HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-11-01, Page 3Ric Collins, left, provincial president of the Royal Canadian Legion, was in Goderich Saturday night to help Goderich Legion Branch 109 members honor their own. The branch had an honours and awards dinner ,and! issued several 30 year service pins and life memberships to Branch 109 members. Here Collins chats with Branch 109 president Roy Mugford. (photo by Jeff Seddon) GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1979—PAGE 3 Provincial President is guest speaker Over 200 attend Legion awards dinner BY NEIL SHAW, P.R.O. On Saturday, October 27, Goderich Legion Branch 109 held an Honors and Awards dinner with over 200 members and their •guests present: The guest speaker was the President of the Ontario Comtriand, Comrade Ric. Collins. In his , address, Provincial President Collins outlined a number of programs and problems of the Royal Canadian Legion that relate to all branches. Comrade Collins mentioned, with pride, the Dominion Track and Field Meet in St: Johns at which 40 participants from Ontario won 46 gold medals. He noted that the bursary program, sup- ported by the Ladies' Auxiliary, awarded $50,000 to sons and daughters of veterans • and had plans to extend this program to the sons and daughters of Auxiliary members. Provincial President Collins urged each, Legionaire to ensure that the Poppy Campaign is a success by devoting just one hour of his time to this project each year. He also urged closer relations with associate members who represent the future of the Legion. The guest speaker stated that the Legion is not pleased with the action of the Federal government in placing the Department of Veterans' Affairs under the Minister of National Defence. With an in- creasing number of veterans requiring care in veterans' hospitals, the government must. separate these 4wo departments if they are to live up to their obligations. Veterans' pensions also came under attack by President Collins who, stated that a widow receives a share only if her husband received a 48 percent pension and to Board- gives approval to host Sportsfest Goderich recreation director, Jim Moore, will persue the prospect of hosting Sportsfest 1980 in Goderich next August. Moore received unaimous approval from the board Thursday to persue the matter and he will now apply ' to the Lake Huron Zone low and medium skill levels for fun, fellowship, participation and recreation. The, objectives are to promote inter - community competition, to encourage such competition on an ongoing basis and to • • encourage sport- smanship, fun and low key competition. In past years? Sport- sfest has involved as many 1,800 people in archery, euchre for seniors, horseshoe pit- thing, shuffleboard, - soccer, T -Ball, tennis, girl's softball, men's slTi\vpitch, swimming, table tennis, gymnastics, fun ran, karate, diving and s.ziiling. The zone association 'and the host town carry the burden of the events hut. the Ministry of Culture and Recreation supplies 'a co-ordinator for the planning. . While Moore is seeking support from other directors to host the event he suspects Owen Sound will also make a bid. Recreation Association Club has arena rental fee waived (L.H.Z.R.A.) to host the event. Spotsfestis sponsored and •organized by the Lake Huron Association, which includes personnel fro m Grey-;--Bruc-e , Huron, Perth and North Wellington Counties,, in co-operation with the Ministry of Culture. and Recreation. , Sportsfest provides organized activities at The Goderich and District, Optimist ,Club had their arena rental fee waived from a September T5 concert–in which—the club incurred ' a' large deficit. The new service club appraoched the recreation board last week asking that the $250 rental fee be waived -in 'light of the group's losses from the concert. A presentation of their financial statement ° in- dicated a loss of $1,621 from the one night con- cert. Their costs for the' three groups and ad- vertising and other in- cidentals amounted to $4,522 while gate receipts totalled $2,901. Club executive member's said at- tendance at the concert may. have been down bccuase one of the groups, Wives, (formerly Battered 'Wives) was unfairly labelled as a punk rock group. They believe parents might not have. let youngsters at- • tend for that reason. Club member's . also claimed that several , bottles of liquor were seized from underact patrons at the concert and disposed of. Board member, Elsa Hayden, who introduced a motion to waive the arena rental fee was surprised by the at- . Turn 1 u paw' 'U • ROSS SHOE SH PRE -WINTER I: ALL LEATHER P OFF Regular Price change this, the Legion must press for .a signed statement not just a verbal promise. Unification of the ar- med forces is not working. stated the speaker, and if a con- dition of war ever existed, there is no doubt that Canada would have to revert to the original three forces system - a system which is hest if Canada is to maintain adequate defence forces and also ensure treat- ment for those now serving. President Collins concluded by stating that the Legion stands for the support of the Monarchy, the hest form of gover- nment there is, and as Canadians who joined from sea to sea, we, the Legion, must strive for a nation where there are equal rights for everyone. Honor's and Awards w etc• presented to both members of the .Branch and the Auxiliary. Auxiliary Zone Com- mander Peg Coombs presented 25 year pins to Florence Ash'tt5n and Elaine Ginn, and 30 year pins to Alice Anstay,_ Dorothy Barker, Norma -Major, Kay McAstocker and Faye Sheardown. A life nietnhct•ship in the Ladies' Auxiliary was presented to. Leona Sh'rratt by the Ladies' Provincial Honorary Treasurer, Evelyn Carroll. Other service and recognition gifts were also presented by officers of the Auxiliary. Brunch 109 presented life memberships to World `War I veterans William Ensign, Leo Oulette, Lewis Taylor, Archie Wilkin and Art Laverty. Second War veterans receiving life memberships in Branch 109 were Les Riley, Ralph Kingswell, Howard Carroll, George Cham - hers and Walter Sheardown. The Ways and Means, Committee of the Branch presented the Branch with a photo of H.M.C.S. Goderich and the bell and a plaque from this ship. These will he exhibited in Branch 109. OPENING NOW KATHIE'S HAIRSTYLING Dungannon Special prices for NOVEMBER KATHIE (BERE) STANBURY 529-7949 This Thurs. Fri. & Sot Nov. 1, 2, 3 only ALL TOWELS IN STOCK J. P. STEVENS, MARTEX, SPRINGMAID, ETC. 20% OFF Drop in and Browse, We also have a full selection of Bathroom Accessories secoN� FLOOR I Above Browns Decor 33 West St. Goderich DECORATIVE / ACCESSORIES OPENING TOMORROW FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND AT OUR NEW LOCATION SNOW BOOTS Sale Ends Saturday November 3rd ONLY AT 62 WEST ST. GODERICH WE HAVE EXPANDED AND WILL NOW FEATURE - A RILL LINE OF ENGLISH DENBY STONEWARE Opening Special Denby. Fashion Co-dinated'Thb1eire Stoneware,G . ssware,Flatware, Up to Nov. 15th ) Now we can give you the best . '1,1111.1 ,I lunitr,l,,Ile,rl�cril I , blit 1(6 r riLlr I ienl,t ,linnerw Ire p.irterns Th,o Ine,ul, there', ,i hill ,irr.1% ,1 1,e,utirhil c11Llr, .In,f ,1 ‘ Ic, r„ ( 1)1,1 ,e tr1 in i I I h,nl,l ,h,il r,l hJll,l r'.itted, serf I,e,lhle trifid (Ike') t11 table 1„ tree:er. And \Illi ,rill I; 't 1 lenlht', t,irn ii, ...for less! Lull 2-vear Warranty Rest of ,ill �Iul ret 25'%1 savings! So hurry' Let us give you the beet ... for less. Beautiful 1)enhyware eir beautiful ,,Iv sags' . Denby... its value is timeless. SPECIAL NOTE TO BRIDES Now a new service where you may use our for your Tableware. There will be a Sales Representative from Denby on hand Sat. to answer any of your questions... WE STILL FEATURE A FULL LINE OF LIGHTING FOR YOUR ENTIRE HOME... IN STOCK OR SELECT FROM OUR ORDER BOOKS. ROSS SHOE STORE 142 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 524-7432 Store -Hours! Mon.-Thurs. 9:00 - 6:00 Fri. 9:00.9:00 Sit. 9:00 - 6:00 4 Bridal Registery DOOR PRIZES Drop In and fill out a coupon, no purchase necessary. DRAW TO BE MADE SAT. AT CLOSING LIGHTING STUDIO 62 WEST ST., GODERICH 524-2261