The Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-21, Page 4Alias . the imgh guest
of �I dartos, .peat Centralia ; Local Doings
r1 Sustclay the guest of �`'1iss Lrz'�,1d
Rrcar4n, ��> .
A1r.. Lorna Browsl, ,B.A., of 'Por `-
Ma ' r' onto s spending the ho?lday with Sr°s rnas. GSfts-ZVlaa. is better than: The butcher slaps of Mr, H. Rivers_
ta \1 tie Clock for a Xmas g tt ? A; is being besieged tb se days by
•mother, Airs, B. Brarala t bin t ut in prices this4 s eek at Law son's People anxious to register their guess
Quite a, slumber from WWI attend- !Exeter. He has put in, e ]wavy stock on the weight of the baby beef re-,
ed the school, concert at S S. No. 2 ( of all lines for Xmas- with lances low. Gently purchased from Ma Tupper
Stephen, on Friday evening last and
rreport a very en sayable tune.- -
On Monday night a number •of our
young peeple motored to Shipke to
Drain water frons your radiator or
Pyridine Alcohol
Ttrever t freezL'1 .
Pot on. yo7.1r
Tire Chains
I m#y says' ?:Lie or your car from
be -'ng wrecked.
.et u.s t43:c care e,f your
Storage ;Battery
It you are going to use it, teat it every
Anderson of Stephen,.
Mrs, Otto Brim is quite ill. 1
ur• John Brower et on, the, sick list, " For the information of the electors
it many be stated that those wlioae.
attend the School Concert which was ,11r,• G• O, Tlaompsd u left Saturday term of office{ expii es tlui{s year in
quite a" success, fo; #vvo weeks` i,olidays at his old Exeter, are -
Mr. Herb. J ahuer and fir. Samuel home in Brantford, Mr, Rea; Mills 'is The Reeve analfaunciilor ,
Wein are getting the open fir rink fulfilling the dutees at the stagers; Public 1tilities Commissioner, John
in shape. We expect with favorable Mr. and Mrs. John Fleeter of Zur- R. Hind;
weather a good body of ice for Xmas ;ch viastted at the home of Mars'rs.Members of the Board of Educa-
The' rind. ;,s zi#uated just east of the Willett Bros, on Sunday. titan, R. N. Creech).. E. \l. Dignan, I
s t hool on. the ,ports field. Margaret, dughkr of lir. and :Strom G. Staithury, and Rev; A. A. Trimmer,
.,.-r- Andrew Hicks ;i ,suffering .from an We have not heard whether •they'.
Church Opened.- Tile magaifzcent attaci� of scarlet fever.. Theiix little are. all seeking re-election, but
new Methodist Church at Crediton son, Donald, has not yet fully recover -'having heard nothing to the contrary
was epelwl on Sunday, when, preach
ing, services were held morning, after -
neon and evening. Rehr. J. E, J. Mill -
yard president of the; London' Con -
ed from the scone. diseasevve wrould judge that they will again,
The children are busy ,aettiaa,a ups be Nfioin nethw namfieldes have. beelx spakem o£
their parts for the Christarlas enter- seriously in our hearing,
tainfnaent to be held on th`e 2Lst.
ference, preached able sermons morn.- The nominations take place Friday
inn and evening, and Rev, Riverrs of limos Elizabeth • 13ay'nham visited art at noon,
Mens:dl preached in, the: afternoon. The London this week, as did also :firs. l
church rias tilled to overflowing on Sleaaxi'on: 'LETTER FROII CI-fII�iA
each. occasion. in .the afternoon the \lass FlossieDavey has:gone to; ilz; and. lies, Wm. VIFa'iker of Exe ,
Plailathea Club unveiled `f mens orial wait oa her 44ter, lire, John N- 'vas ter North ane: in recdApt of a long
•indow. In the evening.*I Evan- Stephen, who is quite alt
letter frons their son, Rev: John Walk -
church withdrew:. 'thy ser, 3 missionary at P'enghsieni, W. China,
vice, a,ad Rev. Hauch, w illi Rev, Riool: er, ,
ref -
and Rev. Rivers assisted in the ser -
Which, besides many personal ref
Ido 1 .e,, OF REFUGE erences, he says that they are very
busy, every sermon and talk having
Cin Monday evening a CongreGe-1 From the report of the la ctorot too be
aeuel. gather,are was held In this bane- the County Home ave, take ilia follow-•' Chinese prepared
a English
meet oak the' church- ►vii :a program inig :--The total number or inmates ad- ; tine (Bs -trick tae time too, as they
tivaa r4ndered a,nd refn�hi}aents �,rred,
week, If not, ],'.'t ,etore it over Rev Ttxver,; was s hairrit lac It avas:iry riuttect since the opertuig of the hou. e; are build}nge lfl o-te ghee acid xe-
tl; t;hurch was 575; number of mantes on Dee. pairing in. another. On •Saturday af.•
Winter at 50z, Per 'Month. raoune4d that the cost crf lst, 1921, 85; number of inmates in tern�.txs he has a. Bible Class• in, Eng
a>ahs $18.9QG, azad thAt o y 5240'ent the house Dec. 1st 1922 79(39"males lash for the Chinese boys, and theat-
slat Paid, lanmadlatelY, bice present and 40 females; admitted�'froiu: the'ten:danca is increasing :W the trine lie
decided to f anima. lob, azi,tl in tent several municipalities as follows ;-.Mc- teaches' English in the .. Government
lis nates the amount ams cleaac :-fid Ki11op 1; Usbor e 1•; Co1•borlte 1.; middle School oneo a week. Much
;t id the church starts off clear o£ Turnberry 2;. Goderieh ton, , 1; Sea- of the. braes pea�Lire'visit' otit
every tail rot �er-Gubranpe; 1t teas ;t forth 2; Exeter 1; Wiagha • 1; Cling1stations, getting acquainted and this
• • eer n jtable oc4asiori, and the, caligret,'akion tea 2; Blyth 1; total expenditure on tributing literature, Soiae1?xnes walk
to ba contain •ted. •(
The build'zig comr~ttee consisted of . the
house and farm $12,067.94; pro- ing and sometimes trxdin,; along the
rite. Pastor, Fli duce sold during 1922, $1,898.91; re- roads, that are only paths winding their
king, T, Chamlacrsi, F. Vit', Cl;irke, Gicetved from paying inmates; $2,245,13; crooked ways along the` banalrs of
Tile Exeter Advocate ma tarxsy. G. Tones. Geer. Hirtzel, x.�average weekly oxpenditurc per in- creel,.s or boundaries of fields. The
Full, L. Orme, 1I, Finkbeaner„ A mate, $L93; collected during the year people usually give thele a hearty wel-
Saiiairlera & Creeoll, proprietors Hodgins„ "' Niclials r C. Zwi:Lr,,for maintenance of initiates, of v:hich come. "When we see how easy it
Barker, R. iJ n, Ttayhi r, Fred nwa account has been taken above, $1,- is to get the people to, hear thea Word
gubscrligiost F:icsf-l.� ad+aace. $.150, Kerr, �ti' lSawarktn ►eS# and, Thomas' Q52.83.
der Vat' in Cao.24a; 1? -12 ',It the 'I.,vethsct;, secretary.
United States. All subscriptions not
staid its advan4e • , •larged.
THURSDAY, DEC. 21st. 1022
Credit cin
Xmas. Gaits -W t is better than Star or Montreal. From has :nedieal men will beg'ut. to la.y the tale on the
a 'Mantle Clock for a times, ggfteA,to his religious needs, from the health roof. They are finishing thenailing
big cut in prices th't., week'at Lawscan's of his stock to the capabilities of his of the rafters to -night. Of course
Exeter. Ile • has put lot a+h
cavy stock machinery from lois ladies' ernbror;¢d• there is considerable finishing to do;
- taF all lines for Xmas With : ery to their Piekles, from the minerals but once the building is up we seem
VULCANIZING --I wish to announce ,prices oty.
that I da kinds of �lticala z ,'such ^'"'� on the land to the; fish in the- brooks,, to have something to sbow. It 3s .a
tiny Rubber Tires, Rubber Boots and HapF )' Wedded -A Pt�etky used- from the books of lu, 1e9sure hours • fine building and a great credit to
Shoe', Etc. Poses reasonable acid ding took place on Thursday art four to the amusements of ills childrezly',the young people of Exeter District.
good work guaranteed. We also ha o'clock et the home of 'Mr, and llrs� from his indeiducti cares too his ship- p Mr. first
is making a fine job of
die second hand tires, Levi Hamacher, when their, daughter,lac duties he finds compatauatasilip, his first •bu(ldng izi Chula, and we
JOS. HAIST, Crediton. Matilda
we WW1 V.V. had ten times as many
workers that we„xai bt adequately copes
with the task.
SATISFIES EVERY N.IED. "The work on the Exeter Dis;trii*G'.
School is coming along well. On Sep -
No other journal caters so intimate- teruber 30th the Centres stone was 3.aid
Iy ane rriiziutely to the needs of the by Mr. 1lortimore and Mr. Johns of
agriculturalist and country dweller as Chentu. They are also Exeter oldj
does The Family Herald and Weekly boys. To -morrow, Oct. 31st, work -
aims united in, marriage to help and guidance: ant the same old 1 trusts it is but this first of many. We
Clayton �trildfong, eldest son. of Mr, journal which delighted "his fathers 'are all well and send our love.
Xma,. Gifts -What is batter than and Mrs. Joeeph WildtQiig, The bride. and i'.sthe joy of his children to -day, Mr. Walter's district contains over
a 11antle Clock for a Xmas gift ? A booked charming Sin a.:bown ok wh:te He s.•annot atford to be without The 700,000 people.
big taut in, prices this.aveek at Lewsona'a ,mate, crepe, with radiant la::a, hear- fare) Idera ld at any price..,The cost
Exeter, He Iles- put in a heavy stt ek snag the customary Breda re;l and ear- of a yearsubscription is .only tvvo
of all lines. for Xma;,, with prices low rt•;ti; a b aut'z ul boitqufl'” of ':area- dollars.
..... tisan3, She was attended' by her sis-•
Infant Pcs es: T1ie sad death took ter, 11rs. Win. Schroeder of Delmer;
;place et the horn.e of the, parents, De- .veto "iris gowned gin pale pial: crepe DEBENTURE DEBT OF ,HURON
trait, on Deco 15th, of 'Jarvis Ever- de diem, also carrying; tlareetlems.
ett Hart the little soon: of :Sir„ :and Mr. Garnet Wtlaorig, bf"oth:er of the The following is a brief statement
\Irei, G. E. Heist formerly of Credi- groom acted as best ,ran, The eery of the Debenture indebtedr4-ss or the
ton, aged 1 year, 3 months, .and 17 erony wan performed • by'r' Rev. P. County of Huroki, It well be noticed
digs. The little fellow had been ill Graupner, and the vreddinn march wits that sof the $356,1100 en debentures
le -
two or 'three reks o~told andmeat- played by Miss Wlldfong of Exeter. sued, C336,000 werefor Patriotic pur-
tnonia and finally metingi.tis set in and The groom' gift to the,+dieetde was a pose, during the great atiarr-e
he quickly passed away, The body leveller of onyx and pellets; to the, In 1909 the County issued " $20,000
was brought here on, Saturday to the, inatren of honor, a brawl,* set with Bridge debentures. for 20, years, hear -
home of Ma Frederick Hoist, and the diamonds, and to the best mane a ing four per cent, interest. These will,
funeral took place to the Exeter diamond tie pia. The,gifts, were num-- be payable in 1929.
I Don't forget Winchelsea Concert on
Thursday .evening December 21st
Everybody w-e1comer. If" you can't
laugh, come anid be . cured. See the
wonderful invention which makes old
people young,'
ver • enjoyable was.
J yable� 'evening; avis..s
at the home of Me, Wm. Veal by the,
Elimville Bible Class on Wednesday.
New officers were :elected for
the : ensuing year
cemetery on Sunday afternoon„ The. erous and costly, showing, the .estee,m In 1915 Patriotic debentures, to the 1
sincere synmatby is felt for the Dar -in l ieh the young couple are held, amount of $60,000 were tissues„ pay -1,
eats in their bereavement„ I Airs. Harry Kraft is visiting at' her able ie. flee and tens years at five per
Mts. H. II, Eilber has reetur(ed old home in Sarnia; 'cent Of these $38,000 ]tav-e been
home after receiving -treatment at Vic -1 Leg Broken -Master• ;`SM,elvin. Stade paid, 1eav::ng $22,000 payable in, 1925.
tonin hospital, London, Her 'many had the misfortu to -hare his leg In. 1916 another $60 000 were issued
friends are pleased to see aremark-' broken, while playing at school one day payable. in five feta, years, at five
tale change for the better. I lest cent Of these $36 500 ha a lea
Mr. C. Zwicker supped a carload : Miss Grace Kellerman, who is at- p v n
-of beans to Port Arthur and part of tending Normal at Toronto is' home : Paid, leaving $23,500, ,s}'able n 1926,
a to the. crest. • for the Christmas 'taCa tion. a In, 1917 the issue was $120,000, for
Mr. Clarence Holtzman has'return-1 Mrs, R. Willett spent a few days five and ten years, et five per cent,.
Of these $74,500 haver b ens
.paid, leav-
ed hem:, after a,yisse in ichi�gate, in London this week visiting her: Lug $45,500 payable ,in 1.92
Mr. and llrs. Dan Schiwanz spent mother, who is ini rho hospital
a few days the pasrt week with Mrs. 1n 1918 the issue was $6,000 of 5
Geo. Holtzman and i4 Sr. an:d,lrrs.Chrisi '-- aper cent., for fiwei ten and ,fitfCeen
Heist, 1 !years, Of these $5,000 have/ b,ee,n(paid,
Mr. Cailfas of the west is visitita,g Mount 'ng $91,000. to be paid in 1923-28
Mr. B. r, B, Brown for a few days. J -. - • i So that of .the 356,000 '.debentures
Xmas Gifts--Whait is better -than issued theme have been pallid° -$154,000,
a Mantle Clock fo ,e , ins gifft? A. leaving $202,000 still to bet paid.
big cut in prices this week at Lawson's "Of the $154,000 paid, $34,,000 eves!
This is of Importance to Yong Exeter. He has put einr x Iieavy -stock paid befere due, ow, lag' to 'an 'under -
Niagara Falls, Ont. -"Three years of all lines for Xnetse with, prices -low. standing that sp long as there was,
ago my son, Gerald, had a severe ate , money in the Siaukimgi Fund they could
- tack of yellow Died in Deereet Word et4e rec•ei:v- ; be redeemed.
jaundice. I tried' ed here of the dead bf•a for -her vii -ell --1, IN brief the Debentures yet ;to he
three doctors but know,, resident of *hra'11'ace, urs: the redeemed ame 4,fioilows
they only gave re- person of Mrs,Johann Hall a •Detroit, In 1923 !.232311000000,
lief for.. short peri- who -deed ;Ain We lleeeday,. Dec,. -13thb -.: in; •1925 .i •.22 000
ods. As I had and : W ",5a ".funeral tool. placein, that In 1926 .,b2i3,500 -
tried 7)r. Pierce's cit3r' do Saturday. She ys 3ufyived by -ln 1927 45,500
Anuric Tabiete'on het. husband and a` large y,'grown-up In .1928 •a , 39,500.
"Pee , `'i my other son, I family. -s, ,. ry , ,,_:• In 1929 -.i,•• . 20,000 ,•,
.,,eu,.�..e _ decided give Word also zepchalet•:lieire''lest week In, 1933 18,500
1'- him Dr.: Pierce's of the death or a wvejl-kntawni resident Thee, amount of ainkine fundi o¢a, hand
j ,Golden MVMedica1 of• Steeihere •N�idel"-the person of Peter-ati'present: to, �rederean3 e&a-i4 about
' Discovery a n d Currie of Mahon, -North Dakota. ,-.. 527,000,' iia that thiie coun;sty well Alined
after using four or five bottles Miss Annie Doyle di T,,o ndott ns•.,vjs a debenture rate, varying fro& one -
he was entirely well. I shall al- iting friends -in>.' the neighborhood; half to oen!e mill fame yea'r tot year
ways say a good word for all of Dr. Mr. Peter Ragier white cranking his until .,these are paid. ` •
Pierce's remedies. Today our meds- ca,r one day last week broke, his arm.
cine cabinet contains a bottle of each Messrs. Theabold Deterick, Jos.
of these ;famous remedies." Mrs, Querria made a business trip, to Lon
Catherine Dempsey, 82, Bridge St. don on Saturday; - ' Dr, Pierce's •Golden Medical Die= Mia::es M. Can ey and:Mary Houlihan
covery is free •from alcohol and in- of Stratford arrived hio-ne last week.
jurious drugs. You can be certain A nutnber feint here attended the
you will find it a true blood -maker, dance at Mooresville. on Friday night.
tissue -builder, and restorative nerve
tonic and that it will produce no
...evil after-effects.
'Windsor, Ont. -"Dr. scree s Golden
Medical Discovery
and his 'Pleasant
Pellets' are wonderful medicines for
home use. I used to suffer with
weak lungs, smothering spells and
sick -headaches, but since taking the
above-mentioned medicines s s
t d mei c e these
have left me."
"One of my daughfers took the
`Favorite Prescription' as:. a tonic
during:. expectancy and she praises
that medicine - 'very highly, too."
Mrs. Ellen. Iiardingi 11 Erie Si. .W.
Your , neighborhooddruggist sells
all Dr, Pier'ce's Faanily'Medicines,
tablets 'or liquld. Write Dr. Pierce,'
Pres. ;Invalids'. Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y,
for free confidential advice. Branch
Laboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont.
Usborne hereby • solicit a •share of
your ;Horse-
The play "Safety Ersit`" .shoeing ande.verythiang done in
i; Y
om i
given, by the young people of S. Si. first-class blacksmith shop. -
Noo. 3, int, time, School Hotisec one Fan day I have been nearly thirty years in
night wail weiL re,ceuved„ by 'a packed thins bwa'iiniess aund white overseas ryas
house. From. start to flash the crowd Sergeant' Blacksmith fotr, 105. Co., C
wee kept in, bursts = of laughite?r, J., ;tend F .e.
applause. The characters were.;., ex- I am not unkiio'wn tol you, as for the
ce:pti�omally: well chosen The v;ali�rb past tea::yeara, with the exception of
selec,uonls by Miss McCuxdry aindMiss the time Jac- verseas, I have: worked in.
Marshall. of::I.16bbe,irtr ariict, the vocal• Mr David Russell's shop, -
duets by Miss .Colgan of I :irk'ton arid,.,. ; e t " e,
Miss Hazlewiood" df' ' oocl ia.Yn ' were -e best
po i b o ice the" pubs-'
c .. r . W the best poas1ble.° se,rvn,ee`a#tn reason-,
al,'ro' eirved;. he. pt&Feeds will able price. •
„ roto the. i" e stiffener ,,, ltiew, Gln , r
ami I es`pe?ct to be, (ready for l usi�ne_ ss
iaruo, whNG its ,ai,beeidy;. add, the p
_., �1�.. 6,nrSat:urria :'D.,c; 16. ''. , .: -!
young paopie ae to held ngaatulated Y'
f Give me:a call.
on the spiriit o thel`effo t'an.d should ,•
endeavor, if podsiible! to rg thie _stay j
again, in other places bet & spri;riig; -y Horton
Blacksmith Shop
I have decided to open a blacksmith
shop inn' th e , old Foundry Building and
Vince Andrew of Greece degraded
and permanently exiled.
Bandits threaten to capture Wu
Pel -Pu, Chinese war lord.
"Tim" Mealy has accepted Gover-
nor -Generalship of Irish Free State.
A trapper in Lindsay township
catches giant timber wolf in small
skunk trap.
Granites defeated 3 to 1 ley Uni-
versity of Toronto seniors la opening
S. P. A. game. . '
Rev,' Prof.: 7. F. McFadyen preaches
annual sermon to St. Andrew's So-
ciety, Toronto."
Dr. Ma ' Soo, representateve at
Washington of South Chinese Govern-
ment, visits Toronto. - '
Special police protection given chil-
dren in Toronto while crossing roads'
to. and from Sunday school.
Messrs. Guthrie i Pringle were
awarded $10,000 on their claim for
commission over the sale of the Ross
rifle factory.
Toronto police are looking for mo-
torist vrho struck down a Woman,hee eking hgri,collar-bone, and 'other-
wise injttririg"h•er.
Unknown rifleman fires on ,Grand
Trunk passenger train near Hamilton,"
wounding expresimessenger and rid4
dlina window v.. bullets, .
4. ;1 ' • ,,, +:,:'ttT .`,', I
Only a Youth, but
Never Knew ew a Boyhood
George Adams is a very weak boy.
-he's so weak he can't wren tum'
the pages of a book without feeling
pain. He has a good many brotsere,
and sisters and Ms parents are very
poor. So when George put., on long.
trousers -he was just 12 at the time
-he became a man and took upon
himself the task of earning money
for the family.
He went to learn a trade -in an iron
foundry, where fumes and hard work.
undermineda weak system and so*ed
future trouble. ixble. No
w and Eben0 ne
other working member of the family
would cease earning 'through sickness
or loss of job, and George would have
to keep his nose to the grindstone
a few more hours each day to make
up for It. His life was just work,
il one
ne day he dr
ped on ethe floor The comPanY
who examined him, pre-
scribed a year or two at the Muskoka
Hospital„ tor:. Consumptives. He can't
understand why he never: had a boy
hood and none of the 'good things of
life' 'but he's fairly, happy -=he' knows
separation from his family safeguards
them. He's content; and he, still has
hbre '' 'i • . •••
There are many just' such deserving
es .n neG�ed of , treatment at the
cases .i
skor'Hosj(tai. Will you lend a
r. .
Contributions may be sent to Hon.
W. A. Charlton, 223 College Street,
Toronto. ..
Expensive Economy y
'"HOSE who keep their Securities
and other valuables at home,
rather than place them under the
protection, afforded by our Safety
Deposit Boxes, are running great
risks of total loss by fire or theft..
The annual rental of these boxes is small..
l ,et us show them to you.
cash ,' 'aid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $ 15,000,000
Exeter prarich, - M. R. Complin, Manager.
Creditnu .¢ r
Dashwood 40 R. S. Wilson, Manager,
Gapital Paid Up 14,000,000
Reserve Fusid 35,000,000
Over 125 Branches, -
It is dangerous' Better to tak•1 this money co the
nearest Branch of The; Mesons Bank and deposit it in
a savings account where it will be absolutely safe;,
(Money mar, be dapoeited or withdrztwn by ruaie)
The Veisons Bank prides itself on, the courtesy of all
T, S. WOODS Manager,
Ceatatalaa Brandi open for business gaily,
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director 84 Embabner,
Phone 9
` Free Guessing Contest'
During Christmas Week we will have on
BEEF, end all wle ask yeu to do is to comae an and tell ue what ltd
No one 41. knuout, his weight alive and he will be w'eigtied dressed7y
an outsider.
On ExhS,bilion, alive Dec. 18, 19, 20, and 21.
Slaughtered Thursday afternoon and well be hung up, dressed is Shop
Friday and Saturday, Weighett up Saturday night at 10 ;o'clock.
Anybodcount.y as ,entiitled to one guess and in case of a tale, the first guess
PRIZES is'i 1 Dressed Hag.^�
Znd - 10 lb. Roast Baby Beef.
3rd !Goose,
I` eindly leave your order early if it is Baby Beef you want.
We also, havte four; other choice Baby Beef for Christanas. Week,
exhibition a choice I3ASY
Where Christmas Money
Buys Real Value.
art1c,'1i-i,:','..2 lbs. for 3c..
ER•EAD 9c. ,a
PHONE.. 56.
ilson's Grocery.
,� � e ash