HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-11-22, Page 5Marino Blue Rustico Red Bordeaux Wine Comello Tan Indigo Blue 20"Carry, On. $65.0( Tote Bag 540.00 24" Companion -575.00 26" Companion -584.00 Letters to the. Editor Could become a "tradition" Dear Editor, _ I was fortunate enough to be a member of the cast of "Fiddler On The Roof", which was recently presented to an audience .of over 1,300 people at the Goderich Collegiate. What follows are• some personal comments and words of praise that I am sure echo the sentiments of all of the cast and crew of "Fiddler". From all the congratulatory com- ments made to various members of the cast, it would appear that everyone who saw the play enjoyed it im- mensely. Words and phrases like, "Most enjoyable!", "..a first- rate production!", "...couldn't have been better!", "...the singing was wonderful!", etc., etc., left all of us with a pleased and satisfied, albeit very tired, feeling following the last per- formance. One out -of -towner was overheard commenting that the production was so professionally done that it was hard to remember that it was being put on by amateurs in the little town of Goderich! There are, of course, some very special in- dividuals who deserve the majority of the credit for the "almost professional" product that you saw on stage last week: Hugh McGregor, one of the music teachers at G.D,C.I. shared his musical training and conducting talents with a group of local amateur musicians, and brought them tonear perfection In playing --a most difficult score as the pit orchestra. Congratulations, Hugh, and thanks, orchestra for helping us keep the words and music straight! Our extremely talented and most patient choral director, Irla Stewart, with her depth of knowledge of music and choral singing, was the one who put • the "life" into "Tradition" and all the other • beautiful musical numbers! She and her trained ear were able to take a hodge- podge of_ some 50 voices...some very young and inexperienced...some very well-trained and beautiful...others with no training and hardly any talent, and mold them into •a first-class chorus. She also played the piano in the orchestra, and gave us the corfidence to sing the music the way it was meant to be sung. Weoffer a selection of greeting cards and stationery that would inspire Our thanks and love, Ida!And, there was our indominatable director, Eleanor Robinson. She was the guide, trainer, coach, workhorse, choreographer, set designer, and what -have - you, who became 'the "mother" of a real family of characters. Without her tremen- dous drive and organizing ability, and her talent for bringing out the best of what, for some of us, was rather dubious acting ability, the show would only have been another one of your average "small-town musicals". The production was a gigantic one, considering the rather limited facilities she had to work with, and the talent she had to draw on. But, her untiring efforts and confidence in all of us made the play the suc- cess that it was. To you, Eleanor, our thanks and ,appreciation! For over half of the cast it was the first time ever on . stage, and we all benefitted from the help given to us by the more experienced actors in the company. , Warren Robinson and Joyce Kuran were not only the principal characters in the play, they were responsible for much of the extra help and guidance needed by many of the rest of us when it came to speaking and acting on stage. You: were top-notch both as performers and as acting coaches as well, • Tevye and Golde! And finally, sonic words of praise must go to the support given to the production by the com- munity as a whole, The audience enthusiasm, the words of encouragement, the comments about how much you, as spectators, Texas oilman irked enJoyeu till play, are much appreciated' by those of us who spent many hours in practice over the past two months. Credit must also go to the wives and husbands who sat at home during those practices, the mothers who worried about their children being up so late, the families who had to put up with the N,:arious disruptions and listen to the lines being practised over and over. Our thanks to you for your patience and sup- port! AI•I of the cast will agree, I am sure, that it was , an experience to remember, Who knows, with the kind of people whom I have mentioned in this letter, maybe putting on a great musical in our town will become a T "RADITION!" Sincerely, Doug R. Bundy . ._ Last outing • GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, )i!IOVEMB$R 220879—PAGE 5 • By Jeff Seddon Says energy crisis is no fake Dear Editor, Recently while in- specting an oil and gas lease for my employer, Norman Oil Company, I° listened to a farmer talk about the energy crisis. An outsider might think it ironic that a farmer was lecturing me about international politics and scarcity. But I know rural folk ramble as a means to size up a stranger and that the topic of discussion ` isn't really that important. But I was amazed at his sophistication Of tour -se, perhaps being in "oil` country, he had thought about it more and talked to other people...rather than the wishful delusions other people like to conjure up. Crude oil is a raw material. It has a price at the wellhead. From th"ere.." it has to be transported - by ,trucks or pipelines to refineries to be processed into numerous grades of fuel. Take a look at the Chemical Valley. around Sarnia. - Do you believe that gasoline can sell at the price thnt crude oil is sold for at the wellhead despite the fact that it has to, be'' transported from Alberta or Arabia, refined in a multi-million` dollarcomplex, distributed. to . -service stations, etc.-? A barrel, contrary to a recent • letter in your "Letters to the Editor" col umr),, contains 42 companies (some gallons US and :35 gallons Canadian 1• -are spending Imperial. This correction millions of dollars would bolster the through Lambton, author's calculations, but Middlesex, Huron, Bruce the correction also shows that he didn't do his homework. Certainly oil is heavily taxed., Until recently, many of these' taxes have been justified as road use and improvement taxes. Does it make a difference whether governnient finances itself on oil taxes ;id Perth counties, We are leasing, conducting geophysical ` work, and drilling with Canadians, looking for new supplies of oil and gas. The energy crisis is not being faked. Sincerely, G. Texas FitzGei'ald, Abilene, Texas. or sales taxes or income P.S. It irks me 'that taxes' `" anyone thinks "oil Ort is sc,t1(-12_ih I tee-- prUhle ms -.--continue in World is. now dependent secrecy''. 1 can't imagine upon Mid East supplies. 'In fact, we are addicted to the Mid East supplies. We are going through withdrawal. It is going to be rough. And at the same time our western currencies have the malaise of inflation. The encouraging thing STEWART'S I,• can say is that we are looking for oil and gas in Southwestern„ .Ontario f 'om Sarnia to Kin-_ cardine. My da)d's company and other SAVE ENERGY and S Insulate U.F. Foam & Fiber Insulation Serving Huron County 15 years COMPARE...CONTACT Got an opinion? Let it be known in a. letter to the editor ALUMINIUM & INSULATION 207 Huron Rd.• Goderich 524.8821 that your public library has nothilig on the topic. Anyone who claims that simply is unwilling to educate iiimsr'1f on the topic. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE STANDARD FIRST AID CLASS 16 HOURS Place: Goderich District Collegiate Dates: Starting Monday, Nov. 26/79 Running: Mondays & Thursdays 3 weeks Time: 7-10 P.M. 3 hours per night FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT GARY •RENAUD 524-2284 Class limited to 20 persons SHAKESP COLGATE/150 ML. ,TOOTHPASTE LISTERINE/500 ML. MOUTHWASH A $129 ONLY • GILLETTE/10's 'SUPER STAINLESS STEEL RAZOR BLADES ONLY 1 • ONLY III.• MAGNOJ.AX/170 FAMILYLAXAT-IVE ONLY 89c'3 WOMPOLE DAILYS/100'5 MULTIPLE VITAMINS ONLY $1 49,: PALMOLIVE/32 OZ. . LIQUID DETERGENT ONLY $1�:��' 7; SS THE UARE GODiiRICH/MAIN CORNEILCLINTON/ MAIN CORNER, SEAFORTH •, TIS IAN B LE DISCDUNTOIIO n • 1 1 1 z/2 PRICE With this Ad Clip & Bring Me For 1 A Professional 8x 10 Colour Portrait .1 440 1 (Regularly 88c) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 • Choose from our selection of eight scenic and colour backgrounds. • You may select additional portraits offered at reasonable prices, with no obligation. • See our large Decorator Portrait. • Satisfaction always, or your money cheerfully refunded. One sitting per subject—S1 per subject for additional subjects, groups, or individuals in the same family. Persons under 18 must he accompanied- by parent or guardian., COMING.,.., NOVEMBER, Thurs. 29, Fri. 30,Dec. Sat. 1 Thurs. 10-6 Fri. 10-8 Sat. 10.4:30 "PORTRAITS BACK IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i1 1 1 "1 WOOLWORTH '80 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH 1 LIMITED OFFER — NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 1■ 8l MI t• Iii E MI MI MI N. MI um am if A Gift of Memory is the Richest Present you can give • • • The 1979 Commemorative Spoon is a dramatically engraved rendition of a beloved Christmas theme. The Annual Commemorative Christmas Spoon has been produced each year with a different engraving since 1968. Start now - or continue this unique collection. It is the perfect "little gift" that will be long remembered and treasured. 1979 CHRISTMAS SPOON 53:50 Other collector spoons from 53.95 1 • Suite4 t4 • HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH. GODERICH. Samsonite Luggage Three Suitor- $91.00 ___Gadgeteer_ =44.00 Caribbea Exotic colours, flamboyant style. The micrtuul styluiy aNi sutx'rh yuaht; of ltu�bl x'u Sit It ,llu:it 0010 set}tsiitetl lUI.1q,i,lt• It rs 1i91,1 ilnct r i<niy Itr lint c+ t�,r�y K el 1, r ny..i Si1l4(72t' .'P'S it'0" . ii (] CS, 7n 11) c Carihtkr t'•it,esitii,alwduty POI ,t st ,•.,14 r ihr,t rix ks tJyether under 0 wide, top stitched, continental buckled flap A colour coordinated memory forme ntrv,•i twists out of shape and the tailored Interiors are coordinated toench of �I. the: dazzling men s and �����• ladies -colours, including QA 1,�•� the his and her s Comello Ton Cariblxa has 0 parachtt harness f01 (1autSy, F)r lrknVt ad t mr's ih diishinCcaliVe styes10 COMPLETE LINE OF ATTACHE CASES AVAILABLE IN 3", 4", 5",ALL COLOURS, STYLES 0 SHOPPERS SQUARE LADIES WEAR LIMITED GODERICH 1'� •