HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-16, Page 1THIRTY-FISTjI YEAR, EXETER, ETER, ON !E ARIO,, T11 Ya `. .A -Y NOV. 16. t922 DAYS IN EXETER rFriday and Saturd Nov, 2� and 25. Watch for DollarDay Bargains in the next week's paper. ....0 i ess ng Co test with Liberal PHONE 81 The Men's Store Men's Two.Trouser Suits Unbelievable WOOL AND WOOL MIXED $22 and $25 All Wool Suits $25 to $30 Overcoats GABERINES ....., ... ;17 to $25 MIXED TWEEDS $9 to $20 LIGHT WOOL TWEEDS $15 to $25 SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, ETC AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES: W. W laman Tailor& Furnisher AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN" SAND & CREisQH The man whet keepshis eye contig -;1 l>•rs T. S. Woods has returned :from Mr. D,ou� tally on the clock �i'il1 always be one 4Qcal ews a visit t Stratford, a t=A rt ;went to Tor onto on Saturday, of the hands - It you lzav A twice -a -'flay taus lane 'has been use for a, fast cat commenced between Stratford and St, all the ill-tempered amen in town, ask Marys, the telephone girls. Mr. C. B. Snell is having a .,well Wi?l 3m's wood cutting landed him dug to the rear ,of his new, houses', on a widow. Keep clear of the buck -saw Anan Street. ;au bachelors and widowers.a um, \Arra, 'May as doing nieel Parcels for the Lkni ted I 'angdom; Towing her operationand her ' 1lrs> early s,a,'uld be posted %% idea ar, the next tugs return home is antic gated. weeks for Christmas delivery. ° The bowlers a Seaforth are hold 'ing a ;smoker and ;euchret party on'the A ho; used to be, just hog, bat now evenirat of Nov. 45th, re- which some packers grade' them in ►sect:sat of the Exeter bowlers are inv t,ed, A classes and charge aceorden,;,ly. turkey, a ,goose and a duck are prizes. The price of newspnrraht paper has lacr;ased $5.00 per .ton, and all fine papers have also been increased n price. Satn., famil'es +'kill actually ,spend their money for toad when there s- n't .a single pair of silk stockings on fire premises, ',tow that the rate ,of exchange as t'o'per side about, ;peculators are get- ting rel as fast tas they eau of the American dollars they 'sere hoarding. Exeter may be short of hard coal, but Scranton, Pa., is apparently 'n a far wo se -condition That town, sit. t the ,heart of the an- 'riZes u tr`ate1 aImas r.n ate, ad :r!et, has been forced to el ase'it, public schools twice inthe past week because hard coal for heat- cstuld not be obtained. Our Corner 'i'r: still think it would be better of d; 'the nhuuaeipa elect;,ons Qac the at Monday ha December, ratherehan he fust Monday sn ,January. The pastofiice Depoartmest suing a new stamped envelope, size No. 10.. dimensions 9?i „aches by 4 1.4 inches, In 1c•, 2c. and 3c. denonrma- tions, Smoking seems to beta wasteful hab- t, but if one smokes he contributes hog, the upkeep of the government, and if he doeer.'t smoke the goversunent gets his money, anyhow. It is strange 'te4u of some people objection to the ,propnosal that all've- hicles be` compelled to carry lights after dark. Such a, law would be de- signed not as a hard hat to any class in the country, butt the interests (eI the people concerned, Barbers generally .follow a military, routine. They go over the tap daily, a.dvanee at a .smart clip and cut their: wa.y by sheer ,farce of steel., At times some use considerable gas.: Their charge is a good one. They give no quarter, but accept one, 'with- out hesitation, Anyone close. to the printing busi- ness realizes the almost unlimited pos- sibilities for typoRgraphical errors. Take the word 'reacts". These six letters can be set to produce 720 def ferent combinations; the . same syr', letters can be formed into seven, dif- ferent words, —carets, caster, caters, crates. reacts, recast,, traces. We often thought, and still think,. that the wise merchant, who wilhea' to continue.iti business, should invari- ably mark hie goods in plaits every day, understandable figures, so that there is no doubt ,in the custtosaheir's naiad that he or she is getting thet.ar- tirle at the right price—the; one price to all. It is very satisfying,. • Instead oL increasing Canxada's debt is it not tine ,it i' as on thel;decrease? ?Canada's' net debt is now $2,369, 759,- 026, and it has ,been, increased more than $40,000,000 since October, 1921. This is a young and ,growing country and we like to be optinniistic, but if this kind of ,tb,ieag ,continues to ge.(on at this . rate since the war, we caYaf -tee nothing but trouble ahead. don't Kill Your Wife Of course, you don't mean to do so, but did you ever reflect that she gives more'thatt half of her time in making your home beautiful and comfortable, to keeping your clothes ,so neat and tidy to cooking, boiling and baking those wholesome and delicious foods that bane enabled you to go oniworking, earning and sleeping in peace and contentment, Now, do your part, Make it easy for her _by taking home some of our Western Wheat rFlour. Thus will your day's ,be spent in peace and colntenttnee t and your nights in refreshing sleep, the natural result of helping your wife and home industry.: :arvey DOLLAR. DAY, The merchants ->;' Exeter have decided to hold Dol - hr Days on Friday and Saturday of next week. Customers will remember th. bargains .obtained Iaat Spring on Dollar Days and will look forward to Fri- day and Saturday next. Watch the columns of The Advocate for bargains next week. TING COMPETITION The members of:slain Street. _li th- d ost League .enjoyed a, treat onTu:.s- °day evening, when ML s Jean S.:Mur ray, teacher gave; thein an Iliusttrat- =t, c;'refuliy prepaoared address on.. " Ftervice," When the case of ReAan va, Ovens Cane up at the nos -jury r,lttings of the supreme court' at London, it was annati c'ed that he case was settled ;tut of court The vasa is of local in- terest, ars-na<s i does, out of the estate '?f the late Weal,:y Snell, On the 8th of December some eight' delegates front the Toronto "World's Anti Aleholisr Convention" will visit Exeter for the purpose of discovering' at first baud the effects of probibif tion. They will receive the reports 'runt spectrally appointed eoauhuittees, during t,ate afternoon. A banquet e ill. beer tett in the basement of ar¢uaes street church at G p.m., at which some of the delegates will speak and a great mass meeting will be held at 8 pan. in the James street auditorium. This meeting of naeet- 'tag experts of Foreign Countries will be an unusual treat. MINISTJ.RJAL ASSOCIATION. Th ; e monthly meeting- of :he South Huron t hi:ster a1 Aasocah'tLoat was held in James Stret±t Methodist Church on Monday afternoon, \!) .. 13th, The • tsubaect au. the day was, 1°Is Chris. a natty Iii ti 'dual or Communal?" The reaper Was given by Rev. G. W. W, Risers of Hc'•nsa tl and was much en- joyed. Petrie:pal Dtabson a£ Alma Col- TX- year three of the Junior Far- 4ege, St. Thomas, ane Rev. Symingtonmers Improvement Associations of Lt+n ion South, Presb}•terian, were tat. Huron, County bald Plowing Competi- ;hors and mads corresponding ane.n- tions. The Win -ham and Exeter cora- ,hers. The: next meeting w i be held petitions were ht, stubble. 'The How- is the Trtettt memorial Schoa1 room, lel: competition was in sod. Each eons testant plowed five acres on his own-'DIEp OF INJURIES, land. 'Mr. Jas. 'McLean of 'Richmond Hill, a professional ploughman of line; Jahn A. Litt,Le, whoa few weeks experience, both in: judging, and in ago was injured ja ,z.q acetdent in the plowing, placed the awards. He was , woods, and after ,beim, brought to his well pleased with the marked progress }come here, was later removed to shown in the Exeter and Howick conn , Victoria, Hasp t i, London, died in that petitions, as compared with last year. institution on Nov. ,8th, and the. body This is the ;first . year for the Wang- was brought to Ex ter for later - ham competition, and their work, while mew, the g neral ta1gta_ place on Sat•• creditable, was not ,equal to the old -i urday under the auspices of Exeter er organizations, which, ,only goes to , Loyal Oranges Lodge, Deceased had show the progress these competitions i resa e`aere`Z on* t a } ears, and are bringing about. The standing of the Exeter boys worked or r. Gillies. He iiia. 57 was as £'o1I s,— Name Oliver Rowcliffe Harold Jeffrey Earl Shapton Virtor Jeffrey Milton Luther Alvin Pym Carman Doupe Score Prize 91% Trophy, 90% $700 89% $6.00' 87% $5.00 86 $4.00 82% . t The trophy* has to be won. three times before becoming the prop erty of any contestanit, Ile standing of the Howick boya was as follows,—Jack Montgomery 90% $10.00; Roy Strong, 90, 9.00; Jack Hut- chison, 87;x, 8.00; Hartwel Strong 86y; 7.00; Earl Corbett, 84, 6,00; William Campbell 83%, 5.00; Earl Johnston 773 e 4.00; Dr Witt Strong, 75, 3,00. i The aStanding of tbe Wingham, boys t was aa follows,—Geo. Fowler, 86, 8,00 W. J. Currie, 84, 6.00; Harold Walker t 83, 4,00; Jim Coultes 821, 2.00; Harold Currie 78. years of age. He eaves a widow and Gamily of three sons, .Charles, Earley and Arthur, and two daughters, Laur- etta and Stella, at ,home, JOHN HUNTER LVJUR.a.D. , Mr. John. .Hun.er met iui,.h a serious accident ea Monday evening as he was returning nom a rabbet uuna in. Hay ;v:un . When going south at. the . eauaterh earner just after' dark,' his buggy c', .crwck oy p car acting 'vest an.' ura'•un by ,Mx. John Decker, jr., of Lu:ic,x, with :the result ;that Mr. .tituue. was , trown. tahrrty or toriy teen away, And 1uis buggy smash - a to pieces, wIwle the; Ford car ran n;.:a the d;:ch and the front wheels, he axles and windshield were broken. When assistance arr yed and Mr. Hun- er was examined he was bound to be unconscious, his shoulder blade broken nd he was otherwise bruised and wla hakcn up. He ; brought to his time in Exeter, 'and ,the fragments BIRTHS . loft buggy and nail wane gathered up, Mfr. Decker wns 'tittle the worse ,for he crash. ENJAMIN •DEW DEAD, The Priest Rive.: '.Gimes, Idaho, con - aim an account of ,she death of a longer sesi.deat oa .axeter, and bro- ther of Mrs. John. Hunter, of Exeiter,— "A Christian mann, a kind father, a o`�hng :husband, a loyal„ (and chelppful ei,ghbor is the tl,aas sustained by this c<Immunity in thedeath of Benjamin who was born Dee. 10th, 1853 in xeter, Ont., and lived there, the. ,early P art of his line. Later he settled in blarrison, Iowa. Here he plea fled El- abeth.Gardiner on Mar. 6, 1884, In 1889 he moved to Jennings, La., where he lived until 189,2, a year ,sifter the death of his first ,wtae. Of this umiaon three children were ,born all of whom are living, Ne'1to5 .W., of, Olds,, Alta. ; Mrs, C. E. Himmielreich..of Hanna,'Alta, an months. Albert J., t'of Pipesltone{, Minn. Mr ,ew them. located at Grandy Centre, Jic*'va, where his u.econd marriage, took.'. place to. Anna Johnston. Four child- n : were born of this, 1 ni�ori, Elmer, Mary, Arthur and ,Harold,'all sof h�c>'m reside at ,Pr,ies't Raver, In 19,13 he moved to Creasatosi, ac.,., where h(e raised Trutt for five ,ye,ars, and thein sane' to Priest River in November of. 17. living hrere on a farm :.until;his ' eath .from a blood vessel ,bursting on , s`'bra'in on October 19,;1922. He ua.. a member of the Prea�byitiertan, Lurch` anandn Woodman, He 9,eavcts aza aged mother four saalters•, two, bro- ers. a widow.w• and seven children. In- rment took .pmace in the Odd Fellows me tory, t Johnson—At Whalen, on Nov. ?th, to Mr, and Mrs. Earl Johnson, a son. B Tait—Tn London, on ,Nov. 11, to Ir,1 and Mrs. Ted. Tait, nee Hilda Presz-'r cator, a son, _MARRIAGES • Fis ger-Garrick—At Dashwood, .on n Nov 11th, Ethel„ ,daugh.ter of John Carrick, Lake Road,, to William D Fisher of Dashwood. ( E Wilson—Yorke-1n Paakh ll,. an Nov, 8, Edith Hazel, daughter of Mr, and r Mrs. Amos Yorke to Gustavus Wil -i7 DEATHS Sharp—In Sea,i+orth, an Nov, 7., Thos: Sharp, ,soon of Mr. and Mrs.'Thomas Sharp. aged 3 ;years, 5 onths. Little—Iit London, on Nov. 8th, John A Little, of Exeter, aged 57 years. Cann -.In Usborn�le, on Nov. 8th, Mor- ris Henry .salt of ,Mr, and Mrs. Or- ville Cann, aged 8 years, 2 months and 4 days,.,. DR. JOHN SWARD ltg CHIROPRACTOR &gOP'1'OIIE7'RUSTi HAS MOVED. TO:' i MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y.P,C,A, al EXETER • th to ce Phone 70, .enrt;e Par to spend the winter at Clinton a irs. Jos. Davis of Merlin is lura Mr. Russell Hedclein has returned }vasiting with her parents, lir. and hirs, from a bliSblaess flip to the , west Jt`Ym. Father. I k,,atscn left last weak i Mr. Thos Harlon of London was sr Mr. I. •it Carling has been in Lon - town this week slaak',ng hands wat';hdan. several days this week, acting on old friends. the Ovens Bros,' law suits. "Uncle Arrives" Mount camel, Frit ,y, November 2 :leen In M Carmel Dramatic Society will present the 'very tunny. r..RCE, " UNCLE ARRIii"ES „ ARIIEI, HALL, 1RiOL'N'T CARMEL, ONT. on FRIDAY, `NOVEMIibR, 24th "Penh Performances being 'given—the Matinee at 2.15 and th ef Evening, .Berl forma'tee at 8-15. Those who sae the praduction of this same Society ,fast F"tli, Grin be anxious to ace the present °Hering, which promises to 15 even better than, the pr.v;ou.s one. "'.'rade Arrives" is a laugh from start to finish and a full evening%. merriment is assured to all who a- d, The Cat is a specially select sd or e, and will present the play wit3 ra really p,ofussional no','sh, seldom acquired by amateurs, Dominion Stores QUALITY, CLEANLINaSS, AND SERVICE. 21 B A.RS PEARL 'HITT. SOA3) ' b cap Chips, 2 ib 27c Breakfas ROLLED OATS ..,..,......6 lbs. 25e. CORN MEAL ......... ',,. ,7 lbs 25c. WHE AT.ETS 4 lbs. 25c CREAM OF BARLEY .,. pkg30c°. CREAM OF WI -MAT ... pkg. 25c. ROMAN liE AL pkg. 35e. 0 Ba oz S9c 1b - LEMON PkEL ... 35e. Ili. ORANGE PEEL ...... , 35c, Ib. CITRON PEEL ...55c, lb. SEe.DED RAISINS ...18e. Ib. SEEDLESS RAISINS 18e. ib 1 BULK DATES 2 lbs. 25c. V.6.LENCI,A, CAKE 210. LB, 12,000 lbs. CAKE SOLI: WEEKLY. CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROChRS Phone 9 (pERVIOD t)ATISE,&G`TION ONL OFF OUR SPLENDID STEAKS wilt make a meal fit for a king. Cut from the very choicest of grain fed cattle it is meat that proves its supremacy with tie first taste, Ansi with all its ex- tra goodness our meat costs no more than ordinary grades. You don't have to pay more, though you get more at this meat market. Let .this Bright, Sanitary Store supply your wants, RIVERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS NIGHER THAN PRICE_ .....,..„...„,,..„...„ J. A. STEWART 1 Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." Seasonable Sale of Smart Hosiery From our unusually aom;piete stock of Women's and Chit • rev's Hosiery we .have picked the hollowing Specials for one week's clearance, EXTRA QUALITY PURE CASHMERE HOSE 8,119 A PAIR These are full fashioned Stockings, :including the popular, ai sties in Heathers, Homespun Fawns and also. Black. Some oft these are (clocked. 'GREY •CA,SHMERE STOCKINGS 98c. A PAIR A good quality and shade in the New Wide Ribbon effect, HEATHER HOSE 89c, A PAIR - Stockings of soft, warm Cashmere: in a popular weight, many of thein. having the ribbed, or drop -stitch effect. CHILDREN'S STOCKIN'GS 25c to $1.00 PER PAIR ' Our stock includes smart, warm Stockings for Girls and Boys in Heather mixtures, Browns and Blacks. The qualities range, 'from ribbed cotton to the heavy worsteds which give such un- usual wear. " IN - NEW FRUITS Bulk 'Dates 2 lb. for ,25c. THE 'GROCi,R' DEPARTMENT AND NUTS FOR. CHRISTMAS Lemon or Orange Peiel 35c per box, Seedless Raislinas, Per lab, 18c,, Mixe'cl 'Cut 30c, per box.. Famous, Ca'li,foraia Budded Walnuts; 5,0c. per ;pound. Highest ci J. A. STEWA i T Prices Paid for Butter Eggs -and all kind, of Poultry. 1..