The Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-23, Page 4otorists
Drain water from . } our radiator or
Pyridine Alcohol
ti, prerezt fr,:ers.4
1'ut tree 'y.tkas«� , u
Tire Chains
It :gay .,:ave a'life pr your car from
b^"ng wrecked
Iter Tuesdak r: �, P
Miss Currie' of Wngnanz is spend-
Mrs. Hil-
rng a month with her sister, FARM STOCK AND nanEkiENTS
4t� Odin, e:The death occurred on. Nov, 15�b
y1rs, Oe v Squire, ,Sr•, o.ean grass= to of 1�lorence Hodgins, oafy daughii'•r On Lot 10, Concession 1,"iiay Tp.
S ,tall ,.n a -very w etak of \Iz sit l airs, .Sid Hodg ns, tk# near 23miles South of Herisalla on
Norse I�,eStiz is attending her, Lucas Crossing. Deceased, who was' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922
jrA• ;,;c! lits, Frank Sainte spent 24 yssars of age, had ben ill fol sev- At one o'clock, k, .sha the followin
�t itday with \1i, and ;lira, 1�raaal�, er•onronths and recently returned irom Horses—Heavy draft team, 6 acid 7
o.•te' near Exeter, • Byron Sanatoriutu, where sits bad been years old; heavy draft horse, 5 years
xkrtders ging treatment, She will bet old; general purpose .team mares, 5
great missed by the congregation of , and 6 years old; 2 general pisrpose
Crediton 1St, Jams' Church as, she was a tire- geldings, 2 years ,old; roadster mare,
'.less ava- most �eff ea:ait worker, both, 6 years old. -- ,
-----*----^ in the church and Sabbath, school.' Cattle -3 steers, 2 ,years old; steer
Miss l?hyl ss Winer visited Miss i1 ;The ,funeral; t^aoi; 1p1atoe art Fr day to 1 year old.
fired. Z'lrood over the week end. 'St, James' cemetery. v Hogs, Etc.—Sow due 3o litter Dec.
' Senator 44, Mrs, Ratz of New Ham-. Considerable excitement was a rous- 7; store hogs, 48 hens.
aura 'vomited Mr, and Mrs. C. Zwigker ed oa the farm of Carl Patton, of,'Me- i Implements—Massey-Harris binder, 7
�r a few days 4the past week. I.G;isa�
r, whea fire spNad from' atlFt. cut; Frost 8: Wood mower,, hay
Mr. Hamilton, f orematt of the Hydro, burning stump into dead grass, sweep -',rake, cultivator, bean cul;tiv'ator and
E?'eetrtrv: c�onsstruction gang hers had a mg across the fields and threatening Deering, 13 hole drill, new;
narrow call one daythe past week I the .farm buildings. A number tf 4 Deering disc, Verity tho-.furrow rid -
while workkg on. She London Road i farmers quickly gathered, and by their :ng plow, Cockshutt walking plow,
south of Exeter, The wire he was • united, efforts succeeded in extinguish- nearly new; .5 stection drag harrows,
pulling came ioncobtact with a high'iag the blase. 2 lumber wagons, hay rack, smaller/voltage wire and as a result he wast ,the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, root pulper, nearly siety; Chatham
severely burned on the hands and suf- Brooks. who recently underwent an fanning mill with bagging attachment,
�reja•arzuvh f„onz shod:. operation in London, reported nr,o- set Brown & Clark sleighs, new; top
Mr. C..Zwicker shipped a car load' gressing favorably. •buggy, road cart, Portland ;Item
of a?sike the past week, 1 Mrs. Frank Dent %has .been. quite ill Toronto gas engine, 5 hor4e-,rawer,
and her daughter, 'Airs. Bice, has been concrete tilt machine for making tile
ssp�e iia. „soservices .will be sena ,n atteasdance. 2 4x10 inches; hay fork, truck, rope
ducted in a &angelical Church c>n.H" Sirs. Jas, MicRaan sof Co.. 1, Bid- land pulleys, water •trough, hand cut-
Sund:` �y },g, Cern and hear the Aul t, has returned from. a visit soStla . ting box, buggy pole,, quantity mia-
dl~ath'r •: 1 Israel," ;by :the quay e:tte. her nephew, Dr. Bice sof Deleware. led lumber, planks, scantling and inch
WA veer: a emir last week P. ,,ia.� , Mrs, Patten 14 recov er;ng from her boatrds ; pile second band brick, pale
cedar pasts, quantity .man olds, about.
40 tons misted hay, and numerous oth-
er articles.
. Terms --Sums of $10 and under, cash
Ciandeboye 1, AUCTION SALE -I
Let tsS take car. 4 R.:
Storage Ba! tery
1 you are coin; to use it, ..;„t it •.verk
Week. If riot, lot tris , $tore. it over
;sinter at Sits. P r Mora.
W. �. weer
The Exete.
Sanders do C .cola, Proprietors a �o` place So d
' s that Mrs. Hs K. Eilber was !Apo resent zllrtssa.
Jas ph's Hospital, London, She being .,"-Mrs, A. J• Carter' is V^tenting vvath
of Vactor:a and is doingnicely, her sister, Mrs. G, E. Carter of Park-
Mirs. Oestr ,iclserr Dies. .There pass- silk.
d a c -ay at her home in the r:llage atoyti-\ea1 and family: are moving over • that amount 6 .months' credit on
rn riday last another of sredlSon':. frcarn the il�lage tins reel , �approved joint Oates, •or diseoutat of
mtv:.'r este:n ed residents, in, the per- 'Mr. Harold Atkinson, who has I3een 5 per cent, • par annum for sada. fan .
sir o:' •;Alts. Daaei Qestre:,�cher, at laid up with blood pacsoning in' hist credit amounts. Hay and scats cash
ria:• ago Al 52 yixtrs, 5 months and 22- hand for the past tw.o weeks, is stall, Positively rig reserve as ;the prople-
,3,,- The deceased had been a long unable to resumes his 'iutjes :in. the tor has seal his,.r.:t'm. .
Lucan Motor Sales. Frank Ta3•ior, Arthur Cox.w.orth,
Miss Wicked \tore, :who ho has been - Auctioneer Proprietor
spending a few weeks with friends
here has returned to her home in Inc
Mr, Gorden Flynn of London spent "Bob," Edwards, editor of the Eye..
the week -end • with rellatives here, I Opener, Calgary, noted .for his fearless',
M. R. Atkinson. spent a few days. attacks on mer. and things, and omits
ber of the Alberta Legislature, is dead.
trfferer frim cerebral armor, hv,nce
w *r ie;ath . vers not at all unexpected.
irs,: Oectrech�:r was .born at :Forth
` Hope ., but has been a resident
4 thi+ neighborhood. for over 28 years.
Sb was or kindly disposition, a good
- --- a% igl%bot azo 'r t much respected by
Aduo ate a larq,, elide of .frwed threBesAes her
hu'baric= she is sure wed by three bre-
ither trvh g,.at Tavistock. The funeral
�- the Evaaagslid. Ceme3
t ry Crediton, on, Monday.
s'obsvr,p.i''It I':i;e.,-Irl attiar e-% $150
ser year us Canada; SZ .00 n the
United States, All subscriptions not'', Hensall
aa'd iia advance 51:. •las-ped
AY, NOV. 23rd. 1.922.
Mrs. A. J. Brunner and children of
Oregon. Ilk„ are visiting her ;>a.ranta,
Platlilps--Cudrnore--At St. Jamey
Cathedral, .on. Nov. llth,' at three
o'clock. by Canon Plumptree, thee/flar-
e-age was solemnized of,,Ida Victoria,
daughter of .(r. and Mr.. Roland Cud -
mark H,ei' ll, to lir. Percival Wes-
ley Phillip;*Toronto. The bride, who
was given away by her brother, B.
O. Cudmore.
The 'forplitl opening _,of the ne{,v
r, and Mrs. G. lastreaeher• nsverterrY";4.kas alae thr, wetil.,
Mt Ed. Beaver ;bas purchas,�d the
Children's Pay will be held an Thum
ELF -INDULGENCE its admit-
ted to be. a sign of a weak and
self-denial of a strong character.
Are you building up both your char«
acter and your Savings flank =cot=
by thoughtful economies axed the. de-
posit c f all your surplus wages each
pay day. 648
We welcome accounts, Ism* m small
Capital Paid uP $15,000,000
. Reserve Fund $*5,000,000
Exeter Branch • W. R. Complin, Manager.
with her• parents an London last w:ek;.
Mr. W. Abbott shipped a car of
apples to the west last week. The
en p here—has Wen only average. SEAFORTH--An este:.mid resident
A number from this town attended, of Seafortlt passed scary on Nov. 1S
thv dates: 9u Zloor:sv-;11e Hall Friday Z
evening, A. d c, was th::reaovccteca s,n -
an enjoyablegooAim. sprinro'edt, Th s s sheande ° softern o'fa Su'Pr^ Scha4illneres, w :fe ofthe Tamepers
Dick, pr
tsrst of the see's of dances to. be c'pr� for of the Dick Motrs
put on by F, F. C. Club, • .n her 54th year. 1.14r husband. :And'.
Ir. Hugh Atkinson, barber of Ailsa tour sans survive.
Craig, spent Sunday with relatives here
Mr. and \, Thos. Flynn have re-
turned home after a trip to Niagara •
Falls. '
The oost of our boys who went
out West with the harvesters have
returned home.
property of ;Ir, G. Na5iiger and A day afternoon, and on Friday after- K1Tl[ton
this week mvr ag to tow�t noon title Eon. F. C. Biggs, Minf steer
Mr. J. I:unt; leas purchased the of Public 1 ghwass, and alio Ur. An -i A Quiet wedding took place at the and property sof Mrs. F. Prue- drew 1iI ks, the U.' F. O. Member for MLetitodist parsonage, St. Marys, on
ter, Sr. 'South • Huron, have been anvttied ;tot'ov. 8. Rev, A, J. Langford ofliciatin. ,
:glass \Lura• Ehlers ,has resigned her be present • and have accepted the in- when Vera L. Rumble, ,eldest claugh-
pasitioi as teacher ,of the Sharon vit:at;on and w'il sive addresses. a • ter of Nil; an:d Mrs. 3. 5. Rumble,' of
s,haal and accepted a posit an in the \ir. and 'Sirs. ,.til. Ruse of Forest Belton was married to W 1U tm H•
new uddaby school at Kitchener.
Brock Nook ..Muskoka, visited Mrs. Rice's Switzer. son of the
der on, R` It air
: brother 'Sir. Stephan Troyer, ,fu h3 re.
• w
et, Alta„ are vis'.,tuts with the formers the prat week, at the same o r
parents Sirs. Sinclair of Groton visited N, th l ��n Road Mrs,
Tuckersruith. 04 � Lon
her rs.: r e - Iris • L�tt: