The Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-14, Page 6'y .... . . ......
1: 1 7' 1:
aae-,An by from Buy, Your Electric Supplies
babyh:od With, goo mv,910 aa a foun- By, M4 and Save
�eal tzraining- If Y074
Brownie I aL money
�o4w��A meke. ==ie *,aurv2;H by 0,11
U or 41, phopcl�
onny fi" r&Y�s or -xe�
Safety 4iP4 1 $3.95
eor aiF; yru czaA
*JCV 4D 1.
affv Staxt with
N th cbjJ*d,
CbMl s, �kr Senil-Indirect Bowl.
ligght 'a
AX� Fixtures, slinilar to
so ne, a
Sclg#narm, L szt
l4j� musia ot Qx i ly 8b.d1d 1. PIWI
ath th
va Paper Benv eria are A
otkvr - ecorat4a
li.-k-e expero`xa worape -,,�,th. mats for Beetbzweg, Wagner, aAd tU4 I with blue birds.
To, =�,ny h1tusWir" Vae use� 404! 9T*-1al` ma4s�tem - Taiie 14U0 WIIK? Tea;w Bowli; are completo
S. ng-�;arv�.t� fbia, are vme WV
crepe vs% --T �mz el'e I f; 0,1� ab
with ciwn hancei
k) out 2 feet I"
the mak�rg *f y so as to be and soOcet rea t!
ts and be inads) very 94-�� to tOve �u' I'Z Ime the �Oxig t
Ive, of br-ni'de. iuceAtive tO mue&-4v1LX i
But, I have !"" �
in varicias An=c� and, Sizes� to fit, able to vn�duve him"M-11%
to b 'he -mm -egu
found t -- a real hs.,webola W-eI, the 'hot vy1l"" But 4-a n*t e=our4qe'L Ad -be The x . lar price
In tbe -M--hen it hass n.amxerous aJ"J pianist. or -dolln�-A �* think t1a t ex -4---3 of this axt4ro I
raes -ore evroe%4 from �SAQ to *1Q.Q
S" W01' 11 1 PIwAys keop �a ),u,, -h of riain Wuhslet32' Most T" A Our
110 onae oaer 1�=etlmo are u-m-no-oo-ary. A wall Vm4er
a be UK4 khee cf woaevr Much tr�m*l rice Is,. 1PDXAP10%
crepe 111-19 amd tty rvuiai<,� critic bas saM thAt t1he're
A O -P feet. TaL�_- zlnd -,'=I e%vew ar�4.
ex =beets vn h
tvwel'-, eavirg- me�%� liar
no .e,4q�.Iator to, fbe mwical- heiglits,' s
4ofr e, -e a�ways bcUud to got is
Your dollar will want to jLrup out of your poeket when lauewmirg. A.Ioom, 01,0.-e4 wm - Children mmiot -learn too ea4y that sen n`QW � li
wb,21,t. A Nmvet� and a to r �ry
1� on Qf
-vex y I*qdy as rarigh e';n.f, earne4, A4iWQ wo* is
it gel's the news-, the Price of �b
ellen a rjg�, kapt to,��--nme too, sozed tea 1-uah-ut cluit 16
for 6aarilrg -v4 dlrt to be Fz-,r4,e In A. ATA tivve,, re�al �suveew, 11b rl-ti c"I't I..
The GMette Browm*e Razor and �Wore wasl:�,ng ill -resqy ",-ilher. Br;4idioa crepe I W. P, EARLE
II tal-,'e =413 are just, El&tn'c supply Co,
I never tb,nk of rosing, anytihirg lwt " , - I Combipo Peas and MeAt.
paper --ap4re in, Ote vc:Uaol and VIC- 1'arer ra"T !9`3r�
"""llette Blader, for $1.00 ft�, tbeyIman be burnedl I ierve Peas in asp'ie fc-- m;r special 1284 qt� civar Avo, WON,.,
3 Ganubie nic 'tum, -,*-ket ami througltout fl;e I
4 bv 1'e-olre WAS hel;&I-7 T uonTo, OWT.
yfar th-ay are used on� the kitchen
�-xrw eagly And quic!" Xmuddo of ve,44 1 pound boiling'�
Never was so navch value crowded into a dollar� tab,!a iw T�ave Cf I-tten ra-f idix, ar"I of, 1-3 ei;p 4$eml oarwts� 1-3. cr-p� Shadows.
dark be
To -d -ay, in 1922, wita prices 'way up, a Single doll-ar can MUlre Iew-awwZ I '.
1,1,1 aw wsedl frr Vbe,5% the!r tIme, 41=1 t1m.0^ % copdimd *eZ7,, 1-3'99%v from *,'o morning to the vesper
lwanlartug to Lee,
p Vr-mx loAFng goo� cu'p dr=A Watwes, 14 Mrp -Ncei on-,
buy for you wh�kt cost $5.QQ twenty yl�arts ago—the 'Of, -.'e lvn Iteno,
I To keep a fresk ecan cl�th cover-
Xxurllous Gillette shave—speed, ccl=6art and s"ety every Jions� % cwp, twmto juice, 1 The ever shlf ting shadows busT are.
iW en 'a plant etavdl Is reNt io im&� Stimulating Musical AmMition. f�Qt-� Y* tmv.-poan pepper, 2 (1mr1s Pinding at night upon the quiet breast*
possible. fcz tho TZ%nt PO4- azw4vs water, 1%. p a 4re8=-
raorning for the� rest of your life.
i , tp,, F-eze, 2 t-bles$wms Of the compassionate earM
A, 41 g,,-neml, drug, hardware and jeirellory stores over),Nvbe- p�timable i-mirx, cm In former &fya st-447 Was less rest!
Whom gapda #Te tical g4eatin, 1 egg whito. Cover *rp meati
�,rr -1�4vfd to Im 4 deadly.. ,�,ith -
v; ,WA wntvx� ar4 vtew Tar :Vaw,,,N,,e are an %T049wa
_tbrough UWa go-
w1th the VK.
S4 lbo M b elwets, I C00 1mr-f". ffrf,;R� "'lne ne 'y to 'F"�:Xv boiiw! � Aed vwet�Vm% ,
'I tive da'T
0 tome into hore. aa Wei �cn tbe -=n;> or vl,-4in -Nms A ccq�Uon of U,.-- pm% and The sec-Wn-
le as aT011I.- the of I Ze'n-', ,wrt. of fet-b 011&,oc Oms tbw, FUMUJAg each his QW4uUcR'.JqJng WAY,
�ul,.s, r4ter the ment It= caolwl *-ee'
Wem hc:4m
Jor the p.m;try avi s1halres. Then w-jen the loug night cliwes dark
Strain jf;�
MDI,ept'd the
ulpht's one groan �WMrA Imm in Fluiling on Mother Barth U
I 1-mve xr,;-de --tained *.rd Vurjt 9C; -r and deep ntroublal
invs'-v N%VT'u to four t4iNvo,
A; trufte zrtlrat.�� Uy ow -I of the t-r.e Cf poona cf vold water, 4,rd,
eril,,- Vrain vith V-* "!-oA lstevq Of t?fterv, the 1r,**%% 'Of s�le% tmvemel
P& ri T being to the t,.%! Then im.51- t1io egg
Razor and blades rnade and guaranteed gepulne r, gathered in ut the txp with a ay.1 fl- Yal ")f Ill rA;Mdrg,1Xy&,t-; Av%'.�Ie. Boll up qu!40y, off the,
-41%T -har.�J of the gama zv�rfw, " e� in theviTitrt ta te�ell Ole prewaus
-min nVi3in. M4
by Gillette Safet)r R=or Po. of Canada, Limited he dinin q'rp rjm�,r wriel�ltiwn of chVVir.-n wNhmt real egani, P -Ra 4
or In tl tv-, W -V and pour in. in,00's -%N,144.2b, %ave!
can !Onl V,�CN UF -f fe, y ard muF11 I f.7--o4e.-.�m or airc5ition b=�- b on wet with vo!d xv*tcr. wh= tbo: or slut -for W 0
e r on
ly. To a �7d juA the Vght Int of vv�.7T to "Irj�M
r c . Out a P'40�0 OT tWID WIWI, jelly 'Q.erv,�� On left.uoe IpJ','re&
, ��Ia in This sort of Graduato upt
J 44 Hore, is -a 11 U -f t-Qyer" sh which -we, wbtro- advIceandlit . tare'.
the like; 2 *,d mutton, I mp; THIR ARNOTT INSTITUTE
I pumha�ed 4 Yp%,t NVre lam a,%h^ 'i
fr;=e and owervi it -wil", auver:7.4 cl:.'d m,::h a Ivathing V!r the watt -r, 2 trC54-ppilons butter, 1 V4!
ct crolne of the &simd pla=i, 111'gth�4 P-3 ZI 1 '7 to peu% 4 ItAMesroamp chipped utdon, .1
vem NAI, nvl , uchea
sbade. 0,!rring it s7exletly a, t. -,p it lav� �,.. !U %*,, Cr, it lie reary k" teaspoon, 1.16 tewzpaau r4mper,�
I ,W,* 009 ll V.0e. clwp tbwA (V-01ked,
and bottom of imim ar3 AnIshin
it hf&r�ers Ir's Orl;rirtal devvl- J3
I)Uttr -1
'with tape, r,):0 on. opnj(mnt aTA irtay permanent V injure mutian, -Ad, Nvater. Onion," I NV.E N T 10 71"'
AVaut ibbs Cuie. tea, the vover';mg h`-4 *K! y- Falt and lle:ppm 00;lz ore bour. &Tve 8", for 114t of J�Jxv AtXorA w3uT94 by ?0aufVC,'
of my ferv�ug trxy uee'Vl atteu�,.-u. We turc, C�kme t,,� realize, in a border of rice,,i-4. U- orovAua gayo, been Xnadogrom *Iwo's
SO, I cwerel It wt*h a e--m-t of vva�Q the vital impolunce of l4e..."I Talent
r the some va.,;r cs tbat of, Qe kimuZ,'ft'ing I * I HAROLD C. SHI*PMAN & CO.!
he waska ambition in 411nard's Liniment for C61da Pto.
&r'r1'1Q1F JT 9021
ur..Ivr�tan,41 t1il -way YO -4 1-13k -,it ift, an' makira hcTses fvr su?porting A51, The Mine flows three thnes as fast w3mvmg9L=
I J_ a Tba
I isee your yoinl�, lut I don't Vl..a V-Awz, =1 Cie k�vnci3 fc,,Zov's jos? at aii; th , - m
cowrl ett by the musson mulz coutp.-M7 fic
at Z;�'A ait my Yro. MY Un4o swing 'h*m vws t-. uiv v%rdlal.
an' me are F!nwaln' V st&Tt it 114"A "'Olt, FrauRee, birt I wus thinking YOU The o6ensive sme,31 can bit,renioved"
CHAPTER F0VMTLEN—(CouVdJ I $lie it on busini�,-s up in Long C -ave, We've nev.-ir <waxg h-ame. I J*Zt VAy to frDm saucepaus in which iinims or
�iz! Ilij,'J yrur tq1gue,,, ex�!!aimed her fiwtr.
bought a ve-�-17�1,& KiriseV�j,Ianl I Caplen. i1Yqrk 441s ine7ning da� 1 1)0 fish have lieen eo;Aced by addino- -
�row for seo tle vinegar to the iva?bingwater.
Ir thcl RieL Ycpu're r.�i at so.a. naw, and "S'xKtI%M;-V" LP elicd and iW hi�r w74�i-. un. -Io Zocks for ga ta, YaTmottV to -mor a lit
rm;��`ng ( -:� -, I �, La,.. to b,
ariWth' shzre eni o' tt;i %Vh4at conle owT you."
Por,V.-It. kks ,nronx right arm, &r.1 as IM The, 43 iran 1. fiyas, th-it's "Conle rp th' fle,& aways," Sad the
we U) c"u-,Y orders from w'w pzo.` ;rta hcr, and e1n. all e
.t, but jomlre going to ilie doing v -1w. "I got piriethilit! V MY It' y10
Ing With the 14veligtt unler thci:r tM, I,�eft end of it, ar.4 ttays what, I Cute .011 cqg." I
pael;ing b:s, thirga in tbp'lz.Y9 ku�w th"IT he bad 01.,ject to. You're a 4.-mirl. lad, I JuPc-. t�Tew the Immmer down a*k re-
rl;�Z-flaoe,. "D;.� Y -cu V. �nt you.- watdl, war- `0'a, An! 'tis th know. &rid I t1unk if ye'S IN)k avaural -,wei hls frionA. Frank walked on
Irl 'inut Vf t*xs w�%T' Site h04 Ul) tl"a b:4.%*WY Inall. I ilin t7liS d1ly uo�V that rha ad
a !.We you Can 6> m,:wa fr;;Ln femwk f4rr a low ycva3 arl sat daurn uud!ffr�
zoa-slcirel It w".4 pSr. cf Yo f��r my own, A3�e! my verry uldirtrt. Mildcrij i C
amund with a '.�We b.?.' of a busluczs, the 0,210 of a gi-Int fpMee, "ReTex� vmt
lth�� suit 'C'n tl��2, meinxiclie ownVI, A' trav?&," exe.almod Automobiwo GKJ cc
y3ur Lrahts.,, cul Ia-A f.'r s-yx.*- Yela a m',k' I 13191foup at batle.103 and flec.)
p �,ut thing biggin-, my la,,� ve ye two Fmink, wlt% a tw!nkle in Ilia el"es to repair. motions ot pimto bulid. 01 In
inandoua oprortunit!w AAR. we tr w 4Q, Molcas your
yl e hat d'ye mean by gglnl arauiV Yov 4 mobile nexa. TWO it Iie to lea
-Y01,4, if Nou 0 iv� CHAPTM Fir, TE. 4W
- I ?. I eal%;�t
t , , - EX, jyeax�D itni henyou'vegitintoeome sk
ain t1ti,
V t1l., W Id it rt ot no AU6 .4 ar and smooth.
U,- livit'll LOOP You vihare cad mouth zin' tWinl my -wholc history to %I- r ele"It. tup
no, wan �j,) 9,,j .1, remely t
TL 4 Cie
Xo, zue rep'jc 1. "It %p in SELL IT
rr 4 .1 * -� g�rl az Ae 4mery g!rl ye meet?"
I cer, mo
Olt, TI...,re i n � t. 411 U �, I ��.ert w,.,11 lif� I%L 11q earni 1, cnwrh to ke
I , ha IeXi MMI)eJ and wou the g, 611OU74 be ker.t, 111 -say But, di�es 1041 up que.-ttioningly. "Er e Irly
-,a waiit ti*' V4 '14 Cf, k $2
poelcft tvt Da iben-:�o marrTing." �--ah," he stimmered) awkwartfij� "Did
1INVInt is R7 AOt u ra1 ;f lAlls,' ta hPart. Frank We.-thaver vies, no ave a oil ness of our
aL., slio tell you &AVI
i's it?" hail* anaAn=Lxwith' Frank a2wpted Captain Denton% 1 4 !rbousaugs at our rmduates ore maldna
IF, ; I 'Yes, she did", roplied ee other, big trioney In M, auto buSIUM11. XCU21? Rheumatism I
10, For ar �wzr A -t., Wlrms wr d -Wion a i firtal, and 1,17,lictn, wtis too, (Sask n1suing Moro snoney than be ex-
,�h a.N-011119 warman whom he% regarled as e� ( lew) Appolutpd In -
the wat;lx, thain, ani a E.r%�t -velve� Ills nni int,6111ectual- a' dutiful a daughter 'to dissent front - 'Anf a nice serape ye've let me in for'
girl he had, ir,�t In vn unu_o,,.,al inenner aw, thing her 'Imrar 1. -,aid., "'You'll '—ycu an! yer gawrip." ARecb. zionool', couitto
(AllwrtA) In businoM and bm
F Tank zc4k Lhun from siI,aw- Spbot's large eyes openezi wide. I Rteexle Ulinml 4�
a few rnvnth,�; befere, and upnn an find -somelh-ZlIc, Frink," z -be r�-narked 14 all be eAn dn; .
ly, Qnd s:i*.pping fla, -wat,-h ir:to his "44 was rettinc sis wceuw, new pur-
r,4*kat, he t. -A tha bax in Ma fingirs. tf a few weelts; he when the -Ituatfon 1 -fid been explainod WUt lavo I 0=e, nankoe?" be vaid 1 Ing sxoo iier week- may to was,)
hvd 7 in heAtatiqn. 111s�—thero vnvtling -p
vron-asoil aiii. wav acco,-.ted. The to ft-ar. "Dad is rIght. I couldnt boar,
"11' 7=,I1 I doin furgot al, aboirt
c '11', to his niird� - were greatly to havu you away out at sea. Tou'vejwrong?" I to Auto mill
He sj�>ke 6awly, and 141.7ell rai.,Nlu -11., "Is tharl anythin' Nwrong?" reJteer1r-- .80
r.-� 1 -.-,*m. Ile 'w�la a ftberman and got two y0arS b2fbZ3 YOU—tWO yearg 10 at a r wtelt.
Ill.; eyka up to uha faca of ttle girl ated Frank. "Waal, I sh,41 jest vxy dreds more w 141
-11ing a - li�-Ynbccr of -a profession u.,swily r plete CO
etiardin- In front c1 him. Pu e- fs a itung time, but I'm sure You caold thar! mrast Do yGu know what You've Com Ur
VIrIle:l bY the'uniniflated q% being of do a lot in that, poexod. You're Young
choir over, he --u-A quietly, "WRI ye End d gis Auto Faictorles
sit. hem, OL Mo,=,Mt?" 13w tVpe,-,,'ior,iferOIiS -poor, yet—twent�-thte6 ign`i we've gone an! 4,one?"
a I , menw,
an,J de-g-rade,ji. "NE-nO." The Frenchnian's reply ltvmT braueh at the rLut* business Is tAulzbt—
Wcuderinga-y -1::2 ,i--�yid, and with Ile had n6 means. of both got plenty Of time before us. Get construction, operation, utoccep and rc*aI
ties 01
ing what other -rivals, there were wits, to work no -w, qnd PH belp:-%vas apprebonsive, and his eyes show- auto$, truclui, tractors lam lignung planta ad
his eye., guzing inta hzrs ha sitxppei r
your ed, 'his trepidation. RMLIal. VrACUN. XO 911M
the eaver of the box opan and &-s- alrtlidy in the flv6, but he had, "made aln I work, students learn by
P�,ayed the fla-Aii a asel, feir h*r,11 asb,,- expressed it, and: And, as Frank looked do. "Wenl, I'll Wl ye than," said- the actual fat-lftj methr(W. 1319 Armn-pu
ing gzm. 'vn Into her otherwitli. mock severity. "Ye'ire jesit - Q It es bi -
S - .5 Alff -0 our
Ve: for such a wo- gone In entg fullest co-overatton.
be Inspired iby his, lo istud C'ume gl% d (m, xs e,
claimzd in strmT�ee "LzrA -it a Kftpel� i0at ever left thl *ays— also beertily endorse Our arins an as
beauty?" . tDento-a's mind he -%v.Duid not .have man. �!Oh, daaxie,'�.he whspered as meanin', that I' -.v put &.Ang on LdUy il'bo", . . , -tr blead counring through
"What a 142�vt' ef,amandil." she ex- he had 11bDokv& hiv fish.,, jlovdy face he felt thilt h` task-wou!d: U, , 't", u .......
; If F;Pank cca7�1, only*have read, Miss an' tiod me up t, th, firrest little
"Ye4 ha E.6d tano6'- "but rmt!thought� Va �2,ti�k such a dlfficult one he, pipk,wq he_T- to him, Ifl feel that I Spacial Course* in Jittttery a
.1 Denton's finger�O-
& dba ' � U49 for 7,�-u
'as! N-whnt`y'!,u aM Lfl-' ben h t R"dd'great t Aw"ait Our i% the cmaest(,41!�rof. This re'
T Eake.,
lia"I fin!,ra-zed hei �ifh sueR a �tirl�e to' *Ir4 I c'i go �e i whoop, of joy, and- in 0..d'hP'=, c
saw -NI " 'I i Graduates-ractorles. m. toid vnvm ss. Tbe wiij i:,
J2' g -
U i,.;�
l, C11 Your hi, delighthe ewbr'aced his oild dory- 1. its place iswarm. u:'firt.
n g 1- ly, and VnIan ZLe inire about tilLrough'anythin' t' inake -�mu happy " . I t-. w�ntl
rg in her him arA .0 -at to, know ffia �tuff he was'IlFr face we�s very close to his; K�r mate with all the fervor of his in- .11. K Wo.a Into, r. in Tre; Sloan's on strained and I -n -lo -4
W;lh th� es.
of I-jj.4 made of �-he admirel him morp tbgn:hair -brushed- his cheek, and,, looking heTited Gee -lie tenn]�',erament. "I knew, Co.,, `1 chest. Z". .4
* Nowl , Don't Wal�ThB mm who ";qs rwLhv. Brcakg up colds In
2 dat she WaG de girl I I knew it -1, Tt1IUnw.i..t('T&3.-,— . it bandy.
O=- -.AA J hjni, ukl-12 h, `,lay ot, ar of her friends. The ad-: into the depths of her brown eye;4 he yb..-.t tcI-10 it". nl&.?- ep, kv,l'p $aur
know it. Ob, Frardwe, but I'm glad -4 odh-"--7bR!
sfade *1
ation was rnutla.� aild S-on ripen-' saw her admiration for him glancir.
-:-'r WWI fha intenAty of an -
.—!ed, into love. ifrorr, under tha long leshes. Thore gilhad." �And when his outburst' Michigan State Automobile set. -Dol
"WUS over "he. explained the affair to L5372 Auto Old&
There is a trita.,- but oft-;tIm as true,, WaS a warm glow in ber face, and a his frien.d. "I knew dat Dexter Detroit, I'lich.
provarb -whikh 9 disorder in -her silky hair, _girl
derllar6s, that the e3urse fascinatinl' was not, f= you, Frankee. She was
of true love, runs not. smoothly. SO'�when- heifathw's vvke -came from the
too perfidle—Iorguet:0,11eme PT.oudl —
Westhaver found when be broa, v Airtj Vink ybu ea — -want
ched 11 dat. She
the Subject tG Capbadn Denton. Taie 410h er! G-ame-out an' try
Venerable toMpmedter had- n6 objec-!one . rny-'Antwei�p man-Ileas." everyVing—never give riaw-Ving. W'en
tions t* Frank as a son-in�isw—kl F roGe. "Jerst anotilum, swee-t- she went to hwipital at Boston she giet
'fact be- would not -have wisbie-& to seie; heawtt" ah4l -with the touch of her worse. I see d-st—pou no� see. Now, Yowflens Need nrlis -Tomaie
a bebL-r man thee hurii1band of Ms I warm Ted Htills, upon, his he went out Ven, dat lo(Cely girli come off de wreck
New I I say diait de girl flair Frankee. I see
elaftIghterbut he had some views, to Join the old, man. with a. lattlie A rounded tablespoonful of J
upon the wbject 41ii-ch. 'he expladned�gret at hxvi�g to defule, the Idng dat labe 1Ae you by her eyes on de 0�
-to WeAlitavew at Some lengdL ' - ' - er1W 10inedWI, an' Wen you go hospirbal in PRA=S Poultry Regulatorfor each ten
I -Aveetilless Nvith wch a thing as a Yarnboult' I g1D for see. an' tell her. Sho
"I E-ke you, he said - as' stmolci. fowls will put new vigor into your flock.
A REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM the tWo..s&t on the sun -flooded P.
It -w" a glori[ous Auomst day when wala veV *aki veen'l tell her how you
humt6 an' Ven I see dat, I t61 hem
JN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORM,% of the Denbonhouise 1%ut -if you were he landed utpoxi tlheshring-V-eceof the Poultry Regulator
the omwbvert A Vat fine feAer you was. I tell beir
shing skipper on the Long Cove wharf. A fresh breete was dat everee, tam I talke her to hospital.,
Atlhutik I w0dkWt %t you have my, Kawing in- fTOM dw ses., and! the rtudig
Testimonial. daulghtior an! olft ask me loti 4 quesifilon '(bouft
Dund-us Stxea, Toronto. far a wffe. I'm a scajlor mi-! of it, coming in over the weled-,stwown yotu,. Den I lel' you to rest, ae is nota food but a natural tonic and health builder,
self, an
j& I k.nvqv what the JOt of a rocks, with Ahe adglA of the fleecy
01 Dobson'& New Life Remedy. VaVjoes wife ia, and, yeaw6tago I vow�ed- clouido racing athwart the blue of the I feet elad-isia gla&l which act directly and positively upon the di
00. (TO bei omAinuedi.),
10, Dear Sir—It affords me moro ff LflT ever got hitched up it would. sky, fililled Frank's young heart NVIth gestive and egg -producing organs—tones up the
tbaumorepleasure to add my nev1w be to a sagior No sireel I the easitimylof 11vfiTg, laving and, 6e-, whole system—inakes hens- more eggss. Z
Unow what air m;6he; Kad. to go" Ing Moved. M1 the Tiong 6;4e;i ware Dye Old Curtains,
6timony to tha many I am Is
um through Am', W�wl away at sea. I've woiking ulplon the new addiftions, when Sweater or Skirt
7ou already have ao 0 bliz metrits PRA TTS PoultrjyDisinfectantkeeps poultry R
teen her git gmy-hedred with worriy he steppe& ashore, and they ti"w nd Al
,bt your New Life medicine for I : - In Diarno Dyes hous" garfitak '. Kills mftes, ind diseasp germs.
Ing omr me, md evM7 brame 6f wind &rwfi Wlgera, saws, a6eis" aind -hem- y
mers Inli the ruish to- gre 'h&. TbZr� -7—
golatloa and rheumatUm. I was i
I that Hovtii kewVs them. waik-sful anA et Your 3vlciney Back U YOU Are Not satisfied 5
Arjutt sufferer forim-longtime with wondeiing how -their husba-nd is far- was Long Dick, pangleir and L mo -re, "Diamond 0yes" a4d years of wear
wor Id
1ficiatiou, AD4 hearing of your Ing wheii We .6 wal
-ubs�dei. Then there's boorud-JAhan ever, pumping -the hand to n, MdA sklrd�, a ts, coats, So by De&16hi Ev-erywherat. Made in Cana&
ti&dkino, t procurs4 two bottla% th'. lisnemyne.-neeg o� it, ani Wea'. off 11.1m, � laha shooting questions like! stockings, sweaters� ppyerings, hang- PRATT FOOD, COMPANY OF CANADA, Lirnit�d
9. Carl
11.wh" outed me completely, at I recko-ri J neeh say no more, You' a rapdd-fifre gun. JUd1.M10Trq111i, VnOe tap, drap�erles, everythIP Every .13 2NNY aw Avenue, Toronto
e contaulms, directidbs, S!6 91inple
'Asast Ono you ago, Md hay$ *W*
know exaiad7 what I ni(Fiab, avd, let'Jern�, Zeke, and, Leh, Ring were suir
'or been troubled since, me belb ye, a 11,sherm-mee Iffe ir4 Wolyse ing round, him with the Ught of wiil�- any "man can put now, iieh, fadeless WSW
Truotfus rdur mediolne wil than -a deep-wabeir siailloris. - Ye, may Izome in their, eyesi. Oh, but Ih�-, felt 'colors Into her -worn garmen or
be at hame r. 1,11 e often lbub thl!gcod- to, ibe home amoniit tbam Once
come ulavef"I known anaeures (LrA?.DeT1'e5 even,if IMLe. LL-a'S . Ver uye
VIIJSkS felVows take bi them
YDU small more! before. Just buy DfamGnd, Dyes—no
as I bi4teve tt will, all alifferers Fpgho.onwa Is, ivoa7e thia:n I'd wart any "Well; weal, an.' hei-el's GuT Skdpper,
'who take It. -to, be taking, and. Shaipty Westhaver!'! cried-, Long Dick' I �,thar, kind—then your, material will
of mine
J I Se Diamond
nay, th-M-4's a sight poor fkffiewmeiVs 11H�� �" last h� whoF� eoni out right, becau
&M you= ',rtry b after setti-TV I � 11), 1. ' I .
18, SUITIL anund- ibi coasit, I Vu telIllcioait a-tailiiiol. A r6rglqbx,�do Jes are 9URTa ateed xot 10 streak,
0, D .
� C
OPGU., Then again, a 'gIven By thl Api-k-oanln�. alriver trom. T Dodf, -�With; spot, fade,'or,rnn. , Tell y',ourdrugglst
Dollar. 1�
Ono bottle toy One � Six bottlo4 benefit of is, 901cil, elmoa�Uion and I've. yeT rough' an,.' tou in,' th'! whether the material yp.0
gl� Wish to dye
Flive Dollax% from y-(mr tleareal hd her brD t
ueu mp wy.'il' Kinsefl!al IJoTd,'HaTwy1 boyf I is 'wG01 OT Adak, Or whet-ber. it is linen,
or direct from She's not 9.6hig to t11r9w vllthlait away 1 but ye ve lsuttainl-y: bae4h paibtinl thllcottGn or mixed goo'ds.
asha fichzTinrkii'o wif e; W,,Y,,&, what we've Vard 116' true.
she rnw-- vn��-r, ef all
h(r husiband. ha,,,� 9�cub to be lmng' W�t I�d, be 'mosit"s-ear6d. V �be Safety From Gas Grate,
'ainid job, avd a yer gang, bh' dog of a
it) -ga's 1,00111, Imathig
one, I'M n0t 91341)'9' tD SeC h00T �ay ye are. we -re Pumu from a
Eving- ar.onie and -&�,pendhig opon. the ffie, gTe)�44);gys-�rough, jestingi Mit -In- grate in -vented In Englaui,,l are, con-
n, Woe. Adefatd' -111ed tubes az a safety
0 �'e,axllmiv of la,h6shavii4who. mety sttlrfke!";;��randjt waig he eotilrll Ao to .1
(I enoed in w, ter f
Canada i
la,�I, =,a voyagd, a�t�, make naw�hing b�aak Away from the nwb�'axgdi gof up, pre(iautdo.'D.
In m-1 ET. r -Vs. too. T, t 0 M, �*d.
�X, vbh , Me mectarlous, moige�
tri J. r Liniment for Warts..
? , , MI kint He fouqid,ipk��, lbehind, t�e h�ou�se Mins