The Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-28, Page 6Butchering Be•cipes. ..truakinrc material, whether it be thea
retired int., stexrilize^1 glass c:.rcass of the anneal or any pert of 1
Lard £ the ea_eass, er fats, of whatevee it!
saes 1;ofare it is cool, Fesled it z:z-edi ,•a
a-e?y, nee = stored in a ccol, dark place, may be, should be cooked, if possible i
Neilfresh and sweat ser yetlre., t 7 til the bones dissolve, This. "fl
wit •ee:p course, is rather a to eroeese natal
without turnirgsfeet:tl, . , the taut can easily be none
IDcclaled pigs' feet: Clean the Ir/gs a: open kettle, , nettle, , !
feet ,•. : ,:r " , boil frcm iota. to with a stearal pres,ure tette f le1ea
si : i•1 .t .,hay ill 1 c a • the sreduet is thnreul;•hly cools ape
Sae heirs.e 4pend'nt-, on ,f -e aii3pacs •,-'nn the melted fat off the tole ands
Sae; ween aiaa:it half {lOnle. elem. �„
tet a Ioro• s vessel stege jar prefer- r?arife be ti',.it:'r• one posit of cold'
redInglis v with ho: ap`acei weter to e,<ee-s two ••r Ogee pounds1
eat ur.+t eover ; of melted fat, The fat will s olic?lfy ant
• e tap a s car tie tip of the water inti the other lea -
'SeeI ferlRin awe perk b temps tenial will be left et the bottom ox{
1; � '; r Bees, tains by cuttingraineeto to water. To every ;even po`ands o* t
►rine:: an c , frying until r,,tlt: pound of lye dis-
ne ray lean bra -i +lane, then canon g icer area fat add ons'
. <.,.. , >�' oras:In
€�:ed in three quarts of water, and.
r e,
ten e , ` ° ZE ee over
a etit until it resemble hone}, -.are, Uai
x �.rt�::,,p, �,�::'.ng :,aril o, er t73ena. Do
be taken that tate tut t
An inter.collegiate hurdle race, keenly contested, at the tautens British
iversity.. Four peen are caught in "a unique litcture Sbanving them toppnal�,'
laureate together.
is not took he
flu - . :,.she Haat, eret;gh for one cr lye is rear<IAd, Pot: rite
L ' Let when the .y e
twee ea -nee e stirs ear, a� re meat reextun'e into \roa•len or paetebodtd T T ..
trio l; s p after th tare is rE-
ku�-tits or granite pans. When. scii,rc:sti
F 3 eF
[➢ k Ft
t i QF el
at its -ter
mann years—as well as the C p drttc g c;le a }
eaF.. they
t stir t
s•r'r r Barri, crit it into ssltt<=res. Tie vessels
�,- f
+r 5 r. 4 a
S. pgi4: L , e _ s .. fee this p irpo,e.;
eh a.. , ' ..,r•,1 the 4ine way as ihez, i neer be u e
this �, ripen a month or
iO t Annual Meeting
of Bank of Montreal
Sir Vincent Meredith, President, 'rakes Vies; Teet en the,Whole Tracie Can.
ditione.More Satisfactory than a Year Ago,
sir Frederick Wiitiams•Taylar,,General Manager, Shows Nese city for i°ring-
ing, Down Cost of Living in Canada eileviews Features of Annal:+i State.
At the annual
i ieentr Nle ,tithe Sart. of imperative
should be redtic {} to tt a lel,cost
prey re,
the },rrrstdent, in his :address• gaite a at any rate, 4f kl:4i'_ at,taln➢nS an th
eoniprehensive review or Canadians and I:rSited States.
foreign e:onditlon and said the outlook Ser > redertel said 'In part
was for reasonah.;r pr4itehle opera- - `ti;^nada's economic position '•• not
tions to most lines of business. l isfac-
tory. ctah theXwl ale ammo ivo ld out
' e4r'$ Dl ' Oloptaefl ,
Retorting; to some of • the develop
..tents Of the year. sir Vincent said in
pa'.t' been =nde in the
4tatements hatC
public: pre=$ oy uninformed people that
debtors, especially in the West, aro be-
ing subjected to undue pressure by
Banks. Loan Companies and outer
creditors. So #ar as this Pane is eon.
latitude every
loeend s Wren tol debtorsR reat cancticie. cermet go ahead again a:, y"e
s•ho, through bad harvests or other ehoaaki while taxation and the cost of
mischance, have been unable to meetilla•irs Pre higher in this courrtly thou
obligations: Thi. is and at all! thrc 4 �S are in the thetee states of
time g
times has been the p poli of the lana, ➢ e„a
and never has that policy been more ,•t rsa tda is one lh beat co countries
forcibly impressed upon our managers
than duxrn; recent ethical years. In
antwor PUo Uv sxai W0r eecr ty
'•Banks are bufitnessct not benevolentR and `ro'n:fort it to an c, rutty r iu'l•re as
➢ eon+i' -^ ed with II:etrc,l,e --runt wo o „ st
institutions. They are expected to ]ray §trot F*unci stx�l, and i,t s rdex to pr ugrQ ,s
tt ' harehoidQrs :b >•easOnabla r tnrpx"the 4'u:E of ]Acing attd Fag :.fon rt,.tr:% ba
o: Pint? As As everyone is aware, our
troubles have partite bees the result of
this universal condition; Partly the re.
ai4it of the war. It is well, helve; er.
ti, bear in mind that , Fri" problems ars
largely or our own creation.
' Rradjrxsttnent will come in time, for
this Is a Count•-;• of virility and u::t-)bt
1•esaur•ees; yet one thing stat4:is out
stgaalt}•, in ray opinion, namely, that
xe-r s
R tiietr t;ti Whish includes ere i d➢n/Mist:ed; otherwise c eJ alit fait to
., ,,. 'a7• t t
o a t i
t r t ,4
c ng X ti n _,,sn3 a
:t a w} � R
.r F
St Account—the,
i o. t s alp tri tpe i k Th fate or dti'ldend t9 r.aE ,rt ase1 population.
t i+ c. a ,..34 t1e newer a sO that the Ivo ti 111 ttonhe to short Me done nt got • s n, t3 and
-,r°, i eat 6 t:tF• i•F•'t>''. kl:wl••jv':"-1
meat. .. 1tAf of ➢.. �
... ,. owes to skarehoi'c rs 1>➢ C4,10i:,n l::uiks une: a trig teAe�her, neeeSS y.
i aur5a•ttiallt F,,, th,[t, that made i,yi '!p• )))))41 WS "c se-4.oer•tcli Mated
TSF Ye;,il\-ex a 3lirro:•. ,t
i ir,ag,in4citntia,•�, a, tare«,i Lr,t,.Sno tn'tt tlu� warren In Eirt•uulih the
believes!: 1rat1
: is ,. ... l the,
Pot* o • • are
t:c.--. nSin. .. �. ..
t,_ •. •e i into ,`t indeed \wttlt the i nem. As •r. miter of tact, the di t t to ("'[e y that- rat
it;c ;n wee > .i norm-
"r; :;iFe lot: x1131 n'.k•;t teen the i
,i a. tore _
ccrtal111} has not prryccd so t4ti i S 3A R l C+ter t+. an
encourage caFttai tt, seek the battik➢>►4 ` site it.t•e.,:r ➢s ,tcaa bine t"r, itiri 114.11e r, sit
-. r t , ^-F., t..^ S:a"."'1 5. •.. _ e .. het l -n ail
E ati:YlY meat, Be crate t4 :idci h yll ser one el' til • Si lat`;t or t'te ZnStC States: ; bpF,i:q 3timer sine igi4 Harm, be
, itl� r : tit'ai of 7+t4ixtL"• ;hast ,,vl(tlied
t,� tali' fhro ,eh the
•n, i S ,, ,g„ ir]<- rel^rt�fs 1S illlatris-7':• l�,r*. rl a taken as t, i
.r,. -Jit a pe ?t" , • scare reel i 4.:. v i's' a nearer; �' i Mr l• r f the i-'ilt, f iti beetling
,,. will form, salt- n..,.. 1 tc'`ta
errs ,5 4 f R l
al;snl[ nee [�et•St".' .rata, r -i.. -
4 ,:x,{ . ., r •,i. tela grains n,s natal.'
t adcheese: Trate e me -
ion ri t 1F
a•:a , •
lye' erne t)leateoK. WILLIAM WAI.iX,lt
. larva:tali! Yl^•Cs. n
•* F 7
In p . e.
844 t �
ti , c,t' rt
[ aR to l
s - rt
teenager .-, ,.S
Ther, general ^,' 71. T r
tic .
,tieuiat t} 'with + i 5:,rats ; t r d n , , l , s; n 4t , .rzte7xer'cl;tl l.: e416+
scare tw{•Ii r grains tt 114-'vbelie
twelve 1,ini „ �' water a`i;l hen. :. that if 4`aliada.• were tG n:ah.' the pro -•.t luxe gacil'.'..... •
i ti. h„{ ..113x,_, r k +^�al3yrl4ht bF tine ltiitasou Book Company s schictr ttlaF all hoped far it rtes ..».' .,.,t•-
I# in u,l
t•i , I ” ' ''P a; il''TEEN--(C�ont'd.1 I;an:;y cif house until my eat•'t; freeeri A lc.
T ,:• c
fuel seal: Ot'A"r:if.;iat n•i tYanter to , ti; h.,ll=*:l" a+ 1 CI �,l T'1;• ,: rtittal. atter that. a tt-1. 11e.on„ , flynnn here al,ottts, . ,ltd I r -,n
nn tic;4ti*7', ;irsl {a1:...nus
'..', le n reek ,l: "livaal" L;3I1kniil nee. geunte{t. *fin, tixa,:v to the pun ilals4r- Signed this kite Af v�tl Ic"t me ut; pick Jenninlies
. "r: C. '1�,,4 t','tl ria k ett'� { r is dein a,:.t t :tet ,
,, , ,, .. F. ' ere- threw you 'ter for haft turnpike ° t1 wile`theali of :� �terust in the year v;i;lr 1 " e a i feet,- Neet rat c "t turnpike d
• ri
'Q •p\ '•* • ,ry 1 flit;
.. .p:.SAr i. ., •,�. , 1 3. R cn 3 * e •I n•
�, ; l rl' Jud to run fish for me.'
A Priceless i ;•E --s ee,
A h'1 lg diepaelietl it; A price -
f C i tt'4i1SLIEO. Sere ser ea .Age
T'l' rlit§ 'tt�n',t>•i, eel to s7iSllr�4`t s: sept;
a „r , t ix4 ars §hitt k, w
of water; bin 1
off l'.f ili,r and } 't c C r1 t,e n' •af • ,. ti.`ttie"r o' h:' ieldinr a' [it mIR,-n, tt
tri -3 t',.? ?!, xa�, Itn 1 • ,.* t,, ;'i the 1=n'S?R'ln T. i }e7.itN 1 nit ,C ,-,-: t-.. ll t the property eel t
e w t s • :..r, s emelt one an..- Coulee rap het'e an' teas n:
a'ta e' !C`'c'9t nee, la:fr'" l i 1 Sr me, ag3di$t' kali `w .a►k'•a• next add cne j°a° `k•" -t rials-l`talli I tarsi)' •
s t 1, h >, t acltti.•n . ]
The ales "
Iaiitlt` A ilann fare -all -az
ts, make twee:, of:➢i e,, ,te, > cne thousand Dike hundees and te# t , a 5 r i a F n 2,. tees t' , • t ' tits alti i" l tie blow in 11iin as n y,n .4113 1 «
•an mixt 1 a 1 y sailer with 'l lnu h
, ,t use f:;, solei. ryanent on T%1" t ,eat all n� rat Gamma l
ju r, . , In ,v a ended h What d � e•
, Gap gin Itlog,sins 14 , a slnw, ins: 'tt:.
Is. • able s n eT "Ill * n
t, �: !eine ether t+-, r. �.�• . : ,. ,. ten auncR. eta fill a ?ral.tton• Good
ar ll need them tate,
45n,._t n:t,at. c.,inti, r,,z,lnstak to _, Pp tee on want with t?tom
Pet :.Da^.' Go?t..a, -a:: •AC kd�si\ �'` tl?:St d. . .,„ t- mid iiili'•Sl intlan�I7?^ Lee Ilnl't. sill het; iii for, tnnRnn A In 4
•- r�i raiun'A slid handed the paper over..
an\-tva Ain't Yon got th t big vry
'ltii:h th{e• pule age a P ;, f `sal?'> „" ~;;xnitary, uald 1,ea11; conA: r•.4 1'l .
• tie iS^e e i •11ne business, appy felt, "0 Ye, re '' It eh t I n
�' tell;;: he wee in zt lrsait3a11 to a�Inpriintc,l of a � ..
piietl ran', ' to ffl t a rei['elsesi 1ltL E!
for llF "> �•At: , la one or tilt'
..a . rut'
, lie �.,a
a tlra.l t n a1n r• _g tone nAtl•ln flaying by hntsott, 13r Yc��tscd �u
Nft'..i ..t..:•,}� .'9"y; . (ewer nee LR•i eeseet. - - l;e t, tnfli parte the i�.. ,,,, a ,.. Spanish -Stier ch > 1 1 A ort ilx+%e^i:9i7 tii:L'i. I,dB
• .�; , f! .. , tictr, t. p-„..{i,iie-t til{•, 1,t.t\\sera a fox fin' Jca:y and ►e, And the young, fisherman l :r -,n,a (ewer ,. , L c -.r e,, ;, ani nus ,"., . - te d tell 'how-, jarred a little upon ti;'esth;nver, lett he briglet .i3A t,]chpnhe
r^rl e•' e , • f3r;t ;z11a1 ^a'a.r.,. 1 . 3,St1 Sl a i4\1t'i it,••"l., :,a, but he > , {tt➢ situ, i hiS prupasltton. "
pretended not to notice the e•ie?eil' ro<xnac 3 tea Ili413t tip .�
ti- t <ar t 3 { uPrank .l u g
c . ,,, t» t r •oil 6alq• t leer tate r -.r - iat� a CR •t-ttn Ptng ,1 nigeh, q ser •In the words. al
r1 :E�fLE' :Sits« i :1 �?t,•' 'r, Sews rare 'sof:lf.`i4!t1t water. O'o $ 1,`.ythl a {,an. ,; n eat a sun figang ,4 .a
-�.: ,r' *' -ere 4r+ blow ow „nytlllln t3bOilt it, inn .ilii on the Sandoz,. "rain v� ifU git za f;
Pt°ti n ,,] laza. ,.?., t.. ••a*-, i i:sic. a couldn't ha th ,, - .e T .. err
^ .. ... t, male tta.,tr stat
.•�' :• .• , _
date Ate the 5twa1, aaAil�n t ie , . : ., then : txtn114�i over,
tYne.a->ntsl.e in ti hrrterin
,r t, eel S, <":x: t7*h;• nn. ;i r - ! , .• is {alCLtiiv s canwa:-- it ud ,, Alii
•- ., . , .. . •�...a.+ . .. ° - , , - l .. tell ane` . - ...� r teal allot-; . F alt knew the - Art a
en. c-rze £e.r,,c. pea t `,. ,n -akjitx:nsnrareful.� strop a uead-eke. Lei holt nkeni man of About faap`>,-five-•snag Ri:t^' was a cle�vn• aims in his own
per `x '`'1'• tt a,lx a' r Sato r- they lav the hla . t31at ?" ? latter astonishes] at tare idea, and sti*I \my.. and he was well lined by the ly Inottler : "1 -le see;]:� ter ale en-
„ d that � 'tri
is ed f.r making the ser utiong. About -tee et of ver 9 fur, ail s lop
- h 5� nets but dux
1 tl]a, des c :1 e trio. :rste cl e:i ..;,,, .t, �; en t -m of the "Tn4lee.L I cotllttnt, Cttiien> ;iris• nna$e ast•allasie.t when he hear t ria L013g 4;, -one folks, but he had a rcolltn •., o�ir,n ln.nnselt:'
. ? t , eon ret
tl :s r. i • f t- "I dadt ,being,3 ° �
d l 3 vessel tie th hole off
•sr..:` i3�r ,iris -ran z ao..,f:.�. To ' er 1'hon+arl be vectors 1•ra kin niystn 1'`1 stint ti:ey had already piwetnse..:t titian of a' as e
t «•, �,.. + •,, ,t •., �, altNeese. la➢, t,I1411 t ..krpe,,. she nef'llf':}, "He's gra:
.a ;;:tet i:l.,e or
brine err , 1 t tie'] want t' stror a deet! -eke zn 1 the land ter svtry for the bust• the ;tor' -west It.`dge „ Ira ray di:s]sa> itlicei.
tan s , during the interview he was' ttjl gal, it's too ln�d ire a^rmitxi7e1, p1 .. ► •t e
peaseen a for ewe: 3 31rt 1 J::t :c of lncat two drain, e,f each Nil. silver
a ptzte;n\tthe's' bill ' ` z vst 'be caV1atm' to da a tr9g Bonn tuueh belie ,e o• to b
• "rains ^twelve pounds each or acs,,. ` , s The titch in which the No, nor anyone else. But very non-e,ommitta?, „I to sail fin-, t4Y° n ra
' aF , tap, n elf er '1' feet .. gt,arc•, h marten• o' a four -mast abomination all think it over a Tait first, h busaieas, eh . doral ltalrtiu titan to lac herrn rich!
:Mane ,: riekle of three and n4 h Gi:verity is d:,n ehsu11 be only ll, an' he cptrieu'ail , t`an I'I1 be letttn' ye know in a' The orator grunted, "Aye,maybe,” +' 1)o you knave the ataxy ►,f the
peat:, •r cart, one and taisyrup,� are' ere'°tr er than the plate. ];Deas -\suers an' jib Y frank Gook
or ,s. one 'Mee 1~ p ehinin' it over me what was rhowin' dal" or so" That WAS all they could ,
p,ountls of molas,.e;1 syrup, , ittw bis,�uit in s p ;ket Ship's fo'c'sle re4 out of him, ' yell git that contract?"
decte,r that he wt1uL�! 1tult5ver it
an long Shot, t'D'ee think° sick king. who was told by his
t,;:r,> • .:o?Lp.'tt^r, rine quarts cl` water.' S • r to Satisfy the Sweet F,; Pcaizody oft afore the.^.t On the Monday, while (:,li tori•.. The older ratan looker] up :h;lrply- rte slept in the shirt of ak happy
un �i hen and Where Y eo o. _ ver thou ht, of. Yes, bay' Clark and Jules were buy tr.insport.•,,t`g hat eontrtet?" 'he asked'.
p tml sole e tiw>lt .trice crate of ixfty looked 33 "Didtl't� man? Messengers were tient to
Pootli stxjer wa4 e e g 1 d tl 1 d' for the•
.n;n=`,s of meet. ala, e the rattier in t< Ztse made sailors in. any day—real inl; lunt''uar clown to tel an tiiresti river as surprised.
F Seger is an energizer and so the „ procure the garment•'dirty t:o:lllt
et� n.• ex or bent sed buret, and.,, s•.yara• ring -tail sllell�barks-- purpose of cairstt~,tctlnt a fish hedt"yeFchear alloul it?" ,
> r e .,•. :r, acture child has , ee \\Teeters or Denny Frank Fes cut, to interview the Ra tvnari---erno, I h -,yen t card lint only rine nem wee fiduntied
v:t Thi to meet text, tin with .., hoard, ,,, running, none a yCYi Paddy
t pickle =i f sweets than the adult. es Liverpool talk= A.B,'s, But fishermen to make lois contracra with ria\vl'nin'. What is it?„ 1 Out ho was happy, cant; loci wan a
gib,.. tette. Pour in ;dust enc.. h nee, o Dein P
aeger is that the may ease re a smart lad, Weallaver•--a thein, Long Dick Jenninga was the; «n'yo mean t' sz, ye <lan't i:na\v, tl rnlp Nhta i ad act tun i F1
# , wa :n'r the anisate Leave the meat in The h e:ntest d Y y ' first man he apprcaehed, .bunt that big drie,l-fxsll. contract?7' We can all :earn to t•t:ttivate tl
is vel": three days fc: ea;h pound kill the appetite n1 other more nutri- sn'art lad."„ ; tr. e•r•g for startin' ;i fish ltus'i^ocs, �,.,
the 1 y u awl n wholesome foods which build Thank you, Gap> en. t ,�„ Itinrg5 baked narrowly at Frank's l eppy attitude toward life. Hall -
meal; a ten -pound ham �t t.u,d be do a t,An' y e Want t start a business S,iorty ; er cl:time.i �, that, worthy,' face. "Row did you git to hear about piness is tee best doctor in the
lett in the pickle fcr thirty days, and the :and attract the organs of , It , be asked slowly.
1 functitln, covin as \vheat and milk and
whore. Feuer ; 'semi lias, ill Ixtd. Most . scrr4tchang Ins head. "Waal nvw it▪ 's q , "Oh, „! world.
a ,•i i -printed bacon, eighteen days , sensible thing I've e h arca n man say for a laity 1 did t know sooner, fox eve. Sl*eathaver laughed. Qh, 1 heard, Smiles are u great tonic. Hap -
R' thatl ll all' tt , l tad a'
After the meat has been in cure• a vegetables and fruits, along time. Any plan what std go t' ,promised Cap en rang ' se he said. D yc roc on yes n ;nom& and smiles do Ilat, how
take it all out of the jar or'° But sweets have their peace as fuel sea fora linin' nowadays 'ud go tp - my flab t? him this winter.”
: chanst?" p
i theand energy, hes des the joy they give, hall fox est ai, t- tthat s a fact, ' Ye clad- ejaculated Frank. "That's «'Bout as good as " He stopped; ever, hikes the place of oacrrgti
hilar£?, remove the pickle, repeats bp seem en1.y, Seryl' 130 began, but Frank, sad resalutian. But yeti can ire
moor, weight it down, and again pour and the best plan is to give them tole slapped, and seemed vast in re - ,too bad, Sow about dud A2oametl. « '
the Anne pickle over the meat Ise- children at the end of the meal v:Iien flection, and ' esthaver watched him,' "lie's made a contract es well to \neat \vttlkang .\ray*. both ]iappY and euert;Atic unit
P what 11 h curious colic•'sell th' Rings s' ' "Waal I wish ye luck Cnp'en" he resolute.
peat scorn week until the meat is the appetite is satisfied. If these wondering
Nos going to 1ea`d to. When "T•arnatianl" Westllaver was non -
"It'll be a big thing." And
\e l
cinnple, wholesome confections are was cogitating over West v
a'zd, theroid man sp g g g
Ibr dry cure, using molasses, mix, chosen they may safely be used far
to be a strange note in leis voice. •• !about teener ]lever's words, the latter snot laugh-
•that goes with an apple or orange or "1 may s 1ppnn my � in
p g , an• time now," be said. "I'na about . "Tom Archer?„ bintfi, .
r,' the ^lass of milk. for my long port, I ctrl'Irate, 'butt "Yep," nxrswered the long fisher -1 "-So Cap Ring's. plannin' on gittize
oke: again, there seemed plussed, "An' th';Muise boys—how. ,b• Rin
thoroughly three and one-half pound theforenoon and midafternoon snack,belshackle 'most I "All selltn t'Ring."sell to tee fish Company over to Bay
to himself over Ms conversationetl„
c° salt and one c,unce each of salt -part,
peter, red pepper and black peppe �,
Add one and one-half pounds of warm' People's natural tastes, what they 1 don't Rant no sky -pilot daneirt' in, man, expeetarating neatly at a fly same big dried fish contract, is he.
es emix until it assumes the like, must be considered in dietetics, my wake with, his devil-dod'gin Yarns. crawling o°ver a log, "All th' staved But he ain't gat it ,yet, 1 wonder now
.nota -ex staid an' ' ' ' jest what it is?”
e p xratin of sawdust. ei Apply a lib- and it is a wise mother who sugar- I've got let asliipmaies in Cap R ng.
He's nn n'nt' d sell
a b g ried over a poi?sibienselution, hhe had
pthere's plenty Y, an'
oral coating of the mixture to all sur coats her theories, gratifies the t«hi1= I"iddler's Green as 'nil testify to or 'business, 1 unders�tan , he got after some satisfaction in knowing the x -
faces cf the meat, excepting the skin, dren s taste enough to sustain food Bluenose Crawforei when Ino steps up. us alI while you was to A son why the other man bad refused
alien place the meat en a table, clean interest and makes eating a pl�easuxe•But afore I go, I'll leave all my gearlTue Lday" T join in. If, by any Chace, he did not fe]]ott+ creature.
favor, er in a hardwood barrel, after without making it a menace, This coiled clown an' canvass snug. Ye want Frank was srestfailen. With .the get it, it was possible that he would Who did not prefer pato fresh water
first s;rinkling the surface of the can be done if ways and means are th' lower.'• field, ye say? Waal, he'll beat fishermen tied up with: a possible be only too glad to get rid of the eta any other drink, -
tanbl�e. fitter, or bottom of the barrel considered and. a little aiplon-lacy ' need t' buy th' whose place, this house rival—,and' Frank had an intuition hermexi he had contig tea is t,uy Who fawned upon me while plan-
it; salt. Leave ail the bleat in cure used. The desire for sweets may he". an' all, an' yell let ane live here free o' that Captain Ring had something up j fnoln, and ESrank consoled himself with ning to destroy me.
u ;.. '1 piece satisfied with a in. in ener Trent until of Bosun Gabriel pipere my his s-eeve whteh kept him from throw- the idea.. Who ate unnatural and highly sea-
t,pt.,. ,aited ants. the heaviest pee safely\notch below. Whet dye say? ;Ong in his fortunes with Jerry Clark; Por the balaiace of the week Frank,
ha ken in ter a period of one and a and no lora in health or appetite for. "Waal," said Frank hes`itatlingly, snide himself—there waned only be the' caned food concoetitl>is.
Half days ,a each gerund. Thus, if everyday foods. („ '?" p slimily Solas, Uncle Jerry, and a curpen�er !
Who deliberately destroyed her un -
haw much all ye be aslcin . eves -el to depend upon for a sli ly of burned themselves in + aiistrueting a
the hoariest ham weighs twenty'; "Teva thousand do11 Ui—libvse, fish. And before she variant be reeleon h�rge two -storied fist. shed. The lower born offsprng.
pounds, leave all the mit in cure` Along -Lived Cake, Flavorful and ,grounds; an' all. Yell need a. place ed -with, she had to get a gang to fish fiaor was to lie use for cleaning,' Who assumed a `"holier than thou"
thirty day_. Meats cured in sweet Rich- " like this when y -e splice up with. Den -tin her. ' washing, dressing, and eadtuig the fish air with his. fellows.
Ceaten within « foe' gal. Th' furniture is t' be Sold, "I'll, go• an' hen another talk with as s�olon as they were unloaded from: Who boaeted of les pedigree. or
pickle or brine m the be This is guaranteed to keep foe, , , given to of ,Tone thatd,,Cap'en Ring. Maybe he'll be forthe boats and vessels upas bored ninety days from date o cure.' several weeks. Mix two cups, of p'a'stry^ s v carnn' inl with us:' i utilized for' stacking I have never meta "lower" animal
(To be continued,)
WIIcC Animals 1 Have Never
I have never met a beast
Who decked itself, in the skin of its
f an th money v ' me with stories of his prawe`t•'e.
Meats cured with dry cure may be flour with one-quarter of a teaspoon ( Frank nodded. The pries, was erg I floor would be•
reasonable, as the house was a good, But when 4Ves:h aver broached theFand ,storing'the driedt an salted hake, who would not become my real friend
consumed immediately upon removal fol of salt, one teaspoonful of baring; fliers were fully sixty acnes s°ubleci, the other man shook his hcan.;haddook, eod, and pollock. I'lle build-� in return for kindnesses shown him.
from cure, but the flavor improves `soda, one teaspoonful of ground virinae' of land which ran from the shore to' "I caI'latn I got eno h t'• do my -—David Lee Wharton..
the mountain behind. self,,, he replied, "an' I ain't pIannin' ing of. Placed elosewh:enough to etre
with age, and the meat is better sixty; naani, heli a teaspoonful' of allspice, , head of the shush wharf so f labor and lame •
that shote_
days after curing. Dry cured hams: one-third of a teaspoonful of mace "What d'y'say ;" — , in joinin nobody."a all th'fellers Minard's Liniment for Warts.
keepthree « piglet, rim I'll buy et. .I dt, canis "You got hold ' 'would be a minimum abeitween shed and leave `been known to or' one-quarter of a teaspoonful of claves, A.11 r g , y „ in transporting
- i ' Clearof doinga from tih.e sera during What is believed' to be the oldest
olid the er'
four years. one cupful of washed eurrants, onion' fix it up with you on SatttrdlaY• ,
by-products: All soap- The ad skipper grunted,.. "MO's'
Butchering by p p cupful of seeded raisins, heli a cvp-ieettled then, Captain Morrissey dont'
fu1 of shredded citron and a quarter aft '
vessel and far" enough hack' -to be
In Use for Over 25 Years.
i finger my money e£ I kin help it. YellI
a cupful of minced 'candied orange'.give Ino a cheek for tilt' whole ammiant, •
peel. an' I13 live in this lionise litre til I
° Cream half a cpjrful of .leo with .lip: Th' nioney'ull go tth' Saiunlors';
two-thirds of -a cupful of brown sugar OrPhan .Society 'over M Liveipoe1: i•
and add three beaten eggs, hale a sup- Good day, rn'�1rad, -a -good' luck t' y'el" 1
fol ode; dark modaaees anti half a tea- Azad Frank left the old: sailer—'relic
siaoonftil a orange exdtraot, •Oomtbine:'oi .'hoed, daring deep -water type now;
the two mi,'ancl, adding half a' oup-1 extinct—with feellingsi of jay at his'
tui e -f mtl'k, and beat well. Oil ` two - moa a cher .,aeteri e by g all d asl tieing
pens thoroughly and line with palp`er, I ira!seibie, enanky, and: impossible to do
pour in the mixture and
x�tu stearin foe- business'with.
pb business '
one hour: Then set in a slow oven1 Mrs. Wes�thavea, Fr�am+k, and Uncle
far an extra hour. ` 1),o not cut for at II Jerry drove into Arieihou'vil•1e nextday
i least two vreek,s,
41E1=4 1
and •-the mother made •arrangements,
for a sum of five thousand ;dollars to
be transiferred over to her son's, ae
count at the local bank, and on the
Saturday Wesihlaver went up to Cap -i
For an AChin Jotl'iit1 , Rhea M.Paderews i appeazs'ta be acquir-
eg, LI r a (� j $ } trig as high a reputation as a hunloaist
�C krain Crawford, and gave larnt a che`c1
cf'abi , Ltil>alb an GO as he has -won as a musician and a `
'for site sem of two thousand ii�ollars.,
bei s e- a Iteme4Y1 patriot, His Tatest e`�ample of wit The deeds were in possession .of an I,
n S{ the ilea tf71]Q: comers' to us from the United states advocate in Aiicharvitle; and the.•old �
""�"�" ' . noire `o' the Cove meat
Si bottles foo. Five Dollars..' . os•ch. it was during this visit • about the sale. 1 An Icelandic Lc.wmaker coast.
go Y'ess�el-fi.shin' now
1X B Dania "I'll give e a bit of a note, of ye'Il 1 ' Rin has got them' ow shore
M. „
and Mr. Lamroech, who ramie the in -1 ceerp ,; her of the upper mouse of the Abtuig,c°,,-, • Alin' all' week t' find
e b'
calci he., "That'll Alen' for trim: Hev Ye any. idea what
onti� e •it i7h' ,clever Icelandic womap, who is a mem 9„
j spring titles end inslaoxe gal Be- church in the wbonid is at Beifont, a -
Bind the, shoed was the flake yard, ea- fes, miles cue •of Louden. The ohuroih
tending up to the train lab ea good'` is reported as being over a thousand
two- aoree—olid when the fish curiae in
they "would be pre�paared and salted in years olid. On the grounds` right be-
Ithe building and spread upon the lath- side the church can be seen a :enigma
built flakes toy dry in the ,stun. specimen of a yew -tree wiu icla is re -
Frank had informed" his uncle of ported as being older than the church.
Captain Rinee determination to run ,
his own. businesis, and lue also men Community- breeding ad''; cattle has i
timed' that the beat fishermen had ell beeli undertaken. in the districts os5
been secured by the other. "It't too
bad that he prefers to keep out of our TuTt1!efheld; and Aneroid, Sask. - Both
the 'A
Ayr -
1 4u a �aclaY'
s"ices aN
these disrtr p
concern,,, said West/laver, Brut' we
don't need to worry. What : fls'h' tee shire as the -breed to be raised. Per
git from. th' voseee elle keep tis aeggin' the Turtleford disrtriet eight carloads ,�
pretty welt], of we kin git •a gang :for -of . high grade. Ayrshire females have
her.„ been pl.n1dhased in the Province ` of
"That's- just just it," remarkei Uncle Quebec.
Jerry. "Where are we ,goi.n' ,to git a
gang? Ef, you or me was r'unnin' her
ourselves we might get men•,. but with
a green skipper Like Jwies there's li-
able to•'be• se'r-ie'detect:Ay. We'I3 hey
topc pick up aisor4wd[ 'up an' down th'
8 alp] for One i�f1Yl>1T^ tivhere he was styiiig with Mr, Prank shiprxuaster promised t o write to, hint s""---""6"•••••--
that Cowden
thewski was introduced to g y Madame ingebjoig Bjarnttison a Cogen g h
r Druggist i
Ask Ott i1�I3'�
.A. 3ri
Inlet] M;; Catvdin, famous ;po10 player, write it eat or ins,
e' shipshape - g -it
• he's 'plannian' 4io grit'.
tr�octuotion,, remarked, "Ton ought to , deproe•uring paper. .lade pen, S1 orty the goverutneu-t of that country. Tee „ ° rn uz
know each other, for ane of you is a l oust, replied :Shorty ruefvlthe mores
++made out the bill of. sale sand handed, land has never boost guilty of preju• .pumped' all th' fellles, thus they ltiiow
Dolman'Pole and the other a poloist. 1 it over. Cap'eri:Asa chi aped his glans- dice tb the women's: inovcinent, but
itiawthin aborts It asi Ring gin t vin
SOY rather,' 'capitol T'aderietvslti;`es, "'AhI `Tiiris'is to certify:that, I� wenhave taken little ativalltage of ut an ilifornvatioxt. Ef we; c'd git;a
1?19J i ea tr t tai • "that -a . Sold i err - with house l i o d ' salted` fish we
'�•'a t that I am a poor Pole who platy. soma, -heave sold lath l+r°`o'p Y> their ancient privileges, partly because big order in dri,eJcl au
h t F ' h
78 West ,A.delaitie Ste, Toronttl I
without tvliilP our friend here' ifs a dear Soul and , buildings t ereoti, t o Pranchs of lack :6f transeoetatio7l facilities ) c'd' being him over, -wit us- X17 SoU a
Canada r,,
I whoplays polo
eutias'Westhaver, -ef Long Gave; Nova i ;ince 1600 Icelend has bee a law for. `doubt:'• As it is, we'll jest•hev to fo,s-
_ ' ! ao'tia,, for the. snlnn • of two tb,ous�an.l! . d• tai =• warfare a' � tiritL the use oL tins. siva;. axanzn'. with' what we kin git,
Minard's LInirnent for abide, etc. • duelers: I anti to have use and ooeu-,l,hi d va f are < a
cracked lips,..
Makert your
titin soft, white,
clear and smooth.