The Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-2, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR, Our Corner Many Still Found. one Farms --News= pap 'er dteadiine, There seems to be Ve Bacchus-boy-th'e-farm movement, (If 4%ot clear, read Ancient History.) We've heard of alot of rough parties !Alt nothing to beat one. of which we read an, account recently to this ef- R If:k,-"As midnight approached the party waxed Keary." . A change has been made in the Vot- ers' List Act by the Ontario Legis - Wert, After the posting up of the Priaite_d last by the Clerk, twenty-one: days are note allowed ,on, which to ',ea- ter eppneals, instead of thirty days as formerly, It any errors ,in the list may appear by the judge to be due to the ateelect of the assessor for clerk the judge may order the, said' ase'ssor or clerk to pay all costs oc- casioned by such errors, GOOD GLASSES IF YOU .NEED THAN, GOOD ADVICE IF YOU DON'T j, WARD, D.C„ Optometrist One Bloc: west of Public Library,-» S. E. Corner. Reasonable prices. Phonic 43 for appointment PHONE 81 The Men's Store Men's Two -Trouser Suits Unbelievable WOOL AND WOOL MIXED $22 and $25 All WooiSuits $25 to $30 Overcoats GABERINES ..417 to $25 MIXED TWEEDS $9 to $20 LIGHT WOOL TWEEDS $15 to $25 SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, ETC AT 'REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. W. Ift Daman - Tailor& Furnisher AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN" .E . T.ER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NOV. 2, 1922 SA,a,,,rJ w+a.s,v1 tet the moment the .trouble in Ire land seem: to be ,Doubjlin'. The woman wlio doesn't fight against being; kissed, usually isn't worth the kissing. A wife who. is nearer deceived by her husband is the one who can always tell when he is lying. The quality and quantity of the field crops un, Canada tbj.s, year is said to be the best ;the country has ever produced. Exceptionally fine weather has been with us again during the peat week. If tail work is not well done thea year it will not be the fault of the weather, In, accordance w=ith the decision of which was runaa] ag at the Marne. at Zurich, the Council at a special meeting held The funeral of the late Richard De- The Hydro gang are making rapid in the clerk's office on.Mondaynight pro§rens forwards completing the °w- in. g Course) . formerly of near tlu pace, it was decided to,chang.e, 'the route!ot' who died en Sunday :n London, took er erre Lgh. Lass to Creel, ton, They the drain surveyed by the count=y piece from the G. T. R stelion a have trimmed alae trees through the engineer, which teas to pass through St. James Cemetery on Tuesday village and the cross -arms are .lie ng the Canning Company farm to 'the rig- The late Me DeCoursey tvas irtt his put through the village thcs week. Ii er, The course now eat be taken, will 85th year. ! On Monday night 'the Cred:ion Male DON'T CASH THEM. Crooks have bean raising mance er- rsexs on such a scale as to necessitate a. general warning by the federal post- al department. "The .public are warn' ed that money orders should not be casseea for unidentified strangers, par- ticularly orders made payable at other paces." the department advises. In a majority of eases the frauds have been,' perpetrated through the ,crooks nur- chasing money orders for small sutra such as 25c. afterwards raising the amounts :and obtaining payment through business :firms cashing the or- ders. BAR GIRLS UNDER SIXTEEN FROM PUBLIC DANCE HALLS, By an amendment ee the dance hal: law girls under sixteen wr;;al not be allowed to frequent public dance halls: The new provision also stiptrtates that every girl over sixteen must be ac- companied by an escort; dancing must cease at 11.45 o'clock, and anyone be- lieved by the ponce] to be of ani im- moral character is ,to be refused ad- nettanc'e. Non-compliance witth the foregoing regulations means The can- cellation of license. A MAN'S A MAN, New Item -Prominent clubwoman objects to the cdispley of lingerie in: shop windows, on account of its 'effect on the men, 'Tis false to hint that man wee stop, In walking past a .frrou-frou shop, To fix his ;gate, With mind dismayed, Upon the dainties there displayed, For 'tie not man who crowds to see The latest thing in lingerie; Nor is it true ,that he lids sighed O'er silken slips UNOCCUPIED. What does be. care for crepe de chene Which merely decks a window scene? Why should he check his hurried pace To feast his eyes on empty lace? But if a flapper hies Ln view, With skirt cut short, as flappers do - A man's a anon -'tis not denied When silken things are OCCUPIED. The -correct way and the easiest way to dispose of some property or sell some small article, find a tennant for your house, or an arU4e you have lost help when you want art, is to insert a small advt. in the 'Want Column" tb: Advocate. Coal !! 1 CAR STOVE. .1 CAR CHESTNUT 1 CAR PEA. EQUAL PORTION,. OF EACH TO THE BUYER. CASH ON ORDER. $19.00 PER TON. R. • G. Seldon EXETER. Don't Kill Your Wife Of course, y.au, don't 'mean to do so, but did you ever reflect that she -gives more that half of cher time' w malting ,your home beautiful and comfortable, to keeping your clothes so neat and tidy to cooking, boiling and baking those wholesome and delicious foods that have enabled you to go on "working, .tarnnng and sleeping peace and contentment. 'Now, do your part. Make, it easy for her by taking home some of our. Western, Wheat Flour, Thus will your days be spent in peace and ontent/ne.nt and your nights, in refreshing sleep, the natural result of helping your wif=e and home industry. arvey Bros. be along William Street to Albert St,The Women,s Institute met at the Quartette gave pert ;of the program ' thence west to Carling, and along Car an liillsgreenresbykeriara Church ling to Gi n • Streett tit e d a di } , , us the rata r would he all on public highway proe- treasurer, Clandeboye, and packed twoFtersary service: erty. The other course, which fpr in i bales of quilts and warm clothing for, Miss Trellis Hodgins o London accordance with the engineer"s survey, athe r # 1# th e ] dk t 50 00: ; spent the week end iet Mn and Ire McDonald4of Kintore would eber'] hundrea much more dollars less ect way,, ang The same ,titute held a successfu' epent a few days the past week at • ]tome of ,hlre. Thos, Brooks, Secretary it being in connection a th their anne for all practical puspases would serve lialiow.een party, cansiatnte at soc fir C, Zwickee's just as well as the more expensive i`d even:nee and 4lance, n Mooresville lir, and \ire. W. L. Lewis return - course. It is just a question whether Hall on Tuesday evening, when a good ed to their home at L. Lewqu n Park program was "'Ave', as follows r --Vic- ' - rs Pa. the town should ss Blit to that extra lin and pcarro duet by `firs Thompson 1 eaoense, when less money would do Ino Mr. E. Thompson; piano duet 'by the work t I the Misses :Maxwell; instrumental by. Mrs. Hodgins; solos by Miss tMaxwell, `Mils ;diary Neil of Centralia, and qtr. Chas. Hager of 1IcGi1'vray; dramatic Exeter Council readings by Mils Vera P'Neil of Birr IViondaY, October 23rd, 1922, and Mrs. Shriver, the institute dis- trict representative.-T.he small son of A, regular meeting of the Munici Percy Armitage of Biddttlph is quite plc Council was held in the office of ill, -The Rev. Mr. Sinclair of Centralia the clerk. Absent councillor Eller -'conducted tee services on "Educational ington, ,Sunday," in the Methodist Churcli,bere The minutes of the meeting held on Oct. 29. -Thee Trail Rangers head October 9th, were read and approvd. their social evening .on October 27. Letters were read as follows: from t , Mr, John Taylor in answer to the E Council's request to try and provide, 7 a remedy for the odor as caused by ,!> .entra!l? burning old rubher etc, The clerk was instructed to make a reply stat- Mess et.tclial: of Strathroy as Nis - lug that the nulsance must be abated ituig weth her niece,. ret Lean Triebnaer 71, Doren% Caldwell, 65 Homer Tinraey 64, Percy ,Gould 63,. Number On. roll 27, averaeo 24. A. L. Dow, teacher. MARRIAGES Crandon -Logan: Ie St. Marys on. Oct. 26, Mary. Herena, youngest daughter of Mrs. Arnie Logan of St efarys, to Mr. Edward C. Craadoa, Strath e roy. Ballard--McIntosh-ln Parkhill on Oct, 20th, Effie, daughter of Mr. and Mx Joan D. elcLntoslt to Arthur J. Sal- heel of Detroit. SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. No. DEATHS 2, Hay for October. -Sr. JII., Isabel Russel=l 71, George Tinney 70, Norman Det:ourse.- ln London,Stanlake 63, Ben T=ame) 61; c . II„ an Oct.Qct. 29th, Frei. Triebner 60; Glass 2, Gordon Richard peCoursey, formerly of Lie Greb 77, Harold Rowe 73; Cat's T., can, aged 85 Years, ominion Mores, Ltd. 180 STORES IN ONTARIO. ALL OUR. GOODS ARE OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND ARE SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, IF YOU ARE NOT ATIS- FIEI) TELL US AND WE WILL GLADLY REFUND YOUR MON- EY. forthwith. From Mr. Garrett, Tor- Elliott, OUR.: Special Blend Tea onto, re Index to the amendments to floe school nurse and doctor have FAMOUS the Ontario Statutes, Filed, Mr. R. %ten. sisitang the schools in ihs vicin- HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS USING THIS TO -DAY ( G. Seldon made request that the ity this week. , TRY SOME, ONLY i7 ' council appoint a committee, said Mrs. Nawkehaw of Exeter is Visiting committee to investigate and report at the home of her brother, Mr. J. Kent on the costs of coal es received and A donation of $50,00 from Rev, John EASIFIRST OR offered for sale by the coal mer- missionary of China, was°gratefully re -DOMESTIC SHORTENING ....., 49e. No. ,3 Pail r eiwed by tate congregation here for cdtarats. per Francis—Davis--that the the building ild• ., fund Reeve and Councillor Hooper make of Jlie new clturcb, an inspection and have a report pub- and was presented to the congre,tior„ dished, Carried. by : ir, arta Mrs, Jan, of Winchelsea.; Rev, Sinclair• and Rev. Gefford of Tenders were opened and consider- Lucan exchanged pulpits on Sunday ed for the construction of the Carling last, street sewer, Six tenders in all were received. Tenders were also opened! and considered for the sewer tile and; that of the Clay Products Co. Toronto i was accepted, The fallowing accounts ,were read theiegtodist people of Credi4onand ordered paid,- Grigg Statvonery Co., supplies 29.- served ',Fowl Supper in the church shed o 95; Ward es Morgan, ,repairs for wag- on 'Iltursctay, Oct, 26th. The on, 4.27; Gunningharn & Pryde, en - the Board with the assistance of graving name 3.00; Josh. Heywood, tide the Methodist adherents, suceeedad in 2.40; Thos Appleton, labor as sew- cleaning up the ;church lot so that it er 2100; Ernest Appleton, dicta 21,00 had the aspect of ,respectability after Geo. Stire 29,10; William Laverty, the many months of disuse through the 22,50 H. Lauder"'25.00; James Murray work of the mason,contractors, The 25:00; Gilbert Mathews 16,95; Fred church shed was also cleaned thor- Hunkin 2.50; Jolla Stire 14.10; John ouglily and put %,in tfirs't class order as Cornish j,1.62; Gus ,Dockstador 6,45. an arnpra =sed dining hall. The ladies Passed on motion of Hooper and of the congregation under the able Francis,• leadership of the Ladies Aid Pre.sid•. Adjournment to meet Wednesday, eat were well organized into various Oct, 25, at 7.30, by Francis. ! committees and all =worked well,. and made the supper a real success by Wednesday, Oct. 25, '22 their untiring energy. A special meeting of the Council as l About 1000 people sat ,downy to sup arranged to consider sewer tenders. per, but the size laf the crowd did not Mr, Mallon of Landon being present over tax the .resourcefulness pf the addressed the Council in regard to his kitchen, All received a geed meal. ;for tender. ;the amount charged., and the majority After fully going 'through ,all , de -{felt that their visit j o Crediton was tails of submitted tenders it was mov- worth while. The ,ladies had arranged ed by Councillor Hooper, seconded by eight tables for the accomodataon of Councillor Francis, that the tenders the public. 'These were all laden with as submitted are considered to be too various kind; of pastry, cake, pickles, high and that we proceed to construct etc., etc., and ,the varigty and dain,ti- the sewer by day labor, -Carried. nes' of the spread, beautifully illumm-• Adjournment, 'ated with electric light supplied thru 1the kindness of Albert Moriock, was ' Monday, Oct, 30, 1922 ; most pleasing to the eye, and in ev- A special meeting of the. Council ere respect very appetizing. was called by the Reeve to consider After supper those ,vvho desired re - matters regarding Carling Street sewer. tired to the Town, Hall where a Radio Messrs. S. M. Sanders, W. D. San- Concert was given, interspersed with dere and C. H. ,Sanders; 'of the Exeter readings, addresses, duets and solos. Canning Company, and interested in • Needless to say the. haul was well tilled the property through which the ora-' and the -majority ,present felt espeec- posed drain was to ,be cons ruct(tfed ially iadebted to Mr. ,Yager of Dash-. were present and discussed with the wood who- willingly gave his services Council; the different .routes as pro- in directing the radio concert, This posed. was the first time some of the, folk had It was agreed to adopt the original seen •a radiophone in .operatiop and plan as outlined namely, by William this part of the program, was instruct - Street to Albert, then west to Car- ivc to say the,leas,t. ling and along Carling Street to Gid- , The success -of the occasion was Ley . Street -On n=otion of Ellerington most gratifying to all the workers who end Francis. -Carried. had co-operated in'such a manner in Adjournm=ent. Jos. Senior, Clerk. ROLLED OATS, COLA MEAL WHEATLETS ......... CREAM OF BARLEY PERFECTION FLOUR lbs. 5c .,,7 lbs. 25e. 4lbs. 25e. pkg. 30c. 98's 3.65 , 24's 99c. 41reGtlwwz 1 EVERY SACT.' GUARANTEED BAILS HODGINS ON $250 FOR this church .entertautnsnent, the pro- ceeds a=mounting to $ 550.00. The greater part of this atneourut w,ilIlbe,de- voted to the church building fund. The new church, which is of modern canetruction throughout, its , rateelly HAVING LIQUOR IN CAR nearing completion. The trustees re- grctted the fact that.,the public. could Burley Hodgins 'of Lucas: wa, , al- not see the ,inllenior of they church on lowers out on $250, bad'.:to appear far this occasion, but the opening will trial on a charge for hev:ing liquor in doubtless be within a few weeks, .when a place other than a private dwelllin:g, it will be conceded'by all competent On information: received from the Lout- :to judgetlsattthe tiew le:di:fiaes :is a great' rion police. Prov,inciat Officer R. Y, credit to the Methodislm of this district Stratlton. arrested Hodgins 'near T:aanr ,-,from the point of 'viewof its' interior rlon Friday. In hr,s ]cad- was found a construction, a ,wletlll'as from its ex - sax -ounce bottle of 1i,ttuar: His coulee archtedtuae. cal claimed the defendant,had obtain- ed the il,;ouor' at ,a drug store on a;We are pleaseld to bear that Rod- rai,etae opt ortv., nay Bowma=n us ftp and around again', after being confined ;to his ;,h,ed for four weeks with an attack of 'typhoid fever. "Sim" Pollen, who went West on the Harvest excursion, returned home Sat Clandeboye The autumn Inseldting of the;,, rural meaner)' of West N,iddlese' and the Deanery Women'sAuxiliary was held in' St/James ,Church, Clandeboye on' Wednesday, Nov. 1st. Benjamin Marr ,is suffering from. sev- eral; fractured ribs, numerous bruises an.1 shock as the result of a, sev=ere fall at Geor=ge Cunning -hen -es, threshing. Mr. - dare• was climbing into the mow when a scafield polle slipped, iettin,g him fall, on elle threshing ntachj.nle,. Mrs. 5. Moir, who has been visiting with fri=ends here; and has been tis now recovering n=icely: The rh*t' en, of the. Credntoa Public school 'bel•? a successful Hallowe'en party Tuesday eight, en the: :'school morns. Mr. H. K. Elbe,- alias returned from T=oronto, where he was delegate to the Ev~a,n:geli..al Sunday School convene tions Mss Pel Ort;ve;n, has returned, at - ter a , w'eek's visit with her pe,r1eres BULL DOG or =FLAKE AeZIONIA 3 pits. !3c. SEEDED RAISINS SEEDLESS RAISINS „ CURRANTS ,,.,,..• PASTRY FLOUR, 24 BREAD ........ .. ............ FROM OUR OWN 18c. lb. .,., 18c, lb. ... 23c, lb, lb. bag $5e, 7iic, LOAF BAKERY PHONE 26 J WE DELIVER Phone 9 pERVICE OATISFA.CTION ON.i. OF OUR SPLEENDID STEAKS will make a meal fit for a king. Cut from the very choicest of grain fed cattle it :s meat that proves its supremacy with the .first taste. And with all its ex- tra ,goodness our meat costs no more than ordinary grades. You don't have to pay a more, though you get more at this meat market. Let this Bright, Sanitary Store supply your wants. RIVERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. J. A. STEWA!, T Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." A Full Stock of Winter Goods in All Departments Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats A New Shipment of Ladies' Coats to make a, selection from. They are ,up -to -they -minute in style and very low in price. RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS. We can fit every member of your family in a pair of Fine Rubbers. ... "Get fitted for the wet days are coming." For the men a pair of "Min er's Invincible" Rutbber Boots is the best. They will outwear ell others -bar none. WINTER 11 NDhRWEAR For Ladies and Children we bave Penman's and Turnbull's Underwear in combination and separate garments in all styles. For Men or Boys we can give you Stan.faield's Red or. Blue Label, Penman s fleece luted or natural wool, and the famous Turnbull's "Ceetee" iti separate garments or combinations. 98c. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, 98c. A new Shipment of good -Black and White Stripe Work Shirt. All sizes, Regular $1.50 value for 98c. 6 Lbs best Rolled Oats .for 25c. 3 cakes .Palmolive' Soap, , 23c. ; 35c, fancy Biscuits mixed for 20c Pure Bulk Cocoa 15c. lb. Shredded Wheat Biscuit 12c. pk. 3 pkgs. Kelloggs Corn Flakes 29c J. A. STEWART Highest Prices Paid for Butter Eggs and all kinds of Poultry. *M1011.1111~1114.000%.~.411001.41010%1~, 011400"1101044/410W, Sna'm7_ns,•.,n:..