HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-23, Page 3PREMIER B4NAR LAW HAS MAJORITY,
A deapatch from Idondon says•t—Fal Oeviiig is the stending of the Various
pdaliticiul parties in the next Britieti' House et Commons. , Tlxere are still tee.
seats, the results of which will be Announced later, namely, some of the
universities and distant scattered Scottish con,tittxencies from which the
results may not Ise available before Saturday:
Number of seats , , ,. ,.
Seats heard from , .. , •.. , , , . , . .
Conservatives .♦ ,,,. R.a
Labor ,, ,....•....,;..., , .,,*...
Liberals .a %. . •••
Georgians. • , , • .. .. . • • .., .. T , • . .
Other groups , • • ... •
To be announced -later < ......
A despatch from London .says, --^n advice of some of his well-wishers and
Tire lona drawn out fight between; retire for a time entirely from the
former Premier Lloyd George and Sir;pslitical stage.
George Younger has ended with via's, The Asquithian Liberals improved
tory for the cbairreae of the Unionist, their positioe, rising from thirty-four
party, Younger awl his adherents, in the old Parliament to sixty-two in
staked. their political fortunes at thea the new, but they did not do so well
famous Ctar tan club meeting which, as they expo ted. On the other hand,
swathed the Coalition ant sent :Lloyd, Labor, although it failed to felfill the
George into the wilderness on the con-; high hopes the party entertained at
vietion that the country was ripe for. the dissolution, has doneexceedingly
a return to etaaigltt party politics and,: well, rising from 76 to 136, seats. It
IT the firm belief haat the nation-, is generally ,believed that Labor would
would support their convietxon bee have done far better but for the tact-
sending the Conservatives to the, ical mistake in its advocacy of a
Rouse of C'rrmxnens with a good large capital levy.
majority. A. later deepatch from London
Their confidence has been amply; says:—The Conservative majority in:
juts -tined, Wedneedee'a elections have Parliament is ;let yet definitely'
returned a Parliament with almost the known, as there are still a half dpeext'
same overwhelming predominarnte oi: constituencies to he 7xeard from, but
Coneervaativea 'as the lett Parliament,. it will to r,'earer 80 than 70, At preso
elected in 191$ on a wave of grateful • elft the total figures chow 343 Comer -
'enthusiasm to Lloyd George. vativee, 141 Laborites, and 122 seats
In the new Parliament Prernieredivided aamuseg two kinrrs of LTera`i
Bonar Law will command a majority axrd Iaa:depexx%ents in prcpertions vary
over all parties oonxbined of approxi - Mg according to the ttea and fancy
mately 80. of the party sympathizer*,
Tho dewntall of Lloyd Goorgeistn is,. The ;nearing of this is that there
the outstanding feature of tl>'oelex-1 are a Mental. of laterals who are`
tions, The Coalition liberals at the; being claimed. 1,y= both 4r. Lloyd
ssolution, nun -awed 129; they are„ George and 1I'erbert Asquith, It ie
represented in the new Parliament by, certain that fir, L;tiydl George get the
only 49 members. There will be many 1 bigger i' .:]owing, fee. the Conservative
regrets au.songthe former Premier's ; managcxs allow hie 59 seats and Mr.
admirers that he failed to take the;; Asquith 51.
Scene of Quake"and Tidal Wave
The coast of Chile, from Valparaiso
to Antofagasta issa stricken area.
Taoue::e.on bundled dead are aalready re-
-hotted, ah}le s�eares of towns are com-
pletely destroyed by earthquake and
tidal we've.
<' ", telephones p will
bel. used in carrying out the program
of the pew wore+ls and; scimitars outs.
idled by the. -postmaster-general' of
At Tania, aetorrding #lii repo'r't,
Canada's Financial •
With United States funds at
a alight dieoount in ,so4nze seems-
' the�ux ti's-
'] Canada, ar
ma.n}'bae,7 i i -gall , +P
'itt inial9Yemennt . is Canada's
financial p�osition;that has taken
tlts en
duringa,�t tw
pWe,ce. P by
...tsiro raontihs,-• its indicated. "o In
Neonvber, 1929,: the prremiun'','ori
NX. fundis in Canada was 19;24
per'' cent No country that was
• b�eill%gei'c h l; dura ig the Great
War an-s4lo,e..a better record
tan this': 1! anyblling'is.needed'
'to' denunxa tatetine 'soundness of
can tls.'s 1to!sition; it , ;s surely
to l:e found in the foregoing.
Executions Ordered by Mail
tary Court Are Defended
by Government.
A despatch from Dublin says:—
Pow mon were executed 'by the firing
seated at Portobello bnrraclos on. I'rI-
daiy morning. They were convicted of
>~ rt v " tl
AM G � n
The Week's Markets
Manitoba wheat—Ne. 1 Northern
,$ $1,23%,.
Maarriteba oats—Nominal.
Manitobat, barley—Nominal,
Ail the above, tracts Bay ports.
American - eorn—No. 2 yellow,
883.4c; No.'3 y'e low, 87t/�c, all rail,
Barley—Melting, 58 to 60e, =cord-
ing to freight outside.
Buckwheat—No. 2, 73 to 75e.
Rye—No. 2, 78 to 80e.
1kI feed�Iisl,,
14-entreel freight,
bags inoluded: Bran, Per ton, $28;
Sir. erts, PK" bon, $25; tnzddii gs, $28.50;
good feed flour, $2.
Ontario wheat—No, 2 white, $1.11
to $1.14, accordieg to freights outside;
No. 2, $1,06 to $1.09.
Ontario No. 2 white eats ---42 to 44c.
Ontario 'corn:-Nemir.sl,
Ontario flour—Nanet}r per Cent. pat.,
irx jute bags, Meiareal, prompt ship•.,
nnent, $5.10. to $5.20; Toronto basis,
$5.05 to $5.15; 'bulk seaboard, $4.90 to
Manitoba flour---lst Fats., in cotton
sacks, $6.90 per bbl.; 2n4 pats,, $6.40.
Hay—Extra No. 2, pec' ton, track,
Toronto, $15; mired, $13.50 to $14.;
clover, $13.50 to $14,
Straw --Gar lots, per ton, track, To-
ronto, $9.50 to $1Q.
Cheese --New, large, 23c; twins,
25See; triplets, '26%c Stxltoua. 27e. ti, fi. Asquith
Old, large, 27c; twins. 28o; Sttltons, 1Ie fleaaios that his wing of the
A despatch from London save—
From the viewpoint of the Canadians
dire'.tly engaged, the elections have
been a decided success. With the ex-
ception of Sir Hamar Greenwood, all
the Cazaadaan r innees are '.mown to
h xve been rettn•tnt�ti, altl]ou ' their
T^xicies were '.arioesly representative
o every part except Labor.
Col, Giant Vforden seour.r•1 a large
Majority in. T3rentat"•rd and. Chiswick.
Col, Maurice Alesaa rder's remarkable
wiu in Southwark Was an eutl]re eisr-
iw se, even to his ole supporters, and
a tribute to his energetic cac•'paign,
Dr MacNamara, :also Canadian born,
hold his Beat tr. :,tai then London bor-
ough, and so did Major J. E- l4Tolson,
in Gainsborough. Capt, the Hon. D.
S. P. Howard, Lady Strfathccra's son,
defeated his nnnatsake in Cumberland.'
Sir Thomas Fishee, Gt the C'anatitian
Patine Steamsh�ies, was, heweee , do-
r'eaated in Portsmouth.
Canada w,zs to the fore in the dee.
tion in more ways than one. Cot W.
F. Cockshutt, of Brantford, was an
effective speaker for Col. Page Croft,
who was returned in Bournemouth. In
the nighbarin; constituency of East
Dorset, Captain Guert, late Air Min-
inter, w ousted by a candidate well,
known in Canada, Ralph. Hall Caine,'
son of Sir Hall Caine. Ir, Caine's sue
cess was especially notable in that he
had been introduced to the constitu-;
envy only two weeks before the
Took Refuge from Kemalists N
on Warship en Route to
A despatch from Qonstan,tina�p:�,
mays: --Tito Sultan az Turkey, Mo-
hammed VI., has 'taken refuge on as
carrying revolvers in 'violation of t1,e. Britl:rh warship, and its now on -his
military proclamation., whtcih regards way to, asylum in Malta, The Sultan ,
every gunscarrier as a potential atm made it clear to these .in the secret of
hasher, auk•rye tried by a military his fli� t that he mals n:'t. �aabdiratixn;;
court. The 'findings in each case were the Throne, but merely eenseving him -
approved by General, Headclnarbees. sea from ix/vending; x Anger of assree-
"And we may do it again to -mor- izmtion.
row," Mulcahy replied, in Pai+liament,' It is reported here that the Angora
to a ethic on the Labor bench. "It is Government will melte Porn al' repre-
tinte for us to strike. Thera seems no sentations to Britain fee the return of
alternative." the Sultan to the Kemaldats, pointing
Taut the reason for resorting to the out that +on:iy the .Greatrt National As -
extreme penalty wee more fully ex- semlb]ly of Turnkey lugs authority to
Veined 'by Blyth of the local Govern- direct the 'Su'ittaan'ss movements, and
went, d'ecl'aring than he must face trial as•
"Weshave rearhee the time when it ordered by the Grixernmenat.
is neao�•uary to ,open ,a new chapter. A despatch dram Lord in says:—
From Jsreelry to Jugate we tried to Great Britain`s reason for giving re-
avoilil any ftghtiag. From dune to the fuge to the Sultan, it its explained
present we here tried other mean's to here, is that, since he formally esksd,
show the futility of the attempt to as Caliph of the Musrnuln:'enr, for pro -
Prevent the nn�ajorlty from prevaiiang. tectron from what he can •t:,ored a
Our campaigns were eondueted with personal danger, Great Britain could
the intent of eausing a. minimum loss do inca`,.hing else than comply. `"If a
of life. Now it is necessary to take pereon in imminent danger of violence
'~mss to bring the situation to a-d:+ose. throws 'himself into your arms and
"Aimed opposition to the Governs. asks foe protection, what can you do
anent -is in such dis•organimiaution that but shield lean ?" was .the way one
it is net a Republican movement, but auelsority •stated the British position.
is a definite movement toward an- "Great Britain," he added-, `°kala tra- -
arehy. And those inlvoi'ved are, for 'ditional�ip been the refuge of deposed
the meet pant, criminals who cannot Sovereigns•. Even Napoleon was re-
settle into any•Ordered " life. moved to safety -on a British ship, and
"The Government takes the fullest the only reason the Kaiser did not,
'es+poi>:sitbility for the executions to-
day. The sentence was just. It was
no defence that they had not'uoceedl-
ed in shooting 'someone, and fit is
strange that we ;should hear no indig-
nation expressed when the irregulars
kill, ;but is only exp esx'sd when the
Government enforces ':its .deireela•. Ire-
land is suffering from cancer, and
mush use the knife to out oust` the Prices at the recent Shorthorn sale at
growth. We ehori,3t,iao` be worthy to Ga1gary. One bull sold for $610, an-
other for $575, and the average for
eight ani•mals'. offered was $494.
Though he has owned and operated'
his ranch for three years these con -
'offer himisianlf up tea Genelra@ Haig was,
becaiuise he feared the 'danger of pass-
ing through the fining lines' on the
Western front."
Alberta. -bred Scottish Shorthorn
ebaxk from the Prince of Wales ranch
at High River, Alta., commanded top
govern if we ha,d ino courage to- win
Oong,rave sesenio d; �lhat if the. ir-
regular" surren len, d their arms' to -
r --Finest area,'rary grizrts, 40 1'l
betel Party is flartin. w,xux Bomar
w with a view to a new coalition ill
to 40c, Dairy, 29 to 81e. Geekang•, British Polley,
Dreesed pool 5
to 42c; azd:�nary creamery prints, 38 I4I
tr •—Chickens, 4 lba,
and up, ?8c; (1- ,8 tel 41;b:„ 26e; f al; TURKISH SOLDIERS
5 lb nd a>: 28c• do 4 to G lbs, 2fsc. '
o under r. , 17c• , 24a;
d ' n, a 4 'ba 1c • geese 4k -AT CONSTANTINOPLE
ling'-, 38e; turkeys, 40r, t
Eggs—No. 1 dandled, 37 to 380; se -es Have Lost A.�thQrxty
iargarbw-•-20 to 22c. 1 4 JR
leeks 40 to 41e; cartons, new laids, 65' Over Police but Sb-1eld
to 70c• Christian ..,fives,
Beans ---Oar. dian, hand picked, lb.,
6c; primes, a?tc. A despatch from Cona'tentineele
?iiap:;e products .Syrup, Per imp.' sags;—es;; the 9.tlies have lost every
gal. , $2.00; per Ci imp, gals,, 52,40; ve,;�•�tgs of authority rity over the Terki. i
map.e exgar, Ib,, 23 to 25a.
Honey -60 -lb, tin, 12%5 to 18c per • Felice and elven eo-cperatlan 1 twesn
lb,; 2-25-1h. tins, 14 to 14340 Icer lb„ ; the Allied sural Turkish police has
Ontario comb honey, per doz., 58.25 ;, .gone, it is not longer possible to ex -
to $4, T ercise slightest caantrol its-
Potatoes—New, Ontarios, No. 1, 90, ti•:irationthe of Nationalist soldiersover, Thin;
to $1; No. 2, 70 to 80t. l Allied military naval forces are xsot
5mvkec tercets Haarrr{s, sed., 26 versus enough to watch all the
•. n zone .; ; , a _ ,
rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls, 3o to ]
Admiral Beatty -
fie has been recalled from a holiday
15 Europe because of the grave situa-
tion in the Near East. -
28c; cooked tram 38 to 40a smokedeutra' I and the Br ^I o aus
2 t gr which da over 20 miles long and only
38e; brealcfast bacon, 8 o 5e, ; ,
special brand breakfast bacon, 38 to ,00 yards wide at the narrowest pert,
40e; backs, boneless, 39 to 43c. so it is very easy far small parties of
Cured meats—Long eieaar bacon, 50 armed e'en to erose unobserved. Tho
to 70 lbs,, $21: '70 to 90 lbs„ $20; 90 Turks thus are able to strengthen
libs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in
their position daily, while the Allies
ibis., $41; heavyweight rolls, $37. Tweak
morrow' and ,acknowledged the Gov stituted thefirst commercial rales. In Ducks carry oil in a little pocket
erniment they would no .he, punished. the early winter Alberta -brad Shrap near the tail. With this they oil their
The trial of Choi?ifie'rs has begun on shire sheep will be offer e l ::.for sale , feathers, and so make them water -
the charge of tresa,ion. from the E. P. remelt, Next spring proof.
Government ioiffiaiiills have indioiated ;the :Pinnae, who keeps. iii close touch
their intention of 1°eleiiraa Mary 14Iac-.-"With ranch affairs through hie anan-
e:reet`, • is supplementing. -the • ranch:-epiot Where William I. defeated Har- ued at $429,90. Sturgeon is the most
tock with-inore:Shorthor'n3 and Dora old in 1066, has been .convened into valuable fish now being taken in On
moor ponies. -a school:: ' tario " waters, 134,900 pounds hen•
Savin 3, and oniedt re -Parte .th t they
tntetit s,c1 to release':her.
Bottle Abbey, near 'Hastings, on the
Lard—Pure tierces, 16%e; tubs, ' The linter -Allied control of Con -
17c; palls, 17%e. prints, 19e. Short-
en!Ing, tierces, 18 too 13%c; tubs, 1:114,stantinapte has been essentiaU' a
to 13%e; pails, 14 to 143fithe prints, British control, because a French and
1614 to 175. Italians never minted to go beyond
Choice heavy steers, $7 to $7.50;' the terms cf the Mudros Armistice.
botcher steers, choice, $5.50 bo $6.25; They wanted nothing more than a
do, good, $5 to $5.50; do, merle, $4 to purely military occupation.
$5; do, .con„ $3 to $4; butcher Reif- It its a deplorable fact that this co-
ers, ehmce, $6,50 to $6; d o, sed., $4 to a ipation has been meddle:vine and oh -
coin., $3 to $4; but,eher cows,
choice $3.50 to $4.25; do, med., $2,50 us'e, Perhaps it teas not easy to
to $3; canners and cutters, $1.50 to win the loyalty of the Turkish popu-
$2.25; butcher bulls, good, $3.50 to . Iation, but certainly it wouldn't have
$4.25; do, con., $2 to $3; feeding
steers, good, 0 to $6; do, fair., -$5 to
$5.50; stockers, good, $4 to $4.75; do,
fair, $3 t4, $4; calves, choice, $10 to
$11; de Med., $8 to $9.50; do, com.,
been impossible. However, it was not
attempted. Now, not only the masses,
but even the libeled minded Turks
have been estranged -
The Turks Ansi the Allies 'aloe each
$3 to $7; mile& cow's, choice, $60 athex irreconcilably Here. ething can
380; springers, chaise, ep,80 to 3100; bridge the gap between them. How-
liazrtbs, $13 to $13,25; sheep, choice, $6 ever, the oecnipa'tzon of the Allied
to $7; do, bulls, 32 to 35; hogs, fed
and watered, 311.15 to $11.25; do, armies is shielding several hundred
f.o.b.,. 310.50 to $10.60; do, country thousand Christians from a Turkish
points, 310.15 to $10.25.
terror that might even end in massa
Montreal. ere. Allied rule at its wrest is prob-
Oats, Can,. western No. 2, 65 t5 66e; ably better than Turkish rule at its
do, No. 3, 60 to 61c. Flour, Man. beet, at least for those who are not
spring wheat pats., firsts, 37. Rolled Turks, and there can be no question
oats, bag, 90 lbs., $3.1'55. Bran, 823. or abandoning it at this moment.
Shorts, 325.20. Hoe, No.. 2, pee tan, The Nationalists. are, however,
ear lots, $16 to $17, gradually. encroa,c:hin,•r en the Allied
Cheese, finest eaa'terns, 23e. Butter, rule b Lakin st c > o control the
choicest creamery,selected',
Eggs, fresh, muniei •, adxntnistrati.on'` ami aeon -
45 to 46e; de, selected, 40e; do, No. 1 lam'
stock, 35 to 36c. Potatoes, per ba -g, omit life of Constantinople. Step by
car lots, 90c. step they are reducing the Allied rule
Canners and cutters, $1.50 to $2.50; to a mere military occupation
bologna bulls, $2.50 to $3; fairly :rood The encroachment of the Natioiiai-
veala, $9 to $9.50; eon. grass lambs, istr would be stopped by declaring
$2.75 to $3.50; lambs, $10,60 to $11; martial I'aw, but that might mean war.
hogs, selects and good quality, $12; The filing that • seems wisest to do
sones, $9.60 -E6 310.
would be to remove the question. from
Natural Resources Bulletin. the jurisdiction of the military repre-
sentstives here and submit it to the
The output of C,aznadla's flahemiee in attention of the aaseembled powers at
1921 was valued at 334,931,935, com-
pared with $49,241,8:,9 the. previous I �, ---�
year. Sea fisheries contributed by fare
the greater portion of the decrease,'
Nova 'Seetia,. Prince Edward Island
British Columbia; alone accounting
foe 312,023,721. With the exception
of the Maritime Provinces and British
Columbia, Ontario has the largest
fishery production in Canada, and in
1921 it suffered •comparatively utile`
deareas.e, 33,065,042 in 1921 compared
with 38,336,412 the year previois,
In Ontario whitefish represented the
greatest value of the fish taken, being'
3891,324 for the .6,880,100 pounds;
I3�errin,g exceeded whiteilstt in ; duan=
tity taken, being 7,310,400 . poundal vas -1
'Probabiy "the longest village in the
world: is Keinpton; neat. Bradford,. It'
stragg'es along a single road for
even miles.
s -
By, ]
y disposing: t n._or limits. which
tobaped 107 5quare'tni'.ies in area, the
Ontario Govetnmient. made a reeori:l
fer tlh's year in :the matter of a single
day's `timber sales. The ssiecet,sfud
`tenderers are the Continental 'Ward
Products" Company., of E'sa,s, Ont.;
the. Mageau Lumlber. Co., " if Field,
Ont.; the Pigeon Lumber Co., of Port
Arthur; end the Hope Luzniber- Co.," of
Tireasselon. For nitre scusare mites in
the teW iehip . of. 'Henry, ie the district
of Nipissing, the Mageau Lumber -Co.
.... ,1. .�.7-. ..JL4. Y3. Dtartekr�1C,-...-.._
Marasl, o ypi~ro t4, k
A. li{I •4'^e�ll7• uTsi'1 1" t{{I"viai
oir,li Ila i. ,kQ,,, 1 • rid :k 1
� Alexa i, 'sits
nti chp
A oR1
sneh lifaxdre)
hh Scaleoa0aiaoa',�
Latakia L reit a WO
4,. .
t y
,. U R 0 g T A N. tr so Irk a armiu
n yrrnfila ' ee—see. - \ Vis,
{{ l�1111, .. \t+��.:\ Iv-
.�. ,. . , ,< k i
J• a �, n
1.ti. �•�','
,, • �• �*..� , d.
v.,,.1-..`,111.•. tail' l,tC � Y
°. ,,�.
a\ .Q
�lom�tere �y�.
;KdIvT � V ,l• �4t�i
HArAa roc `(:.,.c>_;,o<ar?z.f4s+.T aIts.:aa9
O Portion of Syria reef res -10 Tiirkey,tc4ocd'r• to i'ra•..o rurki.G i.greemera,Otta927
p, ®, Portion a Mesopotamia (0:1 j „asos l Claimed by till Ta kids . '
valued for enarket. et -340,470 or 80;,
cents per 'pound, Ireo i the sturgeon
was tag en 10.985 iYo inches of ca-r,larr.ci
valued at one diolalar per pound Large
i,;quaantities o. sl.uigeon were 'fortmc rl>'
' i �-
taken in 1:5-A i]i'�and waters of it.n �tti0, 1
r' ;:.
i h,r.y. �� e.
..but, uiax�-^s�r,ct 1 fi 1 . >5 is n
,ne, ed ('rtit rr o;ac v as to nixti: t tc' l]r scan
flsltt]g a� t o ;. & thing
c.f !h:a past.
lust n.r;ah of Petite ]river, Alta,
which is 550 miles north ,of the lmter-
p ;•eta,,del•1.
]vttionai UiYtY,z>!ciiary, a farmer,farmer,
Bush, ripened 1,000 ounds ofti-
F s , L''ros iN MEBOPOIANI1A tors, of the beet eu'aaty this season
•"• 7�iE`COi�r. L.CTar�C C �,
lbs, At I+eai Veim-tlliat;, `t00 nail;e, fazilter
No• 1' maty the.iort'o�t•ot•Syria z�vsto,eti'tci Tttz`ii3y" by the ki a;co•i.,urk
s sportion
a. narllh, botnra'taeo, crcuinbems., puii p-
ish agreement of•_Octobei; 1921, and No. 2 sr-o:a v tae i.a.a.iaTs of o--.13 .wd,i
.. kids at5id must* meloiis were tiiatcaa'ed:
t t 5110W11. ., :still claimed by the Turks 15t i1151Y to etn3ls, Ln• that. CCna , y ova
.;.a s n�rn.. 1 be "N6'. 1 Hat:
new year l di T •
W146". is .5tats�c bo�d;
Lianiar >aaw May cel an inY.p�eriai r onf'e�i•ence in: tlz• a
will pay 311.50 per thousand for red
ai d-�whita';pine. j Em s re a iroli,cy'toward Ie,5„opoLaluta,
scum; the
as usual," and -the hay erg very
Now F; c(reesive Chief
..oiY0t l'tla'100, 141,P,. e1031e13 leader or
the logrei..s'.te Party ct Canada, to
Yon. Cr re'tire*
Y el;lac. 1• on: T,A. ,re a who
Cs ansore
;u soli ,5 1#e a#ver Tiis was alto i $. 1..
onsly r onsidere rs i oentic�r of Mao1-
'on9, wizen the Farmers' : Party in that
province ffirm ed thhe gos;oroment.
' G„ki- Peat Which Guides.
An. IIIIYYoi inventor's' guide post for
c•b a ��roads is olu]•trY eras featured y
four-sided bit, each ride showing
deeglass mals and other tatormatton
regarding routes.
aelikAlALAJ —LA