The Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-16, Page 4•
It's YOUR,
But' -
kis our responsibility to
see that there's always cur-
rent to meet your demand.
In other words,it's up to
us to do everything we
possibly cart to keep that
battery going so strong and
so long that you'll never
think of going anywhere
else to have it looked after.
Never mind what retake
it is. We take care of all
batteries according to Wil-
lard Standards. Come in
and let us show you!
W. J. Beer
JS`i`Ne AN
PRICE 57,50
Nitinara Batteries
taxi 3=14.412M31.A lTtNl
new hoxi %which he purchased from
Mr, Wm•El3lers ors Monday.
al, Joe. Engbi d moved into the
.., 1;ause recently vacated by Mr. Geo,
Mir.; M. I. Hoffman has accepted a
position as clerk waits J. C. Reid &.Co,
The Evangelical Church people are
holeing their Cbristznes casemate neer
on Friday, Dec. 22,
Mr. Merrier Eiiber spent the weer'
end its London,
The Dashwood mercantile firm of
Reid, Ed bofter & Son„ has d:..esolv'ed
gsartnership, \ir. J. C. Reid having uur-
tah3se : Did interests of Mr, Edighoffer
and son, Lloyd,, and the new partnter
of Mr. Reid wiD ;be lklr. Edward /3ea-
ver of Zpteli, who has been employed
iIkeeter'e departmental store
fo• r' ees;eeal years.
It is >expecee,d .the village will, be
lighted- *Alt hydro en about ttvo.. weeks,.
Several se7 the street light are up,
Oa el"w1ay .e1" o .lfrs, J. Rout-
ledge wee presented. by' the ladies Aid
witeses cut glass spoon tray before
reatora.1 from .hetne to Dairen
The };hung peop le of the commen-
=ts' met at the hornet of Mr- aud,Vrs.
Roy Fletcher on Tuesday and preeent
e,3 the yeuree coupler wills a, pedestal.
Al terw:crds a Social. trate elms ,spent,
."ei'ding bells will trine in. the
large in the _xteerr future.
Credit on
err. and lira, Alfred Newman and
Mr. ai4' Mrs..Heatherly of Landon
spent Sunday with. ,lira, Henry beep,
eirs. Herb. kilber, ;,11'.13o ee iii in ,St.
Jasep:l Hospital, London, is Progress-
ine tritely.
Mrs, Joseph Heist !s 'her
• daughter in Detroit.
Batteries \lr, Jamzs Gardiner of Parkhill spent
i R lew days last week with his sieter,
Mrs, Jahn. Lawson,
Blies Vie?,. Neal of Centralia Visit-
ed Mrs. Billie \Vateera for a few days.
Jr. Stahl rand Ed. Preszcsa-
tor arrived house, after spending a few
menthe in the Canadian, West,
\Irs Albert King and lira, Thomas
Yearley ,have returned Jtome, alter a
s1sit ins -Chatham and Windsor,
gulueription Price-�-In a�sane°, Si 5O,a11ery'.sse n his encs t\Ireand d Mrs
per Year in Canada.; $Z.00 in the 3Matt,rloek, Iris elster, Mrs, J.,
United State,, All subscriptions not. Holtzman, 'Mrs,. B. Brown, Mrs, jos,
paid in advance 50o. • -: charged, Hast, and. hie brother, ,John \iorlock,
Mrs, John. 1Toir returned to her homer
in London, after vetting ;n town fora
THURSDAY, NOVE iB1 R 16. '22 few day+s.
Mr. Thos. Yearley ,was in Toronto
oa a holiness trap ha Dasi week.
•• \Ties pearl Holtzman,;who it;tend,
err to (atarie J ducaiya'1 Religious
t=s ttnese .: onvcntion :u, ,Toronto gave
a report, 'Sunday evening In, the. Evan-
Ss:heol Report --The following ,:n the ge]lc tl C zurw h,
r ^port of Room 2, of Desies,Ood Puio- , Ott Sufi day evening, �tl3e Worl:ars
1.; Scheel for October,-- . oafe*e e of the hvengelical Church
met iis the basements, Mr. H. K. E le
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Cree,•,h, Proprietors.'
Sr. III., Alice Willert 1474, Flosak.e her de?'�ate to the U *trio kd �.
K:e>r 1461, Armee Steethegre e 'c
1352, \1 rguerite Heid 1338, Hatay t sn tznRtlar4ou Course% lwlecb are
Hartleib 782; lit. III,, .Eddie Hamacher all, ,
1495, Theada Hayter 1463: Elvin Mee-, the Workers rs ;orae very helpful hints.
z«er 1451 Ethel Hartleib " 1428, Nelda A light: 'lun:'lt waserc:4d by the. larl-
Fassold 1418, Margaret 1lerner 7375, les•Mrs. B. 1•'inl:beiner and daughter re-
erMartha Graupner 1305, Gurdon Bend_ twMsy? to Lakewood, Ohio, atter dic-
1255. Florence Guenther 1207s, ,
Courtney Burmeister t 1066, ts
Nett Lip- ee)e? d: \1fl Finkbe ,per's household
port 820; j'r, .XII Earl Witmer 1297; epee e for the United don
Helen Nadiger 1295, %Louis Zimmert Wig.
1230, Garnet Burmeister 1197, Pearl sharld he posted wt;`sthin the next two
Bender 1166 \'Ville , Eveland 1110,- weeks btSt Chrsst,nae delivery.
Floyd Wein 921. The hydra mesa are busy is i n;
Sr. IL,Ruth i+' 7.einstv�er 1485, Erdalj the transformers on the branch power
Kraft 1328, Irvin ,Guenther 1239,Ito
to Crediton: -
Luise Staubus 1144, Adam Stire 1026 The l3ell Telephone gang are in
Wallace Wein. 1017.; .Jr, II., 'V>erdes town this week mak::ng necessary re -
Burmeister 1547, Sadie Held 1542, Zeta'Pairs Darn account of the hydro line.
Nadiger 1530,' Margaret Willeie:'14781_Mr. Fred, Kerr .is ;oat a hunting trip
Ad:,on Mason 1226, Blanche Edigbefe up north For a few. days. He was ac-
.er 1181. e commie by \irs. ,Derr.
\Ir, Wm. and family of Mit-
L, 12, Guenther, t�ea.cher. Young .
- chell spent a few days: here with his.
l‘lr. esl ells. W. Kuntz and dangle. sparhee9'141's r. and Mrs, John Pauses,
ter •c1~ Exeter visited en, this vicinity
on Sunday. Diss'e Braun. returned home, G. Gates left; on Saturday fQ,i• 'srter a few weeks' visit weth friends
Chicago. , *FL she United States. t
Mies -Luella Schatz has accepted `a.
position in the Post Office. se
dr. G. Edighoffer moved into hes
What Men Admire Most in,
Women is Perfect Health'
-the Sign of Strength
Barrie, Ont. -"I
was suffering
from a rundown
system some time
ago, was unfit to
s g perform my daily
duties, and was
'' s advised to try Dr.
Pierea's Favorite;
r# - - Prescription`.
tried It, took two,
bottles, 'and was
restored to my
natural strength. I cannot praise De:•
Pierce's medicine too highly and
will be willing to write to any one. -
sending a stamped envelope," -Mrs;
A. H. Bishop, R. R. No. 1.
Mothers, Advice for
Grand Bend �� a N, Y. .dunng the past week exeter Agricultural Society, 41,5,00;
tt din
Exeter Council
Monday evening, Nov. 13th 1922
A regular meeting of the Municip-
al Council,; absent Councillor Fran-
The minutes of the meeting held
Oct. 23rd, 25th, 30th and Nov. 7th,
were read and approved, Correspou
dente was read as follows, from the
Hydro Electric Zaaquiry Commission,
Toronto. regarding the intention of
the commission to hoid sittings and
ask that Municipalities and other
power users in the district niay be
heard and questions considered.
Dates will be areanged on applica-
tion, Rev-. Mr. McAlister and Chae.
Harvey on behalf of a Citizens' Com-
mittee in the interest of prohibition,
waited, on. the Council stating that a
deputation of gentleman from other
countries who would be in attend-
ance at the Toronto Conference
would visit Exeter on Friday, Dee -
ember 8th. and ask co-operation or
the Council in the reception of these
distinguished gentlemen, per Davis
-Eilerington, that an address of
Welcome be prepared and given by
the Reeve; time to be fused by .the
committee, Carried.
The following accounts were read
and passed; The Ross Taylor Co„
lumber supplies $25,311, 'rhe Bar -
sett Co.' Ltd„ Toronto, $21,15; L.
Day, bulbs and labor, ;2,00; Nelson
Vale, labor, $25.30; Chas;,. S'Vilson,
labor, cemetery, $2.50; Jos, Senior,
Inspecting of weigh :scales; $4.00.;
Thos, Appleton, labor, sewer: $35,25
Gus. Dockstador, "labor. sewer, $30-
.75; Geo. Stire, labor,. sewers $36.75;
Darn Stire, labor, sewer, $23.40; Geo.
Mathews, labor, sawdr, $7,20; Jas,.
Murray, labor, sewer, $7.50; John
Cornish, labor, sewer, $¢.25; H. Lod -
der, labor, sewer, $19,50; Peter Cole -
.than, labor, sewer, $15.90;„ Ontario
Flak Co. labor, sewer, $5,50; Clyde
Heywood. labor, sewer, $16;23; Thos.
Cornish, labor, sewer, $3.90; Fred
Cornish, labor, sewer, $17,10: Thos.
Sanders, labor, sewer, $10.20; Wm.
Laverty, labor; sewer, $14.25, Exet-
er C..&, P. Co„ team labor, sewer,
$1:2,10; Percy Webber, labor, sewer,
$12,15; Wm, Webber, labor, sewer,
$12,75; Jas, Parsons, labor, sewer,
$13,05; John Chambers, labor sewer,
$8.70; R. E. Davis, labor sewer, $10-
72: J. J. Miller, labor, ;3,75; Geo.
Winegarden, labor, $1.25, Passed
an _notion of Hooper and Ellerington.
Adjourment by Hooper.
Jose Senior, Clerk.
'Local Doings
A. treat is in store for those who
hear Frances Nick. aura, the fatuous
Cree Indian dramatic reciter ie the
Opera Idolise, Exeter, on F,ridaY,
NOvemuer 24th, under the aus-
pices of the Young People of Main
Si. Cleave. Miss Nickawa has de-
lighted large"audiences all across
Canada, in many cities or the United
States and in England and Scotland
from where she has recently' returned
after a most successful year, winning
warm praise from the press. She was
born at York Factory, on Hudson's
Bay and educated. in an Indian mis-
sion School at Norway House and
has developed a remarkable talent
for dramatic recitals. She has a
wide repertoire of selections includ-
ing several of Pauline Johnston's
poems and Lengrellciw's Hiawatha
which she gives in'a striking Indian
costume. Miss Nickawa is In such
'demand in Ontario at the present
time that she cannot meet aril, the re-
quests for dates. We are fortunate
therefore, in having her for this town
Another' I:aarmere Co-'Oi Brat y&'
mater Thee gone into 1iiquida tion, ithis.
time at Ha7,►sburg, Ontario, C. H. Pow-
ell of Guelph has _heen, named a s ae-
signee and ltablllt s e fixed in e
neighborhood of $10,000. According
to the'th ted Farmers' head offige
in Toronto, this branch has been n
Iinancal difficulties for some times,
The store operated a public elevator,
weigh scales, potato' warehouse axed
retail bus, cress. G. 1). Fletcher, ,. a
prominent Fria township farmer was
presidtt of the coxacerre
Stephen Council
The Council of the Township of
Stephen convened in the Town Hall,
Crediton, on Tuesday, the 7th day of
November, 1922, at 1 p,m. All Mem-
bers were present. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
Hays--Penbale: That the Reeve is
authorized to sign the•petition asking
tor the drainage of certain lands on
concessions 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22 and otherwise improving the Geis-
er, Ford, Love and Tp, Stephen a-
wards. Carried.
Webb-Sweitzer, s That the petition
Lees eel
aa�. presented to the Council, signed by
1----� .z T R Patterson County Engineer,
ero•ealeee cases the following oliicere; Praia to be construcited from Shipp
eiaer; setey elarK illryseale
•River and petitioning elle. Council to
r ztres e (see , About 4I) lave an examination (made of 'rhe,
business men Present oec arra mcmb lands a question and ret�erxed to !n
anal open.- sas3 petition, be received and *1... ,lir
>n" so the eavatg on Nov. 22, 23_,and Clerk refer the same to e G (Ay
4 an:. strexsg corrtnxittpes were >liat he snake
, O,e with ,the ed sur-
er assessexamine ;�,on an sur-
.,, ere, -I y
el a rete Bear at ` 1'xade lsa • and others asking` for a Municipal
nt _ c o.nekua Loot.; :tae pres Can. 16, to the bank of Aux Saublis
U,5 t3y ti' a
and teas H "
= ' err
,>Saatrnetrr hale a Fa
.. r
err to look aft assessments, rlenany that he make an e a ' d
ra , cora e of the Prognosed drain and re-
Sharp of Seaforth a d
`Ve port thereon t this
•, _98, being a by-law to authorize 'the •
v late, The body
renret to learn of the d.ath r on o zs councile-Carries;. +
little child al.:Mr, 4ir, and Mrs, Tlr,o, , Hai s--Sweitzer--That by-law No.
, n recently of our Clerk to sign certain; eon traclts w,th 1 i
ryas brought here the Hydro Electric ,Porvea• C0011115:- l AUCTION SALE
Ther geed Fells!
AND nowhere does it tells ore than
in Live Stock.
LETET us know what you would like
do £or,the improvement of your
stock, and we shall,e glad to go into.
the whole question of financing the
plan with you.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch , - • W. R. Complin, Manager.
Ua- d Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 12$"',, B eties,
horses, farm Ia I0111 pts, late., cheaply are cezzstantiy
tures ttp. T fanner with meaty- saved Le the one
who gets these. snap;:.
Place your crop earnings a, Savings Account with the
nearest branch of The Molsons Bank, where, while earn-
ing interest aatcl being absolutely safe, your money is
available at any minute. Deposits can be made by mai-
T. 8. WOODS Manager,
Centrart Branch open for business
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
PA.RIHILL-A quiet marriage look
, triace at the home of Mr. and Mrs,.
Amos Yorke, Parkhill, at high noon,
;on Wednesday, .Nov. 8th, when their
daughter, Edith. Hazel w•as joined in
marriag with Mr. Gustavus Wilson.
G. ,Laughto• n of T,orort ernes, be passed ,and 'signed by the
11r. and firs G L soon of Ontario, having been zead three
Spent a few day,
here during arse Reeve and Clerk, end the seal of the!
past week with 'Mr, `C. A. \Icleonei "corporation attached 'hereto,--Cax-
an°.i family, \Irs. Laughton,', father, i The following orders were passed:
Mrs. Frank \Marshall and two young-•J=�nah Lestle, Com'r' :l�To 6, E. S. R
est ions recently returned fraena .a tzs- .$7,50; Ed. D,esjardine, No. 7, E. S;'.R,;
it with relatives in St, Ste Mar;;e. $7.50; H. J, Lovell &, Co„ order book
Er. W. G' d Mrs. Grah and supplies, 532,12; Dr. Williams,
On W Half .Lt 12, S. Thamtes!Rd, i
Usborne, half nolle east ,of Thames Rd
Church, on
WEDMESDAY, NOV. 22, 1922,
At one o'clock, sharp, then following:
Horses -1 General Purpose horse,4
()rant. spent the erase week with ma"ntenance and clothes for A'Wile years old; 1 aged general purpose
fives a d ]:ams, 531,.63 • e- e
,re1arola n- Frsextde to Herrsall and , at Meyer & Klein-
t ty, stivercemerzat and pipes, 522; Thos,
\1r and llrs. Peter 31'iurtn, have move WAin, Com, 4, 3rd S. Re 58; George
ed off their fine farm on the :'third E'zber,, making cement ,tile, 576.50;
concession Hay, ami are now e 't "Finjos` st' drawing cement, 53.50; W.
Pe- Finkbe;,ner, rep, culvert 52.50; Jas
ing their new residence on ltch.;mond 7aler, gravel, 566.$0; p. Hogan gravel
street. , ' e No, 6, S. B., $,50 Gar. Steeper,
llrs. T. Murdock,- leer ,sisters, Mrs. witch on S. -lB., $.49,,50; Win. W I e,
Wm. Lammie and 'Mies Hunter and . can let S. R., $31.30 ;' Isaac 'Tiet-
Bliss Ethel Murdock were in Tonga,•- `reau tile, eons .14, 15, 35c, ; Time:
- d
Cc en g the ;funeral ;of 1lrs.. Foster Link and. Desjardirie, grading E. S. R.
of that place, a siseer of the three 510; H'y -Link, :,reap: road, E. S Rd;
first men's:+oned. She died veryand- $7.50; J8rry Cam bell ray 5
d�enl . R , gravel, 520.0 ,
Y Alex. Foster, culverts con 12 5107,95, ,
A Sunday Schaal and Young Peop- The Council ed'Journed to meet a-
les Society Institute was Held ?lathe gam fin, -.the Torun Hall, Cred'�,tore on
Methodist Church, Nov 14. Rev. Monday, Dec• d at 1 p,rty.
Frank Langford,. B.A . General S. e Y aatber, gait I'
People's Work for Canada, was the can, acid many other articles.
chief speaker. Hand -feeding Lambs. some Household Effects.
Lambs that have lost theirmatners Terms -All sums of $10 and under
ue'sue •
or"have milkless mothers can cash; :over that amount 6 months"
'r, 'ani Mrs Bruce Taederman are
visiting at 1• Ir. John Devine's.
Mrs. Rueben Wilson,, who has been
the past two weeks ,v'isiting her sister,
\)"rs. Arthur Baker, t,retuair d to her
home, near Arkona,. ,Sunday.
Mr. Henry Green, who has been in
the West,• • arrived home,..,
Mr. Art, Baker, Mr. and Ben: Eng-
land ane .Mrs. E. ,G,iU; Jr., were ,in Lon-
don to see their ,father, Mx'. P. Baker.
Mr. re a.calaarrne of. ,Dutton preach-
ed in thc' Presbyterian Church here en
Sunday se e
efts 'andare. E; •Faoilick-;tof•• ,xeter.
are -at presteNt staying in their cottate.
Mr. Jos -Disjardine moved to 'Med-
M dford Tuesday,
The :GAsel Hall was op ened : on.
Sunday. Y r
Mr:. Wilbur Dewey ..has moved into
th5 house,,ioF E,d. Gr11, jr,
`7•r: Mellen. bass moved back to Green
retary of S}unds.yr''Soir000ls and Young*
nurse; 1 registered fill y, 4 years.
(attee-1 cow, :7 years old due in
January; 1 cow, 7 years old, due in
June, 1 .farrow cow; 2 cows in calf,
due time +of sale; 6 throe-year-oa d
steers; 1b two-year old steers and
heifers; 5 yearlings; 2 spring ca Ives,
Hogs -10 store hogs.
Poultry -About 80 hens and pullets
Implements -Frost & Wood mower,
hay rake, seed • drill , land rollers, 4-
section harrows, plow, scnffl er, root
pulper, lumber wagon, nearly new; hay
rack, light wagon; Ford Car; 2 top
buggies, one a„rubber ,tire' buggy ;
set double harness nearly new; gravel
box; quantity of Hay; about 250
bushels of man,g�oi ds and turnips ;
De Laver cream separator; 40 • gaijl,orz
steel• coal. oil barrel, churn,larger milk
Parkhill, Nov, 11. -The two-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Lurk
was drowned -yesterday morning lin the
cheek witch runs beck of their home.
The chid wes ,playing alone in the
yard, all tire ,other children: being at
school, gaud it is thought that he wan-
the, edge of the creek and
d •tot
1M;;se. Ella Gee.
•sis. t`sna in 'D,e'trait, fell in. The mother missed him, and
Mess Ethel Olive' visited Sunda at she discovered the body in the water
the 'home , of herr aunt, Mrs, England.
London, Ont. -"I wish I could tell -�+--
:aIl the women in the world who suf-
fer with woman's trouble, what a; Greenway
wonderful medicine Dr. Pierce's Fa
-vorite Prescription is. My earliest..
experience' with it was during my
.first expectancy. I became drei5tsical
.and my people "were quite alarmed
,about my condition. The doctor's;
medicine did not seem to reach my
'trouble at all so my husband urged
me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre-
ascription, and to please him I did. ,=
Before I had finished the second bot-
tle the distress and, dropsy..Ieft me.-
and I felt in absolutelya rfect health.
I had n
o further trouble from that.,
time on. I afterwards took Favorite •.,
Prescription .whenever in a nervous j;
rundown„ codi.tion, and it • alwaya
, etrengthenee,ged huilt me up,"-mrs, >•
;Lily Stoddart,- 938• Dntar o St.
At all drug stores, or send 10c to
Dr. lee:ice's Laboratory,' in Bridge.,
burg, 'Ont., for trial pkg. tablets.
Mass Emma McFh'ersan has return-•
ea from a ,three months' trip through
the Canettia;n West and several Ameri-
can. cages.
• iV>;r. j: Foister ,of Bayfield spent the
week lend ' with relatives here.
Mrs A. Hicks has returin;ed from
a visit in London and Ierw.'ood,
lvir. and '\Ins. W. ,Isee1i,iurt and Arthur
vas'te; l yn.; , Detroat. Arehur wjll' re-
n,3it1 thierc,!6e work...dzur:m the ";Falter.
aad'''cl2 ; Rig ; 'polls a' d•
.,,�., :.y C,•1C. xt Parity
ly of Kerwc ot, et d rejat vee here
stir. Geos .e.1ys had the m,is.for-
t r`, ` ,'his. arm sw,,h�•e,t•fxr�.
Gar the, .eltber;4ay
Ili:w;tsaa,,,ia.,se4',ipus1y._rcll. with net -
.ra7gea of tee Heart.
,Mis,s, lose Carruthers has, recovered
-frozn..irer,xecent ilitelss,
The Hurondale Women's Institute
spent a very pleasant social time
with the Crediton ladies as the guests
of the day at the home of Mrs.. Wm.
Welsh, 3 boxes were reported packed
and sent to the 'Northern Relief"
and llliss H. Reddy gave the report of
the opening of "The Memorial Sick
Children's' Hospital," London, which
several of the ladies had attended.
The programme" consisted of a sole,
zy Mrs. A."Morgan,• a reading by Mist
,.zoroth.y Armstrong and a dialog;i.
• three girl vnembers. Several cc
,ts' closed the progrirn,
.1'4e the
r+�z t ,
ne7ct 'Meeting Veil
af'` h,.
eessfully -reared by using` goer or
cows' milk 'in a rubber-nipplee'nurs-
ing bottle. The newly=born lamb re-
quires a small quantity of milk at
very frequent intervals. Two or three
teaspoonsful every hour for the first
day with a gradual increase as the
lamb grows older. Many make -the
mistake of giving a newly -born lamb
all the milk it will take at two or
three,, feeds a day. This treatment is
very frequently fatal, /Keeping the
feeding bottle clean and sweet and
using the milk from a fresh cow and
feeding every hour or tivo until the
lanib is four weeks old will generally
give good results, Milk may be con-
tinued as a feed as loirgas the lamb
will take it. • Should bottle-fed lambs
develop scours, this condition eau be
checked usually by heating the milk
to boiling point and then cooling
quickly. 1 teaspoonful of castor oil
a,iven with the mill: is also _an effec-
tive ,remedy. -L. Stevenson.
Farm Trespassers Scored.
Mrs. '',Bess Wilson, e
dltor of the
Redwood, Minn.,'G'azette very, , Y pro-
perly censures town people who'
through 'country , drive
y districts tact raid the
farmer- of,. his tame and` wild' ;fruit
.and other products. "Lverythn " that
g-owsx oli°,a farmer's far ., ". b
m•belottgs to
teat larreez '1,fss6h-e way the Gazette
tuts 'St. ; "To 'take even wild 3fruit
without his permission is as much' a
misdemeanor as to take his • corn,
potatoes or,chickens.'
credit on approved Joint motes, ar'a
discount of 6 ,per cent. per annum
for cash lri. JrJeu ,of notes, Hay, Cash.
THE FARM,- - lhe farm consisting
of the above manned lot, owned by
Thos. Cameron, formerly owned by
John. Cole, vied 'be offered for sale
at the same time and -place, Terms
easy and made. known ,orz, day of • sale:
Prop. Auct.
On Lot 8, Con. ',11, Stephen, on
THURSDAY, NOVEIVD3E . ;.16; . 1922
At ono ,,o'clock, sharp, the following:
Horses -Heavy draft mauve, 5 years
sold; Percehron maaie, 8 years old;;
heavy horse, 3 yearr,odrd; ye rling coalt;;
sucking colt; Race Horse, Sidruey B;
sired by Miter Tieampletan, arid dam
ed by Esther b,, This vis a pron>tisjnyg
horse and can step,faet; 'Marbats•iace
mare, with Royal Gratton colt by her
side. }
Ca t1e-4 heifers, arras 3 -errs o
l•2 '•twd:yrear-ohrl'kstodre ; :6 • yearLi'ig
steer& and heiifesrs;.6,;spring calves;
l2"sudkatig .i�.*,ty
Terms -12 months', c edit
>, th,, �.3ti r, ..g:Lv�era ,oat.
furinishing• approved loiint ,hnotes "6'
per cexit Off fo'r ,cash:'`
Wm. Yearley, 'Prink'' tayl•Or,
Propr&eto,rr..,---w,. ,...-.,Au'ctiaoaleer•
SEAFORTH-The friends of \Ir,
and Mrs, 'Thos. Sharp of Seaforth will
regret to learn that their young son
junior, died during the night�on Tues.
clay, rt
ay, and was burled oIATedresday
at Hensell, The doctors are puzzled
to know what was ,the cause of death,
and the home is quarantlinied,
'Here's the way to
LET us take your measure ,,help you
choose the style and fabric, most be-
coming to you --meet`. your every need or,
wish. Then let the Master Tailors of
N•' yy �
make up the suit. This is the way to'
secure a made•to•order garment at a ready-
to-wear price. It will hold its shape, re-
tain its 'gtyle`and wear Ionger because rt's+
a "Better Built" suit:
W. ell..:.