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The Exeter Times, 1923-1-11, Page 1
ct lipoolOifilitilo s�J ji Vit. received a` large shipment shi of Staple.goods for We have „1s1 Cotton spring. This m nude. Ii11o1r 'cottons . sh,eetizn s, Oalateas Tickings: Shirt- 1ugs, Prints, Ginglianis, Nainsooks, Pactory- Cottons,' etc., at very very'attrac- ti rprices.L�u4x1 igm. • n hanis _be ore Popu' lar than ever n The new Dress Gin hans.arehere readyfor vet, inspection. Last ,caz many customers were disappointed ovinb to the s arei1,y of g ood patterns later in tile season, We anticipate ashortage again this season <, s Gil ' haus , `�oin Ito be more popular:th an n ever. .We We have doz- ens of beautlfu1 n n s in different sizes of checks an plain effects to select, from, including�fndetison'scelebrated Scotch Ginghams, absoltn 113 guaranteed fast colon's: omespuns i • clearing 'line of excep- tionally r fortunate in securing; a ,' 'vV e were pax ti..ula>.ly; fo g�',, ~ fine dress homespuns, in good colorings, 56 in. wide,-whichh we .p , toe to' or. uich sale at nearly half the.regular prices, are able offer youf q These we will clear at $1.25 and 51;50 yd. aterlals Nowthe'me to buy- comforter materials, 'We have a large range'. ; it 1,1 Y i :. .ice •e to select fi'on1'in 4111,110, sateen, er,c, manyQrany at greatly reduced prices. s sr' ool o ton', h ve both ,vooland-,codon .butting in stock; e bunches. We' have a Special Catton batting. that e G ft. by 7 ft. at •'• .00:p0. roll • 4a small opens u and large ei11ou:l1, Cain • • '\\Te have anany lines of ince goods .clearing 'a ,t greatly red ieea.. Prices:. Ladies 'Fur Coats, Presses, Hosiery, 'Sweaters at a, great saving 1n prlee dor you. 1 .1flg r t',€rg11 :lrli•, VI '''''''''''''''t''''''' ',x Don't forget our Special 36 .59 a yard, 2 Black I pr ess Silk on : sale at only n' ? (A.GE'NTS FOB, 1111;11,3LB T SHOES) gg g gg qq 01116ii1101a . SSSS SSSS PHONE. 32 IMMO isegsalikl ouoiavala OMS a an t�o ey. 0 2 ii( 71 a .r'y'T OUG 3 C)it CI i'I S tCTSI' c to • vl�.{ OT{ BOYS AND lt'I Kiozlc ,Tze Yu It OnFalcon,j. \ie n s 1'.liio Auto C 1,0:. .'0 0 Bob Skate,p'"e: v„) 4r.D 117 t au 3I: i1w'• >SI; 51.00 .L,50 q' 2.5'0 3.50' X5.50. .50c • For the., st time this season. the Exeter' band will be in attendance at the Dente 'rink on "Monday slight, January 15th. 1VE l7 ..orwE TusT Mr. Theodore Grey, of 'London, has .been :engaged as organist of•' ,l"arnes St. ' 3VIeti;odist s;htirch and commenced: his nekvt.cluties last Sab- bath. ',alit. gray has been organist of the Robinson Memorial church, -Loudon, and conies to Exeter very highly .recommended. SEEKS TO 1DJSQ t7>'l`.J:13 r'3a'' :CtrF' 0. (OJ3I FRC,O t (; 'AEA Mrs. A, J, f'ol'd, elf t 3 ?LonUou; ,Road sal ntirtll, !net it rite Lunate 00Gide:lt''on Satttrday oi last ween,:,' Sine was • t leanin 1, a pale of gifoves with gasol ie and 11ad,them on her h, fids whoa in''senze'scanner. tiler caught fire f:ron •the kitchen, stove. She endetvared to Kiat tine faantes out by rolinug her 31ancti; iz1' an cvelcoat° but, the rlaxl es ran jxp her arms. She • next tried putting' dyer hands •in;'a 17jt11 of water, b t ryas it:tiefteetiye Iie'fo,e tae thanes' vyere xr1i � � A xtew €Yai`e.has been opened in. ii . - 3 en 1 10 :11,1 ,,SO3. -1 0, awson jewellery stoic. and formerly ocen plea by Miss Armstrong,, Mi,1 1,,1x1 SL1loitg'tiavin moved info the build ing vacated by Miss Curliss. The lztiiltli ig has Ueen fitted up in a very attractive style. The Cate. was (iner - EW` C7, 11 OPReirtilD f;IcFr:m' ed on, ,.Sa uyday ` with an elataoraite niellu of turkey duck, chicken etc:, and. 0 was well patronized lay the citizens, being particuiarlsr busy Sat-• ui Slay ,aveninn. zr is flat charge of two :f�la5Yla'l' 1.0, extinguished MR'; Ford s bands and- arms were badly burned. Tfor liair..; 'and ,eyebrows, were also singed. She .has suffered '1 great deal 111cense 0inenee, .. ` CKE:n. .Kl¢JACIVE FORA� EI) local hockey league of Si to dens: has been formed to platy a series of games to -5111 11;Tuesday,. Jan. .16 and. end .Feb. 8. There will be three teamS from t0!' town and three' fro ti. 11ze •,coaiininy. They will' go. by the ri,aties' oY. Nagli ; tiollooi, captain, GVr. Zaawsonl;' ltri.dgets, captain E. elL-4" ,, .. _.,, , . __, S e,1, _ Gp Nt D9 g141C 15 �ayGilfi:1 11.tA N 3 P1 (- W. A ,1oh7ns, chief.haggag1enlan on the 0:213. ai. 5l0ingliam,, died sad - deftly on '1louisday ' morn ' from 'heart: -failure: 1\Ir. Johns_` went 'to work. as usual and in a few -initiates I^: _61 Alta and M's !i. I (t ie1Qn ttr R ec`k iv- rx aD12210:531 ed _word on Saturday of last week to come to To=`onto ;at once as their daughter F3fIIOa was in a -ye1�. Leri_ ' e' 1 coiidht4 _A. MMIiss ,-...,ii i LLAT' 3l� 01 012 i RIFs with tumor on . tile brain aril? slight hope., are held ,out for Iter. ,recovery, C0!Th CElL0IU'' 01 91.1 Qr,, Si Councillor 1+' Ellc `ington's clleclue for his salary as councillor for 3922, has: not been caebed and is at present in the hands of Clerk .los. Senior, pending' Mr. .Ellen', 1gtents dooi ,11 acs re its fnu1,1 clispoual.)OIier- 1nlgtozl lna'de a pre-election pledge that :f elected ' lid=Lvould:: serve the rzuliiclpal,it;y free am give his salary. L0' the poor., fell dead '1-1e was a general: favorite and will be greatly missed by a Bost of friends. Ile is survivedby his 1r)-`, vidoty; two sons and three dap.ghters ITe. was an 'active member of the IYtothodist church. '11,10L N Alerts; captain 0 ..Davis; Star, 1isT 112 A1tS tain, V. Pincombe,, ilt.ttiple Leaves, ca:` 1, at1_ti L. Hill •, Rovers oaC:ttin ,.1. : 7 1 1. Th ]. . e f 1st, jury trittii eo^taro place PreSZeator. <'he •games • will bei" in Exeter 01'many years was' held at played at the Dome rinle fromzm 7 to the Division court in the Town Ilan 8 o'eloclt: They team, that wins the most games will be the winner and each . inerber 'of"the, winning team will be given as ;p1Ize, as .soon as they This aye ,declaxed',�vinnens. Cuia shouldr d .certainly create great ;interest and develop some ,. ood hickey players for the futura.Ezc11 team mush have their : pla -ers signed: ned- tip And the S 1 names handed to sl; 111.'',i3oyle by Jan. 28. 0.13.A. rules Will he the order. The committee' in charge -fin be 1 10. Boyle, W. Lawson,' on friday last:: when. the ease of Wih son Black vs, .Lloyd R Son of Strat- ford, came before Rio Honor Judge Lewis. It. appeared. that Lloyd Son's auto truck ran. into a ;cream truck: driven: y file ;plaintiff" spillirg some craam and causing damage, The.defendants were assessed 50.00 and costs. 'The jury consisted of Wm. Coates, foreman, Seth--: Brown, );Tomei' BUS -well, Win, Armstrong' and Ernest: Appleton. 1310. J.C;i Stanbuiy ap- peared for the defondant. Two other Davis, V. Pincombe, L. Dill, E. Presz-; cases wore heard thesame day. One cator; referees, F. Boyle, G. Coch- was in "connection -with 50010 oil that rine 17.: Lawson • .0.. IIarn, ess'� I , � , had been sold and delivered and the :f'. olis. All games -1,0 start :at sevenwas "Njells. b I oil refused, ' The other: v a„ for o?coclr.. Pick- your team. and ,cine, , ..1 ., +' damages from the driver of 1,11 auto out and cheer • them on to victory. who had rn ri into a cow 011 the Lon - The, schedule on-The,,schedule don road and `had broken its leg. Jane 13, -Midgets vs, Alerts 3udg37tentwas reserved in both eases. Jan 17: 7:Stars TS. Ma Pie ' Leaves Jan e v rs , .^ 18 ggli School .vs. Rovers ztzt 2# uas'rs Nlld,Nt„ 1l : 24 i12:l p1e::;I1ea J-'', ' . tliglr .S', .Jan. ZS -Rovers vs. Alexi Jan. 30-12igh School ifs, Stara Jan, 31=A1erts vs, Maple Leaves. Feb., 1—11.overs yrs. Midgets T''eb, 6—Rovers vs, Stars Feb. 7—Alerts vs. High 'School:: Feb.3-llrlidge1s vs. Itlape Leaves STEPHEN COUNCIL .The newly ,elected Council 01 the Township of Stephen convened in the 'Town Tian Crediton, on Monday, January' 8th, 1923, at 11 a,n;. .All. members' were present; ttei each had stbbscrib00 to his 'declaration of office, the minutes ' of the previous: meeting were road and "adopted. Pen3Aale—Hayyes: "That the -Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit to the, Minister of Public Works and I-iigi wvaysof the Province: of Ontario, the-petition p,' of„the-Town-'. shipof - Ste hen= showing that during, tiie period 'from January lst to De-” cemher 31st 1922,,there has been ex- pended upon the Township roads 110 sum of $7,9.21.63 and requesting the statutory grant' on that amount as provided by the Ontario Iligllways' Act and amendments thereto." Car- ried. TT' .es- S. -Weitzel:: "That I3y-lav, 1P 0.110 fur taipOSD'e;LITIr ?I quiet: 11111 prett3re wedding was solemnized at. -1.30- o'clock 113 01. Abd- 1'e'4vs rlltnz•ch, Moosejaw,, Sask., On New years, afternoon;, tl1e. Rev, J, A. 11lac1eigan, I3,A., officiating; When 1Viiss 4gnes Pearl eldest dauliter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Iiyckma,nn, of ?!loose- jaw', and grand daughter of Mrs. Al- bert Ryckman, 'of Exeter, became the bride 'of George Ilen'r,y Ding; eldest t son of the la'te`(eorg© ling and Mrs.,/ King. The Bride who yeas given away l by her father, wore a smart traveling suit of: brown velour and carried ,a t bouquet of Ophdlia roses. She was attended " DY 1 '1r sister, °Miss Ruliy Ryckman, , becomingly attired in a dress of navy tricotiae carrying pink carnations., Tile groom :Was stippoa't- , ecl by his brother, -112r: ' John King. Music ' was played throughout; the ceremony and during the- signing of the register', by the organist, .Mr. C. 1Torc shi e. Following the ceremolry the bridal^party returned t0 the hoagie. of the: bride's parents; Where slapper was served. The happy couple left by ,the` early' evening train amid Showers of confetti and good wishes PA' :5OD. SOLD Dan Patch, t,l-ie Liman pacer, own- ed by W. ,Sheridan, sod,, of lir 0 i1- bert Revl lgto .,, has ben `soiu to 1.,> Colonel McKli'udn, of.Prince Edward Island 0o `'the fancy Sinn of $3,000 - after winning 040' 2.20 pace in the fast time of 2':151/,' 2.14''%2 2.151.. /z, on the Dufterin Park, ice track, Tor--; onto . an ': "Tew Years Day. He has been a favorite among the horse fan- ciers since going to. Toronto fve weeks ago and 00 i'1nor'o nnency than any' of, the 155 dhor•ses listed; taking �b 3 firsts and 2 seconds which is sJ credit to his OWIler and" his trai0ei, ".Amy" 33111 Farrow. KLNCARDI13 MAlI 1 .'s IRE S 11,1T>d1Ju_.��FD> WIPE BADLY WOUNDED George Nelson Ila o0 I~ Y, , incardine, was shot and killed. on Saturday and i his' wife badly wouinded. ''Doldald=P McDonald is in.,, the- county jail;' at. • Walkerton, charged with the e 11'3)110. It seems that McDonald went to the •IOay bonne carrying with -1 n a 22 - 'caliber rifle' and 'a; paper:'wvhich 1110 demanded Kay to sign.: ' On their re- fusal he became anzgered and 00001 l- ing to !hay's;littledaut'hter Mildred t [c77onair' ' hot lien `mother ii ,s 'a` x at ,incl .0i'hen nl..,c'~tre i ea pOil on the :fat;h.-[ 'er. The latter rad 1124 tatirs �,T1d Donald - 00ll- ved "cul ar;lest five shots entered" Ka ''s''body:. Tlie little girl hid behind, a couch until Melon •aid had left the lloi se,and then � tel '- to spend a "short holiday at :Eastern points. On their return Mr. and Mrs, King will reside tin:Moosejaw, No, 301, being a. By-law authorizing'oLn.ule-1 Es :I ',3-30,LECi' 'tl4 the Reeve and -Treasurer .o borrow certain sums to meet' current ordin- ary texpenditnre of the Corporation, hav'i`ng been read three ti 11(0'. ,0 pas -1 sed t'and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the Corpciraticn attached.thereto." Carried. Penhale--l-Iayes: "'chat the fel 10 vi ug officers: he appointed f,I' Ole year 1923: hlhe fight13051ss011, Jos: Gitirlan, salary $850. As all `ternratl. of Ab, Son i le reale in between J. P, M.otier caretaker; Ernest Guettln ger, salary and Dr. Clark, of Goderich, vvhei'eily` -2:1.00; auditors, Thos. Trevethick the latter 'SVO1 by five votes, If, and Fes einan Moriock, 88.00 each; t)ance -,:acting fo):. the defeated canci- 1301rd of Health, , Alonzo I otlgilis' So_,ved Lla,z'ica with not Sanitary' inspectors of health,: I0,. 11'. zd'ati:, �V..�• ,.ult ice t:bis, morning that- as he bad. acted "' Wilber; Cao. Mertl.el; Wal, 13,` Jliver; aS bailiff ,during 1.922, he wouldbe directors of, athletic field, Alec. ;[1, Neob and :John 1nycs;: school a1 t enol.-'� ante oflioets, Id: F t+111,111 Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.4, .rillion:3 ...No. 9 -and 13; W.• B. OliverNos, 1.0 0110 1St Uttio IS 8, 15, 17, "18; ,:Chas. Stelithe,gen1 Nos, 1 6 7, .51,.Union 16, Separate No, G. a1,a111m lStels- Ilectnr 411'cli 1,l, C. Atulc i soil Cecil "Wa11c01 1 Francis, Ir 531a0r1,0u, ,Geo liephurn,ltd, Da,;_ San:',De 1de11 Win. \Vizier,: Obits, 130 Prflanb iY ieb1103, Jr.1''1 <0 int J i1i 1 E�ai<c�txkt ; "I1105.' 'Wein, ,1"ahu 17. hIC 1- lt`' T41, 'tei,5, I IICI1 , 000tabo111 105 01', ('11 tis ,fatlb i 10 11 x10111 w� is o d1, iaq;tift 6td '3d 1Tall, 2'110 ilL, Sr,, Fin3101 F�► t arliy 5ti3rit# ,3 011 50 Yf Iti c1x, Ne`vi, az disqualified from that position and that, ho was5nStrlleted bya 1a;topayer 1,.o",: take proceedin.gs1f 7e (Clark) qualified for the Council ;board. •€)r: Clark admits being bailiff •311 1922, 1?ut` resigned before election time, but Was. reappointed. Ile has 1,1,01{t sofa; 4,17, 1.115 resl(01ai.ion for tile same 1 enson1 and, therefore takes no stock. in' the 'inatter, saying 11001 e as 400 in1g t0 7t, e)tcept Someone 5..' fry Yx101tc a mountain ,'ow,t of a nivel 0 1 Tin'. 01.0101 0 oaf Cbl tsa Cs I)ec :'2'0 10 eft 0'''.'. 1,t. Oa,,1 Zia v1';(1(,iot ,10 1)•,6e)lhk'l'- to'.0', rola (:'J2cl f,toy:1 3.(Ru,I1,' .1r a'tauix771et:'i it; 713 If T obh, W5o' fAFl411 J 1150. ,,Scott 3Ttltrul 17011.1,e' 510 s 1 O'v 1i'it` ,rite Ort 0 1,'i 9x� HURON OLD BOYS Unroll Old; Rays' '"'Association, 00 Toronto, Inailted the 23rd year of its exista100 071' Thursday .dight ltst; 'when (he members gathered 'inn'annu- al meeting in the assembly Ball of the Central Y.M:C.A., -"College -'St. Ad dresses reminiscent, of Iiu'ron County were given by School Trustee, W. O.' McTaggart and' R. ,il.oliaes, ex MP:, of West Huron. Mr. J. 3, :McLaren; presided. The election of, officers resulted as' follows: honorary presidents, ,Sir 1 oh1. ', r1111s00, "W. 0. McTaggart and .:tiotigson president, J. A. Mc- Laren; first ice -president, 11fOS, L. 5 Scott; 'see nld`vice-President, 1VIrs. 10,: 02. Cling; third vice -pie ,clout, Mrs. N. B. Coblileciick; : see , E. 1+ 10003'; assistant secret M. Plynu;iilii,ia1 '9'a 'l0a.cc' 3JesIlitOp treasiurer, :Pv11 ortso0; ,"iditols J. ACato f61i azx( t S Sh'tep:herd executive c,oh'xnlltLee,' J533 itt, ' , i.`1.1t30, M s, Beck, M'054 0<iloodt �A�M ny."��snily Mro. MO1'r3O�1�nt`jt,Ie 'I 1�"ct ate i , 14Int 41'017, � x 0 3 ... H. FV, 16r105,; Efahg, �„ z f�d t?% `,N 1a iP17 1eSi3 aI r14 ;' ti119' 3fir ph tie or assistance„ EXETER SCH aL REpoRT. The .following" result shows the rel- , atire, s7taading .of the, of Room .; V. .of the Exeter Public Scilaol,- t Senior IV,-iougenne Howey 78 :per. cent, Frank: Creech' 74, Hugh CrerecIx, 73, Marvin Howey 68, 1vlarjorie 'Clark 64, Kathleen 106510040 63, Marlo2ic,'Medd 63, 'Jldna'Rus'sell 62, Florri.e; West 61, Mabel 'Winegarden'`61, ,rages Go':rear 60, Muriel' H'ownld.`59, johns Kuntz 58 Tcddie Taman 57, ' Jack 001rbril'1•, 55 Reggie 13,eavers 53 lova Betts 51, 3301 Betts t" 44. 1.;. junior IV. -•Vert \looney 69, Lillian Baker 68, Vera McDonald ,66, Ir'win. F ord; .65 Doris Salter 63, Lyle Di,n,-_, 'ney, 63, Stella Northcott 62, Edith Walter 62 Harry te.rming's 59, Aicta, ihEcD1ohald 58::.1-Iarold Skiaryer 58 Greta Bloomfield 57, Wanetta Nelson 55, Catherine Woods ,54, Nona Reeder 54 Sydney West 53, Ida Mitchell - °505 Irma Bierling 50 ,Clifford Hutchinson 44, 0. 5, Howard, l'rul;cipal i 14a,(%7.,ti 1,111011 1011 og'o r 1i1erohaa.it of r.tr1'�1'51, cri t • 01' x1S'i11,'3.:11 5,11, 1�'C.i", t .�'"�,. 1115 :'Ci 33y �y '� 4 1otlrecs, 51,`'111x. b11, 111w eaiue to bon .00 01 'sI ling 5 e?Ts, Ile. ,is s . 0115 131,'1' 1 T51 O3 � ri,Gh ��{,.$� �x • SSSS oi... liid�"r n* ciauglrterS ,Tome N tar:r�� ' IDett oft acts a z eliianli . •�u'e�� '�rb'r 'lt1.0100 101 liltei" a1= 000i'13 '05O1tnprR hF 0o1S tbr5 The the- ye`' meriting ''at 7 f in• of ''the 105111be,'w Of . Councillor 11.': 6111056 to ty11F1'� Jas 1+ note, e00sted, 0 A> w3 0lr pra;y0s, , 13 eve;; gratulated 1,h a` 11,0tnb01,' o elected by acoh'n n m"< ado Plea 001' 06 01101'713' 5 Gi11y '1; NY,' iia t1tF 01'411, Ic 'W as do fel'ent ceinn11ittee sam ti o's .e ..1<asG. adjourned te' nneet W fug - r 1i a 3 DANS. OI`7T Y Ladies' find 1Tnss�s Den si l 'r 57 to ,40 _01:., children's; I acs fon 0 1.40 to., + [; 1 old ladies' 1 bout -lett: ., Sport•;ITTets $1.75;" 1 Necklaces c.: l e''r s 35c for25c .:3aG Stamped I.inei!S' i • bies' 10001 0oate3, ,bo' nets, etc. @-'?syn, sday FRT., Miss. ob- 10, 53: 4, ,7,44111 ileOrnal slli0t 19 Is Now C =pert Day a NO' D01113T .1)" AIvEl IkIrkKtl\TG STUDY oro 13..I6ST 1"-t11111 CENT Olt' ,P110T1111 NI), 01 PEE 011 A FO ractib `Jt