HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-12-13, Page 14PAGE 14—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1979
Recreation Committee
Colborne Township
Recreation Committee
met in Colt orne Town-
ship Hall on Wednesday,
December 5 at 8 p.m.
Even though attendance
was slim, several items
of business were looked
President, Leonard
Fisher, thanked those
who had taken the time to
come, and the minutes of
the last meeting were
read by the secretary,
Mrs. Reg Riehl.
Discussion followed on
certainly of prime irn- regretted Mr. Jewell's p.m. This is always a
portance. The president decision and sincerely special event with a
expressed special thanks thanked him for all he has C h r i s t m as concert
to all the coaches who done for this sport over following. So plan to
gave their time and talent the years. attend.
(;1'rtrulli' h;urtrng. i llrrl .i,nnlil nt
various items. The winter
resume card parties
and to all who had taken a
special part in this sport.
Everyone is looking
forward to continued
interest in this regard
--when--the season- -for this
sport starts in 1980.
William Jewell,, who
has been keenly in-
terestedAnd has assumed
considerable respon-
-,)1_•,It-l;, sibility in the sport of
card parties weregiven softball' in • Colborne
Mr. Fisher and Mr. and In reviewing the suc- Township for the past 20
special attention. It was Mrs. Reg. Riehl offered cess of the softball years or more, has found
decided by the committee to take charge of these season, committee it necessary to retire
that, the"" card parties parties.
,. members agreed it was a from active participation
shou7'a"be resumed for the Anyone interested in a veryworthwhile
winter months starting in game of cards, mark the project and informed the
Januar and that these be and that the children Recreation Committee of
Y dates on your calendar received a great deal of his resignation. He is
held the second and and watch the Coming, pleasure out of the .quite willing to lend a
fourth Thursday of every Events column in the games. While they did not helping hand to whoever
month," starting with Signal -Star early in win any trophies this succeeds him. The
Thursday, January 10. January. year, the sport was Recreation Committee
Kingsbridge CWL has annual dinner
On Wednesday evening of
last week, several members
of the Catholic Women's
League travelled to the Leg-
ion in Goderich for their an-
nual Christmas dinner.
Special guests were Father
•Ed Dentinger and Brother
Carl Voll.
During the meal, Mr. Ed
Stiles of Goderich, entertain-
ed with beautiful organ mus-
ic. After dinner, Father Den-
tinger led in a sing song of
Christmas Carols, accompan-
ied by Mr. Stiles at the
• from page 11
on the weekend with their
parents,_Mr. and Mrs. Jack
George Cowan spoke on
the subject, "What the Com-
ing of Christ Means to Us",
in Sunday morning service.
The second Advent candle
for repentence was lit. The
choir sang the anthem,
"Ring the Bells" and Helen
Elliott sang a solo, "Luther's
-Cradle Hymtr"; led-byorgan_...
ist, Mrs. Jean Elliott.
A short congregational
meeting was held after the
service during which it was
decided to have a Family
Service on Sunday morning,
December 23 with Sunday
Schoolchildren and teachers
remaining to share it and to
accept the invitation of Nile
congregation to join the
Christmas service on Sunday
evening, December 23.
The U.C.W. has invited
the Willing Workers to their
December meeting in the
church on Wednesday even-
ing, December 12, when they
are showing the film, "I
Heard the Owl Call My.
Name". "
The Dungannon W.I. held
7 -
their December meeting in
the evening of December 6.
It took the form of a banquet
and Christmas party, for
members and guests, in
Carlow Hall. Mr. Cowan said
Grace and the Tiger Dunlop
W.I. served a delicious tur-
key dinner. After carol sing-
ing, a solo, "0 Holy Night",
was beautifully rendered by
Mr. Cowan. •
The evening wa, spent..
playing euchre. Prize for
high lady went to Mrs. Hugh
McWhinney;—second high
lady, Miss Iva Ca • high
gent, Fred Young; sec...d
high, George Errington.
Special prizes were: birthday
nearest December 6, Elmer
Black eldest Institute mem-
ber present, Mrs. W. Stew-
art;, gent with the. largest
shoes, brought a tie, Gordon
Finnigan and Elmer Black,
Gordon being the winner
after cutting the cards; per-
son with the most buttons on
their clothing brought anoth-
er tie, Fred Young and War-
ren Zinn. After cutting the
cards, Red still won, but he
gave the prize to Warren as a
good will gesture. The travel-
ling prize for the lone hands
went td -Mrs. Stewart.
All 'enjoyed a pleasant
Think of the look on their faces
when they learn you've made
Special Christmas
arrangements at the Bedford
Hotel. It'll make a nqw person
out of you!
Make your Reservations Today
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Sunday, Dec. 23
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Dessert table. All specially
prepared for you. '7.85 per
Dining Room will be closed
Dec. 25 8. 26
Father Dentinger and
Brother Carl were presented
with a Christmas gift each.
The door prize, a Christmas
record, donated by Mrs.
Cyril Austin, was won by
Mrs. Clarence Doherty.
A brief meeting followed.
On Saturday evening, the
annual turkey bingo was held
at St. Joseph's Parish Hall.
The turkey winners were,
Mrs. R. Haggitt, Denise Dal-
ton, John Howard, Stephanie
Vogt, Annie VanDiepenbeek
(2), Marietta Martin, Mrs.
Brindley, Thelma Van Osch,
Jim Finnigan. Share the
Wealth winners were Elaine
O'Donnell, Walter Clare and
Mary Ann Glazier (tie). Con-
selation prizes were won by
Br. Carl and Tom Hogan
(tie); Alvin Moran and Danny
Martin (tie). Door prize win-
ners were Patrick Frayne and
Nolda Hendricks.
The Kingsbridge Girl
on hand selling refreshments
throughout the evening.
Lisa Card, Anges, Brenda,
Shauan, Colleen and Sandra
Van Osch recently attended
the Brownie Christmas Jam-
boree held at the United
Church, Lucknow.
Mrs. Winnie Desjardine is
a patient in the University
Hospital, London. She is on
the seventh floor, Room
number 25N. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
John and Grace Austin and
Joe took Ralph and Eugene
to the London Airport on
Sunday to return to Calgary
after spending a week's
holidays with their parents.
While in London John, Grace
and Joe visited their niece,
Fay Hogan. Also visiting at
the same home was John
Cusilito of London.
Jim Sinnett who is on leave
from his boat is holidaying at
his home here with his wife
and family.
This past Saturday, the
Senior boys volleyball team
from St. Joseph's School
were in a tournament at the
Mitchell District High
School. This coming Satur-
day they will be playing in
Mrs. Yvette Heffernan re-
turned home this week after
visiting for two weeks with
----her--son, Albert and M-afjerie
Heffernan and family of
Essex, and her daughter,
Anne and John Sheardown
and family of St. Thomas.
Leona Hogan of Stratford
spent a week's holidays visit='
ing her parents, John and
Rita -Howard and other mem-
bers of her family. Mrs. Rita
Howard is spending a few
days visiting her, -,daughters,
.Anita and Jeanette in Lon-
It was suggested that SCHOOL NEWS
Colborne Central
people may be interested
in learning to play bridge School's w be Christmas
and have an instructor in concert will next week,
this game. i i sons would Tuesday, December 18 at
be in the form of evening t hir is apsis alwlwn so atten. as
classes in Colborne ays a special
,.Township Hall. Anyone Christmas treats
interested, is urged to tilThe HMS Pinafore that
please contact Mrs. G. Colborne Central
School hool students
presented earlier this
It was agreed that the year will be shown on TV
Recreation Committee Cable 12 on Wednesday,
have more meetings so December 26 (Boxing
that a closer check can be Day) at 7 p.m. Tell your
made on recreation. The friends who have Cable
next meeting will be on sas
e it was well worth
Wednesday, January 16 seeing.
at 8 p.m. Residents of Colborne Central
Colborne are asked to School Christmas closure
please mark this date on will be Friday, December
21 at 12:30 p.m. Classes
their next year's
calendars and plan to will resume on Thursday,
attend, bring suggestions January 3, 1980.
and a will to help. 5 W
CHURCH NEWS Tiger Durop Women's
Institute December
The Benmiller Youth
Group of Benmiller
United Church is really in
the spirit of Christmas.
Last week, the group was
caroling from house to
house, in Benmiller.
Several residents voiced
their delight and the
Youth Grpup really en-
joyed this new venture.
This Youth Group has
been collecting
newspapers once a month
for the last year and
man.'y residents in
Colborne and Goderich
have enjoyed having
their papers ready for
pickup. On Saturday, the
girls reported it was their
last pickup and the paper
drives will be discon-
tinued. Many are sorry to
hear, this and it is a
shame that when they
had such a good thing
going for them, they
found it necessary to
-d-seen-t-in-ue- th epick-ups.
The group thanks
everyone for their sup-
port and cooperation and
wish one and all a Merry
Christmas and Happy
-New Year.
The Benmiller Sunday •
school pot -luck dinner for
parents and. children of
the congregation and
friends in the 'community
is to be held this Satur-
day, December 15 at 6:30
meeting this Thursday,
December 13 will start
with a pot luck luncheon
at i p.m. (bring place
setting). Members are
asked to bring samples of
Christmas baking for
dessert and recipes, if
possible. There will be an
exchange of gifts.
If you have been
collecting used stamps,
please bring them . and
- also any donations for the
Family and Children
Services Christmas fund.
Tiger • Dunlop W.I.
catered to the Dungannon
W.I. Christmas party last
Thursday, December 6 in
'Colborne Township Hall.
The community is
pleased to report that
George Robinson of
Carlow has returned
home and is convalescing
after being a patient in
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital,
Goderich. His many
friends ' wish him im-
proved health.
The sympathy of the
community is extended to
family and relatives of
the late Mrs. Hazel
Bennett of Detroit. Mrs.
Bennett was known to
several people when she
was a member of the
Tiger Dunlop W.I. and
lived in a trailer at the
home of her sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Terence
Guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Terence Hunter last
week attending the
funeral of Mrs. Bennett
were another sister-in-
law, Mrs. Vi. Armstrong
and nephew, Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Armstrong of
The sympathy of the
community is extended to
the family of the late Mrs.
Carman (Mildred)
Feagan of Goderich. Mrs.
Feagan was well known
in Colborne as she and
her husband were
residents of the township
for many years and only
retired to Goderich
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