HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-10-19, Page 3;A MOTHER'S DUTY 11
Health Must be Guarded as She'
Cotnes to Woxuanhood.
1,'very mother who calls to mind her
own girlhood knows how urgently her
daughter is likely to need health and
strength during the years between
, early school day,;, and womanhood. It
is then that growing girls droop and.
become bloodless and nervous. NA -
tux* is calling for more nourishment
that the blood can supply, and signs
of distress are plainly evident in dull
eyes, pallid cheeks, weak and aching
backs Red a dislike for proper food. i
These sisiia mean that the blood is
weak and watery. The watchful
mother takes prompt steps to give the
new, rich blood her system calls for
by giving bee Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
No other medicine has ever succeeded
like them -arid thousands of mothers
have proved their worth. Mrs. W. 11.
McIntyre, Gananoque, Ont., tells what
these pills have done ter both iieraeif
and her daughter. She says: "I have
used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for many
years, especially ire times of weakness
and general debility, acid have found
them a most satisfactory medietne.
.After a severe attack of influenza 1
Annul myself in a nervous conditiou
and resorted to my old toniceePink
Pills—and they did not fail me. I also
gave them to my eldest daughter, who
was in a serious condition due to ail -
meets of girls of her age. She emu.
Piaiued of headacl es and backaches,
and would often grow hysterical. See
began taking the pills and wee soon
on the road to health again. She never
eOnlpialns now of headaches or lack-
` aches, and I give the credit to Dr.
Williams" Pirk Pills, Whenever I see
any of my children ailing or is need
of a blood tome, give them these
pills and always with e.e best results."
You can get these pills tie ot'gh any
dealer in ruelicine or by mail at GO
cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
The Bold Heart,:
This time I did not win,
And seen I then
Go with bowed head
And never try agate?
No, rather let me strive
The harder still
Until I bend my* fortune
To my will.
Let me not break nor bend
But let me be
Stronger than any fate
That cometo me..
Let me be bold of Heart'
And learn to read
In every ctailure
How I may succeed.
—Abigail Cresson.
His. Lucid Moment,
A doctor had been called to see a
man who was very ill. He examined
him and said to the nurse: "You must
watch the case very .closely through
the night, and tell me all the symp-
ores when I coxae back in the warn-
The pian became worse during the
night and talked a lot of nonsense in
bis fever,
When 'the doctor returned in the
nxoruing, he said to the nurse; "Tell
ale exactly what happened after I
"You were hardly out of the room,"
he began, "when be said. 'When did
that old fool say he ways coming back?'
Those were the last sensible words he
Young Alderman "Just imagine,
those rascally street railway people
had the nerve to otter me a huudred
isousand to vote for their measure."
His wife --"Oh, Henry! I always
knew you'd make good."
Ton get cheerfulness out ot life in
roportion as you put cheerfulness in.
You cannot invest counterfeit coin ani'.
xpeet dividends in real money.
Minimum Wage Legislation
By Elizabeth P. MacCallum, M.A., Social Service Council of Canada
Alberta is now the seventh province
ot the Dominio:a that bas committed
Itself to a policy otgovernmental regu-
lation of wages for women. In British
Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,
and Ontario government regulation is
well under way; in Alberta, Quebec
and Nova Scotia the requisite legisla-
tion has been enacted, but the acts are
not yet in force. Alberta has not yet
had time to take action; but Nova
Scotia and Quebec have had the legis-
lation on their statute books for three
years, Action will probably be all the
more effective for the delay, for these
two provinces will soon have a wealth
of experience in other parts of the
Dominion to guide them, when they do
begin to enforce their Minimum Wage
There is a general conviction
tlilroughout Canadathat some govern-
mental action should be taken to pro-
tect workingwomen from each other
and from exploitation by cheap •em-
ployera. Teat is to say, there is a
large percentage of our workingwomen
who are entirely dependent upon their
,own earnings, and it is felt that the
right of these women to a living wage
should be upheld in the face of the
fact that many semi -dependent women
are naturally willing to work for less
than a living wage. Minimum wage
laws ie. Canada, then, have been pass-
ed largely with the aim in view of
making it illegal for an employer to
pay or a female worker to accept less
than a certain rate of wages, deemed
by the Wages Board to approximate to
a fair standard of living. In Great
Britain minimum wage legislation ap-
Plies to men as well as women, but in
Canada, whether wisely or not, little
bas been said about protecting that
fluctuating, vague and inarticulate
body of men workers which is for-
tunately smaller here than in many
other countries. In all countries
where minimum wage legislation has
been enacted, the ultimate aim of the
legislators is to create decent stand-
ards of living where they do not exist,
and thus give to all classes of workers
a sense of self-respect which will in
time engender enough independence
of spirit to enable them to look after
themselves. That self-respect is con-
seieuousIy lacking among those work-
ers whose standards are still of the
lowest order. It is found that many
sueh workers do not appear to care
whether their wages are raised or not.
Their indifference is born ef physical,
unifier -nourishment, and applies- to al-
lmost all phases of their ixistence. It
is to the advantage of the workers, of
the province, and of individual em-
ployers as well, that apathy of this
kind be done away with.
British Columbia has had the long-
est experience of any Canadian pro-
vince in the field of minimum wage
legislation. Industries have been
dealt with one by one, until wages
have been regulator in almost every
industry in which women are largely
employed. Wages for adult workers
Geography in Names.
Many things we use every day aro
named after the towns from which
they originally came.
For instance, probably you have a
pain or worsted socias, which were
once made at Worstead, but which
nowadays come principally from Hud-
dersfield; or a Panama hat, which
comes from' Ecuador instead ef the
place from which it took its name.
Cambric handkerchiefs are so-called
from the town of Canlbrai, in France.
Treed. suits, Inverness capes, and
Leghorn hats are examples of athe
same thing, The connection between
damsons and Damascus is not so ob-
vious, but damson ix featly only a con-
traction for Damascene plum. Cur-
rants get their name from the fact
that originally, they were made from
small grapes, which still grow near
Corinth; in Greece; they were former-
ly called Corietelaus.
Cherries came from the city of Cera
sus, which once stood in Male ?!Minor,
while chestnuts preserve the name of
Castana, another city of the past,
whence the trees -first came to Europe.
The names of two cheeses, Cheddar
and Stilton, comae faom two villages,
one in Somerset and the other in
Huutingdonseiro. Worcester, Dres-
den, and Sevres have all given names
to different kinds of china, and Delft,
a small Dutch town, is remembered by
Delft pottery,
Nothing can equal Baby's Own
Tablets as a medicine for little ones.
They are a laxative, mild but thorough
in action, and never fall to relieve con-
stipation, colic, colds and simple
fevers. Once a mother has used them
she will use nothing else. Concerning
them Mrs. Saluste Pelletier, St, Damns
des Aulalees, Que., writes,—"I always
keep a box of Baby's Qwn. Tablets in
the house. They are the best medicine
I know of for little ones and I would
not be without them," The tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25e a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medielno Co., Brockville, Ont.
,Awaiting Her Tricks.
Bobby—"Are you the trained nurse
mamma said was coming?"
Tho Nurse—"Yes, dear, I'm the
tavained nurse."
Bobby ---"Let's see some of your
"No one Is living aright unless he
so lives that whoever meets him goes
away more confident and joyous for
the contact."
vary from $12.75 to $15.54 per week,
representing often an increase of
about 35 per ceut. Hours have been
shortened, so that forty-eight is re-
garded as a normal week. British Co-
lumbia's experience tenas to refute
the opinion held by many that a mini-
mum Mage Is apt to become the maxi-
mum and so defeat its own purpose,
In 1920 average wages in different in-
dustries were found to exceed the
minimum by as much as $3.19, $1.5,
$2.04, $2.55, and $4.43 per week. In
Saskatchewan almost half of the laun-
dry workers are receiving more than
the miehnum, and about two-thirds of
the workers in shops and stores are
in a similar position.
The Wage Boards of Manitoba and
Ontario have made a large number of
awards, and are exeerimenting in dif-
1erential wages for various localities
according to size. Their awards are
not generally as high as those in Sas-
katchewan and British Columbia, but
by the use of the informal conference
with employers and employees, they
are making a valuable addition to the
world's experience in minimum- wage
It's a fine thing
to keep out of trouble
but it's a finer thing to know how
to get outof trouble after you have
gotten into it. :.
Many people thoughtlessly get
into trouble by loading up with
heavy,indigestible foods which fail
to supply the essential elements for
repairing the daily wear on their
nerves and body tissues.
it is well: to know that Grape-
ra ••eNuts with goof rich milk is a highly
noutfshingfood, providing all the
necessary nutritive and mineral
elements in proper form for
"There's a Reason"
ready assimilation by the system.
When you make Grape -Nuts a
substantial part of your regular
daily diet, Nature will Quickly
assert herself and -build healthy.
nerve cells and sound body tissues::
Crisp and crunchy Grape -Nuts,
made from wheat and malted
barley, is a satisfying food for
breakfast -a welcome answer to
the call of appetite.
The familiarYellow package con-
tains more nourishment in less bulk
than any other cereal food.
Canadian,Podtum Cereal Co , Ltd.,' 45 Front 'St., E., Toronto. ' Factory: 'Windsor, ()merle
Has Never Felt
Better In All
Her Life.
Thousands of frail, nervous people
and convalescents everywhere have
testified to the remarkable power of
Tanlac in bringing back their health,
strength, and working efticieney. It
seems to quickly invigorate the con-
stitutti is owe
weaknession. anMrs. 1✓mma pa 11xileserful, 125fo01 Te-
cumseh Ave., London, Ont., says:
"I suffered terribly from stomach
trouble, headaches and dizzecattacks,
and was so weak, nervous and run
down it was all I could do to get about,
` Since I've taken Tanlac, my stomach
is in splendid cede!•, the headaches
other troubles have left me and I'ui
Simply feeling fine."
There is not a single portion of the
body that is net benefited by the help-
ful action of Taniae. It enables the
stomach to turn the food into bealthy
blood, bone and muscle, purifies the
system and builds you back to normal
weight, Get a bottle to -day at any
good druggist. Advt.
Our Work is Borer With Us.
"No man is born into this world,"
says Lowell, "whose work is not barn
with him."
Instil this idea into the very marrow
of the child's being --that no one is
born into the world whose work is not
born with hint. Look out for your,boy
and girl. Their work is indicated in
their blood, in the very make-up of
their constitution. Teach them this
from the start, Impress upon their
young minds the fact that their ten-
dencies, their €ptitudes, are indica-
tions of the thing that they are es-
pecially fitted to do; that they were
sent here on some definite mission by
the Creator of the universe, and that
they will never be really happy or suc-
cessful until they are doing that for
which God planned them.
Round pegs in square Iaoles are
never contented, never happy, never
satisfied. A large per: entage of .our
Criminal class comes froze these dis-
contented, .misplaced Jammu beings,
There is no greater service parents
eau do their children, or teachers their
pupils than help them find their work
--their true place in life, There Is no
more pitiz.ble person in the world than
the misfit, the one who has not found
his work.—O, S. :Warden.
4Pape's Diapepsin" for
Gas, Indiges#ion. or
Sour Stomach
�,.t.• ,..,,,.......,.,...,.,,,
Instantly! Stomach corrected! Yon
never feel the slightest distress from
indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy atom-
ao'Ii, after you eat a tablet of ""Page's
Diapepsin," The mr,aent it reaches
the stomach all sourness, flatulence,
heart -burn, gases, palpitation and pain
disappear. Druggists guarantee each
sl package to correct' digestion at .once.
your stomach trouble iter few
"Cascarets" lOc
For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated
When Moonlight Falls,
When moonlight falls en, the water,.
It is like fingers touching the chords
of a harp
Cin a Misty day.
When moonlight strikes the water
I cannot get it into my poem --
1 only hear the water's fingers and the
moon's rays
I think of all the words I love to bear
And try to find words white enough
For such shining.
--Hilda Coukling.
St. Paul's Cathedral is the fifth
largest church in the world.
Classified Advertis ernts
ill'XL NURSES 1 iNTED--2 Y,EAi;
ca'i atii'neiallowanefrst lsaranngiu g
medical and obstetrical work; full
course of lectures, Apply Superintend
ent, West End hospital, 35 S. Hoyne
Ave., Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.
T t IDOUT BF ZIA-V:3 r(NT I3LDt ..
..1. Yonge Street, Toronto, rteg1sterefi
Patent Attorneys. Send for 'free booltiet;
T.._ .
TION hos% new and used, shipped
subject to approval at lowest nrices in
Canada. York 8eiting Co., 116 Toric
$t., Toronto, .Qat-
Cascara bark used for medicinal
"purposes is an important product of
the Oregon forests.
Minard's Liniment for Distemper,.
The weight cf the ;eat Pyramid of
Egypt has been estimated' tit 6,400,000
Your Child's Bowels Need
"California Fig Syrup"
Fishermen and Campers,
Quick Relief.
Hurry another! Even a sick child
loves the "fruity" taste of "California
Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open.
the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may
prevent a sick child to -morrow. If con.
stipated. bilious, feverish, fretful, baa
cold, colic, or it stomacli is sour,
T tongue coated, breath bad, remember
a good eleausing of the little bowels
is c;ften all that is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali -
!erten Pig Syrup' whist bas directions
for babies and children of all ages
printed en bottle. Maher! You must
say "California" or : ou May get an
imiteti In 'fig syrilp.
Bilk Carlots
Clean your bowels! Feel flee!
Men you feel sick, dizzy, upset.
when your head is bull or aching. or
your stomach is sour or gassy, lust
take one or two Cascaret:, to relieve ,
constipation. No griping --nicest laza- s
tive-cathartic on Garth for grown-ups
and children. idc a box, Taste like
Her Specialty,
"Malachi," asked ?Jr. Casey, "can
your wolfe cook as well as your moth-
er did?"
"She cannot," replied Malachi, "but
me friend, I niver mintion it, for she
can throw considerably betther."
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Pere Dollars coats three cents.
Avoid the pleasure that holds the
penalty of future pain.
Ask for Minard's and take no other,
A `fusion of the Era of Love.
Julia. Ward Howe, who devoted her
life to the service of humanity had a
wonderful vision before she passed to
the beyond. The story of it is here
given in her own words.
One night recently I experienced a.
sudden awakening. I had 'a vision of
a new era which is to dawn for man-
kind and in which men and women are
battling equally, unitedly, for the up-
lifting and emancipation of the race
from evil.
"I saw men and women of every
clime working like bees to unwrap the
evils of society and. to discover the
whole web of vice and misery, and to
apply the remedies and also to find
the influences that should best count-
eract evil and its attendant suffering.
"There seemed to be a new, a won-
drous, ever -permeating light, the glory
of which I cannot attempt to put in
human words the light of new-born
hope and sympathy blazing. The
source of this light was ;human en-
deaver—immortal pureose of count-
less thousands of men and women,
who were equally doing .their part in
the world.
"I saw the men and the women,
standing side by side, shoulder to
shoulder, . in a common and 'indomit-
able purpose ligliting every face with
a glory not of this earth. All: were ad-
vancing with one end in view, one foe
to trample; one everlasting good to
"And then I saw the victory. All of
evil was gone from the earth. Mlsery
wasblotted out. Mank;ncl was en-.anci
gated and ready to march forward in a
new era of human • understanding, all
encompassing sympathy and ever-pre-
sent help. The era of perfect love, of
peace passing all understanding.'
ISSUE No. 41—'22
&amities'u 31"itnaset Dor Sontodirr
Book on
and Row to Feed
Wailed Free to any Ad -
dr ass by the .' uthor.
S. Clay Glover 004 iso,
123 'West 24th Street
New York. U.S.A.
Cuticura Quickly Soothes
Rashes and irritations
Hot baths with Cuticura Soap, fol-
lowed by light applications of Cuti-
cura Ointment, afford immediate
relief in most cases of rashes, irrita-
tions, eczemas, etc. Cuticura Talcum
is also excellent for the skin.
Soap25e. Oiutment2Sand50e. Taleam25e. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot
banns. Limited. 344 St. Paul St., W, Montreal.
Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Took Lydia E. Pinkharn's
Vegetable Compound—Now
Enjoys Good Health
K e s s o c k, taskatchewan,—"My
mother has taken Lydia. E. Pinkhares
Vegetable Com-
pound and upon.
learning of my
roubles advised
me to try it, as I
seemed all run.
down after the flu,
and had some trou-
bles such as women
are apt to have. I
have taken Lydia.
E. Pinitbam's Vege-
f�` table Compound
and Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Blood Medicine and used the
Sanative Wash. Also Dr. Brown's
Capsules and Prescription and am so
much better in every way. I am will-
ing for you to use any letter a: a,
I testimonial as I recommend your
anedicines."—Mns. Iac::xn Nnr,so c, lees -
sock, Saskatchewan.
When backaches and headaches
. drive out all ambition, when that
bearing: down sensation attacks you,
when you are nervous and blue, the
one great help for such ailments is
Lydiaound, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin,!' which Contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache
Toothache Neuralgia
Earache Lumbago
Pain, Pain
Handy"Bayer boxes 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 160—Druggists,
Aspirin is the trade mark (oglstProd in Canada) o1' Bayer Mauufactnro of Mono-
aceticacidester-of Salicylicacid 'While it is well known that Aspirin mcabs Beyer
manufacture, to uselst 11ie *Public against tinitatlons, the Tablets of Itaye1 (,ompanp
wt11 be stamped witI, thol, general (.rnde'marlc, the'Sayer Croats."