HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-11-22, Page 3Co-operation
Dale McDonald', manager ®f the Goderich Zehrs store and Muriel Murphy,
president of St. Peter's Catholic Women's League, were op hand to present a
wheelchair to Maitland Manor this week. Accepting they chair on behalf of
the Manor Is Manor resident, L.illias MacVicar, The chair is worth $206 and
was purchased through the collection of grocery tapes from Zehrs by the
C.W.L. One hundred dollars worth of tapes equals three dollars towards
whatever a group is purchasing. This is the second wheelchair purchased
for the Manor with Zehrs tapes. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan)
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BY JOANNE commission as were the
The Goderich Police
Commission learned at a
meeting last Wednesday
that $239,108 of an overall
1979 police budget of
$297,000 had been spent as
of October 31.
T:orec n. _C.l.er-k Larry
McCabe told the com-
mission that in the area of
building maintenance
and insurane, police
were about $5,000 to
$6,000 over the budget
because of renovations to
the police station. Also,
he said, police were about
$7,000 over the budget
'wi'tfr reg r ds to the new
police communications
However, he continued,
in the area of salaries,
police were under their
budget by about $13,000.
This was mainly due to
the fact that a new
sergeant had not been
hired immediately after
• Mery Witter left the force
,and also because a third
class constable was hired
after a first class con-
stable left the force.
Third class constables
don't earn as •much
money as first class
Overall, McCabe
estimated the police
would probably be $2,000
under their budget as of
December 31.
1„n other business, the
commission discussed
who should pay for police
overtime at events, such
as rock concerts and beer
tents, where it is felt that
extra police surveillance
is needed. The com-
mission decided that each
case would have to be
judged on its own merits.
In some instances, the
club sponsoring the event
tab and in other cases the
. municipality would.
__When questioned by.
commission ' member
Earl Rawson about the
ex-reirr -of the drug
problem in Goderich,
Polio Chief King said it
was no worse here than in
any other town the same
size. He said maric'uarna
vas'''the main • d g used
by kids in town but added'
that "the bigger problem
is with kids boozing."
The Chief's activity
reports for the months of
September and October
were accepted by the
Chief King said he felt
that restitution was
sometimes a deterrent in
cases of wilful damage.
He said people should
realize that they must
pay for damages they
cause. A man recently "works two ways" :and
- caught for the theft- oT— that the Town does things
flags from Goderich's
Jubilee Park on Huron
Road had to make Hall
restitution and the youth
who knocked over several
stop signs around town,
ended up paying $2,400 in
pointed out that the be given a ride to and :;aw blueprints for
renovations to the police
station. These blueprints
showed two new cells in
place of the two old steel
department's secretary from the station by police
and dispatchers work for during the midnight shift
Mr. Eisler and he asked if if they so desire, since
these things could be there is no taxi service
taken into consideration available at this time.
with regards to police The commission added
costs. that insurance coverage
Clerk McCabe said this for the police cruisers
should be looked.at first.
Chief King reported to
the commission that he
had given by-law officer
Dick Eisler some of the
department's old radio
equipment. He also
for the police department
which could be charged xo
police but aren't. He said
the town would pay for
the by-law officer's radio
equipment but not for the
work done for him by the
police secretary and
Chief King agreed that
this was fair.
The commission went
on to pass a motion that
the two female ' police
dispatchers without cars;
Bicycles hot item
The Goderich Police
Department reports a
quiet week from
November. 13 to.20.
Four,�snTrore bicycles
were stRn during the
week and a roofing
company reported the
theft of some rolls of
roofing tar paper on
•Anglesea Street.
On the night of
November 13, the rear
window of a car'parked at
the Harbour Park Inn
was smashed by a beer
On the morning of
November 15, in co-
operation with the Clinton
police, Goderich rpolice
officers arrested
Raymond Wyatt Smith of
91 Alberta Avenue,
Toronto. Fie was carrying
a loaded semi-automatic
pistol. He was charged
with carrying a _con-.
con---eta—led—'—wwcap-on-73n d- torr'
possession of a restricted
weapon. The RCMP, who
had a warrant for S.mith's_.
arrest under ;the
Immigration Act, later
took him into custody.
On November 16 at 9.30
p.m., a rock was thrown
through a dining room •
window on Catherine
Street. Police have no
Also on November 16 at
9:50 p.m., a police officer ..
on Toronto Street noticed
a car on fire. The Fire
Department was con-
'I'urn to page I h •
Chief King presented
Earl Rawson with a card
naming him as an
honorary constable with
the Goderich Police
Force for his five year of
service on the po:,.e
commission. Mr. Rawson
is resigning from the
commission, effective the
end of November:,
cells, a fingerprint and
photograph room, a
storage room, an in-
terrogation room, and
another office.
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