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The Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-16, Page 8
EXETER A l VlM.ATE, THII SDA' NIIII`. . B, 1,382 xezer Markets Local Doings llatay Exeter poop] took elle ' l,onvl Supper at Flglue' e ok.. Monday -CH lN..GED EVERY WEDNESDAY St Morys has a populationQf 4,017 13 to •a. t 1.08 The Stone Town is a lite burg. Oar 45' i1'm. Black, MI, P., for South Huron • n 1 '_ )13a'sBest Flour "` 3.SO;tattended the` meeting 'of Progressives F F.l u: 3.55?itn 'Winnipeg. eg. 3.30 Tie residence of the. BeeAltier: 3'8) 141 Hasliar been purchased by ;1rs, ight; , John Knox, turnkey at the county jail Goderich, Mori nearly 20 years,died on Friday, after, being in poor health for some 'tines. . , The Second Degree pareof thei. 0.0. F. ,ons ,to Seaford .cut, Wed- nesday el, -erring, o f nut hely to ex- einu',r}• the work of that degree, P,*. FJ i r i :lour Shorts n t rime Taylor, who, nth her daughter Cream> -v Bu e . .... 2a irs. Burke, is moving track to town. pair!: Butt ..1.•o $4 to 37 r Don't forget the Oyster Supper. ou ed back t oitown, to their home rs, M. Fletcher have mot S!!a. 'v o Mt . r 1 i :. New LAW tIa the . elast v 'o o, 3a, of Dol- North Street, :after two 4r thrers, La .. I* - . a1 lar Dav front 5,3(1 to i0 30 pian., un `Dues. Lard l9 t. years with their son, London Road Hay per tort POtatve..i .....t5 or 90 bogs ......... ......... .., ...... 10.00 2"i $9.3 to slo.ot, der the auspices of the bail's Auxii-' carr of Tririi Memorial Murch. TO THE FARMERS— BROOCH OCH LOST --On Sunday, Nava Nom,. $s tha season when En ?nes, 5, fir.lbal.,:)' it w4a:ar i St.. Ex ti' Griar.a_, Crushers, PR'pe-s and Zs -owl s ta^ w:t s aP gold brooa.i as auirg nnaviirne wI be wanted. We e ti c ea a: -z sen:re. F :ier tis;e mem or can. get .bent one snrt o b -a q r i .*arid 1• return to Dr r. .vt.:'e. Orae secoaid ?nand S in. Ves- :•Ziosatran ;. Ci..::.e, csor b,inc! r...n;i one se:old hand 3 p. i : s r.tate e2ng:xne, The plan t f Hall for the Frances• WARD :S: 1IORGAN Nikkawa ec:twat will be °Penn at (yR_ NGk:ellr + ATTENTION! Howey....5 drstgstare ora Friday corn- The .Boys' Parliament for South Huron is to 'be ,.avid * James Street lxet'ao. st Church, on Friday evenaag aannd Saturday-, with a b'a,inquet in the Town Hall on. Saturday night. Mr, "Wilson Anderson, who receat- ly underwent an operas on in Dr_ 14-oilmaasn`s Hospital, has suffieently :ers,-e edto lx:. ,ab e.:0> 4*414111 iiia hiS 1nc171e on the second of Stelphe 5lineeal9tlst. rapidly regaining his moat good ' The Chicken. P , 1 .4a1 ,ora, Friday ".acemetae ' me et of hag. ., .n L. O. L,., 924.- a4g :Hast +n Ow- school soon of ;Phurs a , Nov.23rd, 8 p.rra,., sharp; Cavern Prealnyterian Church oar, all. LINSEED MEAL FOR SALErspu ;nose oa cr eon.ri4g, degrees. that could be desired, all a lar4orrutiai.- the E et:s Fiat ly;;i. 1°ul. attendance requested. her of people had :t most eraloy:ablet Rev. A. A. bumper, '4;:M''sut,'per LOST B?a":i. Persian Lamb M1u¢f, I' ARTNh.RSHIF DISSOLVED. I lies.=rs. . Fitton R. W Welsh, .. on .Monday, O.7t 36th. between. Exeterri,# Jo and D. Russel ,returrnied on I_ a inform 'Tata ed Adaateate Office. Finder nd betwee en e H \t a ncia hiP d Gee 5 , 4aturs;a3' sight from Bruce Couu y, COUNTER. CHECKS. by mutual consent been dissolved, The The brought house a .cull bag o Rams in the implement business, has " ar lner4 they spent two weeks hurl' 4.1.,444.41444,444 lam ess w l .an future. be coi.tinueld • When n net of Counter Checks b,, Mfr. Francis, and all accounts must call on The Advocate. 'We can .utas.' be paid to him by i acembor Istt• ish you with al' kinds at right prices. CRANK' LOSt bits but report bird., 'as scarce, Work Ceased for two tni*tutea j l± eter cxa. November liths at 11 a,an in xemembrance of Artrnstice I,?ay, T1.. B withered a FOFfND.--A place where you can Crani: for Light 4 Overland car, on Torn 1-13.1 arrdran p. the flag to half buy British-Arsnerary.r. gasoline at 31c, Finder kindly inform Advocate. in the Great War. la g Eviter strea..S. ,or .toward EBnrlt,lle.lutast zn m>;nkoxy..ok ,tyre Ito .}'. , who fell --It, Mackenzie & San. Exeter 'North'North E,' ETLR 0. 1., CIDER MILL AND! COA,L, 1UEATf1--FR R SALE,—Th . T1ne stratiordi /3eacw,n, of la,s3 week ;' Butter .^+. tfJ'T1 moved to slew ur^^c': •">^ - _ :Z'i"i « 11r.`.t9:-'rr $ t+ „ tact by \1r, T; ti. Newell, formerly APP b , , { overo an 3,r:st claws wand. F to at city awl r t►remi.se , ct►ran:r o ' Malts and ? *For Apply at 'flu office. owing sold fan that city avid rlis is Vora St., opposite toe MetropOotan Hotel Will be open every day. Try roe in the new staaai, eusloniers, I thank ,ou, S. J. V. C ANN. PROPERTY' FOR. SALE Consisting of bouse, stable and lots of lased, situated in Exeter Nortka For particulars apply to IL BierEug. Hay P. O. F AR.ML FOR SAL1. 100 acres, good ; uild"xngs, a e11, chant : -e and fenced; • ages plowed, 15 :acres fail wheat; .1.4;;%' mile to church and school. Apply Ban V, Advocate Office. irxete-. DWELLING PROPERTY FOR SALE'. Situated on Lcusdo;n Road, Ili .miles south of Exeter. Goad, frame house, stable and hen house on the premises ;Half acre land. P a•e reasonable. A.p- oly on the ppr,ni ;c —Jas. 13a?gent, Exeter P.O. FAR'1 FOR SALE Situated :an S.eploin Tp., on the London Road, II<_ miles south of Ex- eter; 200 aires, u'.11 fenced and drained; in grad .=tat:.o:.iuititiation;' in acres harm wood bush; 12 acres; fall wheat; 50 aces plowing done,' rest in hay and .paotu-e; good brick house, frame barn, briefs tattle and horse stable. For particulars ap ply' to this office. Fresh Cisc©e. Whitefish FROM DEEP COLD WATERS OF LAKE ERIE, Direst TO CONSUMERS' TABLE. 50 lb. BOX $4.00 100 lb .BOK $7.50 F.0.13. Port StanleyNo box charge, •Money order or check to aecompany order. Reference Sterling Bank. 4 Ship:neat made in. December. Good time to order now for winter use. FINLAY FISH & STORAGE CO.. Limited, Port Stanley, Ort. Betts' Hole -lade Bakery Have you tried a loaf of our Dread? If not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing." Headquarters for IiIGII CLASS BREAD °BUNS AND CAKE'S Special attention given to orders for Picnics, Luncheons and Wed- dings. WEDDING OASES A SPEcaALTY, Cartage & Livery .. REGULAR TPS TO. LONDON on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. WE WILL MOVE ANYTHINGYOU HAVE TO. MOVE ANYWHERE; .Phone 58w, ,>:. BAGSHAW & EASTON,, HARVEY S: HARVEY have add ,z meat slit er to ;heir store equilin . is -Mill has greatly increased the pop ular:,ty of heir 147,h quality meats. As 1 am 14Vilz;f, Exeter to ;:rias lata tress Toronto 1 would take tin oirpaarturalty of thanking my custom= „Ian Exeter are r'►1e, srs, P';oat & Baker. a a for their patronage, )They have a car can ,exhibition and it 1 will offer tie.ba?auce of my stool.". is getting considerable attention; at ;a great reduction. I will also Bel1-4 an'' mirrors one in 'a stand Exeter, who also sells the Durant* ode by the same ctirparny at Leas side, n: Tl . s a sandso;atlite Lea - 1 earTororind tosold at a nnoderiila: periee. :lir Newell thinks ut utli have a, big ata, The Durant Company is ,now sting a building 500x300 to aaanu- ure the "Star alone, The dealer line annual meeting of the Children's 1 rlrestital;, table and bench, boziety a Huron ,t: Darty, iay 1 N rattan chair, 8 a 9 ©nrov. , at the Shetter, Godo gr,,.s,, rugs, 1 con oleum rug, 1 slid. e by 21 e n e hew ' m e The fol ing couch, 1 table and 3 chairs suit- able for kitchen, 1 stove, lion. of coal. I would ask for ,my accounts to be paid at once. T. V. CUBL'ISS. The correct way and the easiest way to dispose of some property or sell some small article, fund a tennant for your house, or an ,artLai you have lost or help wbetn youwant it, is to insert a small advt. in the "Waist Column" •If th a Advocate. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday, Services in Town Hall 11 am,—Holiness Meeting 7 pm --Salvation' Meeting, 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Glass, lowing otters were re-elected —Hon, president .. Jas. llitcitetl, Goderrich;_ treas. R. G. Reynolds, Grxllki h.• secretary, A. L Robertson, Goderlch;. superintendent and counily secretary, G. AI. Elliott, Godercln; county re resentatives, A. D. Sutherland :and jo n W 1son, Seafortho Abner Cosens and John Groves, Wing -Lam; A. T. Cooper Clinton: E. Bender, Blyth; James Fos, Brussels; ;Sfrs, S. Fitton, Exeter. A. juvenile court hos been establish - ed for Huron County, with His Honor C. A Rad, juvenile court judge for the county, and G. ML Elliott. clerk and chief probation officer. C'liildren under 16 years of age are not .now dealt with as criminal's, but ns iuv-enile delinquents, and if neeeasary may be fined, or may be put under a proba- tion officer, and required to report avften a; necessary, or may be c mi tea t the , Cottage meets• North tad "on o e Children's Society, Tuesday night: or to the industrial school. Capt. Hopkins -. Lieut Hoskins .•. LITTLE SON DEAD. Y. P.C.A Rooms open each sight. A special Boa -Toro .and Volley Ball Match on Tuesday, after Leagues, and on Wed- , nesday night a Ladies Match in Bowl- ing. Those desiring the exercise of 'box- ing will hand names '.:to Mr. S, Fitton erre who will give ,instructions during hour each week. • 11 7 Trivitt Memorial Church a.m.-",Hidden Among the Stuff„ p.m.—"The Transtformed Desert" Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev.. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a, m.—•Sunday Sehool and Bible. Classes. 11 a.m.—"Who is This Son of Man?" The Minister 7 p.m.—Boys' Parliament in Tarries street church. Service withdrawn, Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J, Wilson, B.A. 11` a.m.—Rev. J. D, Richardson, B.A.,atirigD and Toronto for -sever - of P;etrolea. 3 p.m. --Sabbath School and Bible Study, On 1,V ednesday of last week the death occurred at the family home in Uaborne, of Morris Henry, ;son of :lir, ru and Mrs. Orville Cas, aged 8 years, 2 months and 4 days. The little ;for low had never been strong. The, fun - evil took place to the Exeter cemet- ery on Friday afternoon.. Mrs, George Mantle. 3s visiting in London for a couple weeks. Mrs. Prodgers aid son, and daughter of London spent Saturday with rela- tires here. Mfr. J. D. Atkinson of Clinton was a town. Tuesday shaking hands with old friends. Mr, Ed. Preszcator, who spent the past summer in 'the ,Weslt, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Sc:hwegler is visiting with her daughter, Mrs.N. J. Dare, and will remain for sometime. Miss L. McKay of Exeter North', has gone to Listowel to spend some months with relatives. Mrs. C. Birney and Mrs. M. Me- Avoy visited the former's sister in Wingharn over the week end, Policeman Easton of London visit- ed isit ed his brother,. _Mr. Andrew Easton, for, a day' or :'two' last week. Mrs. Huston cif Iionclorr is vysitirag .w.ith her m;olther, . Mrs. Jas. Taylor, who has just moved ,back to town. Mss ; ' P e Day, who, has been vis- (_aan Detroit al weeks, returned home this week. Mrs. E M. Gallant, Mrs, (Dr.). Fer- guson, Mrs. Robinson,and :Mrs. Hase,n- Plug of 1eeswatetr spent Tuesday with 7 pan—Great Mass Meeting of Boys' Mr: ah o, -urs.T. R Ferguson. Parliament. Speaker, Mr. Wilfrid• Spearman, Set, of London Y.M. Rev. Redmond of Toronto has been C.A. All invited. Specia1 music, visiting at the home,of Mr. and . Mrs' John,.Digna.n. He is a brother of Mrs s Dignan, and old friend,,,s were glad to MAIN ST. METHODIST C-fi2URCHs meet him agaiui Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. ( Mr. Fred Stewart and Mr. F, Got Phone 21r3 11.00 aim.-= ,The Observance of the with a shipment sof cagtle recently, Lord's. Soweto returned last week, repprtarng a pleas - 3 p m, Sabbath SchogM. and Bible ant voyage, and a!n`'interesttrig, .v.Lsit an Classes.' the Old Land. l ngs, who went to theold country 7„00 pm,—Union Servic4e ins Jaanes St ', Mrs A. W..trtherington of .Usborne IMetho'dis t Church, ,tten3 d (hie gradua;tjom of per niece, AT, BETHAINY' : Fr: I Miss Gladys Carter at Sarni --a Geaier- al Hospital, on Fri'3a,y evening ;art; a¢nd 3.0 1Y:in.---Observaisce df the 'Lord's also vis ted Mr. ,and Mrs. George.. Eth- ,Supper , \ eringtosi. at Marie,tte, lMich. PHONE 32 JONES &1YIAY PHONE 32 Laiies' & Misses' Coats, Suits,. Dresses, at Reduced Prices. 10 zg,Cees .lines that we We still have a beautiful rangte of Misses' and Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses which we are offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We can give you very Stylish, good u-ear- ing coats as low .at .$15. Come early as they are going ,fast. Black Cashmere hosiery, 7 c r. 7 doe en pale only La 1%,s' Black Cashmere Hosiery, very heavy winter weight, sizes 8g to 40, with veu slight iauperfecttorrs r well worth 51.25 Sp ecial sale price only 79c.., - a. lair. _'urs less than cost All our Far Sets must go regard- less of cost. We can, give you Beau- tiful Fox, Sable Wolf, Natural and Black Wolf, Seal, Etc„ in sets and Odd Muffs at less than cost. They roust be cleared out At once. 30c. Prints for 22c. w good duality brines, mostly dark colors. These are odd Eqc, yd; very. 41041:141 this week at 22e. yd. ' WOOLLEN BLANKETS We have $use received a shipmantof the celebrated 0. ;4r, brand of pure wool blankets, These are in beautiful soft quality, large $ae weigh- ing 7 lbs. in plain white, also with blue and pink borders. Prices very rea-= sortable. Cub Blankets—We also have the same quality in Chjldren's Cub Blankets, as well as the, Teddy Bear F1-arutelette Blankets. $WEA.TI:RS FOR EVERYBODY We have a large range of Sweaters for Girls, Boys, Ladies, nand lien which w; are Clearing ort Bargaht Prices. FLANNELS We 1s,ave just received a shipment sof all the ,new sbadeA in a beautiful quality of 54 inch flannel. These shades include Military Red, Dar: Red, Navy, Robins Edd Blue, Sand, jade Green. and He . , , CHRISTMAS GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. We have new ,Christmas goods arriving nearly every day. We will be pleased to show, you ,diose neu- lines, JONES MAY 1. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in V1cto¢y., Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, t existing prices from 6 per cent. toA7 per cat, can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by mea ' Money to loan art lowest rates of ingterest Office --Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known on application, Stray .Animals—Orae insertion $Oc., three insertions SLOG. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rentt, Wanted, each insertion 50o. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c .per line per insertion.. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 13 for one inrsertion. and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in Iength, Legal advertising 10c. and 5c, aline, Farm or Rea(. Estaite foe sale SOc, each insertion foto one month of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 -'Smart Billie Burke Flannel Dresses at $10, $11, $12. . There Dresses are exceptionally smart and ale splendid fitting gar - meats, We are ;showing a very nice range of Myles at popular price;s.1 Special in Men's Sweaters This is a splendid coat for rough usage. Is made with, high roll col- lar, is good weight, and oonnneyi!n; grey only, at per tgarm;ent $,2,25. Wall Papers We are clearing ,up all small room lots. of Wall Paper, at alm;oslt ;half price r Linoleums Let us cover your .floor with this sanitary .floor are lower and the patterns .are Very,. pretty, co'rnering. The price; 5' WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ,D OLL., A R DA Y SPECIALS; NEXT. WEEK IT .WILL PAY Y,OU, - Southcott Bros THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh. Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled din car service Sleeping cares on eight trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. Fuld information from arty Grassi Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Amt, Totote n N. J. DORE Phone 46w. Agent, Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer -- R. R Na. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron ,.Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty. flour years experience. ,DR A. E. TENNANT Vetery Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John' St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Pone 26.w Dr. G. F. Rou1ston,, L. D. S., D. rt. 9, DENTIST Office over Carliung's . Law Office Cloned Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. it KINSMAN, L. D. S., -D. D. B. Honor Graduate Toronto Unieprait, Office—over Gladman & Staunbur,'i Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON VALUATOR foorSED UCoa nit .of AND R Perth, /eddieseyt and Oxford. Friel Stock Sales a Specialty: Office'•i* Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario FRANZ TAYLOR Lit;ensed Auctiwineer for . Counties of Hunan and Middiesse Prides Reaaoziab le . and. Satti?ifaetjon Gua recon. Crediton, Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We base a lairge amount of privalts funds to roan on farm and village property at law rates of internat. GLADMAN & STANBDRY Baenkten, Sar4aciEcta• ,:RTSSu,