HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-12-13, Page 21GODERICH S1C.iNAL-STAR, THURSAY, DECEMBER 13, 1979 -PAGE 21 1. Articles for sale 1975 JAYCO "RUNNER" 14' TRAVEL TRAILER. Sleeps 3 adults 'or 2 adults and 3 children, 3 way refrigerator, two burner stove, potpourri, sink, clothes closet, lots of storage, used only 2 seasons. Double propane hook-up. Call 395-5794 after 5 p. m.-32tfnc SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street„ Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- .pers. Gen's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and minerals .deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Heating. Kingston Street, Goderich,--11 tf ar HEAVY ROOSTERS,._ ready. for the oven, no medication in the feed. Phone Zurich 236- 4868.-47-50 SPRUCE Christmas trees $6.50; pine trees and spruce trees any height also available. Glen Casemore, 11/4 miles south of Wingham, lt/ miles east by the Golf Club. Phone 357-1498.-48-51x CHRISTMAS TREES - Pre- cut or cut your own. Phone 524-6306 after 4. p.m., weekends before 1 p.m. Ask for Joe. -49,50x CHRISTMAS TREES, Scptch Pine. and Spruce, any height, $7.00 an4,up, delivery available. Niel Edgar, High- way 86 east of Whitechurch 357-2440.-49,50,51 140•ADULTS''and children's school desks $5.00 and up; 25 adding machines, $20.00'and up; new and used snow blowers. Call, Brindley Auction 529-7970.--49-51 1973 SKIDOO 399 Olympic, rebuilt engine, new clutch, have receipts of over ' $200 work done in past year, will sell for $450 or best offer. .,,.Call after 6 p.m. 2 524-8423. May be seen on weekends at 32 Cambria • Rd. S., Goderich.-50,51nc FIREWOOD for sale. For more information call William Brand 482- 7553.-50,51 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Guitars, Pianos, Organs, etc. Musical Accessories and supplies MUSIC LESSONS Beginners or advanced in tions available. 61 Hamilton St. Goderich 524-2711 - EXETER 235-0940 - CLINTON - 482-9869 C der-%uh- SIGNAL-STAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES &. DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads . , .. , . , ... Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... , , .. , ... Tuesday Noon RATES: '3.00 for first 22 words f'2.50 if paid within one week of publication). Additional words 14' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20 and 30. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding announ- cements '4.50. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 2 1 Stemmer Resorts 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 7llieereat' crl 8. Real estate wanted 9. A<cornmodation to rent 91 l'ropertfor Hero I(;en 10. Wanted 10 rent 11. Room and h card 12. Help wanted 1-1. V'antc'cl.(general). __....... 14, Emplusrnent. wanted PHONE 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal - 22. lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away unlit 26. Births 27. Dt albs 28. Engagements 29, Marriages M. In menurnam 11. Cards of thanks' 52448331 • ONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale DRESSED geese for sale. Phone Allan R. Miller, R.R.5, Lucknow, 528- 2299.-50,51 WOOL Oriental.rug, size 12 x 9 ft., like new condition. 24 Wellington Street North, phone 524-2236.50 , REFRIGERATOR, Admiral, white, good con- dition, $1"00.00; GE electric stove, white, good condition, $150.00; dryer, Admiral, two years old, $225.00. Phone after 6 p.m. 524-9102.-50,51 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 • *NEW OR USED CHOME' FURNISHINGS C •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS [f1 i Open 6 Days A We ek 482-7922 SEWING MACHINE SUPERMARKET with over 100 sewing•machtnes on display NEW & USED WHITE ELNA HUSQVARNA LAY-AWAYS, BUDGET PLAN SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudson's) Stratford 271-9660 Open Arms From '169 Used Machines From $39.95 FOR SALE 1957 GMC PUMPER FIRE TRUCK *650 gallon pumping capacity *2 reels - 1 with 100 ft. hose May be viewed at rear of fire hall between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders to be submitted by January 15, 1980, 12 noon. Zurich & Area Fire Board P.O. Box 280,, Zurich, Ontario NOM 270 1. Articles for sale FARM FRESH brown eggs. Fresh • dressed, year-old hens. Highway 21, one mile south of Goderich. Phone 524-4612.-50 'ONE SET of children's cross country skis. One pair boy's Bauer skates, size 1; one pair girl's figure skates, size. 13 - both in excellent con- dition. Phone 524-9177.-50x MINI -BIKE, 1977 Honda 50', like new, $300.00. Call 524- 4276.-50,51 FISH TANK, approximately 30 gallons, all, accessories included; feeder, filter, fish, lights and plants. Phone 524- 4564.-4Wnc SINGER floor model sewing machine; Electrolux vacuum model 89x. Phone 524-6514 after 5:30 p.m.-49- 50nc - YAMAHA Electric Organ like new condition.$1,000. Phone 238-2925.-49,50 SINGLE bed with mattress, $20.00; double bed frame and spring $20.00; both in good condition. Phone 238- 2925.-49-50 KENMORE zig-zag sewing machine with cabinet. White 'aluminum door, 82" x 34". Phone 524-6791.-49,50 1971 MOTO SKI Capri, electric start, 24 h.p., with cover. Price $350.00. Phone 524-6700.-49-52 - HOOVER washer spin dryer, excellent .. for . apartment, $95.00. Call 524-6350 after 6 p.m. -50 1978 FORDO' Mic Mac motorhome. Phone D. Greason at 524-2611 between 9 and 5.-50,51 BASS GUITAR and am- plifier, good condition, $300.00; movie camera, zoom lens, compact, new condition. Excellent for Christmas gifts. Phone 524- 6658,-50x TWO GOODYEAR Rally G.T. 60's, good tires for dune buggy, $5,00 e'ach; automatic radio - 8 track with a pair of 8 ohm speakers, 340.00, good. condition. Phone 524- 9293.-50tfnc NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C8 E Furniture NEW AND USED 1/2 mile south ori hwy. 31 Goderich 524.7231 We Take Tr •. de, 1.-Articles-forsale FOURTEEN INCH snow tires, $30.00 a set. Call 524- 7231.-50ar BABY ITEMS: bath change table, jolly jumper, baby scale, lounge chair, back carrier, busy box. Phone 524- 6644.-50 PHILIPS 7" reel to reel tape player, collector's item. Just cleaned with new belts. New microphone. Magnesium chassis, extras. Must sell, moving. Estimated value: $1,750.00. Sacrifice: $1,000.00. 524-9237.-50 FOUR CUSHION chester- field, two occasional chairs, good condition. Phone 524- 6217 after 9 p.m, -50 1976 HONDA Super Sport 400, 4 cylinder, certified. Will consider trade on truck or car. Phone 524-6477.-50,51 • OVEN READY GEESE--.1O- L4 lbs., $1.50 per Ib., delivered. DRY HARD- WOOD - maple, ash, hickory, wholesale retail. Phone 482- 9250.-50tf APPLES, eating and cooking; red and white !Iota toes.; anions _ and fresh cider. 50c delivery charge. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich. Phone 524- 8008.-41 tfa r CORTLANDS, Russets, Macintosh, Northern Spys, Red and Golden Delicious, Tatman Sweet, apples for sale. Fresh apple cider. Call Bellview Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich, 524-8011.-42tfar BABY'S blue pile bunting bag, $8,00; child's jacket, blue nylon outer with red pile lining, size 3, $10.00. Both in excellent condition. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime weekends.-45tfnc CRAIG automatic return cassette deck with speakers. Less than a year,.old. Best offer. Call 524-9265 after 5 p.m.-48tfnc GIRL'S figure skates, size 13; Phone 524-7749.-48tfnc CHRISTMAS APPLE SALE - Ida Reds, McIntosh, Cor- tlands, Red and Yellow Delicious. Special - Northern Spies $5.00 per bushel, also fresh cider, $1.50 per gallon plus container. Red and white potatoes, honey and onions, at Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone 524- 8037.-48tfar HANOVER CUPBOARDS, 91/2 feet bottom.s''with three upper cabinets, complete with counter top, sink .and taps. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30•p.m. weekdays, anytime weekends. -50,51 nc FIRE SCREEN, =polished brass frame, black screen, 36" wide, 24" high, $25.00. Phone 528-2737 anytime; or 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m.. weekdays, anytime weekends. -50,51 nc PORTABLE Smith -Corona manual typewriter and'steel typing table. Excellent condition. , Phone \ 524- 2431.-50x TWO NEW quilts, $50.00 each; used quilts in good condition, $25.00 each. Phone Ripley'395-5774.-50 DEWALT power shop 10" radio arm saw, ap- proximately 5 years old, $250.00. Low mileage 400-1972 Chrysler engine and rebuilt transmission for sale. 1965 Chrysler Windsor being wrecked, 60,000 original miles. 524-2468, Ted Hor- ton.-50,51x or-ton.-50,51x CHRISTMAS orders being taken now for oven ready Muscovy ducks. Jack Mayhew 482-3176 after 5 p.m. -50,51 ATTENTION SPORT- SMEN: Pick-up truck cap 48" high, -insulated and finished, walk in doors. Phone 524-8741.-50 SLAB HARDWOOD FOR SALE 4' x 4' x 4' bundles *Will deliver *25' per bundle *good for fireplace or woodstove Ph, 482-9347 rebuilt motor and tran- g SUGGESTIONS$mission, new battery, car g as is, $250.00. Phone Ripley g New and used bikes; i 395-5774.-50 1-.. _A-r-tic-les-f-or--sale- D'RY HARDWOOD. Will deliver. Bob Thompson, phone 482-7171.-50x OVEN READY geese for sale, $1.50 per Ib. Call 482- 3162.-50,51,52 TEN INCH Radial Arm Saw with stand - $300. Lady's fall and winter coats' in good condition 181/2-201/2. Two wooden pillars 10" diam. x 8 feet. Best offer. Phone 524: 6272.-50x JUST in time for Christmas. Upright piano by Heintzman. Property sold. Will sacrifice. Phone 524-2879.---50,51 TWO FEMALE black and white English Springer Spaniel pups, eleven weeks old, all shots, dewormed. $75.00 each. 482-3298.-50x WEIGHTLIFTING equip- ment; leatherette day bed; humidifier; 24 inch electric range; Kroehler 2 piece , livingroom set with mat- ching curtains; crib; antique 3/ bed; vacuum cleaner; photocopier; tools; %" chuc% 12 speed drill press; power 'hacksaw; air com- • pressor; floor stand grinder; . Lincoln ... arc_ ..welder; ..Harris cutting torch and gauges. 482-7062.-50 PAIR Supreme Radial snow tires, HR 78-14, one year old. Call 524-8819-;A•fter 5 p.m.-50tfnc a: COMPACT automatic washer; car tape deck with two speakers; single bed; end table; man's skidoo suit; lady's long coat; snowboots. Phone 524-7418.-50 TWO PAIR downhill• skis, one lady's ski boots, size 9, man's ski boots, size 11. All" in excellent condition. $75.00 ' or both for $125.00. Phone 565-2185.-50 3: Articles for rent- 6; Pets- -- WANTED: Player ,piano, working condition not im- portant. Please call 705-726- 7223 or evenings 705-737- 2975.-50b.c. MULTI METER for reading resistance, voltage and amps. Phone 482-9719 after,5 p.m.-50tfnc WANTED TO BUY: Piano in good condition. Phone 524- 9293.-50tfnc ONE PAIR lady's size 7 figure skates. Phone 524- 6728.-49nc,50 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1978 CHEV 3/ -ton pickup, 350, V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio and many more op- tions including a deluxe Maple Leaf fiberglass topper. In'new condition with .13,000 k m. Asking $5,550.00. Phone 523-4270.-49,50x 1977 GMC 3/ -ton, 25 series automatic' power steering, power brakes, insulated topper. Consider certified trade, 524 -7d33: --49-50x- - • 1978 FOUR WHEEL drive Subaru Brat, 20,000 miles, thirty miles per gallon, 35,300,00. 527-1398 or 527 0606.-50 1972 MERCURY :Marquis, full powered accessories. Safety checked and ready to go. $950.00. Phone 529-7757 from 8 a.m. -5 p.m. -50 1974 MAZDA RX4 Station - wagon, four speed, rear window defogger, reclining seats. Must sell, asking $750.00 safetied. Phone 524- 7063.-50 1974 SATELLITE Sebring 318, tinted windshield, vinyl 1979 POLARIS TXL with roof, recently tuned up, new cover, less than five hundred brakes and shocks, with two miles. Phone 524-6547 after new tires, $1,095.00.' 524- 4:30 p.m. -50 9621.-50 Li1 3Wyf •1965 FORD, 352 engine, GIFT 1 g lights, to"c'lis;- !f speedmeters and other accessories.] g DON'S BICYCLE sg g AN305 oD REPAntario IR 4 et g Clinton 11 487.9941 (p� 2. Mobile Homes MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn ,.1- 526-7784.-40tf 1976 BENDIX DELUXE, 12 x 68, three bedrooms, fridge and stove, carpets and drapes, small utility shed, located Meneset Park. Asking $14,500.00. Phone 524- 4573.-48-51x 1n Meneset 'Park 14 x 68' mobile home, spacious living. room and kitchen, three bedrooms, frig and stove included, large sundeck, storage shed, must be seen. 524-2384 after 6 p.m. TWO BEDROOM Marlette mobile home, Franklin fireplace in 12 x 20 addition. Situated in Meneset Park, $13,500.00. Phone 524-4226 or 524-9131.-50x 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich,-ltfar FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL �® Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue 3. Articles for rent WANTED: Old brick buildings foj' demolition and salvage pu"poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-40881; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-26tf FOR CHRISTMAS - black and gold Firebird Formula 400, four barrel engine, power steering, power brakes, new tires, mint condition, asking $5,500.00.' Make an offer. Phone 524- -6658.-50 1975 BUICK CENTURY, two door, vinyl roof, 350 - V8 engine, good tires, certified. See at Dan's Texaco, Goderich.-50-52 1972 FORD Mustang 351 (Cleveland), V8 automatic, 9 chrome slotted mags, 2 new Firestone Super Sport 50's, thrush muffler, Craig8 track and 40 watt amplifier speakers included. Excellent running condition. Best offer. Phone 524- 9293.-50tfn c For all your AUTO INSURANCE. NEEDS J. J. MULHERN GENERAL INSURANCE 46 WEST. ST, GODERICH. 524-7878 -. Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? CalI 524-2121 Now only $1595 � GODERICH 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED: Box stalls, $65 per month, ex- cellent riding area, outside ring, possible indoor arena this winter. Phone after 6 p.m. 482-9960. -43 tfn c DACHSHUND Miniature Puppies - smooth - long- haired -needles -tattooed, 523-- 9652 mornings or 5-7 p.m.-49,50Sb r11ALE cocker spaniel and collie pup, eight weeks old, must go before Christmas. If interested please call 524- 4231, after 2 p.m. -50 9A. Cominardal Pr+opmiy For Rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524-2717.-37tf OFFICE SUITE available, 58 Elgin Avenue East. Phone 524-9372,--44tf FOR RENT OR LEASE, 4 offices, reception room and secretary office combined, storage room and washroom. Approximately 500 square feet. Air con- ditioned, water and heat included. Space available on February 1, 1980 at 35A West Street.. For further in- formation phone 524-8452 or 524-9310.-45tfar 9. Accommodation to rent LUXURIOUS, apartments, 2 and 3 bedroom, Port\ Elgin. -Phone Mavis of .832- 9234.-26tf SINGLES apartment, fully furnished, 524-9895.-42tf LOVELY one and two bedroom apartment in country for rent, located ten minutes north of Goderich. Phone 529-7775.-47tf HOUSE FOR RENT - located 7 mules south of Bayfield on Highway 21. All modern facilities. Phone 236- 4749 (Zurich). -47-52 ONE store and one apart- ment on Hamilton Street for rent. Call 524-8735.-49tf TWO BEDROOM heated apartment, newly decorated, no -"pets please, available January 1st. Phone 524- 6797.-49-52 MODERN two bedroom apartment, ground floor, available January '1st, 1980. Phone 524-8821.-49tf TWO - BEDROOM upstairs apartment, 3220.00 per month, including heat and hot water, fullycarpeted, use of garage. Available February 1st. Phone 524-6625 after 5:00 p.m. -49,50x STORAGE SPACE available for vehicles, machinery, etc., Blyth, Belgrave area. Phone 523-4493,-50x TWO ,BEDROOM house, $250.00' a month, workshop included, children and pets welcome. Available im- mediately. Phone 524- 2574.-50-52x ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment. Phone 524- 2823.-50tfar TWO BEDROOM home, three miles north of Goderich. Phone 524-4226 after 5 p.m. -50x THREE BEDROOM house for rent, oil heat. 'Available immediately. 524-9657 after 6 p.m. -50,51 FOR RENT with option, 3 bedroom house in Goderich, gas heat, rent reasonable. Phone 524-7091.-50,5] Office TO RENT 524-2651 2 Bedroom Apartment or Office Space For Rent CALL: 524-2711 OR 482-9869 FOR RENT 2-2 Bedroom, broadloom throughout, stove, fridge, balcony, controlled entrance, air conditioning. ALL utilities paid. Sublet 1 bedroom, stove fridge, broadloom throughout, balcony, all utilities paid Jan. 1/ 80. 1 -bachelor apt., stove, fridge, broadloom throughout, all utilities paid Feb. 1/ 80. Phoi•te 524-2920 9. toren -a'tien 12. HelpAvanted COMPLETELY modernized 4 or 5 bedroom country home, 5 miles from Goderich, large carpeted family room with Franklin stove. Available February Is t. Phone 529-7463.-50 BRIGHT two bedroom up- stairs apartment in adult building on quiet street, ample closet space, parking and close to the Square, $238 per month, heating included, no pets please. Call collect 1- 237-3373.-47tf • . AVAILABLE immediately, cozy two bedroom house, fridge and stove included, $280.00 per month. Phone 524-6490.-49,50 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, fridge and stove included. Call 524- 2823.-48tfa r ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment available January 1. Phone 524- 6536.-48tf HOUSE FOR RENT, $100.00 plus utilities. For . more in- formation ,•all 524-7186 or 524-7622.-48tfar ATTRACTIVE '-2' bedroom apartment for rent in Dungannon. Fully carpeted. For more information call 524-7186 or 524-7622,-48tfar THREE BEDROOM house with garage, in good con- dition. Phone 524-9839.-48tf. THREE bedroom, semi- detached home with' livingroom, modern kitchen, dinette, full basement and electric forced air heating. Available December 15. $300.00 per month, utilities not included. Apply H. W. Shore R.E. Broker, 524- 7272.-49,50 TWO bedroom apartment in Saltford $140.00 per month, plus utilities. Phone 1-527- 1032.-49-52 SUBLET one bedrom apartment, appliances in- cluded, carpeted, controlled entry, available December 15th. 524-7918 or 524- 4441.-49-50 ONLY ONE block from downtown, available to those who require a larger apartment of the luxury type and ready for ocsancy on Jan, -1st are an uper and lower apartment, 'each of which contains a•large,._. bright livingroom, kitchen with dinette, TV room, two bedrooms, a four piece bathroom and a two piece washroom, storage room and several closets. All rooms are carpeted except kitchen and storage room. Rent includes all utilities except TV• cable and phone. The rent is higher than average for a smaller apartment due to the size and quality of ac- commodation but is flexible depending on the requirements for appliances. Complete information available from Harold W. Shore, Real Estate Broker, 524-7272.-50,51 BACHELOR apartment. containing bedroom, s`itti'ng room, kitchen, 4 peel bath, partially furnished. Rent includes heat and hydro. $45.00 weekly. Apply H. W. Shore, 55 Newgate St., 524- 7272.-50. TWO bedroom house available now to May Ist. $150.00 monthly or $40.00 weekly. Utilitiesnot in- cluded. Apply H. W. Shore R .E. Broker, 524-7272.-49-50 11. Rqom and board ROOM AND BOARD, close to Square. Call 524- 4379.-50,51 12. Help wanted • BABYSITTER required for sixteen -month-old, January till April, Elg Avenue West area prefe'r'red.. Phone 524- 7905 morn ings.-50 SENIOR CITIZEN requires help daily 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Phone 524-7112 or 482- 7595.-50,51 SCHOOL BOY required to clear snow at the Goderich Medical Centre. Phone 524-- 9511.-50 • ELECTRICIANS AND MILLWRIGHTS - Jour- neymen or 4th year ap- prentices or equivalent, for veneer mill and saw mill near Slave Lake, Alberta, 150 miles north of Edmonton. Excellent wages and benefits. Ziedler Forest Industries Ltd., Box 4370, Edmonton. Phone (403) 468- ..311.-50b.c. NEEDED! Several People needed to fill a position in our expansion program, car necessary, for interview call: 524-9024 Between 11:30 - 1:30 2:30=4P.M. THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES require applicants for training in specialized trades which offers good pay and many career benefits. This is an op- portunity for you to ao something special as you learn worthwhile skills. You'll receive four weeks paid vacation an- nually and many other benefits including free medical and dental care and a very handsome pension plan. .Think about these oppor- tunities now and then talk to us about you. PHONE OR VISIT The CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 520 Wellington Street London, Ontario N6A 3R2 Phone- 679-5110 ' Or our Mobile Offices in the Federal Buildings 12:00 p.m. to 4:30 p,m. SARNIA - every Wed- nesday STRATFORD • 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month. GODERICH - 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each mon,fh. WOODSTOCK - 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. 14. Employment wanted CARPENTRY -repairs and renovations. Free estimates, Phone 524-2725.•-50tf. -- .- GODERICH BRANCH has a full time position available for a young person with an excellent driving record and neat working habits. Grade 12 education preferred. Please apply in writing only to: MR. R. D. SMITH IDEAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. " 1045 WdIlace Ave. N. Listowel, Onttat'ib. N4W 3H7 ,,- "1