HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-23, Page 1l' TiIRTY-BIRTH YEAR, X.ETER3 ONTARIO, TI ITRSDAY NOV. 23, 1922 DOLLAR DAY MERCHANTS Tile following Dollar Day Merchants will give special Dollar Day Bargains on Friday and Saturday* of this week, Nov, 24th and 26th. Look over the different advertisements that, appear in this. issue. Take a pencil and jot down the items you need and bring the list to town with you. Look' for the stores with the peunants. They will have special Dollar Day Bargains. A Miss Armstrong W. S. Howey " B, W, F. Beavers Jones R: May W. J. Beer Jas. Lawson J. W. Browning S. Martin & Son W. S. Cole A. E. Moore Miss Curiss .T. W. Powell Dominion Store R, N, Rowe S. Fitton Rivers' Meat Market M. E. Gardiner •soutlteott Bros. Grigg's Stationery Store W. W. Taman Harvel' ands Harvey C. L. Wilson Geo. Hawkins Mrs. W. D. Teo W. T. Beaman Miss Yellaud Sugar, Peas, Cort and Flour given. away FRU. A LARGE JAR OP MARBLES WILL I3E ON' EXHIBITION IN THE WINDOW OF THE EXETER TIMES AND EVERYONE FROM TOWN OR COUNTRY WILL BE ENTITLED TO ONE GUESS. ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. A CLERK IN THE STORE WILL REGISTER YOUR GUESS. 100 LBS. OF SUGAR WILL. HE GIVEN TO THE ONE WHOSE GUESS IS THE NEAREST; 2ND PRIZE A CASE OF PW.Si 3RD PRIZE A CASE OF CORN; 4TH, 5TH, 6TH AND 7T1-1 PRIZES 50 LBS. O1' HARVEY BROS. FLOUR, THIS CONTEST IS BEING PUT ON HT THE DOLLAR DAT MERCHANTS AND ANYONE IN CONNECTION" WITH THE DOLLAR DAT STORES ARE BARRED FROM GUESSING., PHONE 81 The Men's Store Specials for 'Dollar Day. 1 Dozen SUITS at a. ...... ...,,. Our Corner When a man offers to 1:t you in°a; the ground floor look out for a Ira door, The only way the meek will ge the earth or anytbin , else is to in her 't z. The number of miles to the gallon depends largely on the conscience of the man at the..filling 5,#:ltion, The Farmer raises. his produce, LGe, the middle �� an m�t raises ys the r' e and 7 .n nd Ftl t]hc ,price, r tries to raise tlae,cash to pay thetprice Old-timers all over the province state that a better fall esasoh' was never known. Most of the live ;stock $1.250 a is still out in. pasture, as there is con- siderable packing .in.tho Gelds. 1 Dozen RAINCOATS at ..,,.....1 $6,50 8 TWEED OVERCOATS at"- $12.50 1 Doz. OVERALLS and PANTS $1.50 1 Dozzen TWEED PANTS $3.00 Gent's Furnishing HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR $1 FLEECE LINED UNDERWFAR 75c, SWEATERS , ,., $3.00 SOCKS, - . . ,.,,.,3 pairs far $1,00 GLOVES ......,. ......... . $1,00 MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS 50c. & $1 HATS, FELT AND TWEEDS $1.00 SHIRTS ......... ........ . ... .... „ $1:00 HAIDKERCHIEFS, 5 for $1.00 TIES- ...... 25c., 50c., ,75c.,, and $1.010 20 per cent off ON MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS & OVERCOATS ORDERED ON FRI DAY AND SATURDAY. W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnishe r AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN" The Aclolosceutt Act, as we know .n O,nt trio,. was haled upon the Eng- lish measure, and that measure has shine been abandoned in the Old Country as unworkable, What are want an.O.ntlaaio is ,tat an. act to com- nel children to atttealci school until 16 or 18 year of age, but an act -to com- pel them to attend schools, as we now have thele, or to attend domestic science act ools, manual training sohool or technical schools, or agri,cu tu.re, schools, or else ,to Learn a trade, or follow sone useful occupation, such as farming, masoning, blacksmithing, clerk ing, after passsing the Entrance Exam- ination, or,rea..hing tli"e age of 14 years, The work of the,boy or girl up to the age of 18 should ,be under proper sun- ervison. Thus his ,training for after hie 'will be guided and directed until having reached the age of 18 years.lIn. this way the boy,would be kept; an•the farm, ,or he would learn a trade, and the tendency would not ;glia be toward i:igher education., What we want is not all lawyers, doctors, preachers orteachers, but read, m�ecbanica, people who can, work with ;their hands, as well as their brains. DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOIYMETR1ST HAS MOVED TO MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y.P,C,A. EXETER Phone 70. leo You Charge for Cleaning Wheat ? There are • still a few, asking : this question, and' ale pare pleased to say that Wheat or ,other, gratin brought to use .for saile ,ys' runthrough our Re-:- ceiviivg Separator t free of charger !Thescretenuingis are returned t0 tthe 4 owner, who as always pleased with !the operation, as it saves him time and - 1akor. .We are in sthe Market for all kinds' of grain. 20,000 Bushels' of Wheat WANTED BEFORE CHRISTMAS.' Bring it along; ;We salia11 treat yon raglit, 3' ,. arvey ros. Local News FAT.Hb R �The death of Samua'1 Janis Scor' an aged and respected resident of Mc- Gillivray, occurred on Nov. 14, in his 78th Year. The lat.' • 11r Scotthad been 'til for .some weeks an'the end was not altogether unexpec1l'.d. 'Besides his wise there aro left tea mourn his departure, five _ :eons and three daughters -W. W. of St. Thames; A.W. ,of Niagara Falls; S' N. of Stephen, n;=a,r , a:ever; Erwin of A=isa Craig; Aaron, of 3(cGillivrav; Mrs, Alex, Grc.nrlees of 11cGg rt ray Mrs. •}lermnan 11odg n;, .of Granton, and Miss Clarissa tet 'home. The ;uoer,al waas :held "Thursday, ;sere ce at St. Marys Church, Renta ey, and cnter- went takin; place at the ceuiet.try, there. DIED NEAR, ST, THOMAS. Friends herb received word bast ;veep ctii.. thra death of Mrs. Selloff, formerly Mrs. John Barnes of Exeter who died suddenly on Wednesday. r : i.,t, Nov. 15, at the home of ,her ;other, Mr. Watt. Luntley, ss ar St. thvni s, Decea;.4 laid been in ',soar health for a, year or morn but sou no worse than usual up to the 'dime of her demise, and a:.ng to bed thee evening gassed away unknown to the the nber s of the hosts:1101d. She was aged 64. She had been three tithes first hu band , 'n, .; I J': 3 Barnes, the anal, air. 'c ..,dy a' t the third \I S:h^.t, trito ,,ur- t-xe., Decried lett Exeter ab'u 1? year. ap.a ani has shoo. salu l dan greater part of Pao time near St. mamas I The fust show that stuck at all Qf fr, and firs. James Harrison„ I' arrived on :Monday and , the xe Per- .a ed 16 years. j 5 maru jature fell below the freezing point. Oestretcher-. Ia Crediton, an Nov 17 j So:sot,.-ia Gama We are rapidly beeom h a .aft . Cather ne \Iansz, beloved wife of •praple. First it woo ,soft collars ':,nil sh=irts. then sort 'drinks and row s; Es, to be soft goal, In a statement ;issued the de- partment .o_ fi,*lance announ,:,•s that asoisters of 1922 ,Victory bonds, du: „thee. 1, can. than- have . th bands., p .ad } ;off an cash a: easy Ismail. of ay char- tered Bank in Canada. • An utterly careloss thing to our ;no -t tion, ,,s 'the ,fac, ;that farmers haaang rural mail boxes, do not have Moro names properly printed on' the box- as. The government requires at, bus; apart from tt ta,t, its cont: erdenc, to' thos4 driving along She road, is wall ,. worth the ten hnintltres .it would take ' ._ ... , kIIn2ItII:FS JELLIES esti :cher, aged 52 years and 22 days. , 11cG Ilxra}, ori Nov. 14; J, Scott', 4n. lug Path year. °�ainon Stores, Ltd.. OUR. AIM OS TO GIVE THE GREATEST QUANTITY OF BEST Ql ALITX OF GROCERIES. EVERY DAY IS DOLLAR A FEW OF OI.:R SPECIALS FOR DOLLAR DAYS. THE DAY, 15 BARS COMFORT 5� FZ.(}Q 2 BARS PEARL WHIT .. BIGGEST BARGAIN 1N EXET,ER. .o Want: the name on the box, , 1 Don't forget that Frances Nick - awa, the fatuous Indian Reader, will be at tha Opera House on Fridey. Nov, 24th, under the auspiees of the Young People of ;Main St. Church, She will be assisted by Mss L Hand- ford, Ingersoll, and ;air, Ronald Wits ver, Exeter, Soloists. Admission 65c and 37e. Plan of Hall at Howey's Drug store. Doors open at 7.30. BOYS' PARLIAMENT. The Third Boys' Parlament or Soutar tiuron was held on Friday surd aaturtle) last in Jayne rear .. Yturch, and mulch interest eta; .aken art the maimed -tugs. Boys from the Sunday School.; of every part of the district took part in the prot:ead'n s and dis- cu.saed the. subjects presented enthus- iastically, some of them showing rp 'v- ial ability in debate. A pleasing leaa- ture of the ,affair .was the banquf:l: held in the 'tow Hall on Saturday, when 150 at down to four 'tables attended bladies „fromthe:four churches. 1;ollowing in banquet pleasing toast list was proposed and responded to, with Principal \V they as toastmaster. On Sunday evening the boys sat in a body in James Street Church, and a large congregation at- tended and hoard with pleasure an able address ,an boys and girls by Mr. \\nitre 1 Spearman of the Y, M. CIA., London SAD DEATH. A eery sad death occur n d at the home of Mr, and Airs. James Harrison, Thames Road, clk;'orth Boundary Hib- bert, oat Sunday .last, when their son, Oscar S„ succumbed .to any attack of of pneumonia. He had been attend- ing High school here up to Friday last when he compleksed of ,not feel;n Well. He: want home, took his bed and hila ootud;,tian became sorious et once and on Sunday he passe awayy. He whs just 16, was a bright young lad, nearly always -.standing at the had of his class at school, and gate proin- ise of avery bright future. Ha took a great Mntcrsti :la alt sports, and :odor party cularly baseball, hie .b'.;ng one of the members of the Nor ih i e1iington Junior League. Hz wasmuch beloved by the family and held a piaci. in they hearts taf all :has .young assoc.:110es, He will ba much misled by them, in the home, on. the play grounds and .by his comrades. .As a token of the es- teem ;the pupils of the High school tendered a beautiaftul floral tribunte. That .one so 'young should be plucked from the home seems almost incred- ible. Deep sympathy is etoressed by many friends to the ,par!exalts in thcs;r sad hour of affluctiton, Tb(s- .is the second san, the parents have lost with'n th,e past three years, a young son hav- ing dropped dead Lin the afield. The funeral took place to tthe Bayg ,t_i cemetery ion Wednesdays Besides the parents.he leaves twlobrothers. ;INSTANTLY BILLED. Cherles V,: Anderson, :of the: firm sof Anderson Bros.,. thatchers, London, met with. ansttartt' death ionWednesday night of 'last wee k about 7.30, when returning from Blyth i to Landotn, alt a turn in the road a mile and at half south of Centralia Af ter cock:ing a &harp turn in the.roai the car la -r was driviing sleeved from ithe road, struck the abutmeatt of a culvert, and turn- ed cosnplet 1y over, ,planting Anderson underneath, the wreckage in the creek below. Fred Mason aind Wm. Hodges, both of -London, who were travelling with Andensos at itbe oti,nse of the aecizent were thrown ,from ',She car before it toppled over and %escao- ed with munror injuries. They were ao badly shaken up that ilhey °'tore unable to extricate Anderson, as the car was a very heavy, one and wedged secure- Iy in the creek. Help anriyed a •few minutes ,,atex, among 'atom being Mr. Hubert Jones of Exeter, and the oody was"' extricated and removed 'to the. haeme of Mr, James Oke, a fanner liv- ing nearby. Dr. Racey of Parkhill was cabled, and ,,he stated That .Ander- ,son . ha r died from' a severe blow onthe heart'"and...not from drawnAng ars was first thought, Later the renviaitnvs were taken Io . London, for burial. Anderson was 32 years of ti;ge, and unmarried. A hail atonal ,th 'said` to have 'prevented ,."Aildersan" seeing the Mrs. Janie's Olive is ct 's'ervvng of the t e 't gr e,�; est n 'c"d� for the manner ' in� which she welcomed the injured men and helpers, throwing her home: open+ and giving ' every possible comfort, NEARLY KILLED. ' Mr. Hamilton, Iorenta n of the• Hydro, Electric construction gang, while work- ing -on the new rose between here and Creditors tart Saturday,, las: had a very o ,;•a Fail With Ids .,life Fla, with the other nwn, was -engaged atring:oa w;xes and the one los was puking, came to ontato. with a high-voltage wire, from whielt gsat a terrible shoals tra 1 his 'rands Fere badly horned. It we o taught a first the spook would prove • .atal but he is acts recovering rthely. DUN S FORD -GUISE. A. very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised on Nov. 14, at the Methodist parsonage, *-Sudbury, by she Rev. J. C. Cochrane, when Esther Guise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guise of Larchwood, was ;tarried to Chas. A. Ihunsf turd, son of Mr, and Mrs Wm. Dunsford, Exeter, The bride looked charming in a very attractive' orison n oY navy 1rac t'd e, heavily m- tad eci r br . er n l?p-stick red, with a hat of Iip -stick red duvetyn, trimmed wall% ostrich feather. She wore a coat of mode velour with trimmings of beaver.' The young couple left on the 10.10 train torr Toronto, London, and Exeter,i where a reception was held at ,.Ithe,. home of the groom's nearents, where' ' they spent the past week. DEATH OF M. JORY. On Tuesday, Nov, 21st; the death occurred at Inas home, on Huron Street or an, aged and respected resident, in the person. of Elijah Jacob Jory, at the age of 78 years, 7months, De- eense+r had been in failing health .for about a year, bttt had heenconfinedi o his roam for only two weeks. B,ornnear (Peterboro, tae ,:time to this .iiatrict in 1850 with los parents, settling on the Thames Road, Usborne. After his marriage 52 years ago to Emily,Kestle, they farmed on the Thames Road for a while, them 'eight years in McGilliv- ray, and then on the second concession of Stephen, until 16 years ago, when they retired to Exeter. He was a member of James Street Melthodist Church and a'Libera1l in politics, Two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Jerry cele- brated the Golden anniversary of their marriage, ttKlnen all the family teas present. Besides his wife, six daugh- ters and :ono San survive, Mrs, Edi Kestle of Usborn,e,. Mrs. Eli Kiang of Crediton, \Irs,rBJaanes Russell of Rib - stone, Alberta,;, Mrs. jos. Yellow of Lsborne, lire. VW, Amy of ,Burford, Mrs, Chester Harvey of Exeter, and Samuel of Stephen, Airs. Wm. Fen - hale of Exeter is n. sister, The fun- eral takes place for Exciter cemetery on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs,(Dr.) Brock of St. Thomas was the guest of Mrs. „Frank Gill for a Frew clays during the week. Mr. Ed. Harris, 'Who...left here over thirty years ago for theowest, has been renewing acquaintancieS here. Mr. Chas Sweitzer returned bone from the West Thursday morning, af- ter spending th,ne,e ,months there; BIRTHS McAlister -In, London, on. Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mrs, fired IvIcAlister, for- merly of Exeter, a daughter. MARRIAGES l unsford=Guise-At Sudbury, .on Nov 14 Esther Guise, daughter of Mr, and MTS. Harry Guise of Larchwood, to Silas. A. Du 'sifard, span of Mr, an,d Mrs. Wm: Duns,Iord, Exeter. Phillips-Cudniore-On Nov, 11, at ,St. James Cathedral, by Rev. Canon Plumptree, Ida Victoria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cudmor,e, Hen s.•nil, ba Mr. Percival Wesley Elsa - nos, Toronto. DEATHS Jori -In Exeter, on Nay. 21st; Elijah" Jacob Jory, aged 78 years, and 7 months. , Hodgins -At Lucan Crenai nig, on Nava 15, Florence, 'daughter 'of 'yrr, and rs Sid. Hodgins,'aged •24. years. Stahoffh.Near St. • Thomas, P4tlbv. 15 .,,s. Scw ofS formerly 'Naas. John 'Barnes of Exeter, ,aged 64 years. Highest Prices Paid for Butter Eggs" and an kinds of Poultry. Ha',rz,son-1n Hibbert, Thames Road, S+ on No 19; , Oscatr S. % Harrison, co7r 13 paaekages afor $1,00 4 PEAS AND 4 CORN FOR $1.00 EASIFIRST or DOMESTIC No 3 pail SHORTENING 49:. ROLLED OATS 25 lbs. for $1,00 lb. Tins, 51.00 BREAD 7 1-2 cos, LOAF )1i OUR OW i BAKERY. •DERMERE CIIOCOL:.T . tarice $2.50-.5 lb, box, spec. .r. LLAR Speciais Worth the xnoney every one Read this list then core; on the run Capsvalues and Balaclavas r. a for . A 3 Ia Iav'asails and boys, up. to 51.1111 • Tor ,.1St:. each Sweater Coats for men, a goon weight, with roll collar, $5 oral • !.; Sat pr. Ladies' Oxfords & Pamps, patent & kid 1ea:h.ar,your size $2.98 Largest size flannelette Blankets,Ibex quality, Dollar Day price 2.89 BRING YOUR DOLLARS HERE& WATCH THEyt GROW BIG. Men's full fitting black and white Work Shirts, worth $1.40, Sale P 1,e 2 o 5'.(35 5 dozen Men's Knitted Ties, made to sell at $1,50, you'll buy several at 65c, Men's Arrow linen. collar's, any style, regular Z3c,,-•. 3 far S5c. Men's fine Shirts, with soft cuffs,pattern & quality extra good 31.39 YOU'LL HARDLY; RECOGNIZE YOUR DOLLARS IF YOU SPEND TILEM. HERE. THEY'LL. LOOK LIFE OLD- TIME FRIENDS, $6.19 -- BOYS, LET'S GO, 36.19. 23 Boy's Suits ,in snappy styles-g,od wearing cloths, and ie ery size, in bloomer pants; the majority of these sums ar. $1u aril 315 values, Your pick $6:19. Coates Cotton Spools 200 yards,- 4 for ... 25c. .Flannelette, good quality Pleasing patterns, per yd 19c, 36 in. Factory Cotton Worth the motley at ... 13c Pure Linen Towelling It w,iil wear and wear 2Sc. yd Underwear! Underwear 1 Underwear! $1,50 Mien's Woolen Shirts and Drawers, real garments $1,19nach Boys' Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers, heavy weight, 50c. & 60c. Odd lines of Ladies' and Girls' Underwear, per garment 35c, 31,50 Indies' Corsets, very special at ,-98c. 5,1.00 .Ladies'. Heather Cashmere Hose 75c. 75c. Ladles' Scotch Knit Woolen Gloves 49c Tine Balance of this year's stock of fur -collared and Burberry., Style Coats :for Ladies and Girls at Slaughtered "Prioee. There are also plenty of good warm coats carried on our racks' which.? you may buy at ,practically, your own prices, $5.00 2 V ti's Rubber Boots, red soles $4,49 31.50 Boy's Pullover Sweaters , . 98c. $5.50 Men's Fine. Shoes, Dark Brown .. $3.89 Dinner Sets -20 per cent. Discount -Dinner Sets Our China Department its fitted with beautlfuul slits and singlet pieces, suitable Thor ,Xmas Gifts. We are h:radquarters for " fate Blue Bird", "BridaI Ros' and "Overland" stock Ipatterns, Your Dollars will Buy More Quality Groceries Here ` ,,) 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 34c. 2 lb. sweet Mixed ,Cookies ..35c. 2 lb. Seeded Raisins ,.34c' 7 Roils Quahty a".i;oilet Paper 25c 1 ib. Blest Orange Peel 34c,, 7 large cans Cascade Salmon $1; 1 lb, Best Lemon Peel 34c.. 9 half lb, cams .Casc'alde Salmon $1 Royal Yeast Cakes 15c, - Lux 10c, - Corm ,Flakes ,,,,,,9c, 1, lb. Special Band Tea, talk or ornx, 48c,-- 1.11, Spec. Mix,Co,ffee, 38c. 7 lb, Rolled Oats .. 25 c , 3 10o. Bottle s E trct , 2Sc.l15 bars amy Laundry Soap 981c, 35c, Bottle Exgtract Vaahilla 22c 3 kas Jelly Povder .. 24c, 60c 4 and 5 -Strong Brooms 48c. Best 'Canned Cora :and Early June ,Pe,as 1 icon, Sof teach; for... 25c. Make this Store your Shopping Headquarters. All conveniences, "including a Ladies' and Children's Comfort Room, are at your Service. J. A. STEW ART 1