HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-7, Page 4Crediton
Whalen ! LerTr;it FROM THn WEST.
t Master Russell Parkinson spent a \loosejaw, Aug. 28th, 2022,
i few days with his grandmother, Mrs.
I „. well attemaed meeting, of tee' Jas. Swallow of Woodham.—Mr. and; -Deer ens for and leaders, --Tot bee
Evanaetcal Church decided to hold a \Mrs, Freak Guanine; spent last week ng nose c•a write each one personally'
nevi supper ors October ;5th. at Toronto Exhibition and !N=iagara.—` .:e out teen.1s 1 take this opportunity
Airs. j. H. Holtzman and bliss Vera \Ir, and firs. Frank Squire spent Sun :t iettne, .those know who asked us
.4 Mssses Addie and Pearleiser.t.t with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Knox of t el write them a how we got along
renamed after visiting xelativee. at ".St 'elarys \Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Marti- any- •oi what we saw:, We left Toro--
i;ise!sea and attending the Y. P. A. 3_n, t issue with the former's mother; 4at 'two o'clock Wednesday on the
c•:,:tventirrin. I,Da Sunday in London Tpt- Messrs.'t;anaslian, Northern Railroad bed.
\Ir, C. Zwicker is having a pave i Erain Percy anal Herman. Foster, also else coau try from Toronto jet Parry
!mint ,put down Ila front of hie store ; ,'m, jamieson motored to Toronto: Sounat is mostly cu lttvated, dthougb
svirath will emelt, improve the property' Exhibition Thursday=, returning ,home ' a lot of wilderness remains yet, bull
.\1r Lewis, who is engaged helping,suaday.—Mies Dorothy Parkinson ,is. ;;ronl Parry Sound, a town of 6000
elr. '!'si m. H. Smith et threshing, had spending the week with Miss Eunice; persons, to our nextstop at Caperol,
the misfortune pf hawing his stagers1Ycaungstou of Lueen, u place of 1500, the country dead,
cut In the cutting box. Luckily. for
him it wee not eerious. .r• Mr.
�Mr Leones F.inkbeiner of she West' Localng>
:s vis tin at the ante ,
Perfect Jellies and
Jamas from any fruit
IT is the proportion of pec-
tin present which makes
some fruits goad jelly or jam
makers and others not so.
Certo enables you to supply
the precise quantity of pee -
tin required for perfect re -
Anita with any fruit.
is pectin, and pectin is the
statural element in fruits
which makes jelly ",jell."
By supplying the
correct amount of
pectin by means of
Certo, the jellifying
point is reached by
one minute of boil-
ing instead of 20 or
30 minutes.
The delicate fruit
flavor is not boiled
away but saved.
And you get 50�
more jelly or lam
from the same
amount of fruit.
.--Jellies and jams you will
be proud of.
A pure fruit product -ab-
solutely free from gelatine or
preservative. Free Recipe
Book with every bottle. At
Tour G ocer'a.
How to make delicious
Grape Jelly
4 caps (2 Ts.1 Juice from Cooled
8 leveled cups tai: 165.1 Sugar.
7 bottle kacant cup{ Cert).
lune rally ripened fruit, Stem
and cru h tho a ,?gay about '=z
cutut5 or w abs and a„ cup water,
scar !until ba' nut. an't ,siuemer 10
ra:nutes in 1.epan with tinge -tit•
tints carer. Place fruit in jelly
bag and shrine out juice. 'eavare
sa-,ar and juice into lard sauce -
an, stir and bring to a bail. ?,t
o .ee alai, cert.,.stir n:7 cur. ,tantl'.
continue to oils and brim: again
to a hard boil over the hottest Are
dor one -halt minute, artirsint; con-
thnuatby. 1:4m -we from fire. let
stand t rn,r.ate,, shim, and rs?ur
encetas Fackler Co.. Ltd., Coleure
Sellitex exeunt W. G. Patrick & Co.,
Limited. Toronto and 'Montreal
except for a few navies aiongtberoad
i��oseeg after the road bed, and the
green leaves on the trees, but the
g h of 11r John country itself is nothing but smell.!
Smith. t ` t Mr. and 312rs.. Sharkey sand aczn and tress, ;stall lakes a*t1 iiugz, c ltia,.
Mr. Erwin Fathner left,to -esume his never man itveit. ,and c[ dotyt think
$xa,aitiott din Teronto, sifter ;seeking his
et Bert Bert Miller of Detroit call d on
friends here -Monday. They spent the eyes wi11 From Caper& am the next
parents, Mr. alta. Mrs. ,C, Fahner. - a two divistons to Port ,Arthur, the Am -
\1r. R'useeil Clark has returned to"woes-,eta-. wxtll Mr. attd Diss. Z4Toses ericans ars openutg up Nast lumber
Sarna. wheze..�lte takes up his. heti Simpson of Yfooresvtlie I businesses with numerous saw mills,
duties in. the Canad,•.en Batik of Com- Rev. and Mrs. D, W. comm. and and hundreds of piles ,of lumber, ties
n?ieree. hiss Patsy, of Sarnia, and Mrs:. Hobbs and posts. cut and piled up to dry.
Mr, and ,firs. harry Dyer and and daughter of Birr, were among 1 was disappointed at the time of er-
deug er \iarrarie of Detroit, spent those from a deetance to attend the rival at Port Arthur; it being Z.30 /int
the holi day with ir,.erds in town. Trxvitt Memorial amuversery services tree morn: e se and thus not gtv n.g ue
titre. Harry W#nd and daughterhave Sunday evening, staving motored up a chance to see anything, of the place
returned to their home in Detroit, afe from Brr but clhttttimg 9n ilio b Iaciness of the
ter spending e roti slays with friends Three persons were painfully ; .nnight and jar_ the denseness of the bush.
hereed 'z a collision of motor cars about we came at daylight to allege nicer
\l.y, - Lydia Oestreicher left 'tlonday ?".15 Tuesday 'evening, on ilio road, `part of heti Qntariao, .with tilled land
t'' t: k.e up her dut;,es as teecher tits j our mjles north of Lueaeae 'Mrs, el, small. Mages all alb .the route,
t +alialt evood, also Miss -Matilda !Jest, lj, F. \McCully of ,Ltttldon, drib- ' t.1 ase cattle to Fax! Francis, the old'
ire;* her has gatRe to .takeups hero south! its as sedan, were Ala into on. A Hudson. Bay Trading Post. From 11ere
dui -e.+ as teacher at Cliffd narrow stretch of road by a. car goy on. to Rainy River ,It was more er<joy-
'Ls Trellis H'odgists lett Monday to ing north, driven by \Ir, Henry El- able, and at this Pet place we, crossed
raesume her sm=ites at London worthy of Exeter, Mee, :McCully* sof- a large bridge which started us 'on
\ir.,a Julia, and Herman Bauch left feted bruises. about the back, and Miss. 70 miles cif American, soil, The resi-
\t reley to resume their studies at senesce, rta.t a broken, acme;. Mt; En sleets have .fine home's
good crops
'W'aterloo, worthy had his '.lip ,cul', Dr. Orme of sad th.s 'tutued right on to Wine
\1r, Herb Guenther, who has been Luean, attended all three and the .lied- atii?eg, where we arrived at 7 a. 3n.
v.s5' ng, :ri rte
h hers:, letter his home les were taken home, its a touring car Friday leaving at ,oleven. for Moose=
.tt_ Bu sal:. = whish Mr. -McCully had been drivin„ `lass", where we laid. ;off over Sunday,
Mrs Garret :Sweitzer hay returnee ahead of then: Both cars m the cot.' thus .giving us a eliance;to get a view,
of this fine Western Ctow n. We ,of
course passed through Brandon at
mid -night, but fortunately had day
light for such places as Indian Head,
Regina and marry other beautified
western towns. The grounds around
tete stations are nicely ,fitted up, and
beautified with flowers, The 'auild-
ins axe all kept :reels painted, and
they Fut a lot of .our Ontario+ rail-
way places to shame. The crops along
the road to these places are immense,
away beyond anything I have seen in
Ontario this year. One man, brought
wheat last week into Moosejaw which.
tested 64 lbs. a bushel, d$ bushels to!
Via acre, and has 4 record of his farm
cuing this for twenty years, Thous
units of acres are plowed and worked
for .next year. Mother item to men-
tion, is that the large land owners along
the line 1n Manitobe,were, at the: stat-
ion.s trying to Induce men, to 'stop off
and help them, offering from 3 1-2 to
5 per day, but ;the boys seemed des-
tined to push on. to Saskatchewan and
Alberta. While these parts are in
need of help, had we not been. ticket-
ed for a visit with my wife's sister in
Seale, I would have stopped off aid
done all I could to harvest the im-
mense crops that face the farmers.
erinener'a, tow weeks' visit `tt:New esssen were .badly damaged,
ere end Buffalo.
\Ir .el;t?.c'.r et cc
China oupied the
_n ` lav' eveie. the
•ae. Eya�loeL'cal churn 1-,GUI,TURES FOR SILOS
M ..snj -Mrs. Mathew Guenther of
Kitchener spent the holiday with the
-.('ter: raster, SKr. Got. 'fan; us. �Ncl is Out Poor FoddersTurned
fir cat'• \irs. Sandford Lawson of P $
Flint. 'Mich., spent the holiday at the' Into Ensilage.
h:,,,u4 o his lather, Mr Jos, Lawson.I
Mr, Chris Zuefle of Flint, 'Lich., vis-'
,Fitted at the home of his mother, :