HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-10-12, Page 8.gXErE it AflV OGATE, TRt•B3UAY, IICT, 135 1192 Freer Markets 1 Local Doings CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ...t 95 25c. ie advance pays for the Advo - Oats .,.r„ ' 40 tate to the end .of the year. tyi -t,teba's Best Flour 3.651 Rouge \ twer, Exeter North, Start - Fa t i.,s' Flour 3,40 ed to .learn the art of barbering With Pastry Flour 3,15 4r, Frank Boyle, ort Tuesday. Feea Row w Shores Vie Exeter ,)apses ,Street Choir ryas. .3 ^- ,,..., in charge of the omit: at the Atutier- Bran Czeamery Butter 38 to 0 nary services of the .Kippena ehurch Dairy Butter 3.4 w 37 on Sunday afternoon. Eggs 56 firs. W, HaNewconab of Carnduff Lard. Hay per tin Pet noes, per bag Hogs per Cwt On el rt lay 'next,, . October 18th, the nets minimum, wage law Coates to -effect. \T Rev, M. J. Wilson „will conduct an,- niversary servic:ee'aft the Methediat Church at Teeswater next Sunday, air Peter Frayne ,.has sold his 'Palo Street property to .the Exeter Hydro Commi,asiote The price paid was $2000 Possession 'given. November 1. 2r. C. Prion as ,ta occupy the house belonging to Mr, Thos. Herten on Un- , ion St.. to be ,vacieted by Mr. T. : Ferguson, who will shortly move into on the home vacated ,by Mr. Chapme on e John Street. a, COURT CASES.- The ASES.-The cases against some young amen of Goderic1i on a charge of driving a car while under the influetice.,of ,liquor was heard by 1:fagistrate Reid of ' Goderich here on I1'fonday and dismiss- ed. The occasion was of the date of' some weeks ago when they drove north through Iowa and narrowly ea - caped hitting the car ,of \Tr. Lloyd $ayrham at the corner of Main. and Station streets, Another case thai came before the magistrate was that of taing the wrong poles from the swamp. ,� teamster was sent ,far the poles and it was claimed he got on the other fellow's pie, and slaty' was resorted to, It was settled, however, en the costs being paid, 19 Sas;:,, gree Iles Mary Hoak of Exeter $9.00��to 310.00 t^. renewing the. Advocate subscripti 60 sass that ;heir crop this year is th 10.50 best in. fifteen Sears. She reports ;► motor trip of 75 Julies to spend a da_ 'at the home of john. Moore, 11 awot formerly of Exeter. 1Ir. F. A, Chapmy9 before leaving I sail?. take in cniazi setas, ontauenc- on Thursday last";for Leamington, Was in on Oat.oke i;, ;onion elle Temperance made the recipent of a bandsomepairt o Masonic gold cuff „'bilis by the staff House, G I'. R- Stns 3-8 to 7-8 mill of the Bank of Commerce, he which e.t aeu cleaned a, per contract. t► -as duly appreciated. Mrs. Cha J. 1-f, GRIEVE. men arta Forbes extent the week end at the hoarse. of Dr. Mitten of Granton: awl mei reutaet here for a sate'; or R. ONIONS. v ANNIVERSARY. Cases Presb}tenter. Claur,b Apr: -ter sar4 nil be geld on Sunday, Oct, X15 Mornere seeviee at 11 o'clock, conduit al by Rev. Chas. E...Evana of 'a3 ltlerya; e-renirag serelee at 7 e cion' i.. the Trite: ,Me:t Bred C barrels, Rc. Evens prezehi^.g. Specia nittaie b easestcd by° , acal talent. two before joining, Mr, Chapman, BOWLI:NTG. t. A Scotch Double tourney ia►,,,e��huch Exeter end Destaweod bowlers took v. part, was held oat, The, peal. green ;Qin } Wednesday everting, the winners taf tarsi prizes being R \Iatrlt;nuey acid W. W. Tainan, ;and ,of seeo,nd E. Bar- nes:. and R. N. Creech, JUNIOR FARMERS MEETING. The t,'sborne aat,I Stephen Junio Farmers will hold their regular merit it, rr, Barter;, Hall, Exeter, on Friday r�abltt, Oct 13, a: b clock. S. I'7 S Qthere, re pre er.,ative, will be pres ort. Three rinks out of eight wort thre r ;eines in the Friday night tourney= Rev. Truriper, R. Ntawhin tey Faantl G a Anderson getting 17 Pus uttd the is pri eta; T. S. Wood, E. Howald and - W. W Taman gettizng 16 plus and sec and prize; and S. Davis, R. W. Fuk and R. N. Creech 15 plus. ORANGEMEN ATThNTIO:. e t Special meeting g oa Wednesday, Oct, 18th, at. is pea., to meet Dr. S. T. e itePeezn, or"eniaer of the Grand Lodge Fta:l attendance i,c requested. Ret. A. Trurrtpar, WelM Clearing Out Sale—'laving dee 1 cd to gc out of the harness business I intend to vaeate ray present prem- ices on October 20t, and arae titter- ing my entire stook for side atreduc- ed prices. b also have for sale a vat for oiling harness. Parties having repair worn in the shop. kindly eell for it before the above date. A. <1I. 4 uataee, Exeter. EN,ETkR O. K CIDER gIILL AND Apple Butter Fac ort• moved to new premise% corner of 'main and \Vel- l:ea,t art St„ oppos,:e the Metropolitan. Hotel Will be open every day. Try :rte in the new stand, cu:,:omers. 1 .thank you, yea S. J. V. C AYN, STRAY HEIFER There stray e 1 from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Con, 2, Us- berne, a two-year old heifer: Finder please notify Becher Brea„ R.R. 1.. Hensali, or phone 5r177 Exeter. ENTERTAINMENT. MENT. Colborne Street 'clission .Circle of London will give an interesting and :amusing Comedy, entitled "Cranford". in Bethany Church, Friday evening, Oct. 13, under the auspices of the W. M. S.. Admission, adults 25c., Children. 15c. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. ANOTHER BIG CUT IN PRICES OF FURNITURE AT R. N. ROWE'S — IVIHOLM FAR\L Several Choice Year-old O. A. C. Cooks, Barred Rocks; bred -to -lay Strain—S1.50 each. L. V. HOGA.RTH, Exeter Phone Crediton 18-31 HOUSE FOR SALE, On Main Street, Exeter, the prop- erty of Prof. Anderton, comprising the house. with 3 reception rooms, 3 bed- rooms, kitchen and offices, furnace: hydro, bath, etc., hard water in. house good garage and garden. PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and 3 lots of land, situated in Exeter North For particulars apply to :Ei. Bierling, Hay P. O. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Opti4ian Chiropractic and Elecitrical Treatments for Chroni. and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appo•ntm:nt. Office—William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. Botts' liomc-Mario Bakery Have you tried a loaf of ourBread? If not, get one to -day, "the' proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing." Headquarters for }UGH CLASS I3READ I3:TNS AND CAKES Special attention given to orders. for Picnics, Luncheons and Wed- dings. WEDDING CAKES A• SPECL11Ty The Big Livery When. g Ding oust- hunting -give -us a call: Don't forget anything you have to move we are. right 1on1 the job )t.o. do Qt CARTAGE. AND LIVERY.„ Phone 58w. BAGSHAW ,$c EASTON WE WANT TO CLEAN OM% TTtRENTIRE ERE CHRISTMAS RE- GARDLESS OF PRICE. ---R, N. ROWE ,Keep in. mind the date of Thames Road Anniversary and fowl supper, Sunday and Monday, Oct. 22nd and 23rd. Many !arrears are R ; very Mealy of the quality end service They get at the Centralia. Chopping Mill, 50 CENT MEALS. €'+: are now serving meals to the general public at 50e, at the Metro. politer: Hotel, Exeter, Wit 1. MITCHELL, Prop. The regular meeting of the 1°ioriie- ultural Society will be held on E!'eda nesday, Oct. 18th, S. J, Hogarth will give an address on Fall Preparation for Spring, Planting.' BULL DOG FOUND. A brown hull dog, came: Tuesday to the home of Wm, Lotman. Own- er can, have same by paying expenses, NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE 'N1ONEY BY BUYING YOUR FURN- TURE AT R. X ROWE'S. FOUND.—Apl� a ce where you can buy British -American gasoline at Slc, —R,'Mackenzie Si Son, Exeter North SALVATION ARMY SERV IC1.S Services .as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 alms—Holiness Meeting 7 p.nr.—Salvation Meeting. 2,30 ipm.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Cottage zneetiitgs in North End 'on Tuesday Capt Hopkins • Lieut. Hoskins Y. P.C:A Open each evening .to members'. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—Special Children's Day Ser- vice. All parents of the child- ren of the Sunday School cordi- ally ordially invited. 7 p.rn.—Presbyterian Anniversary Service in tb.s church. Rev A. A. Tramper, Rector, OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible CIasses. ANNIVERSARY Anniversary services will be held next Sunday. Rey. Chas. E. Evans B.A., of St. Marys ,will preach at l a. m. Evening service will be held. in Trivitt Memorial Church at 7 p,m.,' Rev. Mr. Evans will preach. ' Special . Music Everybody, ;Welcome Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening JAMS$ ST.. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 a.m.—Rev. 1. A. MCIIe1vie of The- water. t. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7 p rn.t—Rev." T. A..,M:eKelvte of Tees.= water. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev,;Geo, IMcA,Iister, M A:• t Phone/21:3 11 a tib Anruversar Ui ion Servjjce. 2;45 `p:m.-Sanity ch 1, 7`p.m.--The Mia6ster October 22, Church ` Anniversary. Preacher, . Rev. J, T, Casby ,Morris, B. ;A , B, D., Askin St;, London \ T3ETHANY 2,3.0 e Man." err. Bruce jtivers Iia, returned from Godericb. Miss ?poria Day left Saturday more, in; for Torento, Mr. Thos. j-iart071s of London spent a few dap here. , Miss 011ie Herts. ,as ,visiting Mrs. R. Brandt in Al tinst+on, Mr. J. A. Brintnell of Stratford Ives in tovi Monday on business. Mrs. Neil. of London :s visiting her daughter, Mrs. IJuberk Dote . Mr. James Foote ie ,home after a couple weeks spent in Windsor. Messrs, T, IL and W. Newell of Stratford were here on business on Friday, 1trs. Bullough of Xeeawater is vis- iting her daughter, ears, T. R. Fer- guson. Mrs. K. Gordon and daughter, June, returned to their home in Toronto Saturday. qtr His Honor Judge L. H. Dickson ort Gaderieb held Court of Revisi n here en, Monday, Mesars, C. Pilon and T. Baker were in. Toronto on business a few days of last week, \ir. and Mrs. Harry Gould of Wind- sor visited the forrner's mother here during the , week. Mn anal llrs, Allan 1MeKenzie xaF Cuba visited the lormer's parents, Mr and Mrs. R. \Ic1 enzie. Mr. and .lirs, %nelson Roulston, nee Ina Hoskins, of London visited here with relatives on Sunday, :Visa Jackson and Miss Jean Grins - abate of London were visitors over the wee?: •end with Mrs, Sutton, Mr. Thos. Nelson is back to town again from Stratford, and has taken a position in the Huron garage with Mr, Bert Doyle. Rev, H. J. JOhnson of Parkhill oc- cupied the pulpit of the Trivitt Mem- dal Church on Sunday, preaching two very pleasing discourses. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. IE, Schroeder of Detroit spent"'a few days in Crediton ma vicinity with relatives and old riends during the week, Mr. Linden Harvey, who has been preaching in the West during rhe vacation, has returned and will re- ume his studies in Toronto Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin and hild of Brantford spent the week end with lir. Mc,Laughiins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo1"in 'IcLaughlin U:rs, Ed. Sanders, who has been on •extended visit with American and attas4ian friends, left here Saturday or her home in. Muskegon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hart, who have een residents of town for same time, re moving this week ,to near Fergus, here they will take up" farming. Mrs. P. H. McEwen, ofRenrrew, bliss ertha Mack of Toronto, and Miss Al- a Mack of 'Montreal are visiting their arents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mack. Mrs. Hoffman returned to her home Brantford on Friday, ,after a visit ith her .parents; Mr. and Mrs. M. acrett. .Mrs. Eacrett is improving af- r her recent il,]nez.a, Mrs W. J. Heaman and Mrs.. R. N. reech motored to Brantford last 'eek, Mr. Clyde Heaman of Noe- JellandFred Heaman of London, s home with them for the week - d. 0 a s e an C b a here B re in E to NV cam en Mr. Nicholas ,Short of Tilsanburg, former resident .of . Stephen,, and his daughter and her husband, Mr. and 1Vfrs. Chand1Lers, were here, attending the funeral of the ,late Mrs. R. Stolen, and are ruow spending a few dayswith relatives here: Mr. and. Mrs, John W. Taylor re- turned Sunday evening .from a malvth's visit with friends and relatives 9In the former's.old home neighborhood, near Oshawa, and other points east of Tor onto. ,Mr. Taylor finds things great- ly charged since he lived there, I. R. Carling, 13.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Nel- sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR: FUNDS in Victory, Dominion, of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds; all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 ger cent. to 7 OW cent. ,'cant ,„be obtain . from these bonds... r,;`, ; Orders. received by me Money to loan at lowest rates o,f interest Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter weefl000pror PRONE 31 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Dri ScIva4i Foot Extd CONNING Core In and Let Him'ane Your Feet and Advise You . FREE I it + j)+l�ili,l'l Iltilll ii it l iu ii titin��� f youa,,re tired of being bothered by et i ng, tender f here is your chance to m�into r of and permanent correc- tiu vited to consult this foot specialist while he is here. WiII Be Hee Monday & Tuesday Oct. 16 and 17 Don't wait until the last minute and', maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort, me in any time during business hours and talk it over with the expert, IJtSchoII There is no need to suffer from' any foot trouble, any more, Be it ever so simple or ever so serious this s ectalist, who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Schorr, the noted font authority, can show you the way to immediate relief and to ultimate Foot Comfort if you'll step in and give him the chance. He can tell just what the cause of your trouble is, and he knows the remedy. Improve Foot Appearance No larger si ed or oddly shaped shoes needed. Wear the kind you like in perfect comfort, The Dr. Scholl Appliances actually improve the grace and beauty of the feet. JON ■ S & MAY "Watch Your Feet" n' SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 ,x law Men's Blue Serge. Suits If in need of a; Blue Serge Suit don't fail to see our new sjtock These suit's are exceptiton,ally well -tailored and are splendid va,lzre at $35,00 Misses' and Ladies' Coats Every week we have something new to sdtow you in Ladies' Coats $ l it ill. always .a pleasure for us to .show them. Popular prices,— 525.00, 530;00 and 535,00 Cushioned Soled Shoes for Men and Women If you want .shoe comfort let us fit you with a ;pair of our easy e Mitt sting cushioned soled shoes;. We ane showing several styles' in,Women's and mart's', r .: 'Priced at ....$5.00, $6.50, $8,50 • 40 Inch'' wide. Children's. wear. All Wool Serge A rsplemdid all woof seize, Suitable • gfor, ire les, • Extra value at per yard 85e. ` µ..L.no's inole .:.,and '�o lclotlia i/ 4 t• et us Show you the new .patterns �outhcott Bros ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — it.. R. No: -.1, !Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Farm and stock sales a specialty: Four years experiet cel. DR Al; E. TENNA'NT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied.'by Dr. Vii lag) Phbna 26w Dr, G. F. Rauaston, L. D. S., A 13.8, DENTIST, Office over'�Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons!, Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S.,, D. D. D Honor Graduate Toronto Unktir ity Office -,over Gladman & Stanliw°y't Office, Main Street, Exeter, . C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND, VALUATOR for Counties of Htttruo Perth, Middles,ex and Oxford. FOTO Stock 'Sales a 'Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario., FRAN'Kl TAYLOR Licensed Atectdonieer for Coiiatiess sol. Huron and 14Iiddlesrita Prices Reasonable and . Sa3 igf ' a`- �ttOn Guaranteed. Crediton. Ouitario, MONEY TO LOAN We have a ,large amount o,f pri,vat. funds • Uo t,oaua an farm' astid vWage property at )low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STAN/AIRY 8ssbtetry SlolicitCe1i, i