The Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-14, Page 3THE HALFSPEED MAN
What it Mean When You Feel
Rim Down and Out of `Sorts.
You know what it means to feel "all
out of sorts. Blest people have felt
trhis'vay at some time, Nerves out of
order, irritable, languid', depresoed, Au
aching head, appetite bad and .diger-
tion weak. With some people this. con-
atoll comes and gees; with others it
is chronic --they° cent shake it off. It
interferes with businessi spoils recrea-
tion and robs lite of ail its joys. These
men and wc'mear are only abbe to work
at llalespeed. The trouble is caused
by pour, watery blood. You eau im-
prove conditions to•ilay by tatting Dr.
VOiiatn ' Pink Pills. These pill:, en-
rich and stimulate the blood, stresg•th-
eaii the nerves anti. give you fresh vig-
or. Here is proof. Mr. William F.
Bell. Braa'ebridge, Qat., says:• ---•,I have
been r'ecomnneading Dr, W111iaras'
Pof yens
1'iuk lits for a number 5 a , be-
cause at the benefit I got from their
use. I was in a terribly iia doweecom-
(Brion.. ion. I was scarcely- able to do a y
'thing,' (l winter. To snake things
wake I e m �, and caught
took the m
=MPS g
cold, and as. a result was confined to
bed for six weeks. part of the tame in
a terrible fever. Q$ ccurse 1 was doc-
toring. but instead of getting better I
was growing weaker. At this time my
father in-law urged me to try I. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, but I had lost :Atli
in all metlielne and refused. However.
late lead such farina in them that be
'bought rice six boxes, and of course I
could not refuse to take them, Now
1 arta glad I did not. I Siad not taken
them long before I began to Dave faith
in the pi11.5 :myself, Tlrere was no
doubt I was improving. liay by day
rtiy strength came back and I gained
in weight from 115 to 14G pounds.
Therefore, I feel that 1 cannot speak
too higbbly cot Dr. Williams' Pinks Pills
and I hope my experience 'sill con-
vince some other sufferer of the valine
of this medicine.
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by anall post-paid
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
front The Dr. 14 il:iazns' Medicine Co
Branchville, Ont.
Safeguarding the Widow's Estate
By Rev, Peter Bryce„
enable hex' to purcliaee a {hiouse. When
-the widow needed tale mouoy ,sate could
not obtain It. A father-ineaw, in an-
other case; borrowed $1,000, and mould
not ,pay it back whom it was needed.
A brother, in another' case, borl'ed
$750 to awlelp hint an establieh'ing a
small business; the venture was un-
suceessful and the money could not be
recovered. Neighbors and friend x
have, again and again, united in re-
lieving tete widow of her cash assets,
n.c•4raty promising a good rate 4t In-
terest but unfortunately, in mealy be
stances, the security has bean ex•
tremely doubtful.
One man secured a lean (?) of
$2,000 from a. wdovr OR tee preteuee
of giving a $10,000 insurance policy
made oat •to a-:,er as security. Some
time afterwards site eoneu ted a law-
yer in reI�aral to the transaction, and
ascertained that the mean bad paid
only one hag -yearly premium on the
policy. The policy 'tad lapsed, and
1 is ontr•.
an ]rad eft h a u
in �
The annuity plan, as now advocated
by insurance companies, or arr•arngiug
< u income is
the estate so that •i .n m Drily
available, would save ivaay widows
from financial disaster.
I am inU r a'ed ,again wad again
with the evident weceeeity of safe-
guarding, in some nnannr, the estate
of the widow. It has been my privi-
I in the pact two years to examine
nearly 8,000 fanl.ily records, and with
the angle frequency the record tells
of sepal; estates diselpated by foal*
ieyesttl1ert .
A. few days ago I noted teat a widow
left with yin ;uslu race of $2,000 lead
invested 1,500 M. gold miolne,, stock
of no Value. Quite frequently the
widow is induced to purchase o#1 stock
with tine promise of large interest re -
tures. Livery worthless form of stack
figures in it>veslments made by the
widow, Uniserupukous men undoubt-
edly prey upon the widow and follow
up all information given in aunouti,ce.•
meats in the press respecting the pro-
batir�u of wills.
It is amazing to mote, also, how the
v leaned out to rela-
one >s a d lr
widow's un
ties and friends without security.
One instance of many is that of a
widow well $3,000 front ineuaa.noe. A
brother -ie -lav borrowed $600, a broth-
er $a'00, and a ester -in-law $1,000 to
t'axtatl;t leads a list of 18 nations in
the per capita consumption at' butter,'
eteio 'din to a report of the United
States Department of A,gricuttime l
Each iter: en in Canada is credited with
censuinint 27 penntis of•butter a year,
compared :Atli 15 poute . in tile Un-
ited Statee. ` Sweden .leads .in the can-
samptir.n et `. ralifl aiid ,Switzerland -
leads in cheo t! eating, i 1,e'Kaverage for:
each person tieing '12 L potin, ts.
ti trieal In its netuie, which manifests
Mlnard'i 1,itttmenE tion GaF(let in Dewe, itself in the .form of Sight -streamers
Safety in the Mine.
An invention witieh should do meek
to safeguard, the lives of Miners is a
bell which automatically rounds an
alarm if there is a dangerous amount
of gas or .firedamp in the pit.
Til,' warning device is the invention
of :au English electrical engineer and
lits sen, a chemical engineer, One at
its most important features is that it
continues to sound as long as the air
in the name is impure. It can be cet,
sa that .it goes off as soon as a certain
percentage of gas or firedamp is in
the atmosphere, and it gives ample
time for the miners to escape betore
that ascend into the sky an around th
Arctic Circle.
Occasionally In our latitudes we got
a glimpse of it, but only a gliinps s; and
it seems to us as. if the streamers
sprang from the surface level of ibe
earth. But they do not. T1iey start
from forty to.flfty unites up.
It Is the sun thttt makes tette aurora,
which varies in size and .1aton:itty with
solar aetirity. Once in a while, when
it reaches a maximum, its streaurera
may be seely stretching clear across
our rtiget sky, and there Is so mach
electricity let loose that all our tele-
graph instruments go on straw.
the air becomes really dangerous.
In ix' beeozne. it is like an ordinary THE FALL WEATHER
boat. At one enol is a sensitive plate
in contact with the atmosphere, and HARD
how effective it d may be judgedby -
the resulti of various stringeut 'tests.
The vapor trona three neaps of wills -
key shaken from a tumbler held over
the plate waif sufficient to set the
alarm, ritigiag.
TOfi1t YE
Mars. J. Cote, 58 St. Eustache St.,
Quebec, recently made the foliovring
grateful statement regarding Teniae:.
"Taulac has brought ane perfect
health acid the joy of living and I am
glad to tell everybody what a grand
medicine It is. Sim. over a year I was
in such a weak condition on account
of stomach and liver trc' ibles that I
Could hardly move about the house. I
could not ent a good meal without suf-
tering the worst sort a1 pains after-
wards. I woke up mornings with a
fearful headaelie; and had a'.teh bad
dizzy spells I had to leave ouy work
and lie down. I felt tired and weary
all the time and often end terrible
sinking sensations.
"The way Tanlac built ane up is
simply wcnfierful. After taking four
bottles my troubles are all gone and
1 in aswell as ev was in ri li
e I era
I eat and sleep like a child and 'have
atrert ;th to do My laoneeweris with
Tanlac is sold by ail good druggists..
"Wasn't It Providential?"
R'txlialn Uftord burst into the kit-
chen where his mutter waa beey get-
ting (Muer. "Mr. Sinnetrds ran irto an
automobile today and tipped over:"
Trailing .
� n Aurora.
Incidental to his voyage of discovery
in the Arctic, Captain Heald Aniund-
£en plans to make movie .pictures of
the aurora borealeseetbat wonderful
pbeuomenon,now known to be elec-
twanadlan Tali weather Is extremely'
httrd on little ones. One day is warm
and bright, and the next wet and cold.
Theme sudden changes brizig an. colds,
cramps and colic. and unles a baby's
little stomach Is kept right the result
be serious, There is mottling Ytl g to
equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping
the little ones well. They sweeten the
stomach, regulate the bowels, break
up colds and Hike baby thrive. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 2s cents a box from. The
Dr. Williams' Aledieiue Co., Brockville,
here's your arrot%unity
z , ,„ „
. - , 12
to rertielpate In there three bit cash prizes. We wish to
4Ze GAME. our new Sporting Paper on the map and at once.
y rut TUE .!.TEUM
1s@,,�• Prize $6500 It would take us months and months to reach our circulation objective by ordinary
canvassing mamas so we have decided to spend our money in a way 'whereby our
'r. ore subscribers will nein an opportunity to participate in our expenditure which
1 J li�i,�i ,„ fail really Crakes cur proposition a mutual one all the way round. 40
3 ,d Prize $2000 To participate in dila snirserlption campaign yen simply indicate on the coupon
e7 twowhether In your estimation the DOME TEAM will score MORE. LESS or
TUE SAME NUMBER of =rents Tan they scored in the corresponding tame of last
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Td L S baI L S M S. S =' 1,12 Ts S
Aston Villa
• reston N E.
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*Bolton W.
Clapton 0.
0 ,
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Charlton A.
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Queen's Pk. R.
Albion Rovers
' •
Raith Rovers
exclaitned, "Ntstl w.> vrith hint,
and neither was hart' Wasn't it provi-,
dential, mother?"
Ween his mother it is inquired more
particularly about the accident she
seined suddenly to drink of something
else and, laying down the knife and
abre nt-inind'edly holding the potato
rtltw.t she tad been pe llae. a:eked her"
sort: "Wouldn't It have been providen-
tial, William, It Ned bad been hurt cr
even killed?"
William looked at his nneoteer in tee p
toniehzne n : 4 i .
At. "Why." , . � .r .1 "1
3 replase, tbotnght that Only g -•ad thin: s were
providentlal. Our Stu iasosehool teach. I
er ea.Fs that God e .reg even tar tie
ep arrows,"'
"She is right," his mother relined.
•"Je Cas ,slays, 'Aro not two sparrows
sold for a farthing? And One ct them
shall not fall an the ground w:trout
your Father.' Jame times not say that;
spares a do get eel, but when they do's
tall they are Still in the care of cur
ilc.wealy Father. Spareaws often fail;
their enentles capture tel. and.
etcprms kill thein; but they are part
of (toe's univer e. and God rules wise-
ly. Ile knows everything that hap-
pens, and He cares."
"I never taoug:1 of that." t1't:liazn
"It is a miatal;,e," his mother (Nimbi.:
ueFi, "to think that God cares fen us;,
only when Ho gives ua what we like.
There are many things, William, that
we cannot explain. but whatever hap-'
pens we are never beyond God's care;
and very often things that we neither
desire nor like are of more value to;
us and to others than 't lines that we
desire are. It la the sign of tt Strang
character to truxt God's providence'
always, whether we like them or not,
and v hethier He is giving to us or is
taking from us."
The safe way to send money by mall
is by Dominion Express ;Honey Order,
Prolonged absence of sunlight feudal
to produce pale hair and colorless
Open Child's Bowels with
"California Fig Syrup"
iaissiflet! Advert emeztxi
lila,>te1 et MAYDEP.) tom€ 42 kiLUri..
rouge Street. Toronto, Registered
.,sent Attorneys. Send for free booftiet
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H teas n.coat u
Mother! Hurry l►i;P h6 A
"California Fig Syrup" now wilt thor- 7
oughly clean the little bowels and in
a 1 'f
few Y.,ta r have ;rteil
3 G.
U u lie a p
child again. Even a cress, feverish.
conetirated cidld !eves. it4 `•drtz`.ty"
tete, ited mothers can rest easy ba-
cause It never fails to work all the
r r + f
sour bile � lx c the
and po._a s rig t oat
stoesech and bowel;. 'ssithoat griping
fpr uI'+setting the child.
Tell your drug gist you want 01;4 the
germline "C,•slitiwrnla Fig Syrup,,' wb tb
has direetions for =lzhies and c`:i;lreli
of all ages priinted on bottle. Mother,
you must say "California." Refuse reiY
Now colds are in the air, this sire-
ventative will be welcome to ninny a
mother: Boil half a pint of mi'. awl
half a pint of water to tether. Squeeze
into a eup the jui'e of one it+mon, odd
it to the other liquid awl coal: gently
for three minutes. Now strain it off,
add sugar to taste, met give to she
patient piping hot.
Minard'a Liniment for Distemper.
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have a "/at>tter flavor.
"Cascarets" 10c
Best Bowel Laxative
When Bilious,
To clean 'out your bowels without
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Nicest physic on earth for grown-up
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, used. pulleys. saws. cable. hose,
te.. shipped subject t4 approval tat lase
est Prices in Canada. Tort Betting Co.
115 York St.. Toronto.
Pimples Disappear
"You don't need mercury, potash
or falpy other strong mineral to
Wood. Take Extract el Roots--
psts ca
CwreOtire SYripT;ndyaur akin will
clear up as fresh a
s• a
. I
will sweeten :nYayear stomach.
regulate your bowels." Feet tine
ge utter e, SOreci: ad 1.tiCBottlea.
niru. r it
At std ear
l t"Pape' Diapepsin"
Gas, liiil��, . n digegion 1 or
Sour Stomach
raver feel tho > : test ;ro,a
itiieSe..,lfall. CT a soli:', acid, a -y fr tone
dell, pafter you The
a tat):,,t of '"Pape',ps
reepe{•sin." dt"xde 1TO t r:[ir:1e.
the s:ouch :all F .:•r tletu ease.
lama: dant ,. ,"user peir Von and pain
tai :a1Petter. Dray-'° , ; d nn:ln e elelt
giza-ztz to (terra n at (nee.
Ere your :toesii: i. Rmc..` .e for few
Women Should Know Haw Lydia L
Piuleaal is VcgetaLle Compeuad
Helps at This Trying Period
Sheboygan, Wisconsin. "I was run
down, tared and ncrveu<. I could not
even do my own
iiousewark, eouldnot
ep at night and
11 hinds of queer
thoughts wouldcome
o me. Finally!
gave upgoing to the
doctor and a friend
told lee of Lydia E.
Piukharn's Vegeta.
ble Compound.
After the first b ott le
I could sleep better
and I have kept on
improving ever since. I have takeia
seven bottles now and am so happy that
I am all over these bad feelin's. —Mrs.
B. LA.*rsEn,1659 N. urd St., Sheboygan,
For the woman entering middle age
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound can be of mu<'h benefit. During
this time of: life certain changes take
place which sometimes develop into
-serious trouble..
Melancholia, nervousness. irritabilit ,
headache and dizziness are some of the
symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege.
table Compound is a natural restora-
tive, especially adapted to assistnature
in carrying you safely past this time,
Why not give it a fair trial?
Cuticura Insures
Daily use of Cuticura Soap, assisted when
necessary by Cuticura Ointment, promote
a clear stun, good hair and soft white
hands in most cases when nil else fails.
iny ourtoilet re aratio
cora Talctpm y P P nS.
Sem 25c. Ointment 2,5 and SOc. Talons 25e. Sold
throughout the Dominion. CanadianDepon
Ly�mman. Limited, 344 St. Pail St.. W., !lcetresl.
ii l fr
Cuticura Soapshaves without mug.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only .an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
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physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache • Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Randy "Bayer" boxes of 12 t iblets---Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) nI Bayer MVlanula.etuee. of Dfono-
ucetirecidostcr of saileyticecid. While It is well known that ,lspirin means Eayer
manuCaoture, t r.ss1st the liuhUc against imitutL ns, t'ti3 't ibi.te of Bayer C ntnpany
will,be utanmcd atilt tlpulr general Creels n#ark, tlio 'Barer 4roas,'