HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-10-26, Page 8r • EXErEll ADVOCATE, TIELITBRDATI MT. BB, 1928 • • Local Doings dying the week past, and that CHANGED EVERY WEDN4SDAY I Wheat ....... Oata . eleniteb3ea Beet Flour leani.e Fe IX: Pan Fecur Feel Fleur . Vale". plea.eing tall Weather has, been Exeter iklarkets farmers and °there with outside, work eir LaJ tio erth es having Ins boom are' busY ...... 1.03 e • • a 40 south of town veneered, end otherwise Dr. Harburn Seeforths .e., . te4d an. unefficiel. Veit to the Exeter . eeee unproved. 3.40 3.15 1.70 1.40 125 Brae . Creamery Butter Dairy Butter EZIls Lard • • Hay per ton potatoes, per bag Hines per Cwt. 38 to 40 34 to 37 f Lodge at Ceidfellows ermeeday ev- \Vorkmen are e,pgage4 la patting le, eeing exteeoece a,Th imitaltio4.14 ro new shingle roof On Jeenee Street `Rxeter Lodge to confer the Seaand efethodist Church. Deere.... Seafortb. at au early date. Wood brought in by train from The The invitation. was a.ccepted. northern part of, Hu.ron. has beeu 8e11- ing here for $19.50 a cord. SISTER ,IARRIED. 401 Rev, le, G. H. McAlister conducted :Niles L4Wai May, daughter oi tile 19 services i Aseen Street •Neethodist tate Woe :May and. ;Mrs, eelay ot $9.06 to 310.00 church. London, on Sunday. (alai!, was married o.n WedOedele . et 60 Oct. 15, to Dr. W. Hale, of that, towns 10.00 ;Mese Beatrice Howey, who underwent s etessrs. e.lay and ..Feed, May an operation for appe,neliciaes, ire- o the c d th d cwering nicely and is expected home luta , n ,%•e elay was a former teacher of the - shortly. cling, the bride being their sister, Miss Next Wednesday evening, Nov- 1, Rev. R. J. Bowen will gh-e an Xustrated lecture ,.32, 112-„,:, work of the Bible Soe leo: in the frierett 'Memorial Church Sehaol Hai!, a oecloek. h.STRAY HEIFER. A twee year old be:- strayed enta fartra en Hay Township. For partic- Ulars apW,y at the Advocate Oieive. A. Special eieeeing tee Oddieglows, particularly ail intereeeed en the Sec- oil:I Degree, called for Friday even- itg et. Z7th ppty t 1s5t- Le to exemplify the work of this Degree. , ,Louis E. Day, N. G. Iftft.MA GOOD HORSE WANTED For delivery cart. H. C. Rivers butcher, h.xeter. ftl,•ftftiftr.ft• LOST -Chevrolet ear crank eereee where; neae Exe;er nerth- Finder pleas;., inform Advoeeet ft•ft•TP...ft FULL FOR SALE, Good h3rd er.aple, dry end Veen, ' • W. N GLENN Next Sunday Rev. S. A. Carrier•e oxeter Oublie School and her iany preacbes his farewell sermons at be friends and relatives in Exeter will Presbyterian church, Grazed Bend, af- wish her and her husband every hap - ter 40 yeers of eervice; minces and prosperity. weelee' ilinees,,Sishafmtrros3enUgerniceslee•Y,earil'adi Miss Amy THAMES ROAD ANNIVERSARY AND FOWL SUFFER P.t..s able to vett elle home. of her grandatethet in town on Sunday. The anniversary and fowl supper In the basket ball league. games be- of the Thames Road Presbyterian tweet). Clinton and Exater 13.st week eeueeh was 1104 .on surway and CHnton won both gatas--1111 CreTel" day of this week. On Sunxby,4,1ge eloaday and itxeter =Thursday. ,.,...,nrogntions nisonatiod to ,hear Rev. eh. 0. C. Ward, who conducted the r. A. Symington of Knox Church, tobacco store in connection with etIr. London, who preached nest interest - Norman. Hockey's barber shop, 1ms inn and in.etrueve 'sermons on boele, despeeedo tbe business eo Mr. Hoe- occas10114. Tie 4.s a ve.ry pleeeiag key. speaker and hie congreptiOas were e'eres Mrs, W, R. Ponipldeply intted. in ,wjil, „receive , (Rev,) Foote for the first time settee coating to Ex- eter, at bee homeAlbeit St 'on Thursday October 2t6h, from 3 to o clock. passing even ;thew excellent reputation .nt preparing the, ents.'., The Hen - sail Quartette with Miss Cook, reader supplied au excellent urogram after the supper., A large crowd was ores - 'eat, .Uxeter sang pleasing numbers at notal 4erVICOS. The Fowl Supper on, :\TOarlaY night was a most excellent one -the ladies of the congregaoasur- Dr. H. COrsaut, who has been wee - tieing here vs a ;veternary surgeon, moved this sweet; with his family to Creditonwhere he will practice his profession The pupils of the SCIIC003, ka.eter arid destrict are being eeateen' ed me.d- attATU Wg. A. ltOWTC/*IFF. knee: by Dr, ZNicE.%.1r4le Smith of the William Andrew RowtcUff, probably 11.'4th 'Department of the Ontario Go-oar:uncut Mr Wilson Anderson, of StelAun. sir> has been va rather poor loaelth s the oldest native teem reeident of Ste- Ohen, passed rather suddenly At his home, London Road South, on. day evening last At the age of $2 A liaroween wM be riven by f tate, underwent an operatien 2t years an,d b menthe. The deceased limolftwoloft.ft soathe Young People's. Soeiety of'llhames Dr. HYndmateo Hosoital a here eaklail his usual health up 'to about Road Preebyterien Church on Tuesday TurdaY last, for app.:mild*, at Oaa week previous to his demise when Oetober 31st. A. ,zhort spicy spooky h-urls of D. 1.1. WiTiams of London e was stricken down with bowel trou- program will be followed by a Social assisted by Dr. Hyndmart and Dr. Peek ble, and other complications setting nd rishments. Come all and en., of lien,s31.1. IA an4 tbe end Poem, came, Mr. Row- aerecliff was born on. ,the farm ort which tov a leleasent evening. Lucan defeated Hamilton on Wed- he died, and lived continuously there- nesday last in a sudden death game on an bis rde. He'shared all thehard- 11011.=E FOR SALE. OR RENT. ... at Lucan in the,ut` termed:a' te baseball ships incident to pioneer life and, cons Red briek, two full storey, practic- serm4Inals,„ 4-3, citiald.Ylag to play tributegl much to the development of parlor. Peterboro In the finals. The first of t -div new, has three bedrooms, this iection of the country, 'He was diahr room, pastry, ha.throom, kL,t,.. the final game.s took place in Peterboro tnarri4e, to Sarah Heywood who pre_ on Sa.turday, the Ltican team losing A chen,*hydro lighting and hot Wt. funt- eceased him about six years. He is M:e. Good well. One-lifth acre or 5-5. The home game ,takes place irt survive' wo ;tug - by one son and t d h land. Centrally situated in Exeter. Lucan this Wednesday afternoon. ters, Thomas Rowteliff, who has been Apply to Esti Heywood, Exeter. living with his .father, Mra. Jas Par- HOUSEKEt.PER WANTED ftiO•Oftft ftft Plant a bed of Tulips now. Rate sans, Exeter North, and Mrs. John of 2.00 a hundrekl to clear, Horti- Hack..ney of Stephen. The funeral,. tk .1i.ddle aged lady to take charge of cultural SocietYv Exeter remetem on Wednesday, at which was private, :took place to the house, with object or matrimony. Good • 2 o'clock. home. Apply to Wm. Nickles, R. R. WOOLLEN 'UNDERWEAR WANTED _.------ 2 Dasitwood. DEATH OF MRS. BISSETT. Anyone having women's or ohila'- 50 CENT MEALS. ren's woollen underwear kindly leave Relatives her received word last the'same with Mrs. S. Fitton for the week of the death ,of ;s1,rs. Thomas We are now serving meals to the o in Marlette, Mich., general public at 50e, at the Metro- sufferers in New Ontario. GiBissett, whdied fts of , politatt Hotel, Exeter. money for shoes will be thankfully 7ehursday of last weekOct. 19," WM, MITCHELL, Prop. W.hile rot enjoying the bess of health --' FOUND. -A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 51c. -R, .ls,lackenzie & Son, Exeter North Clearing Out Sale -Having decid- ed to go out of the harness business I intend to vacate my present prem- ises on October 26th, and am offer- ing my entire stock for sale at reduc- ed prices. I also have for sale a vat for oiling harness. Parties having repair work in the shop, kindly call for it before the above date. A. M. Quanee, Exeter. EXETER 0. IC. CIDER MILL AND Apple Butter Factory moved to new premises, corner of Main and Wel.- lington St., opposite the NIetropolitan Hotel Will be open every day. Try me in the new stand, customers. I thank you, S. J. V. CANN. PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and 8 lots of land, situated in, Exeter North For particulars apply to H. flay P. 0. DR, JOHN WARD, Chirapractor 8t Optician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Speacies scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by app con tm Office -William and Sanders Sta., Phone 43. Betts' Home -blade Bakery accepted. Tinder the .auspices of the she was a.. Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "Tb.e proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing." Headquarters for MGR CLASS BREAD BUNS AND CARES Special attention given tq orders for Picnics, Luncheons and Wed - usual etes to the Wedn,ese Canadian Red Cross. evening previous to her demise, when, Cast off underwear suitable for she =et suddenly stricken with pains making over will also be received. in the head, iollowed by what wets SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 ant -Holiness 'Meeting 7 p.m -Salvation Meeting. Z.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class. Cottage rneenags in North End on Tuesday night Capt. Hopkins Lieut. Hoskins Y. E C. A. supposed to be stroke of uaralysts and the end soon ,came. Tho deceas- e was twice married, her first hes- band being James Taylor and the sec- ond Thomas 13issett„ who•died about eight years ago. For many year she eight years ago, For many year e She lived in Exeter and was esteemed and respected by a large circle ice'• friends. who learn with regret of her death. About four yeuseago site moved to Marlette, where she has since resided. She is survived by two daughters, by the oast. husband -Mrs. Wrn, Brown of Marlette and -Mrs. Elson. of Florida. • She also leaves one sister, eIrs. Thos. The Y. Rooms are,opere each night. Dunsford of Marlette a.nce, one bra - Games on the Alleys, Volley Bali, Bas- titer, Mr, John. Simpson, of Londoa. ket B11, Boxine and Trapeze eVork Deceased was iee elte.r 74th year all tend to develop muscla and health. -- Programmes, Debates and Entertain- Mrse Thos. Hanford o Ingerscee menes nell be arranged later. spE ent Sunday in ,xeter. Tournaments Friday night and priz- Mr. Alex, Stewart sof London, spent f,ritrerc. All come. Thursday and Sunday in ,town, Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a:m.-"The Heroic Christ." 7 pim--"Religious Heroism" ,:Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectal% Mrs. W. F. May of Mitchell is vis- iting her sons hero .for a few days. Mrs. John Humble of Sarnia is ors- itiag at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. W H. Dearing. •efr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore left on ,Thursday of last ,week to spend a week in Chicago. Mesers. Young Creech and Harold Kuntz are spen.ding a, couple weeks OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN cHuRall with relatives here. 'Rev. anmes Foote, B. A. Minister 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. Mrs. Richard Pickard and daughter i�ir Jean, left Wednesday to visit relatives in, Brantford. Miss Stewart, who hai been xtursing Mr. I. Armstrona .retunned to her PHONE 3Z • • . JONES MAY • PHONE 32 mat Clearing Sale of Ladiee Ready -to -Wear Garments. 18 Ladies" and Misses' Winter Coats at $15 each We place on, sale commencing this quality cloth winter coats. These are. te.rials in different Oolors, and a good these coats are rare bargains and will Thursday morning, elgbteen beautiful nearly all of good heavy velour ma - range of sizes, Act quickly, as go very quickly. :teeny are lees an half Price. Cloth Dresses on Sale 25 1,ndies' and :Misses' Dresses in Serges, Trieotines, S!,lk grerte Poplins. in sizes 'from 16 years to 40 bust measure, mostly navy and black on, sale ,eornmeneing Thursday morning at greatly redneed4AeAsk. Ladies' Odd Skirts Ladies' Odd Skirts in good quality serge to clear at $3,95 each. 'Th-47're "wonderful barges% A Bargain in Dress Silk at $1.95 yd One piece only of beautiful quality black. dress .36. in. .wkle. nice even weave; very Apecig this week at $1,95 yard. Ladies' Wash Silk Blouses at 950 2 dozen Ladies' Wash Silk Blouses in colors of White, Black and Flesh sizes 36 .to 44 5n, odd lines., etc.,* to be sold this week ,At 'only 98c. each. Ladies' Vanity Bags at 980. Ladies' Vanity Bags of beautiful quality, and different colors on sale this week at only ,S1.80. each. Ladies' Silk Scarfs W.eliave a beautiful. line of ladies' silk neck 'scarfs in ail the new calms at popular prices. FLANNI,L-Now in, stock in shades of Navy, Coven, jade, Green, Sand and Red, 54 inehe,s JONES & MAY 1111P -0111110 -01110 -,•111, -4111. -040* -015,0011100•04‘ 1. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissio.n.er, Solicitor for the Mot - sons Bank, Etc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victoot, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 ner cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me, Money to loan at lowest rates of imterest Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter The Exeter Advocate Display AdvertIsing-Made known on araltation. Stray. Animals -One insertion 500.1 three ansertiems $1.00. Miecellan.eous articles of not more thaw five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each msertecen 50c. Lost and Found laeals 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c „per line per insertion.. No notice lees than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction. Sales S3 foe one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fie inches in length, Legal advertiseng 10c. end Sc. aline. Farm pr Reae Estate for sale 50c. each insertion foe one month of four insertion!, 24•1101010•11•SINft••••••••••11111111101111111M1 SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' Coats. Rev. Mr. Carriere, of Grand Bend, • WE ARE SHOWING SOIVLE VER Y SMART 'MODELS IN MISSES, and will preach next Sunday morning and berm L01.40,'*ridny. LAMBS' FALL AND WINTER CO ATS. ALL • Wli ASK IS A evening. Mr. Carriere is retiring to Mr. Reg, Elliot 01 Noreeich spent a CHANCE TO SHOW YOU OUR L IN.• Toronto. • few days here with reletivee and • Boy Scouts will Meet Monday evening enjoyed a cpuple. ,days rabbit i.i.untling, JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, .M, J. Wiason, B.A. 11 Zen. -"Contentment and Happiness -The Secret." 3 p.m. --Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7 prn.-"The ,Potter and ,The Clay" Musir 1}elpfull. and Inspiring, All are welcome ' W Ulric Snell visited Mr. Frank Snell it. London Hospital on Sundae. W. H. Dearing, after a three weeks' visit en, Detrobt, Flint and other places in Michlga.n, returned home on Thursday •last. Ms. Garnet Fra.yne, who has been dings. • in, the West for several months, re- turned home last ;week, ,somewhat WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY proved in health. , The Big Livery When going out henting give us a Dant forget anything you have to move we are right on be jab tro, do it CARTAGE, AND LIVERY. Phone 5.8w. EAGSHAW & EASTON . • ---------- MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11 a. m.- 3 15",i-e.-Salsbat1i- School and Bible Ciasse,s. 7 p. m, - AT BETHANY 2.30-' Miss Lillian johns after spending a year with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Ad- ams, in. Calgary„ returned to, Exeter -New Hosiery for Pall and Winter • W.HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE RANGE OF COLOR -ED CASHMERE HOSE, AS WELL AS SILK AND WOOL at $1.00 and $1.25 "Miner Rubbers and Rubber Boots Wk. ARE SELLING THIS SPL ENDTD LINE OF RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS AGAIN THIS SEASON. THEY GIVE SATISFACT- ION: JUST TRY A, PAIR. ... on Thursday last, Airs. D. D. • Smith, Mho! has been Nis- „ Sim' eaters and Sweater Coats iting .bere wth ,hier ,parelnis, owing to ths illness of her \father, ivLr. I. Arm- AT MUCH REDUCED PRICES, 'BEAUTIFUL, COLORED ALL - strong, returned home: Thursday , 1 as t. 0'01. • JERSEYS FOR BOYS AT $2. 00, AND' $2.25, Mr. C. W. Robinson, who, foreas„A number of years bas ;been sQing farm machinery and c,onclucting auction, sales here, left Tuesday for g us , where he will be sinViarly engaged. . ' • '14f So'litheott RAND TRUNK RSVSLAVII THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTIi Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars CO night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or. C. E. Hors- ing District Passienger Agent, TOrento N. J. DORE Rhone 46w. Agent, Exeter - ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Farm and stock sales a specialtk. Four years experience. DR.. AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied b'y Dr, Vining) " Phone 26w • Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D.B. • DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. ri.s„ mixft Honor Graduate Toronto Univirgity Office -over Gladman & statitiares Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEat AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Au* Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central gad, Exeter, Ontario. • FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Coenties ei Hunan and middietaa Prices Reasonable and Sittisfa6000 Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village Bros property at low rates of interest. GLADNIAN & STANB RY •Sledicitorir I , 1 ee-eereees.:, #;:19NZ:1',4,0, •