The Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-21, Page 5WESTERN UNIVERSITY ('TETE WESTEIN ONTARIO UNIVERSITY ) LONDON You Can Afford A College Training For every young man or young woman who realizes the importance of a university education' acid has the persever- ance to carry it through, the fees present no difficulty. They are so low that a college training is now within the reach of all. Do not let the fear of heavy expenses turn you aside from your determination for higher education. Western University will train you in Arts, Medicine or Public Health at a minimum expense. Moreover, it is located in your community. You can live at home or very near home. The courses are complete. The Faculty is large (125 professors, lecturers and instructors) and each, member is a specialist. Individual instruction is featured. Western degrees are recognized universally. Entrance is by Junior Matriculation ex- cept for special and nurses course. A good i duce - tion is worth more to you than any other investment of time and money. Registration day October 3..d. For information apply to DR. K. P. R, NEVILLE.. Registrar. London, Ontario 1-t The Centralia Chopping Mill HAVING INSTALLED A NEW 15 INCH. JOLIET GRINDER I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT YOU NOW HAVE AT YOUR SERVICE IN CENTRALIA ONE OF THE. BEST EQUIPPED CHOPPING PLANTS IN ONTARIO, GIVING -UNSURPASSED SERVICE„ FINEST QUALITY AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OF THESE MERITS, AND IS COR- DIALLY SOLICITED. MILL OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 7 A, .`L TO 6 P, 1S. Wm. J. Smith, Prop. APPLES WANTED. All Kinds of Apples at The Exeter Evaporator Apples received any time and until end of season. Highest Cash Price Paid n A. D. CLAP P. WOMEN HELP FOR TRIM\TING APPLES_ AUCTION SALE 35 - CATTLE - 35 on LOT 24, ,CON. A, USBORNE on FRIDAY, ;SEPT. 29th, 1922. at L30 p.m., _the. :following - 1 Beef ring chef er, 900 lbs. 5 three-year old Steers 17 two-year old ,Steers. 6 two-year old Heifers 6 one-year old heifers and steers Tjerms-6 months' credit on . ap- • proved 'joint rioters, with 6 per cene per annum off for ,cash, T. CAMERON W. H.ARMSTRONG Auct. Prep. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The . undersigned has received in- strudations to sell by public auction on Main street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1922 at one o'clock sharp the following: One square piano in good cond- tion, bedroom suites, writing desk, cupboard, chairs, tables, clock, sew- ing;machine, tubs and wringer, dish- es, pictures, churn, sealers, range, Quebec heater, oil stove with oven, oil heater, garden tools and other articles t les too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH MRS. BERT. KNIGHT, Proprietress. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. HURONIALE The first nyeeting `of tie;;T3ortioul rural Society„got the fbli friil be held ,,.on Wednesday evening, ,Sept. 27th, in the Public Library. Mr. G. S, ,'Ho•ward will give an address on the subject of Bulb. •Planting , 'the ..See retary expects that' the tulip'and `hya- cinth bulbs will< . -be ready for" distri- bution at that meeting. Full atten- dance is tten-dance>is requested. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS at CREDITON EAST, on THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1922 at 1.30 p.m., following Horses -Heavy horse, 5 years old ; general purpose mare; driving horse. Implements -Wagon and hay rack; ref new bobsleiigh's ; one-third cord gravel box, small gravel box, small covered bus, walking plow, cultivatgr; quantity hay, goon set doublee,lee ress collars and bridjes, 2 set single hare- ess, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 12 morels' credit on approved ,joint notes, or a: discourst of 6 per ,cent, pei-tnnuni off for cash on credit amounts. FRANK TAYLOR JOS. FLYNN Auc t. Prop. . Grand Bend • • Nir. Wilbur 'Dewey broke ,h^s writ cranking a car last week. -Mrs. Cyrus Green visited at lie= daughter's Mrs,. Fairburn, in .He:nsall, for a, few days last week. -Tire ,girl frce,n,ds of.. Clarissa j Hamilton met at the ,home of Mrsl Nelson Reveille Fridlay'. and gave her a miscellaneous shower. Miss Ha,myl- eon' quit the .s'tore of N. Ravelle Sat -1 ure.ay eve n•sne, •where she has been clerking for some time. n She left o /Monday for Chatham to vista her sis- ter. -Mr ,Emery Disjardine miny.ad to Mr. Joe Disjardine's house last 1 Week, -Mr. Z cm Canning. . pent a few i days at I,bn_den last week.-Qirite a.. number from around here wentto Lon io ...n Fair last _ 1 s Week...- y adem ,eon lsew which went.: into eLkect on prrt 1 egulatrng the.hand ,fines of baled hay,',each bale, of ,hay Syysius$ now bear, It tag stating th'e e g wht of thre bale, sin, addition 'to the name: anal address of `the baler, penal t•y-'being provl:?ed ito the extent of $5:.U0 for each bale which- its not soy labelled. Zurich Miss Susie Johnson, iS visit fug her spent lrer vacation ,in Toronto during oently underwent entopeeetion for ap- pendicitis ;Mies Nellie McArthur, who her sister, Mrs, E, v „Sttoskopf, at Kitchener.—Mr. gad Mrs, Ed. Sippel of Lansing, are ,visitity,g relatives here, --Mr, and 1Irs. A. Melick and daughter, Orilla, spent a, fete, days at Detroit . -Mr. and b'1Irs. Dane of Port Huron, Mich, are vStiting p„t the home Nix, and 112n ,, PeterI(ale 1 .�-Ret. Reiner, a delegatte from,, Switzerland preached in the Evt,ng.elical Church Friday evening. -Mr. Herb - 1lxousseau experienced a marrow escape Monday when a wet -cell battery of an auto exploded in his face the fluid going in this eyes, threatening serious results. By yimmediately washing them out in water he was able to save them.- Mr. E. E. Wuerth, :'the new' tailor for Zurich, has this week,moved his house hold effects from Kitchener to Zurich and is taking up ;housekeeping in the rooms above his place of business in the Rennie Block, .formerly occupied by the Sovereign Bank, --A quiet house wedding was solemnized on Tuesday evening at the home, of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Howald, Zurich, when their daughter, Musa Louise, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. H. Rembe, to Mr. Erred Hutchinson of London. -..Miss Clara Kuntz and Miss Ada Sippel of Lansing And Detroit have returned to then. homes after a visit here. -Mrs. li..Rembe, who had beers, for sone tivac,at Hamilton ow- ing to illtitat tl , returned to her home h re.-Nirhile Mr. j. A. \V.sjl airs and Miss Ethel \V'iN;aianas were ,md tooring front Sea£orth: to :Zurich, itu meeting another car owing to,the soft condition of the roadside, their car skidded; into; the di tch, throwing' Miss Williams through the wind shield .and •-'utting' her head so that several stitches were necessary to close; the. wound. Mr, Williams was also considerably^ shaken up. --Olin, son of \Tr. and Mrs, Alex,. Foster, was s truck by Mr. Gingerieh's car while standing with his father or#. the roadside. He is recovering nicely iiensat Word has ben received her of the death of Mrs, J. Stoodley Winnipeg. Site was a. daughter oaf Mr.. Thonua?i Peart of Hensel', and a sister v: Mrs, D. B. \leli'ar g of Lon- don, The remains were interred at Brandon, -Mr: and Mrs. ,Sproat Pat - non of Toronto are visiting their grandmother, \tis, Robt, Paterson and other friends, Miss V. Geiger is vis- iting friends at Toaeonto and Niagara FaIIs.-�fra, J, L, ,Meek, whol Inas been visiting with. her daughter in Toron- to, returned homei Mrs. John. Elder has returned home, after a visit with relatives in Toronto, >irs. Robt. Bon• thron Ls visiting her sora,, Mr. Will, Ran - thrall, and fancily i.n D.ettiait- Wins South and Mn Pickett of Toronto' were the gues is +of\Ir and Mrs, R. Caldwell. Messrs. Harry Smith . and Albert Sherry returned home, atter spending a wieek, is Toronto, Niagara and Buffalo: -Mrs. Joseph Hudson of the village met with rt very painftti accident Monday morning. She . had been visiting her dauughter, Mrs. Har - w+, of Klippen and was preparing to leave for her home, ,wheal he slipped Tiro, a writ board and broke her 'ankle. -Miss Emma Johnston .has returned from Detroit, where she spent the past month, -Mr. Archie Rowcliffe return- ers home from London, where he re - the past tiva weeks, has retee noel home. -The home of 'Air. and Mr.. john McLean was the ,scone; of a every bappy gathering on Thursday even`ng where a large number of friends gath- ered and surprised the bride -elect, Miss Jean McLean, with a miscellan- eous :bower. -Mr. Thos. Welsh, who spent a few months of the past sum- mer in a journey out through the Nprtb rest, has returned home. ST, _MARS'S -After a linger+ng l '- ness of over two years Mrs. J. W. Eedy, wife of the,editor of the jour-' nal -Argus, died on Sundays, Bes :les her husband one soca, Lorne of it'kalkp ton, and ore daughter, Mrs. A, Gill`,a> of St. Marys, survive. The Orly Way -- To Test Tea is to Taste it,�----- rp Natural Ileaf Green Tea is proving a. f•c elation to those who have been tx5 c:a-s of Japes. 11.307 IT "YOU WILL LIKE IT X11 Subscriptipn Rates 13y ma in, Ontario 12 months, $5.00 6 months, $2.75 1 month, .50 A whole page of up-to-the- minute pictures --every one of interest -- pictures of people prominent In the public eye, stirring pictures of important happenings in many countries; in short, the world's doings in picture form— That's orm That's what you get in The Globe every day. The farmer who wants the news while it is news reads The Globe. Ith4 TORONTO Canada's National Daily i f .' i I it 1 I 1-:1-1` tri,' l7 L' t l 1C1-&rj:' rear • trir To Holders of Five Year 54 per cent Canada's Victory Bonds • Issued in 1917 and Maturing lst December, 1922. CONVERSION THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders L _ of these bonds • who desire to continue their j EW investment in Dominion of Canada securities the 19 privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new EJ Ands bearing Siper cent interest, payable half yearly, of either of the foowing Classes:— (a) Five year bonds, "dated 1st November, 1022, to mature 1st November, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature lst-November, 192. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to let December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn interest from 1st November,,. 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONT4'S 'INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING. THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. al• This'offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors; } The bonds to be issued under this proposal will bej;substantially of the. Same character as those which are maturing, except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the new issue. Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 1922. PROPOSALS Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER` THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their • December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the,last unrnatured coupon before surrendering the boiid itself for conversion purposes. The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable 1st May and 1st November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st May, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered. bonds. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under; this proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st December, 1922. W. S. FIELDING1 Minister of Finance. 1 • 1 :,,' ixal