HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-10-19, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY. OCT. 195 1022 Exeter Markets Local Doings CHANG,)rD EVERY WEDNESDAY • Wheat , 1.00 - Mr. T. R. Ferguson has moved into Oats .,.r.. .. 40 the home recently ,vacated by Mr. F. ala*nitebas Best Flour 3.65' A, C.haprnan oar:John St, F'a-ni. y • Flour Pastry Fleur , Feel Flour `h arts 3.40 Th' Thurat!ay is the day of the 1.7001 big plowing =tea on, elle. farm ee lir, en'6, 'Yellow, Thames Road. Brea 125 A mew law went into effect on the Creamery Rutter 38 to 401st of October compelling bicycles to Dairy Butter 34 to 37 carry a lamp after dark. Ene 36 The first "nstalrnen. of the"beaute- r. l d 19 fie fell in. this section Wednesday, Has. pee ass ..... Potatoes, per bag ,..... ......... 60 Winter was about to settle in. Inns per cwt. 10,00 Mr. C. F. Hooper has moved into t the rear of his store until his house I is completed,. and Mi -..and Mra, Stew - The Exeter Times has purchased the i art of the Hibbert boundary have newspaper end job prietieg plant of r novel .into the home purchased from the eine ll Observe.: ,froze Mfr. F. J. " Mr. Hooper on, the corner of John and Wickwire, e, Mrd n1' conduct the bust-• Union Streets. vs> in. :acture. Rev. J. A. 11vKelvie of Teeswater. ,and Rev. M. J. WWriison of the James /Street Methodist Church, Exeter, �ex- change_° puiPits on. Sunday last ��:t the evening service 5.1% James Street r Visa Essery oA Centra:1 sang very The anniversary and fowl supper i pie; singly. of the Thames Road Presbyterian 6 chueb will be held next Sunday and d sir• Gigs. 13, Chapman of London :vlotndcry. On : wtnelay Rev. T. A, Sym , through itis solicitors is male :n cl'i m nor eamagas from the e-outieil of the ington, oY Inex Church, London, wild i Townsltilt of Hay ala the result of an I quhart.preach orning and s f Kippen, will nassisnne tthe l eeeth of nHettsai', .some dent on the London weeks goo. choir. Fowl Supper on :rionday lir, Chapman. claims that a hole inure evening followed by program. Hen- read caused a break in his car, with sail Quartette and 'hiss Cool:, reader; the result that it .struck another car will tale part. Adults 00e; children and caused considerable injury and 30e, damage. $9.00 to $10.00 ane rt fool ed -fora time as though ., THAeties ROAD 1,NNWI RS BY AND FOWL SUPPER. HORSE STR,1.YEDD' A hlaeli arty- PAYER DOES NOT P,AY, ing mare, 4 }ears old strayed from, Last year the Christian Guardian, the lot 26, eon. 5, 1 sboree. Suitable re- organ, of the Methodist Church in Can - ward offered for information or re- ala lost $20,000 and ,an appeal for ban tuna. A. W. afor ;ant. creased circulation was sent out, ae- ompanied by the declaration that :t HOVSE FOR S. ,Lt. OR RENT. could mot be made .to pay otherwise. ..elle Real brie ,, ewe: stt:I etorcy, Preens- IT E?ULODED. ;rtcc5, hal, three bedrooms, parlor, deeng None entry, bathroom, k:. Although it was thought that every lean. hydra- nonti g toad bot ,,er fern. prey autien pox ible was taken to clean zee (IIred wele One-fifth acre of out a1! the ;gals from an automobile eras lend. t entrany staffs°ed in Exete t„trk. this to re.eular snrbe exploded on Apply to Es,i Heywood, k.xeter. 1101.-SEKEnPER WANTED Thursday r;igbt when Mr. Bert Ker - 'Ole applied a blow torch to it to .re- nnove the Solder, before mending it, The explosion. smashed the tank end tli:ldda :aged lady to take ebarge of injured lir. ael: by burnish, his a rm 1 L zr::•;, with obje t of metritnony. Good t but luckily To eersous hurt or dant- ser e,„ Apply to Wm. Nickles, R. R. age wan done. An expert tells us that 2 lea hwooci. there is always danger of this kind, .even after the most careful cleaning, Keep in mind the date of Thames on. applying a .direct flame, but that a Ii Road Anniversary and fowl supper. hot soldering iron will do the trick Sunday and Monday, Oet. ',:2tui and without danger, even if the tank be a 23rd. north anediof gas. This paint is Well t, The next holiday w�'l be Thanks- giving Day, Nov. 6t1C The ,,rains of last week have made fall ploughing go •easier. Two or three cars of coal have rude their - way to Exeter recently, The Drumbo butter factory wan robber3 of 108 -one-pound prints of butter. The evaporator is a busy spot these days. Great quantities of apples aro being brought in. Mr, I. Armstrong ie recovering from bis resent liners and is able to ;be out of bed again. A :Wiry, eor lad last elle sight of one eye by beg hit by a pea shot from a pea. shooter. Horace Delbridge, a pupil of t}ie High, School, obtained a pass in Brit- ish History at the September exams. being the -only subject he wrote on., This completes the list of the school, The St. Marys -Milling Company' has made an assignment to Fred W. Ray_ mond, accountant, London, aid a meet- ing of the creditors es eraled for in, the office of the company in St. Marys on October 24th. Mr, Frank Snell underwent an opera- tion, Victoria hospital, Lonelein,aast week, for a trouble in the head which was •affeetin one eye. He came through the operation in good shape cnrid is doing taicely. The congregation of the Jantes-St.. Meth-adist Church bee. raised about $200 for relief ;of those suffering by the fire in Northern Ontario, Sub- scriptions will be received from any- one desiring to help, Dr. S. T. Simpson, Field Secretary of the Qrtnge Grand Lodge, will oc- cupy the pulpit of the Trivia Mem- orial Church on Sunday ,etiertirtg next. Orangemen of the district are re- quested to attend as ;there is some- thin; leiteres-ting in store for them. JAelES I'IERN INJURED. James Hera of .town is confuted to his bed the result' of au eccidea, on Saturday last. He wee assisting in unloading a load of wood from a wagon, and ifs some manner averbal- am ed and tell to the ground, injuring his ,=boulder and chest severely. It rill be some little time before he will be able to be out around again, milmymilomimp BROKE idlS AR1i. Harry Strang, son ,of .Mr. „ Henry Strang of 1.isborne had the misfortune f breaking his arm on Monday last, was assisting is loading apples on wagon. when in some manner he fell off the wagon, breaking ,the two bones f his left forearm. The injury is a severe one and it will be sometime before he will have the use of the, in- jure(' member: 50 CENT MEALS. We are now serving meals to the FOWL SUPPBR general public at 50e, at the Metro- The Fowl Supper and Concert given pa/itaaa Hotel, Exeter. by the people of ;the Trivitt elemor- WM. MITCHELL„ Prop. ia1. Church al the rink on Wednesday --»» of last week was largely attended, a1 - FOUND. --A place where you can though the very wet weather was'un- buy British -American gasoline at 31c, favorable, and the affair met with the -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North success it desereed, A large cumber of fowl was provided and an ample Clearing Out Sale—Having decid- supply was served to each; in tact, ed to go out of the harness business how .some of them ,got ri•d of it, is a I intend to vacate MY present Prem- mystery, The lengthy concert given by the choir of ;the Seaforth Presby- terian Church was appreciated. There were some particularly good voices and the numbers were. well ,elected, The proceeds amounted to about 3150 clear. ises on October 26th, and am offer- ing my entire stock for sale at reduc- ed prices. 1 also have for sale a vat for oiling harness, Parties having repair work in the shop, kindly call for it before the above date, A. M, Quante, Exeter. EXETER O. K. CIDER MILL ,AND Apple Butter Factory moved to new 'raremises, corner of Main and Wel- lington St., opposite the lietropolitan Hotel Will be open every day. Try arae in the new stand, customers. - I thank you, J, V, CAN. HOUSE FOR SALE. On Main Street, Exeter, the prop- erty of Prof. Anderton, comprising the house. with 3 reception rooms, 3 bed- rooms, kitchen and offices, furnace hydro, bath, etc., hard water in house good garage and garden. • PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house,,:stable and 8 lots of land, situated in Exeter North For particulars apply to H. Bierling. Hay P. O. DR. JOl•IN WARD, ChiropraLtor & Optician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit ted Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appo•ntment. Office -William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. Bette' Bof6-Made Bakery Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing.” Headquarters for HIGH CLASS BREAD BUNS AND CARES Special attention given to orders for Picnics, ` Luncheons and Wed- dings. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY The Big Livery When goireg out hunting 'give us a sail. Don't forget anything ybu have to move we are right on the job Tia do at CARTAGE AND LIVERY. Phone 58w. BAGSHAW & EASTON SALVATION ARMY SERV IC1r,S Services as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting 7 p.m. -Salvation Meeting. 2,30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class, Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night Capt Hopkins Lieut. Hoskins Y. P. CL A; Open each everting to membersi. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"They Came, .to Elem-The Rector. 7 p.m. -Some Aspects of the Strug- gle for Civil .and Religious Lib- erty, by Dr. S. T. Simpson, Field Secretary of the Orange Grand t 1 Lodge. t Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectos. ANNIVERSARY SERVICh.S, The anniversary services ,of Caven Presbyterian Church on Sunday last were an unqualified success from ev- ery standpoint, The morning service was held in their own church, while in the evening the servee was con- ducted in the Trivia Memorial Church which was packed to overflowing, chairs having to be used in the isles to accommodate the large crowd, and then a number could not gain admit- tance. The Rev. Chas. E. Evans of St. Marys had charge of both services and his discourses were both of an eloquent and practical nature, and his remarks were followed with deep interest by all his hearers. Special music was rendered by the choir and the singingi` was of a lrigli order, the solo parts of the anthem in the evening being taken by Miss 13. Sensor and Dr. An R. Kinsman,. The solo by Miss Senior in the evening was also admirably rendered, Mrs. Foote and llrs. Dore gave a pleasing duet in the morning. The collections amounted to about $260.00 eelr. Rich, Gidiey visited his son, Samuel in Bjyth last week. County Clerk Holman of Goderich gave the Advocate a pleasant call on Saturday. Mr. and Airs Fred. Gould of Strath - fey spent the week end here. visiting relatives. t Mrs. Chas Eastman and babe of Toronto are visiting ,at the home of Mr. E. J. Christie. Mrs. Jo,.eph Holiday of London is visiting Mrs. R. N. Creech, Mr. Hol day spent Sunday here, Mr and Mrs. J. A. Stewart re- urned Saturday ,from New York where they spent two weeks. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Fames Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. in.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a. m.—Rev. Dr. S. Simpson, of Toronto, will preach. 7 p. m.—Service withdrawn for Main St. _ Church Anniversary. Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wiilsoar, B.A. 11 a.m.-"Pioneering Cowardice en .our National, Church rind In dividual Life." 3 p.m. -Sabbath. School and Study. •M rs. Irwin ands children of Jager - soli spent a fewdays during the week with her parents, Mr, And Mrs. D, Davis. Mr. Thos. McCurdy, who accompani- ed a shipment of cattle to the Old 'Country, returned home Tuesday morning Rev. Chas. Down .of the }vest, after attending the Methodist General Con- ference in Toronto, visitteil relatives in, Exeter over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred J "Sanders and `son, Gordon. of Toronto are spend- ing a ,few days with ,the fornzer',� parents ,Mr. and Mrs, T111os. G. Sand- ers. They made the trip in their auto. Mrs. Hedden and daughter, Miss Ray, after spending a few :months in he West. returned to their home hese aturday evening, accompanied by Mrs. ridal, another daughter of Mrs, Hed en Mrs.Silas Brolcenshiire of London is isiting with 'relativesin Crediton :for. wo or three weeks. Mrs. Brokenshire s ocoverrintg after ,an,,operation for appendicitis. Mr. Brokenshire, and aughter, .Iva, were. here over Sun= ay. ttencled the convention at Goderich asst Thmaday and Friday, with 'the xception of Mi ss Murray, who: visit - e a Leek relata,'ve 4m, • To onto, and Mo,nn `an mart. :w!» attended tb'' eaiddte lee ronvventiran in London on Friday, Bible . t S 7 .p.m. -No Service. -Withdrawn, ekr B favor of Main Street Anniversary MAIN ST. METHODIST CrIURCH t Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 ANNIVERSARY • d 11 a.m.-Rev. J: '.T. .Cosby Morris, d B.A., B.D. 3 pm. -Special Service. Awardoaf a the' Robt. Raikes Diplomas. ' " I. 7 p m. -Rev. Morris; e The Woodham Choirwill ttssrst the service of :praiiaie.., c ;'he teachers of the. Public School -- . J PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE. S2 Good Values in ,Fall House Furnishings Our Fall stock of House Furnishings is ow complete. Prices are much lower on Rugs, Conggoleums, Linoleums- Window Blinds, Curtains and Cur- tain Nets, Oilcloths, Cretonnes, Etc, We Crave an exceptionally large stock to select from. Clearing Sale of Sweaters Here is au .opportunity to procure: a real good sweater or sweater coat for every member of the family at away below actual cost ,price, We find that we have a great many add lines of sweaters for Ladies, Girls, Boys and men, which must be cleared at•or;ce regardless of cost. Many at less than lialf Price, Come early and get .first choice. Suits, Coats and Dressse for Fall and Winter Wonderful Values are here :hewn in. the above lines. We stall have over fifty beautiful coats to select from, in plain. and fur -collared styles, SALTS' BLACK SEAL PLUSH AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. GILLS' COATS from 4 to 14 year siz es in good quality cloths and re:tutu/1,1e prices. REEFERS -for both boys and girls, in heavy navy cloth, very popular this season, and much lower prices. BABIES' WHITE BEAR and. Chinchilla Cloths now in stock. Ladies' Hosiery, Underwear Corsets We have es large a stock of. Hosiery, Underwear and Corsets as many large city stores, • NOW .is the time to get your supply. We handle Standard makes in these lines, which assures our eustomers • better wear- ing qualities and values, Melel's & Boys' Overcoats and`be Suits' Come in and .7inspeet our Stylish New Overcoats, made in all the new smart colors. We have the new style of Kimono Sleeves, end other Sport Models. The prices are very moderate, Children's Overcoats and Reefers We keep Smart Little Coats and Navy Blue Reefers for Children They arc much cheaper than last year. Hurlbut Shoes for Children We are Exeter agents for Hurlbut Shoes for Children -the best shoe in. Canada for the money. We are doing a bigger business all the title in this litre. . Groceries Our Groceries are always as low es the lowest, and are fresh every week, We invite comparison of prices. • JONES & MAY ionneennemsoegaenwerenronnill I. R. Carling, 13.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol- sons'Battle, Dtc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victe y, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 tier cent. to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of initenest Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on apprecation. Stray Animals -One insertion three insertions $L00. Miscellaneous articles of not more 'than five lireee, Frog Sale, To Renit, Wanted, each intention, 50c. Lost anc� Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. _per line per insertion.., No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 53 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if unifier five inches in leangth. Legal advertiseng 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm far Reall Estate for sale 50c. each insertion fog; one month of four insertions, THE DOUBLE TRACK L OUT>a 50c., Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping card on night trams and Parlor caws on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. , Horn - erg District Passenger Agent, Toros)* N. J. DORE Pious 46w Agent, Exeter SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Men's Blue Serge Suits If in need of a. Blue Serge Suit don't. nail to see our new, si uck. These suit's are exceptionally well -tailored and are splendid value at 335,00 Misses' and Ladies' Coats ,Every week we have something new to ,show you ,in Ladies' Coats sing it 2s always a pleasure for us to show them. Popular prices, - $25.00, $30.60 ` and $35.00 Cushioned Soled Shoes for Men and Women If you want shoe comfort let us fit you with a ,pair of our easy fit- ting cushioned soled shoes;, We are showing several styles in, Wom:en's and men,'s: i • i ; j (Priced at •,35.00, $6.50, $8.50 All Wool Serge 40 Inch'. wide. A splendid all wool serge, suitable for dresses, Clrildreat's wear. Extra.value at per yard 85c. Linoleums and Oilcloths Let us show you the new patterns ot{hcott Bros ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales e specialty. Four years experience/. DR. Al. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon l McDoniell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr, G. F. Rouistom, L. D. S., D. D. S DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 9. Ho¢ior Graduate Toronto Unlnsritity Office -over Gladman & Stanbuty,'s - Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEItA AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth,' Middlesex and Oxford, arm Stack Sales a Specialty. Office at Central • Hotel, Exeter, Ontario FRAN',K TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex' Prices Reas•anable and Satiisfaetion Guaranteed. Crediton, ' = Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN funds have large amount of privatetL to loam on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & 'STANBURY !a datert, StOchera,