HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-21, Page 8EXETER AIJ C•DrIATEL T 1111 8IJ,ZiY,. DEC, 51, 1" 22 Exeter Markets ;H eNGEI) EVERY WEDNESDAY Zt belt . .1.15 45 . 1. F,>ban Beit Flour R . � 3.60 95 b t Wily Flour a,w . 3.70, Pastry Flour , 3,45 Feed Flour .200 'shirts • ...... d •1.50 B 1.35 Creamery rt Eu . r ,.t. . . 41 to 43 a? y Butt 34 to. 37 New Laid F.gge .......... ..e.. 70 Heil Eags 30 Lard - ...... • ..19 to 22 Ha: tier to ... $9.90 to $10.00 Pa .:toe.; - .....75 or 90 fig's . . 9.00 XMAS. CT ir T S Local Doings Mionday is Clareatizia`s Day, Nomiirs-etion,s take Place in the, Town, Ball or Friday it 12. o'clock .noon.. -Mr. R. W. 'hike hasbeen quite, ail for a. few dap froiu acute; indigeatiorr. which carne on sttdd•erdyy Thursday ea"- epeng. Mir Eli; Snell last week, purchased Ur. \Vm Greertley's residence oe Cee ling Street, and his son, MI5. Wham Snell, will reside therein. Her meal friends her,. wlli regret' to snow that Mrs. Roan liewkshaw is very ill of pneurnonaa at the benne of her brother, ther, 3rr,- Kent, in Toronto. The trein north on Monday even was two Moura late, otiti:ibr it es said to the poor fuel makiig..it impossible, to keep up asuffactent liead,of steam, The weather hass bee;, 'envoy dui ing the last few days, Sett of closes on Friday of this' week .and will ze-open. on< January Zed. Mrs. Wm. Treble is agaitz confined to her bed in, a very poor stake of health. A special'. service Nell sFecial music appropriate to Christmas will beheld in Tr a tt lteruniat Church on Sun- day cocain, The Hurondale Woruen's Institute will hold their regular meeting on Dee. 27th at the home of the Asses -eddy. owtg to illness as the home of Mrs. Down, Announcement is made of the ,en- HONORED IX HIS OWN CITY gement of ML's` s Ame is Irene, the Prat. Leslie I-le:arts who olt- ungest dao ter of the late Mr ed as organist to Jamenes s Street Church ,s i 'g er, ha- He ha$ put in a hear est seat of :Sirs. Z' . S. Raney, oo- a: i>ti o. i �l_u:s nor Xmas. t D. Harvey, Loo- Prices, ow Pric to lois sari big veriety. where Ret. Dr. Weyer, zonnerly ,of Gaderich has a coat dealer who First -.41,ethod 1sst, London, is none pas- Jue. arrived a beautiful assortmeint rendes,, :t bill only once irn s£x years, I ter: Prot. Hearts hae decbned this e Boit bot oeees a,t 25c, to $Z 00-" Such was found to have been the ease _offer and has accepted the same pos- abeolut ly fresh ---Statham, at the meeting of the County Corer.- it on its the First Congregetfoz al,Iiazn- cil n J,ee he a at in a bill for $4,400 lake.. t duties to begirt Jatt. 1, 1923. A I eF g!e4 we uld be�classic aand Mfrs,. Duncan, E. Taylor of Hay p o Lawson, n the Township, t hl �'<` a rade- dote Exeter, lies been offered the positi> of organist anti Leader at Weakey Methodist, ,Iiarailten, the church LOST.—Tool boli, tram art eaguae, and it WAS' found t cover S t•e ,..- betw.r R. 'Willis', 2nd .can. Stephen end to be correct, One, Qf the a,oed„ t eANNIVERSARY and C entraVe. Finder : nfornt W. T, l ere Qf the as;c le that Mall, - %fialsy ll, Centralsa. • By the will of the late William Scott of Egrrondrille, the •town. of Seaforth The anniversary services of t James Street Methediet Church s. largely attended ore Sunday, wh,e Our stock of Oranges, Xmas. Stock- is left $40,000 for the erection andl special rnuazc was rendered by t Ings and Candies fort he Xmas. trade maintenance Of a hospitaj Furtltther'ehoir, and Rea. Humphrey Graham are complete, Priegs to suit all per•- sums of $2000 each are left to Clinton, of Brantford Ives theeiel wreach- eon;--Stethem,. Gvderich :and 1,1.I tgham Hospita],s,urid p `'�'�"'� the Sick Children" Hospital, Toronto, ACCOUN S MLT BE PAID. The estate airtou:rted to about $9000(. err :1r Graham is a forceful and interesting speaker, and his serum= were list«d ## with rapt atten;a,tsu; The sermon :s the everueg from the tet, "He that is wise, ulun th meth' was a masterly: effort and partied- aril- straight from the shoulder at the vital things of life -the things most worth whale stal lig for, DIED IN LONI?CnN «t•a auTr,., due the late firm of rr tf John Sherritt, Canada's very oldest adguatec"• nate before January 1st, otherwise they will be placed . other hams ter collection s;:thou•tFraZ'is tiW•r'fam,nust be paid or Orangeman, fail. Leat we eoret, eye barye them. Coast Sealed Oysters-•-Statli tnl. ager and 3aad, been: a member et and probably the oldest resident of the district, died in Lea - doe on Sunday, where he had lived fora few years after leaving Blyth. He was aged *1.03 years, 5 ;s wathe, He was a. pioneer of kluren County, ty, coaung here from Ireland 86 years r ENS LOST --Letts fuer Franklin war of to organize main; of the lodge ' bets m ek.e:er and creditor.. Fwnder will 4:orc e : savor by lean g sante at Ada eate Dense, or communicate with Fred Kerr, C re:d.tom Your Xmas. dinner will not be com- plete without tatham's Bread. REiiOVEt .._ Dr. Graham wiehe; t announ°:e that he has moved his off:s'e to his r.eew home. Main Street, opposite the Mar- •ble Works. *HORSES FOR SALE. 12 good drivers, ranging from 3 to 8 years old; sound and well broker,, single or double Will exchange kr heavy or light horses. One mile west of Centralia. Frank Taylor, Crediton P.O. COCKERELS FOR SALE. Barred Reck, bred istoCayy strain; I n; on don Road, north. WHEN IN EXETER give Lawson, the Jeweller, a call. Ho has a Choice lot of Christmas goads in stock. Sea his 15 Jewelled Watch, Gold filled case at $12, fully guaranteed, A, Bargain. Th: Huron County Breeders Assoc- iation are holding a sale in '4Vingham about March 1st. Parties having stack to dispeze of are requested to g;ve the information to the Secretary S B. Stothers, Clinton. Entries close January 15th, COAL HEATER FOR SALE.—Base burner and oven, in first-class condi- tion. ondition_ Apply at this office. COUNTER CHECKS. When in need of Counter Checks call on The Advocate. We can furn- ish you with all kinds at right prices FOUND.—A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 31c. —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North. PROPERTY FOR SALE - Consisting of house, stable and 8 lots of land, situated in ExeterNorth on Main Street. Apoly to H. Marling Hay P. O. When in need of Insurance see E. J. CHRISTIE Canada Life Insurance Agent, Also Fire and Accident Insurance. Exeter -- - Ontario. Phone 30 Betts' Bakery Phone 30 WISHES YOU AND YOURS t A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Andmay an era of Prosperity,,; Peace and Goad Fellowship dawn. for you and yours with the New Year. Cartage & Livery Large Asrsortment of CHRISTaMAS TREES FOR SALE:.,. Phone 58w. - BAGSHAW & EASTON 1 3, 7. Your Xmas. dinnerlfln t' otztliesoar !plete without Beat's Christmas Cak Fried Cakes, Creeni Puffs, and Mitac Pica, TENDERS FOR ICE Tenders will be received until Del 300, 1922, for supplying ice for Will eheleea Creamery—cuttitng ,haulin, pacltine and covering with 12 :nchc of sawdust; the ice, house to, be fill ed is 15x43x11 feet in, air « Addres George Jaques A. R No. 1, \Voodhat or Sill±, G. Medd Exeter, On FOR SALE '', P. C. A. EQUIPMENT.—Such a two bowling alleys and access.o,r;•e punching bag and outfit; boxing glov les, three trapezes, table games, tu• stoves and stove pipes, tables, chair. pictures and many other articles, Apply to Richard Welsh, M. Phil or W. S. Cale. • PAR\1 FOR. SALE. 100 acres . 10 acres good bush, baa once under cultixxat on; 10 acres :'al sheat in and falll plowing completed Lot 7, Lake Road East, Stanley Town, ship, 23S miles south of Bayffe1d brick house, basement barn 40x60; am element barn 20x40; good water sup ply; telephone and rural mail. Fo price and full particulars apply to th owner --Chester Nicholson, Bayfield Ontario, SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday Services in Town Hall 11 axe—Holiness Meeting 7 eon—Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Gloss. Cottage tneeteigs in North. End "on Tuesday night. Capt. Hopkins Lieut Hoskins Y. P. C. A. WANTED—A man to tape charge of the Y, P. C. A, for one yen'. Conditions and salary apply to either T. S. Harvey, Rich. Welsh or W. S. C;cile. 1 Trivitt Memorial . Church 11 aim—"The Joy of Life. 7 pan.—"The Christmas Story Re- told." i - , ,.. Res* A. A. Trumper, Rector, (,ADEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and. Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—"The Unspeakable Gift. The Minister 7 p.m. ---"Christmas" The Minister Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening FAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M, J. Wilson, B.A. 1 . a.m.—"A Special ,Christmas Mes- sage.” 3 p.m,—Sabbath School—Christmas Study, 7 p.m.—".A Chlristmas Message," The Mimis'te,r alt bath services, Special Christmas music. All welcome MAIN ST. METHODIST CleURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. ' Phone. 21r3 L ' a.m.—"Lo the Sitar." 00 p.m.—Bible Study' Classes far all 00 pan—Christmas Service..• AT BETHANY rN zn ri_, rna� Servbce. raze The death of 11Irs, Marian Bell, wit.* ow of the late W' t Bell, ocourted. in itz Lyndon on, Satire/ay, Dee: 16, at the blame a her daug ter, Mrs. Gi Jae kora, 'Wellington Street. The de- G- teased wa'iae''i�n, her 67th year. She is sundyed. by seven daughters:-4rs. G, Intaroe, Victoria. B. C.; Mfrs, G. Rat- tail and Mrs. C. Broderick, Pigeon, Mith ; „Mrs. E. R•otscllife. ] xetler; "tlrs. ti Jackson, and Mrs. J, W. Dun.- au, L.n:Pon end Mrs. L. Hendersons 1't Washburn, is. The ray nazis were --forwarded to Exeter for burial The , funeral was held from the home of s her daughter, Mrs. E. Rowe'liffe, to illel'agiart's Cemetery, conducted by. S Rev, 'Mr Fletcher, who also conducted 'her ]act„sbartd`s funeral forty :ears ago. Orange Order kr 87 years, sad help- loopommoolt C.ELE:a3RATED DIAMOND WEDDING, s Mr. amyl Mee Jason Bedford cele- , 'hinted their Diamond Wedding Anni- versary on Monday* night at the home o of Mfr. end Mrs, W. H. Ar,innthiong, , •Ana Street, This worthy old couple were married in. the Township of Thurlow, Hastings County, sixty years ag�a, They raised a lamely of seven children, four of whom are living— Mrs, Ross, Boston, Masse Secord, Bedford, Windsor, Herbert, Kingston; and Jason, Grand Rapid,;, Mich, the hast Raarnea being present at th,z brati n. Mrs. "Tapp, a grand -dough•. . ter, and her son of towhee, were ;also to attendance and six great grand- - children., A special feature of the occasion, was the Cliriste;ru'.n,e by Rev, Fol W. G. H. MIeA3pster, of 1Ir, and e Mrs, W. H. Armstiton:g's little- Baugh.. ter,. Catherine Irene. The evening was most fittingly and pleasantly spent, COMMENDABLE PLAY 1WELL PLAYED. The Opera House was pretty well filled on Wednesday evening last when the High School Dramatic Club pre- tsented "Miss Henderson's Gentle- man Friend", a three -act comedy drama, written by an Exeter boy, Mr. Charles W. Ford, son; of Mr. and Mrs: AL Ford, sstho is attending the High School The large audience was well Pleased with the play and the manner in which the several players-tookthe parts. Mr. Ford can feel well pleased with the favorable comment that has since been made on the drama, and: we are sure that if he continuos the work he will further improve, and Ex- eter audiences Neill be glad to wean - other: play by frim. The Club is purely a .student body and their first ap--- pearance- was a credit to them. The', setting of the play was considerably above the ordinary, and added much. to its success, The characters were taken by-iVfies Dorothy Balkwill, the lady of the house; Mies; Helen Wethey the. daughter; Mr. Geo. Hind, the soma; .t12r. Borden Cunrni,tigham, the husband; Mr. Will Lawson, 'the gentleman friend Mr, tiaurice Fed, lthe nivel; Mr/ Edgar Thompson, the butler; Mr, Harry Seldon, , the, detective; and Miss Bertha Russell, the niece,.' Betweien the acts Mr. Ronald Wi!twer sang very pleasingly. He has an, e'aellent bari- tone voice and Exeter people are .a1- ways glare to hear him. The Enter- tainment in every way was a credit to the young people: and to the auth- OT of the play. The: proceeds -arefor athletic purposes • Mrs, Complin spent Friday in Lon- don. - Mr, Stuart Stanburg to,f TorontoUniversity els h�ol,idayfpi,g et home, 'Mr, . and Mrs, Jas, Grieve spent a few. days with their song ;in Strathroy. Miss ;,Mildred 1Tarvey of Alma Col-. lege, St. Thomas, ,s home for the hiolidays Mr. A. . J, McD ne].t is beginning to sIVOW ,sigmr of i.mpromantra, but is stili' very weak" Mcssrs. Linden, and ' Maurice Har- vey are home from Toronto for the school vacation'. - - Miss Florence Marchand left Yes- terday for her home at Waterford to spend the. holidays, • Mr. C. H. 14IcAvoy has accepted a po5ltign in lehicard'ne as druggist and left' fed* that 'town Thursday marring. 1 PHONE 32 JONES...it "..MAYS STORE OPEN WED:NESDAI, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT"Y E VENT\GS T PHONE 32 WEEK. Christmas Gift Suggestions From Our Large Stock FOR LADIES AND GIRLS Fancy Parasols, I iderdl syn and Crepe lama= Camisoles Sills and Heather Hosiery Purses and Hand Bags Gloves.. Sweaters. Ha;dlcercbrefs and Scarfs, Beads, Hair -Ribbons - ,„ Fur Sets, Dresses, Coats. FOR MEN AND BOYS Suits, Overcoats. Shirts, Gloves, Fanny Hoct,ery Ties , Initialed I•Ianclkerehiefs, Belts, • Sweaters, Garters, Arm Bands, Muffler$, Gaps Braces FURS FOR CHRISTA AS GIFTS. A ,set of smart Flirts retakes a very aeeepta-'e Christmas Gift, We can^ show you a beautiful range of Furs in \Volt, Sable Welt, Fox, ls;ibella Op. possum, rete., at cost price utcl less. Male your selections early. LADIES', MISSES AND GIRLS' .GOATS. - Every Coat trust go regardless of cost. Beautiful Coats with fur col - 144'44 also in plain styles, all must be soli before Christmas. See rhes. wonderful bargains. NORTHWAY DRESSES. « QUr celebrated Northway Dresses a'n Serges, Tricetines, ete., at ti } reduced prices for the Christmas Trade, LADIES" SILK NECK SCARFS. • Neel.- Scarfs in bright colors are eery popular for ladies attd Wale this season We have a large stock of the very newest styles to elect from. PURSES AND HaNO BAGS We have the celebrated Juliann Sate ptoses and band bags for Christmas showing. New Styles ands Colors at lower prices. FOR. INFANTS AND. SMALL CHILDREN. For :.n,*TM`urts and small children we have. Teddy Bear and Wool Crib Blankets, Scarfs, and Cap Sets, Ecaotes, Salk Socks, Etc. Gifts for Boys & Girls llockey Boats Flow about Hockey Boots as a Christmas Get kr the boy or girl, We have then: Tz all rhea-. The finest g o'1s made and at moderate prices, Slippers, Overshoes, and Spats }lig variety of Slippers for alt. High budded overshoes for women to suit the heel or any shoe. Alt color -4 of Spats for women or'tnen. Cor- duroy Spats for Children. Rurlbut Shoes at a Christmas Gifts Buy the Children a pair of i"iurlbuts for Christmas. JONES & MAY I. R, Carling, B.B. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Conmissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At oexiiting pricers franc 6 percent to 7 vberonds. cent. can be obtained from these Orders received by me, ittMoseyttenest to loan at lowest rates of Office—Carling Bk., Main St.,4 Exeter The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known ; on apD:catian. Stray Animals—One insextiorc SOc,, three insertions 51.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Renu, Wanted, each insertion, 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice lets than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sayles $3 for one insertion and 51.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fav e- lnch.es in length. Legal a,dvertis(nng 10c. and 5e aline, Farm or Real[ Estalte for sale 50c. each insertion fon one month of four insertions; SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Xmas. Suggestions Do Your Christmas- Shopping Early OUR STORE IS FULL OF BRIGHT,,- NEW, 'GIFT SiUGGESTIONS. COME eN AND INSPECT,. THEM For Men and Boys FINE SHOES , COSY SLIPPERS FINE .SHIRTS SWEATER. COATS MUFFLERS - GLOVES BRACES NECKWEAR FANCCY SOX ARM BANDS PYJAMAS CAPS GAITERS BELTS HANDKERCHIEFS For Women and Girls FINE -SHOES • GOLOSHES COZY SLIPPERS FINE HOSIERY SILK BLOUSES SILK - GLOVES CAPE GLOVES- HANDKERCHIEFS BOUDOIR CAPS UNDERSKIRTS BED SPREADS WOOLEN BLANKETS FANCY TOWELS -EMB. PILLOW CASES TABLE LINEN YOUR CHRISTMAS TROUBLES' ARE SETTLED AT VERY REASON- ABLE PRICES AT: THIS STORE. Southcott Bros. DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MON'TREA L TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO' Unexcelled dining car' service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor car' oa principal day trains. Full information from any Grand rrtistk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horne tog District Pasa neer Agent, Toro N, I. DORE Phone 46w Aunt, Exeter The::orrect way and the easiest way to dispose of some property or sell. some small article, find a tenant for your house, or an artriclp you have lost or help, when you want in is to irishtt a small advt, in the "Want Column" of the Advocate. ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer R. R. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock 'sales a specialty, Four. years experience. DR AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon '4cDonell's Stables, John St, Exeter. (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) ' Phone 26w Dr. G. E. Rotdst tt, L. D.- S., D. D.13. DENTIST! Office over Carling's Law Office Closed :Wednesday afternoons, Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, 5 Honor Graduate Toronto UnivSrahr Office -over G]adman & • Stenbury's Office, Main - Street,' Exeter, FRANK; TAYLOR Licensed Auctgloeeer for Counties of Ffumn and Middles Pricey Reasonable and Satlafaetiioo Gitad'alnteeld. Credibon. Galati*. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private fund to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest, GLADMAN & STANBURY Barrbters,' Solicitorl, Entreat