HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-2, Page 8EX ET ER 11 V El CATE, TELUEBEAT. NOV. t112 Exeter Markets .CH ANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat 1.05 Oats ••.. 40 i‘lea:wha'a. Best Flour 3.$0 3.55 Farely Fuleny Flour ..... .... .... . . 3.30 Feed dour . 1.$5 Sheets. 1.40 Brae.... ..... ......... .... ... . . 1.25 creamery Butter ......... ee, .... . 38 to 40 Deiry Butter -a- .. . . 34 to 37 Ege•-3 , „, . e .. . .. ...), ,..... 42 19 Hay per ton $9.00 to $10,00 Potatoes, per beg Hogs, per cwt. 9.00 60 A FORMER BOX" BACK TO EXETER His many friends were glad to wel- come Prof. e.eslie Hearts, oe Hamil- Wu, back for the week -end. Owing absence of Prof. Anderton, organist of James SE., wbo was presiding at an ergatt in London, the Committee secured the services of Mr. Hearts. Ir. Hearts is the organist in Emerald street Methodist church, Hamilton, aud bae e large class itt vocal and in- strumental 11111,Sie in the city. The rept attention and malty appreciative remarks are a testimony of his sue- eees as organist. In the Sabbath School M. Hearts gave evidence of his ability as a Leader In soeg, to call out the voices in young and old to their last efforts. We are glad to see Mr. Hearte ad say "Come again," .1,111.1ff ff• A Hot Oyster Supper on Sat'y ev'g Nov. 11. (Armstice Day) from, 5,30 to 10,30 P. In. Particulars next week. CHICKEN PIE SUPPER. The ladies of Covert Presbyter:am Chureb wilt g:ve. a Chicken Pie Sun - per in the Sehoce gall of be church on, Friday cyereng, Nov. 10, from o to e. Come and enjoy a good hot eup- per. Asimiss:en 35c and 50c. LINSEED MEAL FOR SALE AT the Exeter Fax e41. LOST.-Bleek Persiao Lamb Muff,. on Monday, Oct 30th, beiween Exeter, end a mite and half east. Finder Lind- y inform The Advocate Oflace, C0tNTER. CHE-C-KT. When in need of Counter Cheeks eall on The Advocate. We can furn- ish you with all .kinds et right prices.' Dr, E. Almend, the noted Eye -Sight Speeialist te. Toronto, will be at the Catitral Hotel Exttee on Friday, Nov 3rd, afternoon, and Sat Nov. 4th. .STRAY HEIFER. A two year old heifer strayed onto a farm in Hay Township. For partic- ulars apply at the Advocate Office. --- GOOD HORSE WANTED For delivery cart.- H. C. Rivers butcher, Exeter. ---- LOST-Cheyrolet car crank some- where near Exeter north. Finder pleas: inform Advocate. HOUSE FOR SALE. OR RENT. Red. brick, two full storey, practic- ally new, ha.s three bedrooms, parlor, dining room, pantry, bathroom, kit- chen, hydro lighting and hot air.furn- ace. Good well. One-fifth acre of land. Centrally situated in Exeter. Apply to Esii. Heywoo-d, Exeter, FOUND. -A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 31c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North EXETER 0. K CIDER MILL AND Apple Butter Factory moved to new premises, corner of Main and Wel- lington St., opposite the Metropolitan Hotel. Will be open every day. Try me in the new stand, customers. I thank you, S. J. V. CANN. PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and 8 lots of land, situated in, Exeter North For particulars apply to a Bierling. Hay P. 0. Local Doings Gasoline ia selling in Exeter at prices reuetne, from 28c. to 33c. ft L .estlitoited that Gozest water- ,,,erks wail cost $101,4efe Meneay next is Than,kegiying Day. fle day is also lexed as Armestiveelay Canada. The yielde of green ea ()Mere). Ibis ear show aa estimated average crease, of 43 pe,e seat over last year. Dr. Ward is weaving into the house on Mein, Street, recently vacated by Mrs.l'enight and Mrs.. Drew, being the reeriie half of the James Pickard reel- denee, now owned by Mrs. Grry. aineee Nierrel hove moved late. elr, :ash tieywoo-vs house or. Laughall St. aeceney vacated by Me. C C. In/on. 1r. jeam. Preszcator of Swollenis e (wimpy tee house he pun:heeled ,,roat ;slisaes \Ierr4 on Aaa Street. Mr. ereszact moved, in. with his feria ity stn alenday. .ter ataleirre it a L.:4' With r4,t.:ter- boro oia Wednesday Qf. .1.a.$E, week, when they defeated Peeerboro 6-3 at Lueare they lost elle play-off Gan on. Saturdey, the Peterbtere. teem- SCOT - iaZ runs to Lueen'e 4. The boys of the n.eightaringvLUa eeserve erecht, 'ebWVCr, lor rer.g tu ; ai and mekine their oppeaeute play good ball to woe elise elazel Preszeator bas resigned ber'positien, as clerk, weth Messrs, Har- vey tare Harvey. Mr, August 11» i. ome-Mg Iris household. effecte twin Ceediten into the new house. artekrera sleet owned by Mr. C. B. Snell. Rev. M. J. Wilson ,goes to Seaforth w lake anniversary services for Rev, Irwin, who tale.s Mr. Wilson's work here next Sabbath. Ilaeloween parties were, ehe leerier oa Tuesday night.,,, end teeny a and jolly gathering of young folks wee bvid inethe borne John Hawthorne, bartender at, the Commercial Hotel, Seeferth, was fined $1,000 and coste, or four months an Jae, on 2, charge (et selling liquor. Mr. John Cole of Usborne has des- pesed of bis fifty acre farm en the Thames Road to Mr. Thos. Cameron of town Mr. Cole takes Mr, Center- oa's dwelling, Andrew St., Exeter, on the eale. • CLOSING U. F. 0. STORES. Fn40eving fast on the closing up ot their etail stores at Harrowsreete, Thomas, Dorchester and Feeeteseee, comes the rEeWe tbaS. the United Farm ers' Co-operative Company has dosed its retail store in Toronto.. This store is an historie ORO and, its prox-holtY to the St. Leyrence market made et popular. The South Huron, Choral Society EIA.LLOWE'EN. rendered "Tbe Meseieb," at 3be Pres" e The greeter number of the pranks byterien. Church, Seafortb, on Frith)* played on Tuesday night ill. IOWA were evening, under the directorship of Profoi a harmless uatute, but mere, were A;•Wrton. Messrs. Renate adGood- exceptions where property waan.eede wee ea Heresell, 7elies I-14st of ZttriOt leealy destroyed. Boys and girls, for and Visa Oesteicher of Crediton 'took their own good ,ratttne, should avoid the, 'solo parts. A large audience beard the useless losskof ,preperty, and play the rendition. Alter the concert the the zatue in an Anneeere, way. ejlene freehme Ladies .A.id ot the Church :served re- fancy dresses am false aes were nte DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Op tician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous *Diseases Spectacles scientifically flt- ted Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by .appo•ntm nt Of fie e -W eliam and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. Betts' Home -lade Bakery • Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing." Headquarters for HIGH CLASS BREAD mern[0111•111.1. in. evidence onthe streets, and ie kiddies bad a lot %of elan KILLED IN THE WEST, NEEDLE IN HER BODY. .Mise Olive M. Taylor, while attend- ing a re -un of ,the family at Lon-- den, met with a peculiar accident on Weenesday of last week. A ,nernber , of the Jennie- had placed one needle - anti was earned 80 ifeet 4)21, t-terender work on. the, back of a thee; end liss ot a street car. lie was hone Tayier sating on the chart-, leaned GiUvray TownsbZle near Exeter, Ont., bark on the work ,with the result 60 neer.% ago. He gradua.ted, from Tor that. the needle entered the fle:h be - onto thuveretty en 188e. He 1d PeNe ilow the shoulder, and before, it. eouid toratee at Guelph, Bruise's, clone(); withdrawn, had imbedded itself in Chatham and, Woodstock, also in Que her body. X-ray e and an eperetton bec City, Lethbridge and Edmoeori. were cery, but the. ..1e2die rola Mr, Cobbledick is survived by e widow not be recovered. Further X rav ex - and three children. amen.. Ilcl to lecate the rice:tee Deceased was known .1n, Exeter Mess Taylor is xecovereng from the. in his early days, and. was a. son of the operetion. and is resting for a week tate Samuel Cobbledick of Eeter, e. xeter, and .'ea et}emu in the city, itLbe meae_ abrother of Josex:41 Cohbledick of tzml Reta Rowe is Lakin her I werk teacher in Exeter Pub Calgaren formerly of Exeter, School. Czdearae Alta„ Oct. 2t6h-Rev. G. Cobbledick, pastor of St Faure :aleth- *dist Church, H:lburet, Alberta, died leet ni;ehtt from inures received earlier in, the day when the automobile he was driving stalled on the street car tracks • BUNS AND °ARES , Special attention given to orders tor Picnics, Luncheons and Wed- • dings. WEDDING CARES A SPECIALTY The Big Livery •Whenefoing out hunting give es a cat forget' anything you have to in Were right on the jab tto -CARTAGE' AND LIVERY. hone 58* SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY The Family Herald end Weekly Star of Montreal, seems to bave a genius for collecting, or at least for gireet us the best of everything. it beeauee all needs are catered to, and all minds receive what they need, erel rel houeeholds are giv.en from the experience of the past and the wisdom of the present what is necessary for todey and for tomorrow also, that none can afford to be without the Family Herald and. Weekly Star, particularly as the subscription price or 82.00 a year is within the means) of all. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hell 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting 7 p.nr.-Sattvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School And Bible Qass. Cottage meetitags in North End on Tuesday night Capt Hopkins Lieut Hoskins Y. P. C. A.. The Y. Rooms are open each night. Games on the _Alleys, Volley Bali, Bas- ket Ball, Boxing and Trapeze Work all tend to develop muscle' and health Programmes, Debates and Entertain- ments will be arranged later. Tournaments Friday night and priz- es given " All come. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a. m.- 7 p. Rev A. A. Trumpet., Rector. ("AWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. an. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a, an - 7 pm.- Boy Scouts will meet Mondayevening Mrs, Essery and iNfies Vera Spent the week end in London, Mr. Richard Bissett of London spent Friday with relatives here. Mr. John Salter of London -visited airs. 'Nark Salter thia week. ale Alf. Bedford of London pent a day or two in. town last week, Dr. and Miss Kinsman motored to Guelph and spent the week end. Swalnyell was the guest ol Edith Hyndman, during the past week. arr. Archie Davis of Toronto, is holidaying at his home here for a week. Messrs. Harold Kuntz and Young Creech returnled aDeltroit MOndtty. Mr. and Mr. .N, I. Dore returned from a visit in Chicago on Saturday. Mrs. Becher of New Hamburg is e-isitiog her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning. Miss Salome Finkbeiner spent Satur- day and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Herb Jones at Ie-ippnen. Mr. and "Airs. A. Smith and nephew of Brantford spenf. the week end with Jr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. Mrs. Wilbur 'Martin returned last week from a visit with, her sister, Mrs. Victor. French, at Wejtaskiwin, Alta.d Mrs. Diamonof Detrodit spent a few days with her ,cousiin, Mrs. Win. May. She was formerly ;Miss Ella' Rollins. Mrs. J. T. Hawke end deughter; Mrs. J. E. Barry of Monetere N. B., have been visoing reletteves, the Ha.ry,ey fameily, ily, here. Mrs. .5. W. Mallett ,and son Kenneth of London have been, visiting during during the past week with Mr. and, Mrs Esli Heywood. .r Mrs. ". A. Chapman, enr1 son Forbes left Friday for Leamfaigtoe to joeri Mr. Chapman, the rnana,ger of the, Bank of Commerce .in that town. Miss Dorothy Malbett and Miss E1- vine Price visited' Saturday and Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs,. Esli Heywood, returning, to London, Monday. Mr. John M. Broderick of Regina, while on a bus,iness trip Toronto and Detroit, viefited with hie mother and Ms ter here on Thursday last. Me.ssrs. S. Fitton, W. Icgins:, Welsh and D. Russell have gone on JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH a .shooting exped9tion., one hundred or pastor, m. Wilson, B.A. so mile.; north, in Bruce County. .Mrs; DeCou and eleiss IVIcCou of Rev., R. Fulton Irwin coif Sea,fortia Stmthroy, MaZ. Calvert anid :1),Ides CaL- will concitict 'mornilng ,igyening see= vert of, 'Toronto -pigged M1rs. M. R. vices., comp:tin last *eel(' and assisted her in , . the reception' on Thursday last. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible ' • All are iriveted. Thames Road Presentation -On ,VridaY evelling MAIN ST, METHODIST CHURCH Leer week. the leoiee of. one of (the • Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. nia.saes of the Thames koad Sunda Phane21r3 •School met at the home Of their tea - 11 a.m-Rev.„ Pnincijpal .Dobson •. cher, My. j. Almer StePart, »bj.ng d their appreciation of his work, 3 T.m.-Sabbath' r Sett* and Bible and their good will toward their tea- , Classes, che,r by pr.eseating 116m, And his bride 7 p, -Rev. W. c: H. McMaster, M. A, with a handsome chalr. Mr. Stewart • AT BETHANY voiced' the aP‘Oreciatton Airmlelf dad, Mns Stewart in a'fitting iePlY, after 2,30 aerrt.-teev. W. tG. H.: McAlister whi;11. a inlay even:Ina 'was- 'Pent to- ,-reorrallOor rollsralliorrisrosolorinorrogrioll 32 JONES 84 MAY PH°NE 32 PHONE Men's and Boys' Overcoats At Moderate Prices. t We invite you 'to game to this stere and inspect our big range of Over- coats .far Mea. and Boye, See our fine new clothe in all the latest colors, of Greens, Fawn., Brown, Grey, Etc., with new Kimone Sim -cc, belted or plain, just as you wish, Our Boy/ Coats are all made from the same. Clothe as They wj1 pleate you. Young Men's Overcoats at $15.00 -About 25 Coats 5,n. .the lot, good all wool cloths, sold regularly at $25 to $30. All to .go At $15 'Coat. Small Boys' Coats Often, bard to ,get. We ilave them ,frOra age two years up; well lined and In good colors, Men's Fine Brown or Black Shoes Genuine Goodyear -Welt Shoes, ramie in Fine Calf Leather, Priced at 35.00, 36.03 and $6.50' .Cheaper lines at $3,75 and 34.50 Women's Cushion Sole Shoes at $41 )'test the thing in „Good, Comfortable Shoe for around home. We guar. antee the wear and you will enjoy the rzonefort of them. Hurlbut Shoes for Children Don't forget that we are Exeter Agent., for Ilia famous line of Chil- d:We Shoes. Sold at The same Klee .eYeryeitere. This is the cheapest aboe in the long run that you can, buy Ladies' and Misses' Coats at $15 We have odd line of beautifue quality Coats, in peel cniors and styles Clearing while they last at less than Half price. $15.00 coal, Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, 98c. pair Ladies' pure thread Silk Hosiery in Black only. Sizes 9, 9Z and 10 Slightly imperfect weave, to clear at 98e, pair. JONES & MAY Illaeellsgleeeiglersigresellreella 1. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor,Notary Plitlic Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in. Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 pew cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me Money to loan at lowest rates of infterest Office -Carling Bk.,.Main St, Exeter Th.e. Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on anerfcation. Stray Animals -One insertion three insertions S1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lints, For Sale, To Rglit, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found lois 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c _per Vine per insertion. No notice lecss than 25c, Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sale33 for one insertion and 31,50 for each subsequent in- sertio.n if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and Sc. aline. Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion foe one mouth of four insertions, 50c., SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' Coats. WE. ARE SHOWING SOME VER Y SMART MODELS IN MISSES, and LADIES' FALL AND WINTER COATS. ALL WE ASK IS A' CHANCE, TO SHOW YOU OUR LINE, New Hosiery for Fall and Winter WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE RANGE OF COLORED CASHMERE HOSE, AS ,WELL AS SILK AND WOOL at $1,00 and.$1.25 Miner Rubbers and Rubber Boots WE ARE SELLING THIS SPLENDID LINE OF RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS AGAIN THIS SEASON. THEY GIVE SATISFACT- 10N. JUST ,TRY A PAIR. Sweaters and Sweater -Coats A1MUCH RbDtTCED PRICES. BEAUTIFUL 'COLORED ALL "- W001, JERSEYS FOR BOYS AT $2, 00 AND 32.25, k outheottBroS THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTia Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car see Sleeping care On night trains and Perim' cars on. principal day trains - Full information Irons any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn - bog District Passel/leer Agent, TOressto N. J. DORE Phone 46w. Agent, Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R. No, 1, Da,shwocka Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty, Four years experience 13R. AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonelPs Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr, G. F. Ratilston, L. D. S., D 8. DENTIST Office aver Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. It. KINSMAN, L. D S., D. D. 5. Honor Graduate. Toronto UniwirO1t7 Office -over Madman & Stanbureil Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED ALTCTIC)NEk..R, AND VALUATOR for Counties 'of Heron • Perth, Middlosex -and Oxford. •FIstui Stock Sales a Specialty. - Offic,e at Central. Hotel, Exeter, Ontario, FR.A.N1C TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Cocottes of . • Huron and "Middle. Pzicies Reasonable end SASOrfactoon • d,COEY a40000,t,of pri'vat� funde•:.tIn loan. on 'farm.' and pro•perty:•at kw rates. of, 'inter0it„..1.•,..', •.„-..