The Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-21, Page 7RUN DOWN PEOPLE WEAK AND NERVOUS Thousands in This Condition Can Easily Eel!) Themselves. There are thousands of, people who bear the pain and discomfort of minor 11le lu the hope that the indispositiou s 01117 temporary and will be out- grown in time. Otten such illnesses are Rpt serious enough to require the Ittention of a doctor, but will respond to intelligent Neale treatment if A re- liable remedy is use& Women, busy with a multitude of nouseheld cares, young women in offices or stores, or girls studying hard in sehool, easilY fall a prey to that condition of blood- lessness keown as anaemia The trouble need not be serious ff prompt measures are taken to dwelt it in its early stages. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will restore the elements needed to bring the blood Welt to strength, and once the biome regains its healthy quality the entire WY will Bona 'haw the benefit. Among the many rut have found benefit througli the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mrs. Albert W. Smith, Miser:teem, Pat., who eays:—"I was very much brolcen down healthhad paius in the region of my heart. and was so alma of breath that if I went upstairs I would bave to lie down as soon as I readied the top. Then a strange nervous twitcb- tug of the muscles took possession of me, and every muscle in my body would apparently be twitching. I be- came very emaciated, and my family were much alermett as to my midi- tien. At title time I read all article in our home paper concerning Dr. Wil- limnsPink Pills and decided to give them a trial, The reset was that in a short thue I felt much improved, and under further use of the pills I felt like a new weman, had gained IR weight and was in every way better. 1 would urge anyone afflieted at: I was to give Dr. Williams' Peak Pills a trial." Toll can get these pills tbrough any rneeleine dealer or by mail at 50 Ants a box. or six boxes for $2.5e from The Dr. 'William's' hleeleine Ce., Brock - Title, Ont. e Leek t seartlight has been found to result in a general wave of depresslou. Buried on Mountain Tops. A GENTLE LAXATIVE a Before Dr. Graham Bell, the theme or of the telephone, died, he selected the place wbere he wished to be FOR THE CHILDREN • buried, He now nee on the lonely top of Beinn Bhreagh, in Nova Scotia. who has Mothers—the surest way of keeping But he is not the only man your tittle ones well and happy; wise - been buried on a hill -top. Another ther it is the uew-bern babe or the lonely ane elevated grave is that of growing* child is to keep their bowels General Colley, on the summit of Ma- regular and their stornaela eweet. Nine - Juba Hill, where his little bend was teenth ot all eklldhood ailments are surprised by Beera and almost annihi- lated, Near by the result of clogged bowels and sour is a •cairn et 8ten'es stomach. The most necessary and bearing the simple words, "Here Col- the best mediciae for little ones is a ley Fell," gentle laicative—eornething that will An Americasi poet who styled him- relieve constipation; sweeten the self "The Poet of the Sierras" is stomach and promote rest and natural buried on the top of one of the foot- sleep. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Lille of the Rocky Mow:tame. He Tablets. They are a gentle but et - rased his own monumental pie close ficient laxative; are absolutely guar - to the shack where he spent many anteett free from opiates or other in - years of Iris life. turious drugs and ma; be given to the Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Rho- Youngest infant with perfect safetta desia, is buried on the top of a Lill in They banish constipetion and indiges- South Africa called Matoppo. It is tion; break up colds and simpl' fevers said that there, in his earlier days, he and give the baby that health and hap - used to climb and dream of the future, phases which all anemia eheree have of the vast country spread at his feet.? They are sold by medicine dealers or and that even then he determined that ' by mail at 25 cents a box from The that should be his burial place. ' !Dr, Williams' Aiedleiue Co. Brock - But the meet famous hill -top shrine' vine, Ont. is that of Robert Louis Stephenson in Samoa, where he went in search of healtb. It was his wish to be buried on the hill -top close to his house, and hither his remains were carried by his "It is not my intention today to beloved Sarmans. He Wee wrote his make alarmist statements or quote own epitapb, which is certainly one ottpanie figures. Without overstating eat i it ever penned. one's ease one eau say, without tear of contradiction, that the world's tim- ber situation glues grave reason for tlwugbt and enquiry We read in the report of a recent Arnerlean commis. sion that timber is being cut at three times the rate of growth. We know that reversal exporting eountries admit that they have ever -estimated their forest resources. Whole groups of countries have been ehut out of the timber trade by revolutions dynastic changes. and the rise and fall in the value of exclusge. Even If we do not An American visiting in Irelaut aecept the idea of a world timber askee a man servant at a tavern, farnine, we must adndt teat never was 'new mane' matte do Yoe have here a" there a time before in white). the Em- The British Empire and Forestry. "Under the wide and 'starry sky dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die, And 1 laid mo down with a will. This be the verse you 'grave for me: here Le lies where he longed • to be. Horne is the sailor, home from the ecu, and the hunter from the hill." Three a Day. pire depended more on its own efforts Tl4 servant replted. "Tliwee; dinner, for its supply of timber; nor has there brealifatt and supper." ever been a time more favorable than the present for urgitag the examlina- h------ Mu of our Empire -Caliber rizeurees. The coriteglon of teetlearateas 1t-1--Irord Lovat at Drell -et Empire For - tache every boy's mind at some thee estry Conference. or ether. It should 1)z fought iike other dit-ease. Christ By Radio. is the groat M ' k for Minard's and take no other. Phyeivian. Surnames and Their Origin TAFT, Variation—Taff. Racia °HEIM—Welsh. Source—A given name. The origin of the family nano of Taft and the less widely known form of Taff is likely to prove a bit of a mystery to those who know tittle of 'Velsh Dallies, Both of these forms are develop- ments of Welsb origin, though from a name whiell is nearly as old as the Old Testament. If you trace these names back to their earlier usage arum the Welsh you will find that they were preceded by the usual "ap," signifying "eon of," a prefix which, with the change of the deseriptive phrase into the hereditary family name, has disappeared in mod- ern times except where it has been in- corporated as part of the name. "Ap- Howell," of eouree, wally became "Powell," but "Ap Taft" did not amal- gamate so eerily, and the course of 'east resistance was just to drop the prefix. "Taft" or "Taff" among the Welsh was merely a form of the given name of David. You can readily see that a !eight change in the sound of the con - sextants in this name would give you "Tafit." (The long "a" in English is a modern development.") And from ties the elision nf the 'V readily yielded the pronunciation '"raft„" KIRKPATRICK VarIatione—Kirkwood, Kirkland, Kira land, Kirkaldy, Kirkby, Kirkley. Racial Origin—Englis.h. S o u rce—Loon I Kies. Here is a group of family names white: are retentions of one another In the Etiuse that their sources are simi- lar, though not exactly the same. As has been explained in Irevlous articles the word "kirk" is the sante word as ectrureb," the former Immune elation having developed in the North of England and the Anglo-Saxon part of Scotland, while tlie southern Eng- lish gradually evolved the word "church," All of these family names indicate that their first bearers had lived at one time in one of several towns or com- munities. Kirkpatrick (which simply means Patrick's Church), is a place name in Scotland, as also is Kirkaldy. Kirkwoods, tracing back to medieval times, are to be found In at least two places in England. Kirkland is a de- velopment of Kirkland, and places of this mune exist in Cumberland, Fife, Lancashire and Weatmoreland. There are also numerous places by the name of Kirkby. Kirkley is in Suffolk. I; eastwasezeice w -2eNt .47 -*Tr With black receiver tightly clamped Against my eager ear, I listen to the sounds afloat Upon the atmosphere; A sole song, e, monologue, A bedtime tole for Ides. Tire daily news, a lecture on 'rhe life ef annelide. But these are not the radiograms I eeek to gather from The void where vehmee of the past Perbapa yet faintly hum; I hope to hear on ether waves Still drifting to and fro Some word immortal Caesor spone Long centuries ago. --Minna. Irvine. A Remarkable 'ResembInnoe. Brown hadr received a dog as a birthday gift. One morning while taking it for a little run he niet the smafl chlld 01 a poor fumlh "Is tbat yer new dawg?" she asked. He answered in the affirmative and thinking to help her with her pro- nunciation, said gently. "D -o -g, my dear, not d -a -w -g." She reddened a bit, shifted on her little feet and finally stammered, eSawful like a dawg, ain't it?" Friendship caner for sincerity, but sincerity is not a blunt and needless tender that wounds friendship. I'Vho- ever feels bound to say what he thinks, is doubly bound to think kindly. —Aux ;14 • Taste the joy of living! PTAHERE is no greater joy than perfect 1 health—the heritage of those who obey the simple laws of Nature. - Drugs are useful in case of sickness, but Nature strongly objects to their continued use by normal, healthy persons. • Caffeine, -the, alkaloid in tea and coffee;- is a slow but powerful drug. In the hands of a - doctor, it is useful and beneficial. •Aut taitm regularly, as a daily stimulant, it often upsets • the nerves, causing serious organic troubles. Thousands have found health and satisfac- tion in Instant Postum—the healthful,. whole- . • some cereal beverage made from roasted wheat. It is fragrant= delicious:— satisfying —and safe. • instant Postum • --FOR. HEALTH "There's a Reason" Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ontario InIn time of the young moon and single Whole System i Classified Advertsementi% Time of the Young Moon. star Is 13enefited 14-prANTED--T011110 LADins *my,/ ir y Good Education to Train. aaI wandered up the river road as far arines, Ont. Nurses, Wellandra Hosp,lial, St. Ceti*: low bole A lonely rooftree that was gray erith As the old Indian elearieg, and beheld Beneath the pendulous boughs a wil- low bolo convalescents Maadsi)ifraielv, en-reyv,"-rerse By Tanlac r .A.Dis--Do YoUR °tele HSU- were 23 Quincy Street Chicago y.rria.cliine. $2.$v; buttonhole. Plcoting; attaeh- And lightless windows that had lost their soul. Tanlae in bringing back their treater. XeJW YORK STATE Cli. Or ' strength, and w 4,4 people fiencriS_TtysIT_CRING and luiv .tai.INI__;_rept agents wanted. E, STN. NI Fraintsing Nurses of S the) P4_e_ TR' testitied •to the remarkable power of tett Behind, the ascending mo in slope •sutution and a powerful foe of weak-' di'elialezeh..treeKigYe'n 1""en te and 'S." dannIa- invigorate the conste Ater, 1•PeapsPti teal Aavnd uBrwki" rilisateecI school this Fail was walled eems 01 --ng efficiency. R to quikly u located nearprgalli Park'i John Alexander William Collins, SY2 1 wilicilienilY 0 St., N. Hamilton. . for the reC•enpetrortirinF , With deepening umber and dark eater- Ontario, says: i„ rte. woinian desiring to :lit:gees; yam' ald; A'itt wife was in a mighty bad state ' hesuete , ebaperenage; attention to health and re. vidnal tfttert?i ntht"irli 'VP"' incli. _wori here find a splendid 4•ppro°r: y And the deep slumberous river pool be- et health. She could eat very little et i 1'48'1;1 Gare back the scene, reduplicate in headache. Three bottles of Tanta° '' - • • . Wrlte to anything, her back hart badly and she creation; 1...)ftober class.es now forming. • tween had frequent attacks of awful sick green. have made her healthy and strong AGENTS WANTED. Only a faint bird agaM.' twittering; naught I War.110LR OR l'ART VAUD TO seen There is not a single portent, of the i T T our complete lino of electric fix- e • body that is not benefited by t e Liberal eornmleslon. W P Barle RI P au o. enables tr c Supply Co., lase St. Clair Ave.. or,, at feud I tures and appliances from our catalogue. 1 . the pert aaive sense o•f solitude. lael ful action of T la It' 1 T the stomach to turn the food Intel ono - health Only a white moth guttering; uaught of stress To strain the perfect peace and pen- serelless, And not a shred of cloud above to mar Tine beauty of the moon and single etar. --Clinton Seollare.. Measures Heat of Stars. The smallest and most sensitive in- strument in the world bus been cone etreetee by Dr, W. W. Coblente, an Anterleau ecientiet, 'Used for mete. miring the beat given ,off by the stars, it will respond to .the heat of a candle fifty miles away. The instrument is about the same size as a fun:stop, and is formed be weidiug a dot of bismuth on to the end of a line plathlum wire. The IOWA is plated lusitis a vacuum tube 'containing e. fluorite window. and con- nevted by almost Invisible wires to a gaivaeometer consisting cf a fine coil of wire end. a tiny swinging mirror. The tnbe is then placed inside a large ateronomical telescope, which Is set -o that the rays of the star will fall upon the joint. Because Of the, different propertiee of the two metals and platinum—au • electric Moen is generated. - The eurrent flow tereugh to the gatveleorneter.: Mel the mirror is moved according to the arac,tant of heat that has played. up -on :he joint. To ntaiulteu as perfect a vaeuuna as Wade, the tube fa surrounded with r calcium, white' a1 -cele: the eh'. Flur- Ite are naed became. fluorite ;. is aha ls trausparcnt; Seine rays eau- punctrate.glass. At the Yarmour.. 17.M.('.A. Boys Camp, held at Tueltet Fails in Auguet, 1 found Minard's Liniment most bene- ficial for sunburn, an immediate relief tor voile and toothaelto. Alfred Stokes, Geneva Seey, Not Many People Have. Irishmen and Scotsmen are always arguing, and one particular argument raged extremely fiercely. It concern- ed the origin of the bagpipes each claiming that his mutter Kati pro- duced the instrument. But the last word went to the Walt- man, who said: "Weli, the truth is, the Irish invent- ed the polpes, and gave them to the Scots—and the Scots haven't seen the joke yet!" MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. When Clothing Your Feet (1) Don't try to wear impractical shoes for practical service. (2) Don't use snap judgment in the selection of the place where you buy your shoes. Scientific foot -fitting is not usually pract_sed in shoe "cafe- terias." (3) Don't fail to bear in mind that your one pair of feet must serve you a lifetime. (4) Don't tell your shoe salesman what size you wear. Make it his busi- ness to fit your feet. (5) Don't foolishly allow -eye style" to supersede common foot sense when buying a pair of shoes. . (6) Don't sacrifice your comfort by requiring a foot -fitter to do impossible things. Vanity and foot -fitting are far removed. (7) Don't buy price in -buying shoes. It is only relative, while good, honest- ly made, comfortable shoes are always an economy. An Underground Clock. It is not generally known that to -day the world is receiving the correct time from a wonderful piece of mechanism buried in the oataoombs of Paris about 80 ft. below the surface of the streets. The time signals from the Eiffel Tower, known to all wireless enthusi- asts, are regulated by this, under- ground timepiece. It was placed in such epoeition in order that it sbould not be affected by ohanges of tempera- ture or air pressure. Its average daily reading for the first six menthe of this yer was leas than 0.01 second out. For a period of 104 consecutive days no discrepency Whatever was observed, and from May 25th to June 27tb its total error was 0.0003 seconds per day. It measured the time, therefore, to about three ten-milliontbs of a second. !SOUR Nc 81-404 yblood, bone and muscle, pure i ties the system and h.4ps you back to normal weight. Get a bottle to -day at any good druggist. One bit a heroiern is always within ter power—the keeping of our petty': troubles to ourselves. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. PQ SALE, TAR0I.'UIV4.LUBS ND Colors, samples free—Oeorgetown Woolle4 Mills, Ont. eetrier zrEvratiii.xo& wiafTED. E RAVE CAS PURCHASER for a ..-eekly newepaper In On* tario. Price. rarest be attractive. Send full information to Wilson Publishinit Co.. LU.. 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Going to the bad is a peer way a! BELTING FOR SALE hov.fing that you are a good fellow Show how strong you ere by not triattEsattSR IteMes AND SVC - TION hos n. and u ed raped • St., Toronto. Ont. _an _approval at lowest ,nices noticing how weak the ether fellow sUbject toccs - 6 l'r atm. lork Relting Co., 115 York GOITRE WONDDEPDT. SODEINTX210 333000VEAT For iloltre and Enlargement of the Thyroid Oland. The only way to disease Is iattheeatfV3trtghthe blood y rig "Dr. Cook's Scientific Treatment." Thle tratmeOtl:1Pifi Gnelt41I gtb good effect. Large battle, containing on inn?pnttllo.treatmerst. pre 5. X/ CO 163 Cliurvh St., Toronto COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Cuticura Talcum Is So Refreshing A few grains of this exquisitely scented powder dusted on the skin soothes and cools, and overcomes heavy perspiration. It is nri !der,' face, skint br.thy and dusting pante: and takes the place of other perfumes for the skin. Sonp25c. Oiabarat25 maga. Talano2Sc. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepoti Lyman., Limited, 344 SL Pi,el St., W. Mordecai. ErCuticura Soap shaves without mug. i$0104 an OG DISEASES and How to Flood 338.3144 Free to any A4. exam by the Author. era Case elovo 21,Q2 Weet 24th SOW Now Tel*, U.5,4„ ILL ANSWER ANY WOMAN WHO WRITES Montreal Woman Finds Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinicharn's Vege- table Compound Montreal, Quebec.—"I was a suf- ferer for three years, not able to do my housework. My husband was diacouraged, for I was no better and had had the doctor ail this time and rzothing helped Inc. I was always sleepy, had no appetite and suffered with my left side. My mother in England recommended Lydia E.. Finkbanes Vegetable Compound be - rause it had helped my sister, so Lave been taking it. I am now able to do my housework 'and I can not praise your medicine too highly at I have great hopes for the future. 1, will tell anyone who writes to nit what good it has done me."—Mns. Massote St. Henry P. O., Montreal. 'For nearly fifty years Lydia. D. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound has been helping women just as it helped Mrs. Masson: oftentimes after doctors and other medicines failed. If you are suffering from disagree- able symptoms caused by some female weak- "Ss, try this splendid Medicine. It is v.vnInn'S medicine for women's ailments, end tan be taken in safety, by an'Y Wnin411_ UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you • are not getting Aspirin at all •Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by • physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for • Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia • Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 21 and 165—Dimigists. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Caaad a) of Bayer Manufacture Muiefactur o MOTIC, seetioacides ter of Sal loYlleacid. While it h, wall known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture to assist the nubile against imitations, the 'Tablets of )Sayer Comtism* rUI bo liftituiPed with Mgr general trado mark, tho "Bayer CrOed."