HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-28, Page 5QLD AGE D°you know a man or woman getting on in. years, whose life is made a torment by swot - len joints, gravel, stone, painful urination, backache or sciatica? If so, you can perform a charitable act by telling them that Gin Pills will surely bring relief and a healthy old age. A prominent consulting engineer writes us: "Your remedy, I find at 60 years of age, to give me. per- fect relief from kidney and badder troubles. I urgently recommend them to friends of my age as being the only thing that does the good." You don't have to buy Gin Pills to try them. Write for a free sample: National Drug & Chemical Co, of Caned*, Ltd., Toronto, Ont, V, S, Addresat Na-Dru-Co., Inc., 86-88 Exchange St., Buffalo, alo,nea To Every Father and Mother This is the era of progress. The call for trained men: and women to carry forward in Medicine, Science, Engineering and Fine Arts is stronger than ever be€ore, if you would help your children nae the most of their lives you should give them the best education you can afford. A university education is the first essential for our future leaders. A college stands at your door with open gates ready to give them complete courses in Medicine, Arts and Public Health, Admission is by Western University Junior Metricule- degraee are universally tion except for recognized, special or nurses toureea, and the tees are so low that any one may attend. For information apply to DR. K. P. R. NEVILLE Registrar -_ London. Ontario x The Centralia Chopping Mill HAVING INSTALLED A NEW 15 INCH, JOLIET GRINDER I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT YOU NOW HAVE AT YOUR SERVICE IN CENTRALIA ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED CHOPPING PLANTS IN ONTARIO, GIVING UNSURPASSED $ERVICte FINEST QUALITY AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL, A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OF THESE MERITS, AND IS COR- ".— ... ,..�..,,.._._� f1IALLY SOLICITED, MILL OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 7 A. tier TO 6 P. M. Wm. J. Smith, Prop. APPLES WANTED. All Kinds of Apples at • The Exeter Evaporator Apples received any time and until end of season. Highest Cash Price Paid A. D. CLAPP. WOMEN HELP FOR TRIMMING APPLES.. AUCTION SALE '35 CATTLE 35 on LOT 24, CO A, USBORNE on FRIDAY, SEPT 29th, 1922. at 1.30 p.m., :the :fallowing - 1 Beef ring ,heifer, 900 lbs. 5 three-year old Steers 17 two-year .old ,Steers. 6 two-year old ,Heifers 6 one-year old heifers and steers Zlerin�s-6 months' credit .on ap- proved joint motes, with 6 per cent: pier annum off for cash( T CAMERON W:. H:ARMSTRONG, • Aucr,: Prop. Clandeboye O� Cur►ning�han if the second of Mc GiJ iivray, is' laic,) ,wp ,a,sL th'e result' of a serious accident., ' He was drawing., .shaver ;hen e hornets, xain .awa the wagon ran over .hire, cauMmg. ere injury "to one Anne anrt also, brurls_ frog him." badly, A telephone, pole was damaged and the vegan was badly .smashed. Mount Carmel Rev. Fr. McCarthy of Stratford is visiting Fr, Corcoran fora fete days, --The Social heed in the hall last week was well attended, -Missy ,Ger- alc?iaie ivicKeever left on ,Monday far London to resume her studies at .Sri Angelia College, and Miss Mary Houl- ihan to attend Normal et Stratford, - Mr, Jos G•lavires Oder mill is in oper- atkui for two days each week. -A num- ber from here attended the Parkhill Fair o;n eclnesday. HlBBElt f -C mn.rles Young, died at 1io.me obi: the eighth coaceasion on Sunday aged 62 years. C.L NCON-Albert Evans a Gorier- ;chi' iota 15ec1 Jn C1snton on Sunday ev enaa g rfollotvjing a slight accident when 'the .-sac in, which he end ..vfr., Steele were riding ,hit a .telephone post The force of the collision ,was ,slight, but Evans collapsed and died,; An i:nguest was opener,) aced adjourned till Fre-' day. Zurich ' alert Mac'icey' was, married to Jobe Mr. lia.vid Pc.r1 cter 94 Elkton, M car., !.s visiteng relatives and friends --ti he e Lr .Maggie ,cCormick of De- troit is renewing acquaintances In she village .\1r;. and Mrs. Harvey Colosky of Detroit are vistingk iv?, li the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus CQ1.osky,- Lra Moir 419, has . been vi`lting,for some time ,tyi�kha her sister i4lrs, P, Koehler, has, ,returned to her home at New Haven ,N.Y,- Ir. and Mrs, Arthur Id. S.te. ck of Dauphin; Man., are vsiting relatives here, -Miss Verda Fuss ,af tows, ,is visiting with. ,friends in Detroit, -Mr. ;Jacob Schatz of Bad AXe, vt,itang hts se,s-, ter, Us. I,. E ighoffer, Hay, .Mr, and 14frs.. Hy. Ricker awl ,son Arthur vis- ited friends in. Port Huroai..tiars. Rupp fhas moved her household effects from - the Deichert property to the house owned by Mrs. A, Smith, and recently. Ila. vacated b y • Mr. H, ,WeIL-ASyss Done Ruby has taken a positron as milliner ire Brussels —Miss Dorothy Truenaner nurse of Toronto, who has vent a few weeks with her paxe4t4here, has returned, --C, Fritz & Sort have sold their Dashwood shoe ,.business ,to Mr. .Clayton Pfile who has been, employ- -ed. mploy- e t there for some time, Possession to �be given November 1st--Mr..H. Well left for Detroit last week where ire ' will make h s .future hornet --Mr, Spath and daughters, Misses Ruth, Gladys and Helen and ;son 1011.4 of Cleveland Ohio, are visitirig at the home of Mr. and ,,1rrs. P, Koehler. Rerasa l When the tongue of a wagon fell t the end 'penetrated Mr. T, Mtardock's .foot and inflicted a painful wound,-. Miss R. Broadfoot ,s attending Normal. in„ London. --Mr .and :firs. S. Ferris of Caledonia are visiting Mr. and Mrs David Cantelon - 1frs. Cites Nichols of London and also Mrs,. Simpson: anal her SOP, jack of Chicago visited .Mrs, D. and Mise Urquhart. --A very quiet wedding, was solemnized an .Sept 14th at the Presbyterian. ,)rause, when tiir, Oliver Rowcliffe, son of ;1fr. and Arra John Roti~*curie of Uaborne, was united it: marriage to Miss Jean McLean,. daughter of M, and Mrs. john Mc- Lean of Tuckersmith, the ceremony being performed by Ret; Connell. Tbe bride looked charmrng in a beautiful suit of navy tricotine and wore a hat of ,pressed black plush with feather tritrutungsi After a trip to Niagara the young ,couple have re- turned and taken up their res deuce on London Road South, Wheliban of Lucan.; The bride was attired in a pearl gray rcepe knit gown with lace trimmings. She wore large pleture hat and carried white roses: Her sister ,Miss Mary Mackey of Ham- ilton was bridesmaid. The groomsman was Philip Magee, cousin of the groom' Rev. Father J. Mogan performed the ceremony, after which breakfast was; served at the home of the bride's parents". The young couple 'eft oet a trip to points wes.t- Zurich Fair. The Fall Fair held here on. Thurs- day last was attended with the usual Stiee ss, 't_hu weather being :pie a large' crowd was present. The outdoor ex- hibit; were not as well repres'er(ted as mat years but the indoor depar1r- ment was not at alt. lacking. Follow- ing :s the live stock winners ;- HORSES (jeneral Purpose -Brood snare, F. Denomy; foal, F. Denomy; year old H. Neeb, F. Denomy, E. waist; 2 -year old, D. Fuss, E. Heist, :h. ti. Neleb; 3 -year-old, J. 31.anson & Son; span, W. Decker, H. 11. Neeb; sweepstakes Decker. Agricultural -Brood mare, D. Burns G. Jacobs, D. Bunts, yearling. E. V'4- lest; 3 -year-old. H. Steinbach; .span, J. x�1,4ison C, Truetnner; sweepstakes J. Allison, Draughtare, D. Burns, McAllist- er & Sons; foal, yearling and two-year, McAllister & Sons; 3 -yr. old, D,Burns McAllister; span and sweepstakes, F. El1erington. Roadsters -Mase; .toe land yearling, J Decker, jr.; 2 -year and 3 -year, W. Decker; span, FI. Steinbach; horse in busy, J. Green.,.E, Reetemeyer, G, Thiel: sweepstakes, J. Decker. Carriage --Mare ,foal and yearling,' Decker ar,; 3 -year, G. ingram; span, S. Deitrich; tsangle in buggy, H. Neeb H. Beiber; sweepstakes, J. Decker. CATTLE Registered-Durhams- tilt all?ster & Sons took all prizes ;et taus elms. Other Derhems--Cotvs, F, i'iaberer and 2, F. evi nma; heifer calf and, 2nd E. Klonn; year heifer, O. aurerus, J. Puff; two -yr, heifer, J. Pfaff; ;at new, 0 Surerus; 7. -yr and yearling steer. J. Pfaff and Ind; steer calf, F. Haberer, O Surcrus E. l lepp; Hol etz n c;ow ,Ii, Yungblut, E. Klopp ; ;sweepstakes, J. Pfaff ; herd of cattle, J Plat£ Lucan Mr. Murray Orme has gone to St. Catharines to attend Coltega,-- Mrs, Lorne :ytcFalts of Kitchener is spend- ing a few days with her parent,. -Mrs. W. Ii, Dignan left bye boat recently for Conquest, Seek., to visit her father and mother, also her brothers' in. Vancouver A, C. Welk, has been appointed manager of the Bank of Montreal at Luacn, He has been manager at ;♦iildmay. Wedded -A quiet t but pretty wending took place at St. Petrick'. Church, Lucan, September 19th when SHEEP Leicester -McAllister & Sons. Lincolns --G. Penhale and T. Snow- dea took the prizes Fine Wool Sheep -J. A. Manson Son, F. Weekes, G. Dater.. , H. Yung blut and G. Penhalc were winners. HOGS In Berkshires the prizes were won. be J. A. Manson &, Son and T. Snow - nen. In Yorkshires, W. McAllister & ons. D t BL1N-Frank E. Kane, a Strat_l ford railway man, was ,killed at Dublin just before noon an the, 20th, when he was run over by ,a freight tram, The accident occurred While he was per- forming his duties as brakeman on the way freight running between. Stratford and Goderich. There were no eye- witnesses to the fatality, Remember The Name °Xi XI AL Sealed Packet is your safeguard mal STREN TII, PURITY AND 1,GRANCE j. ARE UNEQUALED Double 'I ou4 Goes farther --Try it and you'll be delighted with the results. ORDER G-0 Powder OM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCW CI.INTON,-,Mr, S, S. Cooper pur- chased the three stores ,on Huron St;, occupied by Messrs. J. E. Johnston; Johnston & Co,, Butler Bros., and the Pastime Club, from the Jackson' Estate the price paid IZeing 12250, I iPl'EN,-A gang of rowdies pass- ed through the village Monday about midnight and ,threw, large stones through two of Mrs. Miller's windows, (a widow living a' -lone), and also Xi., McKenzie's show window, breaking al large light, A Big Bar A full-size, full -weight, solid bar of good soap is "SURPRISE." Best for any and all household use. arsssir+v las 1 ,' I i 1' I I I:- I IT" 1 ,. l.,l 7;1.. rrt [TT liT IT I E] To Holders of Five Year 5t per cent Canada's Victory Bonds • Issued in 1917 and Maturing lst December, 1922. CONVERSION THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the' maturing bonds for new bonds bearing 5+k per cent interest, payable half yearly, 4f either of the following classes:— (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st Novwber, 102, to mature 1st November, 1929. (b) Ten year bonds, dated lst November, 1922, to mature lst November, 1952. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st, December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn interest from 1st November, 1922,.GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL . MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF'' THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other, investors. The bonds to be issued under this 'proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing, except that; the exemption -from taxation does not apply to the new:issue. Dated at Ottawa,18th August, 1922. PROPOSALS • E7 Holders of the maturing 'bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LA1412 THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottayva, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon be rer form carrying interest payable 1st May and 1st November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st May, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will ' be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the urrendered bonds. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposalwill be paid off in Mash on 'the 1st'December, 1921:, W. S. FIELDING, Minister of. Finance:' ��1