The Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-2, Page 3PANGS OF NEURALGIA This Painful Trouble is Due to Poverty of the Blood. Neuralgia is one .of the most painful maladies that aifllets ltuxnanity. The trouble is usually seated in the face or head, following the coutste of some nerve, but it attacks bther harts of the body as well, It is characterized by acute pains, sometimes steady, at others spasmoaie and darting, liut whatever course it takes the pain is agonizing' and almost uubearable, Medical authorities agree that neural- gia is due to poverty .of the blood— that the nerves are actually being starved. It is blether agreed that if the blood is purified and enricbed the trouble will disappear., It is for this reason that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have been eo successful in treating neuralgia. They enrich the hood which feeds the starved, aching nerves. and thus bring relief to tbe sufferer, whose general health is also unproved. Proof of, the value of these pills in cases of this kind is ,3'ven by Mrs. M. Brown, R,R, No. 1, Warsaw, Ont., who - says: "I have taken_ ler. Williams' Pink Pills aad can recominead them as be - leg the best medicine I know of for neuralgia, Two years ago I hail an at- tack of this trottllle la the Week and Shoulder, The repented attacks cf. the Pain were of such frightful intensity that ray life was alulost unbearable. I consulted two doctors end took their medicine, but without relief. I bad. taken I)r, Williams' Plnit, P111s years ago, when they helped ins wonderfully, and I decided to try them again. Be- ene I lied taken more than a half dozen boxes the pain bad disappeared, and 1 have since enjoyed the best of health, thanks to Dr; Williams' ,Piuli: Pills."" You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 55.00 from The Ilr. Williams' ;Uedicine Ca„ Brockville, Out. "A GOOD SERVANT, BUT A BAD MASTER." —British sad Colonial Press. Importance of Weed. If you stop to think of it, you will realize that the city man wed woman are far more concernet1 with what bap, pens to tI,•s forest than the fanner or the mountaineer. It will be tee city people, not those who sive unser the shadow of the trees, whose standard of living will first suffer from the lack of woad. It takes more wood, used ill more ways, to feed, °lathe, and house fie city dweller than those who live where the food and the lumber come front. Per after the raw material is produced it utast be shipped, mann- factured, and distributed, and ell these are impossible without woad. Girls with blue eyes and fair hair' invariably look best in blue, while greeny tinted eyes naturally suggest the russet tints of autumn, 1 The Traffic 12 iabit-Forming Drugs Lir', J. G. Shearer, Secretary Social Service Council of Canada. Addiction to the use at hablaformiug Quebec 237 133 iO4 drugs .such as opium, morphine and { British Columbia .. , 316 300 15 cocaine has assumed suck largo pro- portioue and been so difficult to SUP- j Total , . , . , ........ , 845 634 211 Press and makes suck terrible 1::tv oc, physical, mental and moral of its en- slaved victims as to cause grave con - ecru to leaders alike in Church and State. Parliament is always unanim- ous In making the Opium and 'Narcotic Drugs Act more stringent and effect- ive. The only question raised by mem- bars in t'otnmons or Senate le bow best to acecunplish the end sought. Tiee present Premier, Right eon. W. L. MacKenzie King, then Minister of Labor, introduced the Act in 1911. It ]las been strengthened since under the Right Bonorables Sir Robert Borden And Art el Q Arthur h i<t ghen, and last session under the Hon. H. S. Deland, Minister of Health. The penalty was raised to seven years. Whipping was added where drugs are supplied to juveniles, and uuuaturalized aliens convicted of offences were ordered deported after serving sentence. It is interesting to note tbe distri- bution of this traffic iu the provinces of the Dominion. The very latest figures supplied by the Federal De- partment of Health, giving the num- bers for Federal convictions for the year ending 31st March, 1922, are as follows: Non- Chin- Chin - Total ese ese Prince Edward Island 0 0 0 Nova Scotia 9 3 1 New Brunswick ... , 14 9 5 Manitoba , ...... 15 0 Ontario ,. , .. 66 52 Saskatchewan ... 88 73 Alberta 101 59 We have arrauped theeo iiguees In ascending scale. The first flet that stares ono in the face is the tremendous proportion of Chinese in this stunmary of effenders •-634 out of 845. The now law attach- ing deportation as a penalty will prob- ably in a few yearn materially- alter these figures. It is likely that many, irerlrnpa most of the Chinese ()Venders, are not Canadian citizens and are therefore subject to deportation when convicted. These must either mend, their ways or leave Canada. It is interesting to note that no mention is made of Japanese or East Indians in this statement. It is sometimes argued by those op- posed to ,prohibition of the traffic In intoxicants that it results in increased addiction to the use of drugs. These official figures effectively knock the props from under this contention. The two provinces not under prohibition show 552 convictions out of 545 for all Canada. If tbe Chinese are Ieft out the figures are 119 in these two pro- viuces out of 211 in all Canada. 1 do not argue that prohibition les- sens the use of drugs but that It cer- tainly does not increase it. British Columbia's quota of 15, omitting the Chinese, which are more numerous there than in any other part of Cana- da, is not abnormal].• large. being the same as Manitoba's and Saskatche- 15 wan, s. But it is singular that in all 14 the Western Provinces, leaving out the 15 Chinese, the convictions are • Draper - 42 tionately much • larger than in Ontario WORDS OF PRAISE FOIL B DT'S O11 tiRIJETS No medicine receives such great Praise from thankful mothers as do Baby's Own Tablets. once a mother has used them for her little ones she will use nothing else. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the Vowels and Stomach: drive out constipation and indigestion: relieve colds and simple fevers; pro- mote healthful sleep and make teeth- ing easy. Concerning them ;tl:s. Ozaer LeBien, litaddiugton Falls, Que., writes: ---1 ala well satisfied wall Baby's Own Tablets and will always use them for my little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Qut. A cunning man is seldom 1.1wan never honest and the Maritime Provinces. Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and British Co- lumbia have 15 each anti Alberta 42; Ontario 1.4, with a population of half a million more than the four com- bined. The case of Quebec is also not easily explained, Two hundred and thirty seven, including Chinese, or 104 not including them, is abnormal. This is certainly .not to be charged up to the French Canadians. Out of the 237 in that province only 21 are outside Montreal in an almost solid French population, and ot those 21 only 11 are non -Chinese. This ,s highly credit- able to Quebec outside Montreal, Montreal itself is the most perplesing,. The Health Department's more com- plete report gives Montreal 216, in. eluding Chinese, or 93 without them in a .population, of perhaps 750,000. Com- pare this with the figures for the whole ot the Maritime Provinces, 25 including Chinese, or 6 without them,' out of a population of 1,000,000. Or compare it again with Ontario con viotions--66 Including 'Chinese or 14 without them, out of a population ot not much less than 3,000,000. This can hardly be explained by the cosmopolitan ebaracter of Montreal's population. Winnipeg, Vancouver and other cities are quite as cosmopolitan in proportion to population as Mont- real. And there is no finer type of population anywhere than the people of Montreal in general. Montreal has had for many years en abnormally large and (at least nega- tively) tolerated colony of criminal, that is, commercialized social vice, as the reports of the Montreal Committee of Sixteen conclusively sk'ow. niphpupu �r'j° NtAt ' a iD69' V4h10V A BEVERAGE ofditterent Paris of Whe euoorl patios bf Morass, �;`r:••errl. y.,w„ w tum Cereal Conrpan • �I�,;f; eufu GULNtcx.0 5k -: %IT Y Ce—fl rOUal OUNCES riaF:ae, -` ... es,aeenetee EVERY man or woman who has come to depend upon the morning cup of tea or coffee is a slave to the use,of Caffeine. Caffeine, the irritant in tea and coffee, often robs the system cf the joy of living—the priceless blessing of bounding, spontaneous, natural health. It is easy to snap the bonds and feel the surge of.rich, red blood through your veins and arteries. Thousands of sufferers from the effects of—'caffeine have found quick and permanent relief ifi Instant Postum—the healthful cereal beverage made from roasted Wheat. Start TODAY. You'll find the flavor and arorna both delight- ful and satisfying. Sold by -grocers everywhere! Instant PostumFOR HEALTH Ca •T1.1tM,•.¢ba _"There's a Reason" A generous sample tin of Instant Pdsturn sent, postpaid, for 4o In stamps., Write: ,titan Pastieln Cereal Co.,•Ltd., 45 P'rontSStreet, E., Toronto Factory: Windsor, Ontario sl tat r -e w It Blade A India Has Highest Dam. i.�talittTiiffe I ctirer'ijse'>sy, nb ` India is to have the world's highest lir eeo a'; a� dam across a river gorge 395 feet deep o n and more than 1,000 feet wide. Of Him Ask far Minardee and take no other. Thousands of people needlessly en- dure a bait stele, nervous, run -dawn condition when thee might enjoy sturdy, robust health and all its mani- fold blessings it they only knew what to do- 'People in this condition find 'Pulite soon ends their trouble and builds up abundant strength, anergy and vitality. John Ahern, of 1 Boult• bee Ave., Toronto. Ont., says: "Stomach treuble had me in a gen- eral run-down eondit:tin. I'was badly constipated, had headaches and dizzy sPeiis'awl felt worn out all the time.. MY' wife received seen splendid results from Tarlac that I took it rnyaelt, Now, my troubles are things ot the past and I'm a well man once mare," Nervousness and a run down, tired - out feeling are but symptoms of a hidden cause, wlticle usually lies in the stomach. Taulae enables you to digest your food properly, eliminate waste and regain your old time strength and vigor, Get a bottle to- day at any good druggist. Advt- The Future. "Tis well that the future is 'hidfrom our sight, That we walk In the sunshine, nor dream of a cloud; We cherish a flower, think not et the blight And dream at the loom that Ina/ weave us a shroud. It was good, it was kind, in the Wise One above To fling Destiny's veil, o'er the Lace of aur years, So we see not the blow that shall strike at our love, And expect not the beam that ;;hall dry up our tears, Though the cloud may be bark, there is sunsbine beyond it; Though the, night may be long, yet the morning Is near; Though the vale may 1,3 deep, there is music around it, And hope 'mid our sorrow, bright Lope is near. "Cock and Bull Story." The term "cacti and bull story" or- iginated from a seventeenth -century phrase, "Cocks and bulls and flutes and fuddles,idle tales and foolish rid - dies." MOTHER! Open Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" ` STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU tartly' End indigestion or Stomach Misery with "Pape's Diapepsin" As soon as you eat a tablas or two of "Pape's Aiapepsin" your indigestion. es goner Heavy pain, heartbarn, flatu- lence, gases, palpitation, or any miser:" frons a sour, acid stomach ends. Cor- rect your stomach and digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist, Wide of the Mark. Last week we were invited to a friend's home far dinner. They had a lovely silver service on the table, and, as we sat down, my small son, with had never seen one be- fore, called to me "0, Mother, we're going to eat tin plates. Isn't that jolly? Just like being at a picnic;" tie 1VIONEY ORDERS. When ordering :goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. A Forest of Quinine. The cinchona forest in Java covers' about 25,000 acre&. The larger part of the world's supply of quinine comes " froth that country. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Stories of Famous People. Took All the Poor Beggar Had. Augustine Blrreli, in his early days at • the bar, often had many poor Clients. On ono occasion the defend- ant was so poor that Barrell offered to handle his case for nothing. Birreld won the case, and the grateful client sent hint fifteen, shillings.. In order not to hurt the man's feelings, Mr, Bir- relI accepted the fee, but a fellow law- yer reproached him for doing s•o. "Don't you know," said the fellow lawyer, "that it is unprofessional to take less than gold?" "Well, said Mr. Barrell; seriously, "I took all the poor beggar had. You don't consider that unprofessional, do you?" Metba's Little Vanity, 'Melba; the famous singer, has a very pretty wit:. One rather likes this story which bas just been told of her. Not long ago, she turned up• unexpectedly at a charity cafe-cliantant in London, and piit 'everybody'in a flutter. It was too good an opportunity to 1)e missed, and the organizer of the charity rush- ed to Melba with outstretched hands. "How deligahatful to see you hers!, she exclaimed. "Everybody wants tobear you sing badly." But Melba shook her head, "Then I'm afraid . they won't," she said, "beoause, you see, I can't:" He Nearly Guessed. "I'm improving in drawing,- mother," said the little girl, "Are you, dear? That's good,"" "Yee. 1 drawed a cake on my slate and brother guessed it was an oyster. He knew it was somethiii' to. eat, any- way, didn't Ire?" ISSUE No, 43—'22. Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is Listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or bas colic, give a teaspoontul to cleanse the liter and bowels, In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison. sour bile and waste out et the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again, Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- t spoentul 'to -day saves a sick child to- morrow, Ask your druggist for geiu- ire "Caliternia Fig Syrup" which line directions tor babies and cbildren at all ages printed on bottle. Mother" You Must say "California" or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. A Health Saving. REMINDER: t Don't *OEN;x'tl. W.a2V.CS1T- AP+r--PRIVATE QIiIISt As GREET - O ing card_-- sample book tree; men a, women aheady making :lyup dally in spare time, 13radley.Limltea Bract ford, Chit,. z . �j.� STI iL z.131-1SVS. S37,Ai4".t'0rit,-- g -i A# allowance; ; first class trainning' in surge cal, medical and obstetrical work; full course of lectures. Apply `luperintend- ent, Weat End Hospital, 35 $' i ay;na Ave., Cbjeago,Ill., U.S.A.- MUT 4 IsfAYBED, XlroNT BLDG., Yor ge Street. Toronto, Registere4 nt Attorneys. Send far free booklet. BELTING FOR SALE .J+;LTI,'+rG O e J LI', KI\°1!'S. NB1v Gif+. used, pulleys, saaws cable, hose,. otc„ shipped. subject to approval at low- est prtc,:s in Canada, York Belting Co., 116 York St. Toronto. A man can be a pessimist when he can't be anything e!se, "Calc rets" 10c For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels To clean out your laoweii cramping or overacting, take Casca- rete. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indigestion, sour. upset stomach and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-up and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy. ►dwar qe > a fOrAMitl hook on. DOG, DISEASES and. Tor to Iessa, Matta, Twee to any ,AO. Oen! by the aeitttor. at. G av4r 6Q. ma% 328 eat 24th Street ,low COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Caalots TORONTO SALT WORKS .I, CLIFF TORONTO wait until you ge, sick's' NEARLY CRAZY Clears the Pores Of Impurities Daily use oftheSoap, with oc- casional touches of the Oint- ment as needed, cleanses andpurifies theskinand ,- keepsit free from pim- pies and 1 i blackheads. Cuticura Talcum is ideal for powdering and perfuming. Soap 2Se. Ointment 25 and SOe. Talcum 25e. Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot t rotes, Limited, 344 St. Peal St., W., Montreal. ijiirCuticura Soap shaves without rnug- i WITH PAINS IN BACK, Read How Lydia E. Pink-' haul's Vegetable Compound. Helped Mrs. Beecroft Bamilton, Ontario, --"I bare suf- fered for three years from a female trouble and consequent weakness, pain and irregularity whieh kept me in bed four or five days each month. I nearly went crazy with pains in my back, and for about a week at a time I could not do my work. I saw Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound advertised in the 'Hamilton. Specta- tor' and I took it. Now I have no pain and am quite regular unless I -overwork or stay on my feet from early morning until late at night. I keep house and do all my own work without any trouble. I have- xecom- znended the Vegetable Compound to several friends." --Mss. Emmy BEE - mom, 16 Douglas St., Hamilton, Ontario. For nearly fifty • ears women have been telling how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering with. female ills. This accounts for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast. If you are troubled with any ail- ment peculiar to women wby don't you try Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound? It has helped others, let it help you, UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism, Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pairi Handy "Bayer' boxes of 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aapirtrt is thn trails mark (registered InCanada) or Barer 'Manufacture of Moi 5: areticaaidester of Salioyiiractd• while it i; well known that ds pirin 111,717:4 !'.' •r manufacture, to assist ihe.Mablic against ituitations, the-'rai!lits of l ager ern; ! f will be stamped with thew general trade naris. the " ays.r Cro,,s,'"