The Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-14, Page 6'y .... . . ...... 1: 1 7' 1: aae-,An by from Buy, Your Electric Supplies babyh:od With, goo mv,910 aa a foun- By, M4 and Save �eal tzraining- If Y074 Brownie I aL money �o4w��A meke. ==ie *,aurv2;H by 0,11 mean U or 41, phopcl� lei onny fi" r&Y�s or -xe­� Safety 4iP4 1 $3.95 w� eor aiF; yru czaA *JCV 4D 1. affv­ Staxt with N th cbjJ*d, CbMl s, �kr Senil-Indirect Bowl. ligght 'a AX� Fixtures, slinilar to so ne, a Sclg#narm, L szt l4j� musia ot Qx i ly 8b.d1d 1. PIWI ath th va Paper Benv eria are A otkvr - ecorat4a li.-k-e expero`xa worape -,,�,th. mats for Beetbzweg, Wagner, aAd tU4 I with blue birds. To, =�,ny h1tusWir" Vae use� 404! 9T*-1al` ma4s�tem - Taiie 14U0 WIIK? Tea;w Bowli; are completo S. ng-�;arv�.t� fbia, are vme WV crepe vs% --T �mz el'e I f; 0,1� ab with ciwn hancei k) out 2 feet I" the mak�rg *f y so as to be and soOcet rea t! ts and be inads) very 94-�� to tOve �u' I'Z Ime the �Oxig t Ive, of br-ni'de. iuceAtive tO mue&-4v1LX i But, I have !"" � in varicias An=c� and, Sizes� to fit, able to vn�duve him"M-11% re to b 'he -mm -egu found t -- a real hs.,webola W-eI, the 'hot vy1l"" But 4-a n*t e=our4qe'L Ad -be The x . lar price In tbe -M--hen it hass n.amxerous aJ"J pianist. or -dolln�-A �* think t1a t ex -4---3 of this axt4ro I raes -ore evroe%4 from �SAQ to *1Q.Q S" W01' 11 1 PIwAys keop �a ),u,, -h of riain Wuhslet32' Most T" A Our iD 110 onae oaer 1�=etlmo are u-m-no-oo-ary. A wall Vm4er a be UK4 khee cf woaevr Much tr�m*l rice Is,. 1PDXAP10% -t crepe 111-19 amd tty rvuiai<,� critic bas saM thAt t1he're A O -P feet. TaL�_- zlnd -,'=I e%vew ar�4. ex =beets vn h tvwel'-, eavirg- me�%� liar no .e,4q�.Iator to, fbe mwical- heiglits,' s 4ofr e, -e a�ways bcUud to got is ,]he— 'Ustr",", Your dollar will want to jLrup out of your poeket when lauewmirg. A.Ioom, 01,0.-e4 wm - Children mmiot -learn too ea4y that sen n`QW � li wb,21,t. A Nmvet� and a to r �­ry 1� on Qf -vex y I*qdy as rarigh e';n.f, earne4, A4iWQ wo* is it gel's the news-, the Price of �b ellen a rjg�, kapt to,��--nme too, sozed tea 1-uah-ut cluit 16 'y for 6aarilrg -v4 dlrt to be Fz-,r4,e In A. ATA tivve,, re�al �suveew, 11b rl-ti c"I't I.. The GMette Browm*e Razor and �Wore wasl:�,ng ill -resqy ",-ilher. Br;4idioa crepe I W. P, EARLE II tal-,'e =413 are just, El&tn'c supply Co, I never tb,nk of rosing, anytihirg lwt " , - I Combipo Peas and MeAt. paper --ap4re in, Ote vc:Uaol and VIC- 1'arer ra"T !9`3r� """llette Blader, for $1.00 ft�, tbeyIman be burnedl I ierve Peas in asp'ie fc-- m;r special 1284 qt� civar Avo, WON,., 3 Ganubie %.al nic 'tum, -,*-ket ami througltout fl;e I 4 bv 1'e-olre WAS hel;&I-7 T uonTo, OWT. yfar th-ay are used on� the kitchen �-xrw eagly And quic!" Xmuddo of ve,44 1 pound boiling'� Never was so navch value crowded into a dollar� tab,!a iw T�ave Cf I-tten ra-f idix, ar"I of, 1-3 ei;p 4$eml oarwts� 1-3. cr-p� Shadows. dark be To -d -ay, in 1922, wita prices 'way up, a Single doll-ar can MUlre Iew-awwZ I '. 1,1,1 aw wsedl frr Vbe,5% the!r tIme, 41=1 t1m.0^ % copdimd *eZ7,, 1-3'99%v from *,'o morning to the vesper lwanlartug to Lee, p Vr-mx loAFng goo� cu'p dr=A Watwes, 14 Mrp -Ncei on-, buy for you wh�kt cost $5.QQ twenty yl�arts ago—the 'Of, -.'e lvn Iteno, I To keep a fresk ecan cl�th cover- Xxurllous Gillette shave—speed, ccl=6art and s"ety every Jions� % cwp, twmto juice, 1 The ever shlf ting shadows busT are. iW en 'a plant etavdl Is reNt io im­&� Stimulating Musical AmMition. f�Qt-� Y* tmv.-poan pepper, 2 (1mr1s Pinding at night upon the quiet breast* possible. fcz tho TZ%nt PO4- azw4vs water, 1%. p a 4re8=- raorning for the� rest of your life. i , tp,, F-eze, 2 t-bles$wms Of the compassionate earM A, 41 g,,-neml, drug, hardware and jeirellory stores over),Nvbe- p�timable i-mirx, cm In former &fya st-447 Was less rest! Whom gapda #Te tical g4eatin, 1 egg whito. Cover *rp meati �,rr -1�4vfd to Im 4 deadly.. ,�,ith - v; ,WA wntvx� ar4 vtew Tar :Vaw,,,N,,e are an %T049wa _tbrough UWa go- w1th the VK. S4 lbo M b elwets, I C00 1mr-f". ffrf,;R� "'lne ne 'y to 'F"�:Xv boiiw! � Aed vwet�Vm% , 'I tive da'T 0 tome into hore. aa Wei �cn tbe -=n;> or vl,-4in -Nms A ccq�Uon of U,.-- pm% and The sec-Wn- le as aT011I.- the of I Ze'n-', ,wrt. of fet-b 011&,oc Oms tbw, FUMUJAg each his QW4uUcR'.JqJng WAY, �ul­,.s, r4ter the ment It= caolwl *-ee' Wem hc:4m Jor the p.m;try avi s1halres. Then w-jen the loug night cliwes dark Strain jf­;� MDI,ept'd the ulpht's one groan �WMrA Imm in Fluiling on Mother Barth U I 1-mve xr,;-de --tained *.rd Vurjt 9C; -r and deep ntroublal invs'-v N%VT'u to four t4iNvo, A; trufte zrtlrat.��­ Uy ow -I of the t-r.e Cf poona cf vold water, 4,rd, eril,,- Vrain vith V-* "!-oA lstevq Of t?fterv, the 1r,**%% 'Of s�le% tmvemel P& ri T being to the t,.%! Then im.51- t1io egg Razor and blades rnade and guaranteed gepulne r, gathered in ut the txp with a ay.1 fl- Yal ")f Ill rA;Mdrg,1Xy&,t-; Av%'.�Ie. Boll up qu!40y, off the, -41%T -har.�J of the gama zv�rfw, " e� in theviTitrt ta te�ell Ole prewaus -min nVi3in. M4 by Gillette Safet)r R=or Po. of Canada, Limited he dinin q'rp rjm�,r wriel�ltiwn of chVVir.-n wNhmt real egani, P -Ra 4 or In tl tv-, W -V and pour in. in,00's -%N,144.2b, %ave! can !Onl V,�CN UF -f fe, y ard muF11 I f.7--o4e.-.�m or airc5ition b=�- b on wet with vo!d xv*tcr. wh= tbo: or slut -for W 0 e r on ly. To a �7d juA the Vght Int of vv�.7T to "Irj�M r c . Out a P'40�0 OT tWID WIWI, jelly 'Q.erv,�� On left.uoe IpJ','re& ­,­ ��Ia in This sort of Graduato upt V Ile J 44 Hore, is -a 11 U -f t-Qyer" sh which -we, wbtro- advIceandlit . tare'. the like; 2 *,d mutton, I mp; THIR ARNOTT INSTITUTE I pumha�ed 4 Yp%,t NVre lam a,%h^ 'i fr;=e and owervi it -wil", auver:7.4 cl:.'d m,::h a Ivathing V!r the watt -r, 2 trC54-ppilons butter, 1 V4! ct crolne of the &simd pla=i, 111'gth�4 P-3 ZI 1 '7 to peu% 4 ItAMesroamp chipped utdon, .1 vem NAI, nvl , uchea sbade. 0,!rring it s7exletly a, t. -,p it lav� �,.. !U %*,, Cr, it lie reary k" teaspoon, -.va% 1.16 tewzpaau r4mper,� I ,W,* 009 ll V.0e. clwp tbwA (V-01ked, and bottom of imim ar3 AnIshin it hf&r�ers Ir's Orl;rirtal devvl- J3 I)Uttr -1 'with tape, r,):0 on. opnj(mnt aTA irtay permanent V injure mutian, -Ad, Nvater. Onion," I NV.E N T 10 71"' AVaut ibbs Cuie. tea, the vover';mg h`-4 *K! y- Falt and lle:ppm 00;lz ore bour. &Tve 8", for 114t of J�Jxv AtXorA w3uT94 by ?0aufVC,' e 14 of my ferv�ug trxy uee'Vl atteu�,.-u. We turc, C�kme t,,� realize, in a border of rice,,i-4. U- orovAua gayo, been Xnadogrom *Iwo's SO, I cwerel It wt*h a e--m-t of vva­�Q the vital impolunce of l4e..."I Talent r the some va.,;r cs tbat of, Qe kimuZ,'ft'ing I * I HAROLD C. SHI*PMAN & CO.! he waska ambition in 411nard's Liniment for C61da Pto. &r'r1'1Q1F JT 9021 ,$TATT0FdJEyS ur..Ivr�tan,41 t1il -way YO -4 1-13k -,it ift, an' makira hcTses fvr su?porting A51, The Mine flows three thnes as fast w3mvmg9L= I J_ a Tba I isee your yoinl�, lut I don't Vl..a V-Awz, =1 Cie k�vnci3 fc,,Zov's jos? at aii; th , - m cowrl ett by the musson mulz coutp.-M7 fic at Z;�'A ait my Yro. MY Un4o swing 'h*m vws t-. uiv v%rdlal. an' me are F!nwaln' V st&Tt it 114"A "'Olt, FrauRee, birt I wus thinking YOU The o6ensive sme,31 can bit,renioved" CHAPTER F0VMTLEN—(CouVdJ I $lie it on busini�,-s up in Long C -ave, We've nev.-ir <waxg h-ame. I J*Zt VAy to frDm saucepaus in which iinims or �iz! Ilij,'J yrur tq1gue,,, ex�!!aimed her fiwtr. bought a ve-�-17�1,­& KiriseV�j­,Ianl I Caplen. i1Yqrk 441s ine7ning da� 1 1)0 fish have lieen eo;Aced by addino- - �row for seo tle vinegar to the iva?bingwater. Ir thcl RieL ­Ycpu're r.�i at so.a. naw, and "S'xKtI%M;-V" LP elicd and iW hi�r w74�i-. un. -Io Zocks for ga ta, YaTmottV to -mor a lit rm;��`ng ( -:� -, I �, La,.. to b, ariWth' shzre eni o' tt;i %Vh4at conle owT you." Por,V.-It. kks ,nronx right arm, &r.1 as IM The, 43 iran 1. fiyas, th-it's "Conle rp th' fle,& aways," Sad the we U) c"u-,Y orders from w'w pzo.` ;rta hcr vyz.­br:gl­, and e1n. all e .t, but jomlre going to ilie doing v -1w. "I got piriethilit! V MY It' y10 Ing With the 14veligtt unler thci:r tM, I,�eft end of it, ar.4 ttays what, I Cute .011 cqg." I pael;ing b:s, thirga in tbp'lz.Y9 ku�w th"IT he bad 01.,ject to. You're a 4.-mirl. lad, I JuPc-. t�Tew the Immmer down a*k re- rl;�Z-flaoe,. "D;.� Y -cu V. �nt you.- watdl, war- `0'a, An! 'tis th know. &rid I t1unk if ye'S IN)k avaural -,wei hls frionA. Frank walked on Irl 'inut Vf t*xs w�%T' Site h04 Ul) tl"a b:4.%*WY Inall. I ilin t7liS d1ly uo�V that rha ad a !.We you Can 6> m,:wa fr;;Ln femwk f4rr a low ycva3 arl sat daurn uud!ffr� zoa-slcirel It w".4 pSr. cf Yo f��r my own, A3�e! my verry uldirtrt. Mildcrij i C amund with a '.�We b.?.' of a busluczs, the 0,210 of a gi-Int fpMee, "ReTex� vmt I, lth�� suit 'C'n tl­��2, meinxiclie ownVI, A' trav?&," exe.almod Automobiwo GKJ cc y3ur Lrahts.,, cul Ia-A f.'r s-yx.*- Yela a m',k' I 13191foup at batle.103 and flec.) p �,ut thing biggin-, my la,,� ve ye two Fmink, wlt% a tw!nkle in Ilia el"es to repair. motions ot pimto bulid. 01 In inandoua oprortunit!w AAR. we tr w 4Q, Molcas your yl e hat d'ye mean by gglnl arauiV Yov 4 mobile nexa. TWO it Iie to lea -Y01,4, if Nou 0 iv� CHAPTM Fir, TE. 4W - I ?. I eal%;�t t , , - EX, jyeax�D itni henyou'vegitintoeome sk ain t1ti, V t1l., W Id it rt ot no AU6 .4 ar and smooth. U,- livit'll LOOP You vihare cad mouth zin' tWinl my -wholc history to %I- r ele"It. tup no, wan �j,) 9,,j .1, remely t TL 4 Cie Xo, zue rep'jc 1. "It %p in SELL IT rr 4 .1 * -� g�rl az Ae 4mery g!rl ye meet?" I cer, mo Olt, TI...,re i n � t. 411 U �, ­ ­ I ��.ert­ w,.,11 lif� I%L 11q earni 1, cnwrh to ke I , ha IeXi MMI)eJ and wou the g, 611OU74 be ker.t, 111 -say But, di�es 1041 up que.-ttioningly. "Er e Irly -,a waiit ti*' V4 '14 Cf, k $2 poelcft tvt Da iben-:�o marrTing." �--ah," he stimmered) awkwartfij� "Did 1INVInt is R7 AOt u ra1 ;f lAlls,' ta hPart. Frank We.-thaver vies, no ave a oil ness of our aL., slio tell you &AVI i's it?" hail* anaAn=Lxwith' Frank a2wpted Captain Denton% 1 4 !rbousaugs at our rmduates ore maldna IF, ; I 'Yes, she did", roplied ee other, big trioney In M, auto buSIUM11. XCU21? Rheumatism I 10, For ar �wzr A -t., Wlrms wr d -Wion a i firtal, and 1,17,lictn, wtis too, (Sask n1suing Moro snoney than be ex- ,�h a.N-011119 warman whom he% regarled as e� ( lew) Appolutpd In - the wat;lx, thain, ani a E.r%�t -velve� Ills nni int,6111ectual- a' dutiful a daughter 'to dissent front - 'Anf a nice serape ye've let me in for' girl he had, ir,�t In vn unu_o,,.,al inenner aw, thing her 'Imrar 1. -,aid., "'You'll '—ycu an! yer gawrip." ARecb. zionool', couitto (AllwrtA) In businoM and bm F Tank zc4k Lhun from siI,aw- Spbot's large eyes openezi wide. I Rteexle Ulinml 4� a few rnvnth,�; befere, and upnn an find -somelh-ZlIc, Frink," z -be r�-narked 14 all be eAn dn; . ly, Qnd s:i*.pping fla, -wat,-h ir:to his "44 was rettinc sis wceuw, new pur- r,4*kat, he t. -A tha bax in Ma fingirs. tf a few weelts; he when the -Ituatfon 1 -fid been explainod WUt lavo I 0=e, n­ankoe?" be vaid 1 Ing sxoo iier week- may to was,) hvd 7 in heAtatiqn. 111s�—thero vnvtling -p vron-asoil aiii. wav acco,-.ted. The to ft-ar. "Dad is rIght. I couldnt boar, "11' 7=,I1 I doin furgot al, aboirt c '11', to his niird� - were greatly to havu you away out at sea. Tou'vejwrong?" I to Auto mill He sj�>ke 6awly, and 141.7ell rai.,Nlu -11., "Is tharl anythin' Nwrong?" reJteer1r-- .80 r.-­� 1 -.-,*m. Ile 'w�la a ftberman and got two y0arS b2fbZ3 YOU—tWO yearg 10 at a r wtelt. Ill.; eyka up to uha faca of ttle girl ated Frank. "Waal, I sh,41 jest vxy dreds more w 141 -11ing a - li­�-Ynbccr of -a profession u.,swily r plete CO etiardin- In front c1 him. Pu e- fs a itung time, but I'm sure You caold thar! mrast Do yGu know what You've Com Ur VIrIle:l bY the'uniniflated q% being of do a lot in that, poexod. You're Young choir over, he --u-A quietly, "WRI ye End d gis Auto Faictorles sit. hem, OL Mo,=,Mt?" 13w tVpe­,-,,'ior,iferOIiS -poor, yet—twent�-th­te6 ign`i we've gone an! 4,one?" a I , menw, an,J de-g-rade,ji. "NE-nO." The Frenchnian's reply ltvmT braueh at the rLut* business Is tAulzbt— Wcuderinga-y -1::2 ,i--�y­id, and with Ile had n6 means. of both got plenty Of time before us. Get construction, operation, utoccep and rc*aI ties 01 ing what other -rivals, there were wits, to work no -w, qnd PH belp:-%vas apprebonsive, and his eyes show- auto$, truclui, tractors lam lignung planta ad In"N his eye., guzing inta hzrs ha sitxppei r your ed, 'his trepidation. RMLIal. VrACUN. XO 911M the eaver of the box opan and &-s- alrtlidy in the flv6, but he had, "made aln I work, students learn by P�,ayed the fla-Aii a asel, feir h*r,11 asb,,- expressed it, and: And, as Frank looked do. "Wenl, I'll Wl ye than," said- the actual fat-lftj methr(W. 1319 Armn-pu ing gzm. 'vn Into her otherwitli. mock severity. "Ye'ire jesit - Q It es bi - S - .5 Alff -0 our Ve: for such a wo- gone In entg fullest co-overatton. be Inspired iby his, lo istud C'ume gl% d (m, xs e, claimzd in strmT�ee­ "LzrA -it a Kftpel� i0at ever left thl *ays— also beertily endorse Our arins an as beauty?" . tDento-a's mind he -%v.Duid not .have man. �!Oh, daaxie,'�.he whspered as meanin', that I' -.v put &.Ang on LdUy il'bo", . . , -tr blead counring through "What a 142�vt' ef,amandil." she ex- he had 11bDokv& hiv fish.,, jlovdy face he felt thilt h` task-wou!d: U, , 't", u ....... ; If F;Pank cca7�1, only*have read, Miss an' tiod me up t, th, firrest little "Ye4 ha E.6d tano6'­- "but rmt!thought� Va �2,ti�k such a dlfficult one he, pipk,wq he_T- to him, Ifl feel that I Spacial Course* in Jittttery a .1 Denton's finger­�O- & dba ' � U49 for 7,�-u 'as! N-whnt`y'!,u aM Lfl-' ben h t R"dd'great t Aw"ait Our i% the cmaest(,41!�rof. This re' T Eake., lia"I fin!,ra-zed hei �ifh sueR a �tirl�e to' *Ir4 I c'i go �e i whoop, of joy, and- in 0..d'hP'=, c saw -NI " 'I i Graduates-ractorles. m. toid vnvm ss. Tbe wiij i:, J2' g - U i,.;� l, C11 Your hi, delighthe ewbr'aced his oild dory- 1. its place iswarm. u:'firt. n g 1- ly, and VnIan ZLe inire about tilLrough'anythin' t' inake -�mu happy " . I t-. w�ntl rg in her him arA .0 -at to, know ffia �tuff he was'IlFr face we�s very close to his; K�r mate with all the fervor of his in- .11. K Wo.a Into, r. in Tre; Sloan's on strained and I -n -lo -4 I W;lh th� es. of I-jj.4 made of �-he admirel him morp tbgn:hair -brushed- his cheek, and,, looking heTited Gee -lie tenn]�',erament. "I knew, Co.,, `1 chest. Z". .4 * Nowl , Don't Wal�­ThB mm who ";qs rwLhv. Brcakg up colds In 2 dat she WaG de girl I I knew it -1, Tt1­IUnw.i..t('T&3.-,— . it bandy. O=- -.AA ­J hjni, ukl-12 h, `,lay ot, ar of her friends. The ad-: into the depths of her brown eye;4 he yb..-.t tcI-10 it". nl&.?- ep, kv,l'p $aur know it. Ob, Frardwe, but I'm glad -4 odh-"--7bR! sfade *1 ation was rnutla.� aild S-on ripen-' saw her admiration for him glancir. -:-'r WWI fha intenAty of an - .—!ed, into love. ifrorr, under tha long leshes. Thore ver.ee gilhad." �And when his outburst' Michigan State Automobile set. -Dol "WUS over "he. explained the affair to L5372 Auto Old& There is a trita.,- but oft-;tIm as true,, WaS a warm glow in ber face, and a his frien.d. "I knew dat Dexter Detroit, I'lich. provarb -whikh 9 disorder in -her silky hair, _girl derllar6s, that the e3urse fascinatinl' was not, f= you, Frankee. She was of true love, runs not. smoothly. SO'�when- heifathw's vvke -came from the too perfidle—Iorguet:0,11eme PT.oudl — Westhaver found when be broa, v Airtj Vink ybu ea — -want ched 11 dat. She the Subject tG Capbadn Denton. Taie 410h er! G-ame-out an' try Venerable toMpmedter had- n6 objec-!one . rny-'Antwei�p man-Ileas." everyVing—never give riaw-Ving. W'en tions t* Frank as a son-in�isw—kl F roGe. "Jerst anotilum, swee-t- she went to hwipital at Boston she giet 'fact be- would not -have wisbie-& to seie; heawtt" ah4l -with the touch of her worse. I see d-st—pou no� see. Now, Yowflens Need nrlis -Tomaie a bebL-r man thee hurii1band of Ms I warm Ted Htills, upon, his he went out Ven, dat lo(Cely girli come off de wreck New I I say diait de girl flair Frankee. I see elaftIghter­but he had some views, to Join the old, man. with a. lattlie A rounded tablespoonful of J upon the wbject 41ii-ch. 'he expladned�gret at hxvi�g to defule, the Idng dat labe 1Ae you by her eyes on de 0� -to WeAlitavew at Some lengdL ' - ' - er1W 10inedWI, an' Wen you go hospirbal in PRA=S Poultry Regulatorfor each ten I -Aveetilless Nvith wch a thing as a Yarnboult' I g1D for see. an' tell her. Sho "I E-ke you, he said - as' stmolci. fowls will put new vigor into your flock. A REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM the tWo..s&t on the sun -flooded P. It -w" a glori[ous Auomst day when wala veV *aki veen'l tell her how you humt6 an' Ven I see dat, I t61 hem JN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORM,% of the Denbonhouise 1%ut -if you were he landed utpoxi tlheshring-V-eceof the Poultry Regulator the omwbvert A Vat fine feAer you was. I tell beir shing skipper on the Long Cove wharf. A fresh breete was dat everee, tam I talke her to hospital., Atlhutik I w0dkWt %t you have my, Kawing in- fTOM dw ses., and! the rtudig Testimonial. daulghtior an! olft ask me loti 4 quesifilon '(bouft Dund-us Stxea, Toronto. far a wffe. I'm a scajlor mi-! of it, coming in over the weled-,stwown yotu,. Den I lel' you to rest, ae is nota food but a natural tonic and health builder, self, an j& I k.nvqv what the JOt of a rocks, with Ahe adglA of the fleecy 01 Dobson'& New Life Remedy. VaVjoes wife ia, and, yeaw6tago I vow�ed- clouido racing athwart the blue of the I feet elad-­isia gla&l which act directly and positively upon the di ­ 00. (TO bei omAinuedi.), 10, Dear Sir—It affords me moro ff LflT ever got hitched up it would. sky, fililled Frank's young heart NVIth gestive and egg -producing organs—tones up the tbaumorepleasure to add my nev1w be to a sagior No sireel I the easitimylof 11vfiTg, laving and, 6e-, whole system—inakes hens- more eggss. Z Unow what air m;6he; Kad. to go" Ing Moved. M1 the Tiong 6;4e;i ware Dye Old Curtains, 6timony to tha many I am Is um through Am', W�wl away at sea. I've woiking ulplon the new addiftions, when Sweater or Skirt 7ou already have ao 0 bliz metrits PRA TTS PoultrjyDisinfectantkeeps poultry R teen her git gmy-hedred with worriy­ he steppe& ashore, and they ti"w nd Al ,bt your New Life medicine for I : - In Diarno Dyes hous" garfitak '. Kills mftes, ind diseasp germs. Ing omr me, md evM7 brame 6f wind &rwfi Wlgera, saws, a6eis" aind -hem- y mers Inli the ruish to- gre 'h&. TbZr� -7— golatloa and rheumatUm. I was i I that Hovtii kewVs them. waik-sful anA et Your 3vlciney Back U YOU Are Not satisfied 5 Arjutt sufferer forim-longtime with wondeiing how -their husba-nd is far- was Long Dick, pangleir and L mo -re, "Diamond 0yes" a4d years of wear wor Id 1ficiatiou, AD4 hearing of your Ing wheii We .6 wal -ubs�dei. Then there's boorud-JAhan ever, pumping -the hand to n, MdA sklrd�, a ts, coats, So by De&16hi Ev-erywherat. Made in Cana& ti&dkino, t procurs4 two bottla% th'. lisnemyne.-neeg o� it, ani Wea'. off 11.1m, � laha shooting questions like! stockings, sweaters� ppyerings, hang- PRATT FOOD, COMPANY OF CANADA, Lirnit�d 9. Carl 11.wh" outed me completely, at I recko-ri J neeh say no more, You' a rapdd-fifre gun. JUd1.M10Trq111i, VnOe tap, drap�erles, everythIP Every .13 2NNY aw Avenue, Toronto e contaulms, directidbs, S!6 91inple 'Asast Ono you ago, Md hay$ *W* know exaiad7 what I ni(Fiab, avd, let'Jern�, Zeke, and, Leh, Ring were suir 'or been troubled since, me belb ye, a 11,sherm-mee Iffe ir4 Wolyse ing round, him with the Ught of wiil�- any "man can put now, iieh, fadeless WSW Truotfus rdur mediolne wil than -a deep-wabeir siailloris. - Ye, may Izome in their, eyesi. Oh, but Ih�-, felt 'colors Into her -worn garmen or I be at hame r. 1,11 e often lbub thl!gcod- to, ibe home amoniit tbam Once come ulavef"I known anaeures (LrA?.DeT1'e5 even,if IMLe. LL-a'S . Ver uye VIIJSkS felVows take bi them YDU small more! before. Just buy DfamGnd, Dyes—no as I bi4teve tt will, all alifferers Fpgho.onwa Is, ivoa7e thia:n I'd wart any "Well; weal, an.' hei-el's GuT Skdpper, 'who take It. -to, be taking, and. Shaipty Westhaver!'! cried-, Long Dick' I �,thar, kind—then your, material will of mine J I Se Diamond nay, th-M-4's a sight poor fkffiewmeiVs 11H�� �" last h� whoF� eoni out right, becau &M you= ',rtry b after setti-TV I � 11), 1. ' I . 18, SUITIL anund- ibi coasit, I Vu telIllcioait a-tailiiiol. A r6rglqbx,�do Jes are 9URTa ateed xot 10 streak, 0, D . � C OPGU., Then again, a 'gIven By thl Api-k-oanln�. alriver trom. T Dodf, -�With; spot, fade,'or,rnn. , Tell y',ourdrugglst Dollar. 1� Ono bottle toy One � Six bottlo4 benefit of is, 901cil, elmoa�Uion and I've. yeT rough' an,.' tou in,' th'! whether the material yp.0 gl� Wish to dye Flive Dollax% from y-(mr tleareal hd her brD t ueu mp wy.'il' Kinsefl!al IJoTd,'HaTwy1 boyf I is 'wG01 OT Adak, Or whet-ber. it is linen, t�gglgt or direct from She's not 9.6hig to t11r9w vllthlait away 1 but ye ve lsuttainl-y: bae4h paibtinl thllcottGn or mixed goo'ds. asha fichzTinrkii'o wif e; W,,Y,,&, what we've Vard 116' true. she rnw-- vn��-r, ef all h(r husiband. ha,,,� 9�cub to be lmng' W�t I�d, be 'mosit"s-ear6d. V �be Safety From Gas Grate, 'ainid job, avd a yer gang, bh' dog of a - it) -ga's 1,00111, Imathig one, I'M n0t 91341)'9' tD SeC h00T �ay ye are. we -re Pumu from a Eving- ar.onie and -&�,pendhig opon. the ffie, gTe)�44);gys­-�rough, jestingi Mit -In- grate in -vented In Englaui,,l are, con- n, Woe. Adefatd' -111ed tubes az a safety 0 �'e,axllmiv of la,h6shavii4who. mety sttlrfke!";;��randjt waig he eotilrll Ao to .1 (I enoed in w, ter f Canada i la,�I, =,a voyagd, a�t�, make naw�hing b�aak Away from the nwb�'axgdi gof up, pre(iautdo.'D. In m-1 ET. r -Vs. too. T, t 0 M, �*d. �X, vbh , Me mectarlous, moige� 'd1s tri J. r Liniment for Warts.. ? , , MI kint He fouqid,ipk��, lbehind, t�e h�ou�se Mins