 918 517 editor of the Johannesburg Star peure. -
a-BritiS'h GOVernineint ejg ' b0 iqou-Sag. snowshoes R Chest- providing felt' the co 't licti a I tarY to Lord Milner in South Africa
ies ; ; e on. nr.
ni ny rernove the restriction On Cana1ctian nut and Sons. The company's idea in maintenanee of main raarltet roadie, seeretd1Y of the des Trust, and -
oalttle, iltSPeetiati equal , making SIICW'911°e's is' to -create an in- ferri-e3 811C1' reVereue bridges, During 'er'n'ertY" editor of the "Tinleis" from,
.1912 t 1919.
e1.ioje�t en ix three days' quarantine... . • I diustrY th•it Wi.11. give '•enliPloYrnent ;the -ea/ne Tierle'd 1/11e PraVinoial GOY- •••
eminent hod .expencied on, -capital ,
17 --The , Sultan Of Turkey given a number of •11:1e.11 as:well' . make a
refuge on 'British warsthip. Four :mask'et ler native ash. Irt isfals'e- Ole eennt oniwain' roads, 'etee
civilians shot for treason in Dublin , intention of , • ta tak .
th.e campan)r ;e tat,a1 of $7.870 514
There -are tiVO popular:but erroneous, ;
anent. , , • • diet. The fi'rst is that when for any -
by order of, tlio Free State, Governeli`-nhoIntlYaffthovetrntoitaldtlf,i,,sepcatsue'reol°!aate'mbeaoig.t.hanes plaEndtThib°,astrt-O•4Te.e. aAeililstiata."---/3a,Aisihned„exi-e_eetn-hineicuntnairl_ no'tions .regaralp,e;-- the use ,of fish,:in, the .
18—Polal upheaval in pekin, beech, lumber, •which at priesent v„ess4e.Y„ to ea-S'rY on wark reason the 'physician, has forbidden the
leacle'te Dr. -SAT' • Yen taking the " •verY usedi: • ' ' ],,./31...le• talt,te,r."-• -cieriv,e.i.-,tzliig• e„aet„ c.,ari atm, , eat.
elleeted sultan of ,raracey.. Portcant transaetions deinonstraitm• g ;wider the .direiction of exaervt,02eilull,gabilli: tt,iei „suitri lerIing' witdh one otrh indaere of e; e.iii:;-• .. '
19—Near East Conference 'Opens at. the rapid
Queb' 6; Qduee-v.:0APlirrlitlIbi'ten:oo: those n-
'' °efei:s..AlrbIteribas relahlTzeesd thil.uat't° sPlreboi'll'iiiqd'IlL:•teieilsii ills' ihn wtliitshei alsinePs-h, heistYp'so'1711111Y etillisleeas: diseases he Premiership. ..4.bchil Meclijidt effendi
Lausanne. , .., !water POwers, has Just been oonoludied - eff]pa-ts pri&v° 'succe]slsdn'l re tic ;nays an must ere ere oval
24—Erskine Childers, lieutenantt of :between the Quebec Government -.and addition -wall be, made to Acherta's , '
, extraetives--substarrees that give the
Coal nrclustry
De V-alero it executed; by order of al the Quebec Develogoment, Coe wherebYi•' '' •' I flaver of meats, but that taken in, un,
Free State military court.
• 25—Turks .,tolte possess,ion of Ad-
rianople and „a,ssert ;sovereignty of all
of Notions meets at Geneva. East Thrace. e
7—Southern army of Greece sur- December.
renders to the Turlts .and Athens Gov- 2—Prince -Andrew of Greece, a bro-
ernment proposes to evacaate Asia that' of King Constantine, dismissed
Minor. from the -army and exiled. Timothy
9—Irish Provisional Parliament Healy appointed Governor-General of
holds first session in Dublin and the Irish Free State.
Ilona Cosgrove is elected President.
Canadian National Exhibition at To-
ronto closes with a paid ;attendance
of 1,372,000, the highest on record.
12—Sir Herbert Samuel takes the
oath as British ruler od: Palestine.
Canadian and American capital joins] „.1\l'anan?1°,- B. -C. --k large; berribi- due -amount; 'may Torso,n tire system—
Grand Discharge from Lake St. John,,
great clam et s'ailte,7 .is being built oneProtection
Islanio. int the harbor here: It -will. 1
tractiv.es. But when the pliyaician'a
in the, heading of a he may eat fish; far fishi is poor in.
the heta,d, waters- lof „the ' SagueiraY have -an eutgat el about three ti' -en- obJect is to restrict as far as possible
.ons of salt herring' per season. , ".•
P,iver; whei.-e it is expected eventually sand] II- tne intake of proteins the obJect is de -
initial lanit will: prodnce,, it is stat feate.d by substitut•ing fish, for some . ,
to develop 1,000,000 horse -power. Tha, NATURAL; RESOURCES BULLETIN
edt].., Canadian boys ;and; girl,s; are, 'farm- 'varieties' of fish; antain almeet as
200,000 horse -power. . i ng aist. friend.s11161,,,,, ;with birds,.1 ch 'protein es ehicken or lamb con-
• •
Toronto, Ont ---:-The; 'formation of. Eighty thousi-anrii -----o;iies . , Bilpd Aajfils• The second e'rr°neaus' ballet is •
the Ontario 1-Ioiley, Pro.diticers Co- Hou"sies and Th eir Occupants pub..' that because fish is rich in phosphorus
it ie a:"brain. food." It is true that the
and osg .ave Jils le- ected Pa.esulent. 0 tamp ec-k. e.pers Ilene. D. Crldent,...the cakes; and brain; like all nervous substance, con- .
auguratted at Dublin as ;a Dominion, mously decide,c1 'upon a.,t a meetin:g of Ottawa have g,one Iike hot
Japan returnS Shantung to. Chirie, director of the co-operative'and mar- ' in less than 'a year. So great is itlie] Icrw 'that eating an exebas of Phiespil°P
whole. edition has been •ex
ksitisted; tains Plespholus, but et docs 1 o fol .
- 7:—Rebels in Ireland murder De- kets branch of the Provhicia,1 D'elPt• demand that the goivernment its hav_il U-S-C°11tailliPg to0c18 •""11;11 1T-Pr°7° lb!' .;
puty, Sean Hales, member of Parlia- of Ae-riculture in ging advice fon I ,anotb; - , . edition• - t d, t 4011. : thought processes.; furthermore, the . ---,
13—Turlos commence masSaere of ment, ,5,alid: Vif6u111 ' nit -y S a„ p t matters., ate,ociatid -with cooperation Yeinn,r; Canada how to bundId houses. sta-tement that fish as esPepia- y rich
that birds. like. The booklet contains in phosphorus is not supported by fact.
Christians in Sul Pima ' ' O'Malley. The Ulster Parliament eropreSsted the minion that tl-rei-e was
direotions. and working . designs for
the briilting of all, icinclis . of ' hind
300,000 h.onaeless, it is said, to nraintain forces in the Dardanelles; and marlceting of honey than almost houSes. No charge 'is Maclefor it.
. .
21—Britain refuses to Wit,hdraw; zone, , .. ,
troops from Chatnalt, to European side; 8—Four leaders !of the Irish rebels,
of the Dardanelles. ' President Hard- Rory O'Connor, team 1Vrallowes, Jas. - itieekly.'filaiket Report. - ' .
6 Irish Free State formally- in- Operative Society, Ltd:, was. lisibed by the ,Dept.. of the Intei-io,r at •
. • .
ill 1"i
- ,
15—The fire in Smyrna destroys votes the Province out of. the Free t bright future for the co-operative
three-fifths of the city and renders State. The allies waive their claim principle as applied to the produc•tion
ing isi.gns the 'U. S. Ta:liff Bill. 1V1oKelvey and Richard Barrett, exe-
28--The allies, decide 'testurrender outed at Dublin in re ' I r the
„Eisbern Th3-.Aidieito Turks, ibrirVtliati inurcler of Deputy - - Toronto.
Fish. is n.evertliele•ssi very' valuable
both as a source of energy and as a
nutritive ;substance. The eirrei'gy 'that
comes; from" eating fish. is owing- large-
ly to the; alinount of fat that it con -I
tains. But the different varieties- of •
. ,
litab. vary greatly in. that reSpect; 'sal-
mon and eels are among ine 'fattest of •
Smoked, nieatee. med., 26 to fish 'whereas cod Contai.ns less fat than
the Dardanelles niust'Ibe"Plaeecli tinder ll1----The Fent PrernierS, Caree,renCe ]111 941/ wheat --No. -1 .Nerthern, 28c; cooked ham, 38 to .40e; ;smoked, lean_ -beef doee-, .nutritive,
„ -. • • , • • - ; • i• rolls28•C' cottage roliirs; 32 to ; • • -
control of the Leag,aie adj'au.r.,ns'.-lillle Jan. 2, linah.le, Irranit.9tbar.'oatse_..yonilit' , • 35c. 'breakfus,t,b'actu 3--,2 to, .35',,,oTeseue,71-e1}11.11.,d.e•i„neg„....„,r3reer13-er.....-1-.Y...0
Greece rushes troolpa tOlwalra Thrace'. to agraF alertio: 'one. •neroarations.:Poiiie I Metriltoba bailee—N.0 'flair 'ciefl'Are.,retd brea-kTai et,,;'hacon, 40/ th6;t of -meat, since ;in- general -th-e- pre- •
26—Gen,erall 1-,laritnigtOn, Conamand- with GermanY, -nue, reinlegrPoln are the above, track, Bay ports. backs, boneles,s, 39 to 43e. content less bat
er (if the fOrces, orders the insisting ,on, Cap- ci,eciarpiatl-donl-attiille AtuelieUr: corn--- No. 2 ;yellow, 88,e; roitio-L n ;bac 5'0 s,o slight that: w,ernay Ignore -it. ' „
° g • - °n' The best way to Cook fish is to broil
TurIcs to aband.on the neutral zone Ruhr. "i• :616/3'..•11-'--iejyellf/Kawailt8i,a7g,*; eg.90110 162-11c1; Ithosr.10 lbs., $21; 70 to 90 lbs. $20; 90 , -
around the Dardanelles, Ring Con- 14--Sterilingin New York has sere. 71.1 tab:E2, jeagitlta
stan.tine of Greece ahtlicate,s fa,vor sational rise, closing- at $4.54%. At barrels; $4,1; neareyeyeight $37. much of the nutritive material..A.mong
and up, $18; lightweig,ht" riells, in or to roast it; out
2, .7a to 77c.
t. 16 t, b. the Most- nutrifIlve fishes are 'herring,
of the Crown Prince, owing to the re- 'Lausanne Confere,ii.ce Turkey. agrees• .
•„,,,,, fie!,.,„a.„4_ 16%c• pails, 16c; pa -in' to, -18.C. Short-- sa
Laird—Pure • rerces. o; ut se , ,
to guarantee the safety, of minorities,- in3re-1\1]°'t°' " ' -
volt af the army and navy. GeriiianYlinon, cod, ,ha.libut, eelsi, mackerel
1V,fillfeed—Dol..,, • MOntre"" '"6"'" ening'tierees, 18% toel4c;'iturbsi, 14 to and tibut. The fatter fie.he's aid' eels,
po,y,s; the August land September allot- 15 ---British ae.t to remove, the em- hags included: Bran, per 'ton, $24;, ,,,,,„; pails, ment to Belgium. bargo an Cartadian cattlebeCornes-law. shorts, per ton, $26; middlings, $28.i0;', " /2"- itt 14% to 15;ei, priartis, 17 halibut; herring, mackerel and s,almon.
:- to 171/2,c. •- , Oysters; and clams econtaiii• -compare,-
30—Kunial Pasha agrees to arrnis- , 17—Dublin crew& eve last ,Of 511e- good n feed -flour, 2.
di •t,!, N 2 white $1:10 Heavy.. isteer,s., ellei,ce $7 'to 38; tive-IY little nourishinent and- little fat,
tice 'conference at 1Vlude,nia. Turks parting Britis.h troops A very 1..r-jes'IIIIY to (-)91,t12s,icae,Ii\-0-,•redllic,, ,toof-reig,bis ett.itisitle; bi..-cbdiet., is,teee.s,, obioice,; .$7,50.; to,$7,,,. do but but, are,. very dise,st/h/e, .eaye.e.i-a.„il:,,, ,
withdraw from Chanak area, d off• . . ,
October. . sell - 'tt - - - i, '," ' '+„ No.3,-$1,07 to $17.09..' , -; good, '$5•50 60' t6A; ,,c,1012 Allrinet.14,4, .ri,5.hto. when eaten raw.. 5,iie lean ,,a..ileties1
i8—New Yerk umnIce'r's' nectin'e ' Ontario No 2 white eats,; -42 to 44e.'''°', , ''U'''.,,G er of fresh and ;smoked fish are in genera_
2—Ar.mistioe declared at the Dar- give G,eaurcarrY a• lean' til1 'are re,Para- -on'tario cox'a„._•re,3inin'ai., • . . , .; • heir,erS,,,ch.toice;., $6..25 blot, %,_,6,75:, 51...0,; mof c, t ._, . ,
-'-, -. ligestible than meet but cod a.nri
danelles. ' . ' tions clue,stion i8` settled. Ontario floar-----Ninety per cent. 311ad,-1,0 'to $0, •do; ea/ ,,,,,,, 4;4- t,O.,$.t)
4 ---Forest fi.res raging- iri Northern 19—Seven. rebels executed ai, ,D„. . .. - p.a., in.., jute. ,,,,,,,,., mienteca). pr.onrot bu•Pcher COWSchoice, $41.;-,0 to $1) , alio, ether fis,11 diges..t. 'sg°'-'1'7,
Ontario. Relief -trains de,sp.atched to lin :for hsivitig ;I'm's,' and, e-'''''''''';''s-lv1-1868- Sh113111:ent"., 9'5;b2'01':::bor- -95.30; ' Tetronlio Illede T3 to 84./ ealillel-Is' and."cutt.ers, , ,. ' ....•.— ..,
1 ii • „a,sis $5,15 to 8„.2,-", .oulk ,e,aboard,, ,_ ...„; pe...._; irutoaer _ars, good, $4 to ee, Motor ,,,..„
the district Dominion Govermnent 'Communists and Faseisti lc lase. ari 1-3.5 to $5
$5.10. . 5 , 13, ., - 2 tn 2 5'n "F; 1 f; .;
$5; do, •corm, $2,25 to $2.50; ' 'feeder .,,,New -;'.?;,,•girway In
' ts new boird to 'control the Nat Turin andi ten 'are killled .and e-ts'I'Vegiiilvt•-Ye ., „... .. „ Boum.,„ —1at • 1,,,• i , 0 ,. .,, ..t, , ,r, , a . 94 to . do
tiona,I Railw.aye, with ,Majer-General -wounded. Preliminary es ; ... Idcottonstiotec,:i0-s; sil;o0icod,,' ',,..,•/5, git..,! 1,5.50; no, -fair; $4, , - jaisper p,,,rk. ,
si, Henry Worth Thornto.n, president the iva.lue of Canadian Ciens for 19221--s'nic_licasr,17,1„2.12..)trnae-I.I'N1)01-1..1'2',;.2aorredr3?tsoitiali,./;$1,6a-06t.,- fair; .,T,3 to ;$4; oe-,,,i,ees, choice, -,$13 to , A 8urvey for -..a. possible loc.a,tio.n; for
of the Great Eastern ; R. ailivaY,, of .a -t; ;nine billion .diogjars• , -- ,t Toronto,. $1.1. ,to $13; inteed,,, $16,50 to ,$.1-3.20; -.do, ined....1.18 to $1.0.; ;do corn., a forty-five' mile stretch of „motor road . ,
1 ' ' "60; inlasper-±,
from the town , ,
IA., The thirteenth alli.ed confer-
, , sots once ,Topiarations in London brea;los
Ing, $I:2•°,gs, tau clowia, French and Britieh p,olioies
,;;- ing, se divergent. ' Death, of Lord
Roll Roofiring- in Noirbhcliffeepraprietili of The Lonclon
11; 0 0 Times- • ;
.Yer of .Bfar- eer-i 'to guard. coal.
poet and iniriet9 in Nova Strotia„Bituininous coal
strike in Ohio PennSylvania. end Vir
45,greeS tors -as ;of the ginaa ;sert3blecf: "
of reeognitioil by the 1.9:—PulilDing erew$ resume work 'at
ate, ; tl, re Nova Scotia mines. Australian
tway.; Parlioalent pas:See bill to give prefer -
el/ ,,,,,,,tetions 0.g -zee to. a brae° ential duties to New Zealand.
, nistrtius. (Jen. °bang ira,/, Lin 2--1 sh iebel assassins killfrom
,tod. Gen. Wu 9eveyai halt- ambush Michael Collins, heatl of the
la Irish Provisional Gloverninent.
• „,,reueb deruands anti Rti,sian ' 23—Temporary arrangement -to
±lciibleitek merit at Genoa Cart- rule 'consts'tillg
, of William T. Cosga-ave Riehard 111111,-;
"2241 Larr,r, irafY
in 'Haileybury district; 5,000 persons
reported hameless, with a death list
of 47; Haiieybliry, North Cobalt,
Than -doe Heaslip and Charlton de-
stasoyed, and New Liskearci; and
Englebart seriously damaged.
• 19 ---Lloyd George resigns British
Premiership and Andrew Boner Law
is invited to form a new Atianinistm-
25—'fihe new Irish Constitution, Bill
passed the third reading in the Dail
26—The Kirrg clis.solves the Imper-
ial Panlioinent. GoKermrielit
resigns „ owing to the Fe scisti ulti-
, 30—Mussolini enters Rome and
forma Cabinet.
1 --National Asseinibily at Angora
6AY YC.)!;.) .LOOK !N A MIRROR ‘AtOt\IPtfl WHERE fiNt\IN't
1A11,1„,t,.8E I HERL (1011Z LOO'rC; FOR '
, 21—The ancient Basilica at Quebec:, $19. oti,ei. $8 t $1/ . „ '
city burned clown., S.traw—Car lots- p :- t tr ,31 'II-
- 22 --President. Hard.ing ;signs postal rondo. • '
, . • ,
agre.ement with Canada, ' -- • '-' CI:mese—New, large, 255; twins],
-28--Rport of Can,. Nat. flailways 25½c • triplets, 26% c; Still -tops. 27c.
:gar the year :will ;show a reducti,on in 1, 'aege-, te, L'W9U1S‘, 28c,- 5±2; ton.si,
nts oPerating 'dalleit1 el $.17,6°0'6130" 49.1-e3ubte.i'—Filic-It'''crearnsTY: Print -a', 42,,
The Rxiitiisli fleet is ordered baletlut,,,;.at.,,;c: tcY.:•45e,; ordinary ;creamery prints, 40
the Dardanelles from Mal•ter, D,airy, 30 to 31.e. Cooking,
I t - I II: B -iti 1 t i i'lt- t° 4:1.'
c;0"?..np....e e lop;;y o 1 el TIO e, ItS-S 22.o. ; -
rebels blau,, up fausic arbor& in Dublin. and up, 26 te .8c, doe3 ita lbs., ee -to
hi that they unie;t,lietve Mosul. Leigh ' ireasedi poultry—Chickens, 4 MS:
29—British naval. units Are 'rushed ,25-e; it -,:i -.1i, 5 • lbs. and up, -26 to 28c;
from Malta to -the Dardanelles., orvirlig ..3,-°, 4' to I`" ]'-'.61-- 23 tler 25e/ 'de,' under 4
to de,v,e/evraerts at Lauaarme ;peace, las 20 tp 23ef', geese; 28 to 80c; clinch-
1/31,gzn,,, 00 , tO '82G; turkeys, 40 to 45c
, vy ere tibe TLI,TiiSICtiele-•
:Mare, .arine-20 to 22e, ' '.
gall:e$ refl./se to accede to Lord Cull-- Ee-gs--Nts 1 candled '38' ;to 39o. ,,
Anatolia. Isinet, Pas:he ;sends a note 'Beans---Csaii„, ha/id-picked, ;be €1:5Ac .;
zca$ dernarl;di to recognizo r
Christian, minorities' in Armenia and 65c. • • - ' -
to Lord Curzon reaffirming' the 'Perk- In'iniesi, 6-o• • ' - i ' '
, 1...,ghts of leets,, $,44 jib 45:; carbonate, 1.iptiv,-,liiilidvps,,'
iisnrfigi- ctlhaai-int ithtoe ;o1\1111.°c;uiltr'aireetiabeealtiludirra:rnd la'a-nvecir': ga3:1"17P''21e°5813'1'-°Plailet-g-inSfIr'illajtill' $2e.1:1. 0 . P °IL'
to the Ottomans, Terrific gales on the gai.lionMe3;a,LI°6(jsel'''ilbg,a;ltitr.1„Sn,;',12212..;,et°1225y2°,0 pi er
North Atlantic pile ;to ships on the lb.; 5„.21,........0o. tirls,,, 1.3% to .14mc ',per
ooalst• ...4— 1b,,.; Ontario court) hone3r, Per doz.-,
• There are 40,000 lakes in. New- Potatoes---Ontarlos, No. 1, 85O; No.
$3 -to, $5.50, c cows, c lame
lanibs choice $13
, , ta, 4,13.50; sheep, iboisligiren- to -theeasternparit boundary
o . ,eprine-ers C '0.CC ,) e. • of J1,
oholco, $5.50 to $6,50; ao, eals, s2 ealTied lit bY two 1°C^Irtt°11S111:-
tt°0 $$21: i-5 °, ; tallIoc,gast.'ol.hede a$n1c107taate$1.160-(1.'e51,0t,'15 173' Pa's -ties undlis thIte Eill5eri\i'151°11 0± -
the Engineering service of the Cana,
country points, $9.75 to $10, '' lduiaent Natattiohllall,Pairiksi. Bia',-.,-.1aeliii ,Depant-
to C9ost-cti ---,A.0.1.2iid jes_t_-ilIile,°fteninatil:/ 14o. 2,. e,s2t,eie:ne,111.0Nwo, , 922, b01;31aatinplg,p1,01r.nlOilixtici'ini- °eel 'tele ill'yi:jel it°e,°-e1-1.1111-1,g;5.-..11'.:CV1r1.1:- arrillaii16:68alt1117:°1 _,, -
G r and Trunk ,13"P, C 11,1 e anti ,
:it?5 1,0 t!,iaa; do; No. 3, 60 to- 61c; No 1 1 s
08 to 5e c 5c; -Northern, rit.ii`i7,,a).; etlit' and
to ",o,7,c., wel-"eat ,1I•ne 'ether rrlin/Tilg• hidel)endel't
PatS., firsts, $7•40; seem -ids .;1;6,6t.,0. Oftithe ,old. roa rAcrans
choice, $6.50.; Boiled ,oarts--B ; '
Sitirairg $6,4d- -;.;,Iiinte,;'; "'' will be
s., - ) e the roost
ag b±90 eLono,mioal route; and at .t.Lo saino limo
-ribs., $3.15 to, $3.25.13mai--$24. Shorits deter:mine-- what lortionr, of„ the aban.
—$26. Hay. --No. 2, per Lon, car i-o4s mcbonod. grade,may b -e utilized.
$16 to $17. . • • • When completed this road will form
Cirees,e,---Finest eastIe.riitsi; 23 to an iinportent link tin „the 'Proposed La -
23 % o• B titter—Choicest , crounierY, 111011.tanNaucouver motor' lrighia-t
8to4-L2c; gNgO.—iseeb°
1-stebck', 36t;ia (386eC. P'eti'0a11•. hTill'e
orcIi.oll±lAloible'orlad- ;
too -n -1 -Por bag,
cno;T: 1,a‘olatil;,,,,y90,0e;•ows talk, irble,10t/iiniciili-1):(13,/i3:0111t011 OUE->.6°I.0 PariC
heifers, coin. TO fair quality, ‚12-1-0 $3; •
Western, -steers $5.75; calves, picked, • ---- • ,
$12; do, goodl lots, .$1.1; do,
corm, $9.50 ` .
t$10 kRadloEnds/801atinnof „
seleetis and goo -d- qua
$, bute,l;
cres• '
Pt iCal.ri
11.50 to $ 3. s°WS, $10, " L
r nnn'T!
1 ,
, I
r)1 C K 7rx)mbk,-.)1\11,,,r\,../
. IT WOULD NeAH p• -
2 Vreeese,hasrcomeohosoue 01
-lonely Pitcairn Isionn, ivlmioh loomed
, fiction and, history as the re- .
frage ,of the niutineersi of;
sloop'13ounty;; 'years ago. " • ; , _
tett] now the islanders ,itave been
0,empelled to depend, for eir, news, of „
the ,outside world' upo14i th(4 oadasional • ;
ipla atlaSi' • ; •
r4311;44411solr,tioiiiie ro,r.
1;,,cco,r;-.ong40. ,,.pes reaching
the't# ;Ilion of' the
.hame a
'Itia-01116iev•-ledge ne;.ie,n6,nd''yaitne, aria • ,
Obtained good ±A.1,P...;;- ;tor ;their goods, .
'aeeetatlig' TO 'tire elite's oilIcujrs, '
; Butit pi: iliaIlinos f '9tank, an
1.3\reilich tnnf?0,,ea;;;;, obstrace