HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-14, Page 5TO THE FARMER Small amounts saved regularly soon reach a large total. De osit:eac i week part of the moneyyou get from your m y u cicala, butter and eggs and watch your Savings balance grow. WE WELCOME SMALL .ACCOUNTS. slit THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 • M. R. Complin, Manager. R. S. Wilson, Manager. Exeter Branch Crediton ' Dashwood u i THE MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855 gevital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve. Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches. 'PEACH YOUR CHILDREN INDUSTRY AND THRIFT Reward them for doing work around the house and impress upon them the importance of saving their earnings. Why .not open an account for them in the Savings Department of The Molsons Bank. Money may be deposited and withdrawn by mail. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Furniture Bargains fleIG REDUCTION IN FURNITURE. •WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE STOCK. • BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY Funeral Director & Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER -'hone 9 SERVIOE ATISFACTION 'Free Guessing Contest' During Christmrras Week we will have nom exhibition a choice ,BABY BEEF, and all w(e• ask you to do is to come in and tell LIS what boi .DRESSED WEIGHT well be. No one will knoll herd weight alive and .he Sym,.,i,,,tveigaed,.dressed. by On Exh1nbiiteor alive Dec. 18, 19, 20, and 21. F '"' Sjaughtere 1 Theeeday atternieten ane ;well be hung t>ipi dressed pyo. Shop Fridayand Saturday: Weughect •u;) Saturday night at '10 io'clock jee Anylbiody U./entitled to 0iiei gtve�ss ant iin.: calsle ofc a, tie, the fir's:f guess' . -�nr: count•.:- , . ' ., . '„ ' . , r _ ,- PRIZES — 1st - 1 Dreseed Hog. • 2nd — 10 lb Roast ,B,alby Bieef. 3rd — ,1 (Goose. Kindly 3.carve Tour order early if it is Baby Beef you want, T1Te ,auto }naive four, other choice Baby 'Beef for Christmas, Weeks., DIVERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE - QUALITY IS Ef IGHER THAN PRICE. • here Christmas Money Buys Real Value. if WALNUTS, ALMONDS, FILBERTS. BRAZILS and PEANUTS MIXED— 2 lbs. for 35c. . We have a FRESH SOCK of NAVAL ORANGES, all sizes CRANBER.- BERRIES, RAISIN'S, FIGS, anti 'DATES. ALSO, A FULL ,LINE; OF, FRESH GROCERIES. PHONE YOUR .ORDER; BREAD 7 1-=2 c PHONE 56, Wilson's Grocer AILSA. CRAIG—Mrs. Margaret Gra- 1 harm, a life-long g resident, died on''W ed nesct,a y of last week. --News was re- ceived here from .}O.,,.ttlerbu rn�e, Mane of the death of A, W. Forrester, who. Was, accidently shot while hunting. His wife: formerly',Mees Lotti Edwards of Ailsa Craig, sureeves with two young cbildren. SUPERLATIVE VALUE How a combination of these papers in ono, such as The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, can be produced told delivered to subscribers at to low price of two dollars a year remains an unsolved mystery 'to the reading public, In each issue of this se vontyi 'two page weekly th•.re as a complete farm jouratal, a home maga- zine containring semen days' reading for every member of the family, and. a weekly digest of world 2aews. If tbis weriw :riot enough, we' now read as announcement by the pub- lishers of the Family Herald that for a limited period they are offering each new subscriber a choice of five val- uable nooks, cost free. Present sub- scribers who send. in, nate new sub- scription to The Fainly Herald in ad- dition to Weir own renewal„ also qualify for abook. Any one of the folkowing books may bac selected; (l} "The New Farmer's Manual," com- peted and published by The Eaznflp Herald and Weekly, Star, without question the best look of reference ever offered to the Canadian farmer) (2) "The Family Herald Cook Book" complete scientific, but non-technical.; (3) 100 of the Best Soggs!'; (4) "100 Singing Games"'; (5) Album of Sacred Songs," The fact is ampleaeia ed that thee? valuable books will not be cold for cash at any price, but can be obtained only as a reward for new subscriptions at the rate of two dollars per +.year. The .apply is seed to be limited, but the ,publishers guarantee delivery pro- vided the new subscription, is received by December 31. I Mount Carmel Hell$8,11. It will pay you to come in arnl in- vestigate .our new Hog Feed. There need be no more stiff pigs, HARVEY. BROS, "WHEN IN EXETER give Lawson, the Jeweller, a call. He has a Choice lot of Christmas goods in stock, See his 15 Jewelled Watch, Gold filled case at 512, fully guaranteed, A Bargain. We are putting up hog feed high in, protein and lose, in fibre, just the feedrequired for the; bacon hog. Try it, HARVEY BROS. The Young P'eople's League of the 'Methodist Church, presented Mr. F. J. Wickwire, their president, who is removing to Exeter, with, a pa;ix of gold cuff links, with Masonric emblems and air appropriate address. A very interesting event occurred at the manse, when Miss Alice Dick, only daughter of :fir. Jas. Dick .of the London Road, a few miles south of the village, was united in marriage to Mr, Roy Weaver of this village, Little Evelyn Warrener .had the misfortune while .playing recently on the floor in their home to run a needle in, her foot, requiring X-ray treatment and surgical attention. Rev. R. Osborne of Lonclesboro, as- sisted Rei-, Mfr, Rivers in special serv- ices at Chieelhurst lost week. Our section mon have been further improving our fine local yards by. spreading a large quantity of fine crushed atone b stween the depot and the main. street. Mr. Chas. Kerr of New, York, is en - joyisng holidays at tine home of his ! uncle and aorta Mr, anikaIrs. Jas. Meek Mrs. 1). Urquhart and daughter, IMiss Beatrice, left here an Tuesday jamming for a trip to Florida, to spend the winter months. Mrs. D. Grassick has been visiting her daughter, Mrs, D. Ferguson inTo- I roma for the past couple weeks, t� i* t tiit�s to'" Get"' Rlsasattls i R.0 $ ltltcsl4.," tt� n'tsl,. VOU can depend upon T.R.C,'a to do their work. When T.R.C.'s. are used, there's no chancy of error in judgment, no chance of .mistakes being made. Dose is accurately meas- ured, ingredients absolutely pure, and ,guaranteed not to be .injurious or habit.forming'. $1.00 at. your druggist's Free sample, Templeton's Ltd. Toronto SOLD BY W. S. HOWEY McGillivray Council. The Council met ;pursuant to ad- jcurttmuent,• in the Town• Hail, Dec. 2. Members present, A. E. Rosser, reeve:; D. Lewis, deputy-reewr; W, J. Allison W. Maguire and H. Belling, council - tars Minutes of last meeting were read .and signed. On motion. of Belling and :Maguire at;eonnts amounting to 056.25 were ordered to be paid. Allison—Lewis—That By-law No. 9, 1922, to appoint a place for Nomina- tion, the places at which polls wh:11 be °petae:d and deputy returning of- ficers, who well ,preside; and poll clerks as read a first and second time, be rend a third time and passed.—Carred :Iaguirc —Belling—That By: -law No.10,. 1922, to prohibit the shooting of any bird, or fur bearing animal upon any any blghway in the, Township of Mc- Gillivray, without permission in writ- ing of the council of the said town- ship, or upon. the lands of any indiv- idual ;n the said Township, of McGil- livray without the permeseion of the owner, or occupier of such laud:;; also !any person guilty of a breach of any of the provis:.ons of this by-law shall be liable upon, conviction thereof to a fine -of not less, than 51.00, nor more than $100.00, and in default of pay anent of such fine to imprieomnent not to exceed one month in jail, or to both fine and imprisonment. Council adjourned to meet on Fri- day, Dec. 15, 1922. Oliver Astros, Clerk. 'Mrs. T. J. l3a'll is visiting her sis- ter; ears. Flaherty in London. • Mr. Patrick Sull:v'ata, Sr., received the sad newaot the death of his broth- er, John. Sullivan, �. of Detroit. Mr. Sul-• ' accompanied by iia sister, ML ss • .Eller" Sullivan. an4 Mr. Jos. Gutman, atterteed the funeral on Saturday, fir. Jack Quarry spent Sunday at Drysdale,. Some attraction. Mr. Dana1 Walker of Mt. Pleasant, 'Mich., after spending several weeks visiting his sinter, Mfrs. McDonald, re- turned to lis home on Saturday. JMr. Joseph Houlehan left last week for Detroit, where he intends to reM main. CLINTON—The marriage was sol emnized in Wesley Church at five o'clock . Dec, 6, of Mese Nellie Ger- trade, daughter of the, late John. Jen- kin., of Clinton, and Henry Waian Charlesworth. -"I he death occurred on Fri�ay of Sadie dnhaffy, after :t Si11>rt illtSlCss. Zurich Death' i?t MLrs, Kaercber—One of the early settlers sof this community pass- ed away on .Nov. 30(in Zurich, in the pwr4a:t of .\frs. Mary Kar--rcher, nee Meyeeck, widow of the late Mlichael Kaercher, who predeceased her about three years. She had ebeen married for over 57 years, andlived to the ripe old age of 84 yeprree 4 months and '13 days. " Mfrs. Carrie Heyrock receved the,sad intelligence of the death of :firs Kate ileyrock, her sister -in. -law, who has been, lin;tea av .th her sister,. :sirs. Wm. Smith in. Santa Mlonica, California, Misses Margaret Fuss and Margaret McBride have gone to London, where they ]ava accepted positions. . Mr, Thao Haberer attended the Bee- keepers' Association convention at To ionto ];art week. Mr, and firs. eVm. Weeper and fain- tly of Seaford) moved, into rile village a. few days ago, Mr, Walper having; taken over the baking business of Mr. Ervin. • Eckstein.. lire Barnum elittleholtz of the West is visetinge ear aIeves. here and in the t iciniey. Weird, was recea,ved here on. ;Monday of, the tleetle of Me. Potter Durand of Drysdale, as io died in the Strat- ford, Hospital. 'He was operated on a few weeks ago for cancer and seemed to be getting along nicely, when his condition tool, a turn for the worse, and he jittssed away on. Sunday. The remains were brotight home, for burial, the funeral taking place last Wnes- day. PUBLIC' NOTICE NOMINATION AND' ELECTION VILLAGE. OF EXETER Public Notice as hereby given that a meetingof the Electors of the Vil- lage of Exeter will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday, Dec. 22nd, .1922, at the hour of 12 .o'clock i noon. ,for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the office of I Reeve ma Coneciliors,, one ber of the Public Utilities Comnt *, , and +Lour members of the Board o Educa- tion. And further notice is hereby given that in the ,event of more candidates being proposed for the offices than required to be elected, the meeting will be adjourned until Monday, Jan. 1st, 1923, when po11.s will be opend at 9 a.i*n closing ,at 5 p.m at the followi„rg places as fixed by Village By-law viz.,•-- I'oll tat Mrs. E. A,IIandford's home Main St., by Edward Treble, D.R.O„ and, Sidney Delos, Poll Clerk. No 2, at Town Hall, by Well. Johzns D,R,O., and James H. Greive, Clerk. Not. 3, at Mrs. Azin Mitchell's office building, corner :linin and Weilhigton. Streets: by G. Anderson, D,R.O., and A. t ambr-ill, Poll Clerk. No 4, at North Einct Fire Hall. by F. Witwer, D.R.O., and Imo Kydd, Pod Clerk. And all electors are hereby request- ed to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. I3y order, 10fe, R•, Clerk and Returning Officer. Exeter, Dec. 6, 192Z. Among those who attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Kaexcl er on. Sun- day we notice the following; Mr. Ezra Kaercher and two daughters of Kitch- ener, MMr. \V111 Kacrchte of Dot.Kaii<, Mrs. Eckstein o£ Tavistock, Mr. Bender and Mrs. Wettteatfer of Kit checer, Mr. C. F. Hey of Bad Axe, Much. B L ANSHARDe-Rokt. L. Wilkins baa said Earns, Lot 5•s north boundary Bieroliard„ 104 acres, to Mir. John M. Levy of the DickeyLine, i•I1BBE1tT—i)ea b claimed :Margaret Ryan, bel >ve: iv: r e of Mr. Patrick j+ara�n of Hibbert, at the Seaforth h'apitel on Nov.30. Two years ago asst Jur_ the young couple were mar- ri ed. WANTED RELIABLE SALESAGENT lar thisdistrict to sell our rtnitand Ornamental Trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc.. Exclusive Territory GOOD PAY' Q ea agexa y is Valuables. The Stocks* sell is grown in. our own l'asr;series. Our list of Varieties is the best: For particxtar, coin Pellnssn Nursery Co,,, l stabllahed 40 Tease . 6r?o Acres temsemal HavcYOU dune your bit To help burned Ontario Face a izoathern winter COMMITTEE F W. H. ALDERSON (Chairman)* Toronto Board of Trade • A. Onttarrio GoverernmenttaY. s • GEO. G. COPPLEY. Hamilton and JOHN ELLIOT. Belleville. Ontario Associated Boards of Trade anti Chambers of Commerce GEO. BRIGDEN. Toronto Canadian Manufacturers' Assoc." GEO. S. MATTHEWS. Brantford. Western Ontario Associated Boards of Trade • MRS. M. SOUTER.Trout Mills. and R. A. McINNIS, Iroquois Falls. T. & N. O. Aaociateal Boards of Trade, and Farm Organization in Northern Ontario K. W. McICAY, St. Thomas,' Ontario Municipal Association 3 United Fwmea of Toronto.tri MRS. H. P.,PLUMPTRE. Toronto Ontario Divi.ion Canadian Red Cross Society Jam. A -11 WILLETT. Cochrane. fonsvi joaticure T HE indomitable folk `of Northern Ontario ;deserve your practical sympathy. Remember, eighteen hundred:. families have been burned out—and must start all over again. These wonderfully rich farms, mitres and aggressive young towns will re -build an&coMe back to their own—but it takes time. And in the meanwhile they must live, .they must have temporary shelter and there'a nobody to give it to them"if we -don't. Suggestions for . contributions from Clubs, Factories, Organizations, etc. $500.00 will provide a_Shelter,Shack for a'Familyand Rough Stable for Cattle. $350.00 will provide a Shelter Shack for Family. $200.00 will provide Food and Supplies for a Family to May 1st. 1923; $100.00 will provide a Waken for Settler. $75.00 will provide a•Set •of Harness (double). $50.00 will provide a Set of Bobs or Sleigh for a Fanner. 7. $25.00 will provide a Sewing Machine fora Hoon, 8. $20.00 will provide Kitchen Furniture fet a Fanul3r, 9. $15.00 will provide Cooking; Utensils for a Family, 10. $9.00 will feed:, a Family fora week. 11. $5.O0,wi l provide Needles', _Tilleau.•: 3tittons, Scissors or Yarn and Knitting.'Neealei, •ere 'to help o(i fit a Horne and Family, 12. $01:00' vfl1 feed and supply a child for a week Maki Christmas, dome badk again Picture- a Christmas Ire -:.a liearlyrt bale shack iiia burned" but town in a Northern winter. Hundreds of children' up there, remember, °Mike a money contribution now and show your northern fellow citizens that the Christmas spirit lives and has a real ,meaning iii'' Ontario. All they ask is bare necessities—they deserve at least that much, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Now it is up to you—every public spirited citizen and charitable organization. Spare one dollar, five dollars, one hundred dollars or whatever you can. Spare something from your •Christmas cheer, Make Christmas up there a little less than a grim tragedy. Remember, not comforts, but bare necessities in the grip of a 'northern winter, is all that they ask. Send today ? Make cheques payable to-- The o'– The Northern Ontario Fire Relief Committee Royal Bank Building, Toronto.