HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-16, Page 2Try these Bakers' Raisin Pies —save baking at home HERE are luscious rais- in pies just around the corner, at your greeer's or a kike ;shop. Baked to a turre—a flaky crust filled with tender, tempting raisins, the ricin juiee forming a. delicious eeuce. Onee try tnese pies that master bakers hake fresh daily in your city and you'll neve take the trouble afterwards to make raii pies at home. Get a pie now and let your men folks taste it. :Slade with tendenthin-sLinned, treaty, seeded Sun -Maid Raisin. Raisins furnish 1$60 calories of energizing nuteiment per pound in practically predigested form. Also a fine content of food- iroe---good food for the blood. Vse raisins frequently, there- fore, which are both good and good. Pr yam, in puddings cakes, cookies, etc You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun -Maids, but the kind you want is the eind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun -Maid brand. They cost no reore than ordinary raisins, Mail coupon far free book of tested Sunelgeid recipe. Learn what you eau •do with luscious raisins. SUN -MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin Sun -Maid Raisin Growers AferatcrAip FRFSNO, CALIFORNIA Blue Package NOM MOW AMIO WM* NIMPII Maga CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT 4 Strn-1`11-1/41 Reisin Growers* ;. Dept, N-533-7, Fresno, California, 1 Incase send Ma copy of your free book, I "Recipes withRaisins," I STREET.. I......... Sreee.-. .1.11.41.• • LUE WATER A TALE OF THE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE 't rts.a.d. nOYALi44-1.1.ivt.„,i AT 80VivIANIAN cORONA00i1 Prince Henry, the Duke of York, the King's secon'c1 sou. photographed. with the Infante Dou Alfonso of Orleans, and Prince Paul, of Serbia, a the corenatien a the King and Queee. of Roumania, ••••• . „ sea -swept waist looked anewesly 2,-;•.10We0 445%.Attei-,AtitIM. SiMIXIS, and a the tense leouple more of the Kinsella's- gang. ele, het a worelier it didn't go," mut- "Here's sortie people to see you, tered leeank, arid when the gang came Captain," said the nurse. "There's aa, he caned to them. "Git a hawse about. a dozen more outside, but. I fast. to tie? forem'sthead ate set it up would only let four some up." well aft Gn Castarboard side here "An' hew :will' she pe feelin' to-daY, wide th' beeen tackle - shipper?" The great red head. of Mee "Brealttrs ahead:" The men jumped), Cannebent over and Jules sheurzed to the skipper. . "Not so bad, Mae. Not so bad. AIi right—dan't worry, cried How's everythinee'r Fraek, "That's jet a tide rip, We're "Aa l right, skipper. Ta vessel's past the real shoal spot—ye kin hear !yin' snug in to back channel en' she's tie whistlin' buy .well t' windward. no Fee pad after all, pe needie." Keep her on that eouree, an' set up i slew mainmast an' uew dories. To. that preventer beekstay, Let Ttle know mains'l an' poen: an' ta gait was, pick - when Yarmouth Cape shows up." led pp this mornin' py i .huc fisher,. He limped wit:fully daveu the lad-1,man py Pert Maitland, ant Chilies has der just as the vessel readera wilde claimed it." plunge in the rip; a frightful pain Glancing around at the eurse, who ehot through his side, and with a !was gazing out the window, the gee ae he dropped to the floor and alidiJudiquer leaned over and whispered: like a leg into the water and debrisr hev nettle of to real husky in to laward. "Heavens! what pain I'm Ma pocket. If ye wall pe for bavin' in," he murmured, and, afraid tote wee MOW, he lay in the sluicing watee A look of fear passed acroS5 until Julee, exhausted with his spell Frank'a face, "No, in, Mae: APT at the wheel, eame below and found God, nal I'll never drink liquor again after what I've mo tbrough—" him .greauing. Mon n.uve an" The big French -1 INIcCellunt nodded sagely. 'taype man vane over to him, and, lifting yourser evull pe right, skipper-0MA the limp bcdy a The skipper.as gent -i so, an' Fm not ()rented at 44 at eel. ly as he would a eleeping child, he It is goot for some folks an' Eery pad • others." kid him int his but*. for I "011, Fraeleee, Prarikee," he said "Look. Pow, Ute," said Fraele "I'll with heurtfelt vommleeration in the. enest likely be heeded up here for,. tone ef his voiee. "Tis a bitter day, sOftle time, an th' Einsella 'needs i. an' night you've been spend die., new mast an' other gear. What kin • I do for you fellows? Ye've 110 trip .dey•---" Prank moaned. "Oh, Juls—my els, to draw on, en' it's my fault thet eory-rnate---get sonic pillows an' tlyou're etranded over bere—P weege the In. Git n doeter aboard "re all fixed up, skipper," inter- rupted Simms. "Jules has fixedit scon's..ye telt in. rin all stove up, th pam's killin' me every time she , all up. He's sent up to Long Cove for Fells—Ali" And the broken body,: Yer uncle, an' he's COMile down by tq- , 1"t cf leaman endur- mower's train from .A.nehorville. We'll • On?(',corbilzcll in n dead feint. !live aboard tie vessel as Jong as th • gots* Satisfies the sweet tooth, and .aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon to stnokers, relieving of dry mouth. Combines. pleasure and benefit. Don't miss the joy of the new NIPS—the candreoated peppermint tid bit! Chew it after every meal. Packed Tight. Kept Right 'cook an' the etores hang out, so don't — booms, ei,if he's ordered a new main- The Fatal Third Puff. "What a wonderful constitution the: 'who wassPealting- "Ins cellar -bene Westhaver spoke in slow surprise. smoker, who inuntellatel) blows oute the "rld• Altuw-t .48 "i111 33 it 1° is ire...till:0; three of his ribs and his wtere is he now ?,, duties? Wel!, well! How did it bap- • " emu breken in two places --and you dswn de wheel an' de spokes rime was a penr de mainm'st go, it fall over de quarter lel say he was able to attend to his iaeder. have hit him in de het, den when Jules answered, -A sea here him, spruced tip. Callate he's maybe g gone up to th' Bay Shore—' d as he thought of the events of "I dunno." answered the Newf./mid- e urevious de of the 'Way which against MOTOCCO in 1911.1912, and 1 "Without comin' t' see me?" There plaintive note in Frank's voice, "He went ashore tbis mornin' . nose. leor he does not eare lo iFo.% tie flame which yeu Lehi, befeee • hatched the young heeetzin crawls out. tablished in the public's :flied le said to Lave had this origin: ue course of the year. This euperstition now In the war which Spain carried op enough puma,. es.' the wiegs have claws -with width tit* of: tl:e ite4 by tieing its wings as fore- feet. The "thumb" and "forefinger" ot Young bird elimbe about the branehese !As soon as the wings grow strong the claws disappear. to support the bird in the air an' knm-k him to de deek. tiaPlate ' - 7' he had treated bis old dory -mate, of • whieh waS principally an ambuscade! ClIAPTER FOURTEEN. ;wirrry. jules has got the maine I an • ••••••••••••••• Remarkable Bird. "Never light are() eigerettes witld The licaetzlh of thliaua bi m'st— "Jules—ordered—a—eiew--mast?" the ram match," cried the third ehe " the hlo''t re:pan-Ruble birds in man must have:" It %IS -the doctor he brcke ‘ho older an' arm matt iay— 'oyright by the Musson Book ComnanY : "Dees he drink?" CHAPTER. THIRTEEN—(Cont'd.) 'Sable Island North -Eat Bar—an' dead ahead!" The words sang in the young skip- per's brain, arid .a great flood of re- cellection swamped him all of a sud- den. "Sable Island No'th-East Bar?" The Grace Westhaver . . his father. "Lord God! there's tie Lurcher dead ahead!" Someone screamed the intelligence, and Frank swung the helm bard down. A chaos of seething sea broke over him as the vessel swept up into the /gasps of agony to the tompanion. He "No, sit, • , on him" striking him . Jules's WOrds as he- war, the spanish officers. who am, .IYenard Liniment for Colds, ete, stood before him with, the blood great smokers, puffed cigarettes or -1 Ti e Meanest Man . vessel yourself: . . . I leave you when der to kill time In the trenel.es. Some. tem 1 • trickling down his head, "'Steer de' gang -way bulklmad with his right "Ditt's Vat I give him when he we get to port!" oame to his mind.' times it happened that three o fbe meanest Mall on record. is said f tl . e course of time i to li.ve in Shrewsbury, Mass. 11e sold hand, he shouted up the pen hatch faint, lied Jules- . . • Well he old hardly blame! lighted their cigarettes with the 4'11" nto the square of the star-sprinkledi "Oh, ah." The <latex nodded end him far not 'coming. • niatele Now, in th his -on-in-law one half of a cow, and darkness "Come below here an' gim- opened his instrument -case, "Can you was sober now, and as he clutched the e. sme me a hand!" I get me sorne hot water and a towel? To be continued.) • they noticed that at the first puff ut tieu refased to divide the milk, maine smoke escaping from the •clgarette the mining that he mid only the front half.' 1 MeCallum and. another man stepped Get me some•small piezes of wood for A _ ye 49.ny Garment . Moroccan across the lines opened his The buyer was also required toe -feed over the washboard. splints to sa his arm—then he'll be 'n shane o go ashore' lwhat pain! Easy now—ohl All rightd Frank listenezi with closed eyes, and "Carry me up—eol Lord Beery! - 1P11 stand in here. Where's th, when the doctor ringed the wet elothes ff h' anti commeneed to eet the or Old Drapery 8, . the cow and carry water to her three place; at the third he ilred And often times a day. Recently, the cow hook in Diamond Dyes , the smoker fell with. a Indiet in his ed the old man, and now he is toting , sorehead. This third smoker, made his son-th-law for damages. ?" Buy "Diamond -es and follow Gone! roared a marl Went with ke t full asseszion of his the mate s qu iecaine a ;broken. bones he fainted again. When • 1)5,the prudent, therefore took to Mowing out 11 44 simple directions in every package_ h Thi kl wind; he felt seatee.e.reg give inside • , awo •,. 0 r. th' blame' meet a while ago—when Don't wonder whether you can dye or Ms chest; men were shouting , and put th' brute abut-. She's under' ye facuitie7. he fctinci himself between superstition, which continued after the yelling in the roar •of the storm. He sncw-white sheets and. in an atmos- tint successfully, bee.ause perfect - end of the war and later was passed fores'l now. For th' Lord's sake, tell pliers which s.eernea strangely fa- home dyeing is guaranteed with Dia - heard himself calmly giving orTh ders us what t' do. ar's na-wthin' but• from Spain to France. to a great bulk standing alongsidean' we've jibed , breakers all 'round, miller. His body seemed to be un- mond Dyes even if you hve never ausually stiff and rigid, and when he dyed. before. Worn, faded dresses, him. -Mainsheet! Scandalize yer h Measuring !reg. twice—" ied • ' mains'l—lower away yer peak!" An- er over made a movement it WaS accompan shirts, waists-, coats, sweaters, stock - other sea burst over Lim, and when it Westhaver glanced around A ter- by a slight twinge of pain. Then recol- . lugs, draperies, ha.ngings, everything, The Paris -London air servite has au drained cif he was 1z/11nd—stone blind. rible sea was running and toesing in lection came - to him, and his eyes become like new again. Just tell your ingenious instrument for measuring He groped for a had samei,vhere. livid, foaming crests, -and no schoon- roved around the plainly furnished druggist whether the material you the depth of fog above above the start- er, with mainmast gone, was plunging room ins place at Croydon or Abbeyville, There earee a. thunderous slatting to e wish. to dye is wool or silk or whether and burying her bows in the seething "Oh, yes . , . th snle . . 11 . hospi- and se to determine whether there is his ears, shouts and curses, then a turmoil. fearful trash. He saw a myriad of stars dancing in blackness, and then came forgetfulness. * * * * * When eonsciousness returned to him tal," he. murmured. "Pm all bandaged 'Where's th' Lightship?" queried uP. Wonder what .1 broke . . . arm, Frsink. I •canate." There was a swish of "1out two miles t' wind'ard thar' skirts, and a young woman in nurses :--sou'west from here." Westhaver uniform came over to him"H d . ow e again he found himself Tying m a aid some rapid thinking. "We're in you feel now, sir. swash of water on the lee side of the th' shoal water, I cal'late, an' between "Nat bad—not bad," replied Frank cabin flood. The vessel was bucking th' one'n half an' five -fathom spots— with a wan smile. "What's all my and plunging in a fearful manner; that's breakers on either side of ns—" datnagesr, &pray was splashing across the deck Aloud he spoke. "How's she headire „The nurse lau•ghed. "Oh, nothing above his head; and above the whine now?" very emelt, Captain. Broke an arm ar and ener.e of wind. and sea he could Jule's voice answered, "East-no'the so. We'll soon have you uP and about hear the shouts of the men on deck. east!" The doctor will be here soon, so let Aa recollection returned to him, he With excruciating pain at every me fix you up a bit. So! That's all picked himself up painfully, One of articulation, he spoke te the man ridt now." Iris arms seemed useless he was standing by hien. "Jibe her over care- The doctor came, made his examine - afraid it Was broken—and he almost fully—an' head her—soutb.-east-half.. tion, expressed himself satisfied and screamed with the grinding pain in east D'ye hear?---south-east-half- was about to leave when the, nurse ehoulder and ehest. "I'm stove up," east—an` hold on that course ten, te stopped him. "Oh, doctor! There's a le tween—eet teeth aladsit Ca e Forclau abeam Be eeee el -number of fisherrnen from that die - ERS SUPFER mutteredhe: •te-faced, and deshevelled he &up- ped upon saele,e locker. . "For God Almighty'e sake, get the etkipper tip here!" shouted someone. "Thar's nawthin? but white water an, breakers all 'round thisehelleroarin' pond." Westhaver heard, and ,crawled with it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run. 104*0'..,,,P4 • , I .110---=t Nati Life For -RHEUMATIC - in Min' or yell jump th' foremast out masted vessel off there wheys been, o' her. Oh, Lewd, how my aide Paine!" around wanting to see him. I wouldn t The jibing tackl•es, were hooked into let there in until you gave nie in - the foreboom., •and on the hail from stalletions---" for'and Jules•put the helm up. Crash! The Mall of medicine was about to The boom flew over and fetched up make a negath e anwei, West - against the tackles with a fearful haver sailed him. "Doctor! Let them spending money on medicine, shock, and the men gathered in the 'come D 1 want t' see them an' 1 baths, electric belts, ate., which calqa.te it ain'ta-goinI t laurt me any did me no good. I was cured by • Testimonial: Dear Sirs,—After suffering from Sciatica for over .15 years and • to have a talk with my gang—" using one bottle of your NEW "Well, now; Captain, rm not so LIFE REMEDY. s.rure about that It won't hurt your , Yours truly Wrm, but it might net do your other injnriee anY good. Quiet, rest, en& Wm t'ilfaY. , perfect stillness, a,re esseuti,a1 to your, Qeriard St East., Toronto quick recovery, beitel'el let them eorne •.. • far a few minutes. Nurse, see that he ekllne, Dottie Tor cue Dollar; six. bottles for,Five Dollars. doesn't talk too entedie." For ovet hourehe lay and entratch- 'Walled direct to cPstomers. ed the Play of the shadows on the wall. A few flies buzzed around ate . 11j flb. r0o-na but everything' was quiet eave whistle in the harbor outside. Thee . 73 West Adelaide fit., Toronto ,at the door,. and the ruerse entered foe. ' came a shuffling of heavily booted. feat • . cAngda . „ nu E lattriebg Tomp--ang for the occa6K,nal blast of a tow -boa, s Mlnard's Liniment for Diphtheria, • • •••.. eee r clear, dry weather a few hundred feet up. Phe iestrument, which is based on the property- of human hair of con- tracting sharply on passing from wet to dryettir, consists. of a -hair attached to a trigger that holds a ring. The instrument is sent aloft with toy bal- loons on a string; 'as soon melt reach- es dry air the hair contracts, pulls the trigger, and down comes the ring on the string. The test of living has increased 600 tenet Austeia. 0 emaxm-mm. ....-xmcwstoassos=sose=mossma= HE postman or exptess man will bring Parker service right to your home. Whatever you send—whether it be suits, coats, dresses, lace curtains, tapestry draperies, etc., etc.—will be beautifully cleaned by the Parker process and speedily re- turned. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Write for full particulars. Parker's Dye Works, Llmited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. . Toronto 9311 For Nervous Headaches TS THE RELIEF fro rn head- ache or neuralgic pains worth one cent to you? That's all it costs for an application of "Vaseline" Mentholated jelly. With the first indication of a headache rub a small amount of it gently on th' forehead and temples. So convenient, effec- tive and economical! CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY tCoa....ad.t.8) 1880 Chabot Ave, Montreal Vaseline T M E N T.I4 Mark aLATE D - ',Mt:EWA JEILY coldfin h cg.ty/ t scatters congestion Yori got quick relief from a cold by -an - Plying -:loan's. 13y quickening' circula- Gond blood the congestion IS brolranap. Millions have also found in Sloan's welcomn relief from rhournatism. Keen •i hand y for s.ove, brnisndlauscles, back- ache:I and neuralgia. "Wade in Canada Sloans Liniment -kills pain! ••