HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-23, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE'1111311611.4.1" Nog. ss e22. orer Markets is Local Doings yTlte I.f�,O.F, Second 'Degree team w eat to Seaforth ►„P exemplify that degree on WednesdeV night. C11 NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY \$S17AY `• lite big steer the: was on exhibi.,- alas. Wm. May return.ed, front the Wham 1,1( tion. at Exeter F;.r is the subject (pf hospital rn Loudon. on Tuesday, as is Oat 3, ,45 a law suit, Purchased ,for $3000 for doing, nicely after herr operations, me. -let:, Beet Flour M 3,95's -know pumas, s, it only paid eixpenses,� flits AIktrxay, teacher, gate her very Fa y l+l•tti. 3,70 awe. the purchasers sought . ;•o escape interestena talk n. "Sorvace"' at the Pans ry Flour , x.45 payment. but faded. fames Stz e:t i eF3gue on Tuesday* nightFeu 1 Fleur ,..00 �,;1.► to 1.50 We learn. that Harvey & Harvey have \'fz•: C. K. Bluett, formerly teacher Br en. , , 1.35 a very interesteag special on, their Just at Crea Gan, as the new president of -Creamery Butter .....,: t 39 to 4Z of Bargains for Dollar Day, --i00, 1 lb. the London Thistle Botwing and Curl- Del -e- Butter 34 to 37 boxes Wilson's assorted chocolates, ing Club. Nea. Lei Eggs Head eld Egg ,, ;.. fie: por ton Potatoes liege .4., 70 :soak from the factory for the oc M. John Hunter, who „ns seriously 30 rasion, to sell at ,39c,, or 3 boxest;for Ionised in a. collissoa •w'•th a,n auto one ...119 to 22'$1,00, day last seek is ,reported to be now X9.03 #o $10,00 --- MARKS BROS. COMING HERE, +aregresaino favorably, • 75 or 90 lir. John H cl:ney, Sick Road, ;.. .. ; 10.25 harks. Bros. No. 1 Company andlsc�uth, has sold the back forty acre the May Bell Marks .Company which of .his farm ea Stephen to Mr,; Leoll'o have been amalgamated for this season Richards, whose farm adjoins tthe PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. • The party -ship heretofore existing between 13. M. Francis and Getz liattts n the Implement business, has by mutual ceoeseret been dissolved. The haela .es w' ;::i futere be continue -4 by Mr. Frane::s, and all accounts trust b; paid oe '.rent by December Jot, FIVE DOLLARS REWARD Given for brooch lost Sunday, :tion. 5, probably on W: l am 5t„ Exote , e„ „smal'. octopus shape gold brooch with cleat• stone in centre. Finder return to I)r. I._rtsthan'a office. LINSEED :MAL FOR SALE AT the Exeter Flax Mill. av th Gracie and May Bill: lfarks onheroperty,. ' the east, supported by a clevez' The Blyth town ,officials are can any , cmp'will appeal m the OIz'-ra house, Exeter, Weed, and Thurs., Nov.! ng the village ,w•6th a view turn 29 and 30, presenting clean and re- taping further steps with Brussels and .fined dr u"as and vaudeville, Opening \\'shoo for the securing of hydro, and Wednesday might in tho great, after are zneetiau withP,raitifying success. the war drama, "Withsn The ;Lace l Under the sanction of the Minister -#.nd Thursday night, The great flys- of -.Education a coilectoah was taken I tory play, "Which One Shall I Marry" up In the Public School for the. relief ! .not a moving picture. Prices to suit of 04e fire Sufferers in New Orntariof everybody, 25 and 50c. uit1 Ams,'. u- a:nt1 a considerable amount w•aa peal - merit Tax. iz ed. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVEt Tho Grand Trunk ,station at Brua- ►wanted for "Exeter" and surroundz►4,sela w=as hurried to th.a ground oto Srrt rn•itory to erns s,eet. „the Old Reiser►day morxting,�w,ith. a. hcaVY loss Jet COUNTER CHECKS. When in need of Counter Checks e, \'Ve c.tt on The Advocate can furn- ish you with all kinds at right prices. FOUND, -A. place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 31c. •.-R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North EXETER 0. K . CIDER. MILL AND Apple Butter Factory moved to new premises, cornier of Main, and 'Wel- lington St- oppedte the 1ietropo1.taxn Hotel \1ipi;J be open every thy. Try me in, tate now stand, customers. I limo% you, S. J. V. C AN:q. PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of mouse, stable end8 lots of land, situated in Exeter North For particulars apply to K Bierling. Hay P. O. able .Foothill Nurseries. A splextdid bu►ldutg, "Might and..xpr...sa, The ope0004 .tor Liter Int maul Fir fall fire is. supposed ;to have started .from information write, -Scone q Welling tete eating apparatws, ton, Toronto. Mrs. Temp Reynolds svhile going down the verandah •step, the aper t TO THB. FAR\1ERS day had the roiefortube, of break Noew ;.s tate auto. when ,41.3ines,. tate small bone in her ankle. It w li (binders, Crushers, Pulpers, Bad wood b` scree tams laetot<e she er'rJl have saw• ng machetes w l be wanted. We the i>se of the ",toured lamb. have them or can get them on short Mr. S. W. Sims ,nearly lost Itis car notice. One seconld %head 8 in, Ves- by fire on Tue$day afternoon, owing eat grinder, and one eezood hand 3 h.p. to the carburetor leaking gasoline that geoce,.ne engine. became ignited while the car was in W<1RD & MORGAN front of the Express Office Quik acttan ;.n moveng the car and applylnn bucleets of water, sapid At a meeting Zatst Tuesday of the Trustee Burd of Jamee Street 'Meth- od:et Church, et was decoded to nv to DWELLING PROPERTY 1'OR SALE Ret. W, 17. Dorm -ley of Amherstburg God brick house and lot. on, eor- to ba,otnc densis paior aster the next rtes Homo ,and oz -beth strooto. 'conference. Mr.Donuley has ac - Exeter, all en a good state of repair, 14Pts O 41111-13'k:4i subject toitt:he. Cheap at parse -$2200. Apply at Advocate Office, or Byron, E. Hicks, ll'ere :n Huron County a County Crediton P. O. Tire,=tcee ' and Ratepayers' 9.ssoe;e- tleo, and recently an, afore ltas ueea ,made to organize ;1lun:,eipa1 Assacta- t »u.. and such has been dome ;n most. c' the mum;'.: peleties ,ot inures.. A. pie: tin;; w;.o i►t.l t in h:. L. brary helot Q t \4.:(I <<sday 1:n enizk of last 11 bur at wtik: aar.eeol that the Board ot Education was aufficiennt, and 'they will take the matter up and a< siblyt appoint a reurest.nt;tive. Mr. McLar- en, of the Departmene of Edutcpttion, Toronto, ,Mr. Fulton, ,county secret- ary, and Dr. liclienzie-Smith of the Provincial Health Department, ad- dressed tici meeting son Educational subjects and general discussion fol- lowed. Considerable opposition was MEETING ,OF HURON COUNTY expressed to th , Adolescent Act, • °COUNCIL HOCKEY MEETLNG, The Council of the Corporation of A. meeting of those interested in the the County bf Huron will meet in the formation of a Junior Hockey Club Council Chamber, Goderich, ,at 2,30 is called for Thursday„ evening, Nov. o'clock inthe afternoon of Tuesday, 23rd at 8 o'clock, in the Library. This the . 5th day not Dec,, 1922: Alt ac•• invitation is intended to include the counts against the County must be in surrounding villages and country. Let the hands of the Clerk not later than us have a rousing meeting, Monday preceding the meeting of the .••••.... Council. Council, HIGIH SCHOOL COII\IENCEMENT, G. W. Holman, County Clerk Goderich Nov. 20th, 1922. FARM FOR SAL1s 100 acres, good buildnge. well drain -e ed and fenced; 27 acre's plowed, 15 acres fall wheat; halt mile ¢o church and school, Amply Box 13, Advocate Office. Exeter. DWELLING PROPERTY FOR SALE Situated on London Road, 1?A in ,es `south of Exeter. Good ftrunte ;house, stable and 'assn houses on, the premises half acre land. Price reasonable. Ap- ply on the pnretn„sgs-Jas. Baigent, Exeter P.O. FARM FOR SALE - Situated in Stephen Tp., on the London Road, 1% mules south of Ex- eter; 200 acres, well fenced and dreeni ed; in good state of cultivation; 10 acres hard wood bush; 12 acres fall wheat; 50 acres plowing done, rest itt hay and ,pasture; good brick house, frame barn, brick cattle and horse stable. For particulars ap ply to this office. Fresh Ciscoe Whitefish COAL HATER FOR SALE.Base banter and oven, in first-class cond- #ion. Apply at this office, HOT OYSTERS FOR DOLLAR DAY The Girl's Auxiliary of Trip- itt Memorial Church will serve - a Hot Oyster Supper, Saturday, November 25th, from 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. in north halt of Bett's Bakery, Adults 35e chil- dren 20c. Come and enjoy :a treat. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. Services itt Town Hall 11 am.-Hoj tress Meeting 7 pore -Salvation Meeting, 2.30 ',ea. -Sunday School and Bible Glass, Cottage meetings in North. End on Tuesday night FROM Capt Hopkins. Lieut, Hoskins DEEP COLD WATERS OF LAKE ERIE, ,Direst TO CONSUMERS' TABLE 50 lb. BOX $4.00 100 ib BOX. . ,$7.50 Port Staniay, No box charge. Money order or check to accompany order. Reference Sterling Bank. Shipment made in December. Good time to order now for wiryt;er use. FINLAY FISH & STORAGE CO, Liirttited, Port Stanley, Ont. Betts' Home -Made Bakery Have you tried a loaf of "our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing." Headquarters for HIGH. CLASS BREAD , -: I3t7NS AND CAKES Special attention given to orders for Picnics, Luncheons and Wed- ding: WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY Cartage &,. Livery REGULAR TRIPS TO LONDON en TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, WE 'WILL .MOVE ,ANY'rHING YOU HAVE TO MOVE ANYWHERE. Phone 58w. BAGSHAW & EASTON Y. P.C:A Rooms open each might. A special Bowling and Volley Ball Match on, Tuesday, after Leagues, and on Wed- nesday night a Ladies' Match in Bowl- ing, Those desiring the exercise of box- ing spill .hand naives to Mr. S. Ffititon who will girue instructions during one hour each week, Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"The Enthusiasm of God:" 7 p.m, -"The Finer Charity." RevA. A. Trumper, Rector. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible - Classes: 11 a.m.-"Jesus of The Gospels" 7 p.m. -"Finding and Following". - The Minister The Exeter High School Commence- ment will be held in. the Opera. House Exeter, on Friday evening, Dec. inti, when diplomas and ,scholarships twill be presented, and Ei lecture ,evil]. be delivered by Prof. Kinston of the Westerr University, Extension De- partment his subject being ''Wonder- ful. Heavens:" The lecture will be il- lustrated with lantern elides. Mrs Dwell is ,vieitnig in London. ;Mrs, Dickson, .of Renfrew, is the guest of Miss C. Vesper. Airs, W. J. I-ieaman,spent a few days in London last,w,eek. Mn Reg. Bissett of tiaitbam, visaed at hie home here over Sunday. Misses Stella Southcott and Verna Coates are visiting in Toronen Mrs. M. >loody of Haileybury, visiting her sister, Mrs. Well. johns. Mess Ethel Day of London ;visited evith her ,parents here. over Sunday'. Mrs. W. W. Taman, ,returned ,on Monday from a visit en Windsor and Sandia. Mr. Goldie Cochrane was in Clinton on Wednesday, to meet a pension, ex- amining board. o e Mrs, F. W. Gladmars held -a recep- tion. at their new home in London on Tuesday afternoon. - Mrs. R N. Creech epte tt he lat- ter pert of -'ase ,wetek in. London with Mrs. Jos. Holiday. lire. A. Cottle iwias in. St. Thomas ra'turday'attending the funeral. of the late Mrs. B,arnies,',fornserly of Exeter!, Messrs. W. Rivers, W. E. Sanders, T. Ro,wtcliLf, and J. Hunkim spent , a few c;ays near Wingham•this week Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening ehoot ng. Mrs Johnellatveksihaw, who has ,been visiting With, friends, them, the guest of Mrs. M. E. 'Gardiner,' left Monday .everrine to stay wetb her daughter in Straifford. Mr. S. W. McFalls, ,afi Exeter; who has been with lh Moltons Bank ale Waterloo ,for some timte,;has accepted a gosation: as ledger keeper 3m th•e, iviol- sons. Bank here,,=t. .Marys. Journal -The' Minister Argus. ► JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wiilsoin,-B.A. 11 a. ar,- The Minister 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and \Bible Study, 7 p.m. - ri MAIN ST. METHODIST C 1URCH' Rev Geo. , McAlister, M.- A. Phone, 21x3- 11 a.m.-"'ih'e ,<Iriable'/Man's. Son.'" 3 p.m.-Salxhath School and Bible ;Classes: 7 p.m. -"The Last Oiaelee iof Joshua" AT .BETHANY 2.30 p.m`. -"The :.First Disciples". MImes,rs Samuel and Louis Trueinner of 'Detroit, ,spent a fe\v days during the week with relatives and old ,friends in and around tEree.ter., It is many years ago since they left. Exeter and they can s'cie may changes '.ty ;hej town,, duringtheir absence they ` i e trip by motor' andnW,ere-�gceonpi aural by mt. A. R. ,Truemener and has, webs,. a ,son of Mr. Truemn r, also Nlrsi. r Louise •"Fahirue,r canna' as for as Londe.. with them. e PHONE 32 OLLAR DAYS O]ES- & MAY'S PHONE 32' Friday and Saturday, Nov. 24 and 25 Big Out -Rate Prices for Dollar Days on. Newest Lines of Fall Goods. - A Real Sale. Shop Early as many Bargaan. Lines are Limited in Quantity, Read ever item. as it7means Dollars Saved to you. Partial list below: Dry Goods, Staples, Ready-to-wear, Etc. 30 pair good qualilty .D. & A. Corsets all sizes, Dollar Pay special, 81 pr. 3 dozen Ladies' Brass:les & Bandeaux: --all styles and sizes, 39e,, 2 .for 75'e; Ileas.y rib, a7.1 wool heather I os3ewy,--$1.00 quality, ,,,,• » •,•_.. 1'9c. a paw Ladies' Pur.c Thread Sisk Hosiery, black only, reg. $1.75 quality., for $1',19 Ladies' Black Cashmere Hosiery, Peat -main's make, $1.25 quality, ,for 79c, pr Heavy Silk Cashmere Hawdery, sizes 8 1-2 to 10, regularly $45, for 980. pr Ladies' Vests and Draws res, good quality, at ,.,,,...,... ,..xt200 garmenit Linen Towelling, specials at and 25e. yd 30o. quality PJ^,b t at 22c. yd. Heavy -piiksw cotton al -39e. and 40c, yd. Heavy White Flannelette, 36 in wide , .,, „ .,,t .........:...: ; . , , 22c. yard 3 webs Bleached Cotton; beautiful quality, worth 30c, yd, Dollar' Day 19c. 5 webs Factory Cotton, 34 loch wade., ....... t 12 1-2c. yd 1 p,e. heavy Bleached Table Damask at 51,69 yd. Ginghaurh at Z2c. yd. Flannelette Blankets, largest raze, 12x4, Ibex . ...:tt $2.90 .pa -.1r. Pure Woof Blankets, Seery soft quality 7 lirweight, regularly 311 a pails, .Dollar Days at .,, , ..... . .......... , . , $g 95 Tao Heavy All wool Semis, etc, popular colors at.,. , . yd, Velveteens ,good shades, 31.50 ytl. for..„ .. . .. . .... - .41:00 yard Raw Sial;, nice quality ., 59c. yard. Heavy Black ?ailette Dress Silk, 36 in wide, very wither, special at 31.59 yd, 1 piece pink Haluta', Sitk, 31.50 quality for ;,,,n,. ..,...98c. yd, Georgette and Crepe de Cbene Blouses at 52.95 each. Value Blouses at 31.00 Needles and Pins, 4 packages for,,. ► I 1 ,,..•.• 25c. Ladies' Dressing Sacques, 31.75 quality for ,.........98e. ,cache Ladies', Misses'„,and Children's Coats, Suits and Dresses at Real Bargain prices for Dollar Days. Good Velour Coats at $15 each. FURS All ,For Sets, Etc., at ot price and less. DINNER SETS -4.0 ,per cent Discount on all dinner sets .for Dollar Days. RUGS --°"All room rugs with exception, f Congaleum's, 15 pen cent. off: SWEATERS -For Everybody, many at hat price amid lesis.. MEN'S WEAR � t Men's heater fleeced iShirts and Drawers, all ol zea, ;89c. p, garmuent, Boy's Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, alt si zea, 69c. a garment. 10 De z•en heavy wool work Socks at 5'Oc. it ,pAr. Fine Negligee Shiirts, sizes 14 to 16 1-2, very dpee al, nt 81.29 winch. Black Cashmere Socks, '60c, quality; for 4-90. Boot and Shoe Bargains lien's Heavy Black or :Browse .Work Boots at $3,98. Men's Heavy W,tlian,; i. Work Boots at .34.75 Men's Black or Brown F Shoes„ Goodyear welts, at $4.75 15 pairs Men's Fine Shoos, Reg. $5,50, to clear at $3.50 30 pairs- Alien's Brown or Black Fame Shoes, regular $6.00 at $4.00 Alen's Black Rubber Boots on <sa1e, at $4.39; • Alert's Dominion Rubber Boots; white soles at $5.00 Men's Heavy Lumbermen's Rubbers at $2.90, Mert's Heavy Black or Blue Overalls, Reg. $2,25, at $1;90 30 pairs Wom!en'a Empress Shoes, sizes 3 and 3 1-2, ot $1.00 15 pair Women's CuShiuon Sole Shoes at $3.75, 15 pair .new two -forced high laoe Empress Shoes,, at 55.00 15 pairs Woman's Patent Slippers, to clear at $3.50. , - -CHILDREN'S SHOES See our Big ,Bargains ,lin Boys;• and Girls' Schio:ol Shoes. Bunks o4 them at $1.50 and ,up. . Men's and Boys' Clothing Bargains an Men's Overcoats at $15:00 and up. e. o „they. priices in Metes Suits. Boys 'Smite up to r'lne largesit 35 eii tze a,``b-36:50 Groceries for $ Day Only Kellogg's Cornflakes, 3 for 29c. Shredded Wheat, 12c. package Lemon Soap, ,t+egi. 10c., at 4 for • 25c, Lennox Soap, 22 bars for $1,00 Opera Toilet Soap, meg 1.0c 4 for 25 Lux 10c.; Amanioti a, ,3 boxes 2367" Black Shote Polido; 5c.Sc. alliox it in, 1 Polish, 2 {far 23c. Salada Tea, Revd R,o,ne, Aroma and, Minto Tea, alt 55c. 6 rolls 'Toilet paper efoe' 25; Jelly Powders at 3 for 23c. JONES • & MAY. s I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Salicidor'for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS. in Vnctoay, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vinckal and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment ,for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 oer cent. to 7: .ver cent can be obtained from these bonds. =Orders' "'attired by me, Money to loan at lowest rates- of y Office-01;116g Bk„ Main St:; Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer R. R. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer, for Huron Co Farm 'and stock •vales'" a specialty. Four years experience. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon - McDonnell's Stables; John St;, ;Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone '26w ti.` F. Ra•ulston, L.' D. S., D• D. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law.„Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A, &'KINSMAN, L'; -D. S., D. V, B. Honor Graduate Toronto Uatitotetity Office -,over' Madman & Staftiur 'e` Office, Main Street: Exeter, FRANK TAYLOR Licensed.. Auctiiodeer tor " Counties ot Hutton rind Middler Prices Reasonable and Sgtilsfat:tiion Guauainteed, Creditor", -- Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN 'We: have a large amount ;of private funds ,to' loan on - farm --and village property at law rates of interest. GLADMAN &'STAP1$URY Barristers, Stolscitda's, Exeter.