HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-23, Page 2BLUE WATER A TALE OF TLE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN BY roto RIOK WILLTAid, wAl,T.A.on. covered total lose :older, and a agar spar and dories amid have to come quit . of lois and Westhever•e pocket --- each ip his proportionate share. Truly, in his review of events the young ash ing skipper was flayed, by conscience; oonecier, e which toweled him on the raw, and, .eared his soul until the sal:ling tears- dropped from his eyes at the recollections of his ungrateful- ><tess. But he would pay it all back. Ile was blind, blind, blind, but lie had tried himself 'before the harahhest a# a, judges and had promised to atone. The golden eery of the sunset was flooding the room when he became aviate of someone. entering. The risme came over and= looked down1upon ?rim, "Yes, he's awake. Some people to see you, Oaptain," And he turned his t Nature care for her children. Things eyes to rook up at Jules and Masa. just happen naturally, and withoutDenton! disturbance of any sort: "Miss Denteaa! Snootl" he gasped al deligluted svrpmise "How=•how did The idea of not observing health cot. "Oh, Captain Westhaver," she :tuts they have been put into their' said sympathetically,"if I had only -cribs at two in the afternoon and kI" 'd ha had How a Teach My Children Good Health Habits. Of Bourse "every old crow thinks her babe as white as snow," but I be- lieve my children observe health rules aa willingly and conseientiousy as childaren 'could. I lay the fact to tile' ideas I get from watching Mother you knew I was here?" pixies has, so far, not entered my Mies Denton sat down beside the ,drerae heads- ,Since they were tiny nazvn sooner, woo. ve a you taken up home instead -o to this lone ly place, And how do you feel?" Frank laughed in pleasure. "Oh, not so bad, miss. We trawlers are bard t' kill, An' how are you yourself?' How's your father? None th' worse o' th' wreck, I hope," Oopyri at by the Musson Book Oom1aey The girl smiled, and Frank thought CHAPTER FOURTEEN—(Coned,) ;So he had Teasoned-given while be he had, never seen such a pleasing, ',what happened ou;aide tial'?" was at the wheel of the schooner -an smile n ha life. "Dad is all right, asked the inaaared man, "I have UAW. mature reflection Led purged his mind, He Veld me to tell yea that he'd come Clain' but a jeunble talesman, in eny But it was the =diem of his ae- teanoxrow and bane e'en out in in�-- head about it. I kin remember seean'.tione wire: seared his soul; and as watot was the expression, Mr, Gar- ai hurdlerLurer Shoal brea'lciax' an th'ehe thought a the gamble ^with Death, arneau?" Lightship ,, ;the near sacrifice of twenty-one souls Jules was snailirxg all over his "Then you guy a;yell'whiat brought. upon the altar of his insensate fury, swarthy face. "Twee shakes of a. us h.l on deck, an ye were heasere i he trembled and brake into a sweat of brace -block:, Miss Denton," ah,wheel hard down wheat .he shipped:fear. The roar of the hungry break- She laughed --a silvery 'trill which se sea which threw ye on th' spokes.••'m's mounded hhais ears; the seam eazne=�like a ray of "Yes, into We were heavin' in on tav main beet. J Q the w ht l mingled. w it, and a Frank's jaded Bort. Yes, that it! en' you sings out t' saandal'aze th' ` �' ew) of the 010 -hounded vessel, •ri 'l. She st rrtea s4attin' • that Qgerine-, plunging;, and. storming 'Two shakes of a lana-e-+b'ocki' That's nig a. dl eft with no light seven at n g , _.n and no attention. They do not always sleep immediately, butathey are left alone. They have learned that those are their bedtimes, and the idea of dreading them or of expecting atten- tion has never occurred 0 them. hi 1 1 They are given t sir Srairp a rhea s minding eaoh one until the habit was formed; We have dental inspection in our =heels., and in a class of twenty- three aur daughter was the only one with perfect teeth, --Mrs. B. S. G. Out of the Apple Bin. At this season of the year apples axe a favorite fruit. Plentiful and inexprensiv% they are in constant use as an appetizer from the time the first. frost tinges the air 'until tike spring birds •come back from their sojourn in the sunny south. Because this fruit is such a universal aavorite, the ways of serving it are countless. Housewives are ever on the alert for some new and tasty way of prepar- ing it. Here are:a few of the many recipes in which apples play an important part: ked . apples with cheese—Wash twelve twelve apples earefully. Remove the of tread, milk, fruit, and cereals. Ne 1 cores but leave a than layer at the Hiro ever Wren i ns . he fillip will not leak ht h otherfoods It is just as out. MIX one 'cup of brown sugar and t o the fact that they bottom so that t g rig have one cup of grated. cheese. Fill the much part of their lives as their regular bedtimes. The sante using is cavities in the apples with the mix: - true of brushing their teeth regularly, ture, Pour three cups of water in sleeping with open windows, and all a pan and place the apples in it. Bake the tither things` which tenet to make for half an liour in a moderate oven. people—not only children —healthy. These are especlally good 10 serve with roast pork. They have always done them; they -' ether wayof doing. Baked apples with nuts and raisins.1 dont know any the g —For twelve carefully washed apples from which the cores have been re - o t s i ,� , through the awful inferno of shoal gets me ab:cplutely bewildered some iaren-, an h' ea a hail over her moved mix ane cup of brown °Cigar, ornethin savage• we had a blaze's watt, wind and tide whipped, hashed times ay the tizay he tills. Are you in and the children take theta as natural one-half cup of nuts and one-half cup one of Dad's nautical *.expressions. He '11° one looks upon,er speaks of.' them n ias "extra" things or unusual habits, own job t' stand on leek. We lowered Perstetently through his mental retro - away ori th' pel,',s laasiard.s an' was spet•ilon. What if he had struck? The a-hatsin' up when she guy a whattp . thought almost caused him 0 groan cf a slat an' parts tit• spring stay_ wth the agony of the oeueeptian, and th elle jet comes tumblin' dawn an' a strange allusion haunted him. Who an''ifac here lugs you from under th.' of the Kinsella that night? The Miss Denton laughed again. "More a �_' s f e flaw pain. processe . o "No, I don't feel anythin' at all. I know mothers who begin tryirxg to of raisins. Fill the Cavities in the Teey've got me all parcel; d, served, get,a child to observe health rules by and fished like a sprung spar, until I saying wheedlingly, "W'on't Mother's can't, move hand nor feat for fear of darling do so and so now?,, en a , wase the ollskinned man at the wheel staeten a lasban, tial lltcam lt;fs you .at th wheel, JuIe3 „ ,, wreckage an' says you down in the ma who had tern the spokes from nentieel m !m* nod dg tccious! What r.:;lpin, me n pits busy aha ruts tit his grasp and gazed 3t him with y is a poor^a to d gear n?rrift. After that, we started of tender eorttniseraticn, and who you sark.rmen. Now, see what I've rennin iia aureng th' breakers an' "'mei to have exer,.i ed a power Brought far you. Dant they smell rill- which blame r-ar seared us t" over himwhich saved him from strik sweet?" And she thrust a launch of t'eali until you Mmes up an' gigs ua 'ling the Shoal? - 'Sable Island North- flower: under Frank's nose. out o' them again, Lord Harry! I Beet Bar dead ahead!" Frank shiver- "Ab!". He drank in the fragrance. owe never &hcufwht we came out a' t ed. Ile knew now, and the thought "Oh, but they're beautiful—and you place alive Th' plane was breakin' frigh�{ened him. The father had come are .so kind --so kind; They're lovely; water frr armless in that eau' -we ter t warn the en --.to save pian from "Now, I'l'l just put them in this hell of z night we had —Ex- himscCtuned. 1, and as he tned: it over in vase alongside your cot. Flowers do case ins. alas. The nurse had coma his mind he felt tall the terror and make one feel good sometimes, and I forward.,revenen'e for the supernatural And 'simply love them:' And while she "Now, men, you:iaust go,'• she id; yet why .hould be he afraid? The. wee busying herself arranging them, arnd, prnmi.ting to ea : en the marrow, child is not afraid of the mother who Frank looked over at his old dory- they left Frank atone with Isis lifts it from the floor to which it has mote with a questioning, half -fearful theughts, • fallen. Why should he be afraid of luck in hie numeyea... If ever a nureceived a caa castigation 'the spirit of his father? It was Jules ea. spoke first, and from h:E,s own eor e en:e, it was West- In their sequence came other die- there was nothing but friendliness in Laver, and his mental flagellation gaze turbing reflections. Jules! Tile man his eyes. "well, Frankee, cal' bey, an' him more pain in than dip'. his in3urie,, who head been his shadow for years; laew you feel now? "I' -rink you was to keep my children in proper running Luckily he nits epare;1 the adylitionatl wha had. leen his confidant and his thinkan I was never come to see you, cycler, believing that prevention is Awl of course mother's darling stoutly asserts he doesn't want to. Mother Nature's children are sur- rounded with the right conditions for growth, and then they are not "fuss- ed" with or "made" over. Why do we not surround our children with the ideal conditions of simple, wholesome living, observe health rules for our selves and set them an example, and then cease to nag at them, and "baby" them, and "make" over them, and show them off as though they were some sort of trained animal? I thick naturalness and normality ere the foundations of all right teainiiag.— Mrs, S. T. rely more on food than medicine' lush of a wounded heart. The ordeal dearest fricni. Jules, who bad ad- but I was here wit y he had gen: through hal somehow vaned him money for the furtherance brought yon ashere in de doree dis t tI' ailatir in a rlift set light, and of laha <embiticir , and wills wasenn-. m;,ne-r'. You were feint, den, so I go better than cure." ,Eggs, fresh fruit, and vegetables play prominent parts on our tabic. la Waled eea.�,-,i t be haun!e;i with tent to fol sow him without thinking of back to ale yes.: el an dress up. Den , `Mile sump of the children do not al- e, disturbing vision. cf the g.r1 %Js had himself. Jules, who had prayed sterl- I make tial for nes mainmest•—she's ways care for their glass of milk at driven him to the aetiens of his read- ing and of the best --true rat}arced, bin' made now -ten I get de sail an " roti 1. Sho was a memsry of the as trustwor`by, and honest, Haw bad ho boom an' de oder • gear from shore mealtime, still they „et that :mount, —an unplet'stsnt memory, but enc, treated him? He had net been so fishermen. De vessel will be all ready for creamed vegetables are great fav- which, like a nightmarish dream, drunk but what he remembered, and in a week, an' I send restage up to orites With us, and "Wilk gravy" and could easily be die:reseed from re,o1- memory of his venous conduct made your uncle at Long Cove to come custards are stand-bys. -„ le; :era. No! He did not Care about him weep bitter tears into hie pillow. (sawn. Maybe he take her for one We de not live in a fruit country, her now. The scales hal fallen from He would repay aim as soon .Has he trip until you get well again- still our small orchard furnishes fruit his eyes and he had be;•ome critical.— cruelly so -araC her sayings and ae- tiana he heti analyzed mentally until he had weigh -ed her in the balance and found 1:- r wanting. He had known her for many years, and yet, upon tool reflection, he began to doubt the faet that be had real, roved her. He had kneel to roses..., yet having posses- sion he was not sure that he would Kaye been entirely satisfied. It would be like a man who coveted o. jewel, and when he finally owned it would put it away in a eas.e without giving it a further though:. It was not love which had prompted him in his road rare, bee rather C.r. n e cf evoundsd pri !e at the success of a rival—a real- ization of having failed in his efforts to own std control, end being a atr'•ong calf -willed man, ha was un- eontroi7_ bie in En frenzy at failure. got better' --if it were not to late, Then came the thought of his gang— the rough and tough, but staunch and warm-hearted, fellows vh has, thrown in their fa ha done fee them? Dragged, them forget." And with has :answer Fraises brush seemed to he gray Waterloo. out to rea in a gala of wind and zv�au'ii' heart felt lighter. When presented with the first tooth- 1 ave thrown their hives`"away in his Mi,, Denton bad finished arranging brush it was always usedevigorous1y1 bind rage had not a greater Power, the flowers, and the nurse was brinng until the novelty wore off, then other intervened and saved him from being i ing in some supper. "Well, Captain, methods bad to • be employed. I a wholesale murderer. Murderer!;I'm afraid your nurse will forbid our brought almost -every scheme underl What an awful eonception! And yet-��aying longer. Now, you're to make the sun into service except actually they forgave him without a murmur; l up your rnird to get well es quick as in them. I ice laid to keepre- sympathizs+3 with him, and wished hma i pw=21ele, or leIr. G e arneau and I will Pa y g j well. And he had risked, their lives l have something to say 3n the matter. but the night before and deprived Papa, and I will see Dootor Willis them of a posei+ble livelihood for a1about haying you moved up to aur month at least! And Hoolahanl What place, and your friend and I will call. about him? Had he not,prayea fast a d ece you ts-inurrcw. Now, be good and loose with the old man's property l'til then. Au emir!" and lost him money?. The vessel was. "So hong, Franke, ail to -morrow,, anly insured under a policy which ! 1 see. you then. " And Jules, dresesred , !like a gentleman in bis shore gkthea, i Frank nodded', "Grand of Jules. You' done jest right, an' I'll never he able t' pay ye for what ye've done. Ani th' way I treated you--" Jules' frowned.ay Wan ing, for family use, and in winter we con- sider on- siider-oranges and apples less expen- sive than doctor bilis. foe with his, 'WI t 1a,•td rrs �t'` I, To teach the daily use of the tooth - apples with the mixture and hake till tender. Remove from oven and 'place a marshmallow on top of each apple and brown, If a thin slice of peeling; ass removed from each apple before baking, the fruit will not burst, Apple and grape pie. --flare two. cups of thinly sliced apples in the bot- tom of a pastry -linea pie pan. Over this pour one cup of grape pulp. Sprinkle with a cup of sugar and a little cinnamon. Put on a top crust 1.,.. Selman 1 and bake in quick oven. Dye Silk Stockings Blouse or Sweater in Diamond Dyes liar can't stretch further Not until now has a dollar bill been as big as a genuine Gillette Safety Razor. No wonder it feels out of place in your pocket when, at any -general More, hardware, drug or jewellery store, it can buy for you a lifetime's shaving service --comfort, speed and safety for the rest of your shaving days. Gillette Brownie r fety Razor and 3 genuine Gillette blades made and guaranteed by Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited—$1.00w 951 escorted Miss Denton out. After being fed like a baby, he dropped into a refuelling sheep, wirbh a mind strangely fr e from the har- ass of care. Ile had gone through the mill of recrimination and emerged to find his .old friend by his bedside and still his friend, and his heart was ,cheered also by the visit of a girl- wb,om lie.•had almost forgotten, but whose presence seemed to linger with as much: fragrance to his rninrd as the flowers .she head brought. Frank held a big levee next day, and lime visitors. came in a .perfect stream. First came McCallum and Simms,. and then his mother and Uncle Jerry. Frank had seen neither of the latter since the New Yeas, and the greetings were affectionate in the extreme. It was huts uncle whom . he wanted to see most of ;ally as the tangled skein of his affairs would have to ibe taken up by his 'avunculrar relative. (To be -continued.) Timber Lands. Owning timber land to -day is like having money in thre bank; and pru- dent farmers are h•rsbanding their re- sources in the shape of trees: A wood lot may meagre, aut with intelligent treatment it can be made to "give a good return -either its yearly growth o in the shape of fire -wood. Only dead or fallen trees sbould.be used for the fireplace or the cooking stove: Urgent Reason. I-Iostess-.._"But, nay dear, why are you leaving so early?" Little Girl---"IVe'ro awfully sorry'; but we have to o tb another party an'. we want to get there ,before the ice. ereaill's all gon.e." A good listener gains both informs- tiion and friends, Minard's Liniment for Colds, etc. Prevents chapped hands, cracked lips,. chilblains. Makes your skits soft, white, clear and smooth. All druggists sell it YEING TH . E postman or express manwill bring Parker service right to your home. Suits, dresses, ureters and all wearing apparel can be successfully dyed. Curtains, draperies, carpets and all fiousehold articlee can be dyed and restored"to their original freshness. We pay carriage one way, on all orders. -Write for'fun particulars. Paid€er,'s Dye " - WorIs;•L,im.ited • CYecratrs ar,d _Dyers ' 791', ;1.4on6r t. ..• `Toronto t }y "Diamond Dyes" add years at wear to worn, faded skirts, waists. cots, stockings, sweaters, coverings, hang. lugs, draperies, everything. Every package contains directions so simple any woman can put new, rich. fadeless colors into ber wore garments or draperies even it she has never dyed before. Just buy Diamond riyea--no outer kind—then your niateeial will come out right, because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to streak, spot, fade, or Brun. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Scientific Dole Giving, Unemployment doles in Switzerland will in future vary with the cost of living in each. district,. For Nervous Headaches TS THE RELIEF f rom head ! ache or neuralgic pains worth one cent to you? That's all it costs for an application of "Vaseline" Mentholated jelly. With the first indication of a headache rub a small amount of it gently on the forehead and temples. So convenient, effec- tive and economical! CHESEBROUGFS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Ave, - Montreal Vaseline Trade Mark N 1OLAT'ED PE ROi.EUM ATV -for Rheumatic Sufferers The shortest thing in thot --world. is not a mosquito's a *. lash -It is the memory Of the public. We again remind sufferers from Rheumatism, Sciatka, Lumbago, Gout, Neuralirlaa and Neuritis of our t+tarvel- ops remedy, "New Lite," Thousands of grateful testi,- motaiais received during past twenty-five years. One bottle _ for One Dopar; Six bottles for rive Dollars, Matted direct to customers, - Dobson Nene hila Itentehg ei means ni wait Ad.iatd. et.. Tsraette aanatdit Cotton An Ancient Plant, Tile earliest known mention of cot- ton appears to have been in an ancient' sacred writiug of India, about 800 B.q.1; Mtnard'a LInitnent for Olphtheria. Live, work, play, sleep and rest whenever possible in the open air,. Teach children to do the same. Rupture Kills • 7,000 Annually . Seven thousand persons eaeb year are laid away—the burial certificate, being marked "Rupture." Why? Be- cause the unfortunate ones liad neg lected themselves or had been merely taking care of the sign (swelling) of the affliction and paying no attention to the cause, What are you doing? Are you neglecting yourself by wear- ing a truss, appliance, " tar whatever name you choose to call it? At best, the truss is only a make -shift ---a false prop against a collapsing wall -and, cannot be expected to act as more than a mere mechanical support. The binding pressure retards blood cir- culation, thus robbing the weakened muscles of that which they need most —nourishment. But rcienee has found a way, and every -truss sufferer in the land la invited to make a test right in he; privacy of their own home. The PLAPAO method is unquestionably' the most scientific, logical and success- ful self -treatment for rupture the world has ever known, The PLAPAO PAD when adhering closely to the batty cannot possibly slip or shift out of place, therefore cannot chafe or pinch. Soft as velvet —easy to apply—inexpensive. To bo used whilst you work and whilst you sleep, No straps, buckles or springs; attached. Learn bow to elose the hernial open tag as nature intended so the rupture CAN'T come down. Send your name. and ten cents, coin or stamps, to-day,1 to PLAPAO CO., 7G5 .Stuart Bldg., Ste Louis, Mo., for trial Plapao and the information necessary. DON'T LOSE Iwo HAIR 35c"Danderine" Saves Your Hair—Ends Dandruff 1 Delightful Tonic r f � by breaking; up congestion Most aches of rheumatism arise from congestion, Apply Span's . Don't .tib It penetrates to the sore spot, starting the blood cir- culating, This reduces painful congestion. -tire inflammation vanishes. TrySloan's on sprained, braised mus• Hes, on aching backs and nctralEia, 'try it on that "cold in tho chest." '' Made i,a,Caruada. 1 ra i>r tentadFs a rip Dont lase another hair! Don't` tol- erate destructive d inaruff. A little Danderinne now will sive your hair thicken and strengthen it; double its beauty. Failing -:hair never .st„,ps by "itself!: Dandruff ;multiplies until it forms a crusty scalerdestroying the hair, roots' and all, resulting; in baldness. Your druggist will tell 'you that "Danderitie” is the tai e,st selling hair saver hi the world be; Rise i,1 c greets' and tones sick, ailing 1:air of men and women every time, Lsc one bottle of ,Danderine; then if you 1'iutl a sen.gle falling hair or a particle . of danrl rufff, you can have 'y our money back.