HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-11-22, Page 22PAGE 9A --GODERICH SIGNAL -STAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1979 rntv5 N PROGRAM SCHEOULE November 22 to November 28 EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING' WEEKDAY LISTINGS MONDAY—Fit I DAY MORNING 5:45 THE CHRISTOPHERS (Mon.) THIS IS THE LIFE (Tue.) U. OF M. PRESENTS (Wed., Fri.) AMER. RELIGIOUS FOWN HALL MEETINGS (Thurs.) 3:15 U. OF M. PRESENTS (Mon., Tue., Thurs.) FARM AND HOME SHOW (Wed) WITH THIS RING (Fri. 6:15-6:30) SCOPE 6:45 MORNING NEWS 7:00 TODAY SHOW 7:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 7:30 TODAY SHOW 8:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 8:30 TODAY SHOW MOVIE FIVE: MOVIE: (Mon., Nov. 26)" BUTTERFIELD 8" Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey, Eddie Fisher, Dina Merrill, Betty Field. MOVIE: (Mon., Nov. 27) "CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF" Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Burl Ives, Jack Carson. MOVIE: (Wed., Nov. 28) "TAMING OF THE SHREW" Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Cyril Cusack, Michael Hordern. MONDAY - FRIDAY AFTERNOONS 12:30 PASSWORD PLUS 1:00 DAYS OF.OUR LIVES 2:00 THE DOCTORS 2:30 ANOTHER WORLD (only 10-1 & 10-2 & 10-4) 2:30 TBA (only 10-3 & 10-5) 2:30 TBA (only 10-3 & 10-5) 3:00 NATIONAL LEAGUE PLAYOFFS (only 10-3 & 10- THURS. NOV. 22 SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DAY PROGRAMS: MORNING 9:00 MAC Y'THANKSGIVING- DAY PARADE (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:30 PASSWORD PLUS 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:OO THE DOCTORS 2: 30 THANKSGIVING DAY MOVIE 5 - "MRS., WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PAT- CH" Fay Bainter, Vera Vague, W.C. Fields, Carolyn' Lee, Barbara Britton. 9:00 NFL FOOTBALL. (Houston at Dallas) EVENING 6:00 NEWS . 6; 30 NBC NEWS 7:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 MASH 8:00 BUCK ROGERS 9:00 QUINCY 10:00 KATE . LOVES A . MYSTERY 11 :00NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1 :00 TOMORROW 2:00 ALL-NIGHT MOVIE: "HOW TO SAVE A MARRIAGE" Dean Martin,, Stella Stevens, Eli Wallach, Anne Jackson, Jack Albertson. 4:00 ALL-NIGHT MOVIE: "THE HANGED MAN" Steve Forrest, Cameron Mitchell, Dean Jagger. FRI., NOV. 23 . SPECIAL PROGRAMMING FOR NOV. 23RD ONLY 9:00 MOVIE: "THE COMANCHEROS" John Wayne, Lee Marvin 10:00 KENNER FAMILY CLASSIC 11 :OO HIGH ROLLERS 11 :303'S A CROWD 12:00 NEWS AFTERNOON 12:30 PASSWORD PLUS 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:OOTHE DOCTORS 2; 30 ANOTHER WORD 9:00 MOVIE FIVE: "GODZtLLA ON MONSTER ISLAND" 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 7:00 MUPPETS - 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:OOSHIRLEY 9:00 ROCKFORD FILES 10:00 EISCHIED 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:30 ALL-NIGHT MOVIE: "LIBERATION OF L.B. JONES" Lee J. Cobb, Lola Falana. 4:30 ALL-NIGHT MOVIE: "CRIPPLE CREEK" George Montgomery, Karin Booth. SAT. NOV. 24 MORNING 6 00 FAMILY AFFAIR ,6 30 GODZILLA 7 00 HOT HERO SAND- WICH 8:00 DAFFY DUCK 8:30 CASPER AND THE ANGELS 8:57 ASK NBC NEWS 9:00 FRED & BARNEY MEET THE THING 9:57 TIME OUT 10:00 SUPER GLOBETROTTERS 10:30 THE SCHMOO 11:00 ADVENTURE OF FLASH GORDON 11 :30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 12:30 ACTION THEATRE: "SAF'ARI"' Victor Mature, Janet - Leigh, John Justin, Roland Culver, Liam Red mond. 2:00 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 3:00 SATURDAY AF- TERNOON P MOVIE: "ANGEL IN MY POCKET" Andy Griffith, Jerry Van •Dyke, Kay Medford. 4 5:00 SHA NA NA 5:30 3'S A CROWD EVENING G • 00---SA='LU=RD-A-Y --.N. FIVE -AT SIX 6:30HEEHAW 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 CHIPS 9:00 BJ & THE BEARS 10:00 A MAN CALLED SLOANE 11:00 SATURDAY NEWS FIVE AT ELEVEN 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 FIVE STAR THEATRE '`C.C. & COM PANY" Ann -Margret, Joe Namath. SUN., NOV. 25 - MORNING 6:45 DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARNIVAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 LITTLE RASCALS 10:.30 ABBOTT & COSTELLO THEATRE "ABBOTT' & COSTELLO MEET THE KILLER" Bud & Lou, Boris Karloff, Gary Moore. AFTERNOON 12:30 MEET THE PRESS . 1: 00 NFL FOOTBALL 4:00 NFL FOOTBALL 5:30 SUNDAY NEWS 5 AT SIX EVENING 7:00 DISNEY'S WON- DERFUL WORLD 8:00 BIG EVENT - "Escape To Witch Mountain" 10:00 PRIME TIME SUN- DAY 11 :OO NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 CINEMA FIVE "THE CHEYENNE SOCIAL CLUB" James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Gene Kelly, Shirley Jones. 1:30 DARRYL ROGERS- BO SCHEMBECHLER SHOW MON., NOV. 26 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "THE COUPLE TAKES A WIFE" Bill Bixby, Paula Prentiss, Valerie Perrine, Nanette Fabray. 5:30 THE GAME EVENING NEWLYWED 6:OONEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 LITTLE HOUSE ON \THE PRAIRIE 9:00 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES "BEGGARMAN, THIEF" Pt. 1 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW '1:00 TOMORROW 2:00 MOVIE: "KNOCK ON ANY DOOR" Humphrey Bogart' 4:00 MOVIE: "GODZILLA, vs. THE BIONIC MON- STER" ON- STER" TUES., NOV. 27 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "HOW TO BREAK UP A HAPPY DIVORCE" Barbara Eden, Hall Linden, Peter Bonerze. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:OONEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 MASH 8:00 MISADVENTURES OF SHERIFF LOBO 9:00 TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: "BAGGARMAN THIEF" Pt. Blyth growing Construction began Nov. 12 on a long awaited addition for Blyth Memorial Hall to upgrade facilities of the building that houses the Blyth Summer Festival. The first sod of the excavation was turned on Nov. 11 by represen- tative.s of the Blyth Village Council, which owns Memorial Hall, the Blyth branch of the Royal Canadian Legion and Blyth Centre for the Arts which is sponsoring the building program. Sheila Richards, president of the board of directors of the Centre for the Arts said it was fitting that the sod turning took place on Remembrance Day since the building was constructed in 1920. as a memorial to the dead of World War I. "The expansion and busy schedule of -Ease of the building makes it a living memorial," she said. As well as updating the present building which houses a 480 -seat theatre, a meeting hall and kit- chen, the building program includes an addition containing between 3,000 and 4,000 square feet of space for a new box office, ad- ministration offices, dressing rooms, -workshops, storage space for sets and costumes and a comrhunity crafts room. In addition, a ramp for the ease of entry by the handicapped and a washroom for the han- 1100NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1 :00 TOMORROW 2:00 MOVIE: "SIROCCO" Humphrey Bogart', Martha Toren, Lee J. Cobb, Everett Sloane. 4:00 MOVIE: "GORGO" Bill Travers, William Sylvester, Vincent Winter, Bruce Seton. WE -D., NOV: 28. AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: -- "HITCHED" Sally Field, Tim Matheson, Neville Brand, Kathleen Freeman, Don Knight. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:OONEWS 6:30 NBCNEWS 7 :00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 MASH 8:00 REAL PEOPLE 9:'00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 9:30 HELLO, LARRY 10:00 BEST OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 11:OONEWS • 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:00 MOVIE: "THE HARDER THEY FALL" Humphrey Bogart, Rod Seiger, Jan Sterling, Max Baer. 4:00 MOVIE: "GODZILLA vs. MEGALON" SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT 524-9366' We have a good selection of Snow Suits, Winter Jackets and Coots in Stock WE ALSO HAVE A FULL SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S WEAR FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING TENDER YEARS 30 KINGSTO ST.. GODERICH, 524,5112 dicapped are included in the project. The contract for more than $200,000 was awarded to Wayne Stahle Construction of Kit- chener. The building will be complete in March 1980. "The addition will go -a long way toward solving many of die problems our actors, stage crews and office staffs have faced during the first five years of the Summer Festival," Mrs. Richards said. ;'It will also increase the comfort of our patrons through the handicapped facilities and the new box office and allows us to make use of the balcony in the theatre which has been unusable because of fire regulations. It's one more evidence of how far the Summer Festival has progressed since its founding in 1975." The expansion is part of an on-going program which saw air con- ditioning added to the hall in 1978. While fund- raising is ongoing a substantial portion of the funds have been provided through grants from the Support Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation and Wintario. Private funding has so far been received from The Richard Ivey Foun- dation, The Atkinson Charitable Foundation, The Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Foundation and the Garfield Weston Foundation. Murphy honored James Murphy, former artistic director and founder of the Huron Country Playhouse, has left the playhouse after eight seasons with the theatre: Mr. Murphy said he hopes to freelance as a director in the future and enjoy theatre without the burdens of ad- ministration. The former artistic. director and his wife Barbara were honored at a meeting of the board of -directors - for the playhouse at the Dash- wood Community Centre recently. Mr. Murphy and his wife were presented with a painting titled "The Prisoner" -by London artist Gilbert Moll, depicting a pigeon tied to a brick. Board member --Jill Waters said the painting symbolized the way Mr. Murphy has been imprisoned by the playhouse. Len Evans of Sarnia, immediate past. chair- man of the board, said, "We've seen James grow from a gay -blades bachelor to a serious father. When he married Barbara, they became a team. The team has grown to_includeNevin and I gather it's not through growing yet. Mr. Evans said the board was sorry to see Mr. Murphy leave. The new artistic director, Aileen Smith and the theatre general manager, Marc Quinn, presented a number of ideas to the board for the 1980 season. Ms. Taylor-Sinith said she would like to see the opening nights moved to Thursday nights with the preview performances Tuesday andlWedne day afternoons and nights- -- This would enable the actors t� try the play before an audience prior to opening night. Although the new ar- tistic director hasn't released the names of next year's plays, she said she hopes to have a big musical, a smaller musical, a comedy - thriller, . an English comedy and an'American ,comedy. .At the end of the meeting, -the board was told while attendance was higher than ever at the theatre last' season, the larger numbers have played' havoc with the septic tank system. An entire new system will be needed- next year, estimated to cost about $10,000. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TV 12 LISTINGS * Mondays - Lions TV Bingo 7:30-9 p.m: Wednesdays - Beginning at 7 p.m. * - 1- "Storytime" with Caroline Cass * 2- "What's Happening" with Fred Salter * 3- "1'11 Be Seeing You" with Stan Profit On the last Wednesday of every month, "Foxy's Friends" will be featured along with the regular line-up of shows. Thursdays- Beginning at 7 p.m. 1- "Simply: Sports" with Dick Eisler 2- "What's Happening" with Fred Salter 3 - Regular monthly shows consisting of: Week 111 "Do you know?" with Frank McTaggert 8 Dave Barrick. 4 - Simple Sports - Motocross Racing, taped at H•ully Gully last August, guest John Talbot and Randy Collins. TV SPECIAL Chris Black and his swinging brass. Don't miss it... Week I11 "Do you know?" with Frank McTaggert & Dave B87Pick Week IV "The Best of Friends" with Warren & Eleanor Robinson Sundays 2 p.m. will be slated for any religious programs Monday through Fridays listen between 4:30-6 p.m. for musk and chat with students from Clin- ton Contrail Huron Secondary School on Channel 12 an your TV 'dlal. ******************** Two leaders and six boys were invested into the Third Goderlch Beaver Colony during a special ceremony in Knox Church basement last Wed- nesday evening. The new leaders are Doreen ^=x Hartin and Margaret Morgan. T e new Beavers, left to right, are Kenny Betties, David Edwards, Jay Noszenko, Timmy Harrison, Jason Slddall and Michael Burroughs. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) STEVE MARTIN Comedy is not Pretty Reg. '9.29 FOREIGNER head games Reg. '9.29 ABBA Voulez-Vous _ Reg. '9.29 EAGLES The Long Run Reg. '9.29 BLONDIE Eat to the Beat Reg.'8.98 THE POLICE Reggatta de Blanc Reg. '8.98 STYX Corner Stone Reg. '8.98 . DR. HOOK Sometimes you Win Reg. 58.98 JETHRO TULL Stormwater Reg. '8.98 CHECK THE PR -ICE ON THESE TWO RECORD -SETS Tusk ' FLEETWOOD MAC REG. -96.48 ONLY $999 LP's SPECIALS IN EFFECT THURS., NOV. 22 to SAT., NOV. 24 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES RECORD, 8 TRACK & CASSETTE TAPES CB & MARINE BAND R9ADIbS, HOME & AUTO STEREO & ACCESS AND TV Suncoast Mall CHARGEX i MASTERCHARG'if ACCfPTEO AAYFI1th RD.. HWY. 21 SOUTH .. R:.PMv..i.. Goderich 524-4466