HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-28, Page 6Staff of•Department of Agriculture; . so threatened now in this way that University Staffi there is gradually growing up a feel- The PreAs. i ane iu our women's organizations that In this, we have not found yet any', 'A'S i$ a i problem that �equres the oo-operation of the Haan s organiza- danger of overlapping, Thefield�s q just beginning to be covered and there , °ions and there is a steady tendeney is more than enough for each organ-, towards epmmunity clubs. It is felt e. 1 ization to do. We believe that "all} that we must do son-ething better, It our strength lies in oar union, all tier'ns with this in mind that the idea of Address ccmtaiuiifcatloais to g4rono nlrt, 73 Adelaide Bt. West. Torortrt danger cies in discord." 1 the Community Bird Club came, and Don't knowingly, Dave your c°"` or + The Birth of Jesus Luke 2: 40-$2 Golden Text—And Goutiigiosis Abortion,. Education, v 1 Bird t is of for these 'reasons: THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 8. fere , , Ed. . heifer seri*ed by a neigl►box's bu 1, () s ut ,, o era a sure of Jesus advanced in wisdom anti: stature, and in favor in the prevention of infectious or he has not been serving diseasedof education as it affects rural Liter, j in ch licilfood, Time and Place—A.D. 9, Nazareth. centre of interest; because He seemed eoutagious, abortion. It is true that the bull is only a (1) There u 'the necessity of teehns (2) It'fosters fine qualities of char- and Jerusalerir, Jesus, at twelve years so much at home, Why haat Thou thus It is a well known fact that infer- me lianical carrier of the infection, cal. or practical education. Thee in ester—kindness, gentleness, sym of age goes with His parents to they dealt. Marti speaks out sof the fulness tains abortion. causes greater loss to but to make him safe, he should be a danger of ovor-emphasizing cer-' achy, humaneness and a reverence Holy City, P 1 Ever,/ owner of cow rind sows should be d s, mares, ewes It will be sufficient to touch upon; . eel nese rested! unless you are reasonably certaln that personal happiness a resource for Y 1 - caws* two or three of the broader aspects'; enjo ant throughout life if begun with God and men, Luke 2; 52 (Re'V, Ve't.) of en anxious mother's hart, All this tattle raisers and dairy farmers than treated both before and after service, tale Phases of technical education as; for life as opposed to present-day ten- Lesson Setting—In Ohaptex I, we I.i religious assertion seemed filial in - any otQaer single disease, tuberculosis especially if he is serving infected; applied to agriculture and even home-; dencies toward selfishness, lack of see the birth of a world Saviour and difference, not, excepted. • cows_ Treatment of the genital tra4ti making. We must bear in mind first, thought for others, brutality and, His £ereranner, predicted by Gabriel . ig, How ; , avast ye not. Anew Ina ^tiou abortion ' s G ire o aborted animals is essential, espe- last and always that the studies of t. S toward life, alai good news frons heaven. In thus ! spiritual consciousness has dawned in o, s .bort is a pe+ 4 f a cruelty and a callousnesscapter ave learn aP' the entrance or ,the s+ou1 of Jesus, All that >Ia heel !ltinsmsation of the rnu4us zz;em#irane of sully in cases of retained placentas ` agricniture and household science are i (3) It affords a healthy form of re- this Saviour into human ndition, done was but he result of t con- the uterus which in pregnant .anima% however, this is work for the verteri- primarily intended to broaden and bat- creation for mind anal body, i t s that man. Infection• ;finding His first cradle in the manger ciousness. The mystery of His birth lemds to an afl ec#ion of the late-] neem-' nanism or trained dairy ince the child's sphere of knowledge, (4) It opens up other fields of in-; at Bethlehem and His borne in Nazar.; hes • now become for ]]airy the mystery brines and often to the ar mature with the abortion organism often and experience and to open for ]nim a. terest and can be made a sort of eth and His heavenly Father he the: of His life. About My Father's busi. birth of the fetes. The fetus may be' leads to retained placenta and steril wider field in his choice of life work.} a e and which can be at -'temple, We !earn also His real Kumar.=f Hess; or "in M. Father's house" 1' e, either living. or dead, de z di • g uponSuckling calves from infected, It should not be the object of such; tarred literature music. scientific' ity, seen in His gradual growth,; like Mary, cannot understand fully the degree to which the a e h -mother= spread abortion infe:tioa, by training to make farmers or me- tach © much else ,pnysseally, mentally and spiritually," these words, But they clearly' mean g and interferes with nutrition. (tramping through r „ h the feed,or nnanuee. chanies or dressmakers or cooks or 'knowledge a t-' in the true discharge of the duties of that Jesus feels the consciousness. of t1 p ng th o, g 4 . great alis (o) It can afford a enininart ales •: home, workshop, society, and church.] a dieeet relrttionship to God. The harts] Areresils whirl- have aborted o:ice from, Ir,Eeete.1 cows. It is a area homemakers. If so, we are in dangerk sag -ground for ween, women anti (liar -",The gatteways of obedience, love, ser- cif God is. mese real than the hand of or twice may cease to saber-, but tiny° take to seed the milk from infected of producing mane of the misfits I ; time, xz*ico .arid communion lead Minn to Iris' 11iar�: remite dFseseed and .;re kike.y to n- cows, to sews, amass it has been before referred to. (0) •It is a vital problem in agrt-`greater work as a World Saviour. Wei y ... 1 III. Jesus Finding God in the Werk. feat others. ,-i.e,_,de n sa's'ses mai Cni , scerai:ze3. There is, perhaps, a danger also in ^ © p g , ►tura as evidenced by the efforts learn also that the secret of ceras shop, 51. 52. ,: °n n.ss•er-' - should net thus Lind f education to place an put forth by our government, previa- unique -rrelationship to God is not m , z":a e l,.t csvcr r\' ' • �« t Cn�ra �, h -s;= have aborted , 61. HG went down with them, ' ' °^ r»'i ' n n'; ~ws c,• .i -.I'd t i the herd until they: undwo value on tl a material and aeon..;, rail and federal: Their efforts will, municated to Flim by His mother or; a a ,A .« l s o` t keP^ u a re Baled by angel, but gnaws lil;:a a Jesus went bar& to the old life, but -t .casae, hs ."-- ,.i.re, a t?,,,i,, xs, Con- b b " unless they. coir side of life to the exclusion of hRsi, to 'be lair sly unavailing• if the t IIe vvomild ponder in the eighteen .:earn fseetahertes of Haug, het in mares it le tvzi5t digs eiip alae to the B€ct.;,:_ R_. _ :W y �t .t;.,o ;„_ spiritual etas. It would seem that our, e„rtheomin7. Tho effort can be i teatien, and, meectims probably cennzgcreen nas run airtime =Dug?. upon the hays and g-eils. It, will nut __ the Temple�:.,_ which .,._, of silence which were swan- in theistands His olivine relationshimiHe has', them a sense of responsibility that', " . * And is �n;etinr.e-s do brig ,. sz„ .' ' acrania 'ceases a -"rears , , • ,. one what may he called the cultural or', n•nterest and effoit of trio peoplo is Hat' flower iii His heart liimtil it comes to, a� •o -,s abort.,.,, t:. cattle ns ;l spe::i'le fafi .o c.is�aive. when bred Aba.,t ova full blossom in His wonderful experi^! with thoughts in His heart, On these •- adder of 40-42, !this ,` divine ase this would shape itself in these V. 40. The child grew , .allied. with ears. Was subject mite Harm F i ,•_.,... ,,... ..,,..:, �,. r.,•a .,rc.•.+aa i, Mari-pregnanC, and. let uiaa: uU4C:71y �Yt:r i,.3:\' .• W give owe will Help to prepare them for two lives •, •••,.t membranes, en:eft i attention to the material side but - t• guieM ceases or n- • womb and vas -mal dIse. arge of preg- of ci teens. iutrai, eels tinerse has not there is grave danger of blunting thea , rear.. cows, but I3 abarzus disapneara; He The Homemakers' Organization, wisdom. After the presentation of .xcognized the claim of cat•ihly duties yea ax+ same very (•)1Yar4z.11 14 ewes er ,; 4 : ¢ e r F; n, delicate sensibilities of our children, z :, trio child Jesus in the temple and the; o i the lsams3. fr,.Fti u.�rua ao�n aa, fie to .tic, The Homemaker Organization wase p and time. He it clad n eon n wawa; however, r. it, is tse:I to Levi in : Or erm*t enter roar aeras: 1s food and by g►v Ing tee much prorxiinence to w b 1 e upon as a a bsi-' thanksgivin of Simeon and Annua, , God has become more to i1im. but mind that they e;sc; a:at exempt Fran. •i; - lir©� b code such -]single Present-day educatswt na ay a arak d p . , , , Mary and Joseph returned to Nazar -;Maly has net ]seroma less. Kers ell it. .ratio]. fetai� m utero t i udl-n f lrted calls for more cultivation of the finer o AM.zed organization. True, they .Qcesv ct ctrl. Luka omits the return to Beth- these sayings in her heart. The mother Do atlas the infectieri is taken e Young en,mals may be i e sertsi:bllities, 1 a money grant from the Department ,chem, the visit cf the Magi, the -light `heart remen °iers where it cannot with the rand or water, e a. +,P by owl's]:, or in uteri),but infe tiari does, i the Home, of Agriculture, but, it must be pointed to Egypt and the massacre at ]Jath- lunderstend. She thinks of then- ar R , er three -ea. ,si„h t as net '.est long. There are many healthy; Coad. Literature nout, this is to help in the interests of leliem, The parents train the child ''.thou h sho cannot think through g`s3.,z. aarga,.s. wlim,h ma beam¢ in-' : ver show= st sof des- It has. been felt at all times that h Department f Agriculture. More 'villein, for God as well as dedicate hits to'xnem; Jesus Increased. It is still the iten;si:a, er using sy;;irg'es. deutliirg' a5Pieiaus a: 11111 res In a herd a dwellers in • cit• ies on account a# a lae2. o _rounds Him. Knovvled ©#s the gathering of them, ry=*« t ll tits evince in the form f expend- 8 ., n is e=:,+: -1a near. Atm nyn p a -man a an ma not so true AS it once was but is Grua " . , Passover, Ali male de -Ls svera staire, Tz:ere was a ee►rrespnnai• in -g Treatment -ext. -moa t', cure is clews; while B. abortus causes in needs, three or four times the amount ; required to attend the three feasts of physical growth. Tera lice is an im- z o n far eentagious or lee ions craves through milk white sours, incl t a certain extent. The means of oe any* rant received. , t}ie passaver, Pentecost and Taber- j portant fatter ha the life. The hotly but Q fertioas arthritis and pneuivania. mac culture had always lei-- at their;.1.n...—......1.4.1....- naelee. Many Jews had became remiss is not to be deepls' e 1, but diseiplined. abertion, bout trio l ze of s ^:eines sap i i doors and has been ignored. partnct:-' plied, by yetr serer. nexier. to ]nerds - It is e.oneie'Qred good pract,ce to ,. three n Unfinished Stack Depresses ;' in attendance. but Joy h went and ; Favor with ('d, His coirenunnion with lady in the last too or r gen- moreover took Mary with him. They the Father lbetrame deeper as the days Rharls are Mad;y atfo< ci11 prove flush vagina 4f shorting eaw until os; orations I refer to the reading of, Markets, Ijsought not the irreducible minimum passed, And man. In His intereouraa feats I y stelle litter, me Hers or con. ca ricin ne gn 4 the a scut are ,ore toad :with is Geted "" t. i a ease out agricultural people are,, otter. than that, the warrent through their, Ged. Grace of God was upon Him. growleg Saviour that we see through n:a,:�loa8 c r s,a�.e Tea teamed ata disadvantage with the oreanlzations, every year, return to Divine love as well as human love sur- this window. of Luke a gospel. Wisdom. it or irtstr^a-rents oral h nbertiens, retained afterbirth,ser -; a we a sal m ` the e aro not ; :� of a cert�lin bind of culture. This is taro -fox certain rovsnmci$1 comsm-u•nity? V. 41 l'asr uta went to d ru e 1 Wisdom air..,enstanding them, Sta. # h i d statin in P beau/Mel. an;l the treatment is per-,closeas and discharge ceases, the same. geed literature in the bonzes. This Is haps worth what it costs, However. - preparation is suitable for flushing:' a Practice that has gradually been the u.e of vaccines for a'bertion is' iheuth of bull, before and after sere-./ dying out. One great reason for this inti]] in the .experimental stage. Pre -ice; use one part Lysol, Creolin, ori is, perhaps, that we have been placing Tentative mestinree have given the Liquor Creselis. Compositus, in 200 the responsibilityerrmatfor such things on iterth hest results. Equip your farm parts tepid water. Douching vaginal our schools and educative institut;ons • a separate start] or stable for, with this preparation every 48 ]sours, �,ast as parents have gradually been Tiiiser calving time. for '30 days before cow calves ]nay, unloading many more of their respon- nity barn should be so prevent white scours and pneumonia;, siltilitfes on these same institutions, constricted that it cant ice fumigated! use this same preparation twice as and therefore neglecting the true and with formaldehyde, easily disinfected'sstrong to bathe the 'hind parts of natural source --the home. That is and not difficult to keep clean. i{eep ; aborting coves. Wash and dry the calf• why homes are ceasing to he hones in ting cow in this barn and treat her. Sterilize stump of cord with tincture the true sense of the word mid are until all vaginal discharge ceases. The". of iodine and dust with one part sari- losing their I;old on the youth of au aborted fetus and icocompnnying mein-' cylic acid and three parts boric acid, time. Without home education a bones should be burned as the germs' and don't forget that absolute clean- other fornix of education must fai are very numerous in. these tissues.; liness of hind quarters of infected cow' to a Targe extent because they can be The manure and.litter should be will very often prevent mastitis and at best, only helps and extensions o placed out of reach of your cows. 1 white scours of calf. In conclusions the greater homo education. The home The disease has been spread by the' let me say, the fundamental principles is responsible for the time vent out introduction of an anferted animal into underlying the control of contagious side of school—for education and re a healthy herd. Keep the new cow or" or infectious abortion are the same as ca cation during this time. Thera heifer isolated from balance of herd • for the eradication of other infectious no greater instrument for culture o until after she calves. 1 diseases. heart and mind than a love of and 9 The Dominion Live Stock branch of religious duty, but the maximum. i with men nil those inward qualities market reports for the month of July., V. 42. When He was twelve years, of His life manifested themselves, " are on the whale somewhat encouxui;- Jewish religion allowed• nn suhstltute There was nothing' ;deaf in His char- izsg. While priees for all manner of for parents training. Until -aver tho.'acter. q Jewish child was under the care of Application. +,stock in the Eaet were lower than erre for the mother. At five, under the father's Jesus. grew in stature. It is thought they were in. July, 1920, they care, he learned the Law. At the age;by same that this means that physi- all, excepting calves, a little higher of thirteen he became at. sin of tho; rally Fla was well -favored. However • than in July of last year. The samo Law and a member in full of the Jaw-' that niay be, the eare an I develop- " is true of the market et Winnipeg, - ish Church, and attendance at the ;moat tsf our bcdies are a very m- At Calgary and Edmonton there was Passover liecamo els duty and privi» " god( :In. part of the fourfold ideal, 9ur a drop all along the line, excepting lege, Ail the careful training of bodies are intended to be temples of , for good lambs at the former place Jews f r His greathe home t experr Hearin the 1: o ly Geo t, and he s hriHonew stho uld r moredr the select on plaint-ishe eiderr. Onee of tea Temple, Tho homo was a in to :be physicully fit is a question which •the Templo, should engage the attention of every it sending of unfinished grass cattle to iI• Jesus Finding God an theeTemple,+boy and girl. I market, but the most depressing effect, 43.50, He alsgrew :in wisdom, which is at Toronto was the heavy receipts of V. 43. Fulfilled the days, The Feast mono than information. Youth is the f 1 Western cattle, mostly heavy, rough, lasted seven days. The child Jesus time for study. Let us read the best _i fat steers. At Winnipeg a. volume of tarried; lad or youth, rather than child. booYkis,Ilndeaboveall, the taxes will unfinished cattle was received which His tarrying was not due to disregard p the report says should have been kept of His parents. A new spiritual ex-' us wise unto salvation. I on the grans for another sixtydays.'perience hold Him like a magnet. The I He grew in favor with men. There el At Calgary the uncertainty ofeed' parents observed the Passover and are two extreme views in regard to J•prospects in some districts led to deed' Jesus found the Father and Christ. One would set Him up as one who familiarity with good literature, ]farmers sending their cattle in, andiliner4e4d. `}rent a day's journey. The ,never maiden an�enk emyrailThe other Our Women's Organizations have the -report notes that with the run of men and women traveled in sep+irate,avoulil set Him forth as one who was been doing much to stimulate love of� half -fed grass cattle arriving, the companies. Each thought that Jesus.; ever a fighter and surrounded always reading. Many oS them have organ- s market in the latter part of the month' no longer a child, -was with the other, by implacable foes. The true view ized local libraries and put their com-'.developed a decidedly weaker turn, At or with friends. ? is that up till the time of his public gives a grant of dollar for dollar up Rural Life and Activities for Women BY MISS ABBIE DELURY, DIRECTOR, HOME -MAKERS' DEPART- • MENT, UNIVERSITY OF 'SASKATCHEWAN. The greatest incentive to agricul- tural activity on the part of the indi- vidual farmer is removed if for any reason the homemaker fails in the performance of her duties or in the creating of a proper home atmos- phere. This fact is recognized by the Departments of Agriculture in the different provinces of Canada and in the United States, also more recently in England and Wales, Scotland and Belgium. 'The Rural Women's Organizations originated with the women as inde- pendent organizations depending on their own efforts; their work was recognized as such a great factor in the -success of rural life, that now de- partments of agriculture initiate this work and give it financial aid as part of .the work of the State. The Sol- dier Settlement Board also recognized this fact by the establishment of a Home Branch. The Rural Homemaker's.Drawbacks. The homemaker fails sometimes: (1) Through lack of proper training and experience for her duties; (2) In rural life, through discour- agement, lack of incentive, monotony, ovi3rwork, need of change; hence ac- quires an unhealthy' attitude of mind toward her duties; (3) Because of a lack - of home- making instincts, misfits. How the Women's Organizations- Can Help, The Women's Organizations. with the aid of the Department of Agricul-. tore can help all these classes as well as; the -homemaker who has made a greater or less success. of her work, and these are in the majority in our province. They can all be helped by the department through; (1) Literature shelled from tame to time as need arises; (2) Extension lectures and demon- strations; (3) Correspondence with clubs and with individuals; •(;4) Conferences and conventions, They can help one another in 'their organization (and this is the greatest good that axises from organization) If»r working together tor common in- terests and by each giving ; the benefit M - mantles in the way of getting car -1 Edmonton the market was flooded; V. 46. After three days; one day on 'one of the moa (whitingtfng libraries. Our university, vvitih a rat of thin grass cattle, many' the road, one day returning, then dis- popular of men. Oonly in His conflict in particular being from the Peace covery on the third day. In the midst with public evils did he incur the hos- of her knowledge and experience for to ten dollars spent for library books. River district. The,market for calves Po. emhe, doctorre . res rooms in the of the , waisyw winsome. rulers canf theJewe. He le *e that he the others. The discouraged woman This is a stip in'the right direction everywhere was erratic and tending p who has come to look on her work as but the community library can novel' slightly to a decline. Lamb Law for instruction. Jesus had joined had an absolute genius for friendship. merely drudgery acquires this state take the lace of home reading and g y prices at Himself to the company of pupils, He grew in favor with God. The g 9 p Toronto fell off a bit towards the end Hearing . , . and asking; the attitude great proof of this was that when of mind through living in isolation— we are trying to make ourselves active of the month owing to heavy offerings,' of an earnest seeker after truth. Jesus came out of the Jordan in the ant part of a great whole. she cannot see her work as an impost- in this direction. We have talked this but at Montreal theyaveraged from: V. 47. Astonished at His ander- moment of Baptism, he heard a voice matter over with our clubs for years,' $1.18 to $1,42 per undred over the standing. The lad had gone deeper out of the heavens, saying, "This is The Work of Woman's Organization but sometimes some definite action is corresponding m tate of last year. Hog than tc1Te Rabbi in ifas riherknowledge his pleased!of My ' Desied rable as in whom t may be well wry to get a mavemezis under: prices were fairly stesdy and aziclaned the p ; to strength, but the Montreal report: spiritual experience. possess the approval of our own con - contains a warningwhich might well' V. 48. Amazed; because their sap- sciences or to secure the approbation g aration had caused Jesus no anxiety; of our fellows, there is nothing in this be heeded. "Hogs," it says, "are in- because He had joined Himself to such life to compare with the well done variably scarce during July and prices company; because their son was the of God. -. keep up, and farmers, hoping to cash in on the high prices, send in their breeding, and if they are pot all right 1 light u nished spring hogs. These � / ' use capsules. a find limited market until the supply .. ` - - • ! . ti In feeding our mares we use roiled .becomes too numerous and then there, , • oats, which we roll ourselves. Some use of their ( vas onio is either a severe cut on light hogs, or Proper handling of the colt begins require a little corn, the amount de - outside 6) to start or procure libraries for the public use, outside of shoal shall be spent is a• tale whole market rs lowered, some- with the dam. If she is -fed right and pending upon the condition ei -the (7) to procure nursing help for then bigger problem than ever it was be- times both. Efforts should be made to •'v fore foalin individual. Roughness, all they want, fore. The casting -off of the parent of have these pigs finished before they given the '"proper care be g, consists of mixed 'timothy and clover district, (8) to to maintainicottage hos-) this responsibility has given commer-', are sent to the market." other things being equal, :.he stage is hay. altars and Kalli them, (9) cial interests their opportunity.* to hold fairs of different kinds, (10) and) .. all set for a good colt. Proper feed" A very important part of the daily to have child welfare exhibits and in- they have seized it with a vengeance' It doesn't take a son of a prophet for the mare means plenty .f milk for schedule i4. handling broo I mares is struction, (11) to assist the less for- —so that now we are finding our rem' to tell that there's no profit in a cow the offspring, and a setback at this giving them plenty of exercise. If tunate, (12) to co-operate with and ple dependent on—not their homes ori that costs more to keep than her milk tendex age can hardly be compensated this is neglected often, it will mean assist other organizations in their any inner resources which they them sells for. • later an. We start feeding the colt failure, and I find the hest form of works, and 13 be selves mayhave—buton those cora from the time' it is a' suckling. At the exercise is light work. Daily exercise ( ), best and greatest of znercialized forms of amusement: ' It does not -pay bo tie yourself' so age of two months we start the c is is just as essential as' daily. •feed, for ala, to crease a _better and healthier g coinrnunit spine tom What can be the outcome. but• a lou e - el;ose� tq ,,youx „farm,�that you cannot on a little crushed' oats and molasses; it speeds up a sluggish circulation and y p minimize the . spirit of Kitner]" fe ut%it a Arid ntaler- ing of ideals .and perversion of the enjoy the beauties of the surrounding placing. the feed within a creep;_ gen- aids digestion. Exercise is essential p ' l be instincts, Our communities are landscape. for growing youngstock too,and for ante of -different kinds. that disgrace - anally built under the shade of a tree g g -` `'— ,and out of the .reach - of the mares, fitting a show herd. our further in t and national life and; Colts are weaned in. October ,and When a mare is about to foal, we _„+s keep. her in a 'clean,- dry box stall, to its stead a spirit of love r =- and open-mindedness and an atmos- "rte''=^= s;_ > µ - w: ,• November on our' farm. They 'are hexa of hospitality—then her work 'y. When the colt is' dropped, one of alis Pr.,,r • ,,d16a, - ! then from six to eight months of age, , -fir and we ami to wean a buirch oi' colts Y to paint the naval becomes elevated and transfigured in •,... ,•._. 4 / �� Immlai2 distal n with a her. mind and that is all that is nee •^f 3c,..... at?R�Ip1 at one time, so they.will .not miss y iodine,; We Iso people that there must be much over- .-..r., essary: i • -C�AUE; their dams so much. give a hypodermic as soon as possible, �t+`l+TavAl. After weaning, the creep is ;rade_ and later on one,. or two more. The Overlapping. ( _ ,.p. • `(i ADS x ,� (." ' a� - all - clot 1 and th a i.mals are value 'of such t treatment is seen in There are so manyinstitutions - :. r .-✓ ., y.,� ,t:7�`. c .'UKP -.. Y ec offe n '� `'" .- fed three times ' da more feed` be - from fact that we have not lost. a colt 7�y E,f�. t organiied for public welfare that the " 4' y= t ti �r` :: - lig required to replace the -walk In from nave_ disease since 1913, thought. arises m the minds of many a► -` ' r-- another inonth or so, however, we cut `-`-- "" , .- Z!= * w� fi�t it down to two feeds a day, and this Your crap is only half taken care lapping and therefore waste of time ay� ,, •, of :when it is harvested: The other andmaterial. Our department co- ; .I .• �...>'� fl l ; ,.I„" system is continued until the colts are el -.:.half its marketing.: : :._:: �;',• comm three years old,at which age• operates with every possible depart- ,. ;lei $ -'.. g' !t.L J .^r �.-�: -qa-t. .yu_,. ,.. ; .,,i il.: . , Kee on just.' as long as you can— meet '' % we bleak them .for work, P y meat in the province: '` _ . ` � .E • � . �' E° then kee on a little longer. `Persis- Provincial Department o ! ,I' " Vii• .. +, �'-- r r When the colts are a year old we p g The eP f �. d I i , , tence wins. �., '' `. �' •a > - :� ti. separate -the stallions and, mares. if Health ��: �. : _ � ,,,,��'. v fl,s.:" ;' •� :� ji one is;raising grade horses, the colts The only motto some people -seem The Education Department in many.. s w. <, are castrated at this time, and :then to have is, If something isn't wrong, ., limn; • /" �' /�. /.. `� perinitted '''to run. with the mares. tisn t right. The Agricultural Societies; B None -of our male colts are used for Persistently pursuing an:ideal,' even The Grain G.rawaxs; (•,,,if The Rod Cross' bzeeding service until three years old, at snails pace,. is bettar_;than the re TROUBLE AT TEM CROSSING -STONES and then only lightly --say one service rluent changing of ideals. This applies' Teachers; . • new be bad for Frits, but it doesn't make it better for anybody else a day and not over,fort in the scar, `to ramping as well as to the- other Registered Nurses affiliated with ' nears Newt a err dos son. We examine the `inaris before activitie g t ._ is sof life. the Provincial Council; Rif+< _. •-p-p in the Community. When she finds herself working commend that a yearly grant of ren along with other women (1) to aro- d way: For this reason I should"re- Oliars oe given to earn club to buy cure proper and sanitary school equip- works of good Iiterature for reading meat, (2) to establish a hot and in the club ,and to be used in the homes wholesome noon luncheon, (3) to have —a selection could be made from medical inspection of the schools, (4) headquarters if thought necessary. to establish restroonis for the corn- Community Bird Clubs. triunity, (5) to undertake the estab-1 We all realize, I believe, that the lishment of community halls for, the question of recreationand how time