HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-7, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, TFLIIRSIUT, DEC, 7, 1E122 Exeter Markets. I Local Doings CHANGED AVERY WEDNESDAY LIMBS BROKEN. W.neat IL cent accedent, Oat; ,451 Mr, Doha; Cottle of theLThames. Road ler Oats A. J. lloDoaueU is etn11 gii+ite; Ea ; 60 tell one fat -last week, and broke hisnd is aua,v coxifned to lir, Hynd- 1larti i:* Il ,t Flour ....,.,.. 3,95,1eg ,Ile i, of great age, and the bre;ikiinan's Hospital Fa^n'`y rinu ... 3.70 t 'ciao be a serious .on; for him. . +r Flour 3.45 etre. Esti. Heywood experienced a 1Ir Robt. ala,whiamey is confined to P: F u. 2.00 misty :Call ,on the icy:, near her home on his home, suffering from a severe at - Feed Flour 150 Thursdty, and broke a 'bone in her tack of grippe. ince ,..t , Bran. 135' arm, The South Huron Choral Society will " ' reader. "The 1less •ah" in Clint"' on Creamery Fut,er `ll to ;BOUGHT BUSINESS PROPERTY, Dairy Butts ,., 34 to 37 Ion, Frday night, \,.y: I :$ Eggs .e. 7.,0‘,1 M. rs. Southcott Bros, `;est week , Huron County is tho driest county FL'•:l pu haeea from the estate( of the late is Canada but the eampaign still goes Lard .19 to ZZ Da\_. Jeans the building in which on to make it drier flay *ser ton ..,....., ... $9.00 to $10,00 they have been ca nduet,,any a dry ' alt. and lane, a;, Briratneil are this Potatoes ,.75 or 90,avod; business and in which the post.yv'eek /teeing into :their new house on Hoge10.00 eerie e has been conducted for years.I corner of Huron Siad. Carling streets. Tropy will renovate and improve Mei _hiss white geld „4Tr, and Airs. 1Trs F J ty. HARVEY'S EY'S GROCERY will hare r Oan1y two weeks more to de your Christmas shopping, We, are pleased to, see„ Mr. John aflutter Out around again after his re - i Wickwire have returned from Hen- for zaa.ye 'k end cut Carnations endELECTED OFFICERS. kali, and moved into the hold Home on *meats., 2 :, potted Cyclamen full of o Maio Strut, *,ails ., a "' 'am, sit Velamen:l ll c I.ebaraan Forest Lodge, No. 133, A.! " al Ed Ma's, implement dealer, has F A.m., Exeter,o Monday R t ' . :i > .. eA rix r. .ernes, .,r, eectd. officers for the ensuing s.eit.tti i'► aA:i a nom: from Iaook.Fet, and - - you eat a , Lke disappe u;ted.,. as 'o Days, eau a ' \ W H Be eshasw " J '1.' , Stan -a h d b °`O d an night moved. h s stock from the T. Baker year property to the build• north of tate f l it lT J ar. S tl cott Huron. Garage. T?:r Huroa County Breeders Assoe i bury : C.haplain,, Re ,-, aa'.. Sinclair ; R Mr, Waiter Keddv and Mr. and, Mrs, J - T*ens, C. H. Sanders Sec R. N. ame. O Breen on. Thursday last monr- iaton, a =old.ing, a sale ear 1ti Ingham ' ' 1 y ,,;o,reech; Tyler, S. Sweet; Auditors, ed into the home recently purchased ab u t ,, Ise. P'rt rt last no, k - i Diemen and E. J. Christie a Ex- from Mr E's„i Heywood. c' ,° pas cit ..ra. requested to : h. t la i ' a• kvya t1i. &ni 'rte at Can t , tine tieFr,tarn t -a4 oar fi •niers 1tor Mr. ,JQitza Colc4 last ano' ed into 1 B, St th.r,, i..ton, Esatres elo 1 , ,•x P lI ,t N ht . 1 ] p from .Tx. Thos. ser #, tae aousa pure hued '1 January 15th, l day ma n zn , est as ens Ag n C;uaneron, and tlne latter moved ko the be meld for Third Degree work, The t cab Installatien of Officers will take place man Lsborrze vacate , y Mr, Cole, A pay ell tied "Safety First," wiilean Dec, 27th, Th. postoffice Departanent is assn- 15Q putt on by the young, people of S. 10, dimi rax ons 9u S. N:,. 3, L'sborne, in the Stone MAIL YOUR ra iancltes Iny: ' 4: in_ S'11C4"l on Fr,day. Dec'. 15th, at 8 CHRIST\MAS PARCELS EARLY, tikes, in Ic., 2c:, and 3c, deenomaatat;ians p.m I'n : e; t , for Relief of the fire air, John. Wood yy•ternt don'zt to Vic - r tete erer., in \, rthern Ontario. n dmie- Remember that thousands 4f other torn Hospital last xw;ek and lime oIs s lea .5o, i, l' dren 0e, p,eepla are mailing an unusual num- crated on Friday for iznternal trouble ,,- ---- her of letters and parcels, too' at and w undergo a eecond operation this seasoa, and if they all ,pile up to -day (Thursday,) Thou shalt not steal But he did.: together the Iasi few days, i;t is im- Come a ye ee what happened. Opra aessible to get everything handled a:,end .The Exeter High School Dramatic a Hous.. Da.% 13, "Miss Henderson's , del verect on. time, and somebody ca SocretyR ' panel} a student body and G .ant'...m,ir 1'reese ," bateed to be dieappo..znted, Mail early, to these young, ,people alone, belongs and sea: that your friends get wow' all tine credit 'of the play to be. pre • DWOLL1\at PROPERTY FOR S ALF 4 ;nn;strns greeting before the day's rented by them in the near future, x, e.i ihri t. ;:c?t;sz ,,,,,,,,,a 1Qt, oaz, c or- @ t`` ea!, til`. „re mzlcoir in all casts be seer. - there 1e 1 ast annual ee tz C'oazam ,• ". s' rrt tbe Mo. 1n r tier za :W.i hazaL) tai syr p:, , p e .,,, " lout is Ru.t, a ure% p Paid sok as to preserve tan: It shonw; $i Q4,6b7 as flue total pard !t x.e* ,.: sn a n aao.l t„•at. o: r pa,r,"e,ontc.nta,, from loss or darnagc, in allowances in the protance of which' Cheat) t) at ar $2200. Apply- a'tr It , peraaaissable to. as•rite the .words $6,210 Was p•-dd 9x1 Bruce, $4,050 paid xc`a tr>F O. or Byron E, 13:c1:.s,i.•Deaa't Open l:m d Christmas," on. par- in. Human and $7,193 Can Grey, Of ing a new stamped eiavelope, She. No, cels, PULLETS FOR Sa I.E,—Leghorres;,1 HORSES FOR SALE. and Relcs, itatcheal an May. Phony George Hay, 29.12 C, Alton, 12 good driver:, ranging from 3 t the allowance 53,72 per cent, is charge- hle. to the prot•nce and 40.28 to the municipalities, years old; sound, and well broken, I SCHOOL NURSE FOR STRAYED ---From south halt of Aeingle or double. Will exchange for Lot b, con, r, l'sbnrne, red better, I heavy or light horses, One mile THIS DISTRICT. Yearling, right ear in tippet and slit, west of CentraL"t1.3r. Mclean" zie Smith and Nuese P.O, Finder please leave word at Times Fru. Taylor, Crediton Campbell of. the Education Depart - office or with Wm. T,ltord. 'OYSTER SUP oru a '. n BAZAAR. hag ia this distr.:et, making a medical ment of Ontario, who have, been work COAT LOST. O.n the 4th Con. Usbarn-e, on Nov. 3 a brown rain coat. Finder will be re- wardec' by leav te at this offac'n• , D I S T R I C T REPRESENTATIVE evante:l for 'Exeter" and surrounding territory to repr'sent the Old. Rely able Foothill Nurseries. A splendid opening for the right man. For full: information write,—Stone & Welling- ton, Toronto. --- TO THE FARMERS— Now the ^St)n when .cg.nes, Grinders, Crushers. Pulpers, and wood sawing machines will be wanted, We in Town Hail, Exeter, Dec. 9th. t examination of the ,pupils' in the ear - Sale of Work at 3 gem. Supper ser -:lour schools, have succeeded ,in form - ver from 5.30. Supper 35 cents, ing a School Nurse District, coutpris. Children 255c, , ing 47 school rooms. On T,hutiday evening a meeting was held in the COCKERELS FOR. SALE, Library for the purpose of form ng a committee, who will endeavor to se - B: rred Rock, bred to lay strain; cure a nunsa with the .necessary gtuai- alsa .some ,pullets, John Caldwell, Lon fieations. The conuni;ttce is compos. don Road, north. ed of W. G. Medd, provisional chas- man, Miss K. 1TacFaul, secretary, and T. Pryde. representing Exeter; J. W, Johnston of Stanley Township; W. C, Pearce of Hay; R. Goetz of Stephen; T. C. Allen of Usborne; R. D. Bell wheat in and fall plowing completed; of Tuckersmith, Lot 7, Lake Road East, Stanley Town- The following schools have signed shin, 25 miles south of Bayff,el,d; up for the engagement of the nurse brick boric, basement barn. 40x60; 9m- for one year:—Nos. 5, b, 7..enid 14 ,of piement barn. 20x40; good water sup- Stanley; Zurich and Nos. 10, 12, 13 and 14 of Hay; Nos. 1, Z, 4, 5,10, 14, 16 of Stephen; Nos. 2, 4, 7 of of Usborne; Nos. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 of Tuckersmith; and Exeter,. The nurse will make a thorough. medical inspection of the schools four times a year, and report any matters that need attention to the parents. The total cost will be more than $1500 of which the Government pass $400; for each class!' room the rural schools wilt. pay $25.00 and Exeter the centre of the district, where. the nurse will reside will pay $30.00 per class room for High and Public schools There wall for a time, undoubtedly, be a difference of opinion among the1 f b tl t d FARal FOR SALE. 10,* ac -res 4 , 10 acres good bush. bal- r.neexe under cultivation; 10 acres fall have them or .'an ,et Chem on short nceare. One se::oat n fiend 8 in. Nes eot ; ar '?er, teal on ee,zond band 3h.p. gasoline engine. WARD MORGAN COAL HEA.TLR FOR SALE.—Base burner and oven, in first-class condi- tion. Apply at this office. COUNTER CHECKS. When in axed of Counter Checks call on The Advocate. We can furn- ish you with all kinds right prices FOUND.—A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 31c. —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and 8 lots of land, situated in, Exeter North on. Main Street, Apply to H. BLerling Hay P. O. FARM FOR SALE Situate+ an Stephen Tp., on the Landon Road, 1/ miles south of Ex- eter; 2110 acres, well fenced and. drained; in good state of cultivation; 10 acres hard wood bush; 12 acres fall wheat; 50 acres plowing done, rest is bay and pasture; good brick house frame barn. brick cattle and horse .table. For particulars ap ply to this office. Betts' Borne -fade Bakery Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the 'Eat- ing." Headquarters for HIGH CLASS BREAD BUNS AND CARES - Special attention given to; orders for Picnics, Luncheons and_Wed- dings. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY Cartage & Livery 'fey; telephone and rural mail.; For price and full particulars apply to the owner—Chester Nicholson, Bayfield, Ontario, SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall. 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m. Saavation Meeting. 2,30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Cottage meetings in North End On Tuesday night. Capt. Hopkins Lieut. Hoskins Y. P. C. At WANTED—A man to take charge of the Y. P. C. A., for one year Conditions and salary apply to either J. S. Harvey, Rich„ Welsh or W. S, Cole. REGULAR TRIPS TO LONDON on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS! WE WILL MOVE, ANYTHING YOU HAVE .'I'O MOVE ANYWHERE. .Phone 58w:' BAGSHAW & EASTON Trivitt Memorial .Church 11 a.m.—"The Holy ;Scriptures" 7 p.m,—"The Testimony of Christ as to the Course . of the Professing Church in this Age."m Rev A. A. Truper, Rector. poop e o at own an country as to the value of a school nurse, but the claim is made, that at 'is trio longer an experiment, and; that its val- ue to a community is no longer in. question. From the examinations al- ready made much good has resulted; and a close tab on the health of the students should surely, be of much benefit and well worth the cost, which is in the neighborhood of $1,00 per pupil: Fred Heama,n of London was home for the week end. Mies Stella Southcott has returned from a ;vistit en Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reid of Varna •visit- ed at Mr. Wm. Shell's Sunday. , Mr, Ross Holland of Merlin is, viils- iting friends here .for a few days. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN UJiUKCH Mrs Hubert.. Jones spent a few days Rev. James Foote, 8. A., Minister in London last week with her parents. 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible • Mrs Reg. Elliot of Norwich visited Classes. at' the home of her ,brother, Mr, I•. ;R: 11 a.m.—"Foreknowledge and Pre--Car/fag. • Mr. Robert TVIcFalls of London has The Minister been visitting with ,Mr. and Mrs, . .• destination" 7 p.m.— "The Pre-eminence of Elodgert. Christ" Mr., Morley Wilson of Dresden) •vis The Minister iced with Mn aVellie Powell ,afew days: Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening this week, Miss Flora D:nney'viisited with rel- atives in London during the week, re-, turning Monday. Mr. ' I. R. Carling,was in Goderichr this welt. attendang ,the funeral of the late Senator Proudfoot. IVIn Bruce Medd was homte %from Guelph' College POT the Commemc,e- ment Excesses of the High School. Messrs R. Rowcliffe and Arto Delve were in Toronto Oast week, the form- er with cattle and ` the latter tvie,h horses. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 am.. -Rev. Arthur Sinclair, B.A. 3 p.m,—Sabbath School and Bible Study, 7 p.m. Rea A. Sinclair, B.A. Good choir and congregational sing- ing. All welcome. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev tea, McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11 a, tn.- 3 p.m.-Salebath O'1asses, 7 p m.- .1 4 1 1 PHONE 32 JONES & MAY'S PHONE 33 Complete Showing of Christmas Cifts Our Stock of Christmas Goods is now complete. We feel confident that an inspection; of our large showing of holiday goods, will solve the Chris4mas. Gift Problem for you, Come early and often while the ranges are at their best. HANDKERCHIEFS FOR EVERYBODY. Handkerchiefs Make a very useful ;eft for it small remennbrance, i4'e have hundreds of beautiful styles for Ladies, Men and Children at very moderate prices, many in fndlvIdual boxes. SPECI-AL--Men's pure linen initialed ba.ndiaerchiefs, very special at 50c, each, or box of 4.a for $2,75. FURS FOR CHRISTI..; GIFTS. Furs make very useful Christmas Gifts, We offer every set is stock • at cost price, and less. Don't miss these fur bargains as ilia wall, go fast at these prices, our tock LADIES' AND HISSES( COATS AND DRESSES What more suitable for a Christmas Gift than ore of our Beautiful 1:'ur-Collared. Coats, or Fine Quality Dres es. We are offering Won- derful liar g les in these lines for the Christmas Trade. They are gong fast. "JULIAN SALE" HAND BAGS. We have the celebrated "Julian Sale' brand of Ladies' purses and hand bags, These are well north your consideration for Christraas buying. COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS New Ties in Tamely Boxes, Gaiters, Mufflers, Suits, Qrerooats, Braees Fancy Seeks, Syweeters, Jtc., in great ti'ari.a.ty to select from. LADIES' WEAR ANIS GIFT SUGGESTIONS Fancy Parasols Ribbons, Kinaonas, Silk Scan's, Salk Bloomers, Camisoles, Fancy Linens, Fancy Blouses, Dresses, Coats, Ete, LADIES' HIGH SHOES AND CUSHION SOLES AT $4,50 Just Received -15 pairs high lace Ladies' Fine Black Ked Shoes, and 15 pair Ladies' Cushion Sole Shoes to sell at 54.50. Important Notice 1 Mr. Colwill, traveller for John Northway Co., Toronto, will be here on Thurs.Dec. 7, with a com- plete showing for Spring of Ladies' Coats and Suits,. You are invited,. I. R. Carling, B.A JONES & MAY Banister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mole sons Bank, Dtc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory., Dominion of Canada, vincial and Municipal Bonds, all investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per to 7 per cent can be obtained these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates interest. Pro - legal cent. from Mr' and Mrs. `John McK,enviie and. daughter of Peace Rvvrer' are visiting the former's parents, Mir,• and Mrs. R, McIKenzie, Exeter North, , Schaal and' Bible Miss Lila Johns of Sarnia spent .Thursday here closilag up her ,hoiise:' ' T BETHANY ac , p y. for the winter. Dr. a .' ppy Mrs. Graham s :,H„CY.ly,.o ,heat been 'occupying the..resriid- 2.30 p.m.—Rev. W. ,G, H. McAlister ence, have moved into their new home of Office—Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known on appiteat/o'n. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, Far Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and ;Found locals 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per line per insertion: No notice lees than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales S3 for one insertion and S1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pe- Reall. Estalte far sale 50c. each insertion foe± one month of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Men's Heavy Rubbers & Sox EVERY MAN WHO HAS WORN A MINER'S INVINCIBLE BOOT KNOWS. THEIR WEARING QUALITIES. WE HAVE THP; SAME MAKE IN THE LOWER LINES TO BE WORN WaTH HEAVY SOCKS. OUR PRICES SHOULD INTEREST YOU. Women's Overshoes and Goloshes IN LOW AND MEDIUM HEEL. THEY ARE WARM AND COM- FORTABLE, AND'JUST THE THING FOR THE DEEP SNOW. • • ALL` SIZES PER .PAIR $4.00. Stanfield's Underwear for Men FOR WEARING. OR WASHING QUALITIES THEY CANNOT BE BEATEN'.. RED LABEL, $2.00 BLUE LABEL, $2.50 Men's All Wool Sox HANSON'SALL WOOL SOX IN GOOD WEIGHT, IN GREY ONLY THE BEST VALUE WE KNOW OF,, SPECIAL AT PER PAIR, 50c, Southoott Bros. ^n: HNlJy'f RUNli SYILWAY S EM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping carry on night traces and Parlor cars on principal day traits. Full information, foam any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passieamer Amt, Torn N. J. DORE Phone 46w Aunt, Exeter The k:orrect way and the easiest way, to dispose of 'some property or sell same small article, find a tenant far your house, or an ar•tiicLe, you have lost' or help when you want .hitt, is to ianseYf a small advt. in the "Want Column"" of the Advocate. ARTHUR WEBER Auctionleer — R. R. No. 1, Dashwood' Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty,. Four years experiieuce. DR A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon , McDonell's Stables, John St., Exetef' (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26vv Dr. G. F. Rou1ston, L. D. S., D. D. 8.. DENTIST Office. over, Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D l4; Honor Graduate Toronto University Office --ower Gladman Sr Stanbury'S. Office, Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer ,for Counties et” Hruron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satilfaethocr Guaranteed, Crediton, ' — Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds bo loan on farm and village• pnooperty at bow rates of interest, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Banisters,, Solicdars,,Ei►iffier