HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-10-26, Page 3'RANT TI OUBLES. C0)1E. • TUROp1! TUE BK.00D If Dept Rich and Red Good; Health Win be Yours, Nearly all the common diseases axe caused by bad blood, weak, watery blood poisoned by impurities. Bad blood is the cieusdIeof headaches and backaches, lumbago, and rheumatism. debility and indigestion, neuralgia, sciatica and other nerve troubles, It is bad blood that causes disfiguring akin diseases like eczema. and salt rbeum, pimples and eruptions. The severity of the trouble indicates how Impure the blood is, and it goes al- ways from bad to worse unless steps are promptly taken to enrich and pur- ify the blood. There is no use trying .a different medicine for each trouble, for they all come through the one cause --bad blood. In conditions of ibis kind lar, Williams' Pink Pills have been found very beneficial, as they pave a direct action on the blood. en- rielliag and purifying it. That is why this medicine is so often successful. after other remedies have failed— they reach the root of the trouble in the blood, Mr. Albert S. Gitlin. nloulit 9 P,ehiaaant, P.>.I., tells what these Allis dad for him. He gays: ---"Some menthe ego I wan in a badly run-down con• dation. nay blood was poor, I had eo appetite and my work heft Me cone, pretely tired otet,. I :fell off in weight. was altogether in a miserable condi- Min. I was felting medicine, but it a aaa not doing ma any good, At this stage a friend who hall. used Dr. Wil- Hams' Pink Pills with beneficial re - suits v . ad lead °me to take thein. and acting on his advice I did so. The re- sult can be summed up in a few words: I took the pills for a. little more than .a month, when 1 can baneat- ly say I never felt better in my life, I can now eat a hearty meal, do my work with comparative ease, and have gained to weight, I advice weak, run- down people to give these pills a fair trial." You ran get the pile through any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ocala cannot memo hex e Austria's Musical Stamps.. At least something new has cone out of the distress of Austria, in the form of postage stamps bearing the portraits not of sovereigns, according to.eustom, but of famous musicians. Japan, it will be remembered, adorns `her exquisite stamps with a chrysanth- emum flower, Great Britain with the portrait of the sovereign, Prince with a group emblematic of the republic, and the United States with portraits of various statesmen. But Austria alone selects men wiwae fame. ie In the world of art. Thus the two -kronen stampbeam the portrait of Franela Haydn, the im- mortal composer of "The Creation," "The Seasons," "Amide and a wealth of sacred and secular musk, not for- getting the national hymn, of Austria, The five -kronen stamp shows the hand- some face of Mozart, the inspired mel- odist of "Don Giovanni," "The Magic Flute" and other masterpieces. On the seven-and-a=halt-kronen stamp appears tbe mighty and incomparable Seetho- ven. And on the 10-kroneu stamp Is ti:o likenes of Franz Schubert, worthy companion of the ether great masters. Musicians and pbtlatelista alike will reiotce in these stamps, which are ex- cellent examples of the engraver's art. But connoisseurs will wonder at the judgment which placed on the bigbest- priced stamp of all, the SQ -kronen, the portrait of the composer of "The Beau- tiful Blue Danube,"" "Wine, Woman and Song," "Thousand and One Nights" and other fasblonable dances of a generation or two ago, Is it to he believed that the Viennese really rank Johann Strauss above Haydn, Mozart, Schubert and Beethoven? Paper From Water Lilies. Paper made tram water lilies will be newa r e i factoryca an rod lc d n an O tI . Mexico. The lilies are of such a pe- culiarly fibrous nature that they form the best material foe a nigh grade of paper and the supply is inexhaustible, because the plies over the rivers iu that vicinity and grow rapidly, i The growth, of wails is more rapid in thaldren than adults, and slowest in the aged. It goes on more rapidly in summer than in winter, so that the same nasi that is renewed in 132 clays in winter xeguiree only 116 in summer. Minard's Liniment for Distemper, Surnames and Their Origin' HYNES Variations --- O'Heyne, Heyne, Hlne. Hinds, Hynde, Hines. Racial Origin --Irish. Source --A given name. There isn't much aimllarity between. the modern family name of Hynes and the aueient Irish given name of "Aid line," yet Om one comes from the other. The given name of "Aldhne," in be- ing inflected into the form of a family or clan name, became "O's-Eldline," for in Gaelic the infleetton is often tirade by changes in the main part of the word rather than in the ending, juet as we form plurals sometimes in English. The meaning of this Irish given name was "an advocate." The O'Hyne clan came from the same general stock as did the O'Beir- nes and the b'allons, discussed in pre- ceding articles, and by tracing back their clan -genealogy you get a. good idea of the way In which these old Irish clans were born, grew and gave birth to other clans. The O'Hynes were originally a bronch of the O'C".icrys, wi;o came from the O'shaugh nessys, who came from the O'Connors, who in their turn came from the O'Neills of Tyrone, a clan founded by the famous Nial of the Nine Hostages who flourished as the ruler of all Ire- land about the beginning of t titin era. Chria- RHODES Variations ---Rhoads, Rhoades, Rodes, Roads.. Racial Origin --Norman French. Source—A° tocallty. Certain spelling of this family pante might lead you to wonder if there was any connection between the surname and our word"road." But there is not, though the name does belong to that classification of family names which bare developed from the names of the places from which the first bearers of the name had come, or with which they were connected in some way. But the locality is not that upon which the wi,lely celebrated Colossus of antiquity stood. There are, in fact, two localities to wbich the origin of the family name is traceable. One of them is Rhcdez, in Aquitaine, from which place a number of Frenchmen came to join the forces of William the Conqueror in h:s in- vasion of England. The name in the form of "de Rhodez" and "de Rhodes" is found in the records of r,bout the year 1200. The other sorrce, which probably is responsible for the surname in the greater number of instances, is the lo- cality of the same name in Lancashire, England. Native Trees an Asset to the Farm. it a man values the pleasure and comfort of his family, he should make 'every possible effort to surioh%, beauti- fy and broaden cpuntry life,, and in achieving: these ends he will increase Iia own health and happiness• ward" fold. 1f boys and girls ars to be kept on "the foam, their impressionable years should .be filled witle ennobling pictures thrown upon nature's canvas —the ea tl Countrylife can be made infinitely more charming and satisfy- ing by the presence of trees. Comparatively few farmers appreci- ate the economle velue of trees grow- ing an their farms. They prevent the surface soil fromwashing away, pro-. teet his herds and flocks from rain' and storms, and temper the chilling winds that sweep across the home grounds. Why not begin planting' trees to take the place 'of the forests that had -such a modifying influence on the climate? Some of the old tim- her lots were really not well placed; they did not shelter economically,. Now, why not begin planting trees to take their place? Why not put out small timber lots that will break the winds of winter and some day make good timber for use on the farm? HEALTHY EN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleap5 well and during its waking hours Is never crass but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, it your ebildren do not sleep well; y if the are cross and cry a great deal, give them I3laby's own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy nein, The Tablets are a mild but thoraugb laxative wlticbr regulate the bowels, sweeten the stem - evil. banish constipation, colic and in- digestion, and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may be given to the new-born bane with perfeet safety, They are sold by medicine dealers or by main- at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A 3 -in -1 City. Peking is in reality three cities in one. There is an inner or Mancha city and an outer or Chinese city. The inner comprises the imperial city, which, in turn, contains• the "For- bidden City" or the "Purple Forbidden City," inside the walla of which, again, is the imperial palace. Peking itself is one of the oldest cities In the world, being known to exist in the twelfth century before Christ, but although it is of immense size, being twenty -flue miles .in cir- cumference, much of the space within the walls is unoccupled. An Early Bird. "Pat," said a manager to one of his workmen, "you must be an early riser. I always find you at work the first thing in the morning.' "Indade, and I am, ser; it's a family trait, I'm thinking." "Then your father is an early riser, too?" "Me father le it?" answered Pat. "He rises that early that if he went to bed a little later he'd meet himself get- ting up in the morning." Gaining. "Don't you weigh more than you did?" "Oh, rather! I started at nine and a half pounds:' Japs to Mine Coal. Japanese interests supported by the government wil develop the coal de- posits of Saghalien, believed to be among tbe world's richest. 'r '1 f;i5l E ,t ;e�F r' , POSTU ; A BEVERAGE ddM,nt p rU of IPM ..o,1 pat. of Kolas milv=ol 'ompan ting Cavil. USA al FIIWI I AM 0,01_ Why risk your health? THE path of the tea or coffee drinker is beset .with dangers 1 to health and comfort. These dangers lurk in the irritant, Caffeine, which is the active principle of both tea and coffee. For those who enjoy a well -made cup of tea or coffee, but find that it makes them nervous, wakeful and irritable, there's, satisfaction and freedom from discomfort in delicious Instant Postum-the table beverage of no regrets. Its fragrantaroma and rich, full-bodied flavor are delightful. Instant Postum is made from roasted wheat and contains no Caffeine, nor any other harmful ingredient whatsoever: Order a tin from your Grocer TODAY) - instant Postum VOR HEALTH "There's a Reason" A generous sample tin of Instant"Postum sent, postpaid, for 4•c in stamps. Write: ' Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., 45 Front Street, E., Toronto, factory, Windsor, Ontaria gsausemisisessmers You Can Get Back Your Grip On Health Hope for the millions of unfortunate Men and women who are victims of stomach trouble Is sounded by Mrs. B. B. Jones, 1S7 Oak St., Hamilton,' One. bars. Janes was a victim of stomach trouble in its worst form but was completely restored to health by Tanlac. She says: "For thirty long yeara, bad nervous indigestion and stomach trouble and. I eau hardly describe all the agony I sur- fered during that time. It may sound unreasonable, but Tanlac completely restored any health and I have gained thirty-five po°ands in weight- Tanlac is simply wonderful." - Undigested food ferments is the stomach and soon the entire system is Oiled with poisons, Tanlac was de- signed to restore the stomach to a . healthy condition and build up the whole body. Millions everywhere have acclain ed its wonderful power. Get a bottle to -day. Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. "Drugging" a Forest. "Can the !sopped change ita spots?" is a question that may soon be altered to "Can a forest change its color?" A number of German scientists have been experimenting with dyes. Tiley have discovered that they can trans- form trees In two nights, and can turn them red or blue ar purple, simply by an aniline -dye injection. One scientist made a large tree a perfeet blue with two ounces of dye and 200 gallons of water. He vacate- d it so successfully that not only the boughs and leaves, but even the interior of the trunk assumed en azure hue.. By this process of injections it may be possible to change a forest to any .color desired. At :present the coiorn of flowers are being changed by screening processes;. and certain ' plaute are leaving their growth pro- moted by violet rays and by the use of chloroform. Dutch butbs nave been retarded and made to bloom, with greater loveliness'' when the effect of the anaesthetic bad wore off. "Cascarets" lOc Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Cassa- rets; Sick headache, biliousness, gases, Indigestion, sour, upset stomach and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-up and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy. Not With impunity. Can trousers which you secure from your tailor on credit he called breech- es of trust? MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cants. One Who Knows. Gertie—"We women bear pain bet- ter than men." Bertie--"Who told you that—your doctor?" Gertie—"No; any shoemaker." Ask for Minard's and take no other. Not What They Meant. The true "bull" is not manufactured; it just happens. Perhaps that is why it rarely fails to amuse. Here are some amusing examples: An Trish notice of reward for an es- caped convict: "Age not known, but looks older than he is." In the course of a speech the defend- er of Ladysmith said the best "bull" he ever beard came from an Irish sol- dier, who, when asked, "What struck you most during the long siege?" re- plied: "The number of bullets that missed me." A woman went into a London con- fectioner's, and -looking at a pile of buns, asked, "Are those buns to -day's? Because yesterday's were not." An Iristht reporter is credited with the following gem: "When they stood up to sing their opening hymn there was not an empty seat in the sacred building." The most amusing "bulls" are the outcome of the impulsive haste with which the Irish politician expresses himself, For example: "When we get Home Rule every- body in Ireland will , do as he likes, and those who don't will be . made to do it," is taken from the speech of an Irish labor leader. "The time has come when we must strip to the waist and roll up our shirt• sleeven: s," said aardent Irish politi- ciair. "I wish I were left-handed," said an Irish laborer, "because it I hurt my right hand T would have my left to fall back upon." An Irish M.P., speaking of a political opponent, is represented to have said: "Even if he fold the truth I would not believe him" Mice, fie 'well as rats, are known to be carriers of disease. ISSUE No. 42—'22. MOTI-IER! Clean Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the littletongue is coated, or if you child is listless, Groes, feverish, full of cold, or bats colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you eau see for yourself how thorough- ly it worksall the constipation peewit, sour bile and waste from the tender little bowels and gives you a wen. playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" bandy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day Savo a a alek child to- morrow. omorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has 41. rections for babies and children of all ages printed an bottle. Mother! Ton must say "California" or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. A square mile vrir'3 accommodate 7,366,000 people standing close to- getber. Fisherman's Friend The Original and Only Genuine ciessified Advertisements AomprTJ WANTED, DLSTRICT AGXNT FOR ••S3ODixt car,' truck, orutractor;seplaced Guaranteed, da- Ieetir'e; sell one dollar. Write far par- ticulars, Bodin Co„ 90 l aitlattd At,. Toronto, • ,. IGH CL•A �S MN ASS big money by selling ""ButtertlY tnts."' non -hailing home dyes, to retail stares on straight comntission basis, Butterfly Tinting Co., Minneapolis, Minn. GEE/E+r-- "lily xR'CE CIt '.IST TA$ T—C) ing cards; sample hook free: men ar. h women already Malting $5 up dally in spare time. Bradley Limited, Brant- ford, Ont. 1' 1,UPIL .I 1JR&SS WANT TED-x-7l"0AR coarse: accredited school: monthly' allowance; first-class training in s rgii. cal, medical and obstetrical work; full course of lectures: Apply Superinttind- ent, West land hospital, 35 S. II•cvne Ave., Citieag'o, Ii1., U.S.A. 100 WOW & MAYBE 5, KENT 131,1)G„ At; ganga Street, Toronto. Registered Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet BELTING FOR SALE frIBEESHER BETTS AND SLID, 1. TION base, new and used, shipped. subject to approval at lowest micas itt Canada. York IFelttng Co.. 1SiM Tort; £t„ Taranto. Ont. ars .'a Manors nag a.ea.es Beek on DOG DISEASES • andHow to 71"ee4: 24041f4 /tree to � dregs Itgg lite Author, ls. 173atr Germ at,.I*s, lee went Ieth Street New Tork INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest The moment you eat a tablet of Diapepsin" your Indigestion to e. No more distress from a sour. 1. upset stomach, No tiatulemen, rtburn, palpitation, or misery --rusk• g gases. Correct your digestion far few cents. Each package guaran" teed by druggist to everoome stomach trouble. IOUTH, 13.9 COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORK!! 0. J. CLIFF e TORONTO FACE DISflGURED NINE MONTHS Itched and Hard Pimples Broke Out. CuticuraHeals. "My face and neck all broke out In a mase of nasty pimples. My face used to itch and then hard pim- pies would break out and fester over. They itched and burned dreadfully at times, and my face was badly dis- figured for about nine months. "I tried different remedies without any effect. I saw an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. It helped me so much that I bought more, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and tw o boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Hattie E. Cruickshank, Lower Caledonia, Nova Scotia. Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. Sample EaohrrnbTliau.AddresE "Lymans,Um- ited, 344 St. Paul Et., W., Montreal." sold eve?. where. Soar. 25e.Ointment26and 60e. Talcum Foe. MIIII'Cuticure Soap shaves without mug. WOMAN TOO WEAK TO WALK Now Works Nine Hours a Day.— Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength UnioaVi 1 e, 1 a e, Vt,-- I was Weak and nervous .and .all run-down, I could not walk across the boor without resting and Ihad been thatway for weeks. Isaw your advertisement in the paper and after tak- mg one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkbatn's Vegetable Com- pound I felt the good it was doing me and Itook seven more is all. Before I finished I was able to work. nine hours a day In it steam laundry... t cannot say too much in favor of your medicine, 1 trust all sick and suffering women wilitake it. Ithasbeen two years since I took it and I am strong and well." —Mrs. L. A. GuIMANN, Union Village, Vermont. This is only one of such letters we ars continually publishing showing what Lydia E. Pinkham has done for women, and whether you work or not Mrs. Guimann's letter should interest you. Many women get into a weak, nervous run down condition because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. Pinkb am's Vegetable Com- pound at the first sign of trouble. Good health is necessary and this splendid medicine will help you to keep it. SPIRIN UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, yolli are not getting Aspirin at all • Accept only an "unbroken packa.,ke" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," ; which contains directions and dose worked out 'by physicians during 22 yearg and 'proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain, gaeady `Bayer" bones of 12 tablets --Also bottles; of 2i1 and l,00—Drq gists. Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of ttreD4 acetiraoidester of Salheyncacid, While it is whit luaown that Aspirin means T3ater manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the`,Tablet, of ayer Cuympaal97 will. be stamped with. theiBayer general trade mark, the 'Bayer• Cross." ti 1