HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-10-26, Page 2ELECTION TO FOLLOW RESIGNATION OF PREMIER LO 'D GEORGE His Maijjesty Summoned Boxfatr Law to Form New Ministry in Interim—Conservatives to Fight Election as an Inde- pendent Party With Its Own Leader -- Present Pre- mier Carries on reymierrries.on Until Successor is Sworn in,. A despatch front London says:— and a crushing vote o3 censure out David Lleyd, George, after he ding the Lloyd George and the Conservative office of Prime Minister through nesgtbers who have supported hint. seven critical years, re izred ca A$ seen as Icing George eculd re - Thursday. Anitew Bonar Law will ceive him, Premier Lloyd George wait - become Premier for a eh r-: term of ed on him at Buelciughan Palace and office, and has underir,ken the task of handed n the resignation of the Gov - naming a new Britith eminent, which, cf course, the King Lloyd George cer•ried the entire had net 'ether course & ;1 b'.it to =- Coalition Government with him into cep. retirement, when the i nion•.t wirtt At the seine time Lloyd George, it of his fo:itlwc s. re a meeting held is uh1..°rrsto:d, advised the Ring to in the Ca.r ter. C....:>'; v-ottel 186 to Si send for Boner Law to form a new against the pr;posh. et. Aes:ce. Chant- Gcverramert, as Rorer Law had led berlarn pledging the i'nianist party to the oppeejtien that resulted in the s stain the ccs..'- t:ee and favorirrg a evertbresw of Lloyd George.. In some general e+_eetien :a teonfsrtu that quarters it was suggested that Lord course. i Curzon might be recommended by The mini:: to :al crisis develop ed Bonar Law for the pesition, but Lord Thursday af'terr-' n along lines that Curer, although he has been behind Were totally 11?'.,Xz.ezeedespecially by the "Die-hards" in the present crisis, tate Ministers theme : I•t es. N.,a-Itere and gained lima. prestige by his in the yeas wu is arty irate 1 th et heel big of the Anglo-French trouble, Plai would 'et, 'ef ?dilea na er,enal fiL'.'.owing, and betides,. Chamberlain, v qa.a ..., tot ,eat, 1 at the P a . r;/trt'ton art uo to a'nertet th' ora•: t Conservatives are ready to red - last mower. the W :ere tf the rev 't rg::i;ethot in these times the Premier' were Seeltirg, K. bridge y SShiell Giro- .''-ontd he 'r member of the ):Nese O ruptien of the party emit; ~s peeler#- Ceenraors. This feeling . appeeently ed. On the her heel, ties frill:veers cele s eet Leer Derby. of L-'sr.vd Ge.,rge fe't perfeetiv ssvere Wh e hang George receive-.] Banta CANADA RECTIVES LQYD GTQR03. iN A FICyHTiNG MOO 1 - After the vete cf tt'e Conservatives v;itives ' at the Carlon club, engage ant'h . /to s as an Inde aeedent party. Ialo�d their di:,termizt.,t:aar to fight the (.t Pet 1 Geerr; a tendered his resignation to the King, and has been succeeded by Mr. Bonar Law. of wing ttt alt, the Cmeet•`-y leite (see Law Tr , :day right he questioned the HER W,�AR. MEDALS ,� T �� � ed lay a 'v'vete, is :eerie twe-ttl+r"''s of latter 1•: ;,'ael'in; the Tgnlonists' Stand *1,? ('t': P a.: t' :': rt.. When the re- t n the Irrih Treaty, nn -4 was assured: r e stn0 suit of t� i': ,.,""�. 5s',`-t'o anar..al:�: •d it tr'i`o the D ..r. ei would etnra. by it.: i._ t ortl,P reznt of 119,00Has was at the t 1,e .cowl there ruse have' Deter, I,vr:d Se:fett-I , vo ,:ihtg the at-, Reached Militia Head been s,ene rr.:..alee, bite when the' titede of the "Die hands," declared. 'n' quarters. figures were verified the anti -Coed -1a speech that ii Ireland stood by the itiordsts ]ver. voei?er,Lsly juililant,r, ' treaty, co Wcuid the Conservatives. A deepa n fietret 0,ir:lwa says:• --•-1 while thetheCoalitionists were sirir ly1 The real rntioof the Premier, in Praeti it ' ;".- �.: "r nr--tale have new. $toluol}shot, P 'any: case, incl ee that of the whole been let'eiv a t i1 1 .a, headquarters` The result is a seunnine, victsry for; government, lett in normal circum- here and the lest ° pnreret of 110,000i the neat aro i fi:n led by Boner Las. stan:"e a new a dmin:-tratiun might axr , e w en t1i' :' '14 The 'soar of 1 ,e f trmezl. In the present instanee, are �., t rr e :• 'F.c'•ruary, 1021,' however, 4-1s severe] c,:-tl:tete rrran ani 111:4 t:r , 2+7,S93 I3riti st" 9ters had already iesignei Inefore the war rr!'41':; Zt d 2.21,?13 4 't+r mealeas „ Carlton Cab meeting, :end ae a den ':StwN 3 ern d ;ix at:ha l.. Gf this n;am- era? e.e, t en Nia l en prreeaea:iv de- be 9.046 I3t tt h "r tt medals anit : 25 yr tet 1r.�.,. have been returnsill c'i18ei1 lfiReprt any �+t.°n 7a'�tI•:at'Yyn r'iiiq'- to to replace.. the I.°es,'d Gecr r'' t' d(ii erf eye to c':s::;,e of addre;•-.0 vernment can .,rJS 4.7.o so with the When tulle IFC.].': :e rezeiv0 in expree9 esbje it of gain,. befc re the the Militia i?•. : r7,n en: here, an idea country without delay. of the i .sunt of sv+: rk c.:.nile"3 in send.: lett :r de -retell from T. n'ron ir:g tut these rile: :s eel: b gainei says:. -In the stir"! highly :+>Ge:'ulative ghee it is la e;.n thot %ey have to' 5l . i - lel std-,.n.r.1 and e.'.a:: e 1 O e4e'nnt nominal• : politit,Ll t t,it on en I'r.3ay night f orgy two f :t ►s st. ells out as definite._ roles pr. r' to c: at t h in order to: ; that there w. " be atlrlostbrimc mately tastU aha] no nzr.tekes ze ur 1n tiet' ,'t past+rel t N' 'n, a n1 that ra, t t- eng 'as r ar „r oe.t 1 ;;:mental num-! nnertary ra itt, ut :,n of the' hL?r ton- bee rent and r me are . onoerne:l.. stitutier is ..; e'.y :ts =urea. While mats; c o'i. 'a'::s have ben Andres" l','creer I.:s.:•, wl 1 is. to leaf rµ well fietm e+ Q • i:. r. allout thew the new },...E: rrl':P..L 1V10".14 w::1 tlkte r' f•'ar'clval of th r nit:his, this has the p',a::t' of tht,t of ;)avid LI:ye :rtes due is the ftlet. tt• tt the liTtlttia° (heir e, in a m. to an evening Dreertn ent 1"rs rest fount] it possible' newspaper tarf sited his intention to to rs=iia mucic'.] in any particular order advise Tiling Gt eeee to immediately ter lry ur-..'s due to the manner in d' 1 at T'ar est ag' i aided that which they :;re re: Aired from the i3rtt- Dominion N ews in Brief Yan.eonver, B:C.--The first Can- adian wheat ever dripped to the mails} at Shanghai, °thea, hes just left. The ccnsignment• consisted of 3,000 tons. Calgary, Alta.—One rf the greate4 drives in the h; s`ory of the Eau Claire Lumber Co., of Calgary, has just been brought to a . ucc'; suit condo cn by the driving of 5:000..400 feet of sr uee' logs, sixty-five miles down the Row River from Glue.: River, where he lagging orera'i:r' of the centrally ale at the presee` time can; ruder].. The' sate mil'•e of tl,is eempany are taming out fri,ht d lernt•er at the rate of 50, 000 fent a Cay, and there ie. a ready a' stork of something like 6,000,000 feet; 1 of dressed lumber on bud in the iyards, fi Regime •r.'e_k.—c (kat :Ire wan i4. rapidly forging Che. tl in an endeavor to become the pee',ier dairy previe e of the Dein?'::1. Tiiirty -fet=r of the fifty -'Five creepi r:es opera=ting in tit? province are equipped with merhani .1 refrigeeation 1,,11`.3 t.wt have an ag- greo*"•te refr•igseat-: n ;%E?ale FJr 1.,$5.9,"; 070 euhrie i'eet Winnipeg. Mee.. ---Since its estab-, . rhment a Ai...^e over two years age the Prov ar_eia. ( vsenrnent Savings:'l Bank,with two branches in ii'irsrnpeg,r hes made rapid ex—egress and to -day, there Cie- mere Uwn 10,000 d.posttt+rsa vy^•.It too posits tune $442.00,000. On% date to orf its fir t anniversary it had deposits anis sting to $2,650,000, "vhi.ie the soother of actual ttecti°it a. was 6,300. Since that time deposits have imresteed at the rate of approxi- ntatel,; 450 'a month. St. Catharines,. Ont.—Yie?ds of ung usual size are reported fr+otn 411 se - tiions1f the Niagara 'Grap'e Belt. It is estimated that fifteen to twenty then - send tons will be the yield this year, for which the growers w'ikl get frons $80 to $126 a ton. A vast amount trf the grapes go to making native winces, the rest being ah -pied, fres grape juice manvfectttre, to the 'United •Bytes. gvie• e, Que.—i`bnber cutting in the Prvire rF Qvebe:- this fall. will re- turn. to' the nem el average of the 'last ten ye re, what was 1,440,0{]0,1300 ft., ;tc.'ordirg to a lata.temerxt made by the Hlon. Hence? ',xercier, Diinaster: d Lana and Forests of the P;vv1neial C`aver mer.t. It was eo :ainect in th's cretivecten that there have been years the iaerlcd when the cutting was higher. ba the figure mentioned e cenzidered the normal one. Sydney,. N.S.—lt s reported that oyster beds at the River Denys, on the Rees d'(>r Lake, Cape Breton, have teen e.pene l tip by Halifax interes s. The area coomprisee 100 .acres of bar- ren Iolttrrrh at the mouth of the river, Fifty Go one hute',ieed men find empiay • ' ment in this new industry in that district: The Week's Markets Toronto. Manitoba whN �t `--' NSE:• 1 North?3't's, $120?i.• 111aniteba oats---Nr't;1�zh a1. illtnitc 1t> barleYeeNomirzri. Ail the above c ek, Ray ports. Arner•iezn corns Nt,. 3 ye/law, 0 No. 3 yellow, S9h•. al: rail. Earley --Malting, 0 te. tr2e, aecorcl-" ng to freight outside. Paul l• wheat--Xo.:.' tit tit. E >�!. IZtt N4u. 2 tQ., a:,tta. " freight, 1;;1,6;;: :oolieleil :tree,per ten, $20; • she r ts, ger ten.24,- r1n;P,1 in $27.25; ge tti feel flerl,r, $1.90. t Ontario w"iiela -N\,? ' 'ate. tlh tp' $1.02. ae4ortlin€t ze;, ..e.6 3 silts:de; No. •4,94tog4. • Ontario No. a' Ne hitt mt.: - 9 t;r •1Q+:.'. Cruor o corns '-,N;ntitial.. Ontario flour---Nine--y pt -r Q'etri. pat.,, til ju.e bags, Montreal pr r „p« ;hip. Hann, staniey batawrn Merit, 4#ofi0,o° $ . oQa'T+ n i t$314(i €d�gtrrj Ito tray he 3,iio°:'tvr of the Es, t•hequer in the new British Cabinet. :11t1raita+Ila floor ---Art pity,, in cotton] tie raid been i'resdent +at" tale Board of 'trade and Pari. nientary Secretary to Dollar Lacs. ctck: , $0,550 ger bbl.; 2nd pats., $G. Hay—Extra No. 2, per tan, track. Toronto. $16; mixed $13.50 to $14; clover. $13.:,0 to $14; straw, $9. ear lots. Clime -New, large, 21 to 21n._e; twin�l. 22 to 221,.;,e; trip;ets, 22?n to 2.3c; • Stiltons, 22e. mat large. 23 to to 13%c; pails,. 14 to i4' e; `prints 111V., to 17e. - Choice heavy steers. $7 to $7:50; tidier steers. i.haice, $G to 80.75; de, 24e twats, 24 to 243i:e. Stiltons, 20c..gr,L:,..$6.u0 to $t,; ciao rule:].,•S , tea $ii,�a0; Ir Butter—Finest rseamtr• Prints, 3;1; butene ; heift-rs, .�hr.ae. $b to 80.50; Lord Derby, t to 400; ordinary. clx',zrnetry rots, 35' do, not., $5 to- S5.59; do. eo.n.. Max to . el) � ,: •. 14n• lalitcllex• tlt)A°s, ihpriQ, $•i tc► �.t; do. figure in Llo'd'Grer e': War Cabinet. I3reseed poultry Spring tgm,,,iean, melt., $.R to ,'-., teenners tint] t ^a.te'1 i this v-c P e el `i ampl•e i?h War Office. This accounts far! who win ro rttb". 11,, i� c tee 1 (a •yet, 30 to.15,s; 1'6o-tc=rd, 2' ; fowl. 24 to $1.50 to $'2.::5; of:tu.rer l+nils. ft,:t'?l: this fact w•..,, l give alxtp..e time to j P i 1 t' e,,, r n l li A Sal to $u• cis , t'•11 • 4"-"rti to t ' " Mgt 1 the fact that sante ex s.el-dlersr. of one. , , e , til (illi• r,iilr l+. 22t;, :191'; tltrt,t!}"S, 30r v,,,.'ti, deal. "with tti I gt legislation. weer Laves, i':.b.tt, .. i , ♦ fr a, a i t. i1::?. 1�C1 o t w ti.frri, 1tMl, .S1 SS0 t. ��'ti; l t. mr, Else C+e :rile, in a mei-sap, ;est unit received their metals Wry roach Liv, piuultr;. • .Spring chickens. :',rir; •fair, $'1.50 #n CS.L'Er; stockers. ;tool. : to V imam C•c• grave, prc;ee?rt of the sooner than other . c1di rs of the ..ams r;c::er4, I i to 201:; fowl', ?.0 to 2,ric; $+1., 0 tat $. r; rias $tiro 53,ft1 to $'f<• sht`t 11 Dail Eireann, has removed any fear unit, The average daily output of, Resolution which , , a ,• .,,> , , lsliii l'ght, S;, i.+, $t;.: t ; dn. gaE1; llea.•y.. c.l r.a,.re , 1, ..tri` turkez;, .,0 to fi r r n:.:., c_,. t,;,.. his „oL. �.,- medals is approximately, 1,200 and the; Oslated British P'rem?er &r,. g ' $ri to $F; do, collar S1. e0 to $:1; E°.slsn . t c ±'ted'" F the Cl ^osition in average daily return of medals un-! A (,cnserv,ttive peer, a ptonlinenttt1 37e, Dol,ry, el to 3k., cot, anglD + r salon .1.. t. c p,, , 'i"rgemirte.--20 to 22,x. : cheice. $11 to $12; do, g'o'od, $10 to Parliament. The marquis �£ same_ 'delivered is approximately 10. A despatch from 1. f);a don., l°•'101. - ?v*e,. 1 ,uzidiet}, 3t3 t,a ;" se• 511. afdrlia'; sn, Vit, i:1 tin 1i3; bury, on lreh 'f £ the ' d e -herds,+' has 222_2.. •rt _._,._ _t the _ r__ ee- to.^tti...1' to 41r; ear nits, rev" 3a:d ::it1 do,el:e• 1"l nn el.' .''t� t ° # loin. . made a Ontilar promise, so there is no party .n the IIC of ('um•la&ni : that. rs Ill.]'"s 'ta off..,- r.ny hindrance to ry tiv t tl , 1' Chab I`e' ( 11.11' n 1 z l p' '•e. $8.5°1 1^t,i-r fc• I lar ""te'ed' ei ti arta se a ui es a .l" '?I eon tz , Thin 1, ue- i. t , a.t,3:r ,. -was taken on$4:w5, ;:rime,, o$ f1 to $i1.9t1. to•$1Q.tu da f o.jt °*Basica to •$111; 4 1:). i> nlotIo-i by :1i:t�::i! ,L'r,t1r.41v. • yr"i 7C' titin r l.i::7.t y. 5(i t` y:i.e';++. ., . l .•nils —_ •-----.---70X/0"--4 , the carlyithg of tl.t Ir;ch Lreaty inti to ', a i ;ti r•r,70, per is •rt1^ ira'� �+ 111« 1;ontreaI Andrew Bcrar La'z.' • efe^t. The (auadian•ht7rn leader of e.r re-': The most int. e...t1 ; saggestion,: e:rganiz^d Conservatives in Britain.; wMeh has been telt a eel with a eon - who, has been invited by the ling to i sidetable� a ,•f sat :s that Lord ereate a new government. He has Car: on, the forme Ulster leader, will long beat is leader of the ('nzonist.s. be the nrty Lord CE..an-e'lor. EMBARGO PARLEYS SATISFY CASA LSA Strongly New Prime Minister Str ongly • Favors Removal of Em- bargo. m- ba r go. . deseetth free:: -- :"e conf re,r.•e Letweea 13,:..iah and •anvi:an ildin s e:. «i tin i g's:eation v hich will give effe "t to the r:n-oval e i the etnbai°go en Canadian cattle wee concluded on Friday and the de- cisions reached are entirely tatis'fac• - ic'ry to the Canadians who have been taking part. While no announcement - has been 'made, either by the G,orionial Office or the reprramt.atives of 'the ` Dominion, the errespondent has been assured that • Canada has secured; everything that she asked for. Another important point is that the political upheaval will not do more Austin Chamberlain - Who strongly supported Lloyd C eorge and Coalition government.:1 Natural. Resources Bulletin • The Natural Resources Inteiigence Branch of the Department- of the Interior at Ottawa says: Last year there were near- ly one million cords of pulp- wood cut in Ontario, as well as ].early three hundred million feet of other tim- ber. Over four million rail- way ties were also taken out. Nearly three and three-quarter millions of dollars of revenue was col- lected from the forests. Do these big figures not sug- gest a good reason why the forests should be protected from fire? y: 1 than eI sightly delay the carrying into effect elf the decisions of the confer- ence. Sir Arthur Griffith-Bo,scari1., who is expected to succeed himself as, president of the B•oaard of Agriculture when Bomar Law completes his Cab- inet, was a party to the conference; and so will be fully grasped of the; whole question, as a ner.r Minister; slight not be. Bonar Law, the nc Prime Minister, is known to have strongly favored the removal of the embargo. It to even- hoped; that 'at' the isboe t session which it is _expected , wlill be herd next month, prior: to the diesel intiom of Parlament, a bill to give effect to tris agreement reached al, the .conference will be passed. Do not be lieu readyto air amour S griecanees. 13y lodeli'ahrng complaints you will frequently reveal your weak - 110.;s. Lord Lee. He is among the thirteen Unionist members of the Government who have declared their intention to stay by Lloyd George. Colonel rret�*Titan, Unionist member for the Chalnzsford division of L;rtrax. which read: "Resolved, that thismeeting ? of Conservative members of House of Commons declares its opinion that the Conserva- tive onser va tive party, while willing to co- operate with the Coalition Liberals, shout] tight the -elec- tion as an independent party, with its own leader"and its own program.,• Strict Rues in Britain. Drivers of motor cars treveliug': through certain parts of England are 1 , not only responsible for the handling of their vehicles, but are:stow liable to be fined if they allow their passengers to misbehave themselves: during the trip. r .ate( FLgel 11, ;t7' t, ,a , .. r Oft .m,,T',itt \1 t't t N. 2. 114 to till'';. II^-ic .--•+i41- n this .t:+.•. per lie; rt. ' o 3, OD t. i 60.e. 1 'sill' Mi :n. s; r.ng ret; 'e. tire. We. #s 1a1wt: p, ::rr.: wheat lints 1't; 8<i.511. 1ta''sti cats •.. Ontario eilmb 1:vnley, p;: • doz., $0 .25. Bag2. 90 ilr :"..42.9A to ,13. Bran, 820. JQjl S71 u'2'n rev-- :N•i. 2. per ton...,ur T�`Jt i rto"Y..,..'iew jlnt,rr ,r. watt t..! .6132. t:• Sijli t + 94 ',5'iht sled riie.ts-•-•1-lan.se melt, :'tl to Ch.' -e ---I' Ute.' e 'stern , 18i 1 to =8c; a .Led ham, 42 to 45e; sthr!Fkted 19c. B leer Ch'ei a .i er' nhery, 30 rcilz. 20 to 28:'.; eO`ctage rolls, 356 to to ''37 I,�}`a-..+Pic.'r£*y. 3-9 to 40e. 1.seakfast Li rnh 32 t:, .15c; sae- Potatees-•-•Per lag, car kits, $1. c:al brand 'breakfast bat't.n, '38 to 40e; - Calves, ehoice veal, 310; coin., $6.50 La.lte, i,;,neles , 89 to 481:. , to $8; g.•a; a's, $3; hogs., best lots, - Cured meats --Long clear bacon,' ell - $17; lightweight rolls, in Weis., $48; heavyweight rolls, $40. fir'. t'e.;,s::rte must be bought at the Lard ---Pure, tierces, 161sir; tubs,', price of p:«iris For tile true pleasure 17e; pale's, 171.'0; prints, 19c. Short-' the r•r '., i before you enj;.y it; ening tierces, 13 to 131(2e; tubs, 131i fcr thr fa:_. , ef- er you enjoy it. You cAq cgoar see `fOuR NA- Sdti5 Sg E CEO E 1-1 t1'a '10 Sly! St -;ES MAR II1EO r,...._,,,,....,,e4,44.4474 it f-' 4 -j �1 1 NA BICYCLE Or a Wristlet Watch, Camera or Set of Dish 33, FREE OF COST HERE IS A WHOLE XMAS TREE FULL, OF PRESENTS. HOW MANY OF THEM ihCuWhat are the Xmas presents hSanta 1s has put on and around this tree. ,lake a list of them and win a splendid bicycle (either gents' or ladies' style) or a lovely wristlet watch, or a camera. or a set of china. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY, AND WE ARE GOING TO GIVE 1000 Prizes TO THE WINNERS iN THIS BlG CONTEST For several years the price of Xmas earls has been four for ten cents. We have determinedto bring the price back to, what it was before the war. Ten centsa pack- age, and six -lovely cards in • .each package. Tlie - only way we can afford to rrel1 them at this price is to double our business. TEAT 1S WHY WE ARE OFFERING ' 'r 1i o s E q?LA.GNIle 1C1I NT IZRIS to all who help us tc let. people know our new price. If you can make a list of at least twelve presents on and around this tree; and will introduce our Xmas and,othcr cards to 20 of your friends and neighbors, who will want to buy them, the ABSOLTITIMy GUARANTEE that you will win one of the prizes," It may he the bicycle, or a wristlet watch; or a camera, or it may be a smaller ,prize, Whatever prize you win you will be well paid for the little bit of trouble you go to, Send us your llst to -day (if you can maks a list of twelve or more of the presents) and we will send you complete liet of prizes together with 20' packages of Xmas and other, dards and seals to show to your friends We trust you with then, a.nct it w-111 not even cost you the, price ei a postage stamp because we will put extra cards in your parcel to make up for Sour cost of postage. "Wire us to -clay and wig one of the lovely prizes. 1-l0MFR WA:%REN CO. DEPT. 2VTORONTO