HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-11-01, Page 140 PAGE 14-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1979 1. Articles for sale 1975 JAYCO "RUNNER" 19' TRAVEL TRAILER. 'Sleeps 3 adults or 2 adults and 3 children, 3 way refrigerator, two burner stove; potpourri, sink, clothes closet, lots of storage, used only 2 seasons. Double propane hook-up. , Call 395-5794 after 5 p.m.-32tfnc SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines anc, repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Gen's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich: 8tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and minerals deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumbing and Heating. Kingston Street, Goderich.-11 tfar TECHNICS SB -5000 speaker system, 75 watts (peak). Call 524-6630 after 5 p.m. -43,44x USED RAILWAY ties, all pressure treated, best quality, prompt delivery, $9.00 per tie; also cedar rails. See ties at Huron Landscaping, 4 miles south of Lucknow on Huron Road 1. Phone 529:7297.-43,44 ONE SET single driving harness. •Ten pound buck, 8 months: Blaelrand-white: 17" portable TV, Electrohome, - good .condition. Call 524- 6348.-43,44SD KEYBOARD SPECIALS. Get a low priced drgan now and be playing for Christ- mas. Most models of Wurlitzer and Lesage Pianos now on display. Open daily Pulsifer Music, ., •Seafor-. th .-42-45ar WOOD FOR SALE - cut your own cord for cord. Maitland block, Hullett Twp., 526-7723 after 5 p.m. -42-44 STEEL and aluminum roofing; used barn board; large quantity hewn tim- bers; Limited amount used bricks,• 20,000; farm sleigh and old plow; 3" x 8" rock elm new; 9" table saw. Call 565-2142.-43,44 ' APPLES ' - GRAND CLEANUP, U -PICK. All varieties excellent quality. $6. per bushel. Bring con- tainers. Anytime. Ross Middletons, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. -43,44 MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Guitars, Pianos, Organs, etc. Musical Accessories and supplies MUSIC LESSONS Beginners or advanced instructions available. 61 Hamilton St. Goderich 524-2711 - EXETER - 235-0940 - CLINTON - 482-9869 Goderich SIGNAL -STAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & D,ATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads ....... , .. Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .... , , ..... Tuesday Noon RATES: '3,0Ofor first 22 words ('2.59 if paid within one week of publication). Additional words 14' each, Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20 and 30. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding announ- cements '4.50. CLASSIFICATIONS 1.`2Artides for sale 15. Tenders 2. Mobile Homes 16. Mortgages 2A Summer Resorts 17. Auction Sales 3. Articles for rent 18. Services available 4. Articles wanted 19. Notice to creditors 5. Cars, trucks for sale 20. Public notices 6. Pets 21. Personal 7. Real estate for sale 22. Lost and found 7A Recreational" 23. Miscellaneous 8. Real estate wanted 24. Business opportunities 9. Accommodation to rent 25. To give away 9.4 Property for Kent (General) 26. Births 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) • 14. Employment wanted, PHONE 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks 524-8337 •ONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale WOODEN storm windows, assorted sires, idENI-for "Hot House"; standard size ping pong table. Call 524-7064,-44 KENMORE Zig-Zag sewing machine, with cabinet, cams for fancy stitches, excellent condition. Phone 524- 2072.-44 PAIR Bauler hockey skates, size .8t1z, . used only three times; pair CCM Senior Pro Hockey gloves, in excellent condition, 14" long. Phone 482-9574.-44 JEEP PARTS, convertible ..Tops. A11 jeeps 1942-1979. Huge stock, lowest prices, fast service. Gemini Sales, 4736 East Hastings, Bur - nab B.C. U5C 2K6 - Phone 604-299- .-44b.c. ANNEX heater for wood or coal, in• good condition. Call . Auburn 526-7245.-44,455D BURROWS 100 key adding machine. Adds, subtracts, multiplies up to 9,000,000 on' tape. Very good condition, $75.00. Phone 529-7777.-44 PHILIPS Electric Meat Slicer, only used a few times, half price. Phone 524- 9502.-44,45 QUALITY hardwood, cut and split, discount available on. 350 cubic feet. Call 524- 8735 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. -44,45 30" TAPPAN GURNEY electric stove, white, $80.00; brown recliner chair, $40.00; Judo, suit, .medium, $.15,00. Phone 524.2323.-44 DRY HARDWOOD - will deliver. Bob Thompson 482- 7171.-43-46 1973 MOTO SKI F440; 1971 Moto Ski Capri, electric start. Phone 524-6700.-41-44 11111111111.11.1 Reach all of ONTARIO with your special classified ad Through a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service. Call 524-8331 for details SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING L10 P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ontario pommokuommommommoommeommoommimieemem 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale FARM FRESH roosters, ready for freezer, dressed average 10 lbs. Phone 482- 7192.-43,44 APPLES - Northern Spy, ,McIntosh, Red and Yellow Delicious and Ida Reds, fresh apple cider, no. 2 Spies $9.00 per bushel, potatoes, onions and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone 524-8037.-43tfa r APPLES - eating, cooking and cider apples. Spy seconds, $3.00 per bushel. Cider on weekends. McClymont Orchards, one mile south of Varna, phone 482-3214.-43,44 1977 POLARIS Snowmobile, 340 Colt, just like new, $1100.00; single bed with box spring and mattress, $20.00; set of living room lamps, $30.00; rocking -spring horse, $10.00. Phone 524-7789.-44 KROEHLER davenport and chair, excellent condition, with foam -backed covers, Phone 524-8667 after 5 p.m. -44 • ONE PAIR Goodyear snow tires on rims 7.35 x 14. Phone 524-6468.-49x LADY'S size 9 uniforms, two pink, one white, seven mint. green, in excellent condition. All for $100.00. Phone 524- 2984 after 7 p.m. -49' COMPACT automatic washer,'portable dryer with stand, green, hardly used; single bed. . Phon.e. 524- 7418.-44 LLOYD baby buggy, green , PAIR Bauer skated like and whitey $90.00; mink new, size 6; also hockey 6un 10.00 bag, like new, equipment for 9-12 year old. $10.00; Playtex nurser Phone 524-6810.-43-45 battles, never used, $5.00. Phone 524-6440.-44 • ., SIX FOOT Arctic plow with°`" t. all accessories. Phone 524- CHESTERFIELD; kitchen 2723 after 6 p.m. -42-45 table and chairs; bed and dressers. Estate sale, must sell this week. 524-8480.-44 APPLES, eating and cooking;. red and white potatoes, onions and fresh cider. Gerald Bell' Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich. 'Phone 524-8008.-4ltfar CORTLANDS, Russets, Maclntosh, Northern Spys, Red and Golden Delicious, Tatman Sweet, apples for sale. Fresh apple cider. Call Bellview Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich, 524-8011.--42tfar NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices ' Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C & 'E Furniture. NEW AND USED 1/2 mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS Open 6 Days A Week 482-7922 GALBRAITH BROS. OF VARNEY WHbLESALE AND RETAIL -FRESH OFF OUR FARMS GRAIN FED PORK & BEEF- R.R. 4, DURHAM ONTARIO NOG IRO ONTARIO GOVERNMENT INSPECTED PORK & BEEF SALE Direct from our farms to your freezer PORK SIDES BEEF SIDES 1. Articles for sale OVAL cherry diningroom table. Phone 524-4351.-44x CHERRY diningruom set, six chairs, table and corner cabinet, or separate, Phone Hensall 262-2244,-44 PIONEER car stereo 40 watt cassette deck. Phone 524- 6917.-44 21 CUBIC FOOT freezer, and frost free refrigerator. Telephone 524.6512.-44 PLOW: Dearborn 3 x 10, 3 pt. hitch, $135.00. Phone 524-4450 after 5 p.m. -44 ALUMINUM storm windows and storm doors, all sizes; kitchen Cupboards, Free estimates. 524-4226 after 5 p.m. -43,44x' BABY high chair, $15.00; baby walker, $5.00; air hockey; one year old, $20.00. Phone 529-9193 after 5 p.m. -43,44 We have a limited supply of 1979 Bicycles in Stock BUY NOW AND BEAT THE 1980 PRICE INCREASE DON'S BICYCLE REPAIR 305 Ontario St. CLINTON 482-9941- "Loy Away Now For Christmas" 2. Mobile Homes MUST SELL - .twtw bedroom 1975 Marlette. set up at Huron Hoven. Any serious offer will he considered nn this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526-7784.-40tf 1973 PYRAMID TRAILER, 3 bedroom, 12 x 60, furnished $15,500. 20 Cherokee St. Mcnes '1 Park. 524-6067 Wendy or 524-4597 after• 4:30 p.m.33tf 1976 • 25 FOOT Lasalle Traveller trailer. For more in for matron • phone 524- 6725'.-44;95x • 1976 - 30 FOOT Terry travel trailer. excellent condition, includes awning, TV aerial, full hath, eye level oven, Sleeps eight. Price $7,600.00. Phone S24-6635.-:l45c L.IKE NEW - two bedroom 12' x 60' mobile home, $6,500, with $1,000 down and $100 per, month. Phone 482 7068.-44 , 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1973 CHEV IMPALA, two door hardtop, well equipped, i'n very good condition. Certified. Phone 524- 2422.-39tf 1975 PLYMOUTH Fury, four door, safety checked. Price $700.00. Phone collect Aubur•n,1-519-526-7238.-43,44 1976 FORD Courier pickup, 4 cylinder ` engine, 4 speed transmission, 7 tires, will certify. $2,450.00 firm. Phone 529-7806.-44,45 1978 COUNTRY Squire Ford \Stationwagon, loaded. Best offer. Call 524.2823.-49tfar 1977 FORD Pickup F100, 6 cylinder automatic, $3,200.00 or hest offer, Phone 482-7268 after 8 p.m.. -44-45x Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? CaII 524-2121 s 95 Now only 1 51P5 GODERICH 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED: Box stalls, $65 per month, ex- ct llt+tt-ri&i-ng area- outside ring, possible indoor arena this winter. Phone after 6 p.m. 482-9960.-43tfnc FIVE - English Springer Spaniel pups, born Sep- tember 25. $75.00 • each without papers. Phone 482- 3298.-44,45 9A. CommercialProperty For Rent • GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 • Lighthouse St. Phone 524.2717.-37tf OFFICE SUITE available, 58 Elgin Avenue East. Phone 524-9372•-44tf 9. Accommodation to rent LUXURIOUS apartments, 2 and 3 bedroom, Port Elgin. Phone Mavis at 832- 9234.-28tf ROOM with kitchen privileges. Phone 524- 2731.-42tf SINGLES apartment, fully furnitihed, 524.9895.-42tf { MOBILE HOME for sale 14 x 65, redecorated, large front kitchen and livingroom with new carpet, 2 bedrooms, e stove and frig, $9,800.00 de1idered. Phone 689-4823, --�} Merlin. -44-47' • 64 4 per pound $ 1 • 30 per pound BEEF HINDS S 1.60 per pound BEEF FRONTS $1 . 10 per pound CUTTING GHG. 4! per pound WRAPPING CHG. 4c DELIVERY CHG. 6c per pound Fast Freezing & Aging Free SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone GALBRAITH FARM MEATS COLLECT 519-369-2949 $ YOU SAVE DOLLARS $ per pound We or booking Orders at these prices until Nov. 11/79 3. Articles for rent FORMAI- RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-Itfar we cansuit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue 'FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Dr ep Steam Extraction.. Bluewoter Cleaners 524- 6231. 4. Articles wanted WANTED. Old brick buildings for damnlitron and salvage purposes Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, .Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-26tf WANTED TO RUY,: TV tower, aerial and rotor. Phone 524.6287. after 5 p.m. -44 WANTED TO BUY: Stationary exercise bicycle in good condition. Phone 524- 6923.-44 BRIGHT and cheery ` two bedroom upstairs apart ment, large living room, bath and kitchen, close to downtown, quiet adult building. $239.011 per month. Call collect, 1-237.3373.-42tf - LARGE two storey home, four years. old, four bedrooms, dining room, large kitchen and living room, attached garage, paved drive, large fenced in yard, close to schools and arena, available November 1st. $350.00 per month. Phone 524-2766.-42-44 SUB -LEASE NOV. 1st 1 bedroom all utilities paid, broadloom throughout. Stove 8, fridge. Phone 524-2920 BLUEWATER • MANOR Selling your Home? Moving to Town? Retiring? Let us show you how"pleasant apartment living con be, Right now you con reserve a two bedroom apartment for Oc- tober or November of no cost to you. All new • all adult -three storey buildings, featuring controlled entrance, large storage closets, new almond coloured dpplian• ces, and plush carpeting, For more rental information call: Lee? Ann 524-4474 EXT 3 If no answer coil 686-9513 68 Suncoast Drive Goderich 9. Accommodation to rent FOR RENT -Three bedroom house containing living room, kitchen with dinette, four piece bathroom, full basement and electric forced -air heating. Apply Harold W. Shore, Real Estate Broker and Appraiser, 524-7272.-42-49 FOR RENT - Two bedroom apartments, standard and luxury type. Available immediately. Rents start at $225.00. Call Harold W. Shore, Real Estate Broker and Appraiser, 524-7272.-42- 44 11/:2 BEDROOM apartment, stove, fridge, hydro in- cluded, carpeted. throughout, available November 1st. Close to Champion Roads. No pets., Phone 524- 2356.-44,45 ROOMS FOR RENT - with private kitchen facilities. Centrally located. Phone 524- 8570.-44,45 MOBILE HOME FOR RENT - two bedroom, with fridge and stove, in Huron Haven Park. Call 524-6384 or 524- 2521.-44 TWO BEDROOM carpeted bungalow, reasonable utilities, available November 1st, $275 per month. Phone 524-6974 after 4 p.m. -44 TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, frig and stove in- cluded. Phone 524-2711 or. 4$2.9.869.-44 , 9. Accommodation to rent 11. Room and board Office TO RENT 524-2651 SUB -LEASE Bachelor Apartment PHONE 5242920 10. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT: Wifi("erized cottage (or the months of December, January, February, Used on weekends only, in Goderich area. Prhone 1-519-674- 3330.-43,44 CHARITABLE organization in need of office in downtown cure. Able to pay small rent. Tel. 4-9341.-44ar WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Preferably close to schools, reasonable rent, references available. Phone collect after 6. (519)627-7456 AVAILABLE November 1st, heated 2 bedroom apart- 12. Help wanted ment $185 00 per month, in good residential area. Use of yard and parking. Apply to Box 145, c -o The Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont.-39tf HOUSE FOR RENT • - Located 3 miles south of Bayfield off Hwy. 21. Modern 3 bedroom_ , carpeted, full basement, -spacious Available' October 15,. No house pets. Phone, 565-5022 anytime.-40tf TWO BEDROOM mobile home for rent. Phone 482- 7066,-43,44ar THREE BEDROOM, family room, fireplace, modern quality home. Conveniently located, responsible, party. 524-8480.-43.44 MODERN two bedroom house in Auburn, $1.50.00 per month, • available im- mediately. Phone 526- 7799.-43,44 ONE BEDROOM apartment available November 1st. Phone 524-8821.-43,44 WANTED - Single, responsible female to share accommodations with same. Phone 524-4365 after 4 p.m., Monday thru Friday. -43,44 AUBURN, two storey house, four bedroom, $275.00 per month, plus heat and hydro. Available -immediately. Phone Aubur-n -52&- 7727.-44,45 ROOM to rent in private home. Phone 524-6569 or apply at 110 Park St., Goderich.=44 AVAILABLE immediately, four bedroom semi-detached house with garage, centrally located. Phone 524-9839.-44 TWO BEDROOM house for rent- in Clinton, hot water heating. Available im- mediately. Phone 482- 7652.-44 SMALL three bedroom house, newly decorated, $225.00 per month. Available immediately. Phone 524-9120 or 524.6269.-44 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom apartment, newly decorated, downtown, available now. Phone 524-6901. May be seen by appointment during daytime.-44ar COMFORTABLE, self contained apartment, near The Square, fridge, stove and partially furnished. immediate possession. Phone 524-8422, apply 48 East Street. No -pets. -44,45 44 X 23 THREE bedroom bungalow in Morgan's Mobile. Home Park. 482- 7066.-43',44ar GET YOUR MAN W1Th'A -Want Ad ROOM AND BOARD close to Square. Phone 524- 4379.-43,44 ROOM FOR RENT or Rbom and Board, phone 524-8606 after 6 p.m. -44x 12. Help wanted HELP WANTED. WANT EXTRA CASH FOR CHRISTMAS? Be a VANDA BEAUTY COUNSELOR. PART OR FULL-TIME. Phone Evelyn Blackwell , collect I -881-0015,-43,44x BABYSITTER for 5 month old child, from January to June. Phone 524-2085.-43tf DIESEL MECHANIC - experienced on Cummins and Caterpillar preferred. Top salary and full benefit plan including dental plan. Send full resume to E. 0. Parry, Farm Machinery Ltd., Box 370, Drumheller, Alberta, TOJ 0Y0.-44b.c. NEW LOCAL dance band requires a bass player with singing experience. Call 527- 1334 after 6 p.m, (Seafor- th) .-44 PART TIME dental assistant. Reply in writing, stating qualifications -and experience to Dr. R. D. Speers, 69 Britannia Road • West, Goderich.-44 REGISTERED NURSE for doctor's office. Apply - 6115%7n handwriting to. Drawer 154, c -o The Goderich Signal- -S -Ear; ---P .0 . 13 -ex -2-20, Goderich.-44 WANTED 3- Full Time 2- Part Time s8.O0 per hour full time $5.ao per -hour Part-time Must have car. Car allowance supplied. Call: 524-6092 ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR HURONVIEW Applications are invited for the position of Assistant 'Administrator of Huronview, a 310 bed Home for the Aged, located near Clinton in Huron County. The successful candidate will assist the administrator in directing all the day to day activities of the Home in- cluding residents' well-being, personal care and nur:" sing, social services, recreation anrti, other programs, housekeeping, personnel, finance, etc.; will have or be willing to undertake studies in the field, including a sound knowledge of Ontario's Homes for the Aged and Rest Home Act. - Excellent working conditions with full employee benefits. Salary commensurate with training and ex- perience: Apply in own handwriting giving complete resume of education and experience to the undersigned up to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 13th, 1979. W.R. Alcock, Secretary, Committee of Management Huronview Court House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT GODERICH WATER TREATMENT PLANT OFFICER 5286.00 - 5304.°0 wk. An Operator is required for the Goderich Water Treat. ment Plant to operate and maintain process control equipment in order to ensure that the plant is operating in accordance with standards established by the Ministry. To carry out sampling and routine laboratory tests as required. To maintain the grounds and buildings of the project and carry out equipment maintenance when required. The operator will be required to work any one of the 3 regular shifts on a rotating basis. LOCATION: GODERICH QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 10 education, grade 12 preferred, several years experience in the mechanical maintenance field, particularly with pumps and diesel engigres.. Some electrical experience will be an asset. Previous job experience relating to plant operation and maintenance will also be an asset. Good physical condition is essential. Candidates lacking the necessary qualifications may be considered In an un- derfilt capacity (Operator Trainee). Completed ap- plication forms, quoting competition EN -SW -25 should be forwarded to: Administrative Officer Ministry of the Environment 985 Adelaide Street South, London, Ontario. N6E 1V3 CLOSING DATE: November 16,1979. Ontario Equality of Opportunity for Eittploymem,. 4 •