HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-28, Page 4Fr
You. Can Now
Save on Battery
First -Cost
The man who wants to
save money on battery
twat cost instead of on
1st cost is now in a better
position. For the first time
Ice can make his saving
without sacrificing battery
The SLR (full size) Wil-
1 -lard Threaded Rubber Bat-
tery has in it the- same
materials, and is made.
with the sarne care as the
SJR (oversize) Battery,
Which is standard on 198
makes of cam and trucks.
(Frottr (f.erolt.,
Etc -plat+} iii -pian)
PRICE $7.50
Willard Batteries
and Cgr 'tees
mon t t n)
The Exeter Advoca
aandere & Gree h, Proprietors
qubaw;ripf on Price --In a:ihanc•:, 1150
per year in Camila;. $3,J i n .• the
United states, ?ill subscriptions not
paid in edw-,anke • .; .barged.
9710; liountaie, .Boys 8500; Mrs. H. ' • , IF
Eilbet's class 5825;. Friend1 Bible irkLon Helix..
.las: 5743; Beacon Lights 5050; Dor^
as Band' 494Q; :13acielio.e Halet and
,The a?nat F lF Los;ta Hoist's classes 4875; Add.e .nu1r Ott 1anday
Gai,sex s 4625; Emery Falmer'e 4065; and Tuesday was favored with e: n
i Aciiaa. $nt;th s 4030; 3, M's mei sone cellent weather, and the exhibits hi
shine classes. 3875; C. 1, C. 3710,;, Blue nearly every class. nese well up to
11474$ aatd Art Azure 347'5, The of- t.n aveza f4e, and 'Aoxno .even better;
feriae throughout the contest has been T "e, atte�z-.ince !an .'uesday ,war lie
•;.r ,$325.01 of which about $75 wvas. au' ".n, every tray th`e1Fakr was, Dialer )
aztribute=i on. Swidal.. The Friend- the best in the bSecory of the society
ly Bible C',ass 1434 the largest offer--
The t docs prize l.at here
:sat average of 64e. per member for lel"'xan the renaaatader W41 be' gtw•en
Rai)" Day_ Rev. 1.lauch, presented the next a? -reek,.-.
Litt? a- B `,nners Welt a beautiful( BAI BEEF QMPETITION
shad in rco nition of Amine wren first 1 731:115 Yard specialC=--;T, Hooper 4
oLice In;: the•contest; Mr, Hgl,tzmaaau' Svu; E, Ruhinso..n,
Sanded a beautiful banner,. to the t Lsberne W. Rssery, ROY Brock,
Mountain Boys for second and Chester„ Fullarten Beer Bros, and 2nd, .N,
Mare Taney gave the President of Mrs, I -Teals,
Eiluers Zezeis a beautiful pennant. I Ilidd;azlph--Iruine Wallisand tad.
?,;lily -Day of 1922 will re aa'::t ;t e'e -- Baby beet open to four townships,
rye t bleaker for many years:, "ToeVit, Essery. 1, Wallis and 3rd" ,
c^»nTed t•ee :n charge are worilay of Hooper & Sous, Beer Bros, and 6th"
cvtagrttz:ations. Alf, Paul's ,special-- Btanshard. J.
I Hooper & Son; VSborne. W. Essery,
I1c3SC1WC1Qt Fultarton, Beer liras.; Biddnlph, T,
Wallis; grand 'cherapien calf: Wax-
"--^^,. ssery.
were-iSuatee-A qa et but pretty:
oo e
ivbet, Rev. Graupaer offieieed ele f°41'•1 odge,B, ns
os3rrltle Magda Su tae secondSon;foa,Hodge,E&
,,ganglierMr, axed :tire. Jolanl.untz 3, two year old. B. Tvilianms ;4. Son,
t.lny�ta.a '.itjw=, The br`iele wee• Ti,I. Hodge; bent Ririe or colt io class
in.:-Nuingly attired bt a .bevy- trieetine, W. Dicker; team in harness. W.
voile w:th hat to .matw:h, .and cat'z^:ed ai, Deeper; 3. C. Costello.
:•uutl t,. of beautiful white asters, Agricultural—Brood mare with. foal
es :.tMeia=rd by her aist.er, :S1.!aa Lu- B. Stacey, B. Monteith; foul, B. Ste-
I;tuatz, white 11r, Herbert Pae, coy, W. C. Hodge, E, T►tozateitla; four
for atnier of the groom wvas hest man, year old. Arksey Bras,; three year
After tine. cer 10.4x1 the baPP "1144e cid, W. C, Hamiiten, 3 RQbinsQ1a
Ic for DetroitAnn Arbor and Sean- two year olct, V3T, C. Hodge, B. Wil-
t Daauei Shaffer. -The run, hams & Sou. A.Anderson; one year
oral of the ,loco Daniel Shaffer, ihe old, H. 3lpntei.th. W, 0, Hodge; best
:ed van V\'ednesday, ,Sept. 20, war, horse or colt in class, J. C. Cestelle;
tael3 on Friday afternoon feona The team in baraess, J. C. Costen°. 3. T.
d:ace of Mr. jos. Wildfong to the Allison.
r uthtrana ceeeetery:. The decean:ed bad Heavy Draught—Breed ;tare with
haat in poor health for some time :foal, R. Gimping, W, C. Hedge; foal,
=w .rine trent tuberettlosis, He had g, Qumning, TV", 0 Hodge; four year
e,, Fee:i tltc age oaf ►Q }ears, 8 months' old, Arkeey Bros„ three year gid, C.
:104 +days. He xa SIXTV'Fe" b} dtvt; Atkinson, B Herm. Roblurch; two
.walaeattters, w o" Exna Bender.-lV eord was ear old. W. C. Hodge, one year old.'
e-evelebere oe. Saturday of fire P. Gunning; team in harness. Ar-
.it?t +a! Tact; Render of Kitchen= ; sey Broa,. John Hogarth; best horse
oar of Me and Vire; ark: kneader of or colt in class. Arksey .Bros.
is *ac. " rhe remain'►l
`i'Hl: RaD AY, SEPT. 28th, 1922
e were brought!
for. butlal. The funeral was coma„
ni ted pen Twes ey afterm or by Rev."
atter to the QQshen Line cemetery.
weer.e35 years of age and is,, surd -
et by ;lie sorrowing wife and two
anal c11tM..,••rw'n,
We parents ;and one•
later, , .
and Urs. A. Fisher and Mr. and
tees. 03ear Fisher and two daughters
.• Detroit and Mrs. Apple of New
Ha nhofa visited with \Lr. and Mr;.
J. i un"t, last week,
3lns, 'incl ra ;at present vielang
i t fort Huron and +Iaetroi .
Mr and Mrs. Doerr of Auburn.. pent
Satndav with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch.
Mrs. janw: Guenther is visiting in
Lest teu^.ia} afternoon and .w:�niinng Detroit at zaresent
the chose her•,: assisted at `�landeleoys r aliee Caathern FJnkbeiner has return -
it L' eng tee anniversary eery ices, ofe.t drone% a visit in Sarnia.
that church, f :Mr, Wm. Ehlers of Kitchener spent
Little Gera,it Godbolt s :ick at a few days at his home here this week.
present with eearlet Sever. r, , a Mr CIayton Pfije has ptrchaeed the
The Post Oatiee hie been moved.hla- shoe tidiness from Mr. Chas, Fritz'
to alr. We Parsons produce build•ng, „et Son. . l* ,
NIL Parson: has been appointed t act-' . a=T_
master succeeding :lir, Hanlon. IHL:;RCI\'I)A I,E
Mrs. Routledge of Zurich 's visiting
at the home at her son tit;, J. Rout- Friday, 'Sept. lath was another red
ledge._.letter "day for the Hurondale school
Mr. and firs, Lloyd ayniiam Qf children when the annual school fair
Exeter are spending a .ewv clays with was held under the auspices of the
the forger's parents here. during:their Institute. The school was
holidays. • - • t busy scene trona about 12 to 1,30.
Next Sunday the choir will assist '
the Whalen Appointment with their The exhibits were exceptionally good
anniversary. 'lee church service will and :showed that the children had
be withdrawn here. Mr. Aledd of Ex- spent a busy summer. The afternoon
eter will address the members or the was spent in `sports and the prizes
Sunday School is the morning. were awarded to the winners of the
Pont Supper. -A fowl supper will school gardens. .A. booth was also
be giver. in the Methodist Church here an added attraction on the .grounds.
e. nesday evg., Oct w4, rom5 to The receipts of the day amounted to
8.30, After supper a program,
eistln; of selections from the cli ire $42.00.
• solos, duets. choruses, readings, etc.
Admiezeon 50e., children 30c.
Gre4 z on
Mr. Wes. Finkbeiner has n:etu
to Pittsburg after a v.Il4t with
Exeter Council
M++n;day, ;Sept, 30th, 19 22
.A re , ' ar meeting xst .the 'efunitcipaa
Council was held in ,the office of thei
ed • +Aericn above clam. Absent Couto
ii cUler )~giclam.
'Minutes of meeting
mother. S�,ei'} Sept. 11, were read and approv-
Mr. M. England ie ,visiting his par_ . ed. Letters were uea3 from the CTs
eriWe ` exee pect the hd Tura. ydro. m to" tj Pr'oducts_7 Agency, Toronto, Re. pay -
under way on our power Bene this week ,
meat of account for sewer Ripe; from
Silo :filling is the ,order. of the day ` W D. Midinner, coal ,dealer, Napanee;
in this vicinity, !from Andrew Bole, coal ,dealers, Mon -
The Methodist Church will hold treat. Ordered filed.
their fowl supper on October z& 1 A.:ciratt1ar letter ...from the. Depart
Mr. Ed. Beaver is having his h`hge m'e�l' of Irisuraaace, "Ottawa,Re Royal
decorated, also Mr. A. W. Morlock, Proclamation., designating the week of
Mr, C, Trirk es having his, c$op ec_ • of Oct 2 to ;9 as fire prevention week
orated which add Much to its 'appear_ and the public -in ;general is'•'nequest-
ance:• ., to: observe. the ai,loted time .as such;
Fire Prevention week evill be 8b-1 The:, mu,aici,pal rate for street wat-
served in town, from •-,Obtobes . 2 to :.flee ea,I.ng -;ptlydrose, -Was,. fixed at Ile.' per
9. We expect it ,will be. very borer tact ora ,thee same"frontage basis as
eficia1, and it s a thing that every ' for the season of 19 21, on motion of
person shoulr?• take an interest in. 'Davis ata Hooper. Carriied.
Dr. and Mrs, Haast of Goderieh -fad I The -1•.allowing accounts were read
Mr. and Mrs, Dan. Scb;waing w.isi'ted and passed, -Bell Telephone Co, 3
with Mrs. Geo, Holtzman, over Sunday. ,months rent, Bissett phone 6.15, cern-
Rally Day was observed in. the Even- etery .p':taoiie 4.62; Percy Hewitt, labor
gelical Sunday scbool last Sunday, at cemetery 5.00; Cecil Ford, dirtto;,
The basement was cempleteay ;Fulled '15.00; Thos, Appleton, labor sewer
ani all enjoyed the special aery loe25.50; E. Aopbeton,, 27.60 ;' J• Parsons
very much, Adresswerees ,given, by 13 50:; Cornish 11'40;J, Cornisb '19.25
Mrs. (T)r.) Heist of Goder•icb� and Mr. f L . .Day 6:90; H. Lander 18..75 J.
Fred. Sharpe of Greenway, after which Murray 15.00-an•-miotaon (3‘EHooper-
the School secretary gave his report, , Davis;.
showing the final standing of the dif- A:ij�ouinCd by 'Davis•.
.T'. Sexual. , Clerk.
ferent classes in the `auto meet"
Th s race has been ;an s.itnce the first
Sunday in July, and the idea. was 'to
stimulate the Attendance ,of the school
;luring the summer, months,, Judgtn.g
from the keen, interest ,one. classes
through the contest, the: idea has prav-
'Messrs. Hodgins McCann and Young
sten,:; of Lucan had e. narrow escape
froni.. being killed instantly on, Thurs-
en a day . when their car co -ded; with the
com etc n
�s A largei
p 1 g map
of the Domialora of Canada, was hung London Huron & .Brace freight train
cin the wall, with a road 'traced There- a mile north of C,landeboye. The car
completely a d
on, starting at Crediton, extenduns wastowrecked n 1VI�!. E.
the Pacific Coast, and returni:nghone iIurdy of the second ,of McGiJ,li,vray
via Toronto. Classes' were awardedtookthe mei _1iomee ;alone( of therm be-
point- .for attendance, offering verses it g hUtfeseeeatisTYJ beyond cuts and
learn e and registered vusitors..:' It has bruises.
been rip and tuck ,between the Be -^-
griieners and the Moeeta'n•.l3oys this The Hermaib interests of Windsor
past nnorith1.with three ar fonrr class- and Saskatchewan have purchased the
es chore t'ird: The Beginners, how- Landon Advertiser, which has been
ever, won out -with the Mounta;In, Boys controlled during late years ,by T. H. r
se- ree. ` The fallowing ?ns the mileage, Pure -en _K. C., and. will take control 'a
c ere S. by each class:-Begvnnerr--on ,:October 1st. B
Best 'grade calf, Mervin Cudxuore,
Harvey Hyde;Melville Moir. figs,
(under two years) Melville Moir, Ar-
chie Etberington, Gorden Block.
Poultry, Rocks, Harvey Hyde, Verna
Glee, Melville Down; leghorns, Geo.
Boa; minoreas, Mervin Dunn, Mervyn,
Cudmore; Ducks, Archie Etherington
Mervyn enamore+, Gordon Block;
Rabbits, Harold Horton, Mervyn
Cudmore, Mervin Dunn,
Winter wheat in sheat, Melville
Down;: Oats in sheaf, Archie Ether,
ingtou, Melt, Etheriugtou, Melville
Down; barley in sheaf, Melville Moir,
Melville -Down; stalks of Dorn in
sheaf, Archie Etheriiiiltton, Melville
Down, ;Tack Horton;. corn Me cob,
Violet Hyde.
Potatoes, Richard Etherington,
Alma Etherington, Bernice Horton;
Parrots, Allma. Etlaerington, Richard
Etherington, Elmore Dunn; man -
golds, Bernice Horton Pearl Moir, El-
more Duna; pumpkin$, Bernice Hor-
ton, Margaret remits, Richard Etlt-
erington; turnips, racier Horton, Har-
old. Horton. Marie Squires; beets.
Harold Horton, Kathleen Strang,
jack. Horton; onions, Archie Ether-
ington. jack Forton, Harold Harlon;
citrons. Marie Squtres, Archie Ether-
ington. Kathleen Strang; cabbage,
Pearl Wood, ,Norah Qke, l ooree i
Dunn; butter beans. Hewson Hill.
Mervyn Cutimore; tomatoes, ;Norah
Oke,;lfolvill+a Down. Aiavbelie Strang;
Inutile melon, Mervyn Cxtdxuore, Mel,
vine Dunn, May*belle Strang,
Flowers, Qadioli, Mervyn Qu,dmore
Mayhielie Strang; foliage, Verna Alae,
Bernice Horton, Norah (lie; gerau.
none, Loreen Dunn. Marjory QUO,
Vera Dunn; sweet peas, Kathleen
Strang, Jack Horton; asters. Harold
Horton, Jack Horton, Archie Ether..
intern; atasturtiuns, Bernice Horton,
.Alma, EtheringtonHarold CudzzuQre;
balearn.s. .Richard Etherington. Der
uiee Horton, Pearl Moir.
Apples, apies, Kathleen Stray,Pearl Wood, Mervyn Cudmore;
snows, Pearl Wood, Mervyn Cadman)Helen Moir; .greeniugs, Alms
Mervyn Alay*balile Strang, ervyn Cud -
more; kings. Pearl Wood, Aiervylrt
Oudinore, Alma Etherington; talman
aweets, Pearl Wood. Kathleen Strang
Helen Moir; best col, of fall appes,
Richard Etherington, Margaret Par-
Planus, Marjory Oke, Maybel.le
Strang. Kathleen Strang; fall pears.
Mervyn Cudmore; winter pears, Mer-
vyn endplate, Archin Etherington,
Maybeite Strang.
Best col, of 6 jars of fruit, Hattie
Etherington; best col, 6 jars of
kles, attie Etherington; best col. 6
jars canned vegetables, Hattie Ether-
Cooking, ginger snaps, Anna Moir.
Norah Oke, Vera Dunn; biscuits, An-
na Moir,' Vera Dunn, Rosie Moir; ap-
ple pie, Norah Oke, Vera Dunn, Anna
Moir; bread, Norah Oke, Vera Dunn,
Anna Moir.
White eggs, Marie Squires, A"orate
Oke, Loreen Dunn; brown eggs, Mar-
jory Oke, Bernice Horton, Loreen
Sewing, patched block, fiosie Moir,
Anna Moir, Pearl Wood; hdkte,, Hat-
attie Etherington, Rosie Moir, Anna
Moir; fancy towel, .Olive Wood, Hat-
attie Etherington, Anna Mair; work a-
pron, Rosie -Moir, Anna Moir; Olive
Wood; dressed doll, Alma Ethering-
ton, Violet Hyde, Violet Hyde; patch
on grain bag; Melville Down Melville
Moir; stable `broom, Hewson. Hill.
Roadster ---three-year-told W.
Decker; two year old, W, Decker;
single roadster, .A, IL Copeleucl, R.
Morrison. W. Mitchell; span road-
sters. R. II. Spence; saddle horse, W.
Hodge, W. Ladbrook, T; Brock:; best
horse or colt in class, W. Decker.
Carriage --Single carriage horse,
Arksey Bros. N. Heal; span, carriage
horses In harness, S. Collins; best
horse in class, W, Hodge.
Shorthorn -- Mileit cow, Norman
Heal, 1 year old, Beer Tiros.; bull
calf, N. Heal; heifer calf, N. Doupe;
DI. Norris; beat animal in Blass, N.
Jersey—Ankh ,row, T. Brock, Dr,.
Jose; two year old. T. Brock; heifer
calf, H. White, T. Brack best animal
in class, T. Brock.
Aberdeen Angus --Bull calf, Ben
Wilson; heifer calf, Andrew R. Por-
ter; best animal in class, A. Porter.
Holstein --Mitch cow, 3, W. Moote,
G. GUI; two year old heifer, G. Gill
and 2nd; 1 year old heifer, G. Gill,
3. W. Moote; bull calf, G. Gill; heifer
calf, G, Gill and 2nd; best annual
in •class, J. W. Moate. . -
Hereford. --Milch cow, Z Hooper
& Sons, 1 & 2; two Year Old, J,
Hooper & Sons and and; one eyear
old, 3. Hooper & Sons, and and; best
animal ba class, J. Hooper & Sons.
Grade Cattle --Milch cow, W. Epp -
lett and. 2nd; two year old halter,
G. Harrah, W. Essery; one year old
heifer, W. Epplett, G. Harrah: hei
fer calf, W. b ppiett; heifer. calf un-
der sitz rnonths, W. Epplett; two yr.
old steer, W. Epplett and 2nd; one
year old steer, W. Epplett and 2nd;
steer calt under one year, W. Eppeltt
steer calf under six months, E. Pool-
ey, R. Brock; fat cow or heifer, C.
Atkinson and 2nd; fat we or steer,
W. Epplett. -
Dairy Cattle, Grade—Milch cow,
T. Crews, two year old heifer, T.
Brock; one year old heifer T. Brock
and 2nd; heifer calf, T. Brock; best
animal in class, T. Crews.
Best beef animal, N. Heal.
Oxford Downs—John Hazlewood
took all prizes but first for ewe lamb
Jas. Earl. '
Leicester --Milton Stephens swept
the list.
Lincolns—Geo. ?inhale swept the
Grade—Ewe,. A. E. Doupe and 2;
ewe lamb, A. E Doupe;' fat sheep,.A.
E. Doupe, Geo, Penhale.
Yorkshires—John Pringle swept
the list.
Berkshire= -:F•, . . Spence swept
the list. ;'
Judge, G. W Miners.
W G. Medd for best dairy .cow,
J. W. Moote, G. Gill. F. A. Taylor
for best light horse or colt; W.
Decker; Arnold Bros.; foe r beef ani-
mal, W. Epplett; lady driver, B. Sta-
cey., S. Collins; boy driver, B. Stacey
R. N. Spence; girl driver, B. Stacey,
R. N. Spence; pair Hereford calves,
J. Hooper & Sons best steer or hei-
1f J.
Hooper & Sons; 'gentle-
s harness and hitching contest,
L. Thomson, G. Kemp, P. Brien.
Pubic school parade and drill, S.
No. 3,Usbor
net No. 14, Blanstnard,
best single turnout, Arksey Bros
C. Workman; hest double turnout,
S. Collins.
Bicycle race, boys under 15 W.
Heywood, C. Gregory,
Continued next week.
BAYFIELD-Jahn, Ferguson, one 'al
the' nione•ep of .Bayfaeld, died_ at •hi,
esi:?ence here on Sept,24 .at the
F 8'3 ago
years; Mr. .Fergusone�rcame, to
ayfi,elrt over sixty, ' years ar•o_
4'4 , ,4n45 4 ,:. "",•+ink k. . 1{'rr 1<s,SPis,t.
By boyar, prociatltati tae trovern-
•or-mini rani eras aeoleu October 9
- u'e l'reventern .L)iy,, leteing ure
.vee precee-ting lessons on _se pre-
venu.ut suojeets oe ,given in -ev-
ery public school, pubLc meetings will
uc e,.. i . awe Luc. idrge,r towns. and
yee.reee.• .n.. the owners of propejrty.
everywne_e throughout Canada wee be
counseten to' give special attenition to
the removal: at tire;hazards from their
premises -
Canada's annual fire loss is $45-
000,000 in property and 350 jives.
School children throughout 'Canada
are to be instructed ,by, 'their teachers
to copy theefal.lowing questions snip
their work books, take them homeand
enlist the assistance of their parents
inn providing -the answers,
Is there arty rubbish, such as old t
papers, , broken furniture, etef., ixv the!
Is there any rubbish, or e•catflietl el
kindling ,•inthe ,basemtent, tar cellar.
Is there any infiainablerubbish in
the yard. .•
Are. floors under .,stoves protetcted
hey metal or otherwise?
• Are wales, ceilings' and partitions
protected from; overheating : ,of ,ltoves
furnaces and pipes
•How do you'+dispbee of your ashes?
Do you use "safety" matches only?
Do you keep Matches away .from
heat and children?
What is the material of the house
and roof.?
Is the fou.ndation ;enclosed?
Are the chimneys in, good repair?
Whenwere tl%ay last: cleaned?
Do stovepipes; pass through attic or
closets:. .'
I-1 therea r
Y unused stovepipe
holes- how are they .covered? pipe
Do you ever:kee os -use. a' i
.p , g �o 1Lrcve ,n
the house?
Lo '',a
.� you
use a gasoline ar coal pail
stove for any ,purpose?.
Are any ogas '•connections made with
rubber' tubing; -
Name. all', the ,purposes for which
coal oil is used in, your horne?
Do you use electric ,irons?
Name any -'other Fine hazard in or (,
about your ,house?
Haveeyou, hriy fire ;extingu'jahers?
?i.here is •the ,fare, ,alarm box nearest
your home?
Da you know haw to turn in. an•
1922 Victory Bonds
Victory Loan Bonds mater-
ll*tg December, 1922, may be ex-
changed without chance for bonds of
the new five-year and ten-year issues
on application before September 3Qtit,
to any branch of this Bank4.1
Capitai Paid up $1,5,001V00
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch„ - P. A. Chapman, Manatee
Crediton Branch,ViV Wilson, Manager
Dashwood 'Branch, R. S.
G347444 Paid Lep $4,000,QQ0
Reserve .Fund. ,$S,000,000
Over 125 Branches,
The. MO Nis Bank prides itself oa the .9urtesy a all
its officials. NO matter ,how large, or how small The
volume of your business with th; B .n . ,you are always,
a+fsut'ed a courteous and cord'at reception.
Deposits by mail eivatn .so rrful attention -
T. S. WOODS Manager.
dranch open for business. Gaily,
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
ST. MARYS-Robert Dickson, for
years one of the leading citizens of
St, Marys, head of the firm of Dick -
son's, Ltm:itect, general merchants, died
Sept, 22.
MITCHELL -Mrs. John Docking, a --
ed 66, died on ,Sept 21st, following a
stroke ai paralysis, She ,was born in
Hibbert. and leat:es, her husband, two
daughters and three sons,
Crushed slate in its natural colors- (dark red
at isbedded }into and encrusted
h li,ath�N i
'Ct; ins mlak.i it lea
tid d • ooftiiitt
�'h� 1
... of crack
Theywillhev not'C curl
tford.le halt Slates are distributed under Brantford
e . arts, througia �r' • ifetd Roofin flea era.
o.. s� a
�.�,. ; ;?• :; ,1. ,, .. a'fion fttr�ired,. bd'rvice refideze� bg
Deli' . t a: • you_ district. -
' ,$ _ Booklet "Permanent"
,.� .. , Roofing Satisfaction.
Mole . •''its s?ea
ponsible parties
Brantford Roofin :imited
Ii..3 O o. d • factor�y ntfor Co,e
,at T�W�,,S� a ,A, . d, Ca� �,fid„
.Te6rwFo, Il'lfoai�lr�KinniW Hrf
a. tfia. 180
or : Sale ` 133r:Rs3SS Tlor tom an