HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-21, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH REAR. Our Corner THE TURK AND THE DARDAI`iELL1,S. Rumors of war ,have been rife fine Saturday evening. This tjzne the tr*uble is in the Near East, The Turk "shed with victory over the Greeks venturedd an attempt on Ca9nstanti- nople, but Britain .steppned ih and bis way has been. ,blocked for a time GOOD GLASSES IF YOU NEED Itrri M. GOOD ADVICE IF YOU DON'T J, WARD, D,C„ Optometrist One Block west of Public Library - E. Corner: Reasotrable pr pee. Picone 43 for appointment. PHONE 81 The Mens Two -Trouser Suits Unbelievable WOOL Ain WOOL I4 L' t $2 and $25 Ail Wool Suits $25 to $30 Overcoats GG ABERINES ..$17 to $2S MIXED TWEEDS $9 to $20 LIGHT WOOL TWEEDS $15 to $25 SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, "CAPS SOCKS, UNDERWBAR, GLOVES, BTC AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES, W. W. Taman Ta lor&Furnisher AGENTS FOR "THE HOUS1 OF HOBI3ERLIN" EXETER, ONTARIO„ THURSDAY A at least, Actual ,fighting hass not tat-' # W. B P H Rowci ft a d 2;Ha b ' en place, but the danger, to the inter; esti of Britaiai w, s ,so great that then Britons all over the :world vera ready A • W. ot,'aen;; Ancona uw ' :gnu xeter Fair. i I'. Bern, j .A aPollard; c,, j, Poll erd GREAT SUCCE§S IN POINT OF Heywood and_ NreCuilugh n n $' S #o support the Mother Land. nese and from all parts came _offers of ;hells,, Many of the returned boys in Exeter say they will enlist 1t ,recruits are eal1er?. for,. Once more the foolishness of play - EXHIBITS, AT'1E1?ANCE, WEA- Campinas, w. ;t-c�1 h., til.;Gullouh; A. U, Y. Game, cock7, Berry & Dick; Ir TITER. RACES, AND Gh,NERAL Duckwin Game, dock, McCullough, C ENJOYMENT, Acheson, same for hen, c. McCullough fund 2, p•, ditto, Fenn T. I a ng; Sea - The 1922. Fall ;Fair of the Exeter bright, golden, c 'and eke E. J. Howley Agricultural Society has ;one ^snta'A, 4�. V Bantams a; CRE?oaLH ing unqualuied ;next in basebaal game; history as one ,on the best ever held.1Brow,n; hen, Bowden, carie€ Lutmam ;' has been in et ideneo Clinton .for the Although t d n semi-f%raali games sought to strengthen their line-up and got .its unqualified players,. with the .result that they de- feated Exeter, in the protested games but also lost ,standing in the league. In the North Wel'ington Leasuebase -ball became nearly a farce this year, but the local boys have kept their hands clean, aithoughl there were a few weak points that could have been strengthened. Returns received to date by the: De- partment of Finance indicates a very general acceptance of 'the proposals for ate cPnversiant ,of 1922 Victory a B. ds "• Q n into new hands bearing 5, per r - vent interest and. rurn,;,ng for a fur- ther period of five,or ten years as de - red. Many holders would like to take up considerable more of the new bonds than they have of the maturing sue, but this is not permitted, as rash sxa;b scriptions are not being Invited at this time. It is open, of .course, for such Persona tQ add to their holdings of 1922 bonds by purchasing them Lathe market, or from holders who require the cash .and thea ;to surrender them ug m t sane through the night Houdans, c. h. c, ,and: pH. Rowclnfe and was cloudy and threatening rtthe Red Cans, H. Rowciidle, G. 'Truemner forenoon, the afternoon was all that 'and J. W. Herm anon; White Reeks, J, a could be desired, and the attendance W. Horn :o7-1- •ren was v. ell up to,or pact the -usual marl:." Turkeys --bronze, C. Truemner, and The exhibits in many classes were W. Bowden won. abase the average, particularly was; Toulouse Geese, W. Bowden all. Ona noticeable €n. the ,Ladies' Work, l Duck -Pet.,, C. 'i'ruenmer, J. Main the Childress Work, the fruits and son �F Son, A. Etherington; Rouen #a vegetables. The Palace had ;t tine W. Bowden; A.O.1i., W. Bowden, C. show all round. Trueanner Outside the stock of various k,;,uds , Guinea Fot:l, G. Thompson 1 and 2 was not behind the usual, and earefut,Belgian rabbits. 7. A. Christie, young, . judging was necessarYie G, Tlnomecon 1 and 2; other rabbits', h THE SI'E1,IaING J. Christie, {'r. Penbale; young, J. A. The races furnished the usual .`inter- Chrestie; p`geo?te. . • iley�w0od, est and attraction :for the ]arse crowd l�' m• McLeod, judge. 1)AIR1 PRODUCTS Crediton titer at .Kitchener for a few Jaye. , F i• r Wedding bells wj.fl. ;,Dart be ringing nisi ld esleg I:inkbeiner oG' Piti:; e, our midst. K Rear. Rraok is a ?sur , Pa, as v:stung .h;s mother, Airs. ',ear. AtTrtzug a mtety Dodge Rosins b,ni beiner, ¢1r. Ernest Ganes has returned, ai' Rei. E, Iielhofer and family kr day >, ter two wee,L-s holiday :n Toronto {and last for Chicago on ',their return. ica ; rereeeesteete China, atter visiting t :he home of NIL 'and Mrs. G. Brown Forre, and home ('.i ,le;t thio unarm;;- M. J. Benne,; .of AshtaiiWalt li kitchen r, Many from here attended :the Fair ;net „,eek with has bluer greatmaq oar the n Exeter on Tuesday. n.� e, -Sia Our local, sportsman, 1 red 1ierr was C. 11' Christie. ndgh gun. again at ,the march breaking 9is out of 109, and taking the pecial prize. Mr, and \Ire..Jehn 1'tluaatpp, 'who are been, visiting to Lert.doz for the 'nest week, returned. home Saturday. Rev Hauch oh' Crediton occupied -the tent of 71 'r°amity Evangelical Church, tratford, conducting anniversary ser ices. Rev. Raiman Aii?eat alae ace ere, trreac'hing exceLGnt scrmen.. Rally 1)ay will be -observed next Sun' ay in. the Eton elica7 Church, when 41 „ the a. o ut ac Will Race" t ail he concluded! os Iuded.' Excitement ie running beg, Mr. F.• shard:. superintendent the- Sunday: School ad• Greenway tsa'1 atldr.,, they th w S, S. Esther Hauch 's visit°,ng icer and a faun without races would be a tame affair, There were six entries in the 2.30 class .and .tour in the 2.16 elass, and both were .contested to a €nosh, all the horses being driven out to - Win. During the second heat of the '30 trot a mix-up occurred 'on the south side of the track, when Mr,, Taylor's ,rig and -that of Mr. Yearley got into a mix-up when the driver, were dislodged from their cane and white serious results were threatened for new bonds.. It is known that th;s fort= ately no one was hurt, neither is being done.was there any damage done, and rlrit ems, horses and rigs were ready ert time for • the next heat. Following is „tete sumnaar,y;-- 2,18 Class --Purse $2$0,00 Pateben, W. Ret ngton 1 1 1 Barris 2 2 2 Low News , MTs; Alma Harding left on ),Ionday,. t* attend Stratford Normal. 'airs. E, Golby of London spent ;a few days in, town with her mother, Mr.. Vale during the week, ;tlr. Jas. King ,of Forest, a subscrib- er to the Advocate for thirty-five; -curs, wa_s in town for the hair dais aveek and added another ).•eases sub - mention to his ,favorite family iourn- "The Country Girl,,, put on by a London Company was greeted with. a. packed mouse, Fair night. The per. forrnance was one of merit and ,exeela fence and all in attendance were {high.. ly pleased. LUCAN MILL BURNED ' The Lunn Flour.11 ll teas, burned to the ground abo' out five clock ion Wednesday morning. 1Zuch of the vil- lage was threatened at The time, but the fire-fighters succeeded in confin- ine the fire to The mill. The loss 'trill be heavy. CoaI!! 1 CAR STOVE. , 1 CAR CHESTNUT 1 CAR an 1 lV, C. Pettit 3 3 4 flay Wright, S..0. ate Nail 4 4 3 sn3 B.nmuneZ20 230 Cori s -•-Purse $150.00 Pearl .McKinztey, W. Herres, 4 I I 1 1 Eel Boy. F. 'rayaor 1 6 Eel 0T. Yearley 2 2 3 2 Si lnel, B. T. Yearley 3 5 2 4 Tony Echo, S. ,G. McNall 0 3 5 5 Harry 1). L. Pollock 5 4 fedr Best time 230. Prise wan hers were, - HORSES General Purpose -,-Brood mare nc- companied by foal, I3, Williams & Son; foal, 13. Williams & Son; three year ocl, J. Manson & Son; 1 year old, 13. Williams & Son; team, Wm. Decker; diploma for best animal, W. Decker. Agricultural --Broad mare accom- panied by foal, Edgar Monteith, Dr. Moir, A. H. Doupe; foal, Dr, 1MOir, E. Monteith, A. 11, Doupe; 3 year old E, Rowcliffe 1 & 2; E, Heist; 2 year old, B. Williams & Son, E. Hoist; 1 year old, E, Monteith, E, Haist; team E. Rowcliffe, J. Allison, M. Thomson Heavy Draught -Brood mare ac- companied by foal, Milne Pullen, \V. McAlister & Son; foal, M. Pullen, W. McAlister & Son, Dr. Moir; 3 year old, W. McAlister & Son; 2 year old W. McAlister & Son, Dr. Moir; year EQUAL PORTION OF EACH TO old, Ili, Pullen, team, F. Ellerington. diploma, F. Ellerington, Judge, A. Sinclair. Carriage—Brood mare aecompan- Ted by foal and foal, 3. Decker; three year old, P. Ingram; two year old, J. Bent; year old, Arksey Bros.,J. Man- son & Son, H. Bieber; pair carriage horses, M. E. Gardiner & Son; lady driver, Mrs. P. Coates, Mrs. 3. Selves THE BUYER. CASH ON ORDER. , $19,00 PER .TON. R. G. Seldon EXET.hR, Huron Garage Phone 112 Repairing on. All Makes of Cars. Gray -Dort and Ford Parts SOME REAL SNAPS IN USED CARS, Results Assured. Success is rarely accidental, It co -axes to the man ,or .wazuann *who plate' for ift;; , :Da you wis,h'tfar,success; Int your iireadrnaking? Than Good Wife, advsase the G;aod Man to bring home same 'of Harvey?sf Manitoba's Bast Flour, It is made of the Best WeS'eerri Hard Wheat, by th'e best pro- ces3, under they supervisitanl of -.a. capable miller aed just now it is cheaper than the ch+eape .arvey $ros. diploma, Arksey Bros. Roadster --Brood mare accompan- ied by foal, J. Decker 1 & 2; foal, J. Decker 1 & 2; three year old, J. Dec- ker 1 & 2; two year old, J. Decker; year old, 3. Decker; single roadster in harness and buggy, C.'Godbolt, A. Webber, Dr. Moir, H. Copeland; di- ploma, J. Decker, Jr. Novelty race, G. Ingram, A. Day. Judge, Wm. Collins. CATTLE • Shorthorns -H, Smith swept the list Herefords -Cow .and heifer calf, Wm. Ford, Grades -Cow, T. Rundle, W. Ford 2 3; two-year old, heifer, W. Essery, W. Ford, T. Rundle; 1 -year heifer, 7T Ford, F. Bloomfield; Z -yr steer, F. Elleringtort; 1 -yr steer, F. E,b,er- ington, W. Ford; Jr. ,calf, W. Essery, G. Permhale, R. Brock; Sr. calf, A,Eth- erington; diploma, W, Essery. SHEEP • Shrotxshiredowns J. Manson & Son gat ail, but twa prizes, G. Darters gat 2nd ear ewe and �rami'lambsj. Linooius--Geo. Penuhale swept list. Liecester-W. McAllister & San, took all prizes. • Pen of sheep, G. Penhale, McAlister. James Roy, Judge. HOGS Yorkshire -G. Miners swept list. Tamworth -J. Manson - & Son took all ,prizes .Cor saws...; Chas. Harvey, Judge. POULTRY Lt Bremaha's, hen, W. , Lutmarn, c. and. p., Berry .& Dick, 1 and 2; Lang - &bans, c, and p., Berry 8; Dick; S.G. Darkins, cock, W. Bowden I aorta 2; Orpington, and other variety, Berry & -Dick; Sussex Speckled, pullet,, E. J. Hiarmey; Racks, J. ,McCullough Son, as well aS ,Statham's and Gardia- er's: specials; Wyendottes, McCullough and D. Rowcliffe were winners ; R. I. Reels, McCullough and G. Heywood In Legharns, G, Heywood, P, Hera R. Sanders and J. W. Her;, were winneis; Bk, Minorcas, cock ,and hen, Five lbs. butter, H. Ford; lalost neatly arranged plate of butter for table use, H. Ford, Miss Hogarth. PAINTING Painting on t'hina, realistic, Mrs, A. McPherson,I Mrs. etehen; Paint- ing on china. conventional, Mrs. A. McPherson; Collection of coins, Mrs. A. McPherson; Collection of stamps. Dr. Roulston.:.irs. A. McPherson. FLOWERS Begonias, tuberous,Wm nearing, Ar. Hyndumn; Begonias. 3 Duff•: sa:r- ieties, Andrew Dougall: Ferns. F. Bloomfield: Folliaage. Dr. Ily.:duuaan; Col. of flower in snots, Dr. Hy.:admann; Novelty in potted plants, A. Dougall,lVnn. Dearing. CUT FLOWERS .Astors, display, Dr. Hyndman. B. W. F. Beavers; I)a,blias, Wm. Dear- ing; Gladiolus, Dr. Hy/adman; Carna- tions. display, Wm. Dearing, L. Rey- nolds; Petunias, single, Mrs. A. Mc- Pherson, Wm. Dearing; Petunias, double, Wm. Dearing, L. Reynolds; Phlox, drummondi, Wm, Dearing, L. Reynolds; Coxcombs, Jas. Anderson, Jos. Harvey; Stocks, display*, Wm. Dearing, L.Reynolds; Verbenas, W. Dearing, L. Reynolds; Zinnias, 13. W. F. Beavers, Dr. Roulston; best ar- ranged basket, Mrs. A. McPherson, J. Anderson; best arrangement for din- ner table, H. Ford, L. Reynolds; col- lection of annuals, Dr. Hy/adman, J, Anderson; Pansies. Mrs. McPherson.Wm. Dearing; Balsams, Wm, Dear- ing, L. Reynolds; floral design, fun- eral, F. Bloomfield; brides bouquet, Jas. Anderson, L. Reynolds; novelty in cut flowers, L. Reynolds, W. Dear - Tug; extra, Dr, Hyndman. Judge—Jas. Weekes.HORTICULTL RAL PRODUCTS Apples ----Six varieties winter ap- pies, Dr. Hy ndman; fall apples, any variety, 0, Truemner, 13, Tuckey; R. I. greenings, A. Dougall, L. Luker Northern Spies, J. Caldwell, L. Luker Roxboro Russets, G. Cudmore; Snitz- burgs, G. Cudmore; Baldwins, Mrs. G, Heywood, G. Cudmore; Westfield Seek -no -further, Mrs. G. Heywood; Snows, C. Truemner, L. Luker; Fall Pippin, C. Truemner; Colverts, C. Truemner; Rung of Tompkins, Mrs.' G. Heywood, G. Cudmore; Canadian Red, G. Deters. C Truemner; Rib- 1 start Pippins, Mrs. G. Heywood, L. Luker; Wagners, C. Truemner, G. Cudmore; Golden Russets, G. Cud - more, A. Etherington; Ben Davis, G. Cudmore, A. Etherington; Ontario, G. Cudmore, A. Etherington; Weal- thy, Dr. Hyndman, A. Dougall, Tal - man Sweet, A. Dougall, A. Ethering- ton; Fallawater, Mrs, G. Heywood; Mann, Mrs, G. Heywood, A. Ethering- ton; crab apple, C. Truemner. Pears—Four var. 'winter pears, Mrs. McPherson; fall pears, Mrs. Mc- Pherson; Duchess of Anjouline, Mrs, G. Heywood, W. S. Howey; Beurs Clairgeau, Mrs. McPherson; Beureau Anjou, Dr. Roulston, Mrs. McPherson Bartlett, G. Cudmore. Plums—Lombards Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Sweet. Grapes—Moore's Early, Dr. Hy/ad- man, Thos. Smale; Niagara, J. H. Greive, Thos. Scale; Concord, Mrs. G. Heywood, Mrs. McPherson; Dele- ware, Thos. Sinale; Rogers No. 9, Mrs. McPherson, Thos. Smale; Rog- ers No. 22, Miss Hogarth; Rogers No 45, Mrs. McPherson;'°best col.. grapes Mrs. McPheron. • Peaches --. Late Crawford, Thos. Smale; any other variety, C. Truem- ner, Miss Hogarth. Judge, Rd. Welsh. MISCELLANEOUS Best col.' canned fruit, Win. .An- drew, Mrs, G. Etherington; best cot• honey, Mrs. McPherson.; honey in jar Mrs. McPherson; col. of bottled pick- les, Mrs. G. Etherington, Mrs. Mc- Pherson; col. of canned vegetables, Mrs. G. Etherington, Mrs. McPherson house -made buns, `Jas. ' Anderson, Wm. Dearing; home-made bread, Wm. Andrew, Win, Dearing; col. of cakes, Mrs. G. Etherington; Jas. An- derson; lunch for two, Wm. Andrews Mired hams, Wm. Dearing; assort- ment ssort ment of cured meats, Wm. Dearing; Jas. Anderson;` doz. eggs from light breed hens, Jas. Anderson, W. Bow- den; doz. eggs froiz heavy breed hens, Mrs. W. B. Rydal, L. H. Rob- inson. ob inson. J. Sutton 12 and 2; ,c. and p,,: T. Laing Judge—L. M. Jeckell. � and B. Powell; Atndaiusians, cockeril, Continued on Page 4. RIRTIIS enk-- At Dui/wood. an Sept. 142 Mr.anad Mrs. M. W. Sitenk, a ;'on: MARRIAQES .,ell-Howaid-At the Lit era; march, Part Huron, Mick, of Sept. 2wa, Olr. Argyle Campbell of Sar14 t 4 'Vis Maude Horald, of .the sante p1aeg•, f franc:4y' of Dashwood. l DEATHS. tit. T•ary:s, on Sept, len, beloved wife of Suisun« ' Eedv. 1?th; an W The Kiritton Fair Monday' and Tuesday September 25th and 26th, 1922 I kBERAI. PRIZES N' ALL CL:lB S, COME AND SEL THE BEST , •hfi, .NITS J. EOF ! EXHIBIT BABY x.,Eh.F AT A LOCAL FAIR IN WESTERN On.4a JQ. HITCHING CONTEST FOR LADI1S AND GENTL1;MEN, SCHOOL PARADE AND DRILL AT ONE O'CLOCK, LET,) BY THI;. dITCI'XELL :BRASS BAND. James Stephen, Amos Doupe PRESIDENT SEC. -TRESS, .hone 9 clERVIOR r ATISFA01111 aN If You Know That meat is down in price, and it will pay you to get our prices be- fore buying Farmers When, you thresh let us supply you with a choice meatty ROAST. DELIVERED ANY TIME. Let this Bright, Sanitary Store supply your wants. RIVERS" MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. We close Wednesday atternoon, but are open every night J. A. STEWA4tT Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES," New Fall Goods in all. Our Departments LADIES' AND MISSES FALL AND WINTER COATS„ Our Showing of Ladies' and Misses' Coats is right up to the mianute, in, Styles that will please, and in ,a1,1 tate up -to - the . minute, in styles that will please, and in all up tdattei Cloths, Fur Triannsed, Embroid ery Trimmed and plain Burbery Styles. A. magnificent assortment to cboose ;tram, at much •lower pric ea, SPORT HATS Ladies' and Misses' Spurt Hats in nice Plain Velour, Neat Plaids and Checks. They are th •e Latest Creation in Hat Wear Secure your size: and color now while our range is complete, MEN'S FALL COATS Men's Gaiberdime Top Coats ,6n several shades, up-to-datte models. Just the thing .for the cool Fall evenings -.Rain and wind proof. WE SELL GROCERIES CHEAP ALL T,k1E TIML+. Pure: Cane Granulated Sugar . per 100 $7.70,' Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 20 lbs,. for $1.54, 10 bars any laundry soap 70c, 2 Shreaded Wheat 24e Our Special Blend Tea 48c, 3 pcks, Ammonia (or 25e. 2 tins ,choice pink Salman for 35c, Christie : Soda Buiscuits lb1Sc. Certo for Telliues 40c. 3 Kellogg's Corn Flakes far -29c.. DINNER SETS ' Nine Swe11 designs in Dinner Sets to make a selection,, from. They axe Semi -Porcelain China, with China Cups, also h. fine Nippon China Set All sets are :full 97, pieces. 3. A. ST A T Highest Prices :Paid for Butter Eggs and all kinds .nr Poultry,.