HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-10-25, Page 34Paige 4 ; Priority project de g ensu a. ainst r isi el costs Retro itti bestng Home improyeiitcnt profes- sionals call it "retrofitting for energy conservation"-- im- proving insulation in existing homes. 1t has become— for good reason—a priority laoii im- provement project. The National Home Improve- ment Council points out that a well -insulated home is the best defense against rising fuel costs. 1 It estimated that about t{O percent of existing homes are inadequately insulated. gener- ally because home fuel was in- expensive when they were built and few people worried about wasting it. How times have changed! If you think your home needs retrofitting. NHIC suggests you apply to your local electric util- ity for an energy audit. In most cases. there is a charge. Or. call in a qualified contrac- tor to survey your insulating needs and estimate the cost of meeting them. The following information may be helpful in your discus• sions with the "pros." Amount of insulation R• I§ insulation in the attic and R-11 in sidewalls have been generally accepted standards. But, based on the climate in your arca and the projected cost of fuel. u ;nig be wiser to go higher. • ..Some experts are recom- mending as much as R -iii for the attic and R-19 in the walls for areas with exceptionally cold winters and a high depend - encs on oil -fueled heating sys- tems. The "R" means "resistance to heat flow" and indicates the insulating ability of.a material, The higher the R` -value. the Net- ter its insulation. Types of insulation Batts and blankets are usually used for unfinished attics and open walls; blown -in loose fill and foamed -in ureafurmalde- hyde for finished frame walls; poured=in loose fill for un- finished attic floors: rigid hoards for basement walls. Where to insulate Since most heat escapes through the roof and glass areas. well -insulated attics and weatherstripped windows with insulating glass or separate storm sash are essential energy - savers. Exterior walls and floors over unheated areas, such as crawl spaces, garages or basements. also need proper insulation. Who should install it Some jobs --such as install- ing batts on the attic (lour --can be handled by competent do-it- yourselfers. But other applica- tions—such as blowing insula- tion into finished walls—need special skills and equipment. IJON'T FOOL YOUR THERMOSTAT!! Dont position a lamp in close proximity to a thermostat. The heat from the lamp hulk raises the temperature in the air. caus- ing the thermostat to "think" the room is wanner than it is. In winter, the heat will not go on properly and. in summer, the air conditioning will he working overtime. Quick tips on how to save your energy dollars • One dollar spent on the fur- nace can save $50 a year. • Educated apartment dwell- ers can force landlords to elimi- nate excessive utility costs' hid- den in the rent. • A hot water drip from the bathroom faucet can till a cup in 10 minutes and waste 3,26( gal- , • Ions of water per year. To heat that water. it took 27 galloits._of.uil,_.L.(117 hours of electricity or 3.484 cu- bic feet of natural gas. All down the drain. and you paid for it and wasted it. • An air conditioner placed 'in a sunny window decrcases•its efficiency, as do dirty filters which should be checked once a month. a very bright ideas • How often have you checked your utility hill against your meter'! Computers do make mistakes. • C'eramie cookware allows you to reduce oven settings by 25" because it retains heat espe- cially well. • A hath uses three times as much water as a shower.. • When leaving the 1 ousc for zits extendcd-perifid. puff the plugs on all appliances that will use energy in your absence. such as TVs The idea of the "instant -on," in televisions is a misnoiner. • There is no instant on: the tele- vision is always on. wasting en- ergy and money. • Most tires are under -in- flated by four to six pounds. In- creasing the pressure to the m:ieimum listed on, the side of tire will save you up to $100 per year. energy - saver ... • Alt the cracks iii ain average house, taken together. would equal a hole in the -wall the size of a bit kethall. Proper corking and'inQ-sulution can save you $200 pier year in heating costs and more than $50 per year in air conditioning costs. • A 754 device called a shower flow resistor can reduce the flow of unneeded water and save $75 per year. • But' wood for fires as early in the season as possible for the hest deal tJune or July). From November on. demand increases and so does the price. • If you buy a solar collector to supply hot water. you can get a federal tax credit and save sev- `era1. fh7ius indti"zit dollars over the next 20 years. The above tips were culled fromia-r:eeenFl•y--publish • It's In Youi• Power; The Con- cerned Energy Cr)ISumer•',s Sur- vival Kit (Rawson Wade). by Stuart Diamond and Paul S. Lorris. Tu insulate well. materials must he properly installed. So, it's well worth the cosi to hire a „pro." INSTANT FIREPLACE CONVERTER THE CARMOR CHEATER: An instant Fireplace con- verter kit that beats the cost of heat. This winter, be one of those with Carmor Cheaters' who will prosper) Convert that drafty fireplace with an efficient downdraft stove like a Carmor and a new Carmor Cheater' fireplace convey -ter. Just insert the adjustable steel panel in your present working fireplace. Then connect your stove pipe to it. You'll feel the difference now. and later. when your regular heating bill arrives' The Cormor Cheater' Fireplace converter never stops working and pays for itself fast HIGH EFFICIENCY BEGINS WITH WISE e i book � Apj_ `E— CENTRE Bayfleld Rd. CLINTON 482-7062 IS YOUR OLD FURNACE COSTING YOU 'MONEY?? Inquire about a new effecient SUNOCO FORCED AIR UNIT WITH NEW FLAME RETENTION HEAD Adaptable for Air Conditioning • BRILLIANT DURABLE BAKED ENAMEL • SOLID ZINC BONDED STEEL • NEOPRENE MOUNTED OIL BURNER • SIMPLICITY OF DESIGN • STRONG WELDED STEEL • PERFECTION IN HEATING COMFORT • PERFECTION IN EFFICIENCY • PERFECTION IN ECONOMY • MINIMUM AIR POLLUTION ALSO AVAILABLE 011 Fired Water Heaters Slant Fin Boilers Hot Water Systems For Estimates CaII Own a Woodlot, Be a Winner with nEwmnc WOOD & OIL COMBINATION FURNACE • Burns wood and oil in separate combustion chamber • Switches from wood to oil automatically • Extra large firedoor 171/2" x 171/4 • Twin 10" blowers for quiet efficient operation • Large firebox will take wood up to 24" • Burns wood completely to finepowder • Heavy stainless steel firebox liner • Can be fired with wood when power is off • Positive draft control for greater efficiency • Both wood & oil fires thermostatically controlled 10 YEAR HEAT EXCHANGER WARRANTY Heat exchangers are made of heavy gauge steel for durability, sturdiness and quiet operation. Scientifically designed and proved to give maximum efficiency, long life and dependable trouble-free service. CHISHOI;M FUELS 529-7524 LUCKNOW Saves money Easy to Install Relieves Fuel Problems And Costs 524-7681 GO'bERICH