HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-23, Page 7Conte stipat on
A druggist -says: "For nearly
*hider years hove
tile Extrac
t of Boats, known asMother Ssig
ei's Curative Syrup, for
arresting and permanently reliev
in„ constipation and indigestion.
It is an old reliable remedy that
never fails to do the
drops thrice daily. Get the:
I Genuine. SOc,and$2.00bottles.
'Poor Blood the Cause of Head-
aches and Run Down Peeling..
To the woman in the home—the wo-
"man solosety confined to the house,
'either through household duties or the.
ertre of children, or both—Dr, Wil
drams' Pink Pills are a positiv N bless-
ing. The average woman has too little
blood. Iiereeerves are easily irritated
and she worries over little things; has
severe headaches and backaches and
generally feelsworn out. With the
awonsaa who uses Dr.. Williams' fink
't' Pills the condition is different. She is
always well and the care of her child
ren or household duties is a, real plea-
sure. This le because Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills enrich and purify'the blood
supply which brings vigorous. health:
A and strength. Mrs. `H. Everitt, Parry
Harbor, Ont., Lias used these pills with
benefit end, eays:—"I cannot recom-
d Dr.
W ia mnR i
P n& Pills too
hhighly. I was run down, and very
weak, and after using the pills A felt
like a different woman, They are won-
derful l strength builders, For naming
=others they are a blessing, at least I
have found them so,"
If you are suffering from Rny con-
dition due to poor, watery blood, or
weak nerves, begin tak#ng Dz Wil-
liam's Pink -Pills now, and note !row
your strength. and Health wilt, improve.
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or they will be sent
by mall, post paid, at s0 cents a box or
nix boxes for C1,60 from The Dt, Wu -
Dams' Medicine Coe Brockville, Ont.
Sultan Gets Biggest Pay.
The Sultan, receives the largest #n-
come paid to any earthly sovereign,
Pay your out,oOtown accounts by
Iaominien Express '.Haney Order. Five
Dollars costs three coats,
Ald to Reading.
A mew rectangular 'reading glass is
supported by a frame at the correct
distance above printed matter eo that
it does not have to be held in the
Minard's Linimert for Dlatemper.
The One on Trial.
Mrs. Hitanl•Otton—•"Would you be
milling to come on trial for a week?"
Prospective Cook ---"A wake is it?
Muire 01 could tell 'whether Oi'd lotke
ycz. in wan day."
Why Do Onions Make..Us
- Ii! a sense, ewe are always "crying,!',
and onions only make our eyes weep
more rapidly than' usual, Our body
is perpetually supplying tears to our
eyes, and every time we bilak these
tears are smeared by 'the ereiad across
the ball of the eye in order to clean it.
Onions containbetween their layers
an acrid oil. This oil is. highly vola-
tile, that is, on reaching the .air it
quickly turns into vapor and releases
a sulphur compound which it contains..
This surphlur makes the eyeball
smart, and the eye nerves; at ones sig-
nal to tale brain for an additional sup-
ply of tears, as an added protection
against the sulphur. This extra sup-
ply: is produeed to rapidly that It .cant -
not be carried away perceptibly down
the nose in the usual way, but over
five's and so we weep.
Slain by the silver swords of frost
The last bright blossomsso lies
Stripped of their gold by rubber winds
Bare boughs beseech the dries;
heard the wild geese in the night
Go honking overhead,
Lost in gray clouds that o'er the moon
Like frightened phantoms Sed,
But in the brown de erted #!Olde
And lonely country lanes
Where but the withered memory
Of summer's green renaaine.
That ragged gypsy crone who goes
4bout foretelling snow,
November keeps the snaeldering blase
Of sumac fires aglow,
Canadian fall weather is extremely
bard on little ones. One day is warm
and bright. and the next wet and cold.
These sudden changes bring on colds,
cramps aid colic, and unless baby's
little stomaole is kept right the result
may be serious. There is nothing to
equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping
the little ones well, They sweeten the
stomach, regulate the bowels, break
up colds and make baby thrive. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 26 cents a box from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Improved Toothbrush.
At the end of the handle of a new
toothbrush is a small bunch of bris-
tles suitable curved to cleanse the In-
ner surfaces of teeth.
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Origin—French and English.
Source—A given name.
Here is afamily name which has
nothing to do with either a pan or a
coast, nor yet with the cost of any-
It has for the most part developed
in a thoroughly normal way, so far as �
the old reoords reveal, from -a given
name. Originally French, it is not
possible, however, to state exactly at
what time it came over into English
(though apparently subsequent to the
Norman invasion), nor whether it
came over as .a given name before the
family name was formed, or as a
family ,name already developed. The
chances are there are instances of
both, but that in the majority of cases
it came over with the Huguenat refu-
At one period in France it was cus-
tomary for parents to name their child-
ren after feast days (and in Spain also
where it is the custom to -day) and in
this instance the given name is simp-
ly the name of the feast of Pentecost,.
in sltortened or changed form.
Variations—Newbury, Newberry, New.
burg, Neville, Nevi!
Racial Origin --English, French.
Source ---A locality.
Place name constitute a very pro-
lific source of family names, perhaps
the most prolific of all, with the pos-
sible exception of given names.
The family names listed above all
belong to this classification, There
were numerous' towns in Englaaad in
the 'Middle Ages bearing one or the
other of these names, the meaning of
which is virtually the same in all
cases, either "new -town," "new-
borough" or in the -ease of the French
name 'neu-ville" or "new city."
Such names would have been borne
in the first instanoe by men who farm-
erly Itad lived in such named places,
but who had removed to other• locali-
ties in which they were most naturally
• Miss Margaret Ross
An interesting discovery during Can-
adian Book Week was Miss Margaret
Ross, who. at the age of seventy-seven,
makes her first contribution to litera-
in the form of a biography of her
brother, Sir George Rose, once pre-
mier of Ontario.
All the Colors,
When we understand all about col
ors, we shall be able to regulate our'
emotions and attain our ideals of per-
erfect peace. Meanwhile, color experts
continue to advance their theories,
and the latest comae from a fatuous
eye specialist, who has studied colors
and theireffects epos human passions.
Here, briefly, is bis list:.
Yellow bruins out bad qualities, In-
ducing vulgarity, noisiness, jealousy,
and revenge.
Red ea,e1tee one, and produces via -
lent effort---:ometmes for good, but
generally for bad. It is the color of
Green promotes joy, if not of the
most peaoefui kind.
Blue is the peaceful Color. It in-
duces placid bappineea. a dealre not
to be disturbasl, and a dislike ot argu-
ment ar contest,
White brings out Meets activity, and
people who live among the Snow and'
ice .are the most active.
Black, appropriately, is the hue of
sorrow and evil. Amid black surround-
urroundings, life degenerates. It is every bit
as black as It is painted.
If these deductions are cerrect, why
not paint the whole 'world blue and
green, and make other colors, illegal?
The painter, and not the politiolaal, is
needed to put our old world right.
Typewriter That Writes
A typewriter that writes, at the
tonal of a, finger, words as well as let-
ters. has been put on the market by a
British inventor.
First, he selected the twenty-one
words that he found to be in most com-
mon use.
These are: "eace at, all, are, be, but,
for, he, it, in, is; if, not, af, on, to, the,
we, was, you," which, according to the
inventor, constituted approximately
81.8 per cent. of the words in every-
day use, the sentence be selects as an
example being: "Now is the time for
all good men to come to the aid of the
party," in which nine of the sixteen
words may be,.written on his type-
writer, each by a single touch.
Mr. Bennington uses a standard key-
board with extra keys for these words
arranged on three sides of it.:,
The machine itself has several other
features, which, it is claimed, are im-
provements, including an escapement -
lock whole makes it possible to write
in any direction.
India rai=es about 5,000,000 tans of
scads from which various kinds of oil
are made annually.
differentiated from others bearing the
same given naives by references to the I Avoid overwork, It weakens the
places frons which they bad come. i body.
Lo ok
TA�x �J,
d 14rea parts Wain.'€
,v.G p.ANn d'vl."
,., Ccr,al Campo[
wipau_,Nun. sa
s,WQ Tiota 0005 •7
T TNSTEADY nerves and sleespless nights are fore -runners:
d.J of mental and physical collapse, "
Watch your nerves. When tea or coffee setsthem on
edge, switch at once to Instant Pasturn.
'The change is usually permanent, because Postum brings
health and comfort. It is free from any element of disturbance
to nerves, heart or digestion, and its delicate aroma and full,
rich flavor are pleasing and .satisfying.
.At your Grocer's in settled, air -tight tills.
Instant Postum
"There's a Reason"
A generous Sample tin of Instant
Postum sent, postpaid, for 4e in
stamps. Wiito:
Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., 45 N'ront St., R., Toronto. Factory: Windsor, Ont.
Ail Her Friends
See A Great ..
Change ry
When a n;edieine'produces the de-
sired results its praise Is sureeta be
heard. That Is wily Mrs. ICatrinleii-
sere Halmpatrick, Calgary, as well as
thousands of other then and women
throughout Alberta, has become such
an ardent cb.alnplen of Tanlac,
"Not in a long, long time," SAYS Mrs..
Neilseu,"have I enjoyed such goad
health or felt so well as• I .do since tak
Ing Tarlac. F r several years past I
have felt all run down and have been
extremely nervous, I had no relish'
for any kind of food and what I did
eat seemed to do me v'er."littie good,
I felt -tired all the time and"nay sleep
was so unsound !bat it did not rest
ane. I somehow managed to keep go-
ing, but it taxed me to the utmost to
do lily housework.
"So many people here in Calgary
were taking Tanlac and praising It
that I began taking it myself and the
first bottle made a great difference in
nayeel nfew weeks
f $. It was only a e
� y
until I was enjoyIng splendid health
and since that time, which was about
a year ago, I have taken a. bottle of
Taniac naw and then with the result
that I feel strong and well all the
time. Everyone speaks of liow rnux
better I bolt than I did before l start-
tarted taking Tarlac," ,
Tarlac is sold by all good druggists,
A Poor Scholar.
The (amity getbered in the living
room were ta'llting or a certain pro-
fessor of their aequaintanee when.
.Aunt Mary chanced to observe:
"The professor is suck a learned
mini I understand, that he speaks no
less than ten languages."
"And what does that amount to?"
demanded, the pride of the family,
Harold, aged fourteen, "I saw him try
to stop a ear by whistling on Ole fin-
gers, and do you know he couldn't do
it? Talk about teaming;"
lnstantly1 t11'ape'sDiapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
The moaner! you eat a tablet of
"Papas Diapepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomach, No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation or misery-malc-
ing gases. Correct your digestion for
a few cents. Each package guaranteed
by druggist to overcome stomach
One of Them.
"Now," said the school teacher•dur-
lug reading lessons, glancing round
the class, "can any of you tel me what
is the meaning of 'divers diseases'?"
"Please, sir" said Tommy, with su-
perb confidence, "divers diseases is
water on the brain."
Keep your Health!
The Old Reliable; Try It!
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
Yarmouth, N.S.
A Mystery of Space.
• It is an established fact that the
earth is drawn by the sun about a mil-
lion miles through space every day.
In this connection it has been -sug-
gested tat in the course of this
mighty journey we encounter different
patches of •ether, some of which are
not at all good for the inhabitants of
this globe in that these patches are
laden with dust containing germs • of a
harmful nature.
Hence the suggestion that these en-
counters are responsible for same of
the terrible epidemics which from time
to time devastate the ranks of human-
What however, is more plausible is
a theory that space contains masses)
of different kinds of star -making
gaseous elements, and that it should
thus be possible to tell from the star's
spectrum the particular . part of the
universe from which the star has
It might also be possible to tell, for -
example, if the earth really belonged
to the sun or was simply captured by
it during the sun's tremendous journey
through space.
Of course, we can at "present only
theorize on this matter, so far as the
earth is concerned, because our globe
would first have to be made as hot as.
the sun itself before a true .test could
be forthcoming.
Cause of Dew.
It was the terminal examination,.
and a budding philosopher concluded
hie essay on Mother Earth with this
startling statement: "The earth re -
wolves on its' -own axis 365 times in 24
Ihours. This rapid motion through
space causes its sines to perspire, that
is called' dew."
'ISSUE No. 46—'22,
Clean Child's Bowels with
"California Fig Syrup"
Even a sick child loves t;so "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup,"' If the
little tongue Is coated,, or 1f your ohild
is listless,
full of
or has collo, give
a teaspoonful Lo
Cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few
hours yeti can see for yourselt bow
thoroughly it works all the eonstipa-
tion poison, sour bile andwaste out of
the bowels, and yea have a well, play-
let and again.
Millions of mothers. keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
spaonlul to -day saves a sick child. to -
Morrow, Ask your druggist for genu-
ine "California Fig Syrup" which hag
directions for babies and children of
all ages printed on bottle, Mother!
You !nest say "California" or you luny
get an imitation -fig syrup.
26+ Hofidaye for Turks.
Turkey bas twenty-six official holi-
days in the year, when business • is sus-
Mlnard's Liniment for Garget In Cows.
An ostrich yields about 3 pounds of
feathers yearly.
Coal briquettes recently sent from
Germany to a. French merchant were
ibund to be stamped: "Gott Strafe
England, 1915."
Itsilieift 'Wawa fto limotsials.
Book, an
sow to Tce4
2 barse* SimateT
. CI*7 iitoVer Ce, i
1s! Wert, 24th Street
item lark, 'U.S.A.
Bull. Carlots
Itched and Burned. Lost
Rest. Cuticura Ideals.
"My skin became irritated by
using different kinds of ointments•
and when 1 scratched it
pimples formed on any
face and forehead. The
pimpies itched and burned
and I scratched them, and
my face was disfigured. I
lost rest at night because
of the irritation.
"The trouble lasted six -reeks ?ie.
fore Ibegan using, Cuticura Soap and
Ointment, and after using four cakes
of Soap and three boxes of Olnt-
ment I was healed in one month."
(Signed) Miss Elizabeth Stevens,
1215 -62nd St., Oakland, Calif.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all toilet purposes.
rampieSaehFraebyyMag. Address:"Lyszass,Lta-
led, 3e4 Bt. Peat et., W., Montreal." Sold every-
where. Soap:Sc. Ointment25 and 60e. 1aicem26c.
atar'Cuticura Soap shaves without mug,
Classified Adve fsenaenW I
END QUESTIolis. RT ft'A'I»
fig Lake, o;
41.00 Nellie Lewis, Pe3'Gho
pr Oregon,
R1DOUr1' Ik MA3iii L oeoNT BLD
Yonge Street, Toronto, Registered''
3'atent +attorneys. Send for tree booklet:
VOX ■ MI".
1 colors, samples free,- Gecrgetown
Woollen Mille, Ont.
Airnieteri The air control for Fords,
ekes starting easy; Outs running costa•
increases etflcieney, gtttekly installer
without removingcarburetor. Watered*price, Write for rticulars nowt Aar-
meter Manufacturing Company, Dept Z
2.18 York St., Ottawa, Orli.
used. pulleys, -taws, cable, born
etc., shipped rubieet to •appraval at low.
est prices' in Canada. York Belting Co.,
116 Tori! St.. Toronto.
'Gannets" 10c
For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated
clean Sour .,awets: heel tint
When you feel sick, dizzy, upset,
when your head is dull or aching, ar
your stomach is sour or gassy, just
take one or two Cascarets to relieve
constipation. No griping—nicest taxa-
tive-cathartic on earth for grown-ups
and children. 10c a sox. Taste like
Relieved by Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Cobourg, Ontario."FerMane year'
I have had troubles with nay nerves
and have been in a general run-down
condition for some time, I could
not do my work half the time because
of trouble every month. I was told
ot Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound by friends and advised to
try it. It has done nae good and I
strongly recommend it. Since 1
have taken. it I have been able to do;
all my own work and I also know
friends who have found it good. You
can use these facts as a testimonial."
Mao. BUZ'S FLATTERS, Box 01,
Cobourg, Ontario.
Any woman in this condition should
take the Vegetable Compound, for it
has helped other women and so it
should help you.
For nearly fifty years tills good
old-fashioned root and herb medicine,
which crntains no narcotics nor
harmful t"rngs, has been the standard
medicine foe female ills, and has re-
stored the lealth of thousands of
'women who i.e se been troubled with
such ailments es displacements, in-
flammation, ulceration, irregularities,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Test -
Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to
Women" will be sent you free upon
request. Write to The Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 'years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache ` Lumbago Pain, ;;Pain
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12tablets—Also bs- ties of 24 as d 100—Druggists,
.Aspirin Is the trade.maric (registered. in Canada) .ot Bayer Mdanufactere or Mono
acetteseteestor or Salicyneacid. While it is welt known ti,at Aspirin iaeans fairy++r
manufacture. to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets ot 1'3.pur Comnsav
will ed stamped v,•ittt•,their general trade reedit, the ' na5or Cross