HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-7, Page 3RHEUMATISM OFTEN COMES BACK The Usual Treatment Does Net Reach the Root of the Trouble. 1Viost treatments for eiteurna-tism do UO more than aim to steep down the poison in the blood and enable lag,ture to eveecorae. that particular attaen, Then. when the system becomes nue doers from any cause the disease again gets the upper hand and it all has to be done over Sufferers from rheumatism who have found their condition unrelieved on actually growing wore while Using other remedies, would do well to try Dr. Williams' Fink Pills. TIie tonic treatment with this medicine has proved tn thousande of cases that' it builds up the blood to a point that ene abies it to cast out the the/emetic poisons through the regular channels of excretion, the bowele, kidneys and tire kin. Wb en this Is done rheuma- tism is banished, and as Wag tte the blood is kept pure and rice). the pat. tent will be Immune from attack. This is proved by the case of Pars. e. Hewitt, Beach P.O.. Hamilton, Ont, who saie: "For a number of years I was troubled with mese-Mar reeurna. Wm, which caused rae a great deal or suffering, 1 would get rid at the trouble for a time, but it always carne back. A frieud recommended Dr. WilllarnsPink Pills and 1 have not had an attach of rheumatism Sil1C0 1 took t.bem, and that is eve years ago. 1 bave settee used the Dille tor anaemia aud found them equally gootl, an I now recommend them to anY Wends wbo may be ailing." YOU, cnn get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at it -0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 front The Dr. Williarae' eledicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Bark of England was founded by a Scotsman who flied in poverty. MInerd's Liniment for Garget in Cows. •••••••••••PAIM110 About 1,100 'kinds of lusezts melee their tomes in eak trees. Surnames and Their Origin EYL Racial ()rig in --E ng is h, Sure --A locality. Thee is a, family Dame widen sppears as, though it might have some optical signiecance, But though of pure Ate glo-Sa-xon- origin It /me no connection with our modern word "eye." The word from which it in derived is spelled somewbat differently todae, which explains the difficulty. If the family name were spelled "Islere you'd stand a better chance of guessing the origin, or perhaps if it were Strolled "Islander:" Reelly, howevernthere was a sbader of dieerence between the meaning of the medieval word "eyler" and the mordern word "islander." The former meant as much "watermaa" as "is- lander." According to geography an island is a section of land entirely sur- rounded by `Water. -according to ety- mology, however, it is "water -land." a distinction, peritaps, without a differ- enee.In.earlier nays- the Artgo-Sax. ons called water "ea," and later the spelling of this root or word develop into "ea' (uotbowever, with a prc. nunelation like our word "ee," for in aloes days the "y," like tbe "1," was pr011Otilleed either as we to.day pro. uounee Hee" or the snort "I."). Until comparatively modern 'nines, therefore, this family name was not pronounced "Eye.ler," but "Anler," rhyming with "sailor," STAPees Variation—Step le. Racial origin—ersglish. Source—A tocality. Here is a family name which leas nothing to do wine the article et hard. ware of the same name. It is foteeded rather, upon the seam source as our moriera adjective, 44stap1e" winch we used to denote a contemn article ot eontmerce. What is the counection? It nee In the original Dwelling of tee word. A staple article is a 0013114011 or usual article of trade. The pbrase has come to iavet s mean ng be• cause it meant originally a "market Article," or a marketable article, and In the 1article1 conunou demaua is freely ecarketaiale. In the medieval period in whiob family names were being formed, the "staple" was an open market or train Ing place, It was quite natural, tberefore, that a man wbo lived at or near such a Place should be referred to as "Jan Do La or the Staple," or "William at the Staple." And, as has bappened with virtually all of these descriptive surnames as they bare become family names through the toes of their origin- al specific Meaning, these prefixes bane been dropped in the course at time. Here again is a case in which the addition of the "s" was but a tendency of tee tongue, and did not represent a eliortened form ot the endiug "Eon." GETS• HIM IN FINE SHAPE Move Child's Bowels with MOTHER! FOR WINTER "California. Fig Syrup" "Tanlae built me up la fine aleeele last Spring, and now I an getting aa - other bottle as a Wide to keep me fit for the cold weather° declared Henry Enterennacn, 450 York St, Hamatou, ' Oat, recently. Mr. Duefenbaeb has been Identified with the grocer), busn nese In Hamilton several yeare, tread is • very well known, enle stomach was troubling ma for a long time and I got into a badly rule (lowe condition," he satd. "Almost erething I ate upset nie terribly, and '• gas would form on my stomach .and • keep tree miserable. My nerves were unstrung, too, and many a Mat I teever got a bit ot rent. was 'feeling simply all planed out when I got aiy first bottle of Tertian but before. I had fintehea it, the pains la my stomach went away entirely, mY food began to agree with me and 1 have never hod lila:gest/on Since. 'With • any nerves enim, my strength bark and any appetlte n Mira shape, 1 expect to enjoy Christmas dinner and al/ the good things of the ealidaya as I have not done for a leug time. They can (runt en me to always EiVe e good word for Tauten." Taelac is sold by all good dru--ene.: Where They Got Their Names. Quite a lot of geography can be learnt In a stroIL round a dry goods snap, for many of the fabrics and raa. terials we use to -day get their names from the places were they were tnig. inally made. For example, calico owes it$ name to Cancun a town in India. In the days before Manchester was a great manufacturing centre most ot the best oaMco came from Cancun and even. an 1 ter the industry came to. Britain the 01 trams remained. India .is also re- ponsible for muslin, which. came or- iginally from .a place canna nnteul. Two textiles owe their names to France. nese are cretonne anti MM. Uric, the first of which came from the Normandy town of Creton, wblle the second Is still manufactured at Cam. brae How many people know that serge takes its name from China, -whence it was introduced Into England in 1000? Tee Latin mune for China is Selicune which gradually has changed into the modern word serge. GUARD THE CEILDREN FROM AUTUMN COOS The lean is the met severe neason of the year for colds—one day warm, the next cold and wet, and unless tine mother is on her guard, the little ones are seized with colds tbat may bang on all winter, Baby's Own Tablets are mother's best Wend In prevereleg or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and etomeelt tree aud eweet. An eeansion- at dose ot the Tablets 'will prevent colds, or If It does come on suddenly their prompt nee will relieve the baby. The Tableta are sold by pletlielne deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box trove The Dr, William niediclue Co., Brack. ville, Out. Three hundree years ago the popu- lation of London was only 100,000. A fraction of a grain 'of musk will scent a evorn for yearn, -and the cur- ious thing about it is that at the end of that time its weight is not dimin- ished by the fmallest fraction. ist Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize $6500 $3500 $2000 awarded to subscribers prize to the subscriber third highest. Prizes N P 00 Rere's Your oeportunity to participate in these three big cash prises. We wish to Put THE ATHLETIC GUIDE, our new Sporting Paper on the map and et once. It would take us months and months to reach our circulation objective by ordinary canvaisIng methods so we have decided to spend our 'money in a way whereby our own subscribers will gain an opportunity .to participate in our expenditure which really makes our proposition a mutual one ail.the way round. Ti, participate In this aubseription campaign you simply indicate on the coupon below whether in your estimation the HOME TEAM will scoro MORE, LESS or THE SAME 'NUMBER of goals than they scored In the corresponding game of last Year, bY Placing an "X" in the column provided in the coupon. prizes will he. as follows; The first prize to the subscriber who submits the highest correct estimate, aire second who submits. the second highest correct estimate and the third prize to the subscriber who submits the will bo equally divided among subscribers whose estimates rank equally cermet. RULES (1) Alt entries roust be made on coupons Provided for that =Pose. (2) Any -coupon -which has been altered or mutilated will be disqualified. (3) In event of a tie, or ties, prizes will be divided equally between those tieing. but should the neeessitY arise, the Auditor reserves the right to rearrange prize money so that the first prize •winners will receive more than the second, and the second prize winners reeeive more than the third. (4) :klatehes on coupons incorrectly scheduled, or riot cons - maimed, same will be struck oft the coupon. In The event of a game being started, and then discontinued for any reason whatsoever, the score as registered at the time the game fa terminated, will be accepted as being the same as a full game. (5) The Auditor reserves the right to disqualify any coupon for what, in his opinion, a good and sufficient reason, and it is a distinct condition of entry that the Auditor's decision Shall be accepted as final and legally binding in all matters concerning this competition. lie cor- •respondence will be entered into or interviews granted. (6) In marking coupon, place cross in column Provided; denote whether you think the HONE team will score MOPE GOALS, LESS GOALS, or the SAME NUMBED. OP GOALS as in the corresponding game of last year. Should the score shown for last year's games be Meer- rect it will not affect any ostimate as the figures will be taken as printed. Entrants must enclose 26e with each coupon, which wilt entitle them to five weeks' subscripton to THE ATH- LETIC GUIDE, or $1, which entities them to one extra entry coupon and twenty-five weeks' subscription. No two prizes will be paid out in any one week to any one subscriber. Employees of THE ATHLETIC GUIDE cannot emupete. Prizes are awarded on the results received by cable on or before 9 a.m. Monday following date of snatches. No responsibility will be accepted by THE ATILLIffiC GIME for the loss or non-delivery of any coupon. Proof of posting will not be aecepted as proof of de. livery or receipt. Coupons received without name or address will be dis- qualified. in cases of capital prize winners when the address is given as "General Delivery" only, proof of identification will be required before mailing of capital prize. F OT;tALL, CO !PETITION ATHLETIC GUIDE PUBLISHING CO., 508 Dominion Bank Bldg, Vancouver, B.C. I enter this Football Competition with the understanding that 1 agree to abide by the published rules governing same and to accept the Auditor's decision as final anti legally binding. t Twenty-five cents enclosed for five weeks' subscription entitles me to one estimate; 50c, ten vveas and two. estimates; 15s, fifteen weeks and three estimates; $1.00. twenty weeks and five estimates. NOTE—Mark with an X in column provided whether you think the HOME team will score MORE, LESS or the SAME nuraber of goals as in the corresponding game last season, NAME.. ADDRESS Mark ;with X in column,provideci. "M" is more; "L" is less; "S" is same. • HOME TEAM l'igrs'is Score... Newcastle I 1 I 2 • Everton • •I 2 I 1 Manchester C! I 1 I 1 'ineRromwieh A. 2 I 1 West Hate. In I 2 0 Ientlrerham Co. 1 1 1 Hull City • . I 2 0' Southend U. 1 1 , A,way Team Aston Villa Birmingham Cardiff C, ' Sunderland Wolverham'n Bury Blackpool Charlton Ath. Luton Town 1 0 Portsmeuth Nelson .1 1 Darlington Hartlepools IT. 1 1 Lincoln City St. Mirren 2 1 Motherwell Partrick- T. 2 1 Raith Rovers ifibernians • 2 1 Morton Falkirk 1 1 0 Dundee. coupon No.3 11 13. 1 - • - • Games to be Played • Dec. 23 • Competition closes Midnight Dec. 22 coupon No. 4 1Couporall'o.. M X. S 141. MI IZr14.'SIK-04I8 . 4+04+644444.4.1.44. 44.144.4+44..t ... 1 One Of the quaintest was devised by . Testing Coal for a Queen. In olden. nays the Lord Mayor or London was oneof the Sovereign% most trusted hencluneu, and at timer many strange duties leave fallen to hie lot. Queen Elizabeth. lentil her reign coal was almoet un- known in the South et Englaud, though sea coal was gathered regular. ly from the ehere aud used in the North. One day a Northumbrian sebleet, sent ter a eensIgumeet of coal. Teel Queen saw it burn or the ltearth told I enjoyed it pleesaut p ow. "Can it be used for coolaeg?" eznea. ehet was assured that it But she was a, cautions perzon. Sbee geld a quantity to ter Lord Mayor, ordering Itim to use for cooldue, his own dinner and to report to leer, bether tom/ treated In this way wee at for human ceneuraptIou. Not lirtil the Lord ;114Yer had re-, portel teat he had eaten and survived: 'would she breve coal used in the rural kitchen. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominic!). lexpreee Money. Order. They are payable everywhere. The Gentle Hint. An American editor hit upon the foe! lowing Ingenious method of Jogging the memories et delinquent eubscriber$ to We paper: "There i$ a little matter tent $eme of cur euneeriber$ beve $eentingly for.; gotten entirely. $one of them have made u$ nattily promeeen but have not kept them. To u$ It 1$ a very import.: ant matter—It' necenary In our let$Izten$, We are very mode$t and don't like to $peak about erten retni$V There are more than 300 railway stations within twelve miles et St. Paul's Cathedral, London, .••••••••••••••••••••• At the age of fifteen year a dog is; more decrepit than a man of eighty. "Cascarets" 10c For Sluggish. Liver or Constipated Bowels .644- 414.4 44.4 elean your .0Welg. heel fine: When you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your head is dull or aching, or your stomach is sour or gassy, just take one or two Cascarets to relieve constipation. No griping -:-nicest laxa- tive -cathartic on earth for grown-ups and children. 10c a :30X. Taste like candy_ FOR RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Neuralgia, or any other pain, apply Minard's Liniment to the aching spot and get quicIt relief. Minard's is the remedy your grandmother used. There is nothing. to equal it. FOR SALE •EVER x WHERE. COARSE SAL.1 LAND- SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO ilififillei'l Ilfhatkirse. Da• d likiismeita Hooko* DOG DISEASES ;.,-, 0* is rind pritytrresana N.' dr -..: • '. tfill, After.. • 12 wit 24th.- - .trtrati . . Ire* Totelt. 1744 , ISSUE NO. 1.8—'22. Bven a cross, feverish, hillons, or constipated cbild Lowes the 'friar Radium is 17Q,000 Cates twine vane taste of "Canton:la P.SI Sirup." A tea- ale 'than gold - spoonful never fails to cleanse the Oger and bowels in a. few tours Yen mu see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the howe!s. and you have a well, playful eleild ng'441. lions of mothers keep "California Pig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- s f t • — Ciassified ACIVert;beRMI3 41.G=NT.8 W.41.121=0. G1.NTS-150% TklEt Airmeteri The air control fOr Fortis, .0 -es starting easy; eu running costa: Increases efficiency. .quicitly instal:144 withoUt retnOving, earauretor. Moderate price. Write for Partimilars time! Air-. meter Manufacturing comonny. Dept. 1a 219 York St., Ottawa, Ont. l'ATNZTIW .4TTOR11rarf3. moon' 4 MATEISE, KENT I31.1)0,.. Yonge Street, Toronto, Registeree 1 area Attorneys. Send tor free eatinetnieriente, TerasTn. SPA.QE IN CELL.A.11.e. ETC.. lf can be made Yield 425 Per week al; winter, growing rnushro( ms for u$. oolciot for stamp. Toronto Supply CO, 92,1M1 an Spadina, Toronto. ron letnzr. , . TAHN--WONDEPWCI.. YAWNS AND colors, aarnples free--(leorgetown oollen Mills, Ont. BELTING FOR SALE 1 BELTING IA, KINDS. Nh'.W' Olt Used, pulleys, sawseatele, hose, etc.. shipped, subject to OPPrOtal at IoW. est Prices- in Cana4a- York urging Co., 115 'York St.. TOro4tes, ‘s morrow, Ask year druggist for genn- ine "CaliforWa Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies arta childreu all ages printed an bottte. Mother! You must eey "California" or you may " get an Imitation fig emir', •A I 'Wo pay Isreelay .Kad te..?...,dy eur ani • exeluPtvo V.raeN freS14. (11g-tia=t-sx•Oer trfep au41 Deot: oto,,,tr.. and strrice. : W,t7 equip ewe free, reicer.....y•-itifiZ;11.4, otlaviuntty. Zink* 1970"4.1,ora• ZeirrzOrlvai Z.toUtsV4 , • .414 • . — Inamare 'education 1a the er.ainner, that leads people, young and o3(1, joI inereesei consideration for all ani. mida and kinfiness to them as well. as el to human beimes. Minere's Liniment for °tramper. STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Papes Diapepsin" corracts Sour, Upset Stomachs • at Qnte .kl., zi i Al t.i., k:i.,::;4;. ie, C L. L'. gl. i ''''. ''g '...' Liee)$ *nil tiaras are too weak in eneeet relief for i7,4C1:;;-,1 •;:j.:1»,, W.:se?, 01.1g power tO rue more than half a ' flezulettee, heertiturre se:era:ea. fer. tone. ineratation or etemates deeree by acidity. A few tat!ms p:Se 1 - 11111111edibte Stett.1001 re.'! Cermet your FtornacTa and titge,V.'11 row for a few eenls. Dragg:sts Fe',1 iffd=$ of ow to Purify the Blood I "Fifteen to natty drops of Extract .1., taken in w.tter with meals and a q. el Root, eonnarmly 'celled etetler Sitigers Curative Syrup, may be 1 bedtime, foe indinestien consti. * ' NoTHING c TT potion and had blood. 'Persist- E ER I ence in 111,ic treatment will giveo permaneease," (let the genuine at ntl teief in nearly every druggiste, t')ec..and$1.00botlie3. 4 its..........e,....sa-n.-044to....ay.......es....-ele.....eila ..........- NURSE THIS LARGE PIMPLES ALL OVER FACE Itched and Burned. Face CuficiralleaIs "Large, red pimples were scattered all over my face, They festered and itched and burned so that 1 scratched them. The pimples were so large that 1 was asbarned to go among rny friends. I would lie awake half thei night, and my face was awfully dm.. figured. "A friend advised me to try Cud. tura Soap and Obstrnent- After using therefor some tims the pimples he. gan to disappear, and when I had used three cakes of Soap and two boxes of Ointment 1 was healed." (Signed) Harry Feinstein, 36 Pequot St., Hartford, Conn., May 12, 1921. Use Cuticura for all toiletpurposes. ilimpleSeektraeltylasti. Addregigoramactisu- ited, 34f. St. Paul Elt., W.,fientretd." S Id ever). sillere. Sesp25e. Ointment:it', and60e. Teleetaftic. ,EGEr Cation= Soap shave* witholstraug. Lydia E. Pinkbances Veae. table Compound Advised for all Women in Poor Health . • Toronto, Ontarlo.—"I Won Leine E. Innithanes Vegetable Contlentad for years ane it ie. the only paient medicine I evo.' r11neg1. 1 mil al nurse and it 1 find a Wianan poor health I always tell her to take it Although you know that doctors and nurses do uot nee patent media cines I must say that I think there is nothing better thau your Vegetable Compound, When .1 rst teen In many years ago, I was :30 lima when. I got up In the roorninf.; that I could i not eat, and when I went to ted was too tired -to sleep. .My mother- in-law told me that Lydia E. Pink: - ham's Vegetable Cempouuti was jr.St what I wanted so I tried it and may : took two bottles \rhea. I felt bettere Siam then I have font& that there is nothing that manes me feel so well, for it seems to belle niy syteeni right up. I don't knt-in• any other medicine that has done so much far women."--Mr.s. W. H. Pmaima, 19 Wellesley Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Women testify again and again, that they have been hied by nyclia, E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Comeouun "after other raedleines have fatted." It has been. tried for nearly fifty years and not found wanting. If you are suffering from any of the various ailmentswhich aecona- pany female weakness try Lydia E., Pinkham's Vegetable 'Compound. + ^ • UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for • Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia • Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain )laudy "Beyere bores of 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. • Ammon is the trade mark (registered in Canaria? nf 'Bayer Hanufacture ef Mono- • acetieacidester ef Saiicylicactd. While it is moil knonm that Aspirin L11.>:LIIS manufacture, to assist the public against imitations. the Tablets of Dyer CoinPae7 • will be stamped with their general trade mark, the 'Tic,er Cross."