HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-14, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH Y.EAR. EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY SEPT. 14, 1922 S.A.Nrearehe' Our 'Corner It met be dei gletful, eo" drive bean aeroplane straight ahead and not have to detour every ten, miles: A. girl% chances of being given away *eller father .depend largely on how many times.she is given away by her small brother; c 'Ola GLASSES IF YOU NEED THUM. GOOD ADVICE IF YOU DON'T. J. WARD, D,C., Optometrist One Block west of Public Libreri— a, E. Corner. iieasceleble prices, - Pltoltr 43 .for appo ntment. PHONE 81 The Men's Stere 1 It is a n ala to. e n r an 1 Kh.. z� �? learn. t o r� Local Newts Canada is .mperting, eggs from Italy. I Mr. E j. C } reef:^ ha•; accepted the age.ncy for t,i,. Ca:aede Lite assurance Com en ' formerly mr P �, 1 he b a the 1Fi h late 3 A bootlegger can't guarantee his elany people from the north are .Mr. A. Has#iuos. wares, but he can pretendto be drunk Passingthrough town each day ort the Mr. Geerge Hind hal tendered ha as an. evidence of good faith way to and from .London Fair" resigrra�t oa Lo the :Iolsons Bank oi- --= Mr. T. R. .Ferguson is relies r A itcfa?s, atter two yea' en the branch At „ Aatnthea good trelt,tmeaLt for a inose !The liolsona Bank in. Centralia, for -.ere, He will, resume hie studies. that gets too often into other people':: Mfr. john Routledge, whoa is holiday -i tilt. tQ. C. ;hard has moved into the business is to massage it at intervals t Leg. ' clwel?1r owned b3. Mrs, Lamport and with knuckles. __ I Notice Ms ghee). the Canada, Gaz- 4 Nass Lela Gina.., tadjoiri g the store Now is the time or ever • �vl,{a este thee Jo ha Darton of Pnrmyre, , nr4perty c4v?ucted b3 Iessxs. liar 3 Kent County, will apply to Parliameaat: say & Harvey. rerclaant to haw e advert► , n bel • next session for a divorcefrom ELczaa-°. Toronto' Fier ?las go',e into his or lo+^.al miewspaper -to come to the a,at? bell, Damon of the Township of Bid.'ees the greaten: and best, and most of his business, dui )h. Middlesex County. largely attended ever. London Fair 's .about .half over, .and Exeter Fair' e�onte MISS BALRI)' MARRIED. 'next :iond2y and Tuesday. ill In Yorkshire Hogs and Duroc Jer- i quiet wedding took pace on Sep^ see at Lstndon Fair, G. W.:Fners ;of 6th, in the tiethodest parsonage, Port Exeter, is a pr neepai winner. la ehe Hope, when .Eloise V,ctorie, eldost horses, J. Decker ,of ,Zetrich, I3, Sole. daue±lter X49 Rel: J. W. Baird, forrn.r- fiat 0i kiettsail and , . A. Ellsrinto? Exeter, was worried to Murray of Exetter L-4 w&saners. sin tat air. H. W. Luck, Brent Two ole ro.s were arguing. `"Yost The ceremony vvas conducted e1. l3 ;ird, steel by Dr. D. el'., ae to?°Derr w!e t s tris 1►ead ,e ..1n1'xao of Iarifs. Ta h ride. a drew: for?" "Head? Dat• uo head, nieger. Dare ea a butto, o a l)a 71 n top of yo` t<crdy at white georgette over silk, ,um- to keep ea' backbone from unravel). - b with crystal buds. Her ,,, veil of prussas arlet was caught 1v'th , ua•' s�ranee bloc es)ans, awl silt. carried a On Tue das afternoon a cilli eon a,:- shower bouquet of lily-of-the-.va1 ey curt d at the conger o James ;and and rose.;. After the ceremony Mr, Mae Streets, when cars driven b' and Mra. Luck left for aiontreal, :awl Peter :eloir and .Sam. Johan eam�e to - sailed o:1 the Montrose en Peeday for gather. The tR,mer a feebly nori1i England where the groom es tak;n„ on Mein, and tint: fatter comet; Onto •epqr amen., Peaple w�10 are compleinne of the hest these days wall be seekb the warm site of the streets in a, 'f(.w weeks from now. aVbat a long list of exemption tiler ale . ineligibles to act ai jurors: Firemen, millers, telegraph operator4, hors and reporters, teachers, mute- 'civet ute-icip l officers, seamen, soldiers, drug gists, doctors, lawyers, priests, min- te s sl a tri, e . 1 ff5 a crs nl St r er , ai judges. met}nbere of the Ha ,of Commons Senators and officials une der the control of .Parliament, persons o er sixty }ear; of ape and all women. An �rxanization exists in Owen beunrl of a truly generous, Christian :haracter. A. number of people own - $48.30; W. J. Bissett, supplies for MARRIAGES - Library 90c, cemetery $16.54, Town Hall $2.40, RB $15,55. sewer $10- .63, total 46.02; John Parsons labor sewer $24.30; Ernest Appleton labor sewer, $30.30,• Louie F. Day, labor sewer, $25.30;•Thos. Appleton, labor sewer, $22.80; Jas. Murray labor, sewer, $14.63; John Cornish labor sewer, $10.558; H. Lauder labor sewer $16.50; John Sinclair, labor sewer,. $3.00; Rd. Quartet., labor $2.75; Pet- er Coleman, team labor sewer, $8.25; Rd. E. Davis, team labor sewer, $2- .75. Passed on motion of Hooper and Francfe, Carried. Adjournment by Francis. Jos. Senior Clerk. R THS Raszell--At :iouat H .rniltan Hosp1a,I, llamitten, Ont., can alonday, Sept. 11 to : r. and him. Iarcos C. Roszell, e a daughter, heard ,. 0 n.— A t Alexander t HosP ” aaI G .leric]t, on :Aug. 30, to :Ir cad etrs, Wren S!teardown, a son—Don- old Clare. in cars offer to take aatyoae to the ,pest gra:;tuate course at Cambridge:.'* trout Jaren. h.' s°enrage wa,s churches and see . them home again not tett, as the cars were gain; sloe who le unable to wall~ or otherwise LILLIAN BOYLE, .II:ARRIFI). ay. cure is rte4 essary at th's corner. innap,•acetated. They are asked 0e. eat their inebility be kne n to a eer.; rat I illi�.1 Boyle, , daughteraa; :1r. and nefie1:- \ow the while so ;nuch ei Mae T115 . F Boela', 1188 St. Cllpir \IrS ,Joe • i3avvl; laxly a+ St;-ilfQ-;? bea, n said of car., niureng Sunday rt",a•: Toronto, orralcrly tat Exeter Were-awe..1eore one on the other saes married tea Kirby Alan Sweee- t' >�i ,t:n,, :qts, 'IL E. Grdtas. rid: aw the gtaeststln, men, ear& o Mr. and Mee. E. 0. Skeet-," :ease Thelme Ford let Saturday to ie aa, 214 Oakwood. :Ave., Toro;ites en vieit swath..ar Ilr cher gat. I1 ,rot. OPPOSED TO NEWSPAPERS. Mendip, sept 4. at .threse o'clock p. airs gel-ewe:eh ;,r,d ran Harry al The mare who dida,`t take the papers m., at Se. Chart'." ° Angie -an Chair er £oratuataa "re risitmei :Ir. anal Mrs, �. as I t ,sawn y°esterday,. He larought Tai bran, wee u unattended, ded, fay her J. Dore, `" father and 11�a.:, taratteraaiecl. '1 -he tf -, ee whole family .. town in an fold Lair Was of a quiet ,eature, only the" \Ir. Lloyd Rbeere ,cxi Simcoe is hoi- wagon. He sold, 111, corn for thirty inun-ed •ate relatives been;, pre ent, The i iaveng here for 'a week or two with tints, the price ,beim eighty—but cart brie wore a navy canton a epe :ire;,:, his pgrenta.: heavliv headed ssltlt ,grey hat tee'. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Detroit spent oiza ; to deparsji the money, they told me:' with blue and carreeci a slnolver ,, ine that it ,vas auaa'tly cotarJ;erie!;t: bouquet of Ophelit rose and 1'iy -of.- Tucs..zy a�.Itth atter brothr„ e tae of the hays .event into as black- •tile -valley°, also tilt ;room'; gilt, Mr'. W'. W. Taeaathen. smith's shop to the aaneesured fora an Isabella Fox .tura After a buffet :Ir. Frank Barr of Stratford, form - Ink of shoes, and �tmat]ier mis'Iml: emcee served at the home of the erly +f Exeter. -, yl ting with iela- the butcher's shop for a church. Ate brF'le's parents the happy c0uule-Zeit tirus an, the aa°aighborhood. ter hanging gthis �set �othe tlmebhO j', be moto for a rs:•o weeks'toaeymoon miss ;1,411013 Fifth' of New 'York ' at Lake na:neve. City asz . Ir, Beverley Elliot as To- err block, and Retched to an aucttion To- ronto visite:? with the :Misses Carling ear, wham ate ;tools ;to be a. preacher. DE:LTN OIe Eisi'HRAI:I Hi. WITT, t during ,the week. He leis before the I" eetin' was out:" and had no great oiiinionl of the "sir-, ,ineathrr ; c 1-e'ident of Exeter air. and. elm. J. A; Stewart, .on mint" a passer: away on Tuesday at noon. in Wilfrid, and daughter, airs. R. W. t11i person of Mr. Ephraim Hewitt, Fuke and son, returned elonday from i, "wile diad suddenly Hartle sitting in ai a motor trip to Toronto and Bow - chair outside his xesidenee on G'dley mtnville. CLINTON ),IAN KILLED Street. He bad been in to:ling health :Mr. Vagal Cunningham of Carnrose, for some years, and had been very all Alta.. who is vision. among anger, Rut. Leppinnton, employed in ex- at times. Heart failure ivaa the Int" .: : , gave the Advocate and otll- perimental flax mills, was instantly kill- meeiate cause of death. He was 'n� n•. Exeter ed Sept. 6, The accident happened' aged 6S years, s,month:, and 29 days. e': e o fri of last ds e; pieweekcant call on just a short time before the losing Deceased was a man of strict integ of the mil], and ,it is supposed Ohne rib•, honest and upright in all his Messrs. Twos. McCurdy of Exeter, Ile was caught by the belting of 'the dealixts. and bighly respected by :al James Green, of Hay, Adolphus Hoop- breaking machine and carried up who knew atiln. Born ?n Kitchener he ' er of London, F. Gollin' s and .Fred again. t the pulley, his right leg beim; farmed in Blansiar d for several years c Stewart of Farqul ar lett Wednesday torn off. He had served overseas. Ile and mord to Exeter about teayears a for :Montreal ,and will sal .on Satur- leaves a wife and ,tiva smelt children, age;. Besides itis widow he is survey- t day for Li} erpool, ,with ,cattle for 'Mr An :newest will be held. ed by five children, hive Lamport of W. T. C©1wi11. _— London Mrs. Hector Row Liffe of Ex- eter, Mrs. Chas Godbolt of Usborne, BARNS BURNED Austin of Detroit and Percy of Ex -I e ter The funeral takes ;place so the In the course of a severe electrical Exeter cemetery on. Thursday after - storm early Sept. 7th, the barns of noon,. ---- V ellington Batton, a mile east of Win- _— :Ir \L S2eaznons i$ building an ad- ehelsee, in Usborne Township, were struck by lightningnd totally de- stroyed, together with the seasonfs crop of bay and oats. No other ser- ious dannage is reported in this vicin- ity, though the gale was severel Men's Two -Trouser r. inset uit linbelievable WOOL AND WOOL 1;UXED $22 and $2. 5 .A1 Wool Suits $25 to $30 Overcoats QABERINES ..417 to $25 MIXED 'TWEEDS $9 to $20 LIGHT WOOL TWEEDS $15 to $25 SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, 1r,TC AT RE1rAl2KABLY LOW PRICES. W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN" Centralia Huron Garage Phone 112 Repairing on All Makes of' Cars. Gray -Dort and Ford Parts SOME REAL SNAPS IN USED CARS.. Drum The World Over You Cannot Beat Harvey's Flour. arvey Bros. PLAY BALL GAME UNDER =1 -:don to his store... Mrs. Spencer of St. Thomas visited PROTEST. the village a few days last week, Mrs. Boyle of London is spending Clint -on and Exeter juniors ,played tthe week with her daughters, Mre, the first at seat,^ -final games of base= T. Roses and Mrs. W. Bowden. ball in, the North Wellington League Mr. G. O. Thompson. wa, in. Toronto. on Monday afternoon on. the local dig- on a business trip Saturday. mond, to the score ,of, 3-1 in favor of Miss Elsee Reeder who. has been the visitors. Exeter played the game sick with an attack ;of scarlet fever under protest, as ,they claimed three is recover:mg. of the Clinton line-up were from the Miss F. Fortner has resumed her vicinity of Seaforth, and had played duties ni teacher ;:1 the school here: senior ball with Dublin. This they did :fisc Elva Brooks is taking charge not deny,, but th.ey,claimed it nasi their of a school near Blyth .this term.; privilege to platy mot more, than three Mr. Tinos. - Neel o e Sunday evening senior les;gue games,. It els also rer-1 when going for the ,cows, broke hie porter, that one oaf �tbes'e players is left shoulder blade, when he tripped over age. The protest has gone on -to on a ;piece of were, and fell heavily the officinals of ;the league, and it is to the ground. . fully expected that the semi-finals will Miss Roselli Koch and little Miss be awarded to Exe'te,r, The second Mildred Hickeeepent Sunday at Dash - female is to he ,played in, C]i-ntton this wood and Grand Bend. Wednesday -eventing. In. case Exeter 'Mr. gond Mrs. B. E. Hicks and fam- go•es Into the ,fitnale, ,they will be ilv and Miss R. Koch; spent Sunday played with. Owed; Sound. !at London with Dr,. W., E. Heighway The ,fug] nine ennings were 13137ecl, and much good .b all ,vvas; in evidence.' On the whole the ,strengthened Clio- i Exeter Council ton -team looked a, little the stronger team! Lawson. pitched a good game' . for the 1oca s, and although( hit rather The MunicipalCouncilof the via- freely in plaices he ,was, well support-; lage of Exeter met in regular, session, ed in the field. He Hair most effect-. Monday evening, September 11th, ive in tight spots, and deserved credit 1922. Absent Councillors Davis and for holding 'the opponents down to Ellerington. three runs, but he •,got outof some bad The minutes of the meeting held corners in linetyle.. 'August 2 Sth were read and approved. • Leslie Kerr cif . Canton umpered ate Correspondents was read as fol - the plate and Major Heaman in the lows: Circulars from Canadian .A.- Meld, Kerr to the spectators looked' gentles for the diagnosis and treat - rather biased as he never at any staig.e� anent of tuberculosis. Filed. ,awe the Exeter bays thebenveifit affalI Letter and circular from the Kaus- d�oubt, On three distinct occasions he+tine Company, 'Ltd. Dundas Ont. No. called the third .,strike on, the lova a i action. when the ball ;wail very loev, and ut The requisition from the secretary meant a base on lbaills had. he called it other 'than a strike. It did not look of the School Board asking for a levy a(oiod, to say jibe sleeted. The line. up— Clinton Elliott, r.,f. ; Wieland .Idiggsns, c.f.;Bovey, 1st; Bawdenu, c.; Smith 3rd; Kerslake, 11; MaTaggart,p Commission .asking for the sum of Cook, 2nd,; Livermore, spare: $300.00 on account of street Water- Exeter—Statham, 3rd; Dignan, 1st; ing was granted on motion of Francis Harrison, c.f.; Lawson,, p.; Medd, 'c.; and Hooper. Carried. Thompson, Znd; Cunningham, r.t.; The following accounts were read T,'or:1 .s.s.; Hinds, 1.f.; 'V?It7v er,, spare, and passed ErnestElliott, insurance The s'cnre b;y innings— Town Hall; $15.60, Jos. 'Senior, in Clinton 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0-3 surauce, Town Hall $7.80; The Ross Exeter 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Taylor Co., lumber, cemetery 'acc't. of Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000.00) for school purposes poses was read and ordered filed. The request from the Utillities "•x1 ettnan--Boyle--In Toronto, oaaSept- 4 Lillian, dau4lzter of Mr. and Mr's. rhes. F. Boyle, to lir. ,Kirby Alen S weetman of Toronto. Gell—li�11--At Crediton on Sept L2, job David G; 1 of Kitclleaer, to Alma Alvera Hui of Creditors +Carret? err-milav„er--In Parl hill, on :Sept 6, alt the R ce-ore-, by Rev, \Ir. Johnston, Mies Hazel Haytbe, daughter of Mr. Nelson Hayter, Moe Gi livray, to Walter Willear Car- ruthere .n.7 Thedford. DEATHS Hewitt—la. Exeter, or Sept. 12, Ephe rairn I-Isly •ttt, aged. 68 y eees, 6 month:, and 29 days. I eppi. ;glow --In Clinton: Ora Seat. 4,11i, Mr. W Lipplr ton, aged 28 years an 6 ;ta albs. t lip n --In St. Mere's.. on Sept. 6, Gat11- •arine Atchlestme wife of Mr. Rich rd T. Gilpin, aged ,80 years, 3 week: 4sla . 's . 3 Bo'—At Toronto, on Sept. 5, E. 1'os- ephine Shannon, beloved wife of R. S. Box, of ,St lia,rys The Kirkton Fair Monday and Tuesday September 25th and 26th, 1922 LIBERAL PlelZES N ALL CLASSES, COME AND SE;b, THE BEST EXHIBIT OF BABY BE1;F AT A LOCAL FAIR IN llt'ESTSrRN ONTARIO. HITCHING CONTEST FOR LADIES AND GENTLIMMEN. SCHOOL PARADE AND DRILL AT ONE O'CLOCK, LED BY THE MITCHELL BRASS BAND. Jets es Stephen Amos Doupe PRESIDENT SEC.-TREAS. hone 0 QBRVIO> OATISF. A.OTION- If You Know That meat as down in price, and it will pay you to get our prices he - fore buyinz;. Farmers 1Vhen you thresh let us supply you with a choice meatty ROAST. DELIVERED ANY TIME. Let this Bright, Sanitary Store supply your wants. RIVERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. We close Wednesday afternoon, hut are open every night -...........w.„..„..„ J. A. STEWART 1 Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." New Fall Goods in all Our Departments LADIES' AND MISSES FALL AND WINTER COATS. • Our Showing of Ladies' and Misses' Coats is right up to the minute, in Styles that will please, and in ,all the up -toe the minute, in styles that will please. and in all up-to-dattei Cloths, Fur Trimmed, Embroid ery Trimmed and plain Burbery Styles. A magnificent assortment to choose (from, at much -lower prices,. SPORT HATS Ladies' and Misses' Sport, Hats in. rite Plain Velour, Neat Plaids and Checks. They are th e Latest Creation in Hat Wear Secure your size and color now while our range is complete, MEN'S FALL COATS Men's Gaberdine Top Coats lm several shades, up-to-dau models. just the thing for the cool Fall 'evenings—Rain and wind proof. WE SELL GROCERIES CHEAP ALL THE TIME. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar per 100 $7.70. Pure Gane Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. for $1.54. 10 bars any laundry soap 70c. 2 Slireaded Wheat 24c. Our Special Blend Tea 48c, 3 pcks. Ammonia for25c. Z tins choice pink salmon for 35c. Christie Soda Buwcuits lb. 15c. Certo for Jellies ...:........... 40c. 3 Kellogg's Corn Flakes for 29c. DINNER SETS designs s" e Nine swell in Dinner Sets to make a selection from. They are Semi -Porcelain China, with China ',Cups, alp a fine Nippon China, Set. All sets are full 97 pieces. J. A. STEWART Highest Prices Paid for Butter' Eggs and all` kinds of Poultry. A