The Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-21, Page 4Your
Best Friend
And we're not fair weather
friends either. When the
battery is healthy we help
keep it so. When it's weak
we do the necessary re-
charging to make it stronger..
When it's actually under
the weather we help put it
on its feet.
Our mina is to be the best
Mendof all batteries re-
gardiess of s=take. You may
be sure your battery will
tre welcomed and willbe
meted the way a battery
ought to be.
Vir, J. Beer
isL i"TRIL J t :'B'I'ER
I'RIi 1:
'Mara Batteries
�t .. •c„ y y 1 �daCb
etfir � i • i a. ll r ,Iti, v�U1V�' , ay ever
�•��• ' ,yea 13w.++ig ;.
Ceti:3 hued from Page 1.
,13'111,�:�.4I.; J41... •i[.0
,J,ti cgs .Ursa Loenrd,le, , t les
le, ; o .,p-.:a.t, airs l xvingst;rne, ii ,
.nenee ; rl.Ck, .11-s. tart ng, .gigs,
airs. Daring, .Liss L -v
+;sx.,� ata�raale, Liv.ngston.,
tabic ,stats, M.jss 1 iving-
,.;x�, airs. Darling.; centrepiece, Mrs.
n ,t.1a el:ss Livingstone; serviettes,
sacs, i,ar;uia .Jlrs. J. McDonald;. corset
cover, Airs. Lawson, \Irs. Darling; ;
niantgawn, Miss Coclirane, Mrs. 1)arl-
ing; fancy bag, Mise, Livingstone, Miss
a:ae :ley ladies' underwear, Miss Ches
izey, :\Ws Cochrane; infant's jacket
A. leeugall '11rs, Reid; bonnet, Mrs. G
"Passmore, t Dougall; booties, aliss
Livingstone, drees, Airs, Reid; drawn
thread work, Miss Liv ngstone, ;Mss
Chesney; hdkfs, Miss Livingstone, Mrs
Sweet; collar and cuff set, Miss Liv-
ingstone, \I ,s Cochrane; fancy apron,.
:Miss Tom, H. Ford, Mrs. Lawson; bou-
doir cap, ails Cochrane, :drs. Law-
son; camisole, Mrs. Darling, ;Hiss Liv-
ingstone; laundry bag, Miss Cochrane
Mrs. Darling; fancy bag, Miss Living-
ston.,, Miss Tom; bead work, Mliss
Torn, airs Sweet; child's dress, aliss''
Livingstone, airs. Reid; table• .runner,'
Aire. Ryden, airs Passmore; mounted
seta niiloty, "We. :wlcDoinnel, alrs. •Dar-
ling; washable sofa pillow, Mss Liv-
ingatone ,Aire Darling; library set,
Mrs. Darling, Mrs, Law son; serving
tray M. Darling; raffia work, Win.
Andrew; night shirt, :sirs. Darling, firs
'weer, worst shirt, Tiles •Livingstone;
it+.ten aprnn, 31rs. Marling, Mrs. Law-
son. firs. Sweet; sweater, ':firs. Dar-
ling, iI s: 1.ivingstone; scarf, Mrs. ale
1%erscan 1.. Luker; slippers, Aiiss Toni
friss Livingstone; knitted swea:cr,
f1 e; Tom; slippers, Miss Tom Miss
Ieiviegatorte. ; underskirt, Hiss
rt,�iac. Mt s, Tom; ladies' mit.,, Mise
1.:m, .Mrs. Darling; men's mits, Mrs.
Lawson. 'Mess Tom; Socks, Airs. Law
soar, ales. J)ariing; braided rug. :bass
Livingstone, lira. gaynham, Mrs. Dar-
ling; hooked rug, Masa Chesney, Mrs.
Bayal'ain, C. Truemner; window ' ur'•
tains Allis Tom, Miss Livlagstone,Mrs
Darling; slumber rug, A. H. Doupe ;
Mrs. Ketches,. ASias Dinney; comforter
Darling„ Mts. Baynham, E, Heist ; .
patehe:? qutilt, ,\i:>s Livingstone,
J. Triebner; knitted, quilt, Miss Tom,
Airs. Darling.
Linder 12 years -Crochet work, knit
socks, and pati hta;, R. D. ;iutxtc:r
12 to ib years--Hdkfs,, sota pillow
vwels, apron, laundry ,bag„- Knitted
;,11AIII-TFA.i;'a t: tine AND IMPLE-
Domestie cloth, W. W. Taman; all-
wool flannel, llrs. Edgar Darling;
all -wool biaukets, Southeott Bros„
rs. Ketcheu; woollen yarn, Miss N.
Tom, Mrs, E. Darling; rag carpet,
Miss Toto; sewing machine, S. Mar-
tin & Son 1 & 2; stuffed birds, Firs,
(Dr.) Sweet, Mrs. Reed; tailor cus-
tom suit, Southeott Bros., W. W. Ta-
man; eal.. general goods, Southcott
Bros„,W. W. Taman; hest col, tailor
goods and furnishings, W. W. Taman
eo1. boots and shoes, Southeott Bros..
1 & 2; factory made quilt, Mrs.
Ketchen; wall papers,$outllcott Bros.
col. of furniture, ZI. E. Gardiner &
Son, 1 & 2; pair ladies boots, Sotttlt-
eott .Bros. 1 & 2; pair gents boots,
Southeott Bros., 1 & 2; cream sep-
ar, ator, 13. S. Phillips.
r.tiri W. W. Tamen an_
z .. [ :, aa -1 double harness, M.
Q. ensa and 3; Piano, S. Martaak& Son
Judge, W. J. Carling.
Hebron potatoes, Wm. Dearing;
Carmen No. 1, C. Truemner; rural
New Yorkers. Wm. Dearing; Irish
Cobblere, Jos. Sutton, Mrs. G. Ether-
ington; GreenMountain, Jos. Sutton,
C. Wei::ninrr; Early Rose, Wm. Dear-
ing; :any other variety, C. Truemner;
blood beet+i, 13. Tueitey; globe beets
J. Caldwell, E. Heideman; sugar
beets. 11. Tttekey, 0. Penliale; sugar
tient naaaigolds, 13. Tuelte'y, W. Dear-
ing; lung mangolda, 13. Tuckey, C.
T rufztiuer globe maugolds, W. Pear -
1 ing. C, Truemner; intermediates, 13.
TM Tsekey, Win. Dearing; early horn
carrots. 13. S. Phillips, Mrs. G. Elie.,
,, eri€tgtou: Nantes carrots. los. Sutton
W. Dearing; long orauge or red. ear -
„rots. T. Houlden; white or yellow
!field carrots. 13. Tuckey, Dan Dew;
:meet cora, white, W. Dearing; Ban-
tam earn, E. Heideman. W. Rearing;
iutaipkin i. C'. Truemner, ;airs. Hey -
rood; musk melons, J. Caldwell, L.
.eyxaolds swede turnips, A. Dougall
Triebner; turnips aur other var..
The Exeter Advocate
Sagiers & Creech, Proprietors
ubserip:ion PrLe-1n a%isaac .. SI 50
per year an (.7nada; $2.00 at the„
Halted States. Ali subseri,titiotxs not
paid in advance 5i)o' - g h rged
lst, 1022
Mr.3.K.Goetz ;attended the fun.,
eras .3 ;a6; .sister at Buffalo, N. Y„
last week.
'alio Verna Fassold left last week
fer Gorrei, where she has a position
as milliner.
Mrs. Earl Guenther as w :siting with
hwr parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper,
in London.
Mrs. Henry Ehlers is visiting heir•
daughter in Detroit,
Mr. Harris Pest Office Inspector,
was ;here last Thursday and appoint -
et Mr J. Kellerman as acting post -
Mises Grace Kellerman left Tue dal•
for Toronto, where she will at e;n'ti
Normal scixoo1.
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Hess and fam-
ily of Zurich spent Sunday in town.
Misses Luella Schatz and El€rieda
Schroeder are visiting in Detroit.
Mr. Alf Zimmer of Cleveland is 'Ha-
itian wish. his ,parents.
Miss Verda Berner of Parkhill spent
the weY'.•-end at her home here
Mrs. Gertrude Hess ,of Zurich and
Mr. Dave Schlueter of Elkton, Mich.,
spent Sunday at the home of H. HOM-
E "
All Men and Women
When in Need of a Tonic Should
Start on the Road to Wellville
by Following This Advice
_Teterboro, Ont. -"I can speak in
the highest praise of Dr. Pierce's
medicines. I suf-
fered for a long
time with feminine
which•:I became:
all rundown,
weak and ner-
vous. I also had
severe backaches:,
pains in my side
and bearing pains
11 I learned of Dr. •
Pierce's medi-
cines and began at once to take
them. I took two bottles each of,'
the 'Favorite Prescription' and the i;
'Golden Medical Discovery' and they
completely cured me of all my weak-
ness and restored me to good health...
"At one time my husband became
afflicted with a chronic cough which
caused him to become all .rundown.
He got sq thin he was almost a
skeleton, He tried many medicines.
but did not get any better until he
took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. By taking this medicine
he was completely restored to good
health, I shall always speak a good
word for Dr. Pierce's medicines." -
Mrs. Martha Sholer,- 373 Bethune St.
If you need a building -up tonic for
stomach and blood obtain Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical. Discovery from your
nearest druggist or send '10c to• Dr.
Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg,
Ont, for trial pkg. tablets and write
for free contldeui:ia1 medical advice.
NI'iu. Ford. Geo. Peuhale: red onions
t"in. Dearing; white or yellow onions
lairs. G. HeYwoad, G. Daters; Spanish
onions. Mrs. G. Heywood; tomatoes sick.-, painting, :flys. J. ,McDonald
Mrs. Etherington; celery. W. Dear- ec,ntrupie4e in white, also in color airs
'tug; citrons round, E. Heideman, J. \1v1)441441. F. Bloomfield; Pin cushion,
Caldwell; Hubbard squash, L. Rey- Jas.. Anderson, Airs. 1!cDortald; cro•
olds, J. A. Christie; table squash, a: work, F. Bloonnfzeld, :firs, aI--
iss Hogarth; Pall cabbage, L. Rey -
olds, B. Heideman; winter cabbage,
13. Tuckey, Mrs. G. Heywood; best
col. of vegetables, Mrs. G. Heywood,
:Hiss Hogarth.
Judge, ltd. Welsh.
Painting in oil, landscape, Miss \l. by school children open to any school
Cook, :airs. N. J. Don; painting irnoil, A, H. Gambrill, T. Collingwood, 0.
inure \ Livingstone, Airs. N,. Acheson,
Dore,; Painting 8n oil, fruit or flowers
Livingstone, Hiss 11. Cook; Paint- Green ;Mountain potatoes, R. San -
in; in oil, animals, Miss Lsvngstancc dens, M. Dearing, Hurondale school;
Min Dore; Painting, water colors, mar_ Irish Cabler potatoes, H. Gower, F.
ine, Mrs. Dore, Miss Livingstone; Bloomfield; any variety table corn,
Painting;. water color, landscape, Mrs. Hurondale school, F. BIoomfield,
Dore, 1 and 2; Paint' lg, water color Chautenay carrots, F. Bloomfield,
azure , \lis.: Livingstone, Mrs. Dore; Hurondale school, A. 11. Gambrill;
Painting water color, fruit or flaw- `any other variety carrots, F. Bloom
urs, Miss •\1. Cook, bliss 'Livingstone;' field; yellow onions, F. Bloomfield;
:air>i t. €i;ure Or group, Mrs. Dore 1 bean, C. Acixeson, sunflower, C. Ach-
isa : Cook;
any ,subject, :Alts, pare
alias M. ' Sepia,
Photography, J. Senior eson; tomatoes, Hurondale :school,
1 and 2' Crayon, or Pestello, Ati;s j G. Anderson, C. Acheson; cabbage,
Livingstone, Mrs, Dore; Pencil sketch Hurondale school.
Giodioli, M. Dearing, R. Beavers,
Hurondale school; Phlox. -M. Dearing
Asters, R. Beavers, F. Bloomfield, J.
photographic views, H. Ford, J, Senior Anderson; Sweet peas, It. Beavers, F.
PenLivani ins: sketch, Miss Cook, Hiss Bloomfield, M. Dearing, Nasturtiums
a.stoae. T. Laing, R. Beavers. F. Bloomfield;
:Ins., G. Passmore, judge. Pansies, L. Heist, F.Bloomfield, M.
GRAIN AND SEEDS Dearing; geranium in pot, Huron -
white, C. Truemner & dale school,. R. Beavers; col. of woods
Son, J, Triebner; .Fall ,wheat, red 5: L. Heist, A. Etherington, Mrs, G.
Triebner, G. Daters; 6 -rowed barley, Etherington; col. of leaves, 3. Ander--
C. Truemner & Son, G. Deters; Oats, son, S. M. Sanders; col. of insects,
white, C. Truemner & Son, G. Deters; 3, Anderson, Hugh Creech, W. 3.
Timothy seed, G. Deters, G. Thomp- Heaman; writing, C. Acheson, M.
son; fferr.hant's flour, Harvey Bros;
White beads Clarke, A. H. Gambrill; drawing of
Donald; col. articles, Mrs. McDonald;.
hand sewing, J. Anderson, F. Bloom-
field, button holes, F. Bloomfield, J,
Anderson; pillow cases, F. Bloomfield,
Mrs. alcDoiu\id; darning. elro patching
J, Anderson.
Hest display of Vegetables grown
Miss Lido tstone, Mrs. Dore; Col. jaho=
tographs, 3. Senior 1 and 2; Photo-
gragpe, J. Senior; Photographs, ama-
teur, Wm Andrew, J. Senior; Co]
Geo, SmitC.
Tru n True- Huron county, M. Dearing S. M. San -
,grain; Clover seed, Enstl rye Col
rain; Jas:' Anderson; rnsilage corn, ders; drawing province of Ontario,
A.. • Etherington, Wm. Ford; Large Hurondale school 1 & 2; Balsams, H.
peas, J, Triebner; Small peas, C. True- Gower, Hurondale school, M. Dearing
mner; Pop corn, Thos. Houlden. Dahlias, F. Bloomfield, M. Dearing.
George Andrew, judge, Winter wheat, 3. Anderson, Hur-
LADIES' WORK ondale school, G. Thomson; oats, Hu -
it. e_red Work -Tray cloths, rennase school, G. Thomson; barley,
Miss J.Chesney, Mrs. .0. Passmore; Hurondale school, G. Thomson.
Table linen, Mrs. E. ,Darning, Mrs. Pass -
�re,iin�lT°~`$h"Srtrsi3:viette, Ws, Home-madelhrad<.M. Dearing, F.
Iaarlxiig; 'LeuncTi,ean se{,' Mi s. Darlialg Bloomfield,' Hurondale school; jar of
Luncbeon cloth, Mrs, Darling, Wm, plums, Hurondale school; jar rasp -
Andrew; Centrepiece, - Mrs'. Darling, berries, ,Hurondale . school, 3, . Csld-
M,ss 3. ::Chesney,••" Coronation braid well; apple pie, Hurondale school, F.
;hilae Livingstone, Mrs. Darling; Roman Bloomfield 2 & 3; hemmed handker-
or cirttyN•In 14iita Lieeings ane, Miss.. B. chief, M. Dearing; fancy tea. -apron,
Cccchran,e, Eyelet- Miss' Livingstone, Hurondale school 1 & 2; dressed doll
Mrs Darhag, French and. eyelet, Muss F. Bloomfield; M. Dearing, Huron
ingsbon,e, Mrs. G. Passmore; Punch
Miss: ,Livingstone, L. 'Luke-•' dale school; biscuits, Hurondale sch.
Wallachiar4Mkss Livingstone, Mrs. Dar -buns, F. Bloomfield. ' -
ling; Towels, Miss Livingstone, Mrs.'Hammer ;handle, L. Heist, G. Da-'
\V. B. Rydal; Sheet ,,and pillow cases, 'tars, G. Thomson; best box, L. Heist,',
Miss Chesney, Mrs. J. McDonald; P 1- milking stool, L. :Heist; b 1%11tonse, R.
law case.,;.aless Liviiagstone, Mrs. Dar- , Beavers, H. Skinner; carved chain,
lines Dresser and stand . cover, Mrs+. H. Gower. '