HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-9, Page 81 E.XBrEli JIIJIIOCATE;� "1RUBSi1JA'Y, MIT., 95 Lena Exeter Markets I Local Doings CH:F Nt.,I D EVERY 'WEDNESDAY R. F. Irwin, of ,Seaforth and Rev. \\ n I t - .... •• 105 , Wikon of James St., Exeter, e,.."charg- E) e:, ...... ,,.. 40ed pulpits on Sunday. \l t: aba"s Best Flour ......... 3.801 dbl ur 3.53.t1r, \\ alterKof.town bought Flour 3,30Mr. Esli Heywood's house ea Andrew Bran i re m.' -v Rutter Dairy Butter 'titav 141 Fg';s Lard Hay per ton ..•.,..,. . Pctatee s Has 1.85 st ' :3,;„ week, getting possession on 140 December 1st, next. 125; 1I.,s, Amy Shapte:n, who recently 41 passed through a serious illness, is ab»e! 34 to 37 to b4. out around again, and wh.Je 4s grc t"y improved, Ls yet very week, 9'While le shooting on lionday, Mr. $9;00 to $10.00.1"W41 `ren reeefzed a couple ;of shot 75 or 40'' in theth chest, from .e gun, of a cont - q 2a tpan_on, but sn0 serious damabe was CRANK LOSI'E, clone. Th'. John Routledge of the. Mo Isons Bank at Centralia .has received word of his transfer to the 'branch at Da -4 Cr 1.ht 4 Overlaid car, on Exeter .,i r .toward Firtder kindly ,:rviornt Advocate. BROOCH LOST—Om, Sunday, Nov. 5, probably on William „Sr., Ea:;et r, a .sinal' octopai shape gond brooch with Clea= stone, in ,centre. Finder libera y wa r t„d returning to D. Kinsm:ui'a Office. Oyster Supper to be t itieu by the Girl's Auxiliary, of Trivitt church ]las been postponed untilNov. 25th. The ,Exeter Canning Company has. disposed of their -fine ,grey w,oxl4 team to Mr. -Gib, Dow. A ,number from here ,and the sur- rounding district attended ;the Organ- ization meeting of the Liberal Con- servative party held ;in, London on. Friday last, I. Prof, Anderton, has ng resigned as organist and choir leader in James -St. Methodist Church, Mrs. Williams pre- sided at the organ, en. Sunday. The Board of :the lis ,now advertising far an organist, 1Ir. J. V. Milisonnof Lambeth, for- merly of Whaten and Hensnill, while pltowzng .for his .ephew, Fred Foster of Lonkm, ,had his leg broken. by itbe kick of a horse. He was taken; •to,his home in Lambeth. ,Miss Lottie Kirk, daughter of \Ir, ton. He and Mrs. Routledge are tat and Mrs Nelson Kirk of London, form erP residents of Exeter North, was move i'.t a week- quietly married in that city on Wed - in -,:. Mr. Sam 1,1?arsonshouse> Lon- ley of the same city. Hunt - den Road south, this week. mored :into thehoose recently vacate Hart on Huron street. property of Mrs. WPss, which, he has � linen, using as 0.n Express Office-, and Mr. Fre,,. Southam of Lambeth, who has rented the building vacated by the purchased Mr, James Bri.ntnell's pomp- Hydro Conner the latter hav ing s:rty en Huron. sxree'c and moved in caved, one. doer south into he build - recently, has ,purchased the eightaeres ing bought from Mr. P. Farayne. o; land or the west side of hist prop- erty from fir. Irma Armstrong. The DOING NICELY. Mr. John Jacobs, ;who has been lit- neesday, Nov, 1, .to Mr. Bert H'Itt2rt— d by Harry Mr, S. W. Stals;, has 'vacated the P ice pa -i was $1200• Irs, Wm, May amain en ' Friday last Thomas Cook ai Clinton, apple pae-• operated on for t‘apne,ndi,cit s at Vic - CHICKEN PIE SUPPER. R. kir, employed by Da\^id Can.teiote, ap. traria fios al London;;and The opera - Tine ladies of Caven Preabytet din P.c. buyer, of Clinton, was tined $50.00 Church as 21'. g:ve a Chicken Pie Sup-- and cost, amounting to $5,00 by Mag - per in the School .Fiat: of tite church <str. to C. A, Revd ,for packing four on Friday evening, Nov, 10, from to to barrels of Kings and ten barrels of than was a succiess,` The -patient doing nlnely, a. tome and enjoy a good hot sup- Rhode Island Greeniags with apples BCWE BROKEN, Fir, Admission Saw and 50c, that scabbe e zh, it3t andorty per cent, Mrs, Robert Dinuey, Huron street, punctured and LV\ EEI) MEAL FOR. SAL AT >arandina t em ' o. I and No, - ;rides met with a painful accident on Friday I the Exeter Flax :NW!), respectively. Iasi. She was getting over a low wire fence when her foot became caught. LOT.—Bla k Persian Lamb :sluff, TRS marriage #001; place co Wed- =n one of the w les, and fa111u2g en .Monday, Ce t "th, between Exeter . rtas�a a” ternoon of last week, in Lon broke a snail bone in her ankle, The and a to `e and xa., r;t,t, Finder l.ird `tor, I.iiy, oauglnter of 1Ir, and injury is very painful and it will be ly rnio.m T». Advocate Office.firs \\'n C0llinawood• of Exter,.same time before she will have the to David Kirk., ,also of Exeter, son of use 08 the injbred member, COUNTER Z I^lEC: ]:. ?.ate W 441a° m and lfrs Kirk. The =My was performed by Rev. When in need of Counter Checks.RAyc:ra.ft, and the attendants were al, on The Advocate, We earn lura- .cite bride's sister, hiss Tillie, and Mr sig you with a',i „kinds at right Wives. Ch,rstopher \Veisa Mr. and and Kirk r 5 i1Z A Y HEIFER, villi raid* in. Exeter. two year old heifer strayed onto a lariat in Hay Township, For partic- ulars apply at the Advocate Office. LOST --Chevrolet car crank some- where: rear kxe:er north. Finder please inform Advo?ate. FOUND.—A. place where you cast buy British -American gasoline at 31c. —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North EXET R. O. K. CIDER MILL AND Apple Butter Factory F moved to new premises, corner of :Vain. and Wel- lington St, opposite the Metropolitan Hotel Will be open every day. Try me in the new .stand, customers. I thank you, S. J. V. CANN, PROPERTY FOR. SALE Consisting of house, stable and $ lots of land, situated in Exeter North For particulars appy to JL Bierling, Hay P. 0. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician, Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Diseases, Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appointment, Office—William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. Fresh Ciscoe Whitefish FROM DEEP COLD WATERS OF LAKE ERIE, ,Direst TO CONSUMERS' TABLE 50 ib, BOX $4.00 100 ib BOX $7.50 F,O.B, Port Stanley. No box charge. Money order or check to accompany order; Reference Sterling Bank, Shipment made in December. Good time t-) order new for winter use. FINLAY FISH & STORAGE CO, Limited, Port Stanley, Ont. Betts' Home -Made Bakery Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing." Headquarters for HIGH CLASS BREAD BUNS AND CARES Special attention given to orders for Picnics, Luncheons and Wed dings. WEDDING CASES A SPECIALTY The Big Livery When, going: out Minting „give us a call, D n't fdrget anything you have . to move we are right on the job rto de 4t CARTAGE AND LIVERY, Phone 58w. BAGSHAW & TEASTON Mr. H. 0. Southcolit was in Toronto last week. Fred kieaman was home from Lon- don for the holiday. A, W. Aatdcrton, who 31asl Mr. Harry Fuke of Toronto was ed the position. of prganiiist and home for the holiday, ln:tizmaster 3n St, George's Church, .lir. Earl Southcott of Toronto, was God:rich, will be greatly rn sse.d in Monte fora feu* days. musical circles in Exeter and district. Although here less t�than two years �1-ss Curl.ss visited at ,her ]tome in he organized and conducted the South Balton ever the holiday. Huron Choral Society, and ;they have Miss Allie'l;anslford visited in Luc - put on some ,fine ,musical etxt/e4nin,• an. over .the week end, ments. He is a reutarkably* able .taus- \1is,.��,lln?dred Norry of London was lean, and lus place as organist int the octave home over Thanksgiving. J Street church ,and as director of the Choral Society guild be hard to fill. "LEST W i. FORGET," Satureay, Nov. 11th is the anniver- sary of Armistice Day, Will the clt= izen.; take two minutes off work' at 11 am. in honor of our fallen heroes, The town bell wi?,1 cring at that hour, B. W. F. Beavers, Reeve. SALVATION .ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a,m,—Holiness 'Meeting 7 p.m_—Salvation Meeting. 2,30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Cottage n eetiktrga in North End :on Tuesday night' Capt. Hopkins Lieut, Hoskins Y. P. C. A Tice Y. Rooms are open each night. Games on the Alleys, Volley Ball, Bas- ket Ball, Boxing and Trapeze Work all tend to develop muscle and health, Programmes, Debates and Entertain- ments will be arranged later. Tournaments Friday night and priz- es given. All, come. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"The Children of the King- dom," 7 p,m.—"The Most ,Popular Sin an the World." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector .OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN U.t LittCU Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a, m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 ani.—"Preaching Christ" 7 p.m.—"The Friendship of Jesus" Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Paster, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 am—Reception of .members ,and Communion Service. , 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7 p.m. -Sacramental Service and ser - moo by Rev. Dobson, B., - A,, of a •Thomas: W Mr„ Ed.. Dais of Forest was home for Sunday and \fionday, Mr. Percy Gillies ,of Sarna 'visited his parents here last week, Mr. Walter Dearing was up from London for the week end, Miss Irmo Sweet of near Paisley was home for Thanksgiving Day,. Mr. John \fay and family of Toronto were •Vsitors here ,this week. 'Air, and \Irs, W. S. Cole and scan spent Thanksgiving at Lucent , Mr. and 'Mrs, Harry Gould of Wind- sor were here .ever the holiday. Mrs. Hubert Jones .visited ,iter par ents in London ever the week ends Mr. Jas, Dearing, after a month or two in ,the west has, returned home: Miss,,,Annn. Dow visited Mrs. Swear man, nee Liul;in Boyle, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. :Wellington .Hera mot- ored to Norwich for Thanksgiving. Mr. Alex Stewart of London spent Sunday and Monday w,ith his children here. AIrs. Frank Mallett of London vis- ited here over the holiday with rela- tives, Miss Beatrice Howey has greturned frown London hospital, and ,is rapidly recovering. Miss Elia Link of Walkerton spent the holiday at the home of 11r. "anti Mrs. Wm, Kuntz, Mr, and Mrs. Luther Penhale and little niece, Miss }Wa{lper, spent the week end in Harrow. Mr, Win, Bradt and family of Lon- don -risisted relatives here for a few days during the week. Mr. Bruce Medd of Guelph Agricu2* tural College, spenit ,the week end in town. with his parenits. , Mr, and Mrs. J. A.. Inksater and daughter of Paris ' iishted at Mr, W: Bissett's over Sunday. , Mr. Harry Sweet of Windsor is suffering from rheumatism and is at the home of delis ,paren)ts here Mr, and Mrs. Fred, Riddell of Lon- don -visited with the ,litter's father, UIr, Thos. Clark, ever the holiday. Mr, and Mrs:. Richard Hunter - ar- rived home last -week ,fronv an • lex- tended western trip of several months ,VlisS Olive Preszcator, after visit ing here with her ,parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Preszcator, returned Saturday eveining Mips Stoddard and her da.ugltker, Irs, Reid aof Hagersivil e, visited for few days during the wee1 rith .Mrs, m, Gillespie. Mr. Gerald Fitton. was up from Lon- don on Sunday, and :his grancl,father awe mother returned wllth, him for T�hanksig-ittjr g dinner. Mr,"amd Mrs. W. W., Taman, and Miss Margaret; are. ,Mr. T. Nelson mo tiorer to Windsor on Sunday, Mrs.' Taman and daughter are remain,in,gifor!' a few days.. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. • Phone 21r3 11,00 a m —Rev. W. G{. Hb 4cAlrister M,A7. • 3 p,m.=Saliobat:li.. ; School ' and Bible Classes . Addresa—,sins Dobson of Alma Col,Ieg.e . r : 7 p.m—Rev: W. G.11 McAlister, MIA: s AT BETHANY ° 2,30 p.m. -Rev. W. ,G: H, McAllister W M.A. PHONE 32. JONES & en's and Boys' Overcoats At Moderate Prices.. WO invite you to ,come to this store and inspect our big range of Over- coats ,for Men and Boy's. See our fine new cloths in all the latest colors, of Greens, Fawn, Brown, Grey, Etc„ with the new Kitnna oSleeves, belted or plain, just as .you wish; Our Boys' Coats are all made from the same Cloth's as the Men's, , They will please you, Young Men's Overcoats at $15.0a0O About 25 Coats in .the lot, good all wool cloths, soTc7 ,requularly at $25 to $30. All to o .at $15 a "Coat. Small Boys' doats Often hard to get. We have them from age two years ,up; wel.1-fitted and good colors, Men's Fine- Brown, or Black Shoes Genuine Goodyea.r-•Welt Shoes,,;nide in Fine Calf Leather, paced at $5,00, ;$6.00 and $6,50^ Cheaper rules at $3,75 and $4,50 Women's Cushion Sole Shoes ;at $41 �r Just The thing in ,Good Comfortaible Shoe for around home, Waar- antec the wear and you will enjoy the comfort of them, Ilurlbut` Shoes for Children Don't forget that we are Exeter Agents for this famous line of Chil- dren's 4h+oes. Sold at the same price 'everywhere, This is the cheapest shoe in the long run that you can buy Ladies' and Misses' Coats at $15 Wee have odd line of beautifwt quality Coats, in good colors ansa styles Clearing what:they last at less than Half • price. $15,00- coat. Pure Thread Silk IIosiery,198c. pair Ladies' pure thread Silk Hosiery in Black only. Sizes 9, 9,¢ and 10 Slightly' imperfect weave, 'to clear at 98e, pair, JONES & MAY 1. R. Carling, B.A.. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS Vi�ct�, , Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing .prices from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by mei Money to loon at 'lowest rates of bitterest Office—Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter The Eketer Advocate Display Advertising—Made known oa appjtai catio, Stray Animas—One insertion 50c., three insertions $L-00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lints, For Sale, To Renit, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found decals 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c _per line per insertion.. No notice 1e`ss than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sayles S3 for one insertion and $I.50 for each subsequent in- sertion it wider five inches in length. Legal advertisrung 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Reap. Estate for sale 50c. each insertion ford one mouth of four insertions, SOUTHEOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' Coals. WE ARE SHOWING SOME VERY- SMART. MODELS IN MISSES, an{ LADIES' FALL AND WINTER CO ATS. ALL . WE ASK IS A CHANCE; TO SHOW YOU OUR LINE, ,. ; 1 New Hosiery for Fall and Winter WB HAVE AN E,XCEPTIONALLY FINE RANGE OF COLORED CASHMERE HOSE, AS WELL AS SILK AND WOOL at $1.00 and :$1,25; Miner Rubbers 'and Rubber Boots , WE ARE SELLING THIS SPLENDID L1NE OF.RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS AGAIN THIS SEASON, THEY GIVE SATISFACT- ION. JUST TRY A PAIR: Sweaters and Sweater Coats AT MUCH.. REDUCED <PRICES BEAUTIFUL COLORED Mr.. T. It. , Ferguson atnd, fa,mi]yr OOL JERSEYS ,FOR BOYS AT .$2. 00 AND" $2,25, pent' the week lend and' Thatn�tsgav>Qyg d ... Day in; Teeswater, Mss, Ferguson's other, .Mrs. Ballough, after several aveews here, returned to T"e,es;wa,'ter withthem, ALL - Southcott Bros THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTb,. Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dieting car rervice. Slerepong cans on right train and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full inforroglon from any Grade! 'trunk Tarcket Agent, or C. E. Horn•. tug Distnct Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE Poe 46w. Agent. Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R. R. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron go, Farm and stock sales a specialty; Four years experiences. DR. At E, TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. F. Roulstoar, L. D. S., D. D. " DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, ft Honor Graduate Toronto Uniegrgiq Office—over Gladman & Stenliure'i Office, Main Street, Exeter. ' C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR AND VALUATOR for Counties of Hone Perth, •Middl sex and Oxford. FICA Stock Sales a Specialty. Office it Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario, FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer ,for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Price's Reasonable and Satkfaetioq Guaaanteed. Crediton, Ontario. MONEY TO I;,OAN We have a large amount of private funds to loaan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN &' STANHURY . BarzMtsrr, Safi eltor's, Ext