HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-23, Page 5d ALMOST 20 YEARS OLD and still the best! yince 1.943 --when Gin Pills were first offered to the peo- ple of Canada—we have re- ceiveil letters from, thousands of gratiful users. Gin Pills are now famous through-. out the Dominion and abroad as - tile most efficacious preventative of all Kidney (;eases, end as the finest restor- ative for deranged kidneys. Your Money Back. if They Fail To Relieve You Oa Sale Everywhere — 50 Cents a Box. 420 NATIONAr. DRUG & CHIMICAry CO. or CLNAPA, I.IMI'r$D, roRoerrO OPERA HOUSE EXETER` Wed. & Thur. Nov.' 29 80 ARES BOS, No. 00. Wth Gracie and May Bell Marks WEDNESDAY NIGHT "WITHIN THE LAW? THURSDAY_,NIGHT -- "WHICH on SHALL I MARtRY." ,AND 5 REFINED VAUDEVILLE ACTS. NOT A MOVING PICTURE SPECIAL PRICES 25c. and 50d.; and AMUSEMENT TAX if your oven is slow to heat you will find Egg-( just asR slow to act— its double action insures ni - eaveng with a slow or hot oven. EGG - Powder 2DER FROM YOUR t EIGHBORHOOD GROCER! 49 Grand Bend Ass Edith. Taylor es supplying for Mass Fared to the end, a the term. "^ Masses Stella Grattan and kllda Ire- land are spending a few weeks in Lon- elem. The men of the nearby , eigiiboe,-- hood held a plowing bete for Mr. An- gus Patterson on Friday. Keith Taylor, foe Brenner and War- ren Patterson a'ttened the Boys' Con- ference id Exeter on Saltueeday anal Sunday !Ms's Mae Wilson (has resumed her music elks, after her recent ilineSs. kl ,4s Emma 111o11ard has goive to-De- troit oDe-troit for the winter - Centralia ,te'. Centralia Zurich C, Fritz and. W. O'Brien, were duck Coble on Lake 1.riL Leet week. Last Wednesday evening while walk- age on the ,sielewalk Albeit flees col- lided \vette a *cycle, :n thle op- posite diree't,;on arid wad—knocked off` the walk lagfit 'the .fence, an4 n: bounding ^'be,ck inytn'ed,hest hip on the sharp edge sof 'the' walk. As a result he Was confined to the hous"e tor 1, Weal „ Mrs. Leo relle of !D etroZt Mrs. C. ?r. ce and daughters, Minutia and Mary, of London, attended ;the funeral o. their^ stater -in-law, Mrs. Andrew Price;' Sone ,farmers have recently cold' their crop of „beans at 52.60 per ouch A sad death ociurred at Zurich on Xleulsday, Nov. 8, when Aires Ainy Wilson, beloved were of Mr. Andrew ;'rice, passed away at the. age of 28 Years, 10 months and 14 days. De- .ceased was 'skis only the sgmeniglet that ,,she passed away, having ;igen birth to .a fine baby boy. The W. M. S. tar Centralia,, are:hold- ing a bazaar in the Personeigiel, on Thursday afternoon, and Will a rvu supper in. this Sunday ,school room in the evening. The lel scion Circle members met at the home. of ;Miss 14'f4rian IPeetrli last „reek and ,gavle bier a kitcheae shower. Mt. W. Colwell has shipped two car 10:Ids of cattle from the Weal. Mr, and Mrs, McLean, of I7uteon' haec arrived bre.T,r. McLean. takes VIr. Routledge's place in the Bank, Jackals and Crocodile Eggs. Jackals and hyenas are very :fond of crocodile eggs. The former is the more •uccesstul poacher of the two, Nar- tives of central Africa say that the jackal has sixteen eyes, with one of which he watches the eggs and with the fifteen others he looks out for the crocodile. The hyena, on the other hand, being very greedy, bas all his eyes on the eggs and so often falls a victim, to the watchful crocodile in ma iionless hiding. The natives say, too, that the crocodile sometimes loaNkS Its prey off the hank or off the canoe with its tail and then seizes it with its wide open laws. The Earth and Man Compared. 11 It were possible for a roan to con. lttruct a globe 600 Leet in height—much less than twice the height of the Washington monument—aud to place upon any portion of its surface an atom one lour thousand three hundred tnd eightieth of an inch in diameter end one one hundred and twentieth of to inch in height, it would correctly 3eaote the proportions man bears to the gigantic globe upon which he � ids. FREE For .Dollar Days y A TUBE, with \any ,guaranteed CASING in the ;Store on 'Dollar Day. Mi .A, WINDSHIELD CLEANER .free, withe eviery TUBE, on Dollar .Day, HALTERS, Regular $$2.00, for $1.50, on Dollar Day Other prices 3a correspond. „Bargains on anything eyou may need in our line. J. Beer, Exeter $ POWELL'S $ cW& ARE WITH. THE ,CROUD. A • VISIT TO THIS US. ALL GOOD. Lazy Larks. Iinvestigation has ruined the lark's reputation for early rising. That much celebrated bird Is quite a ,sluggard, as tt does not rise till long after char• finches, linnets and a number of hedge- row birds have been up and about for i.oene time. Pa's Weakness. Little Nell—You've got a good papa, Willie. Willie—Pa ain't so bad, but 1 wish he wasn't so much in love with mamma. Why, he believes everything ;he' says about me. Got Monotonous. "Why don't yon call your hotel the Breakers any more?" "Aw, everybody had to crack an al - bilged joke as be paid his bill."--LouiF Wile Courier -Journal. *i More Important. Mr. Dustin did not approve of bis sea's choice of a wife and was trying too persuade him to see things as he did. • "Yes, you are quite right, father," said thes on. "Mabel has her defects, she is vain, full of pretensions and grand ideas, with a very difficult character. But father, in spite of all, WILL DO I simply adore her, I can't live with- STOREtKut her." "But that is not the question, my Day," said the father. "Can you live With b er?'t The most extensive STOCKS of holifttO goods .plus the lowest PRICES, plus preparedness to give prompt SERVICE. About Asparagus. At the beginning of July all cut' king of asparagus should cease, the beds should be heavily top -dressed with manure, and the plants allowed ":THE MORE YOU BUY FROM THIS "STORE THE MORE YOU. MAKE. to grow during the remainder of the s, season. Careful 13pifaying,,of this crop with poison Bordeaux is necessary, if the beetles are very active. Keep the wheel hoe going during the early morning, so that weeds ,wilhrbe kilned _Specials for Dollar Day Pretty. Cupls and Saucers•"for $1:00 6 Fancy Send njg Baskets for . $1.00 Grey Granite ;Psies[erae I ,eititltes 25c '-'Gley Granite Toita;to Pots ...... $5c. Grey •Granite quart Dipper 25c. 10-ia." COlumhia Records for $1.00 Gold Fish, --Fish Food aiud UAss, old" prices. Salted Peanuuts at 20c ai lb. Fancy ,Hand' 'I�ipp'eid• ,Cleocolates -35c: Cut F1o\vers, — Mums, and Carnations BARGAINS , THRU01JT STORE. . COME EARLY. MUSIC ALL DAY. POWELL'S .DOLLAR ..DAY --$$-- DOLLAR DAY ;Phone 9 .l+EtVb°E. tS ATISFAUTION WyeCents" re Dollars Haue More � « REAL BARGAIN" On FRID.6 Y AND SATURDAY -the 24th and"25th,'w,tth every purchase • :,f-$1.00 OR OVER OF BEE or PORI, ixTe \t!ill GIVE you ; of our h'lm omeade pure pork., sausage. t_ W1ten•in tow!ii,--on,DOLLAR DAY giver us._a call, an+d W!! „ uL1 11 ° rainy tether Barg iii . , ... • The' R,BD- W;IdTTE SANITARY4 1 E'2�T "NIA RIt.1 I', Fv�tli' the $;.DAA' I EAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS (HIGHER ' THAN ,FRICE. lo- u.... iJ Those Who Drink Japans a ouid surely tri► GREEN TEA It is green tea in perfection. fr,sh, clean and gavot'''. Superior to the contest Japans you ever tasted. Sold: by, all Grocers... ST, NOV.RYS—R. T. Giipe e died here one of the best known men: ie. Sots on o 1&,, at the Age op 91 years. Perth. For over ten years he had lee conducted a shoe store here ,for been a member of the town eouneile a number of years. TM'. deceased was His weft died two Tao:Ails ago. during the, hes rd£ the sun. Apply. water as often as necessary, so that the plants will make a constant growth. Never work among plants ;s:011 they are wet,' as this spreads moi s When to Cut Wheat. Wheat, may be cut with safety when the straw pas lost nearly all its green Color and the' grains are not entirely hardened. If cut sooner than this, shriveled kernels will result. If left standing until fully ripe, a bleached appearance,.. due. to the action of the elements, often results, and loss from shattering may .ensue* Wheat that is fall ripe is ,also 'more difficult to handle. Where the area of wheat is large, cutting should begin as early as it can be done safely. SPECIAL PRICES on FURNITURE on$DAYS AND FOLLOWING WEEKS. Poultry Increase Income. Produce infertile eggs by remov- ing the roosters from the flock in the summer time. Provide clean nests and keep eggs dean,. Gather the eggs twice daily. dur- 33ag the /summer, to prevent them from being heated by the hen. "" Keep:them in a'coo1 dry place away tom he `,flies ;;:••c Market them ,at least twice each week InsWf that. they . i e bought on a qualify batsisr f v . , Producers ar'e.admoulshed ,not. to Yash ergs • 61 Come to Us and Save Dollars on $ Days After the Marriage Ceremony come to us for your Furniture. We tan suit you in all lines at prices that cannot be beaten. -When you feel tired like this you should have one of ourgood felt mat- tresses and an easy spring to rest on. We oan supply you at lowest price. R. N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral Services Fine Motor Hearse in Connection. Phone 20w; Night 20i 0- 1. A full-size, full -weight, _solid bar of good soap is SIU R I' . 17$,E.:" Best.for an and a ho s hold use® For use In: Washii g mac iiiet shave or slice, r a portion of the '°',SUR,PR gE" bar direct. ,' to -the - mat pine —.It will Flo fine work. t . } *54 4 APURE. HARD A full-size, full -weight, _solid bar of good soap is SIU R I' . 17$,E.:" Best.for an and a ho s hold use® For use In: Washii g mac iiiet shave or slice, r a portion of the '°',SUR,PR gE" bar direct. ,' to -the - mat pine —.It will Flo fine work. t . } *54 4